/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #include "oox/xls/drawingfragment.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "oox/drawingml/connectorshapecontext.hxx" #include "oox/drawingml/graphicshapecontext.hxx" #include "oox/helper/attributelist.hxx" #include "oox/helper/propertyset.hxx" #include "oox/vml/vmlshape.hxx" #include "oox/vml/vmlshapecontainer.hxx" #include "oox/xls/formulaparser.hxx" #include "oox/xls/stylesbuffer.hxx" #include "oox/xls/themebuffer.hxx" #include "oox/xls/unitconverter.hxx" namespace oox { namespace xls { // ============================================================================ using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; using namespace ::com::sun::star::document; using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing; using namespace ::com::sun::star::script; using namespace ::com::sun::star::table; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::xml::sax; using namespace ::oox::core; using namespace ::oox::drawingml; using namespace ::oox::ole; using ::rtl::OStringBuffer; using ::rtl::OUString; using ::rtl::OUStringToOString; // no using's for ::oox::vml, that may clash with ::oox::drawingml types // ============================================================================ // DrawingML // ============================================================================ ShapeMacroAttacher::ShapeMacroAttacher( const OUString& rMacroName, const Reference< XShape >& rxShape ) : VbaMacroAttacherBase( rMacroName ), mxShape( rxShape ) { } void ShapeMacroAttacher::attachMacro( const OUString& rMacroUrl ) { try { Reference< XEventsSupplier > xSupplier( mxShape, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XNameReplace > xEvents( xSupplier->getEvents(), UNO_SET_THROW ); Sequence< PropertyValue > aEventProps( 2 ); aEventProps[ 0 ].Name = CREATE_OUSTRING( "EventType" ); aEventProps[ 0 ].Value <<= CREATE_OUSTRING( "Script" ); aEventProps[ 1 ].Name = CREATE_OUSTRING( "Script" ); aEventProps[ 1 ].Value <<= rMacroUrl; xEvents->replaceByName( CREATE_OUSTRING( "OnClick" ), Any( aEventProps ) ); } catch( Exception& ) { } } // ============================================================================ Shape::Shape( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const AttributeList& rAttribs, const sal_Char* pcServiceName ) : ::oox::drawingml::Shape( pcServiceName ), WorksheetHelper( rHelper ) { OUString aMacro = rAttribs.getXString( XML_macro, OUString() ); if( aMacro.getLength() > 0 ) maMacroName = getFormulaParser().importMacroName( aMacro ); } void Shape::finalizeXShape( XmlFilterBase& rFilter, const Reference< XShapes >& rxShapes ) { if( (maMacroName.getLength() > 0) && mxShape.is() ) { VbaMacroAttacherRef xAttacher( new ShapeMacroAttacher( maMacroName, mxShape ) ); getBaseFilter().getVbaProject().registerMacroAttacher( xAttacher ); } ::oox::drawingml::Shape::finalizeXShape( rFilter, rxShapes ); } // ============================================================================ GroupShapeContext::GroupShapeContext( ContextHandler& rParent, const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const ShapePtr& rxParentShape, const ShapePtr& rxShape ) : ShapeGroupContext( rParent, rxParentShape, rxShape ), WorksheetHelper( rHelper ) { } /*static*/ ContextHandlerRef GroupShapeContext::createShapeContext( ContextHandler& rParent, const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs, const ShapePtr& rxParentShape, ShapePtr* pxShape ) { switch( nElement ) { case XDR_TOKEN( sp ): { ShapePtr xShape( new Shape( rHelper, rAttribs, "com.sun.star.drawing.CustomShape" ) ); if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape; return new ShapeContext( rParent, rxParentShape, xShape ); } case XDR_TOKEN( cxnSp ): { ShapePtr xShape( new Shape( rHelper, rAttribs, "com.sun.star.drawing.ConnectorShape" ) ); if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape; return new ConnectorShapeContext( rParent, rxParentShape, xShape ); } case XDR_TOKEN( pic ): { ShapePtr xShape( new Shape( rHelper, rAttribs, "com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape" ) ); if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape; return new GraphicShapeContext( rParent, rxParentShape, xShape ); } case XDR_TOKEN( graphicFrame ): { ShapePtr xShape( new Shape( rHelper, rAttribs, "com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape" ) ); if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape; return new GraphicalObjectFrameContext( rParent, rxParentShape, xShape, rHelper.getSheetType() != SHEETTYPE_CHARTSHEET ); } case XDR_TOKEN( grpSp ): { ShapePtr xShape( new Shape( rHelper, rAttribs, "com.sun.star.drawing.GroupShape" ) ); if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape; return new GroupShapeContext( rParent, rHelper, rxParentShape, xShape ); } } return 0; } Reference< XFastContextHandler > SAL_CALL GroupShapeContext::createFastChildContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const Reference< XFastAttributeList >& rxAttribs ) throw (SAXException, RuntimeException) { ContextHandlerRef xContext = createShapeContext( *this, *this, nElement, AttributeList( rxAttribs ), mpGroupShapePtr ); return xContext.get() ? xContext.get() : ShapeGroupContext::createFastChildContext( nElement, rxAttribs ); } // ============================================================================ DrawingFragment::DrawingFragment( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const OUString& rFragmentPath ) : WorksheetFragmentBase( rHelper, rFragmentPath ), mxDrawPage( rHelper.getDrawPage(), UNO_QUERY ) { OSL_ENSURE( mxDrawPage.is(), "DrawingFragment::DrawingFragment - missing drawing page" ); } ContextHandlerRef DrawingFragment::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs ) { switch( getCurrentElement() ) { case XML_ROOT_CONTEXT: if( nElement == XDR_TOKEN( wsDr ) ) return this; break; case XDR_TOKEN( wsDr ): switch( nElement ) { case XDR_TOKEN( absoluteAnchor ): case XDR_TOKEN( oneCellAnchor ): case XDR_TOKEN( twoCellAnchor ): mxAnchor.reset( new ShapeAnchor( *this ) ); mxAnchor->importAnchor( nElement, rAttribs ); return this; } break; case XDR_TOKEN( absoluteAnchor ): case XDR_TOKEN( oneCellAnchor ): case XDR_TOKEN( twoCellAnchor ): { switch( nElement ) { case XDR_TOKEN( from ): case XDR_TOKEN( to ): return this; case XDR_TOKEN( pos ): if( mxAnchor.get() ) mxAnchor->importPos( rAttribs ); break; case XDR_TOKEN( ext ): if( mxAnchor.get() ) mxAnchor->importExt( rAttribs ); break; case XDR_TOKEN( clientData ): if( mxAnchor.get() ) mxAnchor->importClientData( rAttribs ); break; default: return GroupShapeContext::createShapeContext( *this, *this, nElement, rAttribs, ShapePtr(), &mxShape ); } } break; case XDR_TOKEN( from ): case XDR_TOKEN( to ): switch( nElement ) { case XDR_TOKEN( col ): case XDR_TOKEN( row ): case XDR_TOKEN( colOff ): case XDR_TOKEN( rowOff ): return this; // collect index in onCharacters() } break; } return 0; } void DrawingFragment::onCharacters( const OUString& rChars ) { switch( getCurrentElement() ) { case XDR_TOKEN( col ): case XDR_TOKEN( row ): case XDR_TOKEN( colOff ): case XDR_TOKEN( rowOff ): if( mxAnchor.get() ) mxAnchor->setCellPos( getCurrentElement(), getParentElement(), rChars ); break; } } void DrawingFragment::onEndElement() { switch( getCurrentElement() ) { case XDR_TOKEN( absoluteAnchor ): case XDR_TOKEN( oneCellAnchor ): case XDR_TOKEN( twoCellAnchor ): if( mxDrawPage.is() && mxShape.get() && mxAnchor.get() ) { EmuRectangle aShapeRectEmu = mxAnchor->calcAnchorRectEmu( getDrawPageSize() ); if( (aShapeRectEmu.X >= 0) && (aShapeRectEmu.Y >= 0) && (aShapeRectEmu.Width >= 0) && (aShapeRectEmu.Height >= 0) ) { // TODO: DrawingML implementation expects 32-bit coordinates for EMU rectangles (change that to EmuRectangle) Rectangle aShapeRectEmu32( getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( aShapeRectEmu.X, 0, SAL_MAX_INT32 ), getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( aShapeRectEmu.Y, 0, SAL_MAX_INT32 ), getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( aShapeRectEmu.Width, 0, SAL_MAX_INT32 ), getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( aShapeRectEmu.Height, 0, SAL_MAX_INT32 ) ); mxShape->addShape( getOoxFilter(), &getTheme(), mxDrawPage, &aShapeRectEmu32 ); /* Collect all shape positions in the WorksheetHelper base class. But first, scale EMUs to 1/100 mm. */ Rectangle aShapeRectHmm( convertEmuToHmm( aShapeRectEmu.X ), convertEmuToHmm( aShapeRectEmu.Y ), convertEmuToHmm( aShapeRectEmu.Width ), convertEmuToHmm( aShapeRectEmu.Height ) ); extendShapeBoundingBox( aShapeRectHmm ); } } mxShape.reset(); mxAnchor.reset(); break; } } // ============================================================================ // VML // ============================================================================ namespace { class VmlFindNoteFunc { public: explicit VmlFindNoteFunc( const CellAddress& rPos ); bool operator()( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const; private: sal_Int32 mnCol; sal_Int32 mnRow; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VmlFindNoteFunc::VmlFindNoteFunc( const CellAddress& rPos ) : mnCol( rPos.Column ), mnRow( rPos.Row ) { } bool VmlFindNoteFunc::operator()( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const { const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData(); return pClientData && (pClientData->mnCol == mnCol) && (pClientData->mnRow == mnRow); } } // namespace // ============================================================================ VmlControlMacroAttacher::VmlControlMacroAttacher( const OUString& rMacroName, const Reference< XIndexContainer >& rxCtrlFormIC, sal_Int32 nCtrlIndex, sal_Int32 nCtrlType, sal_Int32 nDropStyle ) : VbaMacroAttacherBase( rMacroName ), mxCtrlFormIC( rxCtrlFormIC ), mnCtrlIndex( nCtrlIndex ), mnCtrlType( nCtrlType ), mnDropStyle( nDropStyle ) { } void VmlControlMacroAttacher::attachMacro( const OUString& rMacroUrl ) { ScriptEventDescriptor aEventDesc; aEventDesc.ScriptType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "Script" ); aEventDesc.ScriptCode = rMacroUrl; // editable drop downs are treated like edit boxes bool bEditDropDown = (mnCtrlType == XML_Drop) && (mnDropStyle == XML_ComboEdit); sal_Int32 nCtrlType = bEditDropDown ? XML_Edit : mnCtrlType; switch( nCtrlType ) { case XML_Button: case XML_Checkbox: case XML_Radio: aEventDesc.ListenerType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "XActionListener" ); aEventDesc.EventMethod = CREATE_OUSTRING( "actionPerformed" ); break; case XML_Label: case XML_GBox: case XML_Dialog: aEventDesc.ListenerType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "XMouseListener" ); aEventDesc.EventMethod = CREATE_OUSTRING( "mouseReleased" ); break; case XML_Edit: aEventDesc.ListenerType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "XTextListener" ); aEventDesc.EventMethod = CREATE_OUSTRING( "textChanged" ); break; case XML_Spin: case XML_Scroll: aEventDesc.ListenerType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "XAdjustmentListener" ); aEventDesc.EventMethod = CREATE_OUSTRING( "adjustmentValueChanged" ); break; case XML_List: case XML_Drop: aEventDesc.ListenerType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "XChangeListener" ); aEventDesc.EventMethod = CREATE_OUSTRING( "changed" ); break; default: OSL_ENSURE( false, "VmlControlMacroAttacher::attachMacro - unexpected object type" ); return; } try { Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xEventMgr( mxCtrlFormIC, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); xEventMgr->registerScriptEvent( mnCtrlIndex, aEventDesc ); } catch( Exception& ) { } } // ============================================================================ VmlDrawing::VmlDrawing( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper ) : ::oox::vml::Drawing( rHelper.getOoxFilter(), rHelper.getDrawPage(), ::oox::vml::VMLDRAWING_EXCEL ), WorksheetHelper( rHelper ), maControlConv( rHelper.getBaseFilter().getModel(), rHelper.getBaseFilter().getGraphicHelper() ) { // default font for legacy listboxes and dropdowns: Tahoma, 8pt maListBoxFont.moName = CREATE_OUSTRING( "Tahoma" ); maListBoxFont.moColor = CREATE_OUSTRING( "auto" ); maListBoxFont.monSize = 160; } const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase* VmlDrawing::getNoteShape( const CellAddress& rPos ) const { return getShapes().findShape( VmlFindNoteFunc( rPos ) ); } bool VmlDrawing::isShapeSupported( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const { const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData(); return !pClientData || (pClientData->mnObjType != XML_Note); } OUString VmlDrawing::getShapeBaseName( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const { if( const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData() ) { switch( pClientData->mnObjType ) { case XML_Button: return CREATE_OUSTRING( "Button" ); case XML_Checkbox: return CREATE_OUSTRING( "Check Box" ); case XML_Dialog: return CREATE_OUSTRING( "Dialog Frame" ); case XML_Drop: return CREATE_OUSTRING( "Drop Down" ); case XML_Edit: return CREATE_OUSTRING( "Edit Box" ); case XML_GBox: return CREATE_OUSTRING( "Group Box" ); case XML_Label: return CREATE_OUSTRING( "Label" ); case XML_List: return CREATE_OUSTRING( "List Box" ); case XML_Note: return CREATE_OUSTRING( "Comment" ); case XML_Pict: return (pClientData->mbDde || getOleObjectInfo( rShape.getShapeId() )) ? CREATE_OUSTRING( "Object" ) : CREATE_OUSTRING( "Picture" ); case XML_Radio: return CREATE_OUSTRING( "Option Button" ); case XML_Scroll: return CREATE_OUSTRING( "Scroll Bar" ); case XML_Spin: return CREATE_OUSTRING( "Spinner" ); } } return ::oox::vml::Drawing::getShapeBaseName( rShape ); } bool VmlDrawing::convertClientAnchor( Rectangle& orShapeRect, const OUString& rShapeAnchor ) const { if( rShapeAnchor.getLength() == 0 ) return false; ShapeAnchor aAnchor( *this ); aAnchor.importVmlAnchor( rShapeAnchor ); orShapeRect = aAnchor.calcAnchorRectHmm( getDrawPageSize() ); return (orShapeRect.Width >= 0) && (orShapeRect.Height >= 0); } Reference< XShape > VmlDrawing::createAndInsertClientXShape( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape, const Reference< XShapes >& rxShapes, const Rectangle& rShapeRect ) const { // simulate the legacy drawing controls with OLE form controls OUString aShapeName = rShape.getShapeName(); const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData(); if( (aShapeName.getLength() > 0) && pClientData ) { Rectangle aShapeRect = rShapeRect; const ::oox::vml::TextBox* pTextBox = rShape.getTextBox(); EmbeddedControl aControl( aShapeName ); switch( pClientData->mnObjType ) { case XML_Button: { AxCommandButtonModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxCommandButtonModel >(); convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign ); rAxModel.mnFlags = AX_FLAGS_ENABLED | AX_FLAGS_OPAQUE | AX_FLAGS_WORDWRAP; rAxModel.mnVerticalAlign = pClientData->mnTextVAlign; } break; case XML_Label: { AxLabelModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxLabelModel >(); convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign ); rAxModel.mnFlags = AX_FLAGS_ENABLED | AX_FLAGS_WORDWRAP; rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = AX_BORDERSTYLE_NONE; rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT; rAxModel.mnVerticalAlign = pClientData->mnTextVAlign; } break; case XML_Edit: { bool bNumeric = (pClientData->mnVTEdit == ::oox::vml::VML_CLIENTDATA_INTEGER) || (pClientData->mnVTEdit == ::oox::vml::VML_CLIENTDATA_NUMBER); AxMorphDataModelBase& rAxModel = bNumeric ? static_cast< AxMorphDataModelBase& >( aControl.createModel< AxNumericFieldModel >() ) : static_cast< AxMorphDataModelBase& >( aControl.createModel< AxTextBoxModel >() ); convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maValue, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign ); setFlag( rAxModel.mnFlags, AX_FLAGS_MULTILINE, pClientData->mbMultiLine ); setFlag( rAxModel.mnScrollBars, AX_SCROLLBAR_VERTICAL, pClientData->mbVScroll ); if( pClientData->mbSecretEdit ) rAxModel.mnPasswordChar = '*'; } break; case XML_GBox: { AxFrameModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxFrameModel >(); convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign ); rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = pClientData->mbNo3D ? AX_BORDERSTYLE_SINGLE : AX_BORDERSTYLE_NONE; rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_BUMPED; /* Move top border of groupbox up by half font height, because Excel specifies Y position of the groupbox border line instead the top border of the caption text. */ if( const ::oox::vml::TextFontModel* pFontModel = pTextBox ? pTextBox->getFirstFont() : 0 ) { sal_Int32 nFontHeightHmm = getUnitConverter().scaleToMm100( pFontModel->monSize.get( 160 ), UNIT_TWIP ); sal_Int32 nYDiff = ::std::min< sal_Int32 >( nFontHeightHmm / 2, aShapeRect.Y ); aShapeRect.Y -= nYDiff; aShapeRect.Height += nYDiff; } } break; case XML_Checkbox: { AxCheckBoxModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxCheckBoxModel >(); convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign ); convertControlBackground( rAxModel, rShape ); rAxModel.maValue = OUString::valueOf( pClientData->mnChecked ); rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_SUNKEN; rAxModel.mnVerticalAlign = pClientData->mnTextVAlign; bool bTriState = (pClientData->mnChecked != ::oox::vml::VML_CLIENTDATA_UNCHECKED) && (pClientData->mnChecked != ::oox::vml::VML_CLIENTDATA_CHECKED); rAxModel.mnMultiSelect = bTriState ? AX_SELCTION_MULTI : AX_SELCTION_SINGLE; } break; case XML_Radio: { AxOptionButtonModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxOptionButtonModel >(); convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign ); convertControlBackground( rAxModel, rShape ); rAxModel.maValue = OUString::valueOf( pClientData->mnChecked ); rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_SUNKEN; rAxModel.mnVerticalAlign = pClientData->mnTextVAlign; } break; case XML_List: { AxListBoxModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxListBoxModel >(); convertControlFontData( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, maListBoxFont ); rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = pClientData->mbNo3D2 ? AX_BORDERSTYLE_SINGLE : AX_BORDERSTYLE_NONE; rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D2 ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_SUNKEN; switch( pClientData->mnSelType ) { case XML_Single: rAxModel.mnMultiSelect = AX_SELCTION_SINGLE; break; case XML_Multi: rAxModel.mnMultiSelect = AX_SELCTION_MULTI; break; case XML_Extend: rAxModel.mnMultiSelect = AX_SELCTION_EXTENDED; break; } } break; case XML_Drop: { AxComboBoxModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxComboBoxModel >(); convertControlFontData( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, maListBoxFont ); rAxModel.mnDisplayStyle = AX_DISPLAYSTYLE_DROPDOWN; rAxModel.mnShowDropButton = AX_SHOWDROPBUTTON_ALWAYS; rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = pClientData->mbNo3D2 ? AX_BORDERSTYLE_SINGLE : AX_BORDERSTYLE_NONE; rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D2 ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_SUNKEN; rAxModel.mnListRows = pClientData->mnDropLines; } break; case XML_Spin: { AxSpinButtonModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxSpinButtonModel >(); rAxModel.mnMin = pClientData->mnMin; rAxModel.mnMax = pClientData->mnMax; rAxModel.mnPosition = pClientData->mnVal; rAxModel.mnSmallChange = pClientData->mnInc; } break; case XML_Scroll: { AxScrollBarModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxScrollBarModel >(); rAxModel.mnMin = pClientData->mnMin; rAxModel.mnMax = pClientData->mnMax; rAxModel.mnPosition = pClientData->mnVal; rAxModel.mnSmallChange = pClientData->mnInc; rAxModel.mnLargeChange = pClientData->mnPage; } break; case XML_Dialog: { // fake with a group box AxFrameModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxFrameModel >(); convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, XML_Left ); rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = AX_BORDERSTYLE_SINGLE; rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT; } break; } if( ControlModelBase* pAxModel = aControl.getModel() ) { // create the control shape pAxModel->maSize.first = aShapeRect.Width; pAxModel->maSize.second = aShapeRect.Height; sal_Int32 nCtrlIndex = -1; Reference< XShape > xShape = createAndInsertXControlShape( aControl, rxShapes, aShapeRect, nCtrlIndex ); // control shape macro if( xShape.is() && (nCtrlIndex >= 0) && (pClientData->maFmlaMacro.getLength() > 0) ) { OUString aMacroName = getFormulaParser().importMacroName( pClientData->maFmlaMacro ); if( aMacroName.getLength() > 0 ) { Reference< XIndexContainer > xFormIC = getControlForm().getXForm(); VbaMacroAttacherRef xAttacher( new VmlControlMacroAttacher( aMacroName, xFormIC, nCtrlIndex, pClientData->mnObjType, pClientData->mnDropStyle ) ); getBaseFilter().getVbaProject().registerMacroAttacher( xAttacher ); } } return xShape; } } return Reference< XShape >(); } void VmlDrawing::notifyXShapeInserted( const Reference< XShape >& rxShape, const Rectangle& rShapeRect, const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape, bool bGroupChild ) { // collect all shape positions in the WorksheetHelper base class (but not children of group shapes) if( !bGroupChild ) extendShapeBoundingBox( rShapeRect ); // convert settings from VML client data if( const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData() ) { // specific settings for embedded form controls try { Reference< XControlShape > xCtrlShape( rxShape, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XControlModel > xCtrlModel( xCtrlShape->getControl(), UNO_SET_THROW ); PropertySet aPropSet( xCtrlModel ); // printable aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_Printable, pClientData->mbPrintObject ); // control source links if( (pClientData->maFmlaLink.getLength() > 0) || (pClientData->maFmlaRange.getLength() > 0) ) maControlConv.bindToSources( xCtrlModel, pClientData->maFmlaLink, pClientData->maFmlaRange, getSheetIndex() ); } catch( Exception& ) { } } } // private -------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt32 VmlDrawing::convertControlTextColor( const OUString& rTextColor ) const { // color attribute not present or 'auto' - use passed default color if( (rTextColor.getLength() == 0) || rTextColor.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "auto" ) ) ) return AX_SYSCOLOR_WINDOWTEXT; if( rTextColor[ 0 ] == '#' ) { // RGB colors in the format '#RRGGBB' if( rTextColor.getLength() == 7 ) return OleHelper::encodeOleColor( rTextColor.copy( 1 ).toInt32( 16 ) ); // RGB colors in the format '#RGB' if( rTextColor.getLength() == 4 ) { sal_Int32 nR = rTextColor.copy( 1, 1 ).toInt32( 16 ) * 0x11; sal_Int32 nG = rTextColor.copy( 2, 1 ).toInt32( 16 ) * 0x11; sal_Int32 nB = rTextColor.copy( 3, 1 ).toInt32( 16 ) * 0x11; return OleHelper::encodeOleColor( (nR << 16) | (nG << 8) | nB ); } OSL_ENSURE( false, OStringBuffer( "VmlDrawing::convertControlTextColor - invalid color name '" ). append( OUStringToOString( rTextColor, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ).append( '\'' ).getStr() ); return AX_SYSCOLOR_WINDOWTEXT; } const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper = getBaseFilter().getGraphicHelper(); /* Predefined color names or system color names (resolve to RGB to detect valid color name). */ sal_Int32 nColorToken = AttributeConversion::decodeToken( rTextColor ); sal_Int32 nRgbValue = Color::getVmlPresetColor( nColorToken, API_RGB_TRANSPARENT ); if( nRgbValue == API_RGB_TRANSPARENT ) nRgbValue = rGraphicHelper.getSystemColor( nColorToken, API_RGB_TRANSPARENT ); if( nRgbValue != API_RGB_TRANSPARENT ) return OleHelper::encodeOleColor( nRgbValue ); // try palette color return OleHelper::encodeOleColor( rGraphicHelper.getPaletteColor( rTextColor.toInt32() ) ); } void VmlDrawing::convertControlFontData( AxFontData& rAxFontData, sal_uInt32& rnOleTextColor, const ::oox::vml::TextFontModel& rFontModel ) const { if( rFontModel.moName.has() ) rAxFontData.maFontName = rFontModel.moName.get(); // font height: convert from twips to points, then to internal representation of AX controls rAxFontData.setHeightPoints( static_cast< sal_Int16 >( (rFontModel.monSize.get( 200 ) + 10) / 20 ) ); // font effects rAxFontData.mnFontEffects = 0; setFlag( rAxFontData.mnFontEffects, AX_FONTDATA_BOLD, rFontModel.mobBold.get( false ) ); setFlag( rAxFontData.mnFontEffects, AX_FONTDATA_ITALIC, rFontModel.mobItalic.get( false ) ); setFlag( rAxFontData.mnFontEffects, AX_FONTDATA_STRIKEOUT, rFontModel.mobStrikeout.get( false ) ); sal_Int32 nUnderline = rFontModel.monUnderline.get( XML_none ); setFlag( rAxFontData.mnFontEffects, AX_FONTDATA_UNDERLINE, nUnderline != XML_none ); rAxFontData.mbDblUnderline = nUnderline == XML_double; // font color rnOleTextColor = convertControlTextColor( rFontModel.moColor.get( OUString() ) ); } void VmlDrawing::convertControlText( AxFontData& rAxFontData, sal_uInt32& rnOleTextColor, OUString& rCaption, const ::oox::vml::TextBox* pTextBox, sal_Int32 nTextHAlign ) const { if( pTextBox ) { rCaption = pTextBox->getText(); if( const ::oox::vml::TextFontModel* pFontModel = pTextBox->getFirstFont() ) convertControlFontData( rAxFontData, rnOleTextColor, *pFontModel ); } switch( nTextHAlign ) { case XML_Left: rAxFontData.mnHorAlign = AX_FONTDATA_LEFT; break; case XML_Center: rAxFontData.mnHorAlign = AX_FONTDATA_CENTER; break; case XML_Right: rAxFontData.mnHorAlign = AX_FONTDATA_RIGHT; break; default: rAxFontData.mnHorAlign = AX_FONTDATA_LEFT; } } void VmlDrawing::convertControlBackground( AxMorphDataModelBase& rAxModel, const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const { const ::oox::vml::FillModel& rFillModel = rShape.getTypeModel().maFillModel; bool bHasFill = rFillModel.moFilled.get( true ); setFlag( rAxModel.mnFlags, AX_FLAGS_OPAQUE, bHasFill ); if( bHasFill ) { const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper = getBaseFilter().getGraphicHelper(); sal_Int32 nSysWindowColor = rGraphicHelper.getSystemColor( XML_window, API_RGB_WHITE ); ::oox::drawingml::Color aColor = ::oox::vml::ConversionHelper::decodeColor( rGraphicHelper, rFillModel.moColor, rFillModel.moOpacity, nSysWindowColor ); sal_Int32 nRgbValue = aColor.getColor( rGraphicHelper ); rAxModel.mnBackColor = OleHelper::encodeOleColor( nRgbValue ); } } // ============================================================================ VmlDrawingFragment::VmlDrawingFragment( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const OUString& rFragmentPath ) : ::oox::vml::DrawingFragment( rHelper.getOoxFilter(), rFragmentPath, rHelper.getVmlDrawing() ), WorksheetHelper( rHelper ) { } void VmlDrawingFragment::finalizeImport() { ::oox::vml::DrawingFragment::finalizeImport(); getVmlDrawing().convertAndInsert(); } // ============================================================================ } // namespace xls } // namespace oox