/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ package org.openoffice.setup.Controller; import org.openoffice.setup.InstallData; import org.openoffice.setup.PanelController; import org.openoffice.setup.Panel.InstallationImminent; import org.openoffice.setup.ResourceManager; import org.openoffice.setup.SetupData.PackageDescription; import org.openoffice.setup.SetupData.ProductDescription; import org.openoffice.setup.SetupData.SetupDataProvider; import org.openoffice.setup.Util.Dumper; import org.openoffice.setup.Util.InfoCtrl; import org.openoffice.setup.Util.Informer; import org.openoffice.setup.Util.LogManager; import org.openoffice.setup.Util.ModuleCtrl; import java.util.Vector; public class InstallationImminentCtrl extends PanelController { private String helpFile; private String htmlInfoText = ""; public InstallationImminentCtrl() { super("InstallationImminent", new InstallationImminent()); helpFile = "String_Helpfile_InstallationImminent"; } public String getNext() { return new String("InstallationOngoing"); } public String getPrevious() { InstallData data = InstallData.getInstance(); if ( data.isRootInstallation() ) { if ( data.olderVersionExists() ) { if ( data.hideEula() ) { return new String("Prologue"); } else { return new String("AcceptLicense"); } } else if ( data.sameVersionExists() ) { return new String("ChooseComponents"); } else { if ( data.getInstallationType().equals(data.getCustomActionCommand()) ) { return new String("ChooseComponents"); } else if ( data.getInstallationType().equals(data.getTypicalActionCommand()) ) { return new String("ChooseInstallationType"); } else { System.err.println("Error: Unknown installation type!" ); return new String("Error"); } } } else { if ( data.olderVersionExists() ) { return new String("ChooseDirectory"); } else if ( data.sameVersionExists() ) { return new String("ChooseComponents"); } else { if ( data.getInstallationType().equals(data.getCustomActionCommand()) ) { return new String("ChooseComponents"); } else if ( data.getInstallationType().equals(data.getTypicalActionCommand()) ) { return new String("ChooseInstallationType"); } else { System.err.println("Error: Unknown installation type!" ); return new String("Error"); } } } } public final String getHelpFileName () { return this.helpFile; } public void beforeShow() { String StringInstall = ResourceManager.getString("String_Install"); getSetupFrame().setButtonText(StringInstall, getSetupFrame().BUTTON_NEXT); ProductDescription productData = SetupDataProvider.getProductDescription(); PackageDescription packageData = SetupDataProvider.getPackageDescription(); // Dumper.dumpPackageSettings(packageData); htmlInfoText = InfoCtrl.setHtmlFrame("header", htmlInfoText); htmlInfoText = InfoCtrl.setReadyToInstallInfoText(productData, htmlInfoText); htmlInfoText = InfoCtrl.setReadyToInstallInfoText(packageData, htmlInfoText); htmlInfoText = InfoCtrl.setHtmlFrame("end", htmlInfoText); InstallationImminent panel = (InstallationImminent)getPanel(); panel.setInfoText(htmlInfoText); panel.setCaretPosition(); // Update mode InstallData data = InstallData.getInstance(); if ( data.olderVersionExists() ) { String dialogTitle = ResourceManager.getString("String_InstallationImminent1_Update"); panel.setTitleText(dialogTitle); } } public void duringShow() { InstallationImminent panel = (InstallationImminent)getPanel(); panel.setTabOrder(); } public boolean afterShow(boolean nextButtonPressed) { boolean repeatDialog = false; if ( nextButtonPressed ) { InstallData data = InstallData.getInstance(); // determining the packagePath if ( data.getPackagePath() != null ) { String log = "Packages path: " + data.getPackagePath() + "
"; LogManager.addLogfileComment(log); } else { String message = ResourceManager.getString("String_InstallationOngoing_PackagePath_Not_Found"); String title = ResourceManager.getString("String_Error"); Informer.showErrorMessage(message, title); String log = "Error: No path for packages exists!
"; LogManager.addLogfileComment(log); repeatDialog = true; } } return repeatDialog; } }