ID Assignment in Help Documents org.openoffice.helpauthoring/ha-ids.xhp Assigns a paragraph ID. ID-less paragraphs automatically get a paragraph ID assigned on validation. Help Authoring;Assigning IDs IDs in Help Documents Many elements inside a help document carry an id so that they can be identified in other production steps, mainly for localization purposes. The IDs must be unique within a help document and should even be unique across help documents to allow for moving content across help files (which currently is not officially supported without re-translation). The help authoring environment takes care of assigning IDs to the corresponding elements on creation, or on validating the help file (which also happens when a help file is saved). If you copy an element within a help file you must make sure that the assigned id is different from the original. Therefore, it is best to copy a paragraph without its leading ID. By default, paragraph IDs are not visible. You can show them by hovering the mouse cursor over the front of a paragraph. The ID will be displayed in a popup window. Also, toggling the localization status of a paragraph makes its ID visible: Place the cursor inside the paragraph Select Help Authoring > Toggle L10Ntwice (to switch back to the original state)