/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_fpicker.hxx" //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // includes //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include "PreviewCtrl.hxx" #include #if defined _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push, 1) #endif #include #if defined _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif #include #include //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // defines //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define PREVIEWWND_CLASS_NAME TEXT("PreviewWnd###") #define HIMETRIC_INCH 2540 // means 3 pixel left and 3 pixel right #define HORZ_BODER_SPACE 6 // means 3 pixel top and 3 pixel bottom #define VERT_BORDER_SPACE 6 //--------------------------------------------------- // static member initialization //--------------------------------------------------- CFilePreview* CFilePreview::s_FilePreviewInst = NULL; CFilePreview::FILEPREVIEW_SINGLETON_DESTROYER_T CFilePreview::s_SingletonDestroyer; //--------------------------------------------------- // some useful helper functions //--------------------------------------------------- namespace // private { class CPreviewException { // used when registering or creation // of the preview window failed }; //------------------------------------------------------------ // //------------------------------------------------------------ inline sal_Int32 SubDiv( sal_Int32 nNumber, sal_Int32 nMinuend, sal_Int32 nDenominator ) { return ( static_cast( ( nNumber - nMinuend ) / nDenominator ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // convert himetric to pixel //------------------------------------------------------------ inline sal_Int32 Himetric2Pixel( HDC hDC, sal_Int32 hmSize, sal_Int32 nIndex ) { return MulDiv( hmSize, GetDeviceCaps( hDC, nIndex), HIMETRIC_INCH ); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // //------------------------------------------------------------ inline sal_uInt32 _getWidthRect( const RECT& aRect ) { return ( aRect.right - aRect.left ); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // //------------------------------------------------------------ inline sal_uInt32 _getHeightRect( const RECT& aRect ) { return ( aRect.bottom - aRect.top ); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // calc the upper left corner so that a given window will be // displayed centered within the given window //------------------------------------------------------------ inline POINT _calcULCorner( HWND hwnd, const CDimension& aPicSize ) { RECT rect; GetClientRect( hwnd, &rect ); sal_Int32 nWidthWnd = _getWidthRect( rect ); sal_Int32 nHeightWnd = _getHeightRect( rect ); POINT ulCorner; ulCorner.x = SubDiv( nWidthWnd, aPicSize.m_cx, 2 ); ulCorner.y = SubDiv( nHeightWnd, aPicSize.m_cy, 2 ); return ulCorner; } //------------------------------------------------------------ // test if a picture with the given dimensions fits into an // arbitrary window // we expect the width and height to be in pixel //------------------------------------------------------------ inline sal_Bool _pictureSizeFitsWindowSize( HWND hwnd, const CDimension& aPicSize ) { RECT rect; GetClientRect( hwnd, &rect ); sal_Int32 nWidthWnd = _getWidthRect( rect ); sal_Int32 nHeightWnd = _getHeightRect( rect ); return ( ( ( nWidthWnd - HORZ_BODER_SPACE ) >= aPicSize.m_cx ) && ( ( nHeightWnd - VERT_BORDER_SPACE ) >= aPicSize.m_cy ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // calc the dimemsions so that a given picture fits into a // given window, if the picture fits into the given window // the original CDimension will be returned //------------------------------------------------------------ inline CDimension _scalePictureSize( HWND hwnd, const CDimension& aPicSize ) { CDimension scaledPicSize = aPicSize; if ( !_pictureSizeFitsWindowSize( hwnd, aPicSize ) ) { RECT rect; GetClientRect( hwnd, &rect ); // the dimensions of the preview wnd are not equal // that's why we equalize it sal_Int32 nHeightWnd = _getHeightRect( rect ) - VERT_BORDER_SPACE; sal_Int32 nWidthWnd = nHeightWnd; if ( aPicSize.m_cx >= aPicSize.m_cy ) { scaledPicSize.m_cx = nWidthWnd; scaledPicSize.m_cy = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( aPicSize.m_cy * nWidthWnd / aPicSize.m_cx ); } else { scaledPicSize.m_cx = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( aPicSize.m_cx * nHeightWnd / aPicSize.m_cy ); scaledPicSize.m_cy = nHeightWnd; } } return scaledPicSize; } } // end namespace //--------------------------------------------------- // to ensure only one instance (singleton) //--------------------------------------------------- CFilePreview* CFilePreview::createInstance( HWND aParent, POINT ulCorner, const CDimension& aSize, HINSTANCE hInstance, sal_Bool bShow, sal_Bool bEnabled ) { if ( !s_FilePreviewInst ) { try { s_FilePreviewInst = new CFilePreview( aParent, ulCorner, aSize, hInstance, bShow, bEnabled ); s_SingletonDestroyer.reset( s_FilePreviewInst ); } catch( CPreviewException& ) { OSL_ASSERT( !s_FilePreviewInst ); OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "Creation of the preview window failed" ); } catch( CAutoOleInit::COleInitException& ) { OSL_ASSERT( !s_FilePreviewInst ); OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "OleInitalize failed" ); } } return s_FilePreviewInst; } //--------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------- CFilePreview::CFilePreview( HWND aParent, POINT ulCorner, const CDimension& aSize, HINSTANCE hInstance, sal_Bool bShow, sal_Bool bEnabled ) : m_hInstance( hInstance ), m_bEnabled( bEnabled ) { // register the preview window class WNDCLASSEX wndClsEx; ZeroMemory(&wndClsEx, sizeof(wndClsEx)); wndClsEx.cbSize = sizeof(wndClsEx); wndClsEx.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wndClsEx.lpfnWndProc = CFilePreview::WndProc; wndClsEx.hInstance = m_hInstance; wndClsEx.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)( COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER + 1 ); wndClsEx.lpszClassName = PREVIEWWND_CLASS_NAME; // register the preview window class // !!! Win95 - the window class will be unregistered automatically // if the dll is unloaded // Win2000 - the window class must be unregistered manually // if the dll is unloaded m_atomPrevWndClass = RegisterClassEx(&wndClsEx); if ( !m_atomPrevWndClass ) throw CPreviewException( ); // create the preview window in invisible state sal_uInt32 dwStyle = bShow ? (WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE) : WS_CHILD; m_hwnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, PREVIEWWND_CLASS_NAME, TEXT(""), dwStyle, ulCorner.x, ulCorner.y, aSize.m_cx, aSize.m_cy, aParent, (HMENU)100, // for child windows this will // be used as child window identifier m_hInstance, 0 ); if (!IsWindow(m_hwnd)) throw CPreviewException( ); } //--------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------- CFilePreview::~CFilePreview( ) { // unregister preview window class sal_Bool bRet = UnregisterClass( (LPCTSTR)MAKELONG( m_atomPrevWndClass, 0 ), m_hInstance ); OSL_POSTCOND( bRet, "Unregister preview window class failed" ); } //--------------------------------------------------- // sets the size of the preview window //--------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SAL_CALL CFilePreview::setSize( const CDimension& aSize ) { OSL_PRECOND( IsWindow( m_hwnd ), "Preview window not initialized" ); // resize the fileopen file listbox return SetWindowPos( m_hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, aSize.m_cx, aSize.m_cy, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); } //--------------------------------------------------- // returns the dimension of the preview //--------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SAL_CALL CFilePreview::getSize( CDimension& theSize ) const { OSL_PRECOND( IsWindow( m_hwnd ), "Preview window not initialized" ); RECT rect; sal_Bool bRet = GetWindowRect( m_hwnd, &rect ); theSize.m_cx = _getWidthRect( rect ); theSize.m_cy = _getHeightRect( rect ); return bRet; } //--------------------------------------------------- // sets the position of the upper left corner // of the preview window relative to the // upper left corner of the parent window //--------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SAL_CALL CFilePreview::setPos( POINT ulCorner ) { OSL_PRECOND( IsWindow( m_hwnd ), "Preview window not initialized" ); // resize the fileopen file listbox return SetWindowPos( m_hwnd, NULL, ulCorner.x, ulCorner.y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); } //--------------------------------------------------- // returns the current position of the preview // relative to the upper left corner of the // parent window //--------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SAL_CALL CFilePreview::getPos( POINT& ulCorner ) const { OSL_PRECOND( IsWindow( m_hwnd ), "Preview window not initialized" ); POINT pt = { 0, 0 }; RECT rect; sal_Bool bRet = GetWindowRect( m_hwnd, &rect ); ulCorner.x = rect.left; ulCorner.y = rect.top; ScreenToClient( m_hwnd, &ulCorner ); return bRet; } //--------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL CFilePreview::enable( sal_Bool bEnable ) { m_bEnabled = bEnable; // force a redraw InvalidateRect( m_hwnd, NULL, sal_True ); UpdateWindow( m_hwnd ); } //--------------------------------------------------- // shows the preview window // possible values see SHOW_STATE // SS_SHOW - make the window visible // SS_HIDE - hide the window // SS_ENABLED - enable the window // SS_DISABLED - disable the window //--------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SAL_CALL CFilePreview::show( sal_Bool bShow ) { OSL_PRECOND( IsWindow( m_hwnd ), "Preview window not initialized" ); sal_Int32 showState = bShow ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE; return ShowWindow( m_hwnd, showState ); } //--------------------------------------------------- // if the preview is shown and enabled // preview of the given file will be shown // returns true on success or false if an error // occurred (the file in not there or not accessible etc.) //--------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SAL_CALL CFilePreview::update( const rtl::OUString& aFileName ) { OSL_PRECOND( IsWindow( m_hwnd ), "Preview window not initialized" ); try { if ( m_bEnabled ) { if ( m_IPicture ) m_IPicture.Release( ); loadFile( aFileName ); // force a complete window redraw InvalidateRect( m_hwnd, NULL, sal_True ); UpdateWindow( m_hwnd ); } } catch( _com_error& ) { } return sal_True; } //--------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL CFilePreview::onPaint( HWND hWnd, HDC hDC ) { OSL_PRECOND( IsWindow( m_hwnd ), "Preview window not initialized" ); try { if ( m_bEnabled ) { // get width and height of picture long cxPicHIMETRIC; long cyPicHIMETRIC; m_IPicture->get_Width( &cxPicHIMETRIC ); m_IPicture->get_Height( &cyPicHIMETRIC ); // convert himetric to pixels int cxPicPIXEL = Himetric2Pixel( hDC, cxPicHIMETRIC, LOGPIXELSX ); int cyPicPIXEL = Himetric2Pixel( hDC, cyPicHIMETRIC, LOGPIXELSY ); // scale the picture based on the size of the preview window RECT rcPrevWnd; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rcPrevWnd); CDimension scaledPicSize = _scalePictureSize( hWnd, CDimension( cxPicPIXEL, cyPicPIXEL ) ); // calc the upper left corner so that the picture // is centered within the window POINT ulCorner = _calcULCorner( hWnd, scaledPicSize ); // render the picture HRESULT hr = m_IPicture->Render( hDC, ulCorner.x, ulCorner.y, scaledPicSize.m_cx, scaledPicSize.m_cy, 0, cyPicHIMETRIC, cxPicHIMETRIC, -cyPicHIMETRIC, &rcPrevWnd ); } // end if ( m_bEnabled ) } catch( _com_error& ) { } } //--------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool CFilePreview::loadFile( const rtl::OUString& aFileName ) { HANDLE hFile = 0; HGLOBAL hGlobal = 0; LPVOID pData = NULL; IStreamPtr pIStream; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; sal_Bool bRet; sal_uInt32 nBytesRead; sal_uInt32 fszExtra; sal_uInt32 fsize; hFile = CreateFile( aFileName.getStr( ), GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ); if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ) goto CLEANUP_AND_EXIT; fszExtra = 0; fsize = GetFileSize( hFile, &fszExtra ); // empty file, error or file to big if ( -1 == fsize || 0 == fsize || fszExtra ) goto CLEANUP_AND_EXIT; hGlobal = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, fsize ); if ( !hGlobal ) goto CLEANUP_AND_EXIT; pData = GlobalLock( hGlobal ); if ( !pData ) goto CLEANUP_AND_EXIT; bRet = ReadFile( hFile, pData, fsize, &nBytesRead, NULL ); if ( !bRet ) goto CLEANUP_AND_EXIT; hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal( hGlobal, sal_False, &pIStream ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = OleLoadPicture( pIStream, fsize, sal_False, __uuidof( IPicture ), (LPVOID*)&m_IPicture ); } CLEANUP_AND_EXIT: if ( hFile ) CloseHandle( hFile ); if ( pData ) GlobalUnlock( hGlobal ); if ( hGlobal ) GlobalFree( hGlobal ); return ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ); } //--------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------- LRESULT CALLBACK CFilePreview::WndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT lResult = 0; switch( uMsg ) { case WM_PAINT: { OSL_PRECOND( s_FilePreviewInst, "Static member not initialized" ); HDC hDC; PAINTSTRUCT ps; hDC = BeginPaint( hWnd, &ps ); s_FilePreviewInst->onPaint( hWnd, hDC ); EndPaint( hWnd, &ps ); } break; // under windows 95/98 the creation of the // hidden target request window fails if // we don't handle this message ourself // because the DefWindowProc returns 0 as // a result of handling WM_NCCREATE what // leads to a failure of CreateWindow[Ex]!!! case WM_NCCREATE: lResult = sal_True; break; default: return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); } return lResult; }