 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_framework.hxx"

//	my own includes
#include <uielement/menubarmanager.hxx>
#include <framework/menuconfiguration.hxx>
#include <framework/bmkmenu.hxx>
#include <framework/addonmenu.hxx>
#include <framework/imageproducer.hxx>
#include <threadhelp/resetableguard.hxx>
#include "framework/addonsoptions.hxx"
#include <classes/fwkresid.hxx>
#include <classes/menumanager.hxx>
#include <framework/acceleratorinfo.hxx>
#include <helper/mischelper.hxx>
#include <framework/menuextensionsupplier.hxx>
#include <classes/resource.hrc>
#include <services.h>

//	interface includes
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XDispatch.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/DisposedException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XFramesSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XDesktop.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XEnumeration.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/XStringWidth.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XComponentContext.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiComponentFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XPopupMenuController.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XUIControllerRegistration.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/SystemDependent.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/ItemType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/ImageType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XModuleManager.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/XModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/ItemStyle.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/status/Visibility.hpp>

//	includes of other projects
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <comphelper/extract.hxx>
#include <svtools/menuoptions.hxx>
#include <unotools/historyoptions.hxx>
#include <unotools/pathoptions.hxx>
#include <unotools/cmdoptions.hxx>
#include <unotools/localfilehelper.hxx>
#include <toolkit/unohlp.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/window.hxx>
#include <vos/mutex.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <osl/file.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx>
#include <svtools/acceleratorexecute.hxx>
#include <rtl/logfile.hxx>
#include "svtools/miscopt.hxx"
#include <framework/addonmenu.hxx>
#include <uielement/menubarmerger.hxx>
#include <dispatch/uieventloghelper.hxx>

// Be careful removing this "bad" construct. There are serious problems
// with #define STRICT and including windows.h. Changing this needs some
// redesign on other projects, too. Especially sal/main.h which defines
// HINSTANCE depending on STRCIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
struct SystemMenuData
    unsigned long nSize;
	long          hMenu;

//	namespace

using namespace ::cppu;
using namespace ::vos;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::ui;

static const char ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_COMMANDURL[]        = "CommandURL";
static const char ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_HELPURL[]           = "HelpURL";
static const char ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_CONTAINER[]         = "ItemDescriptorContainer";
static const char ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_LABEL[]             = "Label";
static const char ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE[]              = "Type";
static const char ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_MODULEIDENTIFIER[]  = "ModuleIdentifier";
static const char ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_DISPATCHPROVIDER[]  = "DispatchProvider";
static const char ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_STYLE[]             = "Style";
static const char ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_ISVISIBLE[]         = "IsVisible";
static const char ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_ENABLED[]           = "Enabled";

static const sal_Int32 LEN_DESCRIPTOR_COMMANDURL       = 10;
static const sal_Int32 LEN_DESCRIPTOR_HELPURL          = 7;
static const sal_Int32 LEN_DESCRIPTOR_CONTAINER        = 23;
static const sal_Int32 LEN_DESCRIPTOR_LABEL            = 5;
static const sal_Int32 LEN_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE             = 4;
static const sal_Int32 LEN_DESCRIPTOR_MODULEIDENTIFIER = 16;
static const sal_Int32 LEN_DESCRIPTOR_DISPATCHPROVIDER = 16;
static const sal_Int32 LEN_DESCRIPTOR_STYLE            = 5;
static const sal_Int32 LEN_DESCRIPTOR_ISVISIBLE        = 9;
static const sal_Int32 LEN_DESCRIPTOR_ENABLED          = 7;

const sal_uInt16 ADDONMENU_MERGE_ITEMID_START = 1500;

class StringLength : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1< ::com::sun::star::util::XStringWidth >
		StringLength() {}
		virtual ~StringLength() {}

		// XStringWidth
		sal_Int32 SAL_CALL queryStringWidth( const ::rtl::OUString& aString )
			throw (RuntimeException)
			return aString.getLength();

namespace framework

// special menu ids/command ids for dynamic popup menus
#define SID_SFX_START			5000
#define SID_PICKLIST			(SID_SFX_START + 510)
#define SID_ADDONLIST			(SID_SFX_START + 1677)
#define SID_HELPMENU			(SID_SFX_START + 410)

#define SFX_REFERER_USER		"private:user"

const ::rtl::OUString aCmdHelpIndex( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".uno:HelpIndex" ));
const ::rtl::OUString aCmdToolsMenu( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".uno:ToolsMenu" ));
const ::rtl::OUString aCmdHelpMenu( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".uno:HelpMenu" ));
const ::rtl::OUString aSlotHelpMenu( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "slot:5410" ));

const ::rtl::OUString aSpecialFileMenu( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "file" ));
const ::rtl::OUString aSpecialWindowMenu( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "window" ));
const ::rtl::OUString aSlotSpecialFileMenu( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "slot:5510" ));
const ::rtl::OUString aSlotSpecialWindowMenu( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "slot:5610" ));
const ::rtl::OUString aSlotSpecialToolsMenu( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "slot:6677" ));

// special uno commands for picklist and window list
const ::rtl::OUString aSpecialFileCommand( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".uno:PickList" ));
const ::rtl::OUString aSpecialWindowCommand( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ".uno:WindowList" ));


static sal_Int16 getImageTypeFromBools( sal_Bool bBig, sal_Bool bHighContrast )
    sal_Int16 n( 0 );
    if ( bBig )
        n |= ::com::sun::star::ui::ImageType::SIZE_LARGE;
    if ( bHighContrast )
        n |= ::com::sun::star::ui::ImageType::COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST;
    return n;

// #110897#
	const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& xServiceFactory,
	const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame,
    const Reference< XURLTransformer >& _xURLTransformer,
    const Reference< XDispatchProvider >& rDispatchProvider,
    const rtl::OUString& rModuleIdentifier,
    Menu* pMenu, sal_Bool bDelete, sal_Bool bDeleteChildren )
: ThreadHelpBase( &Application::GetSolarMutex() ), OWeakObject()
    , m_bDisposed( sal_False )
    , m_bRetrieveImages( sal_False )
    , m_bAcceleratorCfg( sal_False )
    , m_bModuleIdentified( sal_False )
    , m_aListenerContainer( m_aLock.getShareableOslMutex() )
    , mxServiceFactory(xServiceFactory)
    , m_xURLTransformer(_xURLTransformer)
    , m_nSymbolsStyle( SvtMiscOptions().GetCurrentSymbolsStyle() )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::MenuBarManager" );
    m_xPopupMenuControllerRegistration = Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XUIControllerRegistration >(
		getServiceFactory()->createInstance( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.frame.PopupMenuControllerFactory" ))),
	FillMenuManager( pMenu, rFrame, rDispatchProvider, rModuleIdentifier, bDelete, bDeleteChildren );

// #110897#
	const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& xServiceFactory,
	const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame,
    const Reference< XURLTransformer >& _xURLTransformer,
    AddonMenu* pAddonMenu,
    sal_Bool bDelete,
    sal_Bool bDeleteChildren )
:   ThreadHelpBase( &Application::GetSolarMutex() )
    , OWeakObject()
    , m_bDisposed( sal_False )
    , m_bRetrieveImages( sal_True )
    , m_bAcceleratorCfg( sal_False )
    , m_bModuleIdentified( sal_False )
    , m_aListenerContainer( m_aLock.getShareableOslMutex() )
    , mxServiceFactory(xServiceFactory)
    , m_xURLTransformer(_xURLTransformer)
    , m_nSymbolsStyle( SvtMiscOptions().GetCurrentSymbolsStyle() )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::MenuBarManager" );

// #110897#
	const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& xServiceFactory,
	const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame,
    const Reference< XURLTransformer >& _xURLTransformer,
    AddonPopupMenu* pAddonPopupMenu,
    sal_Bool bDelete,
    sal_Bool bDeleteChildren )
:     ThreadHelpBase( &Application::GetSolarMutex() )
    , OWeakObject()
    , m_bDisposed( sal_False )
    , m_bRetrieveImages( sal_True )
    , m_bAcceleratorCfg( sal_False )
    , m_bModuleIdentified( sal_False )
    , m_aListenerContainer( m_aLock.getShareableOslMutex() )
    , mxServiceFactory(xServiceFactory)
    , m_xURLTransformer(_xURLTransformer)
    , m_nSymbolsStyle( SvtMiscOptions().GetCurrentSymbolsStyle() )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::MenuBarManager" );

Any SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::queryInterface( const Type & rType ) throw ( RuntimeException )
	Any a = ::cppu::queryInterface(
				rType ,
				SAL_STATIC_CAST( ::com::sun::star::frame::XStatusListener*, this ),
				SAL_STATIC_CAST( ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrameActionListener*, this ),
                SAL_STATIC_CAST( ::com::sun::star::ui::XUIConfigurationListener*, this ),
				SAL_STATIC_CAST( XEventListener*, (XStatusListener *)this ),
				SAL_STATIC_CAST( XComponent*, this ),
				SAL_STATIC_CAST( ::com::sun::star::awt::XSystemDependentMenuPeer*, this ));

	if ( a.hasValue() )
		return a;

	return OWeakObject::queryInterface( rType );

void SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::acquire() throw()

void SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::release() throw()

Any SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::getMenuHandle( const Sequence< sal_Int8 >& /*ProcessId*/, sal_Int16 SystemType ) throw (RuntimeException)
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::getMenuHandle" );
	ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );

	if ( m_bDisposed )
	    throw com::sun::star::lang::DisposedException();

    Any a;

    if ( m_pVCLMenu )
        OGuard	aSolarGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

        SystemMenuData aSystemMenuData;
        aSystemMenuData.nSize = sizeof( SystemMenuData );

        m_pVCLMenu->GetSystemMenuData( &aSystemMenuData );
#ifdef QUARTZ
        if( SystemType == SystemDependent::SYSTEM_MAC )
#elif (defined WNT)
		if( SystemType == SystemDependent::SYSTEM_WIN32 )
            a <<= (long) aSystemMenuData.hMenu;
#elif (defined UNX)
		if( SystemType == SystemDependent::SYSTEM_XWINDOW )

    return a;

    // stop asynchronous settings timer

    DBG_ASSERT( OWeakObject::m_refCount == 0, "Who wants to delete an object with refcount > 0!" );

void MenuBarManager::Destroy()
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::Destroy" );
    OGuard	aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

    if ( !m_bDisposed )
        // stop asynchronous settings timer and
        // release defered item container reference

        std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >::iterator p;
	    for ( p = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.begin(); p != m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.end(); p++ )
            MenuItemHandler* pItemHandler = *p;
		    delete pItemHandler;

	    if ( m_bDeleteMenu )
		    delete m_pVCLMenu;
            m_pVCLMenu = 0;

// XComponent
void SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::dispose() throw( RuntimeException )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::dispose" );
    Reference< XComponent > xThis( static_cast< OWeakObject* >(this), UNO_QUERY );

    EventObject aEvent( xThis );
    m_aListenerContainer.disposeAndClear( aEvent );

	    ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );
//        RemoveListener();
        m_bDisposed = sal_True;

        if ( m_xDocImageManager.is() )
                    Reference< XUIConfigurationListener >(
                        static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY ));
            catch ( Exception& )
        if ( m_xModuleImageManager.is() )
                    Reference< XUIConfigurationListener >(
                        static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY ));
            catch ( Exception& )

void SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::addEventListener( const Reference< XEventListener >& xListener ) throw( RuntimeException )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::addEventListener" );
	ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );

	/* SAFE AREA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( m_bDisposed )
        throw DisposedException();

    m_aListenerContainer.addInterface( ::getCppuType( ( const Reference< XEventListener >* ) NULL ), xListener );

void SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::removeEventListener( const Reference< XEventListener >& xListener ) throw( RuntimeException )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::removeEventListener" );
	ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );
	/* SAFE AREA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    m_aListenerContainer.removeInterface( ::getCppuType( ( const Reference< XEventListener >* ) NULL ), xListener );

void SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::elementInserted( const ::com::sun::star::ui::ConfigurationEvent& Event )
throw (RuntimeException)
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::elementInserted" );
	ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );

    /* SAFE AREA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( m_bDisposed )

    sal_Int16 nImageType = sal_Int16();
    sal_Int16 nCurrentImageType = getImageTypeFromBools( sal_False, m_bWasHiContrast );
    if (( Event.aInfo >>= nImageType ) &&
        ( nImageType == nCurrentImageType ))

void SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::elementRemoved( const ::com::sun::star::ui::ConfigurationEvent& Event )
throw (RuntimeException)
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::elementRemoved" );

void SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::elementReplaced( const ::com::sun::star::ui::ConfigurationEvent& Event )
throw (RuntimeException)
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::elementReplaced" );

// XFrameActionListener
void SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::frameAction( const FrameActionEvent& Action )
throw ( RuntimeException )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::frameAction" );
    ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );

	if ( m_bDisposed )
	    throw com::sun::star::lang::DisposedException();

    if ( Action.Action == FrameAction_CONTEXT_CHANGED )
        std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >::iterator p;
	    for ( p = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.begin(); p != m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.end(); p++ )
            // Clear dispatch reference as we will requery it later o
            MenuItemHandler* pItemHandler = *p;

// XStatusListener
void SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::statusChanged( const FeatureStateEvent& Event )
throw ( RuntimeException )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::statusChanged" );
	::rtl::OUString aFeatureURL = Event.FeatureURL.Complete;

    OGuard	aSolarGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
		ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );

		if ( m_bDisposed )

        // We have to check all menu entries as there can be identical entries in a popup menu.
        std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >::iterator p;
		for ( p = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.begin(); p != m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.end(); p++ )
			MenuItemHandler* pMenuItemHandler = *p;
			if ( pMenuItemHandler->aMenuItemURL == aFeatureURL )
			    sal_Bool            bCheckmark( sal_False );
			    sal_Bool            bMenuItemEnabled( m_pVCLMenu->IsItemEnabled( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId ));
                sal_Bool            bEnabledItem( Event.IsEnabled );
                rtl::OUString       aItemText;
                status::Visibility  aVisibilityStatus;

                #ifdef UNIX
                // #b6673979# enable some slots hardly, because UNIX clipboard does not notify all changes
                // Can be removed if follow up task will be fixed directly within applications.
                if (
                    ( pMenuItemHandler->aMenuItemURL.equalsAscii (".uno:Paste"         ) ) ||
                    ( pMenuItemHandler->aMenuItemURL.equalsAscii (".uno:PasteSpecial"  ) ) ||
                    ( pMenuItemHandler->aMenuItemURL.equalsAscii (".uno:PasteClipboard") )      // special for draw/impress
                    bEnabledItem = sal_True;

                // Enable/disable item
			    if ( bEnabledItem != bMenuItemEnabled )
			        m_pVCLMenu->EnableItem( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, bEnabledItem );

			    if ( Event.State >>= bCheckmark )
                    // Checkmark or RadioButton
                    m_pVCLMenu->ShowItem( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, sal_True );
                    m_pVCLMenu->CheckItem( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, bCheckmark );

                    MenuItemBits nBits = m_pVCLMenu->GetItemBits( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId );
                    //If not already designated RadioButton set as CheckMark
                    if (!(nBits & MIB_RADIOCHECK))
                        m_pVCLMenu->SetItemBits( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, nBits | MIB_CHECKABLE );
                else if ( Event.State >>= aItemText )
                    // Replacement for place holders
                    if ( aItemText.matchAsciiL( "($1)", 4 ))
					    String aResStr = String( FwkResId( STR_UPDATEDOC ));
                        rtl::OUString aTmp( aResStr );
                        aTmp += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( " " ));
                        aTmp += aItemText.copy( 4 );
                        aItemText = aTmp;
                    else if ( aItemText.matchAsciiL( "($2)", 4 ))
					    String aResStr = String( FwkResId( STR_CLOSEDOC_ANDRETURN ));
                        rtl::OUString aTmp( aResStr );
                        aTmp += aItemText.copy( 4 );
                        aItemText = aTmp;
                    else if ( aItemText.matchAsciiL( "($3)", 4 ))
					    String aResStr = String( FwkResId( STR_SAVECOPYDOC ));
                        rtl::OUString aTmp( aResStr );
                        aTmp += aItemText.copy( 4 );
                        aItemText = aTmp;

                    m_pVCLMenu->ShowItem( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, sal_True );
                    m_pVCLMenu->SetItemText( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, aItemText );
                else if ( Event.State >>= aVisibilityStatus )
                    // Visibility
                    m_pVCLMenu->ShowItem( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, aVisibilityStatus.bVisible );
                    m_pVCLMenu->ShowItem( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, sal_True );

		    if ( Event.Requery )
                // Release dispatch object - will be requeried on the next activate!

// Helper to retrieve own structure from item ID
MenuBarManager::MenuItemHandler* MenuBarManager::GetMenuItemHandler( sal_uInt16 nItemId )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::GetMenuItemHandler" );
	ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );

	std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >::iterator p;
	for ( p = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.begin(); p != m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.end(); p++ )
		MenuItemHandler* pItemHandler = *p;
		if ( pItemHandler->nItemId == nItemId )
			return pItemHandler;

	return 0;

// Helper to set request images flag
void MenuBarManager::RequestImages()
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::RequestImages" );
    // must be locked from callee
	// ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );

    m_bRetrieveImages = sal_True;
    const sal_uInt32 nCount = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.size();
    for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
		MenuItemHandler* pItemHandler = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector[i];
		if ( pItemHandler->xSubMenuManager.is() )
            MenuBarManager* pMenuBarManager = (MenuBarManager*)(pItemHandler->xSubMenuManager.get());

// Helper to reset objects to prepare shutdown
void MenuBarManager::RemoveListener()
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::RemoveListener" );
	ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );

    // Check service manager reference. Remove listener can be called due
    // to a disposing call from the frame and therefore we already removed
    // our listeners and release the service manager reference!
    Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xServiceManager = getServiceFactory();
    if ( xServiceManager.is() )
	    std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >::iterator p;
	    for ( p = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.begin(); p != m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.end(); p++ )
		    MenuItemHandler* pItemHandler = *p;
		    if ( pItemHandler->xMenuItemDispatch.is() )
			    URL aTargetURL;
			    aTargetURL.Complete	= pItemHandler->aMenuItemURL;
			    m_xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aTargetURL );

				    static_cast< XStatusListener* >( this ), aTargetURL );

		    if ( pItemHandler->xPopupMenu.is() )
                    // Remove popup menu from menu structure
		            OGuard	aGuard2( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
                    m_pVCLMenu->SetPopupMenu( pItemHandler->nItemId, 0 );

                Reference< com::sun::star::lang::XEventListener > xEventListener( pItemHandler->xPopupMenuController, UNO_QUERY );
                if ( xEventListener.is() )
                    EventObject aEventObject;
                    aEventObject.Source = (OWeakObject *)this;
                    xEventListener->disposing( aEventObject );

                // We now provide a popup menu controller to external code.
                // Therefore the life-time must be explicitly handled via
                // dispose!!
                    Reference< XComponent > xComponent( pItemHandler->xPopupMenuController, UNO_QUERY );
                    if ( xComponent.is() )
                catch ( RuntimeException& )
                catch ( Exception& )

                // Release references to controller and popup menu

		    Reference< XComponent > xComponent( pItemHandler->xSubMenuManager, UNO_QUERY );
		    if ( xComponent.is() )

        if ( m_xFrame.is() )
            m_xFrame->removeFrameActionListener( Reference< XFrameActionListener >(
                                                    static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY ));
    catch ( Exception& )

	m_xFrame = 0;

void SAL_CALL MenuBarManager::disposing( const EventObject& Source ) throw ( RuntimeException )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::disposing(evt)" );
    MenuItemHandler* pMenuItemDisposing = NULL;

    ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );

	std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >::iterator p;
	for ( p = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.begin(); p != m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.end(); p++ )
		MenuItemHandler* pMenuItemHandler = *p;
		if ( pMenuItemHandler->xMenuItemDispatch.is() &&
             pMenuItemHandler->xMenuItemDispatch == Source.Source )
	        // disposing called from menu item dispatcher, remove listener
			pMenuItemDisposing = pMenuItemHandler;

    if ( pMenuItemDisposing )
        // Release references to the dispatch object
		URL aTargetURL;
		aTargetURL.Complete	= pMenuItemDisposing->aMenuItemURL;

        // Check reference of service manager before we use it. Reference could
        // be cleared due to RemoveListener call!
        Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xServiceManager( getServiceFactory() );
        if ( xServiceManager.is() )
		    m_xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aTargetURL );

			    static_cast< XStatusListener* >( this ), aTargetURL );
		    pMenuItemDisposing->xMenuItemDispatch = Reference< XDispatch >();
		    if ( pMenuItemDisposing->xPopupMenu.is() )
                Reference< com::sun::star::lang::XEventListener > xEventListener( pMenuItemDisposing->xPopupMenuController, UNO_QUERY );
                if ( xEventListener.is() )
                    xEventListener->disposing( Source );

                    // Remove popup menu from menu structure as we release our reference to
                    // the controller.
		            OGuard	aGuard2( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
                    m_pVCLMenu->SetPopupMenu( pMenuItemDisposing->nItemId, 0 );

	else if ( Source.Source == m_xFrame )
        // Our frame gets disposed. We have to remove all our listeners
    else if ( Source.Source == Reference< XInterface >( m_xDocImageManager, UNO_QUERY ))
    else if ( Source.Source == Reference< XInterface >( m_xModuleImageManager, UNO_QUERY ))

void MenuBarManager::CheckAndAddMenuExtension( Menu* pMenu )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::CheckAndAddMenuExtension" );
    static const char REFERENCECOMMAND_AFTER[]          = ".uno:HelpSupport";
    static const char REFERENCECOMMAND_BEFORE[]         = ".uno:About";

    // retrieve menu extension item
    MenuExtensionItem aMenuItem( GetMenuExtension() );
    if (( aMenuItem.aURL.getLength() > 0 ) &&
        ( aMenuItem.aLabel.getLength() > 0 ))
        // remove all old window list entries from menu
        sal_uInt16 nNewItemId( 0 );
        sal_uInt16 nInsertPos( MENU_APPEND );
        sal_uInt16 nAfterPos( MENU_APPEND );
        sal_uInt16 nBeforePos( MENU_APPEND );
        String     aCommandAfter( String::CreateFromAscii ( REFERENCECOMMAND_AFTER ));
        String     aCommandBefore( String::CreateFromAscii ( REFERENCECOMMAND_BEFORE ));
        for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < pMenu->GetItemCount(); n++ )
            sal_uInt16 nItemId = pMenu->GetItemId( n );
            nNewItemId = std::max( nItemId, nNewItemId );
            if ( pMenu->GetItemCommand( nItemId ) == aCommandAfter )
                nAfterPos = n+1;
            else if ( pMenu->GetItemCommand( nItemId ) == aCommandBefore )
                nBeforePos = n;

        if ( nAfterPos != MENU_APPEND )
            nInsertPos = nAfterPos;
        else if ( nBeforePos != MENU_APPEND )
            nInsertPos = nBeforePos;

        pMenu->InsertItem( nNewItemId, aMenuItem.aLabel, 0, nInsertPos );
        pMenu->SetItemCommand( nNewItemId, aMenuItem.aURL );

static void lcl_CheckForChildren(Menu* pMenu, sal_uInt16 nItemId)
    if (PopupMenu* pThisPopup = pMenu->GetPopupMenu( nItemId ))
        pMenu->EnableItem( nItemId, pThisPopup->GetItemCount() ? true : false );

// vcl handler

IMPL_LINK( MenuBarManager, Activate, Menu *, pMenu )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::Activate" );
	if ( pMenu == m_pVCLMenu )
		// set/unset hiding disabled menu entries
		sal_Bool bDontHide			 = SvtMenuOptions().IsEntryHidingEnabled();
		const StyleSettings& rSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
		sal_Bool bShowMenuImages	 = rSettings.GetUseImagesInMenus();
        sal_Bool bHasDisabledEntries = SvtCommandOptions().HasEntries( SvtCommandOptions::CMDOPTION_DISABLED );

        ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );

		sal_uInt16 nFlag = pMenu->GetMenuFlags();
		if ( bDontHide )
		pMenu->SetMenuFlags( nFlag );

		if ( m_bActive )
			return 0;

		m_bActive = sal_True;

		::rtl::OUString aMenuCommand( m_aMenuItemCommand );
        if ( m_aMenuItemCommand == aSpecialWindowMenu ||
             m_aMenuItemCommand == aSlotSpecialWindowMenu ||
			 aMenuCommand == aSpecialWindowCommand )
             MenuManager::UpdateSpecialWindowMenu( pMenu,getServiceFactory(),m_aLock );

		// Check if some modes have changed so we have to update our menu images
		sal_Bool bIsHiContrast = rSettings.GetHighContrastMode();
		sal_Int16 nSymbolsStyle = SvtMiscOptions().GetCurrentSymbolsStyle();

		if ( m_bRetrieveImages ||
             m_bWasHiContrast != bIsHiContrast ||
             bShowMenuImages != m_bShowMenuImages ||
             nSymbolsStyle != m_nSymbolsStyle )
			// The mode changed so we have to replace all images
			m_bWasHiContrast	= bIsHiContrast;
			m_bShowMenuImages	= bShowMenuImages;
			m_bRetrieveImages	= sal_False;
			m_nSymbolsStyle		= nSymbolsStyle;

        // Try to map commands to labels
        for ( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; nPos < pMenu->GetItemCount(); nPos++ )
            sal_uInt16 nItemId = pMenu->GetItemId( nPos );
            if (( pMenu->GetItemType( nPos ) != MENUITEM_SEPARATOR ) &&
                ( pMenu->GetItemText( nItemId ).Len() == 0 ))
                String aCommand = pMenu->GetItemCommand( nItemId );
                if ( aCommand.Len() > 0 )
                    pMenu->SetItemText( nItemId, RetrieveLabelFromCommand( aCommand ));

        // Try to set accelerator keys
            RetrieveShortcuts( m_aMenuItemHandlerVector );
            std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >::iterator p;
		    for ( p = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.begin(); p != m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.end(); p++ )
		        MenuItemHandler* pMenuItemHandler = *p;

                // Set key code, workaround for hard-coded shortcut F1 mapped to .uno:HelpIndex
                // Only non-popup menu items can have a short-cut
                if ( pMenuItemHandler->aMenuItemURL == aCmdHelpIndex )
                    KeyCode aKeyCode( KEY_F1 );
                    pMenu->SetAccelKey( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, aKeyCode );
                else if ( pMenu->GetPopupMenu( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId ) == 0 )
                    pMenu->SetAccelKey( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, pMenuItemHandler->aKeyCode );

		URL aTargetURL;

        // Use provided dispatch provider => fallback to frame as dispatch provider
        Reference< XDispatchProvider > xDispatchProvider;
        if ( m_xDispatchProvider.is() )
            xDispatchProvider = m_xDispatchProvider;
            xDispatchProvider = Reference< XDispatchProvider >( m_xFrame, UNO_QUERY );

		if ( xDispatchProvider.is() )
            KeyCode             aEmptyKeyCode;
            SvtCommandOptions   aCmdOptions;
			std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >::iterator p;
			for ( p = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.begin(); p != m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.end(); p++ )
				MenuItemHandler* pMenuItemHandler = *p;
				if ( pMenuItemHandler )
                    if ( !pMenuItemHandler->xMenuItemDispatch.is() &&
                         !pMenuItemHandler->xSubMenuManager.is()      )
					    // There is no dispatch mechanism for the special window list menu items,
					    // because they are handled directly through XFrame->activate!!!
                        // Don't update dispatches for special file menu items.
					    if ( !(( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId >= START_ITEMID_WINDOWLIST &&
					             pMenuItemHandler->nItemId < END_ITEMID_WINDOWLIST )))
                            Reference< XDispatch > xMenuItemDispatch;

                            ::rtl::OUString aItemCommand = pMenu->GetItemCommand( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId );
						    if ( !aItemCommand.getLength() )
							    aItemCommand = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "slot:" ));
							    aItemCommand += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)pMenuItemHandler->nItemId );
							    pMenu->SetItemCommand( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, aItemCommand );

                            aTargetURL.Complete = aItemCommand;

                            m_xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aTargetURL );

                            if ( bHasDisabledEntries )
                                if ( aCmdOptions.Lookup( SvtCommandOptions::CMDOPTION_DISABLED, aTargetURL.Path ))
                                    pMenu->HideItem( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId );

						    if ( m_bIsBookmarkMenu )
							    xMenuItemDispatch = xDispatchProvider->queryDispatch( aTargetURL, pMenuItemHandler->aTargetFrame, 0 );
							    xMenuItemDispatch = xDispatchProvider->queryDispatch( aTargetURL, ::rtl::OUString(), 0 );

                            sal_Bool bPopupMenu( sal_False );
                            if ( !pMenuItemHandler->xPopupMenuController.is() &&
                                 m_xPopupMenuControllerRegistration->hasController( aItemCommand, rtl::OUString() ))
                                bPopupMenu = CreatePopupMenuController( pMenuItemHandler );
                            else if ( pMenuItemHandler->xPopupMenuController.is() )
                                // Force update of popup menu
                                bPopupMenu = sal_True;
								if (PopupMenu*  pThisPopup = pMenu->GetPopupMenu( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId ))
                                    pMenu->EnableItem( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, pThisPopup->GetItemCount() ? true : false );

							lcl_CheckForChildren(pMenu, pMenuItemHandler->nItemId);

                            if ( xMenuItemDispatch.is() )
							    pMenuItemHandler->xMenuItemDispatch = xMenuItemDispatch;
							    pMenuItemHandler->aMenuItemURL		= aTargetURL.Complete;

                                if ( !bPopupMenu )
                                    // We need only an update to reflect the current state
                                    xMenuItemDispatch->addStatusListener( static_cast< XStatusListener* >( this ), aTargetURL );
                                    xMenuItemDispatch->removeStatusListener( static_cast< XStatusListener* >( this ), aTargetURL );
						    else if ( !bPopupMenu )
							    pMenu->EnableItem( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, sal_False );
                    else if ( pMenuItemHandler->xPopupMenuController.is() )
                        // Force update of popup menu
						lcl_CheckForChildren(pMenu, pMenuItemHandler->nItemId);
                    else if ( pMenuItemHandler->xMenuItemDispatch.is() )
                        // We need an update to reflect the current state
                            aTargetURL.Complete = pMenuItemHandler->aMenuItemURL;
                            m_xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aTargetURL );

                                                                    static_cast< XStatusListener* >( this ), aTargetURL );
                                                                    static_cast< XStatusListener* >( this ), aTargetURL );
                        catch ( Exception& )
                    else if ( pMenuItemHandler->xSubMenuManager.is() )
						lcl_CheckForChildren(pMenu, pMenuItemHandler->nItemId);

	return 1;

IMPL_LINK( MenuBarManager, Deactivate, Menu *, pMenu )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::Deactivate" );
	if ( pMenu == m_pVCLMenu )
        m_bActive = sal_False;
        if ( pMenu->IsMenuBar() && m_xDeferedItemContainer.is() )
            // Start timer to handle settings asynchronous
            // Changing the menu inside this handler leads to
            // a crash under X!
            m_aAsyncSettingsTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this, MenuBarManager, AsyncSettingsHdl));

	return 1;

IMPL_LINK( MenuBarManager, AsyncSettingsHdl, Timer*,)
    OGuard	aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
    Reference< XInterface > xSelfHold(
        static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );

    if ( !m_bActive && m_xDeferedItemContainer.is() )
        SetItemContainer( m_xDeferedItemContainer );

	return 0;

IMPL_LINK( MenuBarManager, Select, Menu *, pMenu )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::Select" );
	URL						aTargetURL;
	Sequence<PropertyValue>	aArgs;
	Reference< XDispatch >	xDispatch;

		ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );

		sal_uInt16 nCurItemId = pMenu->GetCurItemId();
        sal_uInt16 nCurPos    = pMenu->GetItemPos( nCurItemId );
		if ( pMenu == m_pVCLMenu &&
			 pMenu->GetItemType( nCurPos ) != MENUITEM_SEPARATOR )
			if ( nCurItemId >= START_ITEMID_WINDOWLIST &&
				// window list menu item selected

				// #110897#
                // Reference< XFramesSupplier > xDesktop( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( DESKTOP_SERVICE ), UNO_QUERY );
                Reference< XFramesSupplier > xDesktop( getServiceFactory()->createInstance( SERVICENAME_DESKTOP ), UNO_QUERY );

				if ( xDesktop.is() )
					sal_uInt16 nTaskId = START_ITEMID_WINDOWLIST;
                    Reference< XIndexAccess > xList( xDesktop->getFrames(), UNO_QUERY );
                    sal_Int32 nCount = xList->getCount();
                    for ( sal_Int32 i=0; i<nCount; ++i )
                        Reference< XFrame > xFrame;
                        xList->getByIndex(i) >>= xFrame;
                        if ( xFrame.is() && nTaskId == nCurItemId )
                            Window* pWin = VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xFrame->getContainerWindow() );

				MenuItemHandler* pMenuItemHandler = GetMenuItemHandler( nCurItemId );
				if ( pMenuItemHandler && pMenuItemHandler->xMenuItemDispatch.is() )
					aTargetURL.Complete = pMenuItemHandler->aMenuItemURL;
                    m_xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aTargetURL );

                    if ( m_bIsBookmarkMenu )
						// bookmark menu item selected
						aArgs.realloc( 1 );
						aArgs[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Referer" ));
						aArgs[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( SFX_REFERER_USER ));

					xDispatch = pMenuItemHandler->xMenuItemDispatch;

	if ( xDispatch.is() )
        const sal_uInt32 nRef = Application::ReleaseSolarMutex();
        if(::comphelper::UiEventsLogger::isEnabled()) //#i88653#
            UiEventLogHelper(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("MenuBarManager")).log(getServiceFactory(), m_xFrame, aTargetURL, aArgs);
		xDispatch->dispatch( aTargetURL, aArgs );
        Application::AcquireSolarMutex( nRef );

	return 1;

IMPL_LINK( MenuBarManager, Highlight, Menu *, EMPTYARG )
	return 0;

sal_Bool MenuBarManager::MustBeHidden( PopupMenu* pPopupMenu, const Reference< XURLTransformer >& rTransformer )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::MustBeHidden" );
    if ( pPopupMenu )
        URL               aTargetURL;
        SvtCommandOptions aCmdOptions;

        sal_uInt16 nCount = pPopupMenu->GetItemCount();
        sal_uInt16 nHideCount( 0 );

        for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
            sal_uInt16 nId = pPopupMenu->GetItemId( i );
            if ( nId > 0 )
                PopupMenu* pSubPopupMenu = pPopupMenu->GetPopupMenu( nId );
                if ( pSubPopupMenu )
                    if ( MustBeHidden( pSubPopupMenu, rTransformer ))
                        pPopupMenu->HideItem( nId );
                    aTargetURL.Complete = pPopupMenu->GetItemCommand( nId );
                    rTransformer->parseStrict( aTargetURL );

                    if ( aCmdOptions.Lookup( SvtCommandOptions::CMDOPTION_DISABLED, aTargetURL.Path ))

        return ( nCount == nHideCount );

    return sal_True;
String MenuBarManager::RetrieveLabelFromCommand( const String& aCmdURL )
    return framework::RetrieveLabelFromCommand(aCmdURL,mxServiceFactory,m_xUICommandLabels,m_xFrame,m_aModuleIdentifier,m_bModuleIdentified,"Label");

sal_Bool MenuBarManager::CreatePopupMenuController( MenuItemHandler* pMenuItemHandler )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::CreatePopupMenuController" );
    rtl::OUString aItemCommand( pMenuItemHandler->aMenuItemURL );

    // Try instanciate a popup menu controller. It is stored in the menu item handler.
    Reference< XMultiComponentFactory > xPopupMenuControllerFactory( m_xPopupMenuControllerRegistration, UNO_QUERY );
    if ( xPopupMenuControllerFactory.is() )
        Sequence< Any > aSeq( 2 );
        PropertyValue aPropValue;

        aPropValue.Name         = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ModuleName" ));
        aPropValue.Value      <<= m_aModuleIdentifier;
        aSeq[0] <<= aPropValue;
        aPropValue.Name         = rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Frame" ));
        aPropValue.Value      <<= m_xFrame;
        aSeq[1] <<= aPropValue;

        Reference< XComponentContext > xComponentContext;
        Reference< XPropertySet >      xProps( getServiceFactory(), UNO_QUERY );

		xProps->getPropertyValue( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "DefaultContext" ))) >>=

        Reference< XPopupMenuController > xPopupMenuController(
                                                    xComponentContext ),
                                                UNO_QUERY );

        if ( xPopupMenuController.is() )
            // Provide our awt popup menu to the popup menu controller
            pMenuItemHandler->xPopupMenuController = xPopupMenuController;
            xPopupMenuController->setPopupMenu( pMenuItemHandler->xPopupMenu );
            return sal_True;

    return sal_False;

void MenuBarManager::FillMenuManager( Menu* pMenu, const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame, const Reference< XDispatchProvider >& rDispatchProvider, const rtl::OUString& rModuleIdentifier, sal_Bool bDelete, sal_Bool bDeleteChildren )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::FillMenuManager" );
	m_xFrame			= rFrame;
	m_bActive			= sal_False;
	m_bDeleteMenu		= bDelete;
	m_bDeleteChildren	= bDeleteChildren;
	m_pVCLMenu			= pMenu;
	m_bInitialized		= sal_False;
	m_bIsBookmarkMenu	= sal_False;
    m_xDispatchProvider = rDispatchProvider;

	const StyleSettings& rSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
	m_bWasHiContrast	= rSettings.GetHighContrastMode();
	m_bShowMenuImages	= rSettings.GetUseImagesInMenus();
    m_bRetrieveImages   = sal_False;

	sal_Int32 nAddonsURLPrefixLength = ADDONSPOPUPMENU_URL_PREFIX.getLength();

    // Add root as ui configuration listener

    if ( pMenu->IsMenuBar() && rFrame.is() )
        // First merge all addon popup menus into our structure
        sal_uInt16 nPos = 0;
        for ( nPos = 0; nPos < pMenu->GetItemCount(); nPos++ )
            sal_uInt16          nItemId  = pMenu->GetItemId( nPos );
            ::rtl::OUString aCommand = pMenu->GetItemCommand( nItemId );
            if ( nItemId == SID_MDIWINDOWLIST ||
                 aCommand == aSpecialWindowCommand )
		        // Retrieve addon popup menus and add them to our menu bar
		        Reference< com::sun::star::frame::XModel >		xModel;
		        Reference< com::sun::star::frame::XController >	xController( rFrame->getController(), UNO_QUERY );
		        if ( xController.is() )
			        xModel = Reference< com::sun::star::frame::XModel >( xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY );
		        framework::AddonMenuManager::MergeAddonPopupMenus( rFrame, xModel, nPos, (MenuBar *)pMenu );

        // Merge the Add-Ons help menu items into the Office help menu
        framework::AddonMenuManager::MergeAddonHelpMenu( rFrame, (MenuBar *)pMenu );

    String      aEmpty;
    sal_Bool    bAccessibilityEnabled( Application::GetSettings().GetMiscSettings().GetEnableATToolSupport() );
    sal_uInt16 nItemCount = pMenu->GetItemCount();
    ::rtl::OUString aItemCommand;
	for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nItemCount; i++ )
        sal_uInt16 nItemId = FillItemCommand(aItemCommand,pMenu, i );

        // Set module identifier when provided from outside
        if ( rModuleIdentifier.getLength() > 0 )
            m_aModuleIdentifier = rModuleIdentifier;
            m_bModuleIdentified = sal_True;

        if (( pMenu->IsMenuBar() || bAccessibilityEnabled ) &&
			( pMenu->GetItemText( nItemId ).Len() == 0 ))
            if ( aItemCommand.getLength() > 0 )
                pMenu->SetItemText( nItemId, RetrieveLabelFromCommand( aItemCommand ));

        Reference< XDispatch > xDispatch;
		Reference< XStatusListener > xStatusListener;
		PopupMenu* pPopup = pMenu->GetPopupMenu( nItemId );
        bool bItemShowMenuImages = m_bShowMenuImages;
        MenuItemBits nBits =  pMenu->GetItemBits( nItemId );
        // overwrite the show icons on menu option?
        if ( nBits )
            bItemShowMenuImages = ( ( nBits & MIB_ICON ) == MIB_ICON );
		if ( pPopup )
            // Retrieve module identifier from Help Command entry
            rtl::OUString aModuleIdentifier( rModuleIdentifier );
            if ( pMenu->GetHelpCommand( nItemId ).Len() > 0 )
                aModuleIdentifier = pMenu->GetHelpCommand( nItemId );
                pMenu->SetHelpCommand( nItemId, aEmpty );

            if ( m_xPopupMenuControllerRegistration.is() &&
                 pPopup->GetItemCount() == 0 &&
                 m_xPopupMenuControllerRegistration->hasController( aItemCommand, rtl::OUString() )
                // Check if we have to create a popup menu for a uno based popup menu controller.
                // We have to set an empty popup menu into our menu structure so the controller also
                // works with inplace OLE. Remove old dummy popup menu!
                MenuItemHandler* pItemHandler = new MenuItemHandler( nItemId, xStatusListener, xDispatch );
                VCLXPopupMenu* pVCLXPopupMenu = new VCLXPopupMenu;
                PopupMenu* pNewPopupMenu = (PopupMenu *)pVCLXPopupMenu->GetMenu();
                pMenu->SetPopupMenu( nItemId, pNewPopupMenu );
                pItemHandler->xPopupMenu = Reference< com::sun::star::awt::XPopupMenu >( (OWeakObject *)pVCLXPopupMenu, UNO_QUERY );
                pItemHandler->aMenuItemURL = aItemCommand;
                m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.push_back( pItemHandler );
                delete pPopup;

                if ( bAccessibilityEnabled )
                    if ( CreatePopupMenuController( pItemHandler ))
				lcl_CheckForChildren(pMenu, nItemId);
            else if (( aItemCommand.getLength() > nAddonsURLPrefixLength ) &&
				     ( aItemCommand.indexOf( ADDONSPOPUPMENU_URL_PREFIX ) == 0 ))
				// A special addon popup menu, must be created with a different ctor
				// #110897#
                MenuBarManager* pSubMenuManager = new MenuBarManager( getServiceFactory(), m_xFrame, m_xURLTransformer,(AddonPopupMenu *)pPopup, bDeleteChildren, bDeleteChildren );
                Reference< XDispatchProvider > xPopupMenuDispatchProvider( rDispatchProvider );

                // Retrieve possible attributes struct
				MenuConfiguration::Attributes* pAttributes = (MenuConfiguration::Attributes *)(pMenu->GetUserValue( nItemId ));
                if ( pAttributes )
                    xPopupMenuDispatchProvider = pAttributes->xDispatchProvider;

                // Check if this is the help menu. Add menu item if needed
                if ( nItemId == SID_HELPMENU || aItemCommand == aSlotHelpMenu || aItemCommand == aCmdHelpMenu )
                    // Check if this is the help menu. Add menu item if needed
                    CheckAndAddMenuExtension( pPopup );
                else if (( nItemId == SID_ADDONLIST || aItemCommand == aSlotSpecialToolsMenu || aItemCommand == aCmdToolsMenu ) &&
					     AddonMenuManager::HasAddonMenuElements() )
                    // Create addon popup menu if there exist elements and this is the tools popup menu
					sal_uInt16      nCount   = 0;
					AddonMenu*  pSubMenu = AddonMenuManager::CreateAddonMenu( rFrame );
					if ( pSubMenu && ( pSubMenu->GetItemCount() > 0 ))
						if ( pPopup->GetItemType( nCount-1 ) != MENUITEM_SEPARATOR )

					    // Use resource to load popup menu title
					    String aAddonsStrRes = String( FwkResId( STR_MENU_ADDONS ));
					    pPopup->InsertItem( ITEMID_ADDONLIST, aAddonsStrRes );
					    pPopup->SetPopupMenu( ITEMID_ADDONLIST, pSubMenu );

					    // Set item command for popup menu to enable it for GetImageFromURL
						const ::rtl::OUString aSlotString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "slot:" ));
                        ::rtl::OUString aNewItemCommand( aSlotString );
					    aNewItemCommand += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)ITEMID_ADDONLIST );
					    pPopup->SetItemCommand( ITEMID_ADDONLIST, aNewItemCommand );
					    delete pSubMenu;

                if ( nItemId == ITEMID_ADDONLIST )
			        // Create control structure within the "Tools" sub menu for the Add-Ons popup menu
                    // #110897# MenuBarManager* pSubMenuManager = new MenuBarManager( rFrame, pSubMenu, sal_True, sal_False );
                    AddonMenu* pSubMenu = dynamic_cast< AddonMenu* >( pPopup );
                    if ( pSubMenu )
                        MenuBarManager* pSubMenuManager = new MenuBarManager( getServiceFactory(), m_xFrame, m_xURLTransformer,pSubMenu, sal_True, sal_False );
                        pSubMenuManager->m_aMenuItemCommand = ::rtl::OUString();

			            // Set image for the addon popup menu item
			            if ( bItemShowMenuImages && !pPopup->GetItemImage( ITEMID_ADDONLIST ))
                            Reference< XFrame > xTemp( rFrame );
                            Image aImage = GetImageFromURL( xTemp, aItemCommand, sal_False, m_bWasHiContrast );
        		            if ( !!aImage )
           			            pPopup->SetItemImage( ITEMID_ADDONLIST, aImage );
                    // #110897# MenuBarManager* pSubMenuManager = new MenuBarManager( rFrame, pPopupMenu, bDeleteChildren, bDeleteChildren );
                    MenuBarManager* pSubMenuMgr = new MenuBarManager( getServiceFactory(), rFrame, m_xURLTransformer,rDispatchProvider, aModuleIdentifier, pPopup, bDeleteChildren, bDeleteChildren );
        else if ( pMenu->GetItemType( i ) != MENUITEM_SEPARATOR )
            if ( bItemShowMenuImages )
			    if ( AddonMenuManager::IsAddonMenuId( nItemId ))
                    // Add-Ons uses images from different places
                    Image           aImage;
                    rtl::OUString   aImageId;

					MenuConfiguration::Attributes* pMenuAttributes =
						(MenuConfiguration::Attributes*)pMenu->GetUserValue( nItemId );

					if ( pMenuAttributes && pMenuAttributes->aImageId.getLength() > 0 )
						// Retrieve image id from menu attributes
						aImage = GetImageFromURL( m_xFrame, aImageId, sal_False, m_bWasHiContrast );

	                if ( !aImage )
						aImage = GetImageFromURL( m_xFrame, aItemCommand, sal_False, m_bWasHiContrast );
	                    if ( !aImage )
                            aImage = AddonsOptions().GetImageFromURL( aItemCommand, sal_False, m_bWasHiContrast );

		            if ( !!aImage )
		                pMenu->SetItemImage( nItemId, aImage );
                        m_bRetrieveImages = sal_True;
                m_bRetrieveImages = sal_True;

            MenuItemHandler* pItemHandler = new MenuItemHandler( nItemId, xStatusListener, xDispatch );
            pItemHandler->aMenuItemURL = aItemCommand;

            if ( m_xPopupMenuControllerRegistration.is() &&
                 m_xPopupMenuControllerRegistration->hasController( aItemCommand, rtl::OUString() ))
                // Check if we have to create a popup menu for a uno based popup menu controller.
                // We have to set an empty popup menu into our menu structure so the controller also
                // works with inplace OLE.
                VCLXPopupMenu* pVCLXPopupMenu = new VCLXPopupMenu;
                PopupMenu* pPopupMenu = (PopupMenu *)pVCLXPopupMenu->GetMenu();
                pMenu->SetPopupMenu( pItemHandler->nItemId, pPopupMenu );
                pItemHandler->xPopupMenu = Reference< com::sun::star::awt::XPopupMenu >( (OWeakObject *)pVCLXPopupMenu, UNO_QUERY );

                if ( bAccessibilityEnabled && CreatePopupMenuController( pItemHandler ) )

				lcl_CheckForChildren(pMenu, pItemHandler->nItemId);

			m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.push_back( pItemHandler );

    if ( bAccessibilityEnabled )
        RetrieveShortcuts( m_aMenuItemHandlerVector );
        std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >::iterator p;
		for ( p = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.begin(); p != m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.end(); p++ )
		    MenuItemHandler* pMenuItemHandler = *p;

            // Set key code, workaround for hard-coded shortcut F1 mapped to .uno:HelpIndex
            // Only non-popup menu items can have a short-cut
            if ( pMenuItemHandler->aMenuItemURL == aCmdHelpIndex )
                KeyCode aKeyCode( KEY_F1 );
                pMenu->SetAccelKey( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, aKeyCode );
            else if ( pMenu->GetPopupMenu( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId ) == 0 )
                pMenu->SetAccelKey( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, pMenuItemHandler->aKeyCode );


void MenuBarManager::impl_RetrieveShortcutsFromConfiguration(
    const Reference< XAcceleratorConfiguration >& rAccelCfg,
    const Sequence< rtl::OUString >& rCommands,
    std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >& aMenuShortCuts )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::impl_RetrieveShortcutsFromConfiguration" );
    if ( rAccelCfg.is() )
            com::sun::star::awt::KeyEvent aKeyEvent;
            Sequence< Any > aSeqKeyCode = rAccelCfg->getPreferredKeyEventsForCommandList( rCommands );
            for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aSeqKeyCode.getLength(); i++ )
                if ( aSeqKeyCode[i] >>= aKeyEvent )
                    aMenuShortCuts[i]->aKeyCode = svt::AcceleratorExecute::st_AWTKey2VCLKey( aKeyEvent );
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException& )

void MenuBarManager::RetrieveShortcuts( std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >& aMenuShortCuts )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::RetrieveShortcuts" );
    if ( !m_bModuleIdentified )
        m_bModuleIdentified = sal_True;
        Reference< XModuleManager > xModuleManager;
        xModuleManager = Reference< XModuleManager >( getServiceFactory()->createInstance( SERVICENAME_MODULEMANAGER ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );

            m_aModuleIdentifier = xModuleManager->identify( m_xFrame );
        catch( Exception& )

    if ( m_bModuleIdentified )
        Reference< XAcceleratorConfiguration > xDocAccelCfg( m_xDocAcceleratorManager );
        Reference< XAcceleratorConfiguration > xModuleAccelCfg( m_xModuleAcceleratorManager );
        Reference< XAcceleratorConfiguration > xGlobalAccelCfg( m_xGlobalAcceleratorManager );

        if ( !m_bAcceleratorCfg )
            // Retrieve references on demand
            m_bAcceleratorCfg = sal_True;
            if ( !xDocAccelCfg.is() )
                Reference< XController > xController = m_xFrame->getController();
                Reference< XModel > xModel;
                if ( xController.is() )
                    xModel = xController->getModel();
                    if ( xModel.is() )
                        Reference< XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier > xSupplier( xModel, UNO_QUERY );
                        if ( xSupplier.is() )
                            Reference< XUIConfigurationManager > xDocUICfgMgr( xSupplier->getUIConfigurationManager(), UNO_QUERY );
                            if ( xDocUICfgMgr.is() )
                                xDocAccelCfg = Reference< XAcceleratorConfiguration >( xDocUICfgMgr->getShortCutManager(), UNO_QUERY );
                                m_xDocAcceleratorManager = xDocAccelCfg;

            if ( !xModuleAccelCfg.is() )
                Reference< XModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier > xModuleCfgMgrSupplier( getServiceFactory()->createInstance(
                                                                                            SERVICENAME_MODULEUICONFIGURATIONMANAGERSUPPLIER ),
                                                                                        UNO_QUERY );
                    Reference< XUIConfigurationManager > xUICfgMgr = xModuleCfgMgrSupplier->getUIConfigurationManager( m_aModuleIdentifier );
                    if ( xUICfgMgr.is() )
                        xModuleAccelCfg = Reference< XAcceleratorConfiguration >( xUICfgMgr->getShortCutManager(), UNO_QUERY );
                        m_xModuleAcceleratorManager = xModuleAccelCfg;
                catch ( RuntimeException& )
                catch ( Exception& )

            if ( !xGlobalAccelCfg.is() )
                xGlobalAccelCfg = Reference< XAcceleratorConfiguration >( getServiceFactory()->createInstance(
                                                                            SERVICENAME_GLOBALACCELERATORCONFIGURATION ),
                                                                          UNO_QUERY );
                m_xGlobalAcceleratorManager = xGlobalAccelCfg;

        KeyCode aEmptyKeyCode;
        Sequence< rtl::OUString > aSeq( aMenuShortCuts.size() );
        const sal_uInt32 nCount = aMenuShortCuts.size();
        for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
            aSeq[i] = aMenuShortCuts[i]->aMenuItemURL;
            aMenuShortCuts[i]->aKeyCode = aEmptyKeyCode;

        if ( m_xGlobalAcceleratorManager.is() )
            impl_RetrieveShortcutsFromConfiguration( xGlobalAccelCfg, aSeq, aMenuShortCuts );
        if ( m_xModuleAcceleratorManager.is() )
            impl_RetrieveShortcutsFromConfiguration( xModuleAccelCfg, aSeq, aMenuShortCuts );
        if ( m_xDocAcceleratorManager.is() )
            impl_RetrieveShortcutsFromConfiguration( xGlobalAccelCfg, aSeq, aMenuShortCuts );

void MenuBarManager::RetrieveImageManagers()
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::RetrieveImageManagers" );
    if ( !m_xDocImageManager.is() )
        Reference< XController > xController = m_xFrame->getController();
        Reference< XModel > xModel;
        if ( xController.is() )
            xModel = xController->getModel();
            if ( xModel.is() )
                Reference< XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier > xSupplier( xModel, UNO_QUERY );
                if ( xSupplier.is() )
                    Reference< XUIConfigurationManager > xDocUICfgMgr( xSupplier->getUIConfigurationManager(), UNO_QUERY );
                    m_xDocImageManager = Reference< XImageManager >( xDocUICfgMgr->getImageManager(), UNO_QUERY );
                                            Reference< XUIConfigurationListener >(
                                                static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY ));

    Reference< XModuleManager > xModuleManager;
    if ( m_aModuleIdentifier.getLength() == 0 )
        xModuleManager.set( getServiceFactory()->createInstance( SERVICENAME_MODULEMANAGER ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );

        if ( xModuleManager.is() )
            m_aModuleIdentifier = xModuleManager->identify( Reference< XInterface >( m_xFrame, UNO_QUERY ) );
    catch( Exception& )

    if ( !m_xModuleImageManager.is() )
        Reference< XModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier > xModuleCfgMgrSupplier( getServiceFactory()->createInstance(
                                                                                    SERVICENAME_MODULEUICONFIGURATIONMANAGERSUPPLIER ),
                                                                                  UNO_QUERY );
        Reference< XUIConfigurationManager > xUICfgMgr = xModuleCfgMgrSupplier->getUIConfigurationManager( m_aModuleIdentifier );
        m_xModuleImageManager.set( xUICfgMgr->getImageManager(), UNO_QUERY );
        m_xModuleImageManager->addConfigurationListener( Reference< XUIConfigurationListener >(
                                                            static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY ));

void MenuBarManager::FillMenuWithConfiguration(
    sal_uInt16&                             nId,
    Menu*                               pMenu,
    const ::rtl::OUString&              rModuleIdentifier,
    const Reference< XIndexAccess >&    rItemContainer,
    const Reference< XURLTransformer >& rTransformer )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::FillMenuWithConfiguration" );
    Reference< XDispatchProvider > xEmptyDispatchProvider;
    MenuBarManager::FillMenu( nId, pMenu, rModuleIdentifier, rItemContainer, xEmptyDispatchProvider );

    // Merge add-on menu entries into the menu bar
    MenuBarManager::MergeAddonMenus( static_cast< Menu* >( pMenu ),
                                     rModuleIdentifier );

    sal_Bool bHasDisabledEntries = SvtCommandOptions().HasEntries( SvtCommandOptions::CMDOPTION_DISABLED );
    if ( bHasDisabledEntries )
        sal_uInt16 nCount = pMenu->GetItemCount();
	    for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
            sal_uInt16 nID = pMenu->GetItemId( i );
            if ( nID > 0 )
                PopupMenu* pPopupMenu = pMenu->GetPopupMenu( nID );
                if ( pPopupMenu )
                    if ( MustBeHidden( pPopupMenu, rTransformer ))
                        pMenu->HideItem( nId );

void MenuBarManager::FillMenu(
    sal_uInt16&                               nId,
    Menu*                                 pMenu,
    const rtl::OUString&                  rModuleIdentifier,
    const Reference< XIndexAccess >&      rItemContainer,
    const Reference< XDispatchProvider >& rDispatchProvider )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::FillMenu" );
    // Fill menu bar with container contents
    for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < rItemContainer->getCount(); n++ )
        Sequence< PropertyValue >       aProp;
        rtl::OUString                   aCommandURL;
        rtl::OUString                   aLabel;
        rtl::OUString                   aHelpURL;
        rtl::OUString                   aModuleIdentifier( rModuleIdentifier );
	    sal_Bool                        bShow(sal_True);
	    sal_Bool                        bEnabled(sal_True);
        sal_uInt16                      nType = 0;
        Reference< XIndexAccess >       xIndexContainer;
        Reference< XDispatchProvider >  xDispatchProvider( rDispatchProvider );
        sal_Int16 nStyle = 0;
            if ( rItemContainer->getByIndex( n ) >>= aProp )
                for ( int i = 0; i < aProp.getLength(); i++ )
                    rtl::OUString aPropName = aProp[i].Name;
                    if ( aPropName.equalsAsciiL( ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_COMMANDURL, LEN_DESCRIPTOR_COMMANDURL ))
                        aProp[i].Value >>= aCommandURL;
                    else if ( aPropName.equalsAsciiL( ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_HELPURL, LEN_DESCRIPTOR_HELPURL ))
                        aProp[i].Value >>= aHelpURL;
                    else if ( aPropName.equalsAsciiL( ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_CONTAINER, LEN_DESCRIPTOR_CONTAINER ))
                        aProp[i].Value >>= xIndexContainer;
                    else if ( aPropName.equalsAsciiL( ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_LABEL, LEN_DESCRIPTOR_LABEL ))
                        aProp[i].Value >>= aLabel;
                    else if ( aPropName.equalsAsciiL( ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, LEN_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE ))
                        aProp[i].Value >>= nType;
                        aProp[i].Value >>= aModuleIdentifier;
                        aProp[i].Value >>= xDispatchProvider;
                    else if ( aProp[i].Name.equalsAsciiL( ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_STYLE, LEN_DESCRIPTOR_STYLE ))
                        aProp[i].Value >>= nStyle;
                    else if ( aProp[i].Name.equalsAsciiL( ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_ISVISIBLE, LEN_DESCRIPTOR_ISVISIBLE ))
		                aProp[i].Value >>= bShow;
                    else if ( aProp[i].Name.equalsAsciiL( ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_ENABLED, LEN_DESCRIPTOR_ENABLED ))
		                aProp[i].Value >>= bEnabled;

                if ( nType == ::com::sun::star::ui::ItemType::DEFAULT )
                    pMenu->InsertItem( nId, aLabel );
                    pMenu->SetItemCommand( nId, aCommandURL );

                    if ( nStyle )
                        MenuItemBits nBits = pMenu->GetItemBits( nId );
                        if ( nStyle & ::com::sun::star::ui::ItemStyle::ICON )
                           nBits |= MIB_ICON;
                        if ( nStyle & ::com::sun::star::ui::ItemStyle::TEXT )
                           nBits |= MIB_TEXT;
                        if ( nStyle & ::com::sun::star::ui::ItemStyle::RADIO_CHECK )
                           nBits |= MIB_RADIOCHECK;
                        pMenu->SetItemBits( nId, nBits );
                    if ( !bShow )
		                pMenu->HideItem( nId );
                    if ( !bEnabled)
                        pMenu->EnableItem( nId, sal_False );
                    if ( xIndexContainer.is() )
                        PopupMenu* pNewPopupMenu = new PopupMenu;
                        pMenu->SetPopupMenu( nId, pNewPopupMenu );

                        if ( xDispatchProvider.is() )
				            // Use attributes struct to transport special dispatch provider
                            MenuConfiguration::Attributes* pAttributes = new MenuConfiguration::Attributes;
                            pAttributes->xDispatchProvider = xDispatchProvider;
                            pMenu->SetUserValue( nId, (sal_uIntPtr)( pAttributes ));

                        // Use help command to transport module identifier
                        if ( aModuleIdentifier.getLength() > 0 )
                            pMenu->SetHelpCommand( nId, aModuleIdentifier );

                        FillMenu( nId, pNewPopupMenu, aModuleIdentifier, xIndexContainer, xDispatchProvider );
        catch ( IndexOutOfBoundsException& )

void MenuBarManager::MergeAddonMenus(
    Menu* pMenuBar,
    const MergeMenuInstructionContainer& aMergeInstructionContainer,
    const ::rtl::OUString& rModuleIdentifier )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::MergeAddonMenus" );
    // set start value for the item ID for the new addon menu items

    const sal_uInt32 nCount = aMergeInstructionContainer.size();
    for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
        const MergeMenuInstruction& rMergeInstruction = aMergeInstructionContainer[i];

        if ( MenuBarMerger::IsCorrectContext( rMergeInstruction.aMergeContext, rModuleIdentifier ))
            ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString > aMergePath;

            // retrieve the merge path from the merge point string
            MenuBarMerger::RetrieveReferencePath( rMergeInstruction.aMergePoint, aMergePath );

            // convert the sequence/sequence property value to a more convenient vector<>
            AddonMenuContainer aMergeMenuItems;
            MenuBarMerger::GetSubMenu( rMergeInstruction.aMergeMenu, aMergeMenuItems );

            // try to find the reference point for our merge operation
            Menu* pMenu = pMenuBar;
            ReferencePathInfo aResult = MenuBarMerger::FindReferencePath( aMergePath, pMenu );

            if ( aResult.eResult == RP_OK )
                // normal merge operation
                MenuBarMerger::ProcessMergeOperation( aResult.pPopupMenu,
                                                      aMergeMenuItems );
                // fallback
                MenuBarMerger::ProcessFallbackOperation( aResult,
                                                         aMergeMenuItems );

void MenuBarManager::SetItemContainer( const Reference< XIndexAccess >& rItemContainer )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT( aLog, "framework (cd100003) ::MenuBarManager::SetItemContainer" );

    ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock );

    Reference< XFrame > xFrame = m_xFrame;

    if ( !m_bModuleIdentified )
        m_bModuleIdentified = sal_True;
        Reference< XModuleManager > xModuleManager;
        xModuleManager = Reference< XModuleManager >( getServiceFactory()->createInstance( SERVICENAME_MODULEMANAGER ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );

            m_aModuleIdentifier = xModuleManager->identify( xFrame );
        catch( Exception& )

    // Clear MenuBarManager structures
        vos::OGuard aSolarMutexGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

        // Check active state as we cannot change our VCL menu during activation by the user
        if ( m_bActive )
            m_xDeferedItemContainer = rItemContainer;

	    std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >::iterator p;
	    for ( p = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.begin(); p != m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.end(); p++ )
		    MenuItemHandler* pItemHandler = *p;
		    delete pItemHandler;

        // Remove top-level parts

        sal_uInt16          nId = 1;

        // Fill menu bar with container contents
        FillMenuWithConfiguration( nId, (Menu *)m_pVCLMenu, m_aModuleIdentifier, rItemContainer, m_xURLTransformer );

        // Refill menu manager again
        Reference< XDispatchProvider > xDispatchProvider;
        FillMenuManager( m_pVCLMenu, xFrame, xDispatchProvider, m_aModuleIdentifier, sal_False, sal_True );

        // add itself as frame action listener
        m_xFrame->addFrameActionListener( Reference< XFrameActionListener >( static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY ));

void MenuBarManager::GetPopupController( PopupControllerCache& rPopupController )
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::GetPopupController" );
    String aPopupScheme = String::CreateFromAscii( "vnd.sun.star.popup:" );

    vos::OGuard aSolarMutexGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );

    std::vector< MenuItemHandler* >::iterator p;
    for ( p = m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.begin(); p != m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.end(); p++ )
        MenuItemHandler* pItemHandler = *p;
        if ( pItemHandler->xPopupMenuController.is() )
            Reference< XDispatchProvider > xDispatchProvider( pItemHandler->xPopupMenuController, UNO_QUERY );

            PopupControllerEntry aPopupControllerEntry;
            aPopupControllerEntry.m_xDispatchProvider = xDispatchProvider;

            // Just use the main part of the URL for popup menu controllers
            sal_Int32     nQueryPart( 0 );
            sal_Int32     nSchemePart( 0 );
            rtl::OUString aMainURL( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "vnd.sun.star.popup:" ));
            rtl::OUString aMenuURL( pItemHandler->aMenuItemURL );

            nSchemePart = aMenuURL.indexOf( ':' );
            if (( nSchemePart > 0 ) &&
                ( aMenuURL.getLength() > ( nSchemePart+1 )))
                nQueryPart  = aMenuURL.indexOf( '?', nSchemePart );
                if ( nQueryPart > 0 )
                    aMainURL += aMenuURL.copy( nSchemePart, nQueryPart-nSchemePart );
                else if ( nQueryPart == -1 )
                    aMainURL += aMenuURL.copy( nSchemePart+1 );

                rPopupController.insert( PopupControllerCache::value_type(
                                           aMainURL, aPopupControllerEntry ));
        if ( pItemHandler->xSubMenuManager.is() )
            MenuBarManager* pMenuBarManager = (MenuBarManager*)(pItemHandler->xSubMenuManager.get());
            if ( pMenuBarManager )
                pMenuBarManager->GetPopupController( rPopupController );

// #110897#
const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& MenuBarManager::getServiceFactory()
	// #110897#
	return mxServiceFactory;

void MenuBarManager::AddMenu(MenuBarManager* pSubMenuManager,const ::rtl::OUString& _sItemCommand,sal_uInt16 _nItemId)
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::AddMenu" );
	Reference< XStatusListener > xSubMenuManager( static_cast< OWeakObject *>( pSubMenuManager ), UNO_QUERY );
    m_xFrame->addFrameActionListener( Reference< XFrameActionListener >( xSubMenuManager, UNO_QUERY ));

	// store menu item command as we later have to know which menu is active (see Activate handler)
	pSubMenuManager->m_aMenuItemCommand = _sItemCommand;
    Reference< XDispatch > xDispatch;
	MenuItemHandler* pMenuItemHandler = new MenuItemHandler(
												xDispatch );
    pMenuItemHandler->aMenuItemURL = _sItemCommand;
	m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.push_back( pMenuItemHandler );

sal_uInt16 MenuBarManager::FillItemCommand(::rtl::OUString& _rItemCommand,Menu* _pMenu,sal_uInt16 _nIndex) const
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::FillItemCommand" );
    sal_uInt16 nItemId = _pMenu->GetItemId( _nIndex );

	_rItemCommand = _pMenu->GetItemCommand( nItemId );
	if ( !_rItemCommand.getLength() )
        const static ::rtl::OUString aSlotString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "slot:" ));
		_rItemCommand = aSlotString;
		_rItemCommand += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)nItemId );
		_pMenu->SetItemCommand( nItemId, _rItemCommand );
    return nItemId;
void MenuBarManager::Init(const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame,AddonMenu* pAddonMenu,sal_Bool bDelete,sal_Bool bDeleteChildren,bool _bHandlePopUp)
    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "framework", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "MenuBarManager::Init" );
	m_bActive			= sal_False;
	m_bDeleteMenu		= bDelete;
	m_bDeleteChildren	= bDeleteChildren;
	m_pVCLMenu			= pAddonMenu;
	m_xFrame			= rFrame;
	m_bInitialized		= sal_False;
	m_bIsBookmarkMenu	= sal_True;

    rtl::OUString aModuleIdentifier;
    m_xPopupMenuControllerRegistration = Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XUIControllerRegistration >(
		getServiceFactory()->createInstance( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.frame.PopupMenuControllerFactory" ))),

	const StyleSettings& rSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
	m_bWasHiContrast	= rSettings.GetHighContrastMode();

    Reference< XStatusListener > xStatusListener;
    Reference< XDispatch > xDispatch;
	sal_uInt16 nItemCount = pAddonMenu->GetItemCount();
    ::rtl::OUString aItemCommand;
	for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nItemCount; i++ )
        sal_uInt16 nItemId = FillItemCommand(aItemCommand,pAddonMenu, i );

		PopupMenu* pPopupMenu = pAddonMenu->GetPopupMenu( nItemId );
		if ( pPopupMenu )
			// #110897#
			Reference< XDispatchProvider > xDispatchProvider;
            MenuBarManager* pSubMenuManager = new MenuBarManager( getServiceFactory(), rFrame, m_xURLTransformer,xDispatchProvider, aModuleIdentifier, pPopupMenu, _bHandlePopUp ? sal_False : bDeleteChildren, _bHandlePopUp ? sal_False : bDeleteChildren );

		    Reference< XStatusListener > xSubMenuManager( static_cast< OWeakObject *>( pSubMenuManager ), UNO_QUERY );

		    // store menu item command as we later have to know which menu is active (see Acivate handler)
		    pSubMenuManager->m_aMenuItemCommand = aItemCommand;

		    MenuItemHandler* pMenuItemHandler = new MenuItemHandler(
													    xDispatch );
            m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.push_back( pMenuItemHandler );
			if ( pAddonMenu->GetItemType( i ) != MENUITEM_SEPARATOR )
				MenuConfiguration::Attributes* pAddonAttributes = (MenuConfiguration::Attributes *)(pAddonMenu->GetUserValue( nItemId ));
				MenuItemHandler* pMenuItemHandler = new MenuItemHandler( nItemId, xStatusListener, xDispatch );

				if ( pAddonAttributes )
					// read additional attributes from attributes struct and AddonMenu implementation will delete all attributes itself!!
					pMenuItemHandler->aTargetFrame = pAddonAttributes->aTargetFrame;

                pMenuItemHandler->aMenuItemURL = aItemCommand;
                if ( _bHandlePopUp )
                    // Check if we have to create a popup menu for a uno based popup menu controller.
                    // We have to set an empty popup menu into our menu structure so the controller also
                    // works with inplace OLE.
                    if ( m_xPopupMenuControllerRegistration.is() &&
                        m_xPopupMenuControllerRegistration->hasController( aItemCommand, rtl::OUString() ))
                        VCLXPopupMenu* pVCLXPopupMenu = new VCLXPopupMenu;
                        PopupMenu* pCtlPopupMenu = (PopupMenu *)pVCLXPopupMenu->GetMenu();
                        pAddonMenu->SetPopupMenu( pMenuItemHandler->nItemId, pCtlPopupMenu );
                        pMenuItemHandler->xPopupMenu = Reference< com::sun::star::awt::XPopupMenu >( (OWeakObject *)pVCLXPopupMenu, UNO_QUERY );

				m_aMenuItemHandlerVector.push_back( pMenuItemHandler );


void MenuBarManager::SetHdl()
	m_pVCLMenu->SetHighlightHdl( LINK( this, MenuBarManager, Highlight ));
	m_pVCLMenu->SetActivateHdl( LINK( this, MenuBarManager, Activate ));
	m_pVCLMenu->SetDeactivateHdl( LINK( this, MenuBarManager, Deactivate ));
	m_pVCLMenu->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, MenuBarManager, Select ));

    if ( !m_xURLTransformer.is() && mxServiceFactory.is() )
        m_xURLTransformer.set( mxServiceFactory->createInstance(
                                                             UNO_QUERY );
