/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ package org.openoffice.setup.SetupData; import org.openoffice.setup.Util.Parser; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode; /** * * @author Ingo Schmidt */ public class PackageDescription implements TreeNode { public final static int NOTA_UNIT= 0; public final static int RPM_UNIT = 1; public final static int PKG_UNIT = 2; /* public final static int MSI_UNIT = 3; * public final static int TAR_UNIT = 4; * public final static int TGZ_UNIT = 5; */ public final static int DONT_INSTALL = 0; public final static int INSTALL = 1; public final static int INSTALL_SOME = 2; public final static int REMOVE = 3; public final static int DONT_REMOVE = 4; public final static int REMOVE_SOME = 5; public final static int IGNORE = 6; public final static int DONT_KNOW = 7; /* hierarchy information */ private Vector children = null; private PackageDescription parent = null; /* did the user select this package */ private int usrSelectionState = DONT_KNOW; /* display information */ private String dpyName = ""; private String dpyDescription = ""; private String checkSolaris = ""; private int instSize = 0; private int dpySortKey = 0; private boolean isDefault = true; private boolean isHidden = false; private boolean showInUserInstall = true; private boolean showInUserInstallOnly = false; private boolean isOptional = true; private boolean dontUninstall = false; private boolean allChildrenHidden = false; /* package information */ private String pkgMD5Sum = ""; private String pkgFileName = ""; private String pkgFullName = null; private String pkgVersion = null; private String pkgRelease = null; private String pkgRealName = null; private String pkgSubdir = null; private String pkgLanguage = null; private int pkgSize = 0; private int pkgOrder = 0; private int pkgType = NOTA_UNIT; private boolean pkgExists = true; // must be default, especially for uninstallation private boolean isRelocatable = true; private boolean isUpdatePackage = false; private boolean showMultiLingualOnly = false; private boolean isApplicationPackage = false; private boolean isJavaPackage = false; private boolean installCanFail = false; private boolean uninstallCanFail = false; private boolean forceIntoUpdate = false; private boolean useForce = false; private boolean isNewInstalled = false; private boolean wasAlreadyInstalled = false; private boolean ignoreDependsForUninstall = false; /* Saving the default selection state. This is necessary, if the user chooses * the custom installation type, makes changes, and then changes into * the typical installation set. Then all user settings have to be removed again. * On the other hand, if the user then changes to the custom installation type * again, he probably wants to see the settings he has done before. */ private int typicalSelectionState = DONT_KNOW; // Saving settings for typical installation private int customSelectionState = DONT_KNOW; // Saving settings for custom installation private int startSelectionState = DONT_KNOW; // Saving settings at start of installation public PackageDescription() {} /** * construct only with package information to wrap */ protected PackageDescription(XMLPackageDescription p) { this(p, (PackageDescription)null); } private PackageDescription(XMLPackageDescription descriptionData, PackageDescription parent) { this.parent = parent; children = new Vector(); parse(descriptionData); /* sort according to display sort key */ Collections.sort(children, new PackageComparator()); } /** * retrieve information about the package properties */ public String getName() { return dpyName; } public void setName(String name) { dpyName = name; } public String getDescription() { return dpyDescription; } public String getCheckSolaris() { return checkSolaris; } public int getSize() { return pkgSize; } public void setSize(int size) { pkgSize = size; } public int getOrder() { return pkgOrder; } public void setOrder(int order) { pkgOrder = order; } // public int getAccumulatedSize() { // int size = getSize(); // // for (Enumeration e = this.children(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { // // Should only be accumulated for selected modules // PackageDescription data = (PackageDescription) e.nextElement(); // size += data.getSize(); // } // // return size; // } public boolean isOptional() { return isOptional; } public boolean isHidden() { return isHidden; } public boolean showInUserInstall() { return showInUserInstall; } public boolean showInUserInstallOnly() { return showInUserInstallOnly; } public boolean dontUninstall() { return dontUninstall; } public boolean isUpdatePackage() { return isUpdatePackage; } public boolean showMultiLingualOnly() { return showMultiLingualOnly; } public boolean isApplicationPackage() { return isApplicationPackage; } public boolean isJavaPackage() { return isJavaPackage; } public boolean installCanFail() { return installCanFail; } public boolean uninstallCanFail() { return uninstallCanFail; } public void setUninstallCanFail(boolean canFail) { uninstallCanFail = canFail; } public boolean forceIntoUpdate() { return forceIntoUpdate; } public boolean useForce() { return useForce; } public void setIsNewInstalled(boolean installed) { isNewInstalled = installed; } public boolean isNewInstalled() { return isNewInstalled; } public void setWasAlreadyInstalled(boolean installed) { wasAlreadyInstalled = installed; } public boolean wasAlreadyInstalled() { return wasAlreadyInstalled; } public void setIgnoreDependsForUninstall(boolean ignore) { ignoreDependsForUninstall = ignore; } public boolean ignoreDependsForUninstall() { return ignoreDependsForUninstall; } public boolean isDefault() { return isDefault; } public String getMD5() { return pkgMD5Sum; } public boolean isRelocatable() { return isRelocatable; } public void setIsRelocatable(boolean relocatable) { isRelocatable = relocatable; } public String getPackageName() { return pkgFileName; } public void setPackageName(String name) { pkgFileName = name; } public String getFullPackageName() { return pkgFullName; } public void setFullPackageName(String fullPackageName) { pkgFullName = fullPackageName; } public int getSelectionState() { return usrSelectionState; } public void setSelectionState(int state) { usrSelectionState = state; } public int getCustomSelectionState() { return customSelectionState; } public void setCustomSelectionState(int state) { customSelectionState = state; } public int getTypicalSelectionState() { return typicalSelectionState; } public void setTypicalSelectionState(int state) { typicalSelectionState = state; } public int getStartSelectionState() { return startSelectionState; } public void setStartSelectionState(int state) { startSelectionState = state; } public boolean isAllChildrenHidden() { return allChildrenHidden; } public void setAllChildrenHidden(boolean hidden) { allChildrenHidden = hidden; } public void setIsHidden(boolean hidden) { isHidden = hidden; } public boolean pkgExists() { return pkgExists; } public void setPkgExists(boolean exists) { pkgExists = exists; } public String getPkgVersion() { return pkgVersion; } public void setPkgVersion(String version) { pkgVersion = version; } public String getPkgRelease() { return pkgRelease; } public void setPkgRelease(String release) { pkgRelease = release; } public String getPkgRealName() { return pkgRealName; } public void setPkgRealName(String realName) { pkgRealName = realName; } public String getPkgSubdir() { return pkgSubdir; } public void setPkgSubdir(String subdir) { pkgSubdir = subdir; } public String getPkgLanguage() { return pkgLanguage; } public void setPkgLanguage(String language) { pkgLanguage = language; } /** * extract the name and the description according to the locale */ private String getLocalizedValue(XMLPackageDescription packageData, String section, Locale l) { String localizedValue = ""; String countryString = l.getCountry(); String languageString = l.getLanguage(); String localeString = languageString + "_" + countryString; XMLPackageDescription subPackage = packageData.getElement(section, "lang", localeString); if (subPackage == null) { subPackage = packageData.getElement(section, "lang", languageString); if (subPackage == null) { subPackage = packageData.getElement(section, "lang", "en_US"); } } if (subPackage != null) { localizedValue = subPackage.getValue(); } return localizedValue; } /** * parse the wrapped package description */ private void parse(XMLPackageDescription data) { XMLPackageDescription section; XMLPackageDescription subSection; /* information about how to display the node */ section = data.getElement("display"); if (section != null) { /* display types: hidden, visible */ String displayType = section.getAttribute("type"); if (displayType != null) { isHidden = displayType.equals("hidden"); } /* name and description according to the current locale */ Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); dpyName = getLocalizedValue(section, "name", locale); dpyDescription = getLocalizedValue(section, "description", locale); subSection = section.getElement("sortkey"); if (subSection != null) { String sort = subSection.getValue(); dpySortKey = Integer.parseInt(sort); } subSection = section.getElement("default"); if (subSection != null) { String defaultValue = subSection.getValue(); isDefault = Parser.parseBoolean(defaultValue); // isDefault = Boolean.parseBoolean(defaultValue); } subSection = section.getElement("showinuserinstall"); if (subSection != null) { String showInUserInstallValue = subSection.getValue(); showInUserInstall = Parser.parseBoolean(showInUserInstallValue); // showInUserInstall = Boolean.parseBoolean(showInUserInstallValue); } subSection = section.getElement("showinuserinstallonly"); if (subSection != null) { String showInUserInstallValueOnly = subSection.getValue(); showInUserInstallOnly = Parser.parseBoolean(showInUserInstallValueOnly); } subSection = section.getElement("dontuninstall"); if (subSection != null) { String dontUninstallValue = subSection.getValue(); dontUninstall = Parser.parseBoolean(dontUninstallValue); // dontUninstall = Boolean.parseBoolean(dontUninstallValue); } subSection = section.getElement("checksolaris"); if (subSection != null) { checkSolaris = subSection.getValue(); } subSection = section.getElement("isupdatepackage"); if (subSection != null) { String isUpdatePackageValue = subSection.getValue(); isUpdatePackage = Parser.parseBoolean(isUpdatePackageValue); // isUpdatePackage = Boolean.parseBoolean(isUpdatePackageValue); } subSection = section.getElement("showmultilingualonly"); if (subSection != null) { String showMultiLingualOnlyValue = subSection.getValue(); showMultiLingualOnly = Parser.parseBoolean(showMultiLingualOnlyValue); } subSection = section.getElement("applicationmodule"); if (subSection != null) { String isApplicationPackageValue = subSection.getValue(); isApplicationPackage = Parser.parseBoolean(isApplicationPackageValue); } subSection = section.getElement("isjavapackage"); if (subSection != null) { String isJavaPackageValue = subSection.getValue(); isJavaPackage = Parser.parseBoolean(isJavaPackageValue); // isJavaPackage = Boolean.parseBoolean(isJavaPackageValue); } subSection = section.getElement("installcanfail"); if (subSection != null) { String installCanFailValue = subSection.getValue(); installCanFail = Parser.parseBoolean(installCanFailValue); } subSection = section.getElement("forceintoupdate"); if (subSection != null) { String forceIntoUpdateValue = subSection.getValue(); forceIntoUpdate = Parser.parseBoolean(forceIntoUpdateValue); } subSection = section.getElement("useforce"); if (subSection != null) { String useForceValue = subSection.getValue(); useForce = Parser.parseBoolean(useForceValue); } } /* query information about the physical (rpm/pkg/msi...) package itself */ section = data.getElement("installunit"); if (section != null) { String pkgTypeName = section.getAttribute("type"); if (pkgTypeName != null) { if (pkgTypeName.equals("rpm")) { pkgType = RPM_UNIT; } else if (pkgTypeName.equals("pkg")) { pkgType = PKG_UNIT; } } subSection = section.getElement("size"); if (subSection != null) { String sz = subSection.getValue(); pkgSize = Integer.parseInt(sz); } subSection = section.getElement("installorder"); if (subSection != null) { String order = subSection.getValue(); pkgOrder = Integer.parseInt(order); } else { // Setting the default for packages without order pkgOrder = 1000; } subSection = section.getElement("md5"); if (subSection != null) { pkgMD5Sum = subSection.getValue(); } subSection = section.getElement("name"); if (subSection != null) { pkgFileName = subSection.getValue(); } subSection = section.getElement("fullpkgname"); if (subSection != null) { pkgFullName = subSection.getValue(); } subSection = section.getElement("pkgversion"); if (subSection != null) { pkgVersion = subSection.getValue(); } subSection = section.getElement("subdir"); if (subSection != null) { pkgSubdir = subSection.getValue(); } subSection = section.getElement("relocatable"); if (subSection != null) { String relocatableValue = subSection.getValue(); isRelocatable = Parser.parseBoolean(relocatableValue); // isRelocatable = Boolean.parseBoolean(relocatableValue); } subSection = section.getElement("solarislanguage"); if (subSection != null) { pkgLanguage = subSection.getValue(); } } /* line up the subpackages */ for (Enumeration enumPackages = data.elements(); enumPackages.hasMoreElements(); ) { XMLPackageDescription p = (XMLPackageDescription) enumPackages.nextElement(); if (p.getKey().equals("package")) { children.add(new PackageDescription(p, this)); } } } /** * sort according to the display sortkey */ private class PackageComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(Object w1, Object w2) { return ((PackageDescription) w1).dpySortKey - ((PackageDescription) w2).dpySortKey; } } /** * implement a TreeNode interface for convenient travelling through the data */ private class PackageEnumeration implements Enumeration { Enumeration e; protected PackageEnumeration() { e = children.elements(); } public boolean hasMoreElements() { return e.hasMoreElements(); } public Object nextElement() { return e.nextElement(); } } /** * TreeNode interface */ public Enumeration children() { return new PackageEnumeration(); } public boolean getAllowsChildren() { return true; } // public PackageDescription getChildAt(int childIndex) { // return (PackageDescription) children.elementAt(childIndex); // } public TreeNode getChildAt(int childIndex) { return (TreeNode)children.elementAt(childIndex); } public int getChildCount() { return children.size(); } public int getIndex(TreeNode node) { return children.indexOf(node); } // public PackageDescription getParent() { // return parent; // } public TreeNode getParent() { return (TreeNode)parent; } public boolean isLeaf() { return children.size() == 0; } }