/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef _DBU_APP_HRC_ #include "dbu_app.hrc" #endif #ifndef _GLOBLMN_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _CNTIDS_HRC #include #endif #ifndef DBACCESS_UI_BROWSER_ID_HXX #include "browserids.hxx" #endif #ifndef _DBA_DBACCESS_HELPID_HRC_ #include "dbaccess_helpid.hrc" #endif #ifndef DBAUI_TOOLBOX_HXX #include "toolbox.hrc" #endif #define MN_PROPS 25 String RID_STR_NEW_FORM { Text [ en-US ] = "Create Form in Design View..." ; }; String RID_STR_NEW_FORM_AUTO { Text [ en-US ] = "Use Wizard to Create Form..." ; }; String RID_STR_NEW_REPORT_AUTO { Text [ en-US ] = "Use Wizard to Create Report..." ; }; String RID_STR_NEW_REPORT { Text [ en-US ] = "Create Report in Design View..." ; }; String RID_STR_NEW_QUERY { Text [ en-US ] = "Create Query in Design View..." ; }; String RID_STR_NEW_QUERY_SQL { Text [ en-US ] = "Create Query in SQL View..." ; }; String RID_STR_NEW_QUERY_AUTO { Text [ en-US ] = "Use Wizard to Create Query..." ; }; String RID_STR_NEW_TABLE { Text [ en-US ] = "Create Table in Design View..." ; }; String RID_STR_NEW_TABLE_AUTO { Text [ en-US ] = "Use Wizard to Create Table..." ; }; String RID_STR_NEW_VIEW { Text [ en-US ] = "Create View..." ; }; String RID_STR_FORMS_CONTAINER { Text [ en-US ] = "Forms" ; }; String RID_STR_REPORTS_CONTAINER { Text [ en-US ] = "Reports" ; }; Menu RID_MENU_APP_NEW { ItemList = { MenuItem { Identifier = SID_APP_NEW_FORM ; Command = ".uno:DBNewForm" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Form..." ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_APP_NEW_REPORT ; Command = ".uno:DBNewReport" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Report..." ; }; MenuItem { MID_DOCUMENT_CREATE_REPWIZ Command = ".uno:DBNewReportAutoPilot" ; }; MenuItem { MID_QUERY_NEW_DESIGN Command = ".uno:DBNewQuery" ; }; MenuItem { MID_QUERY_NEW_SQL Command = ".uno:DBNewQuerySql" ; }; MenuItem { Separator = TRUE ; }; MenuItem { MID_NEW_TABLE_DESIGN Command = ".uno:DBNewTable" ; }; MenuItem { MID_NEW_VIEW_DESIGN Command = ".uno:DBNewView" ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_NEW_VIEW_SQL ; Command = ".uno:DBNewViewSQL" ; Text [ en-US ] = "View (Simple)..." ; }; }; }; Menu RID_MENU_APP_EDIT { ItemList = { MenuItem { ITEM_EDIT_COPY }; MenuItem { ITEM_EDIT_PASTE }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_PASTE_SPECIAL ; Text [ en-US ] = "Paste Special..." ; Command = ".uno:PasteSpecial" ; }; MenuItem { Separator = TRUE ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_DELETE ; Text [ en-US ] = "Delete" ; Command = ".uno:DBDelete" ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_RENAME ; Text [ en-US ] = "Rename" ; Command = ".uno:DBRename" ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_EDIT ; Text [ en-US ] = "Edit" ; Command = ".uno:DBEdit" ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_EDIT_SQL_VIEW ; Text [ en-US ] = "Edit in SQL View..." ; Command = ".uno:DBEditSqlView" ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_OPEN ; Text [ en-US ] = "Open" ; Command = ".uno:DBOpen" ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_CONVERTTOVIEW ; Text [ en-US ] = "Create as View" ; Command = ".uno:DBConvertToView" ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_FORM_CREATE_REPWIZ_PRE_SEL ; Text [ en-US ] = "Form Wizard..." ; Command = ".uno:DBNewFormAutoPilotWithPreSelection" ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_APP_NEW_REPORT_PRE_SEL ; Command = ".uno:DBNewReportWithPreSelection" ; Text [ en-US ] = "Report..." ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_REPORT_CREATE_REPWIZ_PRE_SEL ; Text [ en-US ] = "Report Wizard..." ; Command = ".uno:DBNewReportAutoPilotWithPreSelection" ; }; MenuItem { Separator = TRUE ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_SELECTALL ; Text [ en-US ] = "Select All" ; Command = ".uno:SelectAll" ; }; MenuItem { Separator = TRUE ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = MN_PROPS ; Text [ en-US ] = "~Database" ; SubMenu = Menu { ItemList = { MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_DSPROPS ; Text [ en-US ] = "Properties..." ; Command = ".uno:DBDSProperties" ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_DSCONNECTION_TYPE ; Text [ en-US ] = "Connection Type..." ; Command = ".uno:DBDSConnectionType" ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_DSADVANCED_SETTINGS ; Text [ en-US ] = "Advanced Settings..." ; Command = ".uno:DBDSAdvancedSettings" ; }; }; }; }; }; }; String STR_QUERY_DELETE_DATASOURCE { Text [ en-US ] = "Do you want to delete the data source '%1'?" ; }; String STR_APP_TITLE { Text [ en-US ] = " - %PRODUCTNAME Base" ; }; String RID_STR_REPORTS_HELP_TEXT_WIZARD { Text [ en-US ] = "The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to create a report." ; }; String RID_STR_FORMS_HELP_TEXT { Text [ en-US ] = "Create a form by specifying the record source, controls, and control properties." ; }; String RID_STR_REPORT_HELP_TEXT { Text [ en-US ] = "Create a report by specifying the record source, controls, and control properties." ; }; String RID_STR_FORMS_HELP_TEXT_WIZARD { Text [ en-US ] = "The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to create a form." ; }; String RID_STR_QUERIES_HELP_TEXT { Text [ en-US ] = "Create a query by specifying the filters, input tables, field names, and properties for sorting or grouping." ; }; String RID_STR_QUERIES_HELP_TEXT_SQL { Text [ en-US ] = "Create a query by entering an SQL statement directly." ; }; String RID_STR_QUERIES_HELP_TEXT_WIZARD { Text [ en-US ] = "The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to create a query." ; }; String RID_STR_TABLES_HELP_TEXT_DESIGN { Text [ en-US ] = "Create a table by specifying the field names and properties, as well as the data types." ; }; String RID_STR_TABLES_HELP_TEXT_WIZARD { Text [ en-US ] = "Choose from a selection of business and personal table samples, which you customize to create a table." ; }; String RID_STR_VIEWS_HELP_TEXT_DESIGN { Text [ en-US ] = "Create a view by specifying the tables and field names you would like to have visible." ; }; String RID_STR_VIEWS_HELP_TEXT_WIZARD { Text [ en-US ] = "Opens the view wizard" ; }; String STR_DATABASE { Text [ en-US ] = "Database" ; }; String STR_TASKS { Text [ en-US ] = "Tasks" ; }; String STR_DESCRIPTION { Text [ en-US ] = "Description" ; }; String STR_PREVIEW { Text [ en-US ] = "Preview" ; }; String STR_DISABLEPREVIEW { Text [ en-US ] = "Disable Preview" ; }; QueryBox APP_SAVEMODIFIED { Buttons = WB_YES_NO_CANCEL ; DefButton = WB_DEF_YES ; Message [ en-US ] = "The database has been modified.\nDo you want to save the changes?" ; }; QueryBox APP_CLOSEDOCUMENTS { Buttons = WB_YES_NO ; DefButton = WB_DEF_YES ; Message [ en-US ] = "The connection type has been altered.\nFor the changes to take effect, all forms, reports, queries and tables must be closed.\n\nDo you want to close all documents now?" ; }; Menu RID_MENU_APP_PREVIEW { ItemList = { MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_DISABLE_PREVIEW ; Text [ en-US ] = "None" ; Command = ".uno:DBDisablePreview" ; Checkable = TRUE ; RadioCheck = TRUE ; AutoCheck = TRUE ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_VIEW_DOCINFO_PREVIEW ; Text [ en-US ] = "Document Information" ; Command = ".uno:DBShowDocInfoPreview" ; Checkable = TRUE ; RadioCheck = TRUE ; AutoCheck = TRUE ; }; MenuItem { Identifier = SID_DB_APP_VIEW_DOC_PREVIEW ; Text [ en-US ] = "Document" ; Command = ".uno:DBShowDocPreview" ; Checkable = TRUE ; RadioCheck = TRUE ; AutoCheck = TRUE ; }; }; }; String RID_STR_FORM { Text [ en-US ] = "Form" ; }; String RID_STR_REPORT { Text [ en-US ] = "Report" ; }; String STR_FRM_LABEL { Text [ en-US ] = "F~orm name" ; }; String STR_RPT_LABEL { Text [ en-US ] = "~Report name" ; }; String STR_FOLDER_LABEL { Text [ en-US ] = "F~older name" ; }; String STR_SUB_DOCS_WITH_SCRIPTS { Text [ en-US ] = "The document contains forms or reports with embedded macros." ; }; String STR_SUB_DOCS_WITH_SCRIPTS_DETAIL { Text [ en-US ] = "Macros should be embedded into the database document itself.\n\nYou can continue to use your document as before, however, you are encouraged to migrate your macros. The menu item 'Tools - Migrate Macros...' will assist you with this.\n\nNote that you won't be able to embed macros into the database document itself until this migration is done." ; }; String RID_STR_EMBEDDED_DATABASE { Text [ en-US ] = "Embedded database" ; }; String RID_STR_NO_DIFF_CAT { Text [ en-US ] = "You cannot select different categories." ; }; String RID_STR_UNSUPPORTED_OBJECT_TYPE { Text [ en-US ] = "Unsupported object type found ($type$)." ; }; // ********************************************************************** EOF