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#ifndef __com_sun_star_sheet_XFormulaOpCodeMapper_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_sheet_XFormulaOpCodeMapper_idl__
#ifndef __com_sun_star_sheet_FormulaOpCodeMapEntry_idl__
#ifndef __com_sun_star_lang_IllegalArgumentException_idl__
module com { module sun { module star { module sheet {
/** gives access to spreadsheet compiler token interns.
published interface XFormulaOpCodeMapper
/** OpCode value used for external Add-In functions.
Needed to be able to identify which of the function names map to an
Add-In implementation where this OpCode is used in the returned
mapping and the programmatical name is available as additional
[attribute, readonly] long OpCodeExternal;
/** OpCode value used for unknown functions.
Used to identify which of the function names queried with
getMappings are unknown to the implementation.
[attribute, readonly] long OpCodeUnknown;
/** returns a sequence of tokens matching the input sequence of
strings in order.
@param Names
Sequence of names to be mapped. These can be function names,
operators, separators and other symbols the formula compiler
@param Language
Formula language to be used, one of FormulaLanguage
constants. If a constant unknown to the implementation is passed,
is thrown.
a sequence of FormulaToken matching the input
sequence in order.
Each string element in parameter Names according to the formula
language in parameter Language is mapped to a FormulaToken
containing the internal OpCode used by the spreadsheet
application in FormulaToken::OpCode and by
contract maybe additional information in
The order of the FormulaToken sequence returned matches the
input order of the string sequence.
An unknown Name string gets the OpCode value of
OpCodeUnknown assigned.
Additional information in FormulaToken::Data
is returned for:
- Add-in names: the programmatical name. The OpCode value used
for add-ins can be queried with the OpCodeExternal
getter method.
sequence< FormulaToken > getMappings(
[in] sequence< string > Names,
[in] long Language )
raises( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );
/** returns a sequence of map entries for all available elements of
a given formula language.
@param Language
Formula language to be used, one of FormulaLanguage
constants. If a constant unknown to the implementation is passed,
is thrown.
@param Groups
Group of mappings to be returned, a bit mask of
FormulaMapGroup constants.
Sequence of FormulaOpCodeMapEntry.
Each element of the formula language in parameter Language is
mapped to a FormulaToken containing the internal
OpCode used by the spreadsheet application in
FormulaToken::OpCode and by contract maybe additional
information in FormulaToken::Data. See
getMappings for more details.
sequence< FormulaOpCodeMapEntry > getAvailableMappings(
[in] long Language, [in] long Groups )
raises( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );
}; }; }; };