 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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#ifndef __com_sun_star_sdbc_XSQLOutput_idl__ 
#define __com_sun_star_sdbc_XSQLOutput_idl__ 
#ifndef __com_sun_star_uno_XInterface_idl__ 
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.idl> 
#ifndef __com_sun_star_util_Date_idl__ 
#include <com/sun/star/util/Date.idl> 
#ifndef __com_sun_star_util_DateTime_idl__ 
#include <com/sun/star/util/DateTime.idl> 
#ifndef __com_sun_star_util_Time_idl__ 
#include <com/sun/star/util/Time.idl> 
 module com {  module sun {  module star {  module io { 
 published interface XInputStream; 
#ifndef __com_sun_star_sdbc_SQLException_idl__ 
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/SQLException.idl> 
 module com {  module sun {  module star {  module sdbc { 
 published interface XRef; 
 published interface XArray; 
 published interface XBlob; 
 published interface XClob; 
 published interface XStruct; 
 published interface XSQLData; 
/** is used as an output stream for writing the attributes of a user-defined
	type back to the database.  This interface, used only for custom mapping,
	is used by the driver, and its methods are never directly invoked
	by a programmer.
	When an object of a class implementing interface 
	<type scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XSQLData</type>
	is passed as an argument to a SQL statement, the JDBC driver calls
	<method scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">SQLData::getSQLType</method>
	to determine the kind of SQL datum being passed to the database.
	The driver then creates an instance of 
	and passes it to the method 
	<method scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XSQLData::writeSQL</method>
	. The method 
	in turn calls the appropriate 
	methods to write data from the 
	<type scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XSQLData</type>
	object to the 
	output stream as the representation of a SQL user-defined type.</p>
published interface XSQLOutput: com::sun::star::uno::XInterface
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as a string.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeString([in]string x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as boolean.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeBoolean([in]boolean x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as byte.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeByte([in]byte x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as short.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeShort([in]short x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as long.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeInt([in]long x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as hyper.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeLong([in]hyper x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as float.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeFloat([in]float x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as double.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeDouble([in]double x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as byte sequence.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeBytes([in]sequence<byte> x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as a date.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeDate([in]com::sun::star::util::Date x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as a time.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeTime([in]com::sun::star::util::Time x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as a datetime.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeTimestamp([in]com::sun::star::util::DateTime x) 
		raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as a stream of uninterpreted
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeBinaryStream([in]com::sun::star::io::XInputStream x) 
		raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes the next attribute to the stream as a stream of unicode string.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeCharacterStream([in]com::sun::star::io::XInputStream x) 
		raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes to the stream the data contained in the given
		<code>XSQLData</code> object.
		>When the 
		object is 
		, this method writes an SQL NULL to the stream.
		Otherwise, it calls the 
		<member scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XSQLData::writeSQL()</member>
		method of the given object, which
		writes the object's attributes to the stream.
		The implementation of the method 
		calls the appropriate 
		method(s) for writing each of the object's attributes in order.
		The attributes must be read from an 
		<type scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XSQLInput</type>
		input stream and written to an 
		output stream in the same order in which they were
		listed in the SQL definition of the user-defined type.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeObject([in]XSQLData x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes a REF(&amp;lt;structured-type&amp;gt;) to the stream.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeRef([in]XRef x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes a BLOB to the stream.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeBlob([in]XBlob x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes a CLOB to the stream.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeClob([in]XClob x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes a structured-type to the stream.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeStruct([in]XStruct x) raises (SQLException); 
	/** writes an array to the stream.
		@param x
			the value to pass to the database.
		@throws SQLException 
			if a database access error occurs.
	void writeArray([in]XArray x) raises (SQLException); 
}; }; }; }; 