/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "precompiled_reportdesign.hxx" #include <vcl/scrbar.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <vcl/seleng.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/XSpellChecker1.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/embed/EmbedStates.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp> #include <svx/svdview.hxx> #include <svx/svdpagv.hxx> #include <editeng/outlobj.hxx> #include <editeng/unolingu.hxx> #include <svx/svdetc.hxx> #include <editeng/editstat.hxx> #include <svx/svdoutl.hxx> #include <svx/svddrgmt.hxx> #include <svx/svdoashp.hxx> #include <svx/svxids.hrc> #include <svx/svditer.hxx> #include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx> #include "dlgedfunc.hxx" #include "ReportSection.hxx" #include "DesignView.hxx" #include "ReportController.hxx" #include "SectionView.hxx" #include "ViewsWindow.hxx" #include "ReportWindow.hxx" #include "RptObject.hxx" #include "ScrollHelper.hxx" #include "ReportRuler.hxx" #include "UITools.hxx" #include <uistrings.hrc> #include "UndoEnv.hxx" #include <RptModel.hxx> #include <tools/diagnose_ex.h> #define DEFAUL_MOVE_SIZE 100 namespace rptui { using namespace ::com::sun::star; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( DlgEdFunc, ScrollTimeout, Timer *, ) { ForceScroll( m_pParent->PixelToLogic( m_pParent->GetPointerPosPixel() ) ); return 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DlgEdFunc::ForceScroll( const Point& rPos ) { aScrollTimer.Stop(); OReportWindow* pReportWindow = m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->getView(); OScrollWindowHelper* pScrollWindow = pReportWindow->getScrollWindow(); Size aOut = pReportWindow->GetOutputSizePixel(); Fraction aStartWidth(long(REPORT_STARTMARKER_WIDTH)); aStartWidth *= m_pParent->GetMapMode().GetScaleX(); aOut.Width() -= (long)aStartWidth; aOut.Height() = m_pParent->GetOutputSizePixel().Height(); Point aPos = pScrollWindow->getThumbPos(); aPos.X() *= 0.5; aPos.Y() *= 0.5; Rectangle aOutRect( aPos, aOut ); aOutRect = m_pParent->PixelToLogic( aOutRect ); //Rectangle aWorkArea = m_pParent->getView()->GetWorkArea(); Point aGcc3WorkaroundTemporary; Rectangle aWorkArea(aGcc3WorkaroundTemporary,pScrollWindow->getTotalSize()); aWorkArea.Right() -= (long)aStartWidth; aWorkArea = pScrollWindow->PixelToLogic( aWorkArea ); if( !aOutRect.IsInside( rPos ) && aWorkArea.IsInside( rPos ) ) { ScrollBar* pHScroll = pScrollWindow->GetHScroll(); ScrollBar* pVScroll = pScrollWindow->GetVScroll(); ScrollType eH = SCROLL_LINEDOWN,eV = SCROLL_LINEDOWN; if( rPos.X() < aOutRect.Left() ) eH = SCROLL_LINEUP; else if( rPos.X() <= aOutRect.Right() ) eH = SCROLL_DONTKNOW; if( rPos.Y() < aOutRect.Top() ) eV = SCROLL_LINEUP; else if( rPos.Y() <= aOutRect.Bottom() ) eV = SCROLL_DONTKNOW; pHScroll->DoScrollAction(eH); pVScroll->DoScrollAction(eV); } aScrollTimer.Start(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DlgEdFunc::DlgEdFunc( OReportSection* _pParent ) :m_pParent(_pParent), m_rView(_pParent->getSectionView()), m_xOverlappingObj(NULL), m_pOverlappingObj(NULL), m_bSelectionMode(false), m_bUiActive(false), m_bShowPropertyBrowser(false) { // m_pParent = _pParent; aScrollTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, DlgEdFunc, ScrollTimeout ) ); m_rView.SetActualWin( m_pParent); aScrollTimer.SetTimeout( SELENG_AUTOREPEAT_INTERVAL ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DlgEdFunc::setOverlappedControlColor(sal_Int32 _nColor) { m_nOverlappedControlColor = _nColor; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Int32 lcl_setColorOfObject(uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > _xObj, long _nColorTRGB) { sal_Int32 nBackColor = 0; try { uno::Reference<report::XReportComponent> xComponent(_xObj, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); // NOT NEED if UNO_QUERY_THROW: // if (xComponent.is()) // { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProp(xComponent, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); // if (xProp.is()) // { // ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ControlBackground")) // is PROPERTY_CONTROLBACKGROUND uno::Any aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue(PROPERTY_CONTROLBACKGROUND); if (aAny.hasValue()) { aAny >>= nBackColor; // try to set background color at the ReportComponent uno::Any aBlackColorAny = uno::makeAny(_nColorTRGB); xProp->setPropertyValue(PROPERTY_CONTROLBACKGROUND, aBlackColorAny); } // aCopies.push_back(xComponent->createClone()); } catch(uno::Exception&) { // bit my shiny metal as! // OSL_ENSURE(0,"Can't copy report elements!"); } return nBackColor; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DlgEdFunc::~DlgEdFunc() { unColorizeOverlappedObj(); aScrollTimer.Stop(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool DlgEdFunc::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { m_aMDPos = m_pParent->PixelToLogic( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ); m_pParent->GrabFocus(); sal_Bool bHandled = sal_False; if ( rMEvt.IsLeft() ) { if ( rMEvt.GetClicks() > 1 ) { // show property browser if ( m_pParent->GetMode() != RPTUI_READONLY ) { uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> aArgs(1); aArgs[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ShowProperties")); aArgs[0].Value <<= sal_True; m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->getView()->getReportView()->getController().executeUnChecked(SID_SHOW_PROPERTYBROWSER,aArgs); m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->getView()->getReportView()->UpdatePropertyBrowserDelayed(m_rView); // TODO character in shapes // SdrViewEvent aVEvt; // m_rView.PickAnything(rMEvt, SDRMOUSEBUTTONDOWN, aVEvt); // if ( aVEvt.pRootObj && aVEvt.pRootObj->ISA(SdrTextObj) ) // SetInEditMode(static_cast<SdrTextObj *>(aVEvt.pRootObj),rMEvt, sal_False); bHandled = sal_True; } } else { SdrHdl* pHdl = m_rView.PickHandle(m_aMDPos); //m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->unmarkAllObjects(m_pView); // if selected object was hit, drag object if ( pHdl!=NULL || m_rView.IsMarkedHit(m_aMDPos) ) { bHandled = sal_True; m_pParent->CaptureMouse(); m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->BegDragObj(m_aMDPos, pHdl,&m_rView); } } } else if ( rMEvt.IsRight() && !rMEvt.IsLeft() && rMEvt.GetClicks() == 1 ) // mark object when context menu was selected { SdrPageView* pPV = m_rView.GetSdrPageView(); SdrViewEvent aVEvt; if ( m_rView.PickAnything(rMEvt, SDRMOUSEBUTTONDOWN, aVEvt) != SDRHIT_MARKEDOBJECT && !rMEvt.IsShift() ) m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->unmarkAllObjects(NULL); if ( aVEvt.pRootObj ) m_rView.MarkObj(aVEvt.pRootObj, pPV); else m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->unmarkAllObjects(NULL); bHandled = sal_True; } else if( !rMEvt.IsLeft() ) bHandled = sal_True; if ( !bHandled ) m_pParent->CaptureMouse(); return bHandled; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool DlgEdFunc::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& /*rMEvt*/ ) { sal_Bool bHandled = sal_False; m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->stopScrollTimer(); return bHandled; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DlgEdFunc::checkTwoCklicks(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { deactivateOle(); const sal_uInt16 nClicks = rMEvt.GetClicks(); if ( nClicks == 2 && rMEvt.IsLeft() ) { if ( m_rView.AreObjectsMarked() ) { const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = m_rView.GetMarkedObjectList(); if (rMarkList.GetMarkCount() == 1) { const SdrMark* pMark = rMarkList.GetMark(0); SdrObject* pObj = pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj(); activateOle(pObj); } // if (rMarkList.GetMarkCount() == 1) } // if ( pView->AreObjectsMarked() ) } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DlgEdFunc::stopScrollTimer() { unColorizeOverlappedObj(); aScrollTimer.Stop(); if ( m_pParent->IsMouseCaptured() ) m_pParent->ReleaseMouse(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool DlgEdFunc::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& /*rMEvt*/ ) { return sal_False; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool DlgEdFunc::handleKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& _rEvent) { sal_Bool bReturn = sal_False; if ( !m_bUiActive ) { const KeyCode& rCode = _rEvent.GetKeyCode(); sal_uInt16 nCode = rCode.GetCode(); switch ( nCode ) { case KEY_ESCAPE: { if ( m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->IsAction() ) { m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->BrkAction(); bReturn = sal_True; } else if ( m_rView.IsTextEdit() ) { m_rView.SdrEndTextEdit(); bReturn = sal_True; } else if ( m_rView.AreObjectsMarked() ) { const SdrHdlList& rHdlList = m_rView.GetHdlList(); SdrHdl* pHdl = rHdlList.GetFocusHdl(); if ( pHdl ) ((SdrHdlList&)rHdlList).ResetFocusHdl(); else m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->unmarkAllObjects(NULL); //m_rView.UnmarkAll(); deactivateOle(true); bReturn = sal_False; } else { deactivateOle(true); } } break; case KEY_TAB: { if ( !rCode.IsMod1() && !rCode.IsMod2() ) { // mark next object if ( !m_rView.MarkNextObj( !rCode.IsShift() ) ) { // if no next object, mark first/last m_rView.UnmarkAllObj(); m_rView.MarkNextObj( !rCode.IsShift() ); } if ( m_rView.AreObjectsMarked() ) m_rView.MakeVisible( m_rView.GetAllMarkedRect(), *m_pParent); bReturn = sal_True; } else if ( rCode.IsMod1() && rCode.IsMod2()) { // selected handle const SdrHdlList& rHdlList = m_rView.GetHdlList(); ((SdrHdlList&)rHdlList).TravelFocusHdl( !rCode.IsShift() ); // guarantee visibility of focused handle SdrHdl* pHdl = rHdlList.GetFocusHdl(); if ( pHdl ) { Point aHdlPosition( pHdl->GetPos() ); Rectangle aVisRect( aHdlPosition - Point( DEFAUL_MOVE_SIZE, DEFAUL_MOVE_SIZE ), Size( 200, 200 ) ); m_rView.MakeVisible( aVisRect, *m_pParent); } bReturn = sal_True; } } break; case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: { m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->handleKey(rCode); bReturn = sal_True; } break; case KEY_RETURN: if ( !rCode.IsMod1() ) { const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = m_rView.GetMarkedObjectList(); if ( rMarkList.GetMarkCount() == 1 ) { SdrObject* pObj = rMarkList.GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj(); activateOle(pObj); } } break; case KEY_DELETE: if ( !rCode.IsMod1() && !rCode.IsMod2() ) { bReturn = sal_True; break; } // if ( !rCode.IsMod1() && !rCode.IsMod2() ) // run through default: { bReturn = m_rView.KeyInput(_rEvent, m_pParent); } break; } } if ( bReturn && m_pParent->IsMouseCaptured() ) m_pParent->ReleaseMouse(); return bReturn; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DlgEdFunc::activateOle(SdrObject* _pObj) { if ( _pObj ) { const sal_uInt16 nSdrObjKind = _pObj->GetObjIdentifier(); // // OLE: activate // if (nSdrObjKind == OBJ_OLE2) { bool bIsInplaceOle = false; if (!bIsInplaceOle) { SdrOle2Obj* pOleObj = dynamic_cast<SdrOle2Obj*>(_pObj); if ( pOleObj->GetObjRef().is() ) { if (m_rView.IsTextEdit()) { m_rView.SdrEndTextEdit(); } pOleObj->AddOwnLightClient(); pOleObj->SetWindow(VCLUnoHelper::GetInterface(m_pParent)); try { pOleObj->GetObjRef()->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::UI_ACTIVE ); m_bUiActive = true; OReportController& rController = m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->getView()->getReportView()->getController(); m_bShowPropertyBrowser = rController.isCommandChecked(SID_SHOW_PROPERTYBROWSER); if ( m_bShowPropertyBrowser ) rController.executeChecked(SID_SHOW_PROPERTYBROWSER,uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >()); } catch( uno::Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(); } } } } // if (nSdrObjKind == OBJ_OLE2) } // if ( _pObj ) } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DlgEdFunc::deactivateOle(bool _bSelect) { OLEObjCache& rObjCache = GetSdrGlobalData().GetOLEObjCache(); OReportController& rController = m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->getView()->getReportView()->getController(); const sal_uLong nCount = rObjCache.Count(); for(sal_uLong i = 0 ; i< nCount;++i) { SdrOle2Obj* pObj = reinterpret_cast<SdrOle2Obj*>(rObjCache.GetObject(i)); if ( m_pParent->getPage() == pObj->GetPage() ) { uno::Reference< embed::XEmbeddedObject > xObj = pObj->GetObjRef(); if ( xObj.is() && xObj->getCurrentState() == embed::EmbedStates::UI_ACTIVE ) { xObj->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::RUNNING ); m_bUiActive = false; if ( m_bShowPropertyBrowser ) { rController.executeChecked(SID_SHOW_PROPERTYBROWSER,uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >()); } if ( _bSelect ) { SdrPageView* pPV = m_rView.GetSdrPageView(); m_rView.MarkObj(pObj, pPV); } } // if ( xObj.is() && xObj->getCurrentState() == embed::EmbedStates::UI_ACTIVE ) } } // for(sal_uLong i = 0 ; i< nCount;++i) } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DlgEdFunc::colorizeOverlappedObject(SdrObject* _pOverlappedObj) { OObjectBase* pObj = dynamic_cast<OObjectBase*>(_pOverlappedObj); if ( pObj ) { uno::Reference<report::XReportComponent> xComponent = pObj->getReportComponent(); if (xComponent.is() && xComponent != m_xOverlappingObj) { OReportModel* pRptModel = static_cast<OReportModel*>(_pOverlappedObj->GetModel()); if ( pRptModel ) { OXUndoEnvironment::OUndoEnvLock aLock(pRptModel->GetUndoEnv()); // uncolorize an old object, if there is one unColorizeOverlappedObj(); m_nOldColor = lcl_setColorOfObject(xComponent, m_nOverlappedControlColor); m_xOverlappingObj = xComponent; m_pOverlappingObj = _pOverlappedObj; } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DlgEdFunc::unColorizeOverlappedObj() { // uncolorize an old object, if there is one if (m_xOverlappingObj.is()) { OReportModel* pRptModel = static_cast<OReportModel*>(m_pOverlappingObj->GetModel()); if ( pRptModel ) { OXUndoEnvironment::OUndoEnvLock aLock(pRptModel->GetUndoEnv()); lcl_setColorOfObject(m_xOverlappingObj, m_nOldColor); m_xOverlappingObj = NULL; m_pOverlappingObj = NULL; } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DlgEdFunc::isOverlapping(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { bool bOverlapping = false; SdrViewEvent aVEvt; bOverlapping = m_rView.PickAnything(rMEvt, SDRMOUSEBUTTONUP, aVEvt) != SDRHIT_NONE; if (bOverlapping && aVEvt.pObj) { colorizeOverlappedObject(aVEvt.pObj); } else { unColorizeOverlappedObj(); } return bOverlapping; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DlgEdFunc::checkMovementAllowed(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { if ( m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->IsDragObj() ) { if ( isRectangleHit(rMEvt) ) { // there is an other component under use, break action m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->BrkAction(); } // object was dragged Point aPnt( m_pParent->PixelToLogic( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ) ); if (m_bSelectionMode) { m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->EndAction(); } else { bool bControlKeyPressed = rMEvt.IsMod1(); // Don't allow points smaller 0 if (bControlKeyPressed && (aPnt.Y() < 0)) { aPnt.Y() = 0; } if (m_rView.IsDragResize()) { // we resize the object don't resize to above sections if ( aPnt.Y() < 0 ) { aPnt.Y() = 0; } } m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->EndDragObj( bControlKeyPressed, &m_rView, aPnt ); } m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->ForceMarkedToAnotherPage(); m_pParent->Invalidate(INVALIDATE_CHILDREN); } else m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->EndAction(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DlgEdFunc::isOnlyCustomShapeMarked() { bool bReturn = true; const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = m_rView.GetMarkedObjectList(); for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < rMarkList.GetMarkCount();++i ) { SdrMark* pMark = rMarkList.GetMark(i); // bCheck = dynamic_cast<OUnoObject*>(pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj()) != NULL; SdrObject* pObj = pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj(); if (pObj->GetObjIdentifier() != OBJ_CUSTOMSHAPE) { // we found an object in the marked objects, which is not a custom shape. bReturn = false; break; } } return bReturn; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DlgEdFunc::isRectangleHit(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { if (isOnlyCustomShapeMarked()) { return false; } SdrViewEvent aVEvt; const SdrHitKind eHit = m_rView.PickAnything(rMEvt, SDRMOUSEMOVE, aVEvt); bool bIsSetPoint = (eHit == SDRHIT_UNMARKEDOBJECT); if ( !bIsSetPoint ) { // no drag rect, we have to check every single select rect //const Rectangle& rRect = m_rView.GetDragStat().GetActionRect(); const SdrDragStat& rDragStat = m_rView.GetDragStat(); if (rDragStat.GetDragMethod() != NULL) { SdrObjListIter aIter(*m_pParent->getPage(),IM_DEEPNOGROUPS); SdrObject* pObjIter = NULL; // loop through all marked objects and check if there new rect overlapps an old one. while( (pObjIter = aIter.Next()) != NULL && !bIsSetPoint) { if ( m_rView.IsObjMarked(pObjIter) && (dynamic_cast<OUnoObject*>(pObjIter) != NULL || dynamic_cast<OOle2Obj*>(pObjIter) != NULL) ) { Rectangle aNewRect = pObjIter->GetLastBoundRect(); long nDx = rDragStat.IsHorFixed() ? 0 : rDragStat.GetDX(); long nDy = rDragStat.IsVerFixed() ? 0 : rDragStat.GetDY(); if ( (nDx + aNewRect.Left()) < 0 ) nDx = -aNewRect.Left(); if ( (nDy + aNewRect.Top()) < 0 ) nDy = -aNewRect.Top(); if ( rDragStat.GetDragMethod()->getMoveOnly() ) aNewRect.Move(nDx,nDy); else ::ResizeRect(aNewRect,rDragStat.GetRef1(),rDragStat.GetXFact(),rDragStat.GetYFact()); SdrObject* pObjOverlapped = isOver(aNewRect,*m_pParent->getPage(),m_rView,false,pObjIter, ISOVER_IGNORE_CUSTOMSHAPES); bIsSetPoint = pObjOverlapped ? true : false; if (pObjOverlapped && !m_bSelectionMode) { colorizeOverlappedObject(pObjOverlapped); } } } } } else if ( aVEvt.pObj && (aVEvt.pObj->GetObjIdentifier() != OBJ_CUSTOMSHAPE) && !m_bSelectionMode) { colorizeOverlappedObject(aVEvt.pObj); } else bIsSetPoint = false; return bIsSetPoint; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DlgEdFunc::setMovementPointer(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { bool bIsSetPoint = isRectangleHit(rMEvt); if ( bIsSetPoint ) m_pParent->SetPointer( Pointer(POINTER_NOTALLOWED)); else { bool bCtrlKey = rMEvt.IsMod1(); (void)bCtrlKey; if (bCtrlKey) { m_pParent->SetPointer( Pointer(POINTER_MOVEDATALINK )); bIsSetPoint = true; } } return bIsSetPoint; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DlgEdFuncInsert::DlgEdFuncInsert( OReportSection* _pParent ) : DlgEdFunc( _pParent ) { m_rView.SetCreateMode( sal_True ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DlgEdFuncInsert::~DlgEdFuncInsert() { m_rView.SetEditMode( sal_True ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool DlgEdFuncInsert::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( DlgEdFunc::MouseButtonDown(rMEvt) ) return sal_True; SdrViewEvent aVEvt; sal_Int16 nId = m_rView.GetCurrentObjIdentifier(); const SdrHitKind eHit = m_rView.PickAnything(rMEvt, SDRMOUSEBUTTONDOWN, aVEvt); // eHit == SDRHIT_UNMARKEDOBJECT under the mouse cursor is a unmarked object if (eHit == SDRHIT_UNMARKEDOBJECT && nId != OBJ_CUSTOMSHAPE) { // there is an object under the mouse cursor, but not a customshape // rtl::OUString suWasN = m_rView.getInsertObjString(); // rtl::OUString suWasN2 = m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->GetInsertObjString(); m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->BrkAction(); return sal_False; } if( eHit != SDRHIT_UNMARKEDOBJECT || nId == OBJ_CUSTOMSHAPE) { // if no action, create object if ( !m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->IsAction() ) { deactivateOle(true); if ( m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->HasSelection() ) m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->unmarkAllObjects(&m_rView); m_rView.BegCreateObj(m_aMDPos); m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->createDefault(); } } else { if( !rMEvt.IsShift() ) { // shift key pressed? m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->unmarkAllObjects(NULL); } m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->BegMarkObj( m_aMDPos,&m_rView ); } return sal_True; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool DlgEdFuncInsert::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( DlgEdFunc::MouseButtonUp( rMEvt ) ) return sal_True; const Point aPos( m_pParent->PixelToLogic( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ) ); const sal_uInt16 nHitLog = sal_uInt16 ( m_pParent->PixelToLogic(Size(3,0)).Width() ); sal_Bool bReturn = sal_True; // object creation active? if ( m_rView.IsCreateObj() ) { if ( isOver(m_rView.GetCreateObj(),*m_pParent->getPage(),m_rView) ) { m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->BrkAction(); // BrkAction disables the create mode m_rView.SetCreateMode( sal_True ); return sal_True; } m_rView.EndCreateObj(SDRCREATE_FORCEEND); if ( !m_rView.AreObjectsMarked() ) { m_rView.MarkObj(aPos, nHitLog); } bReturn = m_rView.AreObjectsMarked(); if ( bReturn ) { OReportController& rController = m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->getView()->getReportView()->getController(); const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = m_rView.GetMarkedObjectList(); for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < rMarkList.GetMarkCount();++i ) { SdrMark* pMark = rMarkList.GetMark(i); // bCheck = dynamic_cast<OUnoObject*>(pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj()) != NULL; OOle2Obj* pObj = dynamic_cast<OOle2Obj*>(pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj()); if ( pObj && !pObj->IsEmpty() ) { pObj->initializeChart(rController.getModel()); } } } } else checkMovementAllowed(rMEvt); if ( !m_rView.AreObjectsMarked() && Abs(m_aMDPos.X() - aPos.X()) < nHitLog && Abs(m_aMDPos.Y() - aPos.Y()) < nHitLog && !rMEvt.IsShift() && !rMEvt.IsMod2() ) { SdrPageView* pPV = m_rView.GetSdrPageView(); SdrViewEvent aVEvt; m_rView.PickAnything(rMEvt, SDRMOUSEBUTTONDOWN, aVEvt); m_rView.MarkObj(aVEvt.pRootObj, pPV); } // ift() && !rMEvt.IsMod2() ) checkTwoCklicks(rMEvt); m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->getView()->getReportView()->UpdatePropertyBrowserDelayed(m_rView); return bReturn; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool DlgEdFuncInsert::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( DlgEdFunc::MouseMove(rMEvt ) ) return sal_True; Point aPos( m_pParent->PixelToLogic( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ) ); if ( m_rView.IsCreateObj() ) { m_rView.SetOrtho(SdrObjCustomShape::doConstructOrthogonal(m_rView.getReportSection()->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->getShapeType()) ? !rMEvt.IsShift() : rMEvt.IsShift()); m_rView.SetAngleSnapEnabled(rMEvt.IsShift()); } bool bIsSetPoint = false; if ( m_rView.IsAction() ) { if ( m_rView.IsDragResize() ) { // we resize the object don't resize to above sections if ( aPos.Y() < 0 ) { aPos.Y() = 0; } } bIsSetPoint = setMovementPointer(rMEvt); ForceScroll(aPos); m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->MovAction(aPos,&m_rView, m_rView.GetDragMethod() == NULL, false); } //if ( isOver(m_rView.GetCreateObj(),*m_pParent->getPage(),*m_pView) ) // m_pParent->SetPointer( Pointer(POINTER_NOTALLOWED)); //else if ( !bIsSetPoint ) m_pParent->SetPointer( m_rView.GetPreferedPointer( aPos, m_pParent) ); return sal_True; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DlgEdFuncSelect::DlgEdFuncSelect( OReportSection* _pParent ) : DlgEdFunc( _pParent ) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DlgEdFuncSelect::~DlgEdFuncSelect() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool DlgEdFuncSelect::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { m_bSelectionMode = false; if ( DlgEdFunc::MouseButtonDown(rMEvt) ) return sal_True; SdrViewEvent aVEvt; const SdrHitKind eHit = m_rView.PickAnything(rMEvt, SDRMOUSEBUTTONDOWN, aVEvt); if( eHit == SDRHIT_UNMARKEDOBJECT ) { // if not multi selection, unmark all if ( !rMEvt.IsShift() ) m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->unmarkAllObjects(NULL); if ( m_rView.MarkObj(m_aMDPos) && rMEvt.IsLeft() ) { // drag object m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->BegDragObj(m_aMDPos, m_rView.PickHandle(m_aMDPos), &m_rView); } else { // select object m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->BegMarkObj(m_aMDPos,&m_rView); } } else { if( !rMEvt.IsShift() ) m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->unmarkAllObjects(NULL); //m_rView.UnmarkAll(); if ( rMEvt.GetClicks() == 1 ) { m_bSelectionMode = true; m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->BegMarkObj( m_aMDPos ,&m_rView); } else { m_rView.SdrBeginTextEdit( aVEvt.pRootObj,m_rView.GetSdrPageView(),m_pParent,sal_False ); } } return sal_True; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool DlgEdFuncSelect::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( DlgEdFunc::MouseButtonUp( rMEvt ) ) return sal_True; // get view from parent const Point aPnt( m_pParent->PixelToLogic( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ) ); if ( rMEvt.IsLeft() ) // left mousebutton pressed checkMovementAllowed(rMEvt); m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->EndAction(); checkTwoCklicks(rMEvt); m_pParent->SetPointer( m_rView.GetPreferedPointer( aPnt, m_pParent) ); if ( !m_bUiActive ) m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->getView()->getReportView()->UpdatePropertyBrowserDelayed(m_rView); m_bSelectionMode = false; return sal_True; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool DlgEdFuncSelect::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( DlgEdFunc::MouseMove(rMEvt ) ) return sal_True; Point aPnt( m_pParent->PixelToLogic( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ) ); bool bIsSetPoint = false; if ( m_rView.IsAction() ) // Drag Mode { bIsSetPoint = setMovementPointer(rMEvt); ForceScroll(aPnt); if (m_rView.GetDragMethod()==NULL) { // create a selection m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->MovAction(aPnt, &m_rView, true, false); } else { if ( m_rView.IsDragResize() ) { // we resize the object don't resize to above sections if ( aPnt.Y() < 0 ) { aPnt.Y() = 0; } // grow section if it is under the current section // else // { // const Size& aSectionSize = m_rView->GetSizePixel(); // if ( aPnt.Y() > aSectionSize.Height() ) // { // aPnt.Y() = aSectionSize.Height(); // } // } } // drag or resize an object bool bControlKey = rMEvt.IsMod1(); m_pParent->getSectionWindow()->getViewsWindow()->MovAction(aPnt, &m_rView, false, bControlKey); } } if ( !bIsSetPoint ) { m_pParent->SetPointer( m_rView.GetPreferedPointer( aPnt, m_pParent) ); // restore color unColorizeOverlappedObj(); } return sal_True; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //void DlgEdFuncSelect::SetInEditMode(SdrTextObj* _pTextObj,const MouseEvent& rMEvt, sal_Bool bQuickDrag) //{ // // SdrPageView* pPV = m_rView.GetSdrPageView(); // if( _pTextObj && _pTextObj->GetPage() == pPV->GetPage() ) // { // m_rView.SetCurrentObj(OBJ_TEXT); // m_rView.SetEditMode(SDREDITMODE_EDIT); // // sal_Bool bEmptyOutliner = sal_False; // // if (!_pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject() && m_rView.GetTextEditOutliner()) // { // ::SdrOutliner* pOutl = m_rView.GetTextEditOutliner(); // sal_uLong nParaAnz = pOutl->GetParagraphCount(); // Paragraph* p1stPara = pOutl->GetParagraph( 0 ); // // if (nParaAnz==1 && p1stPara) // { // // Bei nur einem Pararaph // if (pOutl->GetText(p1stPara).Len() == 0) // { // bEmptyOutliner = sal_True; // } // } // } // // if (_pTextObj != m_rView.GetTextEditObject() || bEmptyOutliner) // { // sal_uInt32 nInv = _pTextObj->GetObjInventor(); // sal_uInt16 nSdrObjKind = _pTextObj->GetObjIdentifier(); // // if (nInv == SdrInventor && _pTextObj->HasTextEdit() && // (nSdrObjKind == OBJ_TEXT || // nSdrObjKind == OBJ_TITLETEXT || // nSdrObjKind == OBJ_OUTLINETEXT || // (_pTextObj->ISA(SdrTextObj) && !_pTextObj->IsEmptyPresObj()))) // { // // Neuen Outliner machen (gehoert der SdrObjEditView) // SdrModel* pModel = _pTextObj->GetModel(); // SdrOutliner* pOutl = SdrMakeOutliner( OUTLINERMODE_OUTLINEOBJECT, pModel ); // pOutl->SetMinDepth(0); // pOutl->SetStyleSheetPool((SfxStyleSheetPool*) pModel->GetStyleSheetPool()); // //pOutl->SetCalcFieldValueHdl(LINK(SD_MOD(), SdModule, CalcFieldValueHdl)); // sal_uLong nCntrl = pOutl->GetControlWord(); // nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_ALLOWBIGOBJS; // nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_URLSFXEXECUTE; // nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_MARKFIELDS; // nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_AUTOCORRECT; // // nCntrl &= ~EE_CNTRL_ULSPACESUMMATION; // //if ( pModel->IsSummationOfParagraphs() ) // // nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_ULSPACESUMMATION; // // //SetSpellOptions( nCntrl ); // // pOutl->SetControlWord(nCntrl); // // uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSpellChecker1 > xSpellChecker( LinguMgr::GetSpellChecker() ); // if ( xSpellChecker.is() ) // pOutl->SetSpeller( xSpellChecker ); // // uno::Reference< linguistic2::XHyphenator > xHyphenator( LinguMgr::GetHyphenator() ); // if( xHyphenator.is() ) // pOutl->SetHyphenator( xHyphenator ); // // pOutl->SetDefaultLanguage( Application::GetSettings().GetLanguage() ); // // // in einem Gliederungstext darf nicht auf die 0-te // // Ebene ausgerueckt werden // if (_pTextObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && // _pTextObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_OUTLINETEXT) // { // pOutl->SetMinDepth(1); // } // // if (bEmptyOutliner) // { // m_rView.SdrEndTextEdit(sal_True); // } // // if( _pTextObj ) // { // OutlinerParaObject* pOPO = _pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject(); // if( ( pOPO && pOPO->IsVertical() ) /*|| // nSlotId == SID_ATTR_CHAR_VERTICAL || // nSlotId == SID_TEXT_FITTOSIZE_VERTICAL */) // pOutl->SetVertical( sal_True ); // // // if (m_rView.SdrBeginTextEdit(_pTextObj, pPV, pParent, sal_True, pOutl) && _pTextObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor) // { // //bFirstObjCreated = sal_True; // //DeleteDefaultText(); // // OutlinerView* pOLV = m_rView.GetTextEditOutlinerView(); // // nSdrObjKind = _pTextObj->GetObjIdentifier(); // // SdrViewEvent aVEvt; // SdrHitKind eHit = m_rView.PickAnything(rMEvt, SDRMOUSEBUTTONDOWN, aVEvt); // // if (eHit == SDRHIT_TEXTEDIT) // { // // Text getroffen // if (nSdrObjKind == OBJ_TEXT || // nSdrObjKind == OBJ_TITLETEXT || // nSdrObjKind == OBJ_OUTLINETEXT || // //nSlotId == SID_TEXTEDIT || // !bQuickDrag) // { // pOLV->MouseButtonDown(rMEvt); // pOLV->MouseMove(rMEvt); // pOLV->MouseButtonUp(rMEvt); // } // // if ( bQuickDrag && _pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject()) // { // pOLV->MouseButtonDown(rMEvt); // } // } // else // { // // #98198# Move cursor to end of text // ESelection aNewSelection(EE_PARA_NOT_FOUND, EE_INDEX_NOT_FOUND, EE_PARA_NOT_FOUND, EE_INDEX_NOT_FOUND); // pOLV->SetSelection(aNewSelection); // } // } // else // { // //RestoreDefaultText(); // } // } // } // } // } // else // _pTextObj = NULL; //} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }