/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "oox/xls/formulabase.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "oox/core/filterbase.hxx" #include "oox/helper/containerhelper.hxx" #include "oox/xls/biffinputstream.hxx" namespace oox { namespace xls { // ============================================================================ using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sheet; using namespace ::com::sun::star::table; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using ::rtl::OString; using ::rtl::OStringBuffer; using ::rtl::OStringToOUString; using ::rtl::OUString; using ::rtl::OUStringBuffer; using ::rtl::OUStringToOString; // reference helpers ========================================================== BinSingleRef2d::BinSingleRef2d() : mnCol( 0 ), mnRow( 0 ), mbColRel( false ), mbRowRel( false ) { } void BinSingleRef2d::setBiff12Data( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) { mnCol = nCol & BIFF12_TOK_REF_COLMASK; mnRow = nRow & BIFF12_TOK_REF_ROWMASK; mbColRel = getFlag( nCol, BIFF12_TOK_REF_COLREL ); mbRowRel = getFlag( nCol, BIFF12_TOK_REF_ROWREL ); if( bRelativeAsOffset && mbColRel && (mnCol > (BIFF12_TOK_REF_COLMASK >> 1)) ) mnCol -= (BIFF12_TOK_REF_COLMASK + 1); if( bRelativeAsOffset && mbRowRel && (mnRow > (BIFF12_TOK_REF_ROWMASK >> 1)) ) mnRow -= (BIFF12_TOK_REF_ROWMASK + 1); } void BinSingleRef2d::setBiff2Data( sal_uInt8 nCol, sal_uInt16 nRow, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) { mnCol = nCol; mnRow = nRow & BIFF_TOK_REF_ROWMASK; mbColRel = getFlag( nRow, BIFF_TOK_REF_COLREL ); mbRowRel = getFlag( nRow, BIFF_TOK_REF_ROWREL ); if( bRelativeAsOffset && mbColRel && (mnCol >= 0x80) ) mnCol -= 0x100; if( bRelativeAsOffset && mbRowRel && (mnRow > (BIFF_TOK_REF_ROWMASK >> 1)) ) mnRow -= (BIFF_TOK_REF_ROWMASK + 1); } void BinSingleRef2d::setBiff8Data( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nRow, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) { mnCol = nCol & BIFF_TOK_REF_COLMASK; mnRow = nRow; mbColRel = getFlag( nCol, BIFF_TOK_REF_COLREL ); mbRowRel = getFlag( nCol, BIFF_TOK_REF_ROWREL ); if( bRelativeAsOffset && mbColRel && (mnCol > (BIFF_TOK_REF_COLMASK >> 1)) ) mnCol -= (BIFF_TOK_REF_COLMASK + 1); if( bRelativeAsOffset && mbRowRel && (mnRow >= 0x8000) ) mnRow -= 0x10000; } void BinSingleRef2d::readBiff12Data( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) { sal_Int32 nRow; sal_uInt16 nCol; rStrm >> nRow >> nCol; setBiff12Data( nCol, nRow, bRelativeAsOffset ); } void BinSingleRef2d::readBiff2Data( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) { sal_uInt16 nRow; sal_uInt8 nCol; rStrm >> nRow >> nCol; setBiff2Data( nCol, nRow, bRelativeAsOffset ); } void BinSingleRef2d::readBiff8Data( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) { sal_uInt16 nRow, nCol; rStrm >> nRow >> nCol; setBiff8Data( nCol, nRow, bRelativeAsOffset ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BinComplexRef2d::readBiff12Data( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) { sal_Int32 nRow1, nRow2; sal_uInt16 nCol1, nCol2; rStrm >> nRow1 >> nRow2 >> nCol1 >> nCol2; maRef1.setBiff12Data( nCol1, nRow1, bRelativeAsOffset ); maRef2.setBiff12Data( nCol2, nRow2, bRelativeAsOffset ); } void BinComplexRef2d::readBiff2Data( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) { sal_uInt16 nRow1, nRow2; sal_uInt8 nCol1, nCol2; rStrm >> nRow1 >> nRow2 >> nCol1 >> nCol2; maRef1.setBiff2Data( nCol1, nRow1, bRelativeAsOffset ); maRef2.setBiff2Data( nCol2, nRow2, bRelativeAsOffset ); } void BinComplexRef2d::readBiff8Data( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) { sal_uInt16 nRow1, nRow2, nCol1, nCol2; rStrm >> nRow1 >> nRow2 >> nCol1 >> nCol2; maRef1.setBiff8Data( nCol1, nRow1, bRelativeAsOffset ); maRef2.setBiff8Data( nCol2, nRow2, bRelativeAsOffset ); } // token vector, sequence ===================================================== ApiTokenVector::ApiTokenVector() { } Any& ApiTokenVector::append( sal_Int32 nOpCode ) { resize( size() + 1 ); back().OpCode = nOpCode; return back().Data; } // token sequence iterator ==================================================== ApiTokenIterator::ApiTokenIterator( const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens, sal_Int32 nSpacesOpCode, bool bSkipSpaces ) : mpToken( rTokens.getConstArray() ), mpTokenEnd( rTokens.getConstArray() + rTokens.getLength() ), mnSpacesOpCode( nSpacesOpCode ), mbSkipSpaces( bSkipSpaces ) { skipSpaces(); } ApiTokenIterator::ApiTokenIterator( const ApiTokenIterator& rIter, bool bSkipSpaces ) : mpToken( rIter.mpToken ), mpTokenEnd( rIter.mpTokenEnd ), mnSpacesOpCode( rIter.mnSpacesOpCode ), mbSkipSpaces( bSkipSpaces ) { skipSpaces(); } ApiTokenIterator& ApiTokenIterator::operator++() { if( is() ) { ++mpToken; skipSpaces(); } return *this; } void ApiTokenIterator::skipSpaces() { if( mbSkipSpaces ) while( is() && (mpToken->OpCode == mnSpacesOpCode) ) ++mpToken; } // function data ============================================================== namespace { const size_t FUNCINFO_PARAMINFOCOUNT = 5; /// Number of parameter type entries. const sal_uInt16 FUNCFLAG_VOLATILE = 0x0001; /// Result is volatile (e.g. NOW() function). const sal_uInt16 FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY = 0x0002; /// Only used in import filter. const sal_uInt16 FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY = 0x0004; /// Only used in export filter. const sal_uInt16 FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL = 0x0008; /// Function is stored as macro call in Excel (_xlfn. prefix). OOXML name MUST exist. const sal_uInt16 FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF = 0x0010; /// ODF-only function stored as macro call in Excel (_xlfnodf. prefix). ODF name MUST exist. const sal_uInt16 FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL = 0x0020; /// Function is external in Calc. const sal_uInt16 FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC = 0x0040; /// Function is a macro-sheet function. const sal_uInt16 FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD = 0x0080; /// Function is a macro-sheet command. const sal_uInt16 FUNCFLAG_ALWAYSVAR = 0x0100; /// Function is always represented by a tFuncVar token. const sal_uInt16 FUNCFLAG_PARAMPAIRS = 0x0200; /// Optional parameters are expected to appear in pairs. /// Converts a function library index (value of enum FunctionLibraryType) to function flags. #define FUNCLIB_TO_FUNCFLAGS( funclib_index ) static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( static_cast< sal_uInt8 >( funclib_index ) << 12 ) /// Extracts a function library index (value of enum FunctionLibraryType) from function flags. #define FUNCFLAGS_TO_FUNCLIB( func_flags ) extractValue< FunctionLibraryType >( func_flags, 12, 4 ) typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< FunctionInfo > FunctionInfoRef; struct FunctionData { const sal_Char* mpcOdfFuncName; /// ODF function name. const sal_Char* mpcOoxFuncName; /// OOXML function name. sal_uInt16 mnBiff12FuncId; /// BIFF12 function identifier. sal_uInt16 mnBiffFuncId; /// BIFF2-BIFF8 function identifier. sal_uInt8 mnMinParamCount; /// Minimum number of parameters. sal_uInt8 mnMaxParamCount; /// Maximum number of parameters. sal_uInt8 mnRetClass; /// BIFF token class of the return value. FunctionParamInfo mpParamInfos[ FUNCINFO_PARAMINFOCOUNT ]; /// Information about all parameters. sal_uInt16 mnFlags; /// Additional flags. inline bool isSupported( bool bImportFilter ) const; }; inline bool FunctionData::isSupported( bool bImportFilter ) const { /* For import filters: the FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY flag must not be set, for export filters: the FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY flag must not be set. */ return !getFlag( mnFlags, bImportFilter ? FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY : FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY ); } const sal_uInt16 NOID = SAL_MAX_UINT16; /// No BIFF function identifier available. const sal_uInt8 MX = SAL_MAX_UINT8; /// Maximum parameter count. // abbreviations for function return token class const sal_uInt8 R = BIFF_TOKCLASS_REF; const sal_uInt8 V = BIFF_TOKCLASS_VAL; const sal_uInt8 A = BIFF_TOKCLASS_ARR; // abbreviations for parameter infos #define RO { FUNC_PARAM_REGULAR, FUNC_PARAMCONV_ORG, false } #define RV { FUNC_PARAM_REGULAR, FUNC_PARAMCONV_VAL, false } #define RA { FUNC_PARAM_REGULAR, FUNC_PARAMCONV_ARR, false } #define RR { FUNC_PARAM_REGULAR, FUNC_PARAMCONV_RPT, false } #define RX { FUNC_PARAM_REGULAR, FUNC_PARAMCONV_RPX, false } #define VO { FUNC_PARAM_REGULAR, FUNC_PARAMCONV_ORG, true } #define VV { FUNC_PARAM_REGULAR, FUNC_PARAMCONV_VAL, true } #define VA { FUNC_PARAM_REGULAR, FUNC_PARAMCONV_ARR, true } #define VR { FUNC_PARAM_REGULAR, FUNC_PARAMCONV_RPT, true } #define VX { FUNC_PARAM_REGULAR, FUNC_PARAMCONV_RPX, true } #define RO_E { FUNC_PARAM_EXCELONLY, FUNC_PARAMCONV_ORG, false } #define VR_E { FUNC_PARAM_EXCELONLY, FUNC_PARAMCONV_RPT, true } #define C { FUNC_PARAM_CALCONLY, FUNC_PARAMCONV_ORG, false } // Note: parameter types of all macro sheet functions (FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC/FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD) untested! /** Functions new in BIFF2. */ static const FunctionData saFuncTableBiff2[] = { { "COUNT", "COUNT", 0, 0, 0, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "IF", "IF", 1, 1, 2, 3, R, { VO, RO }, 0 }, { "ISNA", "ISNA", 2, 2, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ISERROR", "ISERROR", 3, 3, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "SUM", "SUM", 4, 4, 0, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "AVERAGE", "AVERAGE", 5, 5, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "MIN", "MIN", 6, 6, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "MAX", "MAX", 7, 7, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "ROW", "ROW", 8, 8, 0, 1, V, { RO }, 0 }, { "COLUMN", "COLUMN", 9, 9, 0, 1, V, { RO }, 0 }, { "NA", "NA", 10, 10, 0, 0, V, {}, 0 }, { "NPV", "NPV", 11, 11, 2, MX, V, { VR, RX }, 0 }, { "STDEV", "STDEV", 12, 12, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "DOLLAR", "DOLLAR", 13, 13, 1, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "FIXED", "FIXED", 14, 14, 1, 2, V, { VR, VR, C }, 0 }, { "SIN", "SIN", 15, 15, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "CSC", "SIN", 15, 15, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY }, { "COS", "COS", 16, 16, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "SEC", "COS", 16, 16, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY }, { "TAN", "TAN", 17, 17, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "COT", "TAN", 17, 17, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY }, { "ATAN", "ATAN", 18, 18, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ACOT", "ATAN", 18, 18, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY }, { "PI", "PI", 19, 19, 0, 0, V, {}, 0 }, { "SQRT", "SQRT", 20, 20, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "EXP", "EXP", 21, 21, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LN", "LN", 22, 22, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LOG10", "LOG10", 23, 23, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ABS", "ABS", 24, 24, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "INT", "INT", 25, 25, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "SIGN", "SIGN", 26, 26, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ROUND", "ROUND", 27, 27, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LOOKUP", "LOOKUP", 28, 28, 2, 3, V, { VR, RA }, 0 }, { "INDEX", "INDEX", 29, 29, 2, 4, R, { RA, VV }, 0 }, { "REPT", "REPT", 30, 30, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "MID", "MID", 31, 31, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LEN", "LEN", 32, 32, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "VALUE", "VALUE", 33, 33, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "TRUE", "TRUE", 34, 34, 0, 0, V, {}, 0 }, { "FALSE", "FALSE", 35, 35, 0, 0, V, {}, 0 }, { "AND", "AND", 36, 36, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "OR", "OR", 37, 37, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "NOT", "NOT", 38, 38, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "MOD", "MOD", 39, 39, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "DCOUNT", "DCOUNT", 40, 40, 3, 3, V, { RO, RR }, 0 }, { "DSUM", "DSUM", 41, 41, 3, 3, V, { RO, RR }, 0 }, { "DAVERAGE", "DAVERAGE", 42, 42, 3, 3, V, { RO, RR }, 0 }, { "DMIN", "DMIN", 43, 43, 3, 3, V, { RO, RR }, 0 }, { "DMAX", "DMAX", 44, 44, 3, 3, V, { RO, RR }, 0 }, { "DSTDEV", "DSTDEV", 45, 45, 3, 3, V, { RO, RR }, 0 }, { "VAR", "VAR", 46, 46, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "DVAR", "DVAR", 47, 47, 3, 3, V, { RO, RR }, 0 }, { "TEXT", "TEXT", 48, 48, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LINEST", "LINEST", 49, 49, 1, 2, A, { RA, RA, C, C }, 0 }, { "TREND", "TREND", 50, 50, 1, 3, A, { RA, RA, RA, C }, 0 }, { "LOGEST", "LOGEST", 51, 51, 1, 2, A, { RA, RA, C, C }, 0 }, { "GROWTH", "GROWTH", 52, 52, 1, 3, A, { RA, RA, RA, C }, 0 }, { "PV", "PV", 56, 56, 3, 5, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "FV", "FV", 57, 57, 3, 5, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "NPER", "NPER", 58, 58, 3, 5, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "PMT", "PMT", 59, 59, 3, 5, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "RATE", "RATE", 60, 60, 3, 6, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "MIRR", "MIRR", 61, 61, 3, 3, V, { RA, VR }, 0 }, { "IRR", "IRR", 62, 62, 1, 2, V, { RA, VR }, 0 }, { "RAND", "RAND", 63, 63, 0, 0, V, {}, FUNCFLAG_VOLATILE }, { "MATCH", "MATCH", 64, 64, 2, 3, V, { VR, RX, RR }, 0 }, { "DATE", "DATE", 65, 65, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "TIME", "TIME", 66, 66, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "DAY", "DAY", 67, 67, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "MONTH", "MONTH", 68, 68, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "YEAR", "YEAR", 69, 69, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "WEEKDAY", "WEEKDAY", 70, 70, 1, 1, V, { VR, C }, 0 }, { "HOUR", "HOUR", 71, 71, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "MINUTE", "MINUTE", 72, 72, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "SECOND", "SECOND", 73, 73, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "NOW", "NOW", 74, 74, 0, 0, V, {}, FUNCFLAG_VOLATILE }, { "AREAS", "AREAS", 75, 75, 1, 1, V, { RO }, 0 }, { "ROWS", "ROWS", 76, 76, 1, 1, V, { RO }, 0 }, { "COLUMNS", "COLUMNS", 77, 77, 1, 1, V, { RO }, 0 }, { "OFFSET", "OFFSET", 78, 78, 3, 5, R, { RO, VR }, FUNCFLAG_VOLATILE }, { "SEARCH", "SEARCH", 82, 82, 2, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "TRANSPOSE", "TRANSPOSE", 83, 83, 1, 1, A, { VO }, 0 }, { "TYPE", "TYPE", 86, 86, 1, 1, V, { VX }, 0 }, { "ATAN2", "ATAN2", 97, 97, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ASIN", "ASIN", 98, 98, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ACOS", "ACOS", 99, 99, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "CHOOSE", "CHOOSE", 100, 100, 2, MX, R, { VO, RO }, 0 }, { "HLOOKUP", "HLOOKUP", 101, 101, 3, 3, V, { VV, RO, RO, C }, 0 }, { "VLOOKUP", "VLOOKUP", 102, 102, 3, 3, V, { VV, RO, RO, C }, 0 }, { "ISREF", "ISREF", 105, 105, 1, 1, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "LOG", "LOG", 109, 109, 1, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "CHAR", "CHAR", 111, 111, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LOWER", "LOWER", 112, 112, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "UPPER", "UPPER", 113, 113, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "PROPER", "PROPER", 114, 114, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LEFT", "LEFT", 115, 115, 1, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "RIGHT", "RIGHT", 116, 116, 1, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "EXACT", "EXACT", 117, 117, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "TRIM", "TRIM", 118, 118, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "REPLACE", "REPLACE", 119, 119, 4, 4, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "SUBSTITUTE", "SUBSTITUTE", 120, 120, 3, 4, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "CODE", "CODE", 121, 121, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "FIND", "FIND", 124, 124, 2, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "CELL", "CELL", 125, 125, 1, 2, V, { VV, RO }, FUNCFLAG_VOLATILE }, { "ISERR", "ISERR", 126, 126, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ISTEXT", "ISTEXT", 127, 127, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ISNUMBER", "ISNUMBER", 128, 128, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ISBLANK", "ISBLANK", 129, 129, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "T", "T", 130, 130, 1, 1, V, { RO }, 0 }, { "N", "N", 131, 131, 1, 1, V, { RO }, 0 }, { "DATEVALUE", "DATEVALUE", 140, 140, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "TIMEVALUE", "TIMEVALUE", 141, 141, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "SLN", "SLN", 142, 142, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "SYD", "SYD", 143, 143, 4, 4, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "DDB", "DDB", 144, 144, 4, 5, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "INDIRECT", "INDIRECT", 148, 148, 1, 2, R, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_VOLATILE }, { "CLEAN", "CLEAN", 162, 162, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "MDETERM", "MDETERM", 163, 163, 1, 1, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "MINVERSE", "MINVERSE", 164, 164, 1, 1, A, { VA }, 0 }, { "MMULT", "MMULT", 165, 165, 2, 2, A, { VA }, 0 }, { "IPMT", "IPMT", 167, 167, 4, 6, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "PPMT", "PPMT", 168, 168, 4, 6, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "COUNTA", "COUNTA", 169, 169, 0, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "PRODUCT", "PRODUCT", 183, 183, 0, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "FACT", "FACT", 184, 184, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "DPRODUCT", "DPRODUCT", 189, 189, 3, 3, V, { RO, RR }, 0 }, { "ISNONTEXT", "ISNONTEXT", 190, 190, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "STDEVP", "STDEVP", 193, 193, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "VARP", "VARP", 194, 194, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "DSTDEVP", "DSTDEVP", 195, 195, 3, 3, V, { RO, RR }, 0 }, { "DVARP", "DVARP", 196, 196, 3, 3, V, { RO, RR }, 0 }, { "TRUNC", "TRUNC", 197, 197, 1, 1, V, { VR, C }, 0 }, { "ISLOGICAL", "ISLOGICAL", 198, 198, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "DCOUNTA", "DCOUNTA", 199, 199, 3, 3, V, { RO, RR }, 0 }, { 0, "EXTERN.CALL", 255, 255, 1, MX, R, { RO_E, RO }, FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY }, // *** macro sheet commands *** { 0, "A1.R1C1", 30, 30, 0, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD }, { 0, "RETURN", 55, 55, 0, 1, R, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC }, { 0, "ABSREF", 79, 79, 2, 2, R, { VR, RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC }, { 0, "ADD.ARROW", 81, 81, 0, 0, V, {}, FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD }, { 0, "ACTIVE.CELL", 94, 94, 0, 0, R, {}, FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC }, { 0, "ACTIVATE", 103, 103, 0, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD }, { 0, "ACTIVATE.NEXT", 104, 104, 0, 0, V, {}, FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD }, { 0, "ACTIVATE.PREV", 105, 105, 0, 0, V, {}, FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD }, { 0, "ADD.BAR", 151, 151, 0, 0, V, {}, FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC | FUNCFLAG_ALWAYSVAR }, { 0, "ADD.MENU", 152, 152, 2, 2, V, { VR, RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC | FUNCFLAG_ALWAYSVAR }, { 0, "ADD.COMMAND", 153, 153, 3, 3, V, { VR, RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC | FUNCFLAG_ALWAYSVAR } }; /** Functions new in BIFF3. */ static const FunctionData saFuncTableBiff3[] = { { "LINEST", "LINEST", 49, 49, 1, 4, A, { RA, RA, VV }, 0 }, // BIFF2: 1-2, BIFF3: 1-4 { "TREND", "TREND", 50, 50, 1, 4, A, { RA, RA, RA, VV }, 0 }, // BIFF2: 1-3, BIFF3: 1-4 { "LOGEST", "LOGEST", 51, 51, 1, 4, A, { RA, RA, VV }, 0 }, // BIFF2: 1-2, BIFF3: 1-4 { "GROWTH", "GROWTH", 52, 52, 1, 4, A, { RA, RA, RA, VV }, 0 }, // BIFF2: 1-3, BIFF3: 1-4 { "TRUNC", "TRUNC", 197, 197, 1, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, // BIFF2: 1, BIFF3: 1-2 { "DOLLAR", "USDOLLAR", 204, 204, 1, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY }, { 0/*"FIND"*/, "FINDB", 205, 205, 2, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { 0/*"SEARCH"*/, "SEARCHB", 206, 206, 2, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { 0/*"REPLACE"*/, "REPLACEB", 207, 207, 4, 4, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LEFTB", "LEFTB", 208, 208, 1, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "RIGHTB", "RIGHTB", 209, 209, 1, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "MIDB", "MIDB", 210, 210, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LENB", "LENB", 211, 211, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ROUNDUP", "ROUNDUP", 212, 212, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ROUNDDOWN", "ROUNDDOWN", 213, 213, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ASC", "ASC", 214, 214, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "JIS", "DBCS", 215, 215, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ADDRESS", "ADDRESS", 219, 219, 2, 5, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "DAYS360", "DAYS360", 220, 220, 2, 2, V, { VR, VR, C }, 0 }, { "TODAY", "TODAY", 221, 221, 0, 0, V, {}, FUNCFLAG_VOLATILE }, { "VDB", "VDB", 222, 222, 5, 7, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "MEDIAN", "MEDIAN", 227, 227, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "SUMPRODUCT", "SUMPRODUCT", 228, 228, 1, MX, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "SINH", "SINH", 229, 229, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "CSCH", "SINH", 229, 229, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY }, { "COSH", "COSH", 230, 230, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "SECH", "COSH", 230, 230, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY }, { "TANH", "TANH", 231, 231, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "COTH", "TANH", 231, 231, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY }, { "ASINH", "ASINH", 232, 232, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ACOSH", "ACOSH", 233, 233, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ATANH", "ATANH", 234, 234, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ACOTH", "ATANH", 234, 234, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY }, { "DGET", "DGET", 235, 235, 3, 3, V, { RO, RR }, 0 }, { "INFO", "INFO", 244, 244, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_VOLATILE }, // *** macro sheet commands *** { 0, "ADD.BAR", 151, 151, 0, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC }, // BIFF2: 0, BIFF3: 0-1 { 0, "ADD.MENU", 152, 152, 2, 3, V, { VR, RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC }, // BIFF2: 2, BIFF3: 2-3 { 0, "ADD.COMMAND", 153, 153, 3, 4, V, { VR, RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC } // BIFF2: 3, BIFF3: 3-4 }; /** Functions new in BIFF4. */ static const FunctionData saFuncTableBiff4[] = { { "FIXED", "FIXED", 14, 14, 1, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, // BIFF2-3: 1-2, BIFF4: 1-3 { "RANK", "RANK", 216, 216, 2, 3, V, { VR, RO, VR }, 0 }, { "DB", "DB", 247, 247, 4, 5, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "FREQUENCY", "FREQUENCY", 252, 252, 2, 2, A, { RA }, 0 }, { "ORG.OPENOFFICE.ERRORTYPE","ERROR.TYPE", 261, 261, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "AVEDEV", "AVEDEV", 269, 269, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "BETADIST", "BETADIST", 270, 270, 3, 5, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "GAMMALN", "GAMMALN", 271, 271, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "BETAINV", "BETAINV", 272, 272, 3, 5, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "BINOMDIST", "BINOMDIST", 273, 273, 4, 4, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LEGACY.CHIDIST", "CHIDIST", 274, 274, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LEGACY.CHIINV", "CHIINV", 275, 275, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "COMBIN", "COMBIN", 276, 276, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "CONFIDENCE", "CONFIDENCE", 277, 277, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "CRITBINOM", "CRITBINOM", 278, 278, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "EVEN", "EVEN", 279, 279, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "EXPONDIST", "EXPONDIST", 280, 280, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LEGACY.FDIST", "FDIST", 281, 281, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LEGACY.FINV", "FINV", 282, 282, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "FISHER", "FISHER", 283, 283, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "FISHERINV", "FISHERINV", 284, 284, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "FLOOR", "FLOOR", 285, 285, 2, 2, V, { VR, VR, C }, 0 }, { "GAMMADIST", "GAMMADIST", 286, 286, 4, 4, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "GAMMAINV", "GAMMAINV", 287, 287, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "CEILING", "CEILING", 288, 288, 2, 2, V, { VR, VR, C }, 0 }, { "HYPGEOMDIST", "HYPGEOMDIST", 289, 289, 4, 4, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LOGNORMDIST", "LOGNORMDIST", 290, 290, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LOGINV", "LOGINV", 291, 291, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "NEGBINOMDIST", "NEGBINOMDIST", 292, 292, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "NORMDIST", "NORMDIST", 293, 293, 4, 4, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LEGACY.NORMSDIST", "NORMSDIST", 294, 294, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "NORMINV", "NORMINV", 295, 295, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "LEGACY.NORMSINV", "NORMSINV", 296, 296, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "STANDARDIZE", "STANDARDIZE", 297, 297, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "ODD", "ODD", 298, 298, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "PERMUT", "PERMUT", 299, 299, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "POISSON", "POISSON", 300, 300, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "TDIST", "TDIST", 301, 301, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "WEIBULL", "WEIBULL", 302, 302, 4, 4, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "SUMXMY2", "SUMXMY2", 303, 303, 2, 2, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "SUMX2MY2", "SUMX2MY2", 304, 304, 2, 2, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "SUMX2PY2", "SUMX2PY2", 305, 305, 2, 2, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "LEGACY.CHITEST", "CHITEST", 306, 306, 2, 2, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "CORREL", "CORREL", 307, 307, 2, 2, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "COVAR", "COVAR", 308, 308, 2, 2, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "FORECAST", "FORECAST", 309, 309, 3, 3, V, { VR, VA }, 0 }, { "FTEST", "FTEST", 310, 310, 2, 2, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "INTERCEPT", "INTERCEPT", 311, 311, 2, 2, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "PEARSON", "PEARSON", 312, 312, 2, 2, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "RSQ", "RSQ", 313, 313, 2, 2, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "STEYX", "STEYX", 314, 314, 2, 2, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "SLOPE", "SLOPE", 315, 315, 2, 2, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "TTEST", "TTEST", 316, 316, 4, 4, V, { VA, VA, VR }, 0 }, { "PROB", "PROB", 317, 317, 3, 4, V, { VA, VA, VR }, 0 }, { "DEVSQ", "DEVSQ", 318, 318, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "GEOMEAN", "GEOMEAN", 319, 319, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "HARMEAN", "HARMEAN", 320, 320, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "SUMSQ", "SUMSQ", 321, 321, 0, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "KURT", "KURT", 322, 322, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "SKEW", "SKEW", 323, 323, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "ZTEST", "ZTEST", 324, 324, 2, 3, V, { RX, VR }, 0 }, { "LARGE", "LARGE", 325, 325, 2, 2, V, { RX, VR }, 0 }, { "SMALL", "SMALL", 326, 326, 2, 2, V, { RX, VR }, 0 }, { "QUARTILE", "QUARTILE", 327, 327, 2, 2, V, { RX, VR }, 0 }, { "PERCENTILE", "PERCENTILE", 328, 328, 2, 2, V, { RX, VR }, 0 }, { "PERCENTRANK", "PERCENTRANK", 329, 329, 2, 3, V, { RX, VR, VR_E }, 0 }, { "MODE", "MODE", 330, 330, 1, MX, V, { VA }, 0 }, { "TRIMMEAN", "TRIMMEAN", 331, 331, 2, 2, V, { RX, VR }, 0 }, { "TINV", "TINV", 332, 332, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, // *** Analysis add-in *** { "HEX2BIN", "HEX2BIN", 384, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "HEX2DEC", "HEX2DEC", 385, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "HEX2OCT", "HEX2OCT", 386, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "DEC2BIN", "DEC2BIN", 387, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "DEC2HEX", "DEC2HEX", 388, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "DEC2OCT", "DEC2OCT", 389, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "OCT2BIN", "OCT2BIN", 390, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "OCT2HEX", "OCT2HEX", 391, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "OCT2DEC", "OCT2DEC", 392, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "BIN2DEC", "BIN2DEC", 393, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "BIN2OCT", "BIN2OCT", 394, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "BIN2HEX", "BIN2HEX", 395, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMSUB", "IMSUB", 396, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMDIV", "IMDIV", 397, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMPOWER", "IMPOWER", 398, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMABS", "IMABS", 399, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMSQRT", "IMSQRT", 400, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMLN", "IMLN", 401, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMLOG2", "IMLOG2", 402, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMLOG10", "IMLOG10", 403, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMSIN", "IMSIN", 404, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMCOS", "IMCOS", 405, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMEXP", "IMEXP", 406, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMARGUMENT", "IMARGUMENT", 407, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMCONJUGATE", "IMCONJUGATE", 408, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMAGINARY", "IMAGINARY", 409, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMREAL", "IMREAL", 410, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "COMPLEX", "COMPLEX", 411, NOID, 2, 3, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMSUM", "IMSUM", 412, NOID, 1, MX, V, { RX }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "IMPRODUCT", "IMPRODUCT", 413, NOID, 1, MX, V, { RX }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "SERIESSUM", "SERIESSUM", 414, NOID, 4, 4, V, { RR, RR, RR, RX }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "FACTDOUBLE", "FACTDOUBLE", 415, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "SQRTPI", "SQRTPI", 416, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "QUOTIENT", "QUOTIENT", 417, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "DELTA", "DELTA", 418, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "GESTEP", "GESTEP", 419, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "ISEVEN", "ISEVEN", 420, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, // Calc: builtin and add-in { "ISODD", "ISODD", 421, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, // Calc: builtin and add-in { "MROUND", "MROUND", 422, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "ERF", "ERF", 423, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "ERFC", "ERFC", 424, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "BESSELJ", "BESSELJ", 425, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "BESSELK", "BESSELK", 426, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "BESSELY", "BESSELY", 427, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "BESSELI", "BESSELI", 428, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "XIRR", "XIRR", 429, NOID, 2, 3, V, { RX, RX, RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "XNPV", "XNPV", 430, NOID, 3, 3, V, { RR, RX, RX }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "PRICEMAT", "PRICEMAT", 431, NOID, 5, 6, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "YIELDMAT", "YIELDMAT", 432, NOID, 5, 6, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "INTRATE", "INTRATE", 433, NOID, 4, 5, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "RECEIVED", "RECEIVED", 434, NOID, 4, 5, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "DISC", "DISC", 435, NOID, 4, 5, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "PRICEDISC", "PRICEDISC", 436, NOID, 4, 5, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "YIELDDISC", "YIELDDISC", 437, NOID, 4, 5, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "TBILLEQ", "TBILLEQ", 438, NOID, 3, 3, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "TBILLPRICE", "TBILLPRICE", 439, NOID, 3, 3, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "TBILLYIELD", "TBILLYIELD", 440, NOID, 3, 3, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "PRICE", "PRICE", 441, NOID, 6, 7, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "YIELD", "YIELD", 442, NOID, 6, 7, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "DOLLARDE", "DOLLARDE", 443, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "DOLLARFR", "DOLLARFR", 444, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "NOMINAL", "NOMINAL", 445, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, // Calc: builtin and add-in { "EFFECT", "EFFECT", 446, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, // Calc: builtin and add-in { "CUMPRINC", "CUMPRINC", 447, NOID, 6, 6, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, // Calc: builtin and add-in { "CUMIPMT", "CUMIPMT", 448, NOID, 6, 6, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, // Calc: builtin and add-in { "EDATE", "EDATE", 449, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "EOMONTH", "EOMONTH", 450, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "YEARFRAC", "YEARFRAC", 451, NOID, 2, 3, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "COUPDAYBS", "COUPDAYBS", 452, NOID, 3, 4, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "COUPDAYS", "COUPDAYS", 453, NOID, 3, 4, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "COUPDAYSNC", "COUPDAYSNC", 454, NOID, 3, 4, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "COUPNCD", "COUPNCD", 455, NOID, 3, 4, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "COUPNUM", "COUPNUM", 456, NOID, 3, 4, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "COUPPCD", "COUPPCD", 457, NOID, 3, 4, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "DURATION", "DURATION", 458, NOID, 5, 6, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, // Calc: builtin and add-in { "MDURATION", "MDURATION", 459, NOID, 5, 6, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "ODDLPRICE", "ODDLPRICE", 460, NOID, 7, 8, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "ODDLYIELD", "ODDLYIELD", 461, NOID, 8, 9, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "ODDFPRICE", "ODDFPRICE", 462, NOID, 8, 9, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "ODDFYIELD", "ODDFYIELD", 463, NOID, 8, 9, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "RANDBETWEEN", "RANDBETWEEN", 464, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_VOLATILE | FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "WEEKNUM", "WEEKNUM", 465, NOID, 1, 2, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "AMORDEGRC", "AMORDEGRC", 466, NOID, 6, 7, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "AMORLINC", "AMORLINC", 467, NOID, 6, 7, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "CONVERT", "CONVERT", 468, NOID, 3, 3, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, // Calc: builtin and add-in { "ACCRINT", "ACCRINT", 469, NOID, 6, 7, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "ACCRINTM", "ACCRINTM", 470, NOID, 4, 5, V, { RR }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "WORKDAY", "WORKDAY", 471, NOID, 2, 3, V, { RR, RR, RX, C }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "NETWORKDAYS", "NETWORKDAYS", 472, NOID, 2, 3, V, { RR, RR, RX, C }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "GCD", "GCD", 473, NOID, 1, MX, V, { RX }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, // Calc: builtin and add-in { "MULTINOMIAL", "MULTINOMIAL", 474, NOID, 1, MX, V, { RX }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, { "LCM", "LCM", 475, NOID, 1, MX, V, { RX }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, // Calc: builtin and add-in { "FVSCHEDULE", "FVSCHEDULE", 476, NOID, 2, 2, V, { RR, RX }, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL }, // *** macro sheet commands *** { 0, "ACTIVATE.NEXT", 104, 104, 0, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD }, // BIFF2-3: 0, BIFF4: 0-1 { 0, "ACTIVATE.PREV", 105, 105, 0, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD } // BIFF2-3: 0, BIFF4: 0-1 }; /** Functions new in BIFF5/BIFF7. */ static const FunctionData saFuncTableBiff5[] = { { "WEEKDAY", "WEEKDAY", 70, 70, 1, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, // BIFF2-4: 1, BIFF5: 1-2 { "HLOOKUP", "HLOOKUP", 101, 101, 3, 4, V, { VV, RO, RO, VV }, 0 }, // BIFF2-4: 3, BIFF5: 3-4 { "VLOOKUP", "VLOOKUP", 102, 102, 3, 4, V, { VV, RO, RO, VV }, 0 }, // BIFF2-4: 3, BIFF5: 3-4 { "DAYS360", "DAYS360", 220, 220, 2, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, // BIFF3-4: 2, BIFF5: 2-3 { 0, "EXTERN.CALL", 255, 255, 1, MX, R, { RO_E, RO }, FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY }, // MACRO or EXTERNAL { "CONCATENATE", "CONCATENATE", 336, 336, 0, MX, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "POWER", "POWER", 337, 337, 2, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "RADIANS", "RADIANS", 342, 342, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "DEGREES", "DEGREES", 343, 343, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { "SUBTOTAL", "SUBTOTAL", 344, 344, 2, MX, V, { VR, RO }, 0 }, { "SUMIF", "SUMIF", 345, 345, 2, 3, V, { RO, VR, RO }, 0 }, { "COUNTIF", "COUNTIF", 346, 346, 2, 2, V, { RO, VR }, 0 }, { "COUNTBLANK", "COUNTBLANK", 347, 347, 1, 1, V, { RO }, 0 }, { "ISPMT", "ISPMT", 350, 350, 4, 4, V, { VR }, 0 }, { 0, "DATEDIF", 351, 351, 3, 3, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY }, // not supported in Calc { 0, "DATESTRING", 352, 352, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY }, // not supported in Calc, missing in OOXML spec { 0, "NUMBERSTRING", 353, 353, 2, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY }, // not supported in Calc, missing in OOXML spec { "ROMAN", "ROMAN", 354, 354, 1, 2, V, { VR }, 0 }, // *** EuroTool add-in *** { "EUROCONVERT", "EUROCONVERT", NOID, NOID, 3, 5, V, { VR }, FUNCLIB_TO_FUNCFLAGS( FUNCLIB_EUROTOOL ) }, // *** macro sheet commands *** { 0, "ADD.MENU", 152, 152, 2, 4, V, { VR, RO, RO, VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC }, // BIFF3-4: 2-3, BIFF5: 2-4 { 0, "ADD.COMMAND", 153, 153, 3, 5, V, { VR, RO, RO, RO, VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC }, // BIFF3-4: 3-4, BIFF5: 3-5 { 0, "ADD.CHART.AUTOFORMAT", 390, 390, 0, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD }, { 0, "ADD.LIST.ITEM", 451, 451, 0, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD }, { 0, "ACTIVE.CELL.FONT", 476, 476, 0, 14, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD } }; /** Functions new in BIFF8. */ static const FunctionData saFuncTableBiff8[] = { { "GETPIVOTDATA", "GETPIVOTDATA", 358, 358, 2, MX, V, { RR, RR, VR, VR }, FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY | FUNCFLAG_PARAMPAIRS }, { "HYPERLINK", "HYPERLINK", 359, 359, 1, 2, V, { VV, VO }, 0 }, { 0, "PHONETIC", 360, 360, 1, 1, V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY }, { "AVERAGEA", "AVERAGEA", 361, 361, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "MAXA", "MAXA", 362, 362, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "MINA", "MINA", 363, 363, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "STDEVPA", "STDEVPA", 364, 364, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "VARPA", "VARPA", 365, 365, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "STDEVA", "STDEVA", 366, 366, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "VARA", "VARA", 367, 367, 1, MX, V, { RX }, 0 }, { "COM.MICROSOFT.BAHTTEXT", "BAHTTEXT", 368, 368, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL }, { 0, "THAIDAYOFWEEK", 369, 369, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL }, { 0, "THAIDIGIT", 370, 370, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL }, { 0, "THAIMONTHOFYEAR", 371, 371, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL }, { 0, "THAINUMSOUND", 372, 372, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL }, { 0, "THAINUMSTRING", 373, 373, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL }, { 0, "THAISTRINGLENGTH", 374, 374, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL }, { 0, "ISTHAIDIGIT", 375, 375, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL }, { 0, "ROUNDBAHTDOWN", 376, 376, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL }, { 0, "ROUNDBAHTUP", 377, 377, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL }, { 0, "THAIYEAR", 378, 378, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL }, { 0, "RTD", 379, 379, 3, 3, A, { VR, VR, RO }, 0 } }; /** Functions new in OOXML. */ static const FunctionData saFuncTableOox[] = { { 0, "CUBEVALUE", 380, NOID, 1, MX, V, { VR, RX }, 0 }, { 0, "CUBEMEMBER", 381, NOID, 2, 3, V, { VR, RX, VR }, 0 }, { 0, "CUBEMEMBERPROPERTY", 382, NOID, 3, 3, V, { VR }, 0 }, { 0, "CUBERANKEDMEMBER", 383, NOID, 3, 4, V, { VR }, 0 }, { 0, "CUBEKPIMEMBER", 477, NOID, 3, 4, V, { VR }, 0 }, { 0, "CUBESET", 478, NOID, 2, 5, V, { VR, RX, VR }, 0 }, { 0, "CUBESETCOUNT", 479, NOID, 1, 1, V, { VR }, 0 }, { 0, "IFERROR", 480, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VO, RO }, 0 }, { "COUNTIFS", "COUNTIFS", 481, NOID, 2, MX, V, { RO, VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL | FUNCFLAG_PARAMPAIRS }, { "SUMIFS", "SUMIFS", 482, NOID, 3, MX, V, { RO, RO, VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL | FUNCFLAG_PARAMPAIRS }, { "AVERAGEIF", "AVERAGEIF", 483, NOID, 2, 3, V, { RO, VR, RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL }, { "AVERAGEIFS", "AVERAGEIFS", 484, NOID, 3, MX, V, { RO, RO, VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL | FUNCFLAG_PARAMPAIRS } }; /** Functions defined by OpenFormula, but not supported by Calc or by Excel. */ static const FunctionData saFuncTableOdf[] = { { "ARABIC", 0, NOID, NOID, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "B", 0, NOID, NOID, 3, 4, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "BASE", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 3, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "BITAND", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "BITLSHIFT", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "BITOR", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "BITRSHIFT", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "BITXOR", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "CHISQDIST", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 3, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "CHISQINV", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "COMBINA", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "DAYS", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "DECIMAL", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "FDIST", 0, NOID, NOID, 3, 4, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "FINV", 0, NOID, NOID, 3, 3, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "FORMULA", 0, NOID, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "GAMMA", 0, NOID, NOID, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "GAUSS", 0, NOID, NOID, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "IFNA", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VR, RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "ISFORMULA", 0, NOID, NOID, 1, 1, V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "ISOWEEKNUM", 0, NOID, NOID, 1, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "MUNIT", 0, NOID, NOID, 1, 1, A, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "NUMBERVALUE", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "PDURATION", 0, NOID, NOID, 3, 3, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "PERMUTATIONA", 0, NOID, NOID, 2, 2, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "PHI", 0, NOID, NOID, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "RRI", 0, NOID, NOID, 3, 3, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "SHEET", 0, NOID, NOID, 0, 1, V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "SHEETS", 0, NOID, NOID, 0, 1, V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "SKEWP", 0, NOID, NOID, 1, MX, V, { RX }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "UNICHAR", 0, NOID, NOID, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "UNICODE", 0, NOID, NOID, 1, 1, V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }, { "XOR", 0, NOID, NOID, 1, MX, V, { RX }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const sal_Unicode API_TOKEN_OPEN = '('; const sal_Unicode API_TOKEN_CLOSE = ')'; const sal_Unicode API_TOKEN_SEP = ';'; const sal_Unicode API_TOKEN_ARRAY_OPEN = '{'; const sal_Unicode API_TOKEN_ARRAY_CLOSE = '}'; const sal_Unicode API_TOKEN_ARRAY_ROWSEP = '|'; const sal_Unicode API_TOKEN_ARRAY_COLSEP = ';'; } // namespace // function info parameter class iterator ===================================== FunctionParamInfoIterator::FunctionParamInfoIterator( const FunctionInfo& rFuncInfo ) : mpParamInfo( rFuncInfo.mpParamInfos ), mpParamInfoEnd( rFuncInfo.mpParamInfos + FUNCINFO_PARAMINFOCOUNT ), mbParamPairs( rFuncInfo.mbParamPairs ) { } const FunctionParamInfo& FunctionParamInfoIterator::getParamInfo() const { static const FunctionParamInfo saInvalidInfo = { FUNC_PARAM_NONE, FUNC_PARAMCONV_ORG, false }; return mpParamInfo ? *mpParamInfo : saInvalidInfo; } bool FunctionParamInfoIterator::isCalcOnlyParam() const { return mpParamInfo && (mpParamInfo->meValid == FUNC_PARAM_CALCONLY); } bool FunctionParamInfoIterator::isExcelOnlyParam() const { return mpParamInfo && (mpParamInfo->meValid == FUNC_PARAM_EXCELONLY); } FunctionParamInfoIterator& FunctionParamInfoIterator::operator++() { if( mpParamInfo ) { // move pointer to next entry, if something explicit follows if( (mpParamInfo + 1 < mpParamInfoEnd) && (mpParamInfo[ 1 ].meValid != FUNC_PARAM_NONE) ) ++mpParamInfo; // if last parameter type is 'Excel-only' or 'Calc-only', do not repeat it else if( isExcelOnlyParam() || isCalcOnlyParam() ) mpParamInfo = 0; // points to last info, but parameter pairs expected, move to previous info else if( mbParamPairs ) --mpParamInfo; // otherwise: repeat last parameter class } return *this; } // function provider ========================================================== struct FunctionProviderImpl { typedef RefMap< OUString, FunctionInfo > FuncNameMap; typedef RefMap< sal_uInt16, FunctionInfo > FuncIdMap; FunctionInfoVector maFuncs; /// All function infos in one list. FuncNameMap maOdfFuncs; /// Maps ODF function names to function data. FuncNameMap maOoxFuncs; /// Maps OOXML function names to function data. FuncIdMap maBiff12Funcs; /// Maps BIFF12 function indexes to function data. FuncIdMap maBiffFuncs; /// Maps BIFF2-BIFF8 function indexes to function data. FuncNameMap maMacroFuncs; /// Maps macro function names to function data. explicit FunctionProviderImpl( FilterType eFilter, BiffType eBiff, bool bImportFilter ); private: /** Creates and inserts a function info struct from the passed function data. */ void initFunc( const FunctionData& rFuncData, sal_uInt8 nMaxParam ); /** Initializes the members from the passed function data list. */ void initFuncs( const FunctionData* pBeg, const FunctionData* pEnd, sal_uInt8 nMaxParam, bool bImportFilter ); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FunctionProviderImpl::FunctionProviderImpl( FilterType eFilter, BiffType eBiff, bool bImportFilter ) { OSL_ENSURE( bImportFilter, "FunctionProviderImpl::FunctionProviderImpl - need special handling for macro call functions" ); sal_uInt8 nMaxParam = 0; switch( eFilter ) { case FILTER_OOXML: nMaxParam = OOX_MAX_PARAMCOUNT; eBiff = BIFF8; // insert all BIFF function tables, then the OOXML table break; case FILTER_BIFF: nMaxParam = BIFF_MAX_PARAMCOUNT; break; case FILTER_UNKNOWN: OSL_ENSURE( false, "FunctionProviderImpl::FunctionProviderImpl - invalid filter type" ); break; } OSL_ENSURE( eBiff != BIFF_UNKNOWN, "FunctionProviderImpl::FunctionProviderImpl - invalid BIFF type" ); /* Add functions supported in the current BIFF version only. Function tables from later BIFF versions may overwrite single functions from earlier tables. */ if( eBiff >= BIFF2 ) initFuncs( saFuncTableBiff2, STATIC_ARRAY_END( saFuncTableBiff2 ), nMaxParam, bImportFilter ); if( eBiff >= BIFF3 ) initFuncs( saFuncTableBiff3, STATIC_ARRAY_END( saFuncTableBiff3 ), nMaxParam, bImportFilter ); if( eBiff >= BIFF4 ) initFuncs( saFuncTableBiff4, STATIC_ARRAY_END( saFuncTableBiff4 ), nMaxParam, bImportFilter ); if( eBiff >= BIFF5 ) initFuncs( saFuncTableBiff5, STATIC_ARRAY_END( saFuncTableBiff5 ), nMaxParam, bImportFilter ); if( eBiff >= BIFF8 ) initFuncs( saFuncTableBiff8, STATIC_ARRAY_END( saFuncTableBiff8 ), nMaxParam, bImportFilter ); initFuncs( saFuncTableOox, STATIC_ARRAY_END( saFuncTableOox ), nMaxParam, bImportFilter ); initFuncs( saFuncTableOdf, STATIC_ARRAY_END( saFuncTableOdf ), nMaxParam, bImportFilter ); } void FunctionProviderImpl::initFunc( const FunctionData& rFuncData, sal_uInt8 nMaxParam ) { // create a function info object FunctionInfoRef xFuncInfo( new FunctionInfo ); if( rFuncData.mpcOdfFuncName ) xFuncInfo->maOdfFuncName = OUString::createFromAscii( rFuncData.mpcOdfFuncName ); if( rFuncData.mpcOoxFuncName ) xFuncInfo->maOoxFuncName = OUString::createFromAscii( rFuncData.mpcOoxFuncName ); if( getFlag( rFuncData.mnFlags, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL ) ) { OSL_ENSURE( xFuncInfo->maOoxFuncName.getLength() > 0, "FunctionProviderImpl::initFunc - missing OOXML function name" ); OSL_ENSURE( !getFlag( rFuncData.mnFlags, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF ), "FunctionProviderImpl::initFunc - unexpected flag FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF" ); xFuncInfo->maBiffMacroName = CREATE_OUSTRING( "_xlfn." ) + xFuncInfo->maOoxFuncName; } else if( getFlag( rFuncData.mnFlags, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF ) ) { OSL_ENSURE( xFuncInfo->maOdfFuncName.getLength() > 0, "FunctionProviderImpl::initFunc - missing ODF function name" ); xFuncInfo->maBiffMacroName = CREATE_OUSTRING( "_xlfnodf." ) + xFuncInfo->maOdfFuncName; } xFuncInfo->meFuncLibType = FUNCFLAGS_TO_FUNCLIB( rFuncData.mnFlags ); xFuncInfo->mnApiOpCode = -1; xFuncInfo->mnBiff12FuncId = rFuncData.mnBiff12FuncId; xFuncInfo->mnBiffFuncId = rFuncData.mnBiffFuncId; xFuncInfo->mnMinParamCount = rFuncData.mnMinParamCount; xFuncInfo->mnMaxParamCount = (rFuncData.mnMaxParamCount == MX) ? nMaxParam : rFuncData.mnMaxParamCount; xFuncInfo->mnRetClass = rFuncData.mnRetClass; xFuncInfo->mpParamInfos = rFuncData.mpParamInfos; xFuncInfo->mbParamPairs = getFlag( rFuncData.mnFlags, FUNCFLAG_PARAMPAIRS ); xFuncInfo->mbVolatile = getFlag( rFuncData.mnFlags, FUNCFLAG_VOLATILE ); xFuncInfo->mbExternal = getFlag( rFuncData.mnFlags, FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL ); bool bMacroCmd = getFlag( rFuncData.mnFlags, FUNCFLAG_MACROCMD ); xFuncInfo->mbMacroFunc = bMacroCmd || getFlag( rFuncData.mnFlags, FUNCFLAG_MACROFUNC ); xFuncInfo->mbVarParam = bMacroCmd || (rFuncData.mnMinParamCount != rFuncData.mnMaxParamCount) || getFlag( rFuncData.mnFlags, FUNCFLAG_ALWAYSVAR ); setFlag( xFuncInfo->mnBiff12FuncId, BIFF_TOK_FUNCVAR_CMD, bMacroCmd ); setFlag( xFuncInfo->mnBiffFuncId, BIFF_TOK_FUNCVAR_CMD, bMacroCmd ); // insert the function info into the member maps maFuncs.push_back( xFuncInfo ); if( xFuncInfo->maOdfFuncName.getLength() > 0 ) maOdfFuncs[ xFuncInfo->maOdfFuncName ] = xFuncInfo; if( xFuncInfo->maOoxFuncName.getLength() > 0 ) maOoxFuncs[ xFuncInfo->maOoxFuncName ] = xFuncInfo; if( xFuncInfo->mnBiff12FuncId != NOID ) maBiff12Funcs[ xFuncInfo->mnBiff12FuncId ] = xFuncInfo; if( xFuncInfo->mnBiffFuncId != NOID ) maBiffFuncs[ xFuncInfo->mnBiffFuncId ] = xFuncInfo; if( xFuncInfo->maBiffMacroName.getLength() > 0 ) maMacroFuncs[ xFuncInfo->maBiffMacroName ] = xFuncInfo; } void FunctionProviderImpl::initFuncs( const FunctionData* pBeg, const FunctionData* pEnd, sal_uInt8 nMaxParam, bool bImportFilter ) { for( const FunctionData* pIt = pBeg; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt ) if( pIt->isSupported( bImportFilter ) ) initFunc( *pIt, nMaxParam ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FunctionProvider::FunctionProvider( FilterType eFilter, BiffType eBiff, bool bImportFilter ) : mxFuncImpl( new FunctionProviderImpl( eFilter, eBiff, bImportFilter ) ) { } FunctionProvider::~FunctionProvider() { } const FunctionInfo* FunctionProvider::getFuncInfoFromOdfFuncName( const OUString& rFuncName ) const { return mxFuncImpl->maOdfFuncs.get( rFuncName ).get(); } const FunctionInfo* FunctionProvider::getFuncInfoFromOoxFuncName( const OUString& rFuncName ) const { return mxFuncImpl->maOoxFuncs.get( rFuncName ).get(); } const FunctionInfo* FunctionProvider::getFuncInfoFromBiff12FuncId( sal_uInt16 nFuncId ) const { return mxFuncImpl->maBiff12Funcs.get( nFuncId ).get(); } const FunctionInfo* FunctionProvider::getFuncInfoFromBiffFuncId( sal_uInt16 nFuncId ) const { return mxFuncImpl->maBiffFuncs.get( nFuncId ).get(); } const FunctionInfo* FunctionProvider::getFuncInfoFromMacroName( const OUString& rFuncName ) const { return mxFuncImpl->maMacroFuncs.get( rFuncName ).get(); } FunctionLibraryType FunctionProvider::getFuncLibTypeFromLibraryName( const OUString& rLibraryName ) const { #define OOX_XLS_IS_LIBNAME( libname, basename ) (libname.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( basename ".XLA" ) || libname.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( basename ".XLAM" )) // the EUROTOOL add-in containing the EUROCONVERT function if( OOX_XLS_IS_LIBNAME( rLibraryName, "EUROTOOL" ) ) return FUNCLIB_EUROTOOL; #undef OOX_XLS_IS_LIBNAME // default: unknown library return FUNCLIB_UNKNOWN; } const FunctionInfoVector& FunctionProvider::getFuncs() const { return mxFuncImpl->maFuncs; } // op-code and function provider ============================================== struct OpCodeProviderImpl : public ApiOpCodes { typedef RefMap< sal_Int32, FunctionInfo > OpCodeFuncMap; typedef RefMap< OUString, FunctionInfo > FuncNameMap; typedef ::std::vector< FormulaOpCodeMapEntry > OpCodeEntryVector; OpCodeFuncMap maOpCodeFuncs; /// Maps API function op-codes to function data. FuncNameMap maExtProgFuncs; /// Maps programmatical API function names to function data. OpCodeEntryVector maParserMap; /// OOXML token mapping for formula parser service. explicit OpCodeProviderImpl( const FunctionInfoVector& rFuncInfos, const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& rxModelFactory ); private: typedef ::std::map< OUString, ApiToken > ApiTokenMap; typedef Sequence< FormulaOpCodeMapEntry > OpCodeEntrySequence; static bool fillEntrySeq( OpCodeEntrySequence& orEntrySeq, const Reference< XFormulaOpCodeMapper >& rxMapper, sal_Int32 nMapGroup ); static bool fillTokenMap( ApiTokenMap& orTokenMap, OpCodeEntrySequence& orEntrySeq, const Reference< XFormulaOpCodeMapper >& rxMapper, sal_Int32 nMapGroup ); bool fillFuncTokenMaps( ApiTokenMap& orIntFuncTokenMap, ApiTokenMap& orExtFuncTokenMap, OpCodeEntrySequence& orEntrySeq, const Reference< XFormulaOpCodeMapper >& rxMapper ) const; static bool initOpCode( sal_Int32& ornOpCode, const OpCodeEntrySequence& rEntrySeq, sal_Int32 nSpecialId ); bool initOpCode( sal_Int32& ornOpCode, const ApiTokenMap& rTokenMap, const OUString& rOdfName, const OUString& rOoxName ); bool initOpCode( sal_Int32& ornOpCode, const ApiTokenMap& rTokenMap, const sal_Char* pcOdfName, const sal_Char* pcOoxName ); bool initOpCode( sal_Int32& ornOpCode, const ApiTokenMap& rTokenMap, sal_Unicode cOdfName, sal_Unicode cOoxName ); bool initFuncOpCode( FunctionInfo& orFuncInfo, const ApiTokenMap& rFuncTokenMap ); bool initFuncOpCodes( const ApiTokenMap& rIntFuncTokenMap, const ApiTokenMap& rExtFuncTokenMap, const FunctionInfoVector& rFuncInfos ); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpCodeProviderImpl::OpCodeProviderImpl( const FunctionInfoVector& rFuncInfos, const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& rxModelFactory ) { if( rxModelFactory.is() ) try { Reference< XFormulaOpCodeMapper > xMapper( rxModelFactory->createInstance( CREATE_OUSTRING( "com.sun.star.sheet.FormulaOpCodeMapper" ) ), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); // op-codes provided as attributes OPCODE_UNKNOWN = xMapper->getOpCodeUnknown(); OPCODE_EXTERNAL = xMapper->getOpCodeExternal(); using namespace ::com::sun::star::sheet::FormulaMapGroup; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sheet::FormulaMapGroupSpecialOffset; OpCodeEntrySequence aEntrySeq; ApiTokenMap aTokenMap, aExtFuncTokenMap; bool bIsValid = // special fillEntrySeq( aEntrySeq, xMapper, SPECIAL ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_PUSH, aEntrySeq, PUSH ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_MISSING, aEntrySeq, MISSING ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_SPACES, aEntrySeq, SPACES ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_NAME, aEntrySeq, NAME ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_DBAREA, aEntrySeq, DB_AREA ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_NLR, aEntrySeq, COL_ROW_NAME ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_MACRO, aEntrySeq, MACRO ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_BAD, aEntrySeq, BAD ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_NONAME, aEntrySeq, NO_NAME ) && // separators fillTokenMap( aTokenMap, aEntrySeq, xMapper, SEPARATORS ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_OPEN, aTokenMap, API_TOKEN_OPEN, '(' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_CLOSE, aTokenMap, API_TOKEN_CLOSE, ')' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_SEP, aTokenMap, API_TOKEN_SEP, ',' ) && // array separators fillTokenMap( aTokenMap, aEntrySeq, xMapper, ARRAY_SEPARATORS ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_ARRAY_OPEN, aTokenMap, API_TOKEN_ARRAY_OPEN, '{' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_ARRAY_CLOSE, aTokenMap, API_TOKEN_ARRAY_CLOSE, '}' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_ARRAY_ROWSEP, aTokenMap, API_TOKEN_ARRAY_ROWSEP, ';' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_ARRAY_COLSEP, aTokenMap, API_TOKEN_ARRAY_COLSEP, ',' ) && // unary operators fillTokenMap( aTokenMap, aEntrySeq, xMapper, UNARY_OPERATORS ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_PLUS_SIGN, aTokenMap, '+', '\0' ) && // same op-code as OPCODE_ADD initOpCode( OPCODE_MINUS_SIGN, aTokenMap, '-', '-' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_PERCENT, aTokenMap, '%', '%' ) && // binary operators fillTokenMap( aTokenMap, aEntrySeq, xMapper, BINARY_OPERATORS ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_ADD, aTokenMap, '+', '+' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_SUB, aTokenMap, '-', '-' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_MULT, aTokenMap, '*', '*' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_DIV, aTokenMap, '/', '/' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_POWER, aTokenMap, '^', '^' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_CONCAT, aTokenMap, '&', '&' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_EQUAL, aTokenMap, '=', '=' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_NOT_EQUAL, aTokenMap, "<>", "<>" ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_LESS, aTokenMap, '<', '<' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_LESS_EQUAL, aTokenMap, "<=", "<=" ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_GREATER, aTokenMap, '>', '>' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_GREATER_EQUAL, aTokenMap, ">=", ">=" ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_INTERSECT, aTokenMap, '!', ' ' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_LIST, aTokenMap, '~', ',' ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_RANGE, aTokenMap, ':', ':' ) && // functions fillFuncTokenMaps( aTokenMap, aExtFuncTokenMap, aEntrySeq, xMapper ) && initFuncOpCodes( aTokenMap, aExtFuncTokenMap, rFuncInfos ) && initOpCode( OPCODE_DDE, aTokenMap, "DDE", 0 ); OSL_ENSURE( bIsValid, "OpCodeProviderImpl::OpCodeProviderImpl - opcodes not initialized" ); (void)bIsValid; // OPCODE_PLUS_SIGN and OPCODE_ADD should be equal, otherwise "+" has to be passed above OSL_ENSURE( OPCODE_PLUS_SIGN == OPCODE_ADD, "OpCodeProviderImpl::OpCodeProviderImpl - need opcode mapping for OPCODE_PLUS_SIGN" ); } catch( Exception& ) { OSL_ENSURE( false, "OpCodeProviderImpl::OpCodeProviderImpl - cannot receive formula opcode mapper" ); } } bool OpCodeProviderImpl::fillEntrySeq( OpCodeEntrySequence& orEntrySeq, const Reference< XFormulaOpCodeMapper >& rxMapper, sal_Int32 nMapGroup ) { try { orEntrySeq = rxMapper->getAvailableMappings( ::com::sun::star::sheet::FormulaLanguage::ODFF, nMapGroup ); return orEntrySeq.hasElements(); } catch( Exception& ) { } return false; } bool OpCodeProviderImpl::fillTokenMap( ApiTokenMap& orTokenMap, OpCodeEntrySequence& orEntrySeq, const Reference< XFormulaOpCodeMapper >& rxMapper, sal_Int32 nMapGroup ) { orTokenMap.clear(); if( fillEntrySeq( orEntrySeq, rxMapper, nMapGroup ) ) { const FormulaOpCodeMapEntry* pEntry = orEntrySeq.getConstArray(); const FormulaOpCodeMapEntry* pEntryEnd = pEntry + orEntrySeq.getLength(); for( ; pEntry != pEntryEnd; ++pEntry ) orTokenMap[ pEntry->Name ] = pEntry->Token; } return orEntrySeq.hasElements(); } bool OpCodeProviderImpl::fillFuncTokenMaps( ApiTokenMap& orIntFuncTokenMap, ApiTokenMap& orExtFuncTokenMap, OpCodeEntrySequence& orEntrySeq, const Reference< XFormulaOpCodeMapper >& rxMapper ) const { orIntFuncTokenMap.clear(); orExtFuncTokenMap.clear(); if( fillEntrySeq( orEntrySeq, rxMapper, ::com::sun::star::sheet::FormulaMapGroup::FUNCTIONS ) ) { const FormulaOpCodeMapEntry* pEntry = orEntrySeq.getConstArray(); const FormulaOpCodeMapEntry* pEntryEnd = pEntry + orEntrySeq.getLength(); for( ; pEntry != pEntryEnd; ++pEntry ) ((pEntry->Token.OpCode == OPCODE_EXTERNAL) ? orExtFuncTokenMap : orIntFuncTokenMap)[ pEntry->Name ] = pEntry->Token; } return orEntrySeq.hasElements(); } bool OpCodeProviderImpl::initOpCode( sal_Int32& ornOpCode, const OpCodeEntrySequence& rEntrySeq, sal_Int32 nSpecialId ) { if( (0 <= nSpecialId) && (nSpecialId < rEntrySeq.getLength()) ) { ornOpCode = rEntrySeq[ nSpecialId ].Token.OpCode; return true; } OSL_ENSURE( false, OStringBuffer( "OpCodeProviderImpl::initOpCode - opcode for special offset " ). append( nSpecialId ).append( " not found" ).getStr() ); return false; } bool OpCodeProviderImpl::initOpCode( sal_Int32& ornOpCode, const ApiTokenMap& rTokenMap, const OUString& rOdfName, const OUString& rOoxName ) { ApiTokenMap::const_iterator aIt = rTokenMap.find( rOdfName ); if( aIt != rTokenMap.end() ) { ornOpCode = aIt->second.OpCode; if( rOoxName.getLength() > 0 ) { FormulaOpCodeMapEntry aEntry; aEntry.Name = rOoxName; aEntry.Token.OpCode = ornOpCode; maParserMap.push_back( aEntry ); } return true; } OSL_ENSURE( false, OStringBuffer( "OpCodeProviderImpl::initOpCode - opcode for \"" ). append( OUStringToOString( rOdfName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ). append( "\" not found" ).getStr() ); return false; } bool OpCodeProviderImpl::initOpCode( sal_Int32& ornOpCode, const ApiTokenMap& rTokenMap, const sal_Char* pcOdfName, const sal_Char* pcOoxName ) { OUString aOoxName; if( pcOoxName ) aOoxName = OUString::createFromAscii( pcOoxName ); return initOpCode( ornOpCode, rTokenMap, OUString::createFromAscii( pcOdfName ), aOoxName ); } bool OpCodeProviderImpl::initOpCode( sal_Int32& ornOpCode, const ApiTokenMap& rTokenMap, sal_Unicode cOdfName, sal_Unicode cOoxName ) { OUString aOoxName; if( cOoxName ) aOoxName = OUString( cOoxName ); return initOpCode( ornOpCode, rTokenMap, OUString( cOdfName ), aOoxName ); } bool OpCodeProviderImpl::initFuncOpCode( FunctionInfo& orFuncInfo, const ApiTokenMap& rFuncTokenMap ) { bool bIsValid = false; if( orFuncInfo.maOdfFuncName.getLength() > 0 ) { ApiTokenMap::const_iterator aIt = rFuncTokenMap.find( orFuncInfo.maOdfFuncName ); if( aIt != rFuncTokenMap.end() ) { orFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode = aIt->second.OpCode; bIsValid = (orFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode >= 0) && (orFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode != OPCODE_UNKNOWN) && (orFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode != OPCODE_NONAME); OSL_ENSURE( bIsValid, OStringBuffer( "OpCodeProviderImpl::initFuncOpCode - no valid opcode for ODF function \"" ). append( OUStringToOString( orFuncInfo.maOdfFuncName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ). append( '"' ).getStr() ); if( bIsValid && (orFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode == OPCODE_EXTERNAL) ) { bIsValid = (aIt->second.Data >>= orFuncInfo.maExtProgName) && (orFuncInfo.maExtProgName.getLength() > 0); OSL_ENSURE( bIsValid, OStringBuffer( "OpCodeProviderImpl::initFuncOpCode - no programmatical name for external function \"" ). append( OUStringToOString( orFuncInfo.maOdfFuncName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ). append( '"' ).getStr() ); } // add to parser map, if OOXML function name exists if( bIsValid && (orFuncInfo.maOoxFuncName.getLength() > 0) ) { // create the parser map entry FormulaOpCodeMapEntry aEntry; aEntry.Name = orFuncInfo.maOoxFuncName; aEntry.Token = aIt->second; maParserMap.push_back( aEntry ); } } else { // ignore entries for functions unknown by Calc *and* by Excel bIsValid = orFuncInfo.maOoxFuncName.getLength() == 0; } } else if( orFuncInfo.mnBiffFuncId == BIFF_FUNC_EXTERNCALL ) { orFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode = OPCODE_EXTERNAL; bIsValid = true; } else if( orFuncInfo.maOoxFuncName.getLength() > 0 ) { orFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode = OPCODE_BAD; bIsValid = true; } if( !bIsValid || (orFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode == OPCODE_UNKNOWN) || (orFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode < 0) ) orFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode = OPCODE_NONAME; return bIsValid; } bool OpCodeProviderImpl::initFuncOpCodes( const ApiTokenMap& rIntFuncTokenMap, const ApiTokenMap& rExtFuncTokenMap, const FunctionInfoVector& rFuncInfos ) { bool bIsValid = true; for( FunctionInfoVector::const_iterator aIt = rFuncInfos.begin(), aEnd = rFuncInfos.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) { FunctionInfoRef xFuncInfo = *aIt; // set API opcode from ODF function name bIsValid &= initFuncOpCode( *xFuncInfo, xFuncInfo->mbExternal ? rExtFuncTokenMap : rIntFuncTokenMap ); // insert the function info into the maps if( (xFuncInfo->mnApiOpCode != OPCODE_NONAME) && (xFuncInfo->mnApiOpCode != OPCODE_BAD) ) { if( (xFuncInfo->mnApiOpCode == OPCODE_EXTERNAL) && (xFuncInfo->maExtProgName.getLength() > 0) ) maExtProgFuncs[ xFuncInfo->maExtProgName ] = xFuncInfo; else maOpCodeFuncs[ xFuncInfo->mnApiOpCode ] = xFuncInfo; } } return bIsValid; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpCodeProvider::OpCodeProvider( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& rxModelFactory, FilterType eFilter, BiffType eBiff, bool bImportFilter ) : FunctionProvider( eFilter, eBiff, bImportFilter ), mxOpCodeImpl( new OpCodeProviderImpl( getFuncs(), rxModelFactory ) ) { } OpCodeProvider::~OpCodeProvider() { } const ApiOpCodes& OpCodeProvider::getOpCodes() const { return *mxOpCodeImpl; } const FunctionInfo* OpCodeProvider::getFuncInfoFromApiToken( const ApiToken& rToken ) const { const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = 0; if( (rToken.OpCode == mxOpCodeImpl->OPCODE_EXTERNAL) && rToken.Data.has< OUString >() ) pFuncInfo = mxOpCodeImpl->maExtProgFuncs.get( rToken.Data.get< OUString >() ).get(); else if( (rToken.OpCode == mxOpCodeImpl->OPCODE_MACRO) && rToken.Data.has< OUString >() ) pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromMacroName( rToken.Data.get< OUString >() ); else if( (rToken.OpCode == mxOpCodeImpl->OPCODE_BAD) && rToken.Data.has< OUString >() ) pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromOoxFuncName( rToken.Data.get< OUString >() ); else pFuncInfo = mxOpCodeImpl->maOpCodeFuncs.get( rToken.OpCode ).get(); return pFuncInfo; } Sequence< FormulaOpCodeMapEntry > OpCodeProvider::getOoxParserMap() const { return ContainerHelper::vectorToSequence( mxOpCodeImpl->maParserMap ); } // API formula parser wrapper ================================================= ApiParserWrapper::ApiParserWrapper( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& rxModelFactory, const OpCodeProvider& rOpCodeProv ) : OpCodeProvider( rOpCodeProv ) { if( rxModelFactory.is() ) try { mxParser.set( rxModelFactory->createInstance( CREATE_OUSTRING( "com.sun.star.sheet.FormulaParser" ) ), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); } catch( Exception& ) { } OSL_ENSURE( mxParser.is(), "ApiParserWrapper::ApiParserWrapper - cannot create API formula parser object" ); maParserProps.set( mxParser ); maParserProps.setProperty( PROP_CompileEnglish, true ); maParserProps.setProperty( PROP_FormulaConvention, ::com::sun::star::sheet::AddressConvention::XL_OOX ); maParserProps.setProperty( PROP_IgnoreLeadingSpaces, false ); maParserProps.setProperty( PROP_OpCodeMap, getOoxParserMap() ); } ApiTokenSequence ApiParserWrapper::parseFormula( const OUString& rFormula, const CellAddress& rRefPos ) { ApiTokenSequence aTokenSeq; if( mxParser.is() ) try { aTokenSeq = mxParser->parseFormula( rFormula, rRefPos ); } catch( Exception& ) { } return aTokenSeq; } // formula parser/printer base class for filters ============================== namespace { bool lclConvertToCellAddress( CellAddress& orAddress, const SingleReference& rSingleRef, sal_Int32 nForbiddenFlags, sal_Int32 nFilterBySheet ) { orAddress = CellAddress( static_cast< sal_Int16 >( rSingleRef.Sheet ), rSingleRef.Column, rSingleRef.Row ); return !getFlag( rSingleRef.Flags, nForbiddenFlags ) && ((nFilterBySheet < 0) || (nFilterBySheet == rSingleRef.Sheet)); } bool lclConvertToCellRange( CellRangeAddress& orRange, const ComplexReference& rComplexRef, sal_Int32 nForbiddenFlags, sal_Int32 nFilterBySheet ) { orRange = CellRangeAddress( static_cast< sal_Int16 >( rComplexRef.Reference1.Sheet ), rComplexRef.Reference1.Column, rComplexRef.Reference1.Row, rComplexRef.Reference2.Column, rComplexRef.Reference2.Row ); return !getFlag( rComplexRef.Reference1.Flags, nForbiddenFlags ) && !getFlag( rComplexRef.Reference2.Flags, nForbiddenFlags ) && (rComplexRef.Reference1.Sheet == rComplexRef.Reference2.Sheet) && ((nFilterBySheet < 0) || (nFilterBySheet == rComplexRef.Reference1.Sheet)); } enum TokenToRangeListState { STATE_REF, STATE_SEP, STATE_OPEN, STATE_CLOSE, STATE_ERROR }; TokenToRangeListState lclProcessRef( ApiCellRangeList& orRanges, const Any& rData, bool bAllowRelative, sal_Int32 nFilterBySheet ) { using namespace ::com::sun::star::sheet::ReferenceFlags; const sal_Int32 FORBIDDEN_FLAGS_DEL = COLUMN_DELETED | ROW_DELETED | SHEET_DELETED; const sal_Int32 FORBIDDEN_FLAGS_REL = FORBIDDEN_FLAGS_DEL | COLUMN_RELATIVE | ROW_RELATIVE | SHEET_RELATIVE | RELATIVE_NAME; sal_Int32 nForbiddenFlags = bAllowRelative ? FORBIDDEN_FLAGS_DEL : FORBIDDEN_FLAGS_REL; SingleReference aSingleRef; if( rData >>= aSingleRef ) { CellAddress aAddress; // ignore invalid addresses (with #REF! errors), but do not stop parsing if( lclConvertToCellAddress( aAddress, aSingleRef, nForbiddenFlags, nFilterBySheet ) ) orRanges.push_back( CellRangeAddress( aAddress.Sheet, aAddress.Column, aAddress.Row, aAddress.Column, aAddress.Row ) ); return STATE_REF; } ComplexReference aComplexRef; if( rData >>= aComplexRef ) { CellRangeAddress aRange; // ignore invalid ranges (with #REF! errors), but do not stop parsing if( lclConvertToCellRange( aRange, aComplexRef, nForbiddenFlags, nFilterBySheet ) ) orRanges.push_back( aRange ); return STATE_REF; } return STATE_ERROR; } TokenToRangeListState lclProcessOpen( sal_Int32& ornParenLevel ) { ++ornParenLevel; return STATE_OPEN; } TokenToRangeListState lclProcessClose( sal_Int32& ornParenLevel ) { --ornParenLevel; return (ornParenLevel >= 0) ? STATE_CLOSE : STATE_ERROR; } } // namespace // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FormulaProcessorBase::FormulaProcessorBase( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ) : OpCodeProvider( rHelper.getBaseFilter().getModelFactory(), rHelper.getFilterType(), rHelper.getBiff(), rHelper.getBaseFilter().isImportFilter() ), ApiOpCodes( getOpCodes() ), WorkbookHelper( rHelper ) { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUString FormulaProcessorBase::generateAddress2dString( const CellAddress& rAddress, bool bAbsolute ) { return generateAddress2dString( BinAddress( rAddress ), bAbsolute ); } OUString FormulaProcessorBase::generateAddress2dString( const BinAddress& rAddress, bool bAbsolute ) { OUStringBuffer aBuffer; // column for( sal_Int32 nTemp = rAddress.mnCol; nTemp >= 0; (nTemp /= 26) -= 1 ) aBuffer.insert( 0, sal_Unicode( 'A' + (nTemp % 26) ) ); if( bAbsolute ) aBuffer.insert( 0, sal_Unicode( '$' ) ); // row if( bAbsolute ) aBuffer.append( sal_Unicode( '$' ) ); aBuffer.append( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( rAddress.mnRow + 1 ) ); return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); } OUString FormulaProcessorBase::generateRange2dString( const CellRangeAddress& rRange, bool bAbsolute ) { return generateRange2dString( BinRange( rRange ), bAbsolute ); } OUString FormulaProcessorBase::generateRange2dString( const BinRange& rRange, bool bAbsolute ) { OUStringBuffer aBuffer( generateAddress2dString( rRange.maFirst, bAbsolute ) ); if( (rRange.getColCount() > 1) || (rRange.getRowCount() > 1) ) aBuffer.append( sal_Unicode( ':' ) ).append( generateAddress2dString( rRange.maLast, bAbsolute ) ); return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); } OUString FormulaProcessorBase::generateRangeList2dString( const ApiCellRangeList& rRanges, bool bAbsolute, sal_Unicode cSeparator, bool bEncloseMultiple ) { OUStringBuffer aBuffer; for( ApiCellRangeList::const_iterator aIt = rRanges.begin(), aEnd = rRanges.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) { if( aBuffer.getLength() > 0 ) aBuffer.append( cSeparator ); aBuffer.append( generateRange2dString( *aIt, bAbsolute ) ); } if( bEncloseMultiple && (rRanges.size() > 1) ) aBuffer.insert( 0, sal_Unicode( '(' ) ).append( sal_Unicode( ')' ) ); return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUString FormulaProcessorBase::generateApiAddressString( const CellAddress& rAddress ) const { OUString aCellName; PropertySet aCellProp( getCellFromDoc( rAddress ) ); aCellProp.getProperty( aCellName, PROP_AbsoluteName ); OSL_ENSURE( aCellName.getLength() > 0, "FormulaProcessorBase::generateApiAddressString - cannot create cell address string" ); return aCellName; } OUString FormulaProcessorBase::generateApiRangeString( const CellRangeAddress& rRange ) const { OUString aRangeName; PropertySet aRangeProp( getCellRangeFromDoc( rRange ) ); aRangeProp.getProperty( aRangeName, PROP_AbsoluteName ); OSL_ENSURE( aRangeName.getLength() > 0, "FormulaProcessorBase::generateApiRangeString - cannot create cell range string" ); return aRangeName; } OUString FormulaProcessorBase::generateApiRangeListString( const ApiCellRangeList& rRanges ) const { OUStringBuffer aBuffer; for( ApiCellRangeList::const_iterator aIt = rRanges.begin(), aEnd = rRanges.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) { OUString aRangeName = generateApiRangeString( *aIt ); if( aRangeName.getLength() > 0 ) { if( aBuffer.getLength() > 0 ) aBuffer.append( API_TOKEN_SEP ); aBuffer.append( aRangeName ); } } return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); } OUString FormulaProcessorBase::generateApiString( const OUString& rString ) { OUString aRetString = rString; sal_Int32 nQuotePos = aRetString.getLength(); while( (nQuotePos = aRetString.lastIndexOf( '"', nQuotePos )) >= 0 ) aRetString = aRetString.replaceAt( nQuotePos, 1, CREATE_OUSTRING( "\"\"" ) ); return OUStringBuffer().append( sal_Unicode( '"' ) ).append( aRetString ).append( sal_Unicode( '"' ) ).makeStringAndClear(); } OUString FormulaProcessorBase::generateApiArray( const Matrix< Any >& rMatrix ) { OSL_ENSURE( !rMatrix.empty(), "FormulaProcessorBase::generateApiArray - missing matrix values" ); OUStringBuffer aBuffer; aBuffer.append( API_TOKEN_ARRAY_OPEN ); for( size_t nRow = 0, nHeight = rMatrix.height(); nRow < nHeight; ++nRow ) { if( nRow > 0 ) aBuffer.append( API_TOKEN_ARRAY_ROWSEP ); for( Matrix< Any >::const_iterator aBeg = rMatrix.row_begin( nRow ), aIt = aBeg, aEnd = rMatrix.row_end( nRow ); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) { double fValue = 0.0; OUString aString; if( aIt != aBeg ) aBuffer.append( API_TOKEN_ARRAY_COLSEP ); if( *aIt >>= fValue ) aBuffer.append( fValue ); else if( *aIt >>= aString ) aBuffer.append( generateApiString( aString ) ); else aBuffer.appendAscii( "\"\"" ); } } aBuffer.append( API_TOKEN_ARRAY_CLOSE ); return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any FormulaProcessorBase::extractReference( const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens ) const { ApiTokenIterator aTokenIt( rTokens, OPCODE_SPACES, true ); if( aTokenIt.is() && (aTokenIt->OpCode == OPCODE_PUSH) ) { Any aRefAny = aTokenIt->Data; if( !(++aTokenIt).is() && (aRefAny.has< SingleReference >() || aRefAny.has< ComplexReference >()) ) return aRefAny; } return Any(); } bool FormulaProcessorBase::extractCellAddress( CellAddress& orAddress, const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens, bool bAllowRelative ) const { CellRangeAddress aRange; if( extractCellRange( aRange, rTokens, bAllowRelative ) && (aRange.StartColumn == aRange.EndColumn) && (aRange.StartRow == aRange.EndRow) ) { orAddress.Sheet = aRange.Sheet; orAddress.Column = aRange.StartColumn; orAddress.Row = aRange.StartRow; return true; } return false; } bool FormulaProcessorBase::extractCellRange( CellRangeAddress& orRange, const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens, bool bAllowRelative ) const { ApiCellRangeList aRanges; lclProcessRef( aRanges, extractReference( rTokens ), bAllowRelative, -1 ); if( !aRanges.empty() ) { orRange = aRanges.front(); return true; } return false; } void FormulaProcessorBase::extractCellRangeList( ApiCellRangeList& orRanges, const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens, bool bAllowRelative, sal_Int32 nFilterBySheet ) const { orRanges.clear(); TokenToRangeListState eState = STATE_OPEN; sal_Int32 nParenLevel = 0; for( ApiTokenIterator aIt( rTokens, OPCODE_SPACES, true ); aIt.is() && (eState != STATE_ERROR); ++aIt ) { sal_Int32 nOpCode = aIt->OpCode; switch( eState ) { // #i107275# accept OPCODE_SEP and OPCODE_LIST as separator token case STATE_REF: if( nOpCode == OPCODE_SEP ) eState = STATE_SEP; else if( nOpCode == OPCODE_LIST ) eState = STATE_SEP; else if( nOpCode == OPCODE_CLOSE ) eState = lclProcessClose( nParenLevel ); else eState = STATE_ERROR; break; case STATE_SEP: if( nOpCode == OPCODE_PUSH ) eState = lclProcessRef( orRanges, aIt->Data, bAllowRelative, nFilterBySheet ); else if( nOpCode == OPCODE_SEP ) eState = STATE_SEP; else if( nOpCode == OPCODE_LIST ) eState = STATE_SEP; else if( nOpCode == OPCODE_OPEN ) eState = lclProcessOpen( nParenLevel ); else if( nOpCode == OPCODE_CLOSE ) eState = lclProcessClose( nParenLevel ); else eState = STATE_ERROR; break; case STATE_OPEN: if( nOpCode == OPCODE_PUSH ) eState = lclProcessRef( orRanges, aIt->Data, bAllowRelative, nFilterBySheet ); else if( nOpCode == OPCODE_SEP ) eState = STATE_SEP; else if( nOpCode == OPCODE_LIST ) eState = STATE_SEP; else if( nOpCode == OPCODE_OPEN ) eState = lclProcessOpen( nParenLevel ); else if( nOpCode == OPCODE_CLOSE ) eState = lclProcessClose( nParenLevel ); else eState = STATE_ERROR; break; case STATE_CLOSE: if( nOpCode == OPCODE_SEP ) eState = STATE_SEP; else if( nOpCode == OPCODE_LIST ) eState = STATE_SEP; else if( nOpCode == OPCODE_CLOSE ) eState = lclProcessClose( nParenLevel ); else eState = STATE_ERROR; break; default:; } } if( eState == STATE_ERROR ) orRanges.clear(); else getAddressConverter().validateCellRangeList( orRanges, false ); } bool FormulaProcessorBase::extractString( OUString& orString, const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens ) const { ApiTokenIterator aTokenIt( rTokens, OPCODE_SPACES, true ); return aTokenIt.is() && (aTokenIt->OpCode == OPCODE_PUSH) && (aTokenIt->Data >>= orString) && !(++aTokenIt).is(); } bool FormulaProcessorBase::extractSpecialTokenInfo( ApiSpecialTokenInfo& orTokenInfo, const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens ) const { ApiTokenIterator aTokenIt( rTokens, OPCODE_SPACES, true ); return aTokenIt.is() && (aTokenIt->OpCode == OPCODE_BAD) && (aTokenIt->Data >>= orTokenInfo); } void FormulaProcessorBase::convertStringToStringList( ApiTokenSequence& orTokens, sal_Unicode cStringSep, bool bTrimLeadingSpaces ) const { OUString aString; if( extractString( aString, orTokens ) && (aString.getLength() > 0) ) { ::std::vector< ApiToken > aNewTokens; sal_Int32 nPos = 0; sal_Int32 nLen = aString.getLength(); while( (0 <= nPos) && (nPos < nLen) ) { OUString aEntry = aString.getToken( 0, cStringSep, nPos ); if( bTrimLeadingSpaces ) { sal_Int32 nStart = 0; while( (nStart < aEntry.getLength()) && (aEntry[ nStart ] == ' ') ) ++nStart; aEntry = aEntry.copy( nStart ); } if( !aNewTokens.empty() ) aNewTokens.push_back( ApiToken( OPCODE_SEP, Any() ) ); aNewTokens.push_back( ApiToken( OPCODE_PUSH, Any( aEntry ) ) ); } orTokens = ContainerHelper::vectorToSequence( aNewTokens ); } } // ============================================================================ } // namespace xls } // namespace oox