/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sal.hxx" // Documentation about bootstraping can be found at: // http://udk.openoffice.org/common/man/concept/micro_deployment.html #include #include #include #include // STL #ifdef WNT #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #endif #include "gtest/gtest.h" //#include "stringhelper.hxx" //#include "valueequal.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* osl_getExecutableFile() */ #include // using namespace osl; using namespace rtl; #define TESTSHL2_INI "testshl2" #define PSEUDO_INI "pseudo" /** print a UNI_CODE String. And also print some comments of the string. */ inline void printUString( const ::rtl::OUString & str, const sal_Char * msg = "" ) { if (strlen(msg) > 0) { printf("%s: ", msg ); } rtl::OString aString; aString = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( str, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); printf("%s\n", (char *)aString.getStr( ) ); } /** if the file exist */ bool t_fileExist(rtl::OUString const& _sFilename) { ::osl::FileBase::RC nError1; ::osl::File aTestFile( _sFilename ); nError1 = aTestFile.open ( OpenFlag_Read ); if ( ( ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT != nError1 ) && ( ::osl::FileBase::E_ACCES != nError1 ) ) { aTestFile.close( ); return true; } return false; } /** get the exectutable path ( here is bootstrap_process), on Linux, such as "sal/unxlngi4.pro/bin/" */ inline ::rtl::OUString getModulePath( void ) { ::rtl::OUString suDirPath; ::osl::Module::getUrlFromAddress( ( oslGenericFunction ) &getModulePath, suDirPath ); suDirPath = suDirPath.copy( 0, suDirPath.lastIndexOf('/') ); suDirPath = suDirPath.copy( 0, suDirPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); suDirPath += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("bin"); return suDirPath; } #define TESTSHL2_INI "testshl2" #define PSEUDO_INI "pseudo" static rtl::OUString getExecutableDirectory() { rtl::OUString fileName; osl_getExecutableFile(&fileName.pData); sal_Int32 nDirEnd = fileName.lastIndexOf('/'); OSL_ENSURE(nDirEnd >= 0, "Cannot locate executable directory"); rtl::OUString aDirURL = fileName.copy(0, nDirEnd); return aDirURL; } // get the URL of testshl2rc/rtlrc/pseudorc inline rtl::OUString t_getSourcePath(rtl::OString const& _sFilename) { rtl::OUString aDirURL(getExecutableDirectory()); aDirURL += OUString::createFromAscii( "/"); aDirURL += OUString::createFromAscii( _sFilename.getStr() ); #if defined(WNT) || defined(OS2) aDirURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(".ini"); #else aDirURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("rc"); #endif return aDirURL; // LLA: does not right work on my personal laptop, SRC_ROOT does not show where the source is :-(. /* sal_Char * pStr = getenv("SRC_ROOT"); rtl::OUString suPath; if (filename != "") { suPath = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(pStr) + rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "/sal/qa/rtl/bootstrap/" ) + rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( filename ); } else { suPath = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(pStr) + rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "/sal/qa/rtl/bootstrap" ); } rtl::OUString suURL; ::osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( suPath, suURL ); return suURL; */ } void thread_sleep_tenth_sec(sal_Int32 _nTenthSec) { #ifdef WNT //Windows Sleep(_nTenthSec * 100 ); #endif #if ( defined UNX ) || ( defined OS2 ) //Unix TimeValue nTV; nTV.Seconds = static_cast( _nTenthSec/10 ); nTV.Nanosec = ( (_nTenthSec%10 ) * 100000000 ); osl_waitThread(&nTV); #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace rtl_Bootstrap { class ctor : public ::testing::Test { public: // initialise your test code values here. void SetUp() { } void TearDown() { } }; // class ctor // ctor with ini name TEST_F(ctor, ctor_001) { rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); printUString( suIniname ); Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname ); rtl::OUString suGetname; // = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(""); aBootstrap.getIniName( suGetname ); printUString( suGetname ); // LLA: first: this seems to be a wrong test. // second: there seems to be a design hole, if I give a absolute path ini file, // but try to use ${file::KEYVALUE} than 'file' will only used out of the 'executable path'/file // not from the path given from the absolute path. // Due to the fact, we create at this position a file (createTestshl2rc() ), we check for existence bool bFileExist = t_fileExist( suGetname ); ASSERT_TRUE(bFileExist == true) << "ctor error with initial file."; } TEST_F(ctor, ctor_002) { rtl::Bootstrap aBootstrap; rtl::OUString suGetname; aBootstrap.getIniName( suGetname ); printUString( suGetname ); ASSERT_TRUE(suGetname.getLength() != 0) << "ctor error without initial file."; } class getFrom : public ::testing::Test { public: // initialise your test code values here. void SetUp() { } void TearDown() { } /** helper function: return the child process's ret value( typedef sal_uInt32 oslProcessExitCode;) * param1 is the process's name(only file name, not include path) */ oslProcessExitCode ini_execProcess( const sal_Char* process_name, const sal_Char * flag ) { rtl::OUString suCWD = getModulePath(); oslProcess hProcess = NULL; rtl::OUString suFileURL = suCWD; suFileURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("/") + rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(process_name) ; #if defined(WNT) || defined(OS2) suFileURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(".exe"); #endif const int nParameterCount = 3; rtl_uString* pParameters[ nParameterCount ]; OUString suFlag( OUString::createFromAscii(flag) ); OUString suEnv1( OUString::createFromAscii("-env:UNO_SERVICES=service.rdb")); OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath("rtl"); printUString( suIniname, "rtl path:"); //OUString suEnv2( OUString::createFromAscii("-env:MYENV=bootstrap_process")); pParameters[0] = suFlag.pData; pParameters[1] = suEnv1.pData; // the custom ini/rc file's URL pParameters[2] = suIniname.pData; oslProcessError osl_error = osl_executeProcess( suFileURL.pData, pParameters, nParameterCount, osl_Process_WAIT, 0, suCWD.pData, NULL, 0, &hProcess ); EXPECT_TRUE(osl_error == osl_Process_E_None) << "osl_createProcess failed"; osl_joinProcess(hProcess); oslProcessInfo* pInfo = new oslProcessInfo; pInfo->Size = sizeof( oslProcessInfo ); osl_error = osl_getProcessInfo( hProcess, osl_Process_EXITCODE, pInfo ); EXPECT_TRUE(osl_Process_E_None == osl_error) << "osl_getProcessInfo returned with failure"; printf("the exit code is %d.\n", pInfo->Code ); oslProcessExitCode nCode = pInfo->Code; delete pInfo; return nCode; } }; // class getFrom // get the value of env variable TEST_F(getFrom, getFrom_001) { Bootstrap aBootstrap; rtl::OUString suValue; rtl::OUString suValuename = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "SOLAR_JAVA" ); //aBootstrap.getFrom( suValuename, suValue ); aBootstrap.getFrom( suValuename, suValue ); sal_Char * pStr = getenv("SOLAR_JAVA"); // printUString( suGetname ); ASSERT_TRUE(suValue.compareToAscii( pStr ) == 0) << "get the value of environment variable."; } /* Notes on Windows: void getFrom_001_1() { Bootstrap aBootstrap; rtl::OUString suValue; rtl::OUString suValuename = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "SRC_ROOT" ); //aBootstrap.getFrom( suValuename, suValue ); aBootstrap.getFrom( suValuename, suValue ); sal_Char * pStr = getenv("SRC_ROOT"); // printUString( suGetname ); ASSERT_TRUE(suValue.compareToAscii( pStr ) == 0) << "get the value of environment variable."; } The result on Windows: # # the SRC_ROOT is e:\Qadev\cvs\m19 # # suValue is e:Qadevcvsm19 reason: The problem is that the internally getenv()ed variable SRC_ROOT is macro expanded, thus every \ will introduce an escape. */ // get the value of a variable in ini file TEST_F(getFrom, getFrom_002) { rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname ); rtl::OUString suGetname; rtl::OUString suValuename = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "INHERITED_VALUE" ); aBootstrap.getFrom( suValuename, suGetname ); printUString( suGetname ); ASSERT_TRUE(suGetname.getLength() != 0) << "get the value of a variable in ini file."; } //use defaut value TEST_F(getFrom, getFrom_003) { rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname ); rtl::OUString suGetname; rtl::OUString suValuename = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "MY_VALUE" ); rtl::OUString myDefault = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "2" ); aBootstrap.getFrom( suValuename, suGetname, myDefault ); //printUString( suGetname ); ASSERT_TRUE(suGetname.compareTo( myDefault ) == 0) << "getFrom use default."; } TEST_F(getFrom, getFrom_004) { printf("1\n"); // initialise Bootstrap with an own ini file // PSEUDO_INI is pseudo(rc|.ini) created be create_pseudorc() rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(PSEUDO_INI); Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname ); rtl::OUString suGetIniName; aBootstrap.getIniName( suGetIniName ); printUString(suGetIniName, "Current bootstrap file"); sal_Int32 nIndex = suGetIniName.indexOf(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "pseudo" )); ASSERT_TRUE(nIndex > 0) << "ini name must have 'pseudo' in name."; // rtlBootstrapHandle bsHandle = aBootstrap.getHandle(); // ASSERT_TRUE(bsHandle != 0) << "getHandle return NULL!"; rtl::OUString suValue; rtl::OUString suKeyName = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "FILE" ); aBootstrap.getFrom( suKeyName, suValue ); printUString( suValue ); sal_Int32 nCompare = suValue.compareTo( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("pseudo file") ); ASSERT_TRUE(nCompare == 0) << ".getFrom('FILE', ...) result is unexpected."; } TEST_F(getFrom, getFrom_004_1) { // get the same key out of the default context rtl::OUString suKeyName = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "FILE" ); rtl::OUString suGetValue; Bootstrap::get( suKeyName, suGetValue ); printUString( suGetValue ); ASSERT_TRUE(suGetValue.compareTo( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("testshl2 file") ) == 0) << "Bootstrap::get('FILE', ...)"; } TEST_F(getFrom, getFrom_005_1) { oslProcessExitCode nExitCode = ini_execProcess( "bootstrap_process", "1" ); ASSERT_TRUE(nExitCode == 10) << "Parameters passed by command line can not be gotten!"; } TEST_F(getFrom, getFrom_005_2) { oslProcessExitCode nExitCode = ini_execProcess( "bootstrap_process", "2" ); ASSERT_TRUE(nExitCode == 20) << "Parameters passed by .ini/rc file can not be gotten!"; } TEST_F(getFrom, getFrom_005_3) { #if (defined WNT) || (defined SOLARIS) putenv(const_cast< char * >("QADEV_BOOTSTRAP=sun&ms")); #else setenv("QADEV_BOOTSTRAP", "sun&ms", 0); #endif oslProcessExitCode nExitCode = ini_execProcess( "bootstrap_process", "3" ); ASSERT_TRUE(nExitCode == 30) << "Parameters passed by environment variables can not be gotten!"; } TEST_F(getFrom, getFrom_005_4) { oslProcessExitCode nExitCode = ini_execProcess( "bootstrap_process", "4" ); ASSERT_TRUE(nExitCode == 40) << "Parameters passed by customed .ini/rc file can not be gotten!"; } TEST_F(getFrom, getFrom_005_5) { oslProcessExitCode nExitCode = ini_execProcess( "bootstrap_process", "5" ); ASSERT_TRUE(nExitCode == 50) << "Parameters passed by inheritance can not be gotten!"; } TEST_F(getFrom, getFrom_005_6) { oslProcessExitCode nExitCode = ini_execProcess( "bootstrap_process", "6" ); ASSERT_TRUE(nExitCode == 60) << "Parameters passed by default can not be gotten!"; } class setIniFilename : public ::testing::Test { public: // initialise your test code values here. void SetUp() { } void TearDown() { } }; // class setIniFilename TEST_F(setIniFilename, setIniFilename_001) { Bootstrap aBootstrap; rtl::OUString suGetIniname; aBootstrap.getIniName( suGetIniname ); //which should be .....testshl2rc //printUString( suGetIniname ); rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(PSEUDO_INI); Bootstrap::setIniFilename( suIniname ); rtl::OUString suGetname; aBootstrap.getIniName( suGetname ); printUString( suGetname ); ASSERT_TRUE(suGetname.compareTo( suIniname ) == 0 && suGetname.compareTo( suGetIniname ) != 0) << "setIniFilename then get it."; } TEST_F(setIniFilename, setIniFilename_002) { rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); // ASSERT_TRUE(t_fileExist(suIniname ) == true) << // "test failed, Bootstrap ini does not exist." Bootstrap::setIniFilename( suIniname ); //rtl_bootstrap_args_open( suIniname.pData ); rtl::OUString suGetname; rtl::OUString suValuename = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "INHERITED_VALUE" ); //aBootstrap.getFrom( suValuename, suGetname ); Bootstrap::get( suValuename, suGetname ); printUString( suGetname ); ASSERT_TRUE(suGetname.getLength() != 0) << "setIniFilename and get value of the argument."; } class getHandle : public ::testing::Test { public: // initialise your test code values here. void SetUp() { } void TearDown() { } }; // class getHandle TEST_F(getHandle, getHandle_001) { rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); Bootstrap aBootstrap; rtlBootstrapHandle bsHandle = aBootstrap.getHandle(); ASSERT_TRUE(bsHandle == 0) << "getHandle should return 0 if the bootstrap has no ini file!"; } TEST_F(getHandle, getHandle_002) { rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(PSEUDO_INI); Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname ); rtlBootstrapHandle bsHandle = aBootstrap.getHandle(); ASSERT_TRUE(bsHandle != 0) << "getHandle return NULL!"; //rtl::OUString iniName; //rtl_bootstrap_get_iniName_from_handle( bsHandle, &iniName.pData ); rtl::OUString suValue; rtl::OUString suKeyName = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "PSEUDOFILE" ); rtl_bootstrap_get_from_handle(bsHandle, suKeyName.pData, &suValue.pData, NULL); printUString( suValue); ASSERT_TRUE(suValue.equals( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("be pseudo") ) == sal_True) << "Can not use the handle which is returned by getHandle!"; // ASSERT_TRUE(// suGetname.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( iniName ) == sal_True) << "Can not use the handle which is returned by getHandle!"; } class set : public ::testing::Test { public: // initialise your test code values here. void SetUp() { } void TearDown() { } }; // class set TEST_F(set, set_001) { //in ini fle, INHERITED_VALUE=inherited_value rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname); rtl::OUString suName = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "INHERITED_VALUE" ); rtl::OUString suValue = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "ok" ); // set to another value Bootstrap::set( suName, suValue ); rtl::OUString suGetValue; Bootstrap::get( suName, suGetValue); ASSERT_TRUE(suGetValue.compareTo(suValue) == 0) << "set and get argument failed."; } TEST_F(set, set_002) { rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); Bootstrap myBootstrap( suIniname); rtl::OUString suName = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "INHERITED_VALUE" ); rtl::OUString suGetOrientValue; Bootstrap::get( suName, suGetOrientValue); // ?? INHERITED_VALUE = ok now, which is set in set_001 printUString( suGetOrientValue ); rtl::OUString suValue = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( TESTSHL2_INI ); // set to another value Bootstrap::set( suName, suValue ); rtl::OUString suGetValue; Bootstrap::get( suName, suGetValue); ASSERT_TRUE(suGetValue.compareTo(suValue) == 0) << "set and get argument failed."; } class expandMacrosFrom : public ::testing::Test { public: void SetUp() { } void TearDown() { } }; // class expandMacrosFrom TEST_F(expandMacrosFrom, expandMacrosFrom_001) { rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname); rtl::OUString suMacro = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "$MYVAR/expand1" ); //printUString( suMacro ); //expandMacro now aBootstrap.expandMacrosFrom( suMacro ); rtl::OUString suExpectedMacro = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "src680_test/expand1" ); //printUString( suMacro ); ASSERT_TRUE(suMacro.compareTo(suExpectedMacro) == 0) << "expandMacrosFrom failed."; } /** here a special macro should expand * if rtlrc is under sal/qa/rtl/bootstrap/, "${rtlrc:Bootstrap:RTLVALUE}" could be expanded * else rtlrc is under solver/680/unxlngi4.pro/bin/, "${file:/// ....solver/680/unxlngi4.pro/bin/rtlrc:Bootstrap:RTLVALUE}" * could not be expanded */ TEST_F(expandMacrosFrom, expandMacrosFrom_002) { // Build a string with '${rtl.ini:RTLVALUE}' and try to expand it. // In function 'create_rtlrc() is the content of the rtl.ini file. rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); printf("inifile is:"); printUString( suIniname ); Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname) ; rtl::OUString suMacro = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "${" ); //rtlrc:Bootstrap:RTLVALUE}"); rtl::OUString aDirURL = OUString::createFromAscii( "$ORIGIN"); aDirURL += OUString::createFromAscii( "/"); aDirURL += OUString::createFromAscii( "rtl" ); #if defined(WNT) || defined(OS2) aDirURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(".ini"); #else aDirURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("rc"); #endif suMacro += aDirURL;//t_getSourcePath("rtl"); suMacro += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "::RTLVALUE}"); printf("created macro is: "); printUString( suMacro ); //expandMacro now aBootstrap.expandMacrosFrom( suMacro ); printf("expanded macro is:"); printUString( suMacro ); rtl::OUString suExpectedMacro = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "qadev17" ); ASSERT_TRUE(suMacro.compareTo(suExpectedMacro) == 0 ) << "failed, can't expand '${file:///.../" SAL_CONFIGFILE("rtl") "::RTLVALUE}' to 'qadev17'"; } TEST_F(expandMacrosFrom, expandMacrosFrom_002_1) { rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); printf("inifile is:"); printUString( suIniname ); Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname); rtl::OUString suMacro; // just a simple test, if this really work. aBootstrap.getFrom(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "SOFROMVALUE2" ), suMacro ); printf("SOFROMVALUE2:"); printUString( suMacro ); ASSERT_TRUE(suMacro.getLength() > 0) << "'SOFROMVALUE2' seems to do not exist."; aBootstrap.getFrom(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "SOFROMVALUE" ), suMacro ); printf("SOFROMVALUE:"); printUString( suMacro ); //expandMacro now // seems to be, that getFrom() already expand the string // printf("expanded macro is:"); // aBootstrap.expandMacrosFrom( suMacro ); // printUString( suMacro ); rtl::OUString suExpectedMacro = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "src680_qadev" ); ASSERT_TRUE(suMacro.compareTo(suExpectedMacro) == 0) << "failed, can't expand '${" SAL_CONFIGFILE("rtl") "::SOVALUE}' to 'src680_qadev'"; } TEST_F(expandMacrosFrom, expandMacrosFrom_002_2) { // test, to read and expand SOFROMVALUE3 // SOFROMVALUE3 is 'rtl(.ini|rc)::TESTSHL_SOVALUE' which should expand to 'rtlfile' if all is ok. rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); printf("inifile is:"); printUString( suIniname ); Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname); rtl::OUString suMacro; aBootstrap.getFrom(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "SOFROMVALUE3" ), suMacro ); printf("SOFROMVALUE3:"); printUString( suMacro ); if (suMacro.equals(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("testshl2_file") ) == sal_True) { ASSERT_TRUE(0) << "Value 'SOFROMVALUE3' is read from the wrong ini file."; } else { ASSERT_TRUE(suMacro.equals(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("rtlfile") ) == sal_True) << "SOFROMVALUE3 should contain 'rtlfile'."; } } //? I don't know if this is a right test. // void expandMacrosFrom_002_3() // { // // test, to read and expand SOFROMVALUE4 // // SOFROMVALUE4 is 'rtl(.ini|rc):Other_Section:TESTSHL_SOVALUE' which should expand to '' if all is ok. // // rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); // printf("inifile is:"); // printUString( suIniname ); // Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname); // // rtl::OUString suMacro; // aBootstrap.getFrom(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "SOFROMVALUE4" ), suMacro ); // // printf("SOFROMVALUE4:"); // printUString( suMacro ); // // if (suMacro.equals(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("testshl2_file") ) == sal_True) // { // ASSERT_TRUE(0) << "Value 'SOFROMVALUE4' is read from the wrong section out of the wrong ini file."; // } // else if (suMacro.equals(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("testshl2_file_other") ) == sal_True) // { // ASSERT_TRUE(0) << "Value 'SOFROMVALUE4' is read from the wrong ini file."; // } // else // { // ASSERT_TRUE(suMacro.equals(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("rtlfile_other") ) == sal_True) << "Value 'SOFROMVALUE4' should contain 'rtlfile_other'."; // } // } TEST_F(expandMacrosFrom, expandMacrosFrom_003) { rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname); rtl::OUString suMacro[4]; suMacro[0] = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "$SYSUSERCONFIG" ); suMacro[1] = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "$SYSUSERHOME" ); suMacro[2] = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "$SYSBINDIR" ); suMacro[3] = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "$ORIGIN" ); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { aBootstrap.expandMacrosFrom( suMacro[i] ); printUString(suMacro[i]); } // printUString( t_getSourcePath("") ); // ASSERT_TRUE(suMacro[3].equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(t_getSourcePath("")) == sal_True) << "some integral variables."; ASSERT_TRUE(suMacro[0].getLength() > 0 && suMacro[1].getLength() > 0 && suMacro[2].getLength() > 0 && suMacro[3].getLength() > 0) << "some integral variables."; } TEST_F(expandMacrosFrom, testRecursion) { rtl::OUString t(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("$RECURSIVE")); Bootstrap(t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI)).expandMacrosFrom(t); ASSERT_TRUE(t.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("***RECURSION DETECTED***"))) << "recursion detection"; } TEST_F(expandMacrosFrom, testLink) { rtl::OUString t(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("$LINKED")); Bootstrap(t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI)).expandMacrosFrom(t); ASSERT_TRUE(t.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("qadev17"))) << "link file"; } TEST_F(expandMacrosFrom, testOverride) { rtl::OUString t1( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "${.override:$ORIGIN/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("rtl") ":ORIGIN}")); Bootstrap(t_getSourcePath("rtl")).expandMacrosFrom(t1); ASSERT_TRUE(t1.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("direct"))) << "override ORIGIN"; rtl::OUString t2( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "${.override:$ORIGIN/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("none") ":MYVAR}")); Bootstrap::expandMacros(t2); ASSERT_TRUE(t2.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("src680_test"))) << "override MYVAR"; } TEST_F(expandMacrosFrom, testNonexisting) { rtl::OUString t( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "${$ORIGIN/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("none") ":MYVAR}")); Bootstrap::expandMacros(t); ASSERT_TRUE(t.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("src680_test"))) << "nonexisting"; } TEST_F(expandMacrosFrom, testSection) { rtl::OUStringBuffer b; b.appendAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("${")); rtl::OUString p(t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI)); for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < p.getLength(); ++i) { if (p[i] != 'u') { b.append(static_cast< sal_Unicode >('\\')); } b.append(p[i]); } b.appendAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(":Other_Section:EXPAND}")); rtl::OUString t(b.makeStringAndClear()); Bootstrap(t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI)).expandMacrosFrom(t); ASSERT_TRUE(t.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("$FILE"))) << "section expansion"; // the correct answer would be "testshl2 file" instead, but // expansion including a section currently erroneously does not // recursively expand macros in the resulting replacement text } class expandMacros : public ::testing::Test { public: // initialise your test code values here. void SetUp() { } void TearDown() { } }; // class expandMacros TEST_F(expandMacros, expandMacros_001) { rtl::OUString suIniname = t_getSourcePath(TESTSHL2_INI); Bootstrap aBootstrap( suIniname) ; rtl::OUString suMacro = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "$INHERITED_VALUE/well" ); Bootstrap::expandMacros( suMacro ); rtl::OUString suName = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "INHERITED_VALUE" ); OUString suGetValue; Bootstrap::get( suName, suGetValue ); suGetValue += OUString::createFromAscii( "/well" ); ASSERT_TRUE(suGetValue.compareTo(suMacro) == 0) << "expandMacros failed."; } } // namespace rtl_Bootstrap // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // this macro creates an empty function, which will called by the RegisterAllFunctions() // to let the user the possibility to also register some functions by hand. // NOADDITIONAL; // Here are some helpers, which create a new file 'rtlrc' at the executable path position // and fill the file with some information. // static rtl::OUString getExecutableDirectory() // { // rtl::OUString fileName; // osl_getExecutableFile(&fileName.pData); // // sal_Int32 nDirEnd = fileName.lastIndexOf('/'); // // OSL_ENSURE(nDirEnd >= 0, "Cannot locate executable directory"); // // rtl::OUString aDirURL = fileName.copy(0, nDirEnd); // return aDirURL; // } static void removeAndCreateFile(rtl::OUString const& _suFileURL, rtl::OString const& _sContent) { osl::File::remove(_suFileURL); ::std::auto_ptr pFile( new osl::File( _suFileURL ) ); ::osl::FileBase::RC nError = pFile->open( OpenFlag_Write | OpenFlag_Create ); if ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError || ::osl::FileBase::E_EXIST == nError ) { printf("%s\n" , OString(_suFileURL.getStr(), _suFileURL.getLength(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US).getStr()); sal_uInt64 nWritenBytes; pFile->write(_sContent.getStr(), _sContent.getLength(), nWritenBytes); // printf("nBytes: %ld\n", nBytes); rtl::OString sError = "can't write enough bytes to file"; sError += OString(_suFileURL.getStr(), _suFileURL.getLength(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US); OSL_ENSURE(nWritenBytes == _sContent.getLength(), sError.getStr()); pFile->close(); } else { rtl::OString sError = "can't create file URL: '"; rtl::OString sFile(_suFileURL.getStr(), _suFileURL.getLength(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US); sError += sFile; sError += "' maybe no write access. If it is true with no write access, please create a local environment and start these tests again. rtl::Bootstrap test must quit."; printf("%s\n", sError.getStr() ); exit(1); } OSL_ASSERT(t_fileExist(_suFileURL) == true); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void create_rtlrc() { rtl::OUString aFileURL(getExecutableDirectory()); #if defined(WNT) || defined(OS2) aFileURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("/rtl.ini"); #else aFileURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("/rtlrc"); #endif rtl::OString sLines; sLines += "[Bootstrap]\n"; sLines += "SOVALUE=src680_qadev\n"; sLines += "RTLVALUE=qadev17\n"; sLines += "TESTSHL_SOVALUE=rtlfile\n"; sLines += "RECURSIVE=${$ORIGIN/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("testshl2") ":RECURSIVE}\n"; sLines += "ORIGIN=direct\n"; sLines += "[Other_Section]\n"; sLines += "TESTSHL_SOVALUE=rtlfile_other\n"; removeAndCreateFile(aFileURL, sLines); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void create_testshl2rc() { rtl::OUString aFileURL(getExecutableDirectory()); #if defined(WNT) || defined(OS2) aFileURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("/testshl2.ini"); #else aFileURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("/testshl2rc"); #endif rtl::OString sLines; sLines += "[Bootstrap]\n"; sLines += "FILE=testshl2 file\n"; sLines += "MYBOOTSTRAPTESTVALUE=file\n"; sLines += "INHERITED_VALUE=inherited_value\n"; sLines += "INHERITED_OVERWRITTEN_VALUE=not_overwritten\n"; sLines += "MYVAR=src680_test\n"; sLines += "SOFROMVALUE=${$ORIGIN/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("rtl") "::SOVALUE}\n"; sLines += "SOFROMVALUE2=test\n"; sLines += "SOFROMVALUE3=${$ORIGIN/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("rtl") "::TESTSHL_SOVALUE}\n"; sLines += "TESTSHL_SOVALUE=testshl2_file\n"; //? sLines += "SOFROMVALUE4=${" SAL_CONFIGFILE("rtl") ":Other_Section:TESTSHL_SOVALUE}\n"; sLines += "ILLEGAL VALUE=test\n"; sLines += "ILLEGAL.DOT=test\n"; sLines += "ILLEGAL;SEMICOLON=test\n"; sLines += "ILLEGAL:COLON=test\n"; sLines += " KEY_FOR_TRIM_TEST = value for trim test \n"; sLines += "RECURSIVE=${$ORIGIN/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("rtl") ":RECURSIVE}\n"; sLines += "LINKED=${${.link:$ORIGIN/testshl2-link}:RTLVALUE}\n"; sLines += "[Other_Section]\n"; sLines += "FILE=testshl2 file other\n"; sLines += "EXPAND=$FILE\n"; //? sLines += "TESTSHL_SOVALUE=testshl2_file_other\n"; removeAndCreateFile(aFileURL, sLines); removeAndCreateFile( (getExecutableDirectory() + rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/testshl2-link"))), SAL_CONFIGFILE("rtl")); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void create_pseudorc() { rtl::OUString aFileURL(getExecutableDirectory()); #if defined(WNT) || defined(OS2) aFileURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("/pseudo.ini"); #else aFileURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("/pseudorc"); #endif rtl::OString sLines; sLines += "[Bootstrap]\n"; sLines += "FILE=pseudo file\n"; sLines += "PSEUDOFILE=be pseudo\n"; removeAndCreateFile(aFileURL, sLines); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void create_bootstrap_processrc() { rtl::OUString aDirURL(getModulePath()); #if defined(WNT) || defined(OS2) aDirURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("/bootstrap_process.ini"); #else aDirURL += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("/bootstrap_processrc"); #endif rtl::OString sLines; sLines += "[Bootstrap]\n"; sLines += "EXECUTABLE_RC=true\n"; sLines += "IF_CUSTOM_RC=false\n"; removeAndCreateFile(aDirURL, sLines); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { // start message printf("Initializing ...\n" ); osl_setCommandArgs(argc, argv); create_rtlrc(); create_testshl2rc(); create_pseudorc(); create_bootstrap_processrc(); printf("Initialization Done.\n" ); ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }