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#ifndef __com_sun_star_sheet_TablePageStyle_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_sheet_TablePageStyle_idl__

#ifndef __com_sun_star_style_PageStyle_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/style/PageStyle.idl>

#ifndef __com_sun_star_sheet_XHeaderFooterContent_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XHeaderFooterContent.idl>


 module com {  module sun {  module star {  module sheet {


/** represents a page style for a spreadsheet.

	<p>This service extends the service
	<type scope="com::sun::star::style">PageStyle</type> with spreadsheet
	specific properties.</p>
published service TablePageStyle

	/** contains all common page style properties.
	service com::sun::star::style::PageStyle;


	/** determines whether the table is centered horizontally on the page.
	[property] boolean CenterHorizontally;


	/** determines whether the table is centered vertically on the page.
	[property] boolean CenterVertically;


	/** enables printing of cell annotations.
	[property] boolean PrintAnnotations;


	/** enables printing of the cell grid.
	[property] boolean PrintGrid;


	/** enables printing of column and row headers.
	[property] boolean PrintHeaders;


	/** enables printing of charts.
	[property] boolean PrintCharts;


	/** enables printing of embedded objects.
	[property] boolean PrintObjects;


	/** enables printing of drawing objects.
	[property] boolean PrintDrawing;


	/** enables printing of formulas instead of their results.
	[property] boolean PrintFormulas;


	/** enables printing of zero-values.
	[property] boolean PrintZeroValues;


	/** specifies the print order for the pages within each sheet.

		<p>If <TRUE/>, the order for printing pages begins with
		top-to-bottom, then continues with the next set of cell columns
		to the right. If <FALSE/>, the order for printing pages begins
		with left-to-right, then continues with the next set of cell
		rows to the bottom.</p>
	[property] boolean PrintDownFirst;


	/** contains the content of the header for left pages.

		<p>After changing the header text contents, this property has to be
		reinserted into the property set.</p>

		@see com::sun::star::sheet::HeaderFooterContent
	[property] com::sun::star::sheet::XHeaderFooterContent LeftPageHeaderContent;


	/** contains the content of the footer for left pages.

		<p>After changing the footer text contents, this property has to be
		reinserted into the property set.</p>

		@see com::sun::star::sheet::HeaderFooterContent
	[property] com::sun::star::sheet::XHeaderFooterContent LeftPageFooterContent;


	/** contains the content of the header for right pages.

		<p>After changing the header text contents, this property has to be
		reinserted into the property set.</p>

		@see com::sun::star::sheet::HeaderFooterContent
	[property] com::sun::star::sheet::XHeaderFooterContent RightPageHeaderContent;


	/** contains the content of the footer for right pages.

		<p>After changing the footer text contents, this property has to be
		reinserted into the property set.</p>

		@see com::sun::star::sheet::HeaderFooterContent
	[property] com::sun::star::sheet::XHeaderFooterContent RightPageFooterContent;


	/** contains the page number applied to the first page for this sheet.

		<p>The value 0 indicates that the page numbers are continued from
		the previous sheet.</p>
	[property] short FirstPageNumber;


	/** contains the scaling factor (in percent) for printing the sheet.
	[property] short PageScale;


	/** contains the number of pages the sheet will printed.
	[property] short ScaleToPages;


	/** contains the number of horizontal pages the sheet will printed on.

	@since OOo 2.0

	[property, optional] short ScaleToPagesX;


	/** contains the number of vertical pages the sheet will printed on.

	@since OOo 2.0

	[property, optional] short ScaleToPagesY;



}; }; }; };
