/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef __com_sun_star_text_NumberingLevel_idl__ #define __com_sun_star_text_NumberingLevel_idl__ #ifndef __com_sun_star_util_Color_idl__ #include <com/sun/star/util/Color.idl> #endif #ifndef __com_sun_star_awt_Size_idl__ #include <com/sun/star/awt/Size.idl> #endif #ifndef __com_sun_star_awt_FontDescriptor_idl__ #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontDescriptor.idl> #endif #ifndef __com_sun_star_awt_XBitmap_idl__ #include <com/sun/star/awt/XBitmap.idl> #endif //============================================================================= module com { module sun { module star { module text { //============================================================================= /** provides access to a numbering level as part of the Numbering Rules. */ published service NumberingLevel { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** adjusts the numbering (HoriOrientation_LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER) <p> </p> */ [property] short Adjust; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** number of upper levels that are included in the current numbering symbol. */ [optional, property] short ParentNumbering; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** the prefix of the numbering symbol. */ [property] string Prefix; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** the suffix of the numbering symbol. */ [property] string Suffix; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Name of the character style that is used for the numbering symbol. */ [optional, property] string CharStyleName; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** the ID of the symbol in the given font. This is only valid if the numbering type is <const scope="com::sun::star::style">NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL</const>. @deprecated */ [optional, property] short BulletId; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** contains the symbol in the given font. This is only valid if the numbering type is <const scope="com::sun::star::style">NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL</const>. */ [property] string BulletChar; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** the name of the font for the symbol. This is only valid if the numbering type is <const scope="com::sun::star::style">NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL</const>. */ [property] string BulletFontName; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** the font used to paint the bullet. */ [optional, property] com::sun::star::awt::FontDescriptor BulletFont; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** the URL of the graphic file that is used as the numbering symbol. <p> This is only valid if the numbering type is <const scope="com::sun::star::style">NumberingType::BITMAP</const>.</p> */ [property] string GraphicURL; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** the bitmap containing the bullet. */ [optional, property] com::sun::star::awt::XBitmap GraphicBitmap; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** size of the graphic that is used as bullet. */ [optional, property] com::sun::star::awt::Size GraphicSize; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** contains the vertical orientation of a graphic. <p> It is set using com::sun::star::text::VertOrientation.</p> */ [optional, property] short VertOrient; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** specifies the start value for the numbering. <p>This property is only valid if the numbering type is not <const scope="com::sun::star::style">NumberingType::BITMAP</const> or <const scope="com::sun::star::style">NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL</const>.</p> */ [optional, property] short StartWith; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** specifies the left margin of the numbering */ [property] long LeftMargin; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** specifies the distance between the numbering symbol and the text of the paragraph. */ [optional, property] long SymbolTextDistance; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** specifies the offset between the beginning of the first line and the beginning of the following lines of the paragraph. */ [property] long FirstLineOffset; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** specifies the type of numbering. */ [property] short NumberingType; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** contains the name of the paragraph style that is interpreted as the header of this level. It is only contained in the levels of chapter numbering rules. */ [property] string HeadingStyleName; /** contains the color for the symbol. This is only valid if the numbering type is <const scope="com::sun::star::style">NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL</const>. */ [optional, property] com::sun::star::util::Color BulletColor; /** contains the size of the symbol relative to the high of the paragraph. This is only valid if the numbering type is <const scope="com::sun::star::style">NumberingType::CHAR_SPECIAL</const>. */ [optional, property] short BulletRelSize; /** position and space mode <p> Specifies the position and space mode of the numbering level. For valid values see com::sun::star::text::PositionAndSpaceMode. If it equals LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION, properties Adjust, LeftMargin, SymbolTextDistance and FirstLineOffset are used. If it equals LABEL_ALIGNMENT, properties Adjust, LabelFollowedBy, ListtabStopPosition, FirstLineIndent, IndentAt are used. </p> @since OOo 3.0 */ [optional, property] short PositionAndSpaceMode; /** character following the list label <p> Specifies the character following the list label. For valid values see com::sun::star::text::LabelFollow. Only of relevance, if PositionAndSpaceMode equals LABEL_ALIGNMENT. </p> @since OOo 3.0 */ [optional, property] short LabelFollowedBy; /** list tab position <p> Specifies the position of the list tab stop - only non-negative values are allowed. Only of relevance, if PositionAndSpaceMode equals LABEL_ALIGNMENT and LabelFollowedBy equal LABELFOLLOW_LISTTAB </p> @since OOo 3.0 */ [optional, property] long ListtabStopPosition; /** additional line indent for the first text line <p> Specifies the first line indent. Only of relevance, if PositionAndSpaceMode equals LABEL_ALIGNMENT. </p> @since OOo 3.0 */ [optional, property] long FirstLineIndent; /** indentation of the text lines <p> Specifies the indent of the text lines Only of relevance, if PositionAndSpaceMode equals LABEL_ALIGNMENT. </p> @since OOo 3.0 */ [optional, property] long IndentAt; }; //============================================================================= }; }; }; }; #endif