Test XML Filter /text/shared/01/06150200.xhp Test XML Filter Tests the XSLT stylesheets used by the selected XML filter.
Export XSLT for export Displays the file name of the XSLT filter that you entered on the Transformation tab page. Transform document Displays the file name of the document that you want to use to test the XSLT filter. Browse Locate the file that you want to apply the XML export filter to. The XML code of the transformed file is displayed in the XML Filter output window. Current Document The front-most open file that matches the XML filter criteria will be used to test the filter. The current XML export filter transforms the file and the resulting XML code is displayed in the XML Filter output window. Import XSLT for import Displays the file name of the XSLT filter that you entered on the Transformation tab page. Template for import Displays the file name of the template that you entered on the Transformation tab page. Transform file Display source Opens the window, where the XML source of the selected document is displayed. The document is used to test the import filter. The Validate button in the window validates the XML source of the document. Browse Opens a file selection dialog. The selected file is opened using the current XML import filter. Recent File Re-opens the document that was last opened with this dialog.