/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_framework.hxx" //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // my own includes //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #ifndef __FRAMEWORK_SERVICES_LOGINDIALOG_HXX_ #include #endif #include #include #include #include //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // interface includes //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #include #include #include //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // other includes //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // const //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #define TEMPFILE_ENCODING RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 // encoding of written temp. ascii file #define LOGIN_RDB DECLARE_ASCII("login.rdb") // name of our own registry file - necessary to create own servicemanager #define SEPERATOR "\n" // used to separate parts in temp. file #define MINARGUMENTCOUNT 1 // count of min. required arguments #define ARGUMENTFOUND 0 // OUString::compareTo returns 0 if searched string match given one #define ARGUMENTLENGTH 3 // length of fixed part of any argument to detect it easier! #define ARGUMENT_TEMPFILE DECLARE_ASCII("-f=") // we support "-f=c:\temp\test.txt" to write dialog data in temp. file #define ARGUMENT_DIALOGPARENT DECLARE_ASCII("-p=") // we support "-p=36748322" as window handle of parent for vcl dialog //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // namespace //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ using namespace ::rtl ; using namespace ::vos ; using namespace ::comphelper ; using namespace ::framework ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans ; //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // defines //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // declarations //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ /*-************************************************************************************************************//** @short implement command application to show login dialog and save his information in temp. file! @descr We need this temp. file to share informations between our dialog and different processes, which can't use vcl directly. Caller of this executable give us the file name as an argument - we save all informations in it - caller can read it and MUST delete temp. file. This is necessary for example; to hide the password! @implements - @base Application *//*-*************************************************************************************************************/ class LoginApplication : public Application { //************************************************************************************************************* // public methods //************************************************************************************************************* public: void Main(); //************************************************************************************************************* // private methods //************************************************************************************************************* private: void impl_parseCommandline(); // search supported arguments on command line //************************************************************************************************************* // private variables //************************************************************************************************************* private: OString m_sTempFile ; // name of temp. file in system notation sal_Int32 m_nParentHandle ; // a parent window handle for used vcl dialog }; // class LoginApplication //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // global variables //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LoginApplication gLoginApplication; //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // main //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void LoginApplication::Main() { // Init global uno servicemanager. ServiceManager aManager; Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xServiceManager = aManager.getSharedUNOServiceManager( DECLARE_ASCII("login.rdb") ); LOG_ASSERT( !(xServiceManager.is()==sal_False), "LoginApplication::Main()\nCould not create uno service manager!\n" ) // Parse command line and set found arguments on application member. impl_parseCommandline(); LOG_ASSERT( !(m_sTempFile.getLength()<1), "LoginApplication::Main()\nWrong or missing argument for temp. file detected!\n" ) // Try to get necessary dialog service. // By the way - cast it to interface XPropertySet too - we need it later. // (define SERVICENAME... comes from defines.hxx!) Reference< XDialog > xLoginDialog( xServiceManager->createInstance( SERVICENAME_LOGINDIALOG ), UNO_QUERY ); Reference< XPropertySet > xPropertySet( xLoginDialog , UNO_QUERY ); // Work with valid ressources only! // Otherwise do nothing ... if ( ( xLoginDialog.is() == sal_True ) && ( xPropertySet.is() == sal_True ) && ( m_sTempFile.getLength() > 0 ) ) { // Exist a parent window? YES => set right property. if( m_nParentHandle != 0 ) { Any aParentWindow; aParentWindow <<= m_nParentHandle; xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( PROPERTYNAME_PARENTWINDOW, aParentWindow ); } Any aConnectionType; aConnectionType <<= PROPERTYNAME_HTTPS; xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( PROPERTYNAME_CONNECTIONTYPE, aConnectionType ); // Show login dialog and get decision of user. sal_Bool bDecision = (sal_Bool)(xLoginDialog->execute()); OUString sUserName ; OUString sPassword ; OUString sServer ; OUString sConnectionType ; sal_Int32 nPort=0 ; // We need this default if follow "if"-statement "failed"! // If user say "OK" ... get values from dialog. // If user say "NO" ... leave it. Then we save empty informations later ... if( bDecision == sal_True ) { // defines PROPERTYNAME... comes from logindialog.hxx! xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( PROPERTYNAME_USERNAME ) >>= sUserName ; xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( PROPERTYNAME_PASSWORD ) >>= sPassword ; xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( PROPERTYNAME_SERVER ) >>= sServer ; xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( PROPERTYNAME_CONNECTIONTYPE ) >>= sConnectionType ; if( sConnectionType.getLength() > 0 ) { xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( sConnectionType ) >>= nPort; } } // Build string for output. // At this point it doesn't matter if information exist or not! // Format of output: " [0|1] SEPERATOR // [string] SEPERATOR // [string] SEPERATOR // [string] SEPERATOR // [int] SEPERATOR" OUStringBuffer sBuffer( 1000 ); if( bDecision == sal_True ) { sBuffer.appendAscii( "1" ); } else { sBuffer.appendAscii( "0" ); } sBuffer.appendAscii ( SEPERATOR ); sBuffer.append ( sUserName ); sBuffer.appendAscii ( SEPERATOR ); sBuffer.append ( sPassword ); sBuffer.appendAscii ( SEPERATOR ); sBuffer.append ( sServer ); sBuffer.appendAscii ( SEPERATOR ); sBuffer.append ( sConnectionType ); sBuffer.appendAscii ( SEPERATOR ); sBuffer.append ( nPort ); sBuffer.appendAscii ( SEPERATOR ); // Write informations in temp. file. // If given file name isn't valid ... caller will have a problem!!! // If fil already exist (That's out of specification!!!) we overwrite it every time. FILE* pFile = fopen( m_sTempFile.getStr(), "w" ); LOG_ASSERT( !(pFile==NULL), "LoginApplication::Main()\nCould not open file!\n" ); if( pFile != NULL ) { OString sEncodedOut = U2B_ENC( sBuffer.makeStringAndClear(), TEMPFILE_ENCODING ); fprintf( pFile, sEncodedOut.getStr() ); fclose ( pFile ); } } } //***************************************************************************************************************** // private method //***************************************************************************************************************** void LoginApplication::impl_parseCommandline() { // Use vos::OStartupInfo for access to command line. // Step over all arguments, search for supported ones and try to get his values. // Set it on our member. Caller of this method must control setted values. OStartupInfo aInfo; sal_uInt32 nCount = aInfo.getCommandArgCount() ; sal_uInt32 nArgument = 0 ; OUString sArgument ; OUString sValue ; // Warn programmer if argument count isn't ok! LOG_ASSERT( !(nCount!=MINARGUMENTCOUNT), "LoginApplication::impl_parseCommandline()\nWrong argument count detected!\n" ) // Reset all possible argument variables to defaults if someone is missing. m_sTempFile = OString(); m_nParentHandle = 0 ; // Step over all arguments ... for( nArgument=0; nArgument" if( sArgument.compareTo( ARGUMENT_TEMPFILE, ARGUMENTLENGTH ) == ARGUMENTFOUND ) { sValue = sArgument.copy( ARGUMENTLENGTH ); m_sTempFile = U2B(sValue); } else //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ // Look for "-p=" if( sArgument.compareTo( ARGUMENT_DIALOGPARENT, ARGUMENTLENGTH ) == ARGUMENTFOUND ) { sValue = sArgument.copy( ARGUMENTLENGTH ); m_nParentHandle = sValue.toInt32(); } } // Parent window handle is an optional argument ... but should be used mostly! // Warn programmer. LOG_ASSERT( !(m_nParentHandle==0), "Login.exe\nYou should give me a parent window handle!\n" ) }