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#ifndef __com_sun_star_text_HoriOrientation_idl__ 
#define __com_sun_star_text_HoriOrientation_idl__ 
 module com {  module sun {  module star {  module text {  
// DocMerge from idl: constants com::sun::star::text::HoriOrientation
/** These enumeration values specify the horizontal orientation.
published constants HoriOrientation
	// DocMerge from idl: value com::sun::star::text::HoriOrientation::NONE
	/** no hard alignment is applied. 
				<p>For text tables this means that the tables position is 
				defined by the left and right margins. 
				<p>For frame objects (text frames, graphics,...) this means 
				that the position is defined by a left offset.
	const short NONE = 0; 
	// DocMerge from idl: value com::sun::star::text::HoriOrientation::RIGHT
	/** The object is aligned at the right side.
	const short RIGHT = 1; 
	// DocMerge from idl: value com::sun::star::text::HoriOrientation::CENTER
	/** The object is aligned at the middle.
	const short CENTER = 2; 
	// DocMerge from idl: value com::sun::star::text::HoriOrientation::LEFT
	/** The object is aligned at the left side.
	const short LEFT = 3; 
	// DocMerge from idl: value com::sun::star::text::HoriOrientation::INSIDE
	/** TODO
	const short INSIDE = 4; 
	// DocMerge from idl: value com::sun::star::text::HoriOrientation::OUTSIDE
	/** TODO
	const short OUTSIDE = 5; 
	// DocMerge from idl: value com::sun::star::text::HoriOrientation::FULL
	/** The object uses the full space (for text tables only).
	const short FULL = 6; 
	// DocMerge from idl: value com::sun::star::text::HoriOrientation::LEFT_AND_WIDTH
	/** The left offset and the width of the object are defined. 
				<p> For text tables this means that the tables position is 
				defined by the left margin and the width.
	const short LEFT_AND_WIDTH = 7; 
}; }; }; };  