<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <helpdocument version="1.0"> <!--*********************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ***********************************************************--> <meta> <topic id="textsharedguidepaintbrushxml" indexer="include"> <title xml-lang="en-US" id="tit">Copying Attributes With the Format Paintbrush</title> <filename>/text/shared/guide/paintbrush.xhp</filename> </topic> </meta> <body> <section id="paintbrush"> <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="index" id="bm_id380260"><bookmark_value>Format Paintbrush</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>formatting;copying</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>copying;formatting</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>Paintbrush</bookmark_value> </bookmark><comment>MW added "Paintbrush"</comment> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN1053A" role="heading" level="1" l10n="NEW"><variable id="formatpaintbrush"><link href="text/shared/guide/paintbrush.xhp">Copying Formatting With the Format Paintbrush</link> </variable></paragraph> </section> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN10655" role="paragraph" l10n="CHG">You can use the Format Paintbrush tool to copy formatting from a text selection or from an object and apply the formatting to another text selection or object.</paragraph> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id101920091122570" role="note" l10n="NEW">In Calc, the Format Paintbrush only applies to cell formatting.</paragraph> <list type="ordered"> <listitem> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106DD" role="paragraph" l10n="NEW">Select the text or object whose formatting you want to copy.</paragraph> </listitem> </list> <list type="ordered" startwith="2"> <listitem> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN10667" role="paragraph" l10n="NEW">On the <emph>Standard Bar</emph>, click the <emph>Format Paintbrush</emph> icon.</paragraph> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN10660" role="paragraph" l10n="NEW">The cursor changes to a paint bucket.</paragraph> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN10663" role="tip" l10n="CHG">If you want to apply the formatting to more than one selection, double-click the <emph>Format Paintbrush</emph> icon <image id="img_id209967" src="res/commandimagelist/sc_formatpaintbrush.png" width="0.1665in" height="0.1665in"><alt xml-lang="en-US" id="alt_id209967">Icon</alt> </image>. After you apply all the formatting, click the icon again.</paragraph> </listitem> <listitem> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN1066E" role="paragraph" l10n="NEW">Select or click the text or object that you want to apply the formatting to.</paragraph> </listitem> </list> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN10716" role="tip" l10n="NEW">To exclude paragraph formatting, hold down <switchinline select="sys"><caseinline select="MAC">Command </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline> when you click. To exclude character formatting, hold down <switchinline select="sys"><caseinline select="MAC">Command </caseinline><defaultinline>Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Shift when you click.</paragraph> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN10671" role="paragraph" l10n="NEW">The following table describes the formatting attributes that the <emph>Format Paintbrush</emph> can copy:</paragraph> <table id="tbl_id599688"> <tablerow> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN10691" role="tablehead" l10n="NEW">Type of Selection</paragraph> </tablecell> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN10697" role="tablehead" l10n="NEW">Comment</paragraph> </tablecell> </tablerow> <tablerow> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN1069E" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Nothing selected, but cursor is inside a text passage</paragraph> </tablecell> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106A4" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Copies the formatting of the current paragraph and the character formatting of the next character in the text flow direction.</paragraph> </tablecell> </tablerow> <tablerow> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106AB" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Text is selected</paragraph> </tablecell> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106B1" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Copies the formatting of the last selected character and of the paragraph that contains the character.</paragraph> </tablecell> </tablerow> <tablerow> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106B8" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Frame is selected</paragraph> </tablecell> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106BE" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Copies the frame attributes that are defined in <item type="menuitem">Format - Frame</item> dialog. The contents, size, position, linking, hyperlinks, and macros in the frame are not copied.</paragraph> </tablecell> </tablerow> <tablerow> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106C5" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Object is selected</paragraph> </tablecell> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106CB" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Copies the object formatting that is defined in the <item type="menuitem">Format - Graphics</item> or <item type="menuitem">Format - Drawing Object</item> dialogs. The contents, size, position, hyperlinks, and macros in the object are not copied.</paragraph> </tablecell> </tablerow> <tablerow> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106D2" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Form control is selected</paragraph> </tablecell> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106D8" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Not supported</paragraph> </tablecell> </tablerow> <tablerow> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106DF" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Drawing object is selected</paragraph> </tablecell> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106E5" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Copies all formatting attributes. In Impress and Draw, the text contents of the object is also copied.</paragraph> </tablecell> </tablerow> <tablerow> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106EC" role="tablecontent" l10n="CHG">Text within Calc cells is selected</paragraph> </tablecell> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106F2" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Not supported</paragraph> </tablecell> </tablerow> <tablerow> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106F9" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Writer table or cells are selected</paragraph> </tablecell> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN106FF" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Copies the formatting that is specified in Table, Text Flow, Borders, and Background tab pages in the <item type="menuitem">Format - Table</item> dialog. The paragraph and character formatting are also copied.</paragraph> </tablecell> </tablerow> <tablerow> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN10706" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Calc table or cells are selected</paragraph> </tablecell> <tablecell> <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_idN1070C" role="tablecontent" l10n="NEW">Copies the formatting that is specified in the <item type="menuitem">Format - Cells</item> dialog as well as the formatting of the cell contents</paragraph> </tablecell> </tablerow> </table> </body> </helpdocument>