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#ifndef __com_sun_star_awt_ImagePosition_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_awt_ImagePosition_idl__


module com {  module sun {  module star {  module awt {


/** specifies the position of a image, relative to another object

    @see ImageAlign
constants ImagePosition
    /** specifies that the image should be positioned at the left of, and top-aligned to, the other object
	const short LeftTop = 0;

    /** specifies that the image should be positioned at the left of, and vertically centered to, the other object
	const short LeftCenter = 1;

    /** specifies that the image should be positioned at the left of, and bottom-aligned to, the other object
	const short LeftBottom = 2;

    /** specifies that the image should be positioned at the right of, and top-aligned to, the other object
	const short RightTop = 3;

    /** specifies that the image should be positioned at the right of, and vertically centered to, the other object
	const short RightCenter = 4;

    /** specifies that the image should be positioned at the right of, and bottom-aligned to, the other object
	const short RightBottom = 5;

    /** specifies that the image should be positioned above and left-aligned to the other object
	const short AboveLeft = 6;

    /** specifies that the image should be positioned above and horizontally centered to the other object
	const short AboveCenter = 7;

    /** specifies that the image should be positioned above and right-aligned to the other object
	const short AboveRight = 8;

    /** specifies that the image should be positioned below and left-aligned to the other object
	const short BelowLeft = 9;

    /** specifies that the image should be positioned below and horizontally centered to the other object
	const short BelowCenter = 10;

    /** specifies that the image should be positioned below and right-aligned centered to the other object
	const short BelowRight = 11;

    /** specifies that the image should be horizontally and vertically centered to the other object.
    const short Centered = 12;


}; }; }; };
