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#ifndef __com_sun_star_sdbc_XDatabaseMetaData_idl__ 
#define __com_sun_star_sdbc_XDatabaseMetaData_idl__ 
#ifndef __com_sun_star_uno_XInterface_idl__ 
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.idl> 
#ifndef __com_sun_star_sdbc_SQLException_idl__ 
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/SQLException.idl> 
 module com {  module sun {  module star {  module sdbc { 
 published interface XResultSet; 
 published interface XConnection; 
/** provides comprehensive information about the database as a whole.
	<p>Many of the methods here return lists of information in
	the form of 
	<type scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XResultSet</type>
	You can use the normal <type scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XResultSet</type>
	methods such as 
	<member scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XResultSet::getString()</member>
	<member scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XResultSet::getInt()</member>
	to retrieve the data from these XResultSets. If a given form of
	metadata is not available, these methods should throw a 
	<type scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">SQLException</type>
    That a value of <type scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XResultSet</type> is <NULL/>
    can be chaked with the method <member scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XResultSet::wasNull()</member>.
    In the text only "(may be <NULL/>)" is mentioned for this case.
	<p>Some of these methods take arguments that are String patterns. These
	arguments all have names such as fooPattern. Within a pattern String, "%"
	means match any substring of 0 or more characters, and "_" means match
	any one character. Only metadata entries matching the search pattern
	are returned. If a search pattern argument is set to <VOID/>,
	that argument's criteria will be dropped from the search.
	<type scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">SQLException</type>
	will be thrown if a driver does not support
	a meta data method. In the case of methods that return an XResultSet,
	either an XResultSet (which may be empty) is returned or a
	SQLException is thrown.</p>
published interface XDatabaseMetaData: com::sun::star::uno::XInterface
	/** Can all the procedures returned by getProcedures be called by the
		current user?

		if the user is allowed to call all procedures returned by getProcedures
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean allProceduresAreCallable() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can all the tables returned by getTable be SELECTed by the
		current user?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean allTablesAreSelectable() raises (SQLException); 
	/** returns the URL for the database connection
	string getURL() raises (SQLException); 
	/** returns the user name from this database connection.
	string getUserName() raises (SQLException); 
	/** checks if the database in read-only mode.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean isReadOnly() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Are NULL values sorted high?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean nullsAreSortedHigh() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Are NULL values sorted low?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean nullsAreSortedLow() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Are NULL values sorted at the start regardless of sort order?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart() raises (SQLException); 
	/**	 Are NULL values sorted at the end, regardless of sort order?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd() raises (SQLException); 
	/** returns the name of the database product.
	string getDatabaseProductName() raises (SQLException); 
	/** returns the version of the database product.
	string getDatabaseProductVersion() raises (SQLException); 
	/** returns the name of the SDBC driver.
	string getDriverName() raises (SQLException); 
	/** returns the version number of the SDBC driver.
	string getDriverVersion() raises (SQLException); 
	/** returns the SDBC driver major version number.
	long getDriverMajorVersion(); 
	/** returns the SDBC driver minor version number.
	long getDriverMinorVersion(); 
	/** use the database local files to save the tables.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean usesLocalFiles() raises (SQLException); 
	/** use the database one local file to save for each table.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean usesLocalFilePerTable() raises (SQLException); 
	/** use the database 'mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers' case sensitive.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Does the database treat mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as
		case insensitive and store them in upper case?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Does the database treat mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as
		case insensitive and store them in lower case?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Does the database treat mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as
		case insensitive and store them in mixed case?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as
		case sensitive and as a result store them in mixed case?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as
		case insensitive and store them in upper case?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as
		case insensitive and store them in lower case?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as
		case insensitive and store them in mixed case?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() raises (SQLException); 
	/** What's the string used to quote SQL identifiers?
		This returns a space " " if identifier quoting is not supported.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	string getIdentifierQuoteString() raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a comma-separated list of all a database's SQL keywords
		that are NOT also SQL92 keywords.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	string getSQLKeywords() raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a comma-separated list of math functions. These are the
		X/Open CLI math function names used in the SDBC function escape
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	string getNumericFunctions() raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a comma-separated list of string functions. These are the
		X/Open CLI string function names used in the SDBC function escape
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	string getStringFunctions() raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a comma-separated list of system functions. These are the
		X/Open CLI system function names used in the SDBC function escape
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	string getSystemFunctions() raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a comma-separated list of time and date functions.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	string getTimeDateFunctions() raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets the string that can be used to escape wildcard characters.
		This is the string that can be used to escape '_' or '%' in
		the string pattern style catalog search parameters.
		The '_' character represents any single character.
		The '%' character represents any sequence of zero or
		more characters.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	string getSearchStringEscape() raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets all the "extra" characters that can be used in unquoted
		identifier names (those beyond a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _).
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	string getExtraNameCharacters() raises (SQLException); 
	/** support the Database "ALTER TABLE" with add column?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() raises (SQLException); 
	/** support the Database  "ALTER TABLE" with drop column?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() raises (SQLException); 
	/** support the Database column aliasing?
		The SQL AS clause can be used to provide names for
		computed columns or to provide alias names for columns as required.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsColumnAliasing() raises (SQLException); 
	/** are concatenations between NULL and non-NULL values NULL?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean nullPlusNonNullIsNull() raises (SQLException); 
	/** <TRUE/>
			, if the Database supports the CONVERT function between SQL types,
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsTypeConversion() raises (SQLException); 
	/** 	<TRUE/>
			, if the Database supports the CONVERT between the given SQL types
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsConvert([in]long fromType, [in]long toType) 
		raises (SQLException); 
	/** Are table correlation names supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsTableCorrelationNames() raises (SQLException); 
	/** If table correlation names are supported, are they restricted
		to be different from the names of the tables?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() 
		raises (SQLException); 
	/** Are expressions in "ORDER BY" lists supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can an "ORDER BY" clause use columns not in the SELECT statement?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsOrderByUnrelated() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Is some form of "GROUP BY" clause supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsGroupBy() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can a "GROUP BY" clause use columns not in the SELECT?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsGroupByUnrelated() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can a "GROUP BY" clause add columns not in the SELECT
		provided it specifies all the columns in the SELECT?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Is the escape character in "LIKE" clauses supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsLikeEscapeClause() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Are multiple XResultSets from a single execute supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsMultipleResultSets() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can we have multiple transactions open at once (on different
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsMultipleTransactions() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can columns be defined as non-nullable?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsNonNullableColumns() raises (SQLException); 
	/** 	<TRUE/>, if the database supports ODBC Minimum SQL grammar,
			otherwise <FALSE/>.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() raises (SQLException); 
	/** <TRUE/>, if the database supports ODBC Core SQL grammar,
			otherwise <FALSE/>.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsCoreSQLGrammar() raises (SQLException); 
			<TRUE/>, if the database supports ODBC Extended SQL grammar,
			otherwise <FALSE/>.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() raises (SQLException); 
	/** @returns
			<TRUE/>, if the database supports ANSI92 entry level SQL grammar,
			otherwise <FALSE/>.
			@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() raises (SQLException); 
	/** @returns
			<TRUE/>, if the database supports ANSI92 intermediate SQL grammar,
			otherwise <FALSE/>.
			@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() raises (SQLException); 
	/** @returns
			<TRUE/>, if the database supports ANSI92 full SQL grammar,
			otherwise <FALSE/>.
			@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsANSI92FullSQL() raises (SQLException); 
	/** returns
			<TRUE/>, if the Database supports SQL Integrity Enhancement Facility,
			otherwise <FALSE/>.
			@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() raises (SQLException); 
	/** @returns
			<TRUE/>, if some form of outer join is supported,
			otherwise <FALSE/>.
			@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsOuterJoins() raises (SQLException); 
	/** @returns 
			<TRUE/>, if full nested outer joins are supported,
			otherwise <FALSE/>.
			@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsFullOuterJoins() raises (SQLException); 
	/** @returns 
			<TRUE/>, if there is limited support for outer joins.
			(This will be <TRUE/> if supportFullOuterJoins is <TRUE/>.)
			<FALSE/> is returned otherwise.
			@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the database vendor's preferred term for "schema"
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	string getSchemaTerm() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the database vendor's preferred term for "procedure"
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	string getProcedureTerm() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the database vendor's preferred term for "catalog"
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	string getCatalogTerm() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Does a catalog appear at the start of a qualified table name?
		(Otherwise it appears at the end)
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean isCatalogAtStart() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the separator between catalog and table name
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	string getCatalogSeparator() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can a schema name be used in a data manipulation statement?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can a schema name be used in a procedure call statement?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can a schema name be used in a table definition statement?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can a schema name be used in an index definition statement?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can a schema name be used in a privilege definition statement?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() 
		raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can a catalog name be used in a data manipulation statement?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can a catalog name be used in a procedure call statement?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can a catalog name be used in a table definition statement?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can a catalog name be used in an index definition statement?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can a catalog name be used in a privilege definition statement?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() 
		raises (SQLException); 
	/** Is positioned DELETE supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsPositionedDelete() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Is positioned UPDATE supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsPositionedUpdate() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Is SELECT for UPDATE supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsSelectForUpdate() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Are stored procedure calls using the stored procedure escape
		syntax supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsStoredProcedures() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Are subqueries in comparison expressions supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Are subqueries in 'exists' expressions supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsSubqueriesInExists() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Are subqueries in 'in' statements supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsSubqueriesInIns() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Are subqueries in quantified expressions supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Are correlated subqueries supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Is SQL UNION supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsUnion() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Is SQL UNION ALL supported?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsUnionAll() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can cursors remain open across commits?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can cursors remain open across rollbacks?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can statements remain open across commits?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Can statements remain open across rollbacks?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() 
		raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximal number of hex characters in an inline binary literal
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the max length for a character literal
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxCharLiteralLength() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the limit on column name length
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxColumnNameLength() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum number of columns in a "GROUP BY" clause
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum number of columns allowed in an index
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxColumnsInIndex() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum number of columns in an "ORDER BY" clause
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum number of columns in a "SELECT" list
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxColumnsInSelect() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum number of columns in a table
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxColumnsInTable() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the number of active connections at a time to this database.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxConnections() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum cursor name length
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxCursorNameLength() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum length of an index (in bytes)
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxIndexLength() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum length allowed for a schema name
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxSchemaNameLength() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum length of a procedure name
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxProcedureNameLength() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum length of a catalog name
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxCatalogNameLength() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum length of a single row.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxRowSize() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Did getMaxRowSize() include LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum length of a SQL statement	
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxStatementLength() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximal number of open active statements at one time to this database
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxStatements() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum length of a table name
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxTableNameLength() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum number of tables in a SELECT statement
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxTablesInSelect() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the maximum length of a user name
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	long getMaxUserNameLength() raises (SQLException); 
	/** return the database default transaction isolation level.
		The values are defined in 
		<type scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">TransactionIsolation</type>.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
		@see com::sun::star::sdbc::XConnection
	long getDefaultTransactionIsolation() raises (SQLException); 
	/** support the Database transactions?
		If not, invoking the method
		<member scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XConnection::commit()</member>
		is a noop and the
		isolation level is TransactionIsolation_NONE.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsTransactions() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Does this database support the given transaction isolation level?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
 @see com::sun::star::sdbc::Connection
	boolean supportsTransactionIsolationLevel([in]long level) 
							raises (SQLException); 
	/** support the Database both data definition and data manipulation statements
		within a transaction?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
<!-- JRH: Unclear on the intent of these many support questions. 
		If asking, it should state, "Does the Database support both ....?
		If declaring, it should state something like the following:

		metadata: 	supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions 

	"provides support for both data definition and data manipulation statements within a transaction."
 -->	 */
	boolean supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() 
							 raises (SQLException); 
	/** are only data manipulation statements within a transaction
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() 
							raises (SQLException); 
	/** does a data definition statement within a transaction force the
		transaction to commit?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() 
							raises (SQLException); 
	/** is a data definition statement within a transaction ignored?
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() 
							raises (SQLException); 
	/** Gets a description of the stored procedures available in a
		Only procedure descriptions matching the schema and
		procedure name criteria are returned. They are ordered by
		Each procedure description has the following columns:
		<b>PROCEDURE_CAT</b> string => procedure catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PROCEDURE_SCHEM</b> string => procedure schema (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PROCEDURE_NAME</b> string => procedure name
		<li> reserved for future use
		<li> reserved for future use
		<li> reserved for future use
		<b>REMARKS</b> string => explanatory comment on the procedure
		<b>PROCEDURE_TYPE</b> short => kind of procedure:
		<li> UNKNOWN - May return a result
		<li> NO - Does not return a result
		<li> RETURN - Returns a result
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schemaPattern
			a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param procedureNamePattern
			a procedure name pattern
			each row is a procedure description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getProcedures([in]any catalog, [in]string schemaPattern, 
					[in]string procedureNamePattern) raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of a catalog's stored procedure parameters
		and result columns.
		Only descriptions matching the schema, procedure and
		parameter name criteria are returned. They are ordered by
		PROCEDURE_SCHEM and PROCEDURE_NAME. Within this, the return value,
		if any, is first. Next are the parameter descriptions in call
		order. The column descriptions follow in column number order.
		<p>Each row in the XResultSet is a parameter description or
		column description with the following fields:
		<b>PROCEDURE_CAT</b> string => procedure catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PROCEDURE_SCHEM</b> string => procedure schema (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PROCEDURE_NAME</b> string => procedure name
		<b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column/parameter name
		<b>COLUMN_TYPE</b> Short => kind of column/parameter:
		<li> UNKNOWN - nobody knows
		<li> IN - IN parameter
		<li> INOUT - INOUT parameter
		<li> OUT - OUT parameter
		<li> RETURN - procedure return value
		<li> RESULT - result column in XResultSet
		<b>DATA_TYPE</b> short => SQL type from java.sql.Types
		<b>TYPE_NAME</b> string => SQL type name, for a UDT type the
		type name is fully qualified
		<b>PRECISION</b> long => precision
		<b>LENGTH</b> long => length in bytes of data
		<b>SCALE</b> short => scale
		<b>RADIX</b> short => radix
		<b>NULLABLE</b> short => can it contain NULL?
		<li> NO_NULLS - does not allow NULL values
		<li> NULLABLE - allows NULL values
		<li> NULLABLE_UNKNOWN - nullability unknown
		<b>REMARKS</b> string => comment describing parameter/column
		<b>Note:</b> Some databases may not return the column
		descriptions for a procedure. Additional columns beyond
		REMARKS can be defined by the database.
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schemaPattern
			a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param procedureNamePattern
			a procedure name pattern
		@param columnNamePattern
			a column name pattern
			each row describes a stored procedure parameter or column
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getProcedureColumns([in]any catalog, [in]string schemaPattern, 
								   [in]string procedureNamePattern, 
								   [in]string columnNamePattern) 
						raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of tables available in a catalog.
		<p>Only table descriptions matching the catalog, schema, table
		name, and type criteria are returned. They are ordered by
		<p>Each table description has the following columns:
		<b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => table schema (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TABLE_NAME</b> string => table name
		<b>TABLE_TYPE</b> string => table type. Typical types are "TABLE",
		<b>REMARKS</b> string => explanatory comment on the table
		<b>Note:</b> Some databases may not return information for
		all tables.
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schemaPattern
			a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param tableNamePattern
			a table name pattern
		@param types
			a list of table types to include
			each row is a table description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getTables([in]any catalog, [in]string schemaPattern, 
		[in]string tableNamePattern, [in]sequence<string> types) 
		raises (SQLException); 
	/** Gets the schema names available in this database. The results
		are ordered by schema name.
		<p>The schema column is:
		<b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => schema name
			each row has a single String column that is a schema name
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getSchemas() raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets the catalog names available in this database. The results
		are ordered by catalog name.
		<p>The catalog column is:
		<b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => catalog name
			each row has a single String column that is a catalog name
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getCatalogs() raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets the table types available in this database. The results
		are ordered by table type.
		<p>The table type is:
		<b>TABLE_TYPE</b> string => table type. Typical types are "TABLE",
			each row has a single String column that is a table type
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getTableTypes() raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of table columns available in
		the specified catalog.
		<p>Only column descriptions matching the catalog, schema, table
		and column name criteria are returned. They are ordered by
		<p>Each column description has the following columns:
		<b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => table schema (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TABLE_NAME</b> string => table name
		<b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column name
		<b>DATA_TYPE</b> short => SQL type from java.sql.Types
		<b>TYPE_NAME</b> string => Data source dependent type name,
		for a UDT the type name is fully qualified
		<b>COLUMN_SIZE</b> long => column size. For char or date
		types this is the maximum number of characters, for numeric or
		decimal types this is precision.
		<b>BUFFER_LENGTH</b> is not used.
		<b>DECIMAL_DIGITS</b> long => the number of fractional digits
		<b>NUM_PREC_RADIX</b> long => Radix (typically either 10 or 2)
		<b>NULLABLE</b> long => is NULL allowed?
		<li> NO_NULLS - might not allow NULL values
		<li> NULABLE - definitely allows NULL values
		<li> NULLABLE_UNKNOWN - nullability unknown
		<b>REMARKS</b> string => comment describing column (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>COLUMN_DEF</b> string => default value (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>SQL_DATA_TYPE</b> long => unused
		<b>SQL_DATETIME_SUB</b> long => unused
		<b>CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH</b> long => for char types the
		maximum number of bytes in the column
		<b>ORDINAL_POSITION</b> int	=> index of column in table
		(starting at 1)
		<b>IS_NULLABLE</b> string => "NO" means column definitely
		does not allow NULL values; "YES" means the column might
		allow NULL values. An empty string means nobody knows.
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schemaPattern
			a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param tableNamePattern
			a table name pattern
		@param columnNamePattern
			a column name pattern
			each row is a column description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getColumns([in]any catalog, [in]string schemaPattern, 
		[in]string tableNamePattern, [in]string columnNamePattern) 
					raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of the access rights for a table's columns.
		Only privileges matching the column name criteria are
		returned. They are ordered by COLUMN_NAME and PRIVILEGE.
		<p>Each privilige description has the following columns:
		<b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => table schema (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TABLE_NAME</b> string => table name
		<b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column name
		<b>GRANTOR</b> => grantor of access (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>GRANTEE</b> string => grantee of access
		<b>PRIVILEGE</b> string => name of access (SELECT,
		<b>IS_GRANTABLE</b> string => "YES" if grantee is permitted
		to grant to others; "NO" if not; <NULL/> if unknown
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schema
			a schema name ; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param table
			a table name 
		@param columnNamePattern
			a column name pattern
			each row is a column privilege description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getColumnPrivileges([in]any catalog, [in]string schema, 
		[in]string table, [in]string columnNamePattern) raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of the access rights for each table available
		in a catalog. Note that a table privilege applies to one or
		more columns in the table. It would be wrong to assume that
		this priviledge applies to all columns (this may be <TRUE/> for
		some systems but is not <TRUE/> for all.)
		<p>Only privileges matching the schema and table name
		criteria are returned. They are ordered by TABLE_SCHEM,
		<p>Each privilige description has the following columns:
		<b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => table schema (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TABLE_NAME</b> string => table name
		<b>GRANTOR</b> => grantor of access (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>GRANTEE</b> string => grantee of access
		<b>PRIVILEGE</b> string => name of access (SELECT,
		<b>IS_GRANTABLE</b> string => "YES" if grantee is permitted
		to grant to others; "NO" if not; <NULL/> if unknown
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schemaPattern
			a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param tableNamePattern
			a table name pattern
			each row is a table privilege description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getTablePrivileges([in]any catalog, [in]string schemaPattern, 
				[in]string tableNamePattern) raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of a table's optimal set of columns that
		uniquely identifies a row. They are ordered by SCOPE.
		<p>Each column description has the following columns:
		<b>SCOPE</b> short => actual scope of result
		<li> TEMPORARY - very temporary, while using row
		<li> TRANSACTION - valid for remainder of current transaction
		<li> SESSION - valid for remainder of current session
		<b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column name
		<b>DATA_TYPE</b> short => SQL data type from java.sql.Types
		<b>TYPE_NAME</b> string => Data source dependent type name,
		for a UDT the type name is fully qualified
		<b>COLUMN_SIZE</b> long => precision
		<b>BUFFER_LENGTH</b> long => not used
		<b>DECIMAL_DIGITS</b> short	 => scale
		<b>PSEUDO_COLUMN</b> short => is this a pseudo column
		like an Oracle ROWID
		<li> UNKNOWN - may or may not be pseudo column
		<li> NOT_PSEUDO - is NOT a pseudo column
		<li> PSEUDO - is a pseudo column
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schema
			a schema name; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param table
			a table name 
		@param scope
			the scope of interest; use same values as SCOPE
		@param nullable
			include columns that are nullable?
			each row is a column description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getBestRowIdentifier([in]any catalog, [in]string schema, 
		[in]string table, [in]long scope, [in] boolean nullable) 
		raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of a table's columns that are automatically
		updated when any value in a row is updated. They are
		<p>Each column description has the following columns:
		<b>SCOPE</b> short => is not used
		<b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column name
		<b>DATA_TYPE</b> short => SQL data type from java.sql.Types
		<b>TYPE_NAME</b> string => Data source dependent type name
		<b>COLUMN_SIZE</b> long => precision
		<b>BUFFER_LENGTH</b> long => length of column value in bytes
		<b>DECIMAL_DIGITS</b> short	 => scale
		<b>PSEUDO_COLUMN</b> short => is this a pseudo column
		like an Oracle ROWID
		<li> UNKNOWN - may or may not be pseudo column
		<li> NOT_PSEUDO - is NOT a pseudo column
		<li> PSEUDO - is a pseudo column
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schema
			a schema name; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param table
			a table name 
			each row is a column description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getVersionColumns([in]any catalog, [in]string schema, 
				[in]string table) raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of a table's primary key columns. They
		are ordered by COLUMN_NAME.
		<p>Each primary key column description has the following columns:
		<b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => table schema (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TABLE_NAME</b> string => table name
		<b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column name
		<b>KEY_SEQ</b> short => sequence number within primary key
		<b>PK_NAME</b> string => primary key name (may be <NULL/>)
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schema
			a schema name; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param table
			a table name 
			each row is a primary key column description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getPrimaryKeys([in]any catalog, [in]string schema, 
				[in]string table) raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of the primary key columns that are
		referenced by a table's foreign key columns (the primary keys
		imported by a table). They are ordered by PKTABLE_CAT,
		<p>Each primary key column description has the following columns:
		<b>PKTABLE_CAT</b> string => primary key table catalog
		being imported (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PKTABLE_SCHEM</b> string => primary key table schema
		being imported (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PKTABLE_NAME</b> string => primary key table name
		being imported
		<b>PKCOLUMN_NAME</b> string => primary key column name
		being imported
		<b>FKTABLE_CAT</b> string => foreign key table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>FKTABLE_SCHEM</b> string => foreign key table schema (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>FKTABLE_NAME</b> string => foreign key table name
		<b>FKCOLUMN_NAME</b> string => foreign key column name
		<b>KEY_SEQ</b> short => sequence number within foreign key
		<b>UPDATE_RULE</b> short => What happens to
		foreign key when primary is updated:
		<li> importedNoAction - do not allow update of primary
		key if it has been imported
		<li> importedKeyCascade - change imported key to agree
		with primary key update
		<li> importedKeySetNull - change imported key to NULL if
		its primary key has been updated
		<li> importedKeySetDefault - change imported key to default values
		if its primary key has been updated
		<li> importedKeyRestrict - same as importedKeyNoAction
		(for ODBC 2.x compatibility)
		<b>DELETE_RULE</b> short => What happens to
		the foreign key when primary is deleted.
		<li> importedKeyNoAction - do not allow delete of primary
		key if it has been imported
		<li> importedKeyCascade - delete rows that import a deleted key
		<li> importedKeySetNull - change imported key to NULL if
		its primary key has been deleted
		<li> importedKeyRestrict - same as importedKeyNoAction
		(for ODBC 2.x compatibility)
		<li> importedKeySetDefault - change imported key to default if
		its primary key has been deleted
		<b>FK_NAME</b> string => foreign key name (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PK_NAME</b> string => primary key name (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>DEFERRABILITY</b> short => can the evaluation of foreign key
		constraints be deferred until commit
		<li> importedKeyInitiallyDeferred - see SQL92 for definition
		<li> importedKeyInitiallyImmediate - see SQL92 for definition
		<li> importedKeyNotDeferrable - see SQL92 for definition
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schema
			a schema name; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param table
			a table name 
			each row is a primary key column description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getImportedKeys([in]any catalog, [in]string schema, 
				[in]string table) raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of the foreign key columns that reference a
		table's primary key columns (the foreign keys exported by a
		table). They are ordered by FKTABLE_CAT, FKTABLE_SCHEM,
		<p>Each foreign key column description has the following columns:
		<b>PKTABLE_CAT</b> string => primary key table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PKTABLE_SCHEM</b> string => primary key table schema (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PKTABLE_NAME</b> string => primary key table name
		<b>PKCOLUMN_NAME</b> string => primary key column name
		<b>FKTABLE_CAT</b> string => foreign key table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		being exported (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>FKTABLE_SCHEM</b> string => foreign key table schema (may be <NULL/>)
		being exported (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>FKTABLE_NAME</b> string => foreign key table name
		being exported
		<b>FKCOLUMN_NAME</b> string => foreign key column name
		being exported
		<b>KEY_SEQ</b> short => sequence number within foreign key
		<b>UPDATE_RULE</b> short => What happens to
		foreign key when primary is updated:
		<li> NO_ACTION - do not allow update of primary
		key if it has been imported
		<li> CASCADE - change imported key to agree
		with primary key update
		<li> SET_NULL - change imported key to NULL if
		its primary key has been updated
		<li> SET_DEFAULT - change imported key to default values
		if its primary key has been updated
		<li> RESTRICT - same as importedKeyNoAction
		(for ODBC 2.x compatibility)
		<b>DELETE_RULE</b> short => What happens to
		the foreign key when primary is deleted.
		<li> NO_ACTION - do not allow delete of primary
		key if it has been imported
		<li> CASCADE - delete rows that import a deleted key
		<li> SET_NULL - change imported key to NULL if
		its primary key has been deleted
		<li> RESTRICT - same as importedKeyNoAction
		(for ODBC 2.x compatibility)
		<li> SET_DEFAULT - change imported key to default if
		its primary key has been deleted
		<b>FK_NAME</b> string => foreign key name (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PK_NAME</b> string => primary key name (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>DEFERRABILITY</b> short => can the evaluation of foreign key
		constraints be deferred until commit
		<li> INITIALLY_DEFERRED - see SQL92 for definition
		<li> INITIALLY_IMMEDIATE - see SQL92 for definition
		<li> NONE - see SQL92 for definition
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schema
			a schema name; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param table
			a table name 
			each row is a foreign key column description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getExportedKeys([in]any catalog, [in]string schema, 
				[in]string table) raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of the foreign key columns in the foreign key
		table that reference the primary key columns of the primary key
		table (describe how one table imports another's key.) This
		should normally return a single foreign key/primary key pair
		(most tables only import a foreign key from a table once.). They
		<p>Each foreign key column description has the following columns:
		<b>PKTABLE_CAT</b> string => primary key table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PKTABLE_SCHEM</b> string => primary key table schema (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PKTABLE_NAME</b> string => primary key table name
		<b>PKCOLUMN_NAME</b> string => primary key column name
		<b>FKTABLE_CAT</b> string => foreign key table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		being exported (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>FKTABLE_SCHEM</b> string => foreign key table schema (may be <NULL/>)
		being exported (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>FKTABLE_NAME</b> string => foreign key table name
		being exported
		<b>FKCOLUMN_NAME</b> string => foreign key column name
		being exported
		<b>KEY_SEQ</b> short => sequence number within foreign key
		<b>UPDATE_RULE</b> short => What happens to
		foreign key when primary is updated:
		<li> NO_ACTION - do not allow update of primary
		key if it has been imported
		<li> CASCADE - change imported key to agree
		with primary key update
		<li> SET_NULL - change imported key to NULL if
		its primary key has been updated
		<li> SET_DEFAULT - change imported key to default values
		if its primary key has been updated
		<li> RESTRICT - same as importedKeyNoAction
		(for ODBC 2.x compatibility)
		<b>DELETE_RULE</b> short => What happens to
		the foreign key when primary is deleted.
		<li> NO_ACTION - do not allow delete of primary
		key if it has been imported
		<li> CASCADE - delete rows that import a deleted key
		<li> SET_NULL - change imported key to NULL if
		its primary key has been deleted
		<li> RESTRICT - same as importedKeyNoAction
		(for ODBC 2.x compatibility)
		<li> SET_DEFAULT - change imported key to default if
		its primary key has been deleted
		<b>FK_NAME</b> string => foreign key name (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>PK_NAME</b> string => primary key name (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>DEFERRABILITY</b> short => can the evaluation of foreign key
		constraints be deferred until commit
		<li> INITIALLY_DEFERRED - see SQL92 for definition
		<li> INITIALLY_IMMEDIATE - see SQL92 for definition
		<li> NONE - see SQL92 for definition
		@param primaryCatalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param primarySchema
			a schema name; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param primaryTable
			the table name that exports the key
		@param foreignCatalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param foreignSchema
			a schema name; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param foreignTable
			the table name that imports the key
			each row is a foreign key column description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getCrossReference( 
		[in]any primaryCatalog, [in]string primarySchema, 
		[in]string primaryTable, 
		[in]any foreignCatalog, [in]string foreignSchema, 
		[in]string foreignTable) raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of all the standard SQL types supported by
		this database. They are ordered by DATA_TYPE and then by how
		closely the data type maps to the corresponding SDBC SQL type.
		<p>Each type description has the following columns:
		<b>TYPE_NAME</b> string => Type name
		<b>DATA_TYPE</b> short => SQL data type from java.sql.Types
		<b>PRECISION</b> long => maximum precision
		<b>LITERAL_PREFIX</b> string => prefix used to quote a literal
		(may be <NULL/>)
		<b>LITERAL_SUFFIX</b> string => suffix used to quote a literal
		(may be <NULL/>)
		<b>CREATE_PARAMS</b> string => parameters used in creating
		the type (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>NULLABLE</b> short => can you use NULL for this type?
		<li> NO_NULLS - does not allow NULL values
		<li> NULLABLE - allows NULL values
		<li> NULLABLE_UNKNOWN - nullability unknown
		<b>CASE_SENSITIVE</b> boolean=> is it case sensitive?
		<b>SEARCHABLE</b> short => can you use "WHERE" based on this type:
		<li> NONE - No support
		<li> CHAR - Only supported with WHERE .. LIKE
		<li> BASIC - Supported except for WHERE .. LIKE
		<li> FULL - Supported for all WHERE ..
		<b>UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE</b> boolean => is it unsigned?
		<b>FIXED_PREC_SCALE</b> boolean => can it be a money value?
		<b>AUTO_INCREMENT</b> boolean => can it be used for an
		auto-increment value?
		<b>LOCAL_TYPE_NAME</b> string => localized version of type name
		(may be <NULL/>)
		<b>MINIMUM_SCALE</b> short => minimum scale supported
		<b>MAXIMUM_SCALE</b> short => maximum scale supported
		<b>SQL_DATA_TYPE</b> long => unused
		<b>SQL_DATETIME_SUB</b> long => unused
		<b>NUM_PREC_RADIX</b> long => usually 2 or 10
			each row is a SQL type description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getTypeInfo() raises (SQLException); 
	/** gets a description of a table's indices and statistics. They are
		<p>Each index column description has the following columns:
		<b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => table schema (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TABLE_NAME</b> string => table name
		<b>NON_UNIQUE</b> boolean => Can index values be non-unique?
		<FALSE/> when TYPE is tableIndexStatistic
		<b>INDEX_QUALIFIER</b> string => index catalog (may be <NULL/>);
		<NULL/> when TYPE is tableIndexStatistic
		<b>INDEX_NAME</b> string => index name; <NULL/> when TYPE is
		<b>TYPE</b> short => index type:
		<li> 0 - this identifies table statistics that are
		returned in conjuction with a table's index descriptions
		<li> CLUSTERED - this is a clustered index
		<li> HASHED - this is a hashed index
		<li> OTHER - this is some other style of index
		<b>ORDINAL_POSITION</b> short => column sequence number
		within index; zero when TYPE is tableIndexStatistic
		<b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column name; <NULL/> when TYPE is
		<b>ASC_OR_DESC</b> string => column sort sequence, "A" => ascending,
		"D" => descending, may be <NULL/> if sort sequence is not supported;
		<NULL/> when TYPE is tableIndexStatistic
		<b>CARDINALITY</b> long => When TYPE is tableIndexStatistic, then
		this is the number of rows in the table; otherwise, it is the
		number of unique values in the index.
		<b>PAGES</b> long => When TYPE is  tableIndexStatisic then
		this is the number of pages used for the table, otherwise it
		is the number of pages used for the current index.
		<b>FILTER_CONDITION</b> string => Filter condition, if any.
		(may be <NULL/>)
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schema
			a schema name; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param table
			the table name that exports the key
		@param unique
			when <TRUE/>, return only indices for unique values; when <FALSE/>, return indices regardless of whether unique or not
		@param approximate
			when <TRUE/>, result is allowed to reflect approximate or out of data values; when <FALSE/>, results are requested to be accurate
			each row is an index column description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getIndexInfo([in]any catalog, [in]string schema, [in]string table, 
			[in]boolean unique, [in]boolean approximate) 
					raises (SQLException); 
	/** Does the database support the given result set type?
		@param setType
			defined in 
			<type scop="com::sun::star::sdbc">ResultSetType</type>
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsResultSetType([in]long setType) raises (SQLException); 
	/** Does the database support the concurrency type in combination 
		with the given result set type?
		@param setType
			defined in 
			<type scop="com::sun::star::sdbc">ResultSetType</type>
		@param concurrency
			defined in 
			<type scop="com::sun::star::sdbc">ResultSetConcurrency</type>
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsResultSetConcurrency([in]long setType, 
												  [in]long concurrency) 
      raises (SQLException); 
	/** indicates whether a result set's own updates are visible.
		@param setType
			defined in 
			<type scop="com::sun::star::sdbc">ResultSetType</type>
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean ownUpdatesAreVisible([in]long setType) raises (SQLException); 
	/** indicates whether a result set's own deletes are visible.
		@param setType
			defined in 
			<type scop="com::sun::star::sdbc">ResultSetType</type>
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean ownDeletesAreVisible([in]long setType) raises (SQLException); 
	/** indicates whether a result set's own inserts are visible.
		@param setType
			defined in 
			<type scop="com::sun::star::sdbc">ResultSetType</type>
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean ownInsertsAreVisible([in]long setType) raises (SQLException); 
	/** indicates whether updates made by others are visible.
		@param setType
			defined in 
			<type scop="com::sun::star::sdbc">ResultSetType</type>
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean othersUpdatesAreVisible([in]long setType) raises (SQLException); 
	/** indicates whether deletes made by others are visible.
		@param setType
			defined in 
			<type scop="com::sun::star::sdbc">ResultSetType</type>
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean othersDeletesAreVisible([in]long setType) raises (SQLException); 
	/** indicates whether inserts made by others are visible.
		@param setType
			defined in 
			<type scop="com::sun::star::sdbc">ResultSetType</type>
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean othersInsertsAreVisible([in]long setType) raises (SQLException); 
	/** indicates whether or not a visible row update can be detected by
		calling the method 
		@param setType
			defined in 
			<type scop="com::sun::star::sdbc">ResultSetType</type>
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean updatesAreDetected([in]long setType) raises (SQLException); 
	/** indicates whether or not a visible row delete can be detected by
		<member scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XResultSet::rowDeleted()</member>
		. If deletesAreDetected()
		returns <FALSE/>, then deleted rows are removed from the result set.
		@param setType
			defined in 
			<type scop="com::sun::star::sdbc">ResultSetType</type>
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean deletesAreDetected([in]long setType) raises (SQLException); 
	/** indicates whether or not a visible row insert can be detected
		by calling 
		<member scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XResultSet::rowInserted().</member>
		@param setType
			defined in 
			<type scop="com::sun::star::sdbc">ResultSetType</type>
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean insertsAreDetected([in]long setType) raises (SQLException); 
	/** indicates whether the driver supports batch updates.
			<TRUE/> if so
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	boolean supportsBatchUpdates() raises (SQLException); 
	/** Gets a description of the user-defined types defined in a particular
		schema. Schema-specific UDTs may have type OBJECT, STRUCT,
		<p>Only types matching the catalog, schema, type name, and type
		criteria are returned. They are ordered by DATA_TYPE, TYPE_SCHEM,
		and TYPE_NAME. The type name parameter may be a fully-qualified
		name. In this case, the catalog and schemaPattern parameters are
		<p>Each type description has the following columns:
		<b>TYPE_CAT</b> string => the type's catalog (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TYPE_SCHEM</b> string => type's schema (may be <NULL/>)
		<b>TYPE_NAME</b> string => type name
		<b>CLASS_NAME</b> string => Java class name or service name
		<b>DATA_TYPE</b> string => type value.
		<b>REMARKS</b> string => explanatory comment on the type
		<b>Note:</b> If the driver does not support UDTs, an empty
		result set is returned.
		@param catalog
			a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog; <VOID/> means drop catalog name from the selection criteria
		@param schemaPattern
			a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those without a schema
		@param typeNamePattern
			a type name pattern; may be a fully-qualified name
		@param types
			a list of user-named types to include (OBJECT, STRUCT, or DISTINCT)
			each row is a type description
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XResultSet getUDTs([in]any catalog, [in]string schemaPattern, 
		      [in]string typeNamePattern, [in]sequence<long> types) 
      raises (SQLException); 
	/** retrieves the connection that produced this metadata object.
			the Connection object
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	XConnection getConnection() raises (SQLException); 
}; }; }; }; 