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#ifndef __com_sun_star_sdbcx_DatabaseDefinition_idl__ 
#define __com_sun_star_sdbcx_DatabaseDefinition_idl__ 
 module com {  module sun {  module star {  module sdbcx { 
 published interface XTablesSupplier; 
 published interface XViewsSupplier; 
 published interface XUsersSupplier; 
 published interface XGroupsSupplier; 
/** could be used as an extension for performing data definition tasks on
	databases, and to control the access rights on database objects.
	It may be implemented by a database driver provider, to encapsulate the
	complexity of data definition, and to give a common way for data definition as
	the DDL of most DBMS's differs.
	At least, the access to the tables of a database should be implemented.
	The implementation of other known database objects like views is optional.
	To control the access rights of users, there is the possibility to
	implement objects like users and groups.
published service DatabaseDefinition
	// gives access to the tables.
	interface XTablesSupplier; 
	/** The implementation is optional.
	[optional] interface XViewsSupplier; 
	/** The implementation is optional.
	[optional] interface XUsersSupplier; 
	/** The implementation is optional.
	[optional] interface XGroupsSupplier; 
}; }; }; }; 