/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sc.hxx" // INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------------- #include "scitems.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "column.hxx" #include "cell.hxx" #include "document.hxx" #include "docpool.hxx" #include "attarray.hxx" #include "patattr.hxx" #include "cellform.hxx" #include "collect.hxx" #include "stlsheet.hxx" #include "rechead.hxx" #include "brdcst.hxx" #include "editutil.hxx" #include "subtotal.hxx" #include "markdata.hxx" #include "compiler.hxx" // ScTokenArray GetCodeLen #include "dbcolect.hxx" #include "fillinfo.hxx" #include "segmenttree.hxx" #include // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // factor from font size to optimal cell height (text width) #define SC_ROT_BREAK_FACTOR 6 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- inline sal_Bool IsAmbiguousScript( sal_uInt8 nScript ) { //! move to a header file return ( nScript != SCRIPTTYPE_LATIN && nScript != SCRIPTTYPE_ASIAN && nScript != SCRIPTTYPE_COMPLEX ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Datei-Operationen // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //UNUSED2008-05 SCROW ScColumn::NoteCount( SCROW nMaxRow ) const //UNUSED2008-05 { //UNUSED2008-05 SCROW nNoteCount = 0; //UNUSED2008-05 SCSIZE i; //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 for (i=0; iGetNotePtr() && pItems[i].nRow<=nMaxRow ) //UNUSED2008-05 ++nNoteCount; //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 return nNoteCount; //UNUSED2008-05 } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //UNUSED2008-05 void ScColumn::CorrectSymbolCells( CharSet eStreamCharSet ) //UNUSED2008-05 { //UNUSED2008-05 // #99139# find and correct string cells that are formatted with a symbol font, //UNUSED2008-05 // but are not in the LoadedSymbolStringCellsList //UNUSED2008-05 // (because CELLTYPE_SYMBOLS wasn't written in the file) //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 ScFontToSubsFontConverter_AutoPtr xFontConverter; //UNUSED2008-05 const sal_uLong nFontConverterFlags = FONTTOSUBSFONT_EXPORT | FONTTOSUBSFONT_ONLYOLDSOSYMBOLFONTS; //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 sal_Bool bListInitialized = sal_False; //UNUSED2008-05 ScSymbolStringCellEntry* pCurrentEntry = NULL; //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 ScAttrIterator aAttrIter( pAttrArray, 0, MAXROW ); //UNUSED2008-05 SCROW nStt, nEnd; //UNUSED2008-05 const ScPatternAttr* pAttr = aAttrIter.Next( nStt, nEnd ); //UNUSED2008-05 while ( pAttr ) //UNUSED2008-05 { //UNUSED2008-05 if ( (xFontConverter = pAttr->GetSubsFontConverter( nFontConverterFlags )) || //UNUSED2008-05 pAttr->IsSymbolFont() ) //UNUSED2008-05 { //UNUSED2008-05 ScColumnIterator aCellIter( this, nStt, nEnd ); //UNUSED2008-05 SCROW nRow; //UNUSED2008-05 ScBaseCell* pCell; //UNUSED2008-05 while ( aCellIter.Next( nRow, pCell ) ) //UNUSED2008-05 { //UNUSED2008-05 if ( pCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_STRING ) //UNUSED2008-05 { //UNUSED2008-05 List& rList = pDocument->GetLoadedSymbolStringCellsList(); //UNUSED2008-05 if (!bListInitialized) //UNUSED2008-05 { //UNUSED2008-05 pCurrentEntry = (ScSymbolStringCellEntry*)rList.First(); //UNUSED2008-05 bListInitialized = sal_True; //UNUSED2008-05 } //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 while ( pCurrentEntry && pCurrentEntry->nRow < nRow ) //UNUSED2008-05 pCurrentEntry = (ScSymbolStringCellEntry*)rList.Next(); //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 if ( pCurrentEntry && pCurrentEntry->nRow == nRow ) //UNUSED2008-05 { //UNUSED2008-05 // found //UNUSED2008-05 } //UNUSED2008-05 else //UNUSED2008-05 { //UNUSED2008-05 // not in list -> convert and put into list //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 ScStringCell* pStrCell = (ScStringCell*)pCell; //UNUSED2008-05 String aOldStr; //UNUSED2008-05 pStrCell->GetString( aOldStr ); //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 // convert back to stream character set (get original data) //UNUSED2008-05 ByteString aByteStr( aOldStr, eStreamCharSet ); //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 // convert using symbol encoding, as for CELLTYPE_SYMBOLS cells //UNUSED2008-05 String aNewStr( aByteStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL ); //UNUSED2008-05 pStrCell->SetString( aNewStr ); //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 ScSymbolStringCellEntry * pEntry = new ScSymbolStringCellEntry; //UNUSED2008-05 pEntry->pCell = pStrCell; //UNUSED2008-05 pEntry->nRow = nRow; //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 if ( pCurrentEntry ) //UNUSED2008-05 rList.Insert( pEntry ); // before current entry - pCurrentEntry stays valid //UNUSED2008-05 else //UNUSED2008-05 rList.Insert( pEntry, LIST_APPEND ); // append if already behind last entry //UNUSED2008-05 } //UNUSED2008-05 } //UNUSED2008-05 } //UNUSED2008-05 } //UNUSED2008-05 //UNUSED2008-05 pAttr = aAttrIter.Next( nStt, nEnd ); //UNUSED2008-05 } //UNUSED2008-05 } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetNeededSize: optimale Hoehe / Breite in Pixeln long ScColumn::GetNeededSize( SCROW nRow, OutputDevice* pDev, double nPPTX, double nPPTY, const Fraction& rZoomX, const Fraction& rZoomY, sal_Bool bWidth, const ScNeededSizeOptions& rOptions ) { long nValue=0; SCSIZE nIndex; double nPPT = bWidth ? nPPTX : nPPTY; if (Search(nRow,nIndex)) { ScBaseCell* pCell = pItems[nIndex].pCell; const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = rOptions.pPattern; if (!pPattern) pPattern = pAttrArray->GetPattern( nRow ); // zusammengefasst? // Merge nicht in bedingter Formatierung const ScMergeAttr* pMerge = (const ScMergeAttr*)&pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE); const ScMergeFlagAttr* pFlag = (const ScMergeFlagAttr*)&pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE_FLAG); if ( bWidth ) { if ( pFlag->IsHorOverlapped() ) return 0; if ( rOptions.bSkipMerged && pMerge->GetColMerge() > 1 ) return 0; } else { if ( pFlag->IsVerOverlapped() ) return 0; if ( rOptions.bSkipMerged && pMerge->GetRowMerge() > 1 ) return 0; } // bedingte Formatierung const SfxItemSet* pCondSet = NULL; if ( ((const SfxUInt32Item&)pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_CONDITIONAL)).GetValue() ) pCondSet = pDocument->GetCondResult( nCol, nRow, nTab ); // Zeilenumbruch? const SfxPoolItem* pCondItem; SvxCellHorJustify eHorJust; if (pCondSet && pCondSet->GetItemState(ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY, sal_True, &pCondItem) == SFX_ITEM_SET) eHorJust = (SvxCellHorJustify)((const SvxHorJustifyItem*)pCondItem)->GetValue(); else eHorJust = (SvxCellHorJustify)((const SvxHorJustifyItem&) pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY )).GetValue(); bool bBreak; if ( eHorJust == SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_BLOCK ) bBreak = true; else if ( pCondSet && pCondSet->GetItemState(ATTR_LINEBREAK, sal_True, &pCondItem) == SFX_ITEM_SET) bBreak = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pCondItem)->GetValue(); else bBreak = ((const SfxBoolItem&)pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_LINEBREAK)).GetValue(); SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = pDocument->GetFormatTable(); sal_uLong nFormat = pPattern->GetNumberFormat( pFormatter, pCondSet ); // #i111387# #o11817313# disable automatic line breaks only for "General" number format if ( bBreak && pCell->HasValueData() && ( nFormat % SV_COUNTRY_LANGUAGE_OFFSET ) == 0 ) { // also take formula result type into account for number format if ( pCell->GetCellType() != CELLTYPE_FORMULA || ( static_cast(pCell)->GetStandardFormat(*pFormatter, nFormat) % SV_COUNTRY_LANGUAGE_OFFSET ) == 0 ) bBreak = false; } // get other attributes from pattern and conditional formatting SvxCellOrientation eOrient = pPattern->GetCellOrientation( pCondSet ); sal_Bool bAsianVertical = ( eOrient == SVX_ORIENTATION_STACKED && ((const SfxBoolItem&)pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_VERTICAL_ASIAN, pCondSet )).GetValue() ); if ( bAsianVertical ) bBreak = false; if ( bWidth && bBreak ) // after determining bAsianVertical (bBreak may be reset) return 0; long nRotate = 0; SvxRotateMode eRotMode = SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD; if ( eOrient == SVX_ORIENTATION_STANDARD ) { if (pCondSet && pCondSet->GetItemState(ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE, sal_True, &pCondItem) == SFX_ITEM_SET) nRotate = ((const SfxInt32Item*)pCondItem)->GetValue(); else nRotate = ((const SfxInt32Item&)pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE)).GetValue(); if ( nRotate ) { if (pCondSet && pCondSet->GetItemState(ATTR_ROTATE_MODE, sal_True, &pCondItem) == SFX_ITEM_SET) eRotMode = (SvxRotateMode)((const SvxRotateModeItem*)pCondItem)->GetValue(); else eRotMode = (SvxRotateMode)((const SvxRotateModeItem&) pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_ROTATE_MODE)).GetValue(); if ( nRotate == 18000 ) eRotMode = SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD; // keinen Ueberlauf } } if ( eHorJust == SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_REPEAT ) { // ignore orientation/rotation if "repeat" is active eOrient = SVX_ORIENTATION_STANDARD; nRotate = 0; bAsianVertical = sal_False; } const SvxMarginItem* pMargin; if (pCondSet && pCondSet->GetItemState(ATTR_MARGIN, sal_True, &pCondItem) == SFX_ITEM_SET) pMargin = (const SvxMarginItem*) pCondItem; else pMargin = (const SvxMarginItem*) &pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MARGIN); sal_uInt16 nIndent = 0; if ( eHorJust == SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_LEFT ) { if (pCondSet && pCondSet->GetItemState(ATTR_INDENT, sal_True, &pCondItem) == SFX_ITEM_SET) nIndent = ((const SfxUInt16Item*)pCondItem)->GetValue(); else nIndent = ((const SfxUInt16Item&)pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_INDENT)).GetValue(); } sal_uInt8 nScript = pDocument->GetScriptType( nCol, nRow, nTab, pCell ); if (nScript == 0) nScript = ScGlobal::GetDefaultScriptType(); // also call SetFont for edit cells, because bGetFont may be set only once // bGetFont is set also if script type changes if (rOptions.bGetFont) { Fraction aFontZoom = ( eOrient == SVX_ORIENTATION_STANDARD ) ? rZoomX : rZoomY; Font aFont; // font color doesn't matter here pPattern->GetFont( aFont, SC_AUTOCOL_BLACK, pDev, &aFontZoom, pCondSet, nScript ); pDev->SetFont(aFont); } sal_Bool bAddMargin = sal_True; CellType eCellType = pCell->GetCellType(); sal_Bool bEditEngine = ( eCellType == CELLTYPE_EDIT || eOrient == SVX_ORIENTATION_STACKED || IsAmbiguousScript( nScript ) || ((eCellType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA) && ((ScFormulaCell*)pCell)->IsMultilineResult()) ); if (!bEditEngine) // direkte Ausgabe { String aValStr; Color* pColor; ScCellFormat::GetString( pCell, nFormat, aValStr, &pColor, *pFormatter, sal_True, rOptions.bFormula, ftCheck ); if (aValStr.Len()) { // SetFont ist nach oben verschoben Size aSize( pDev->GetTextWidth( aValStr ), pDev->GetTextHeight() ); if ( eOrient != SVX_ORIENTATION_STANDARD ) { long nTemp = aSize.Width(); aSize.Width() = aSize.Height(); aSize.Height() = nTemp; } else if ( nRotate ) { //! unterschiedliche Skalierung X/Y beruecksichtigen double nRealOrient = nRotate * F_PI18000; // nRotate sind 1/100 Grad double nCosAbs = fabs( cos( nRealOrient ) ); double nSinAbs = fabs( sin( nRealOrient ) ); long nHeight = (long)( aSize.Height() * nCosAbs + aSize.Width() * nSinAbs ); long nWidth; if ( eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD ) nWidth = (long)( aSize.Width() * nCosAbs + aSize.Height() * nSinAbs ); else if ( rOptions.bTotalSize ) { nWidth = (long) ( pDocument->GetColWidth( nCol,nTab ) * nPPT ); bAddMargin = sal_False; // nur nach rechts: //! unterscheiden nach Ausrichtung oben/unten (nur Text/ganze Hoehe) if ( pPattern->GetRotateDir( pCondSet ) == SC_ROTDIR_RIGHT ) nWidth += (long)( pDocument->GetRowHeight( nRow,nTab ) * nPPT * nCosAbs / nSinAbs ); } else nWidth = (long)( aSize.Height() / nSinAbs ); //! begrenzen? if ( bBreak && !rOptions.bTotalSize ) { // #47744# limit size for line break long nCmp = pDev->GetFont().GetSize().Height() * SC_ROT_BREAK_FACTOR; if ( nHeight > nCmp ) nHeight = nCmp; } aSize = Size( nWidth, nHeight ); } nValue = bWidth ? aSize.Width() : aSize.Height(); if ( bAddMargin ) { if (bWidth) { nValue += (long) ( pMargin->GetLeftMargin() * nPPT ) + (long) ( pMargin->GetRightMargin() * nPPT ); if ( nIndent ) nValue += (long) ( nIndent * nPPT ); } else nValue += (long) ( pMargin->GetTopMargin() * nPPT ) + (long) ( pMargin->GetBottomMargin() * nPPT ); } // Zeilenumbruch ausgefuehrt ? if ( bBreak && !bWidth ) { // Test mit EditEngine zur Sicherheit schon bei 90% // (wegen Rundungsfehlern und weil EditEngine teilweise anders formatiert) long nDocPixel = (long) ( ( pDocument->GetColWidth( nCol,nTab ) - pMargin->GetLeftMargin() - pMargin->GetRightMargin() - nIndent ) * nPPT ); nDocPixel = (nDocPixel * 9) / 10; // zur Sicherheit if ( aSize.Width() > nDocPixel ) bEditEngine = sal_True; } } } if (bEditEngine) { // der Font wird bei !bEditEngine nicht jedesmal neu gesetzt Font aOldFont = pDev->GetFont(); MapMode aHMMMode( MAP_100TH_MM, Point(), rZoomX, rZoomY ); // am Dokument speichern ? ScFieldEditEngine* pEngine = pDocument->CreateFieldEditEngine(); pEngine->SetUpdateMode( sal_False ); sal_Bool bTextWysiwyg = ( pDev->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER ); sal_uInt32 nCtrl = pEngine->GetControlWord(); if ( bTextWysiwyg ) nCtrl |= EE_CNTRL_FORMAT100; else nCtrl &= ~EE_CNTRL_FORMAT100; pEngine->SetControlWord( nCtrl ); MapMode aOld = pDev->GetMapMode(); pDev->SetMapMode( aHMMMode ); pEngine->SetRefDevice( pDev ); pDocument->ApplyAsianEditSettings( *pEngine ); SfxItemSet* pSet = new SfxItemSet( pEngine->GetEmptyItemSet() ); pPattern->FillEditItemSet( pSet, pCondSet ); // no longer needed, are setted with the text (is faster) // pEngine->SetDefaults( pSet ); if ( ((const SfxBoolItem&)pSet->Get(EE_PARA_HYPHENATE)).GetValue() ) { com::sun::star::uno::Reference xXHyphenator( LinguMgr::GetHyphenator() ); pEngine->SetHyphenator( xXHyphenator ); } Size aPaper = Size( 1000000, 1000000 ); if ( eOrient==SVX_ORIENTATION_STACKED && !bAsianVertical ) aPaper.Width() = 1; else if (bBreak) { double fWidthFactor = nPPTX; if ( bTextWysiwyg ) { // #95593# if text is formatted for printer, don't use PixelToLogic, // to ensure the exact same paper width (and same line breaks) as in // ScEditUtil::GetEditArea, used for output. fWidthFactor = HMM_PER_TWIPS; } // use original width for hidden columns: long nDocWidth = (long) ( pDocument->GetOriginalWidth(nCol,nTab) * fWidthFactor ); SCCOL nColMerge = pMerge->GetColMerge(); if (nColMerge > 1) for (SCCOL nColAdd=1; nColAddGetColWidth(nCol+nColAdd,nTab) * fWidthFactor ); nDocWidth -= (long) ( pMargin->GetLeftMargin() * fWidthFactor ) + (long) ( pMargin->GetRightMargin() * fWidthFactor ) + 1; // Ausgabebereich ist Breite-1 Pixel (wegen Gitterlinien) if ( nIndent ) nDocWidth -= (long) ( nIndent * fWidthFactor ); // space for AutoFilter button: 20 * nZoom/100 if ( pFlag->HasAutoFilter() && !bTextWysiwyg ) nDocWidth -= (rZoomX.GetNumerator()*20)/rZoomX.GetDenominator(); aPaper.Width() = nDocWidth; if ( !bTextWysiwyg ) aPaper = pDev->PixelToLogic( aPaper, aHMMMode ); } pEngine->SetPaperSize(aPaper); if ( pCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_EDIT ) { const EditTextObject* pData; ((ScEditCell*)pCell)->GetData(pData); pEngine->SetTextNewDefaults(*pData, pSet); } else { Color* pColor; String aString; ScCellFormat::GetString( pCell, nFormat, aString, &pColor, *pFormatter, sal_True, rOptions.bFormula, ftCheck ); if (aString.Len()) pEngine->SetTextNewDefaults(aString, pSet); else pEngine->SetDefaults(pSet); } sal_Bool bEngineVertical = pEngine->IsVertical(); pEngine->SetVertical( bAsianVertical ); pEngine->SetUpdateMode( sal_True ); sal_Bool bEdWidth = bWidth; if ( eOrient != SVX_ORIENTATION_STANDARD && eOrient != SVX_ORIENTATION_STACKED ) bEdWidth = !bEdWidth; if ( nRotate ) { //! unterschiedliche Skalierung X/Y beruecksichtigen Size aSize( pEngine->CalcTextWidth(), pEngine->GetTextHeight() ); double nRealOrient = nRotate * F_PI18000; // nRotate sind 1/100 Grad double nCosAbs = fabs( cos( nRealOrient ) ); double nSinAbs = fabs( sin( nRealOrient ) ); long nHeight = (long)( aSize.Height() * nCosAbs + aSize.Width() * nSinAbs ); long nWidth; if ( eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD ) nWidth = (long)( aSize.Width() * nCosAbs + aSize.Height() * nSinAbs ); else if ( rOptions.bTotalSize ) { nWidth = (long) ( pDocument->GetColWidth( nCol,nTab ) * nPPT ); bAddMargin = sal_False; if ( pPattern->GetRotateDir( pCondSet ) == SC_ROTDIR_RIGHT ) nWidth += (long)( pDocument->GetRowHeight( nRow,nTab ) * nPPT * nCosAbs / nSinAbs ); } else nWidth = (long)( aSize.Height() / nSinAbs ); //! begrenzen? aSize = Size( nWidth, nHeight ); Size aPixSize = pDev->LogicToPixel( aSize, aHMMMode ); if ( bEdWidth ) nValue = aPixSize.Width(); else { nValue = aPixSize.Height(); if ( bBreak && !rOptions.bTotalSize ) { // #47744# limit size for line break long nCmp = aOldFont.GetSize().Height() * SC_ROT_BREAK_FACTOR; if ( nValue > nCmp ) nValue = nCmp; } } } else if ( bEdWidth ) { if (bBreak) nValue = 0; else nValue = pDev->LogicToPixel(Size( pEngine->CalcTextWidth(), 0 ), aHMMMode).Width(); } else // Hoehe { nValue = pDev->LogicToPixel(Size( 0, pEngine->GetTextHeight() ), aHMMMode).Height(); // With non-100% zoom and several lines or paragraphs, don't shrink below the result with FORMAT100 set if ( !bTextWysiwyg && ( rZoomY.GetNumerator() != 1 || rZoomY.GetDenominator() != 1 ) && ( pEngine->GetParagraphCount() > 1 || ( bBreak && pEngine->GetLineCount(0) > 1 ) ) ) { pEngine->SetControlWord( nCtrl | EE_CNTRL_FORMAT100 ); pEngine->QuickFormatDoc( sal_True ); long nSecondValue = pDev->LogicToPixel(Size( 0, pEngine->GetTextHeight() ), aHMMMode).Height(); if ( nSecondValue > nValue ) nValue = nSecondValue; } } if ( nValue && bAddMargin ) { if (bWidth) { nValue += (long) ( pMargin->GetLeftMargin() * nPPT ) + (long) ( pMargin->GetRightMargin() * nPPT ); if (nIndent) nValue += (long) ( nIndent * nPPT ); } else { nValue += (long) ( pMargin->GetTopMargin() * nPPT ) + (long) ( pMargin->GetBottomMargin() * nPPT ); if ( bAsianVertical && pDev->GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER ) { // add 1pt extra (default margin value) for line breaks with SetVertical nValue += (long) ( 20 * nPPT ); } } } // EditEngine is cached and re-used, so the old vertical flag must be restored pEngine->SetVertical( bEngineVertical ); pDocument->DisposeFieldEditEngine(pEngine); pDev->SetMapMode( aOld ); pDev->SetFont( aOldFont ); } if (bWidth) { // Platz fuer Autofilter-Button // 20 * nZoom/100 // bedingte Formatierung hier nicht interessant sal_Int16 nFlags = ((const ScMergeFlagAttr&)pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE_FLAG)).GetValue(); if (nFlags & SC_MF_AUTO) nValue += (rZoomX.GetNumerator()*20)/rZoomX.GetDenominator(); } } return nValue; } long ScColumn::GetSimpleTextNeededSize( SCSIZE nIndex, OutputDevice* pDev, sal_Bool bWidth ) { long nValue=0; if ( nIndex < nCount ) { SCROW nRow = pItems[nIndex].nRow; const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = pAttrArray->GetPattern( nRow ); ScBaseCell* pCell = pItems[nIndex].pCell; String aValStr; Color* pColor; SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = pDocument->GetFormatTable(); sal_uLong nFormat = pPattern->GetNumberFormat( pFormatter ); ScCellFormat::GetString( pCell, nFormat, aValStr, &pColor, *pFormatter, sal_True, sal_False, ftCheck ); if ( aValStr.Len() ) { if ( bWidth ) nValue = pDev->GetTextWidth( aValStr ); else nValue = pDev->GetTextHeight(); } } return nValue; } sal_uInt16 ScColumn::GetOptimalColWidth( OutputDevice* pDev, double nPPTX, double nPPTY, const Fraction& rZoomX, const Fraction& rZoomY, sal_Bool bFormula, sal_uInt16 nOldWidth, const ScMarkData* pMarkData, sal_Bool bSimpleTextImport ) { if (nCount == 0) return nOldWidth; sal_uInt16 nWidth = (sal_uInt16) (nOldWidth * nPPTX); sal_Bool bFound = sal_False; SCSIZE nIndex; ScMarkedDataIter aDataIter(this, pMarkData, sal_True); if ( bSimpleTextImport ) { // alles eins bis auf NumberFormate const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = GetPattern( 0 ); Font aFont; // font color doesn't matter here pPattern->GetFont( aFont, SC_AUTOCOL_BLACK, pDev, &rZoomX, NULL ); pDev->SetFont( aFont ); const SvxMarginItem* pMargin = (const SvxMarginItem*) &pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MARGIN); long nMargin = (long) ( pMargin->GetLeftMargin() * nPPTX ) + (long) ( pMargin->GetRightMargin() * nPPTX ); while (aDataIter.Next( nIndex )) { sal_uInt16 nThis = (sal_uInt16) (GetSimpleTextNeededSize( nIndex, pDev, sal_True ) + nMargin); if (nThis) { if (nThis>nWidth || !bFound) { nWidth = nThis; bFound = sal_True; } } } } else { ScNeededSizeOptions aOptions; aOptions.bFormula = bFormula; const ScPatternAttr* pOldPattern = NULL; sal_uInt8 nOldScript = 0; while (aDataIter.Next( nIndex )) { SCROW nRow = pItems[nIndex].nRow; sal_uInt8 nScript = pDocument->GetScriptType( nCol, nRow, nTab, pItems[nIndex].pCell ); if (nScript == 0) nScript = ScGlobal::GetDefaultScriptType(); const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = GetPattern( nRow ); aOptions.pPattern = pPattern; aOptions.bGetFont = (pPattern != pOldPattern || nScript != nOldScript); sal_uInt16 nThis = (sal_uInt16) GetNeededSize( nRow, pDev, nPPTX, nPPTY, rZoomX, rZoomY, sal_True, aOptions ); pOldPattern = pPattern; if (nThis) { if (nThis>nWidth || !bFound) { nWidth = nThis; bFound = sal_True; } } } } if (bFound) { nWidth += 2; sal_uInt16 nTwips = (sal_uInt16) (nWidth / nPPTX); return nTwips; } else return nOldWidth; } sal_uInt16 lcl_GetAttribHeight( const ScPatternAttr& rPattern, sal_uInt16 nFontHeightId ) { sal_uInt16 nHeight = (sal_uInt16) ((const SvxFontHeightItem&) rPattern.GetItem(nFontHeightId)).GetHeight(); const SvxMarginItem* pMargin = (const SvxMarginItem*) &rPattern.GetItem(ATTR_MARGIN); nHeight += nHeight / 5; // gibt bei 10pt 240 if ( ((const SvxEmphasisMarkItem&)rPattern. GetItem(ATTR_FONT_EMPHASISMARK)).GetEmphasisMark() != EMPHASISMARK_NONE ) { // add height for emphasis marks //! font metrics should be used instead nHeight += nHeight / 4; } if ( nHeight + 240 > ScGlobal::nDefFontHeight ) { nHeight = sal::static_int_cast( nHeight + ScGlobal::nDefFontHeight ); nHeight -= 240; } // Standard-Hoehe: TextHeight + Raender - 23 // -> 257 unter Windows if (nHeight > STD_ROWHEIGHT_DIFF) nHeight -= STD_ROWHEIGHT_DIFF; nHeight += pMargin->GetTopMargin() + pMargin->GetBottomMargin(); return nHeight; } // pHeight in Twips // nMinHeight, nMinStart zur Optimierung: ab nRow >= nMinStart ist mindestens nMinHeight // (wird nur bei bStdAllowed ausgewertet) void ScColumn::GetOptimalHeight( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, sal_uInt16* pHeight, OutputDevice* pDev, double nPPTX, double nPPTY, const Fraction& rZoomX, const Fraction& rZoomY, sal_Bool bShrink, sal_uInt16 nMinHeight, SCROW nMinStart ) { ScAttrIterator aIter( pAttrArray, nStartRow, nEndRow ); SCROW nStart = -1; SCROW nEnd = -1; SCROW nEditPos = 0; SCROW nNextEnd = 0; // bei bedingter Formatierung werden immer die einzelnen Zellen angesehen const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = aIter.Next(nStart,nEnd); while ( pPattern ) { const ScMergeAttr* pMerge = (const ScMergeAttr*)&pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE); const ScMergeFlagAttr* pFlag = (const ScMergeFlagAttr*)&pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE_FLAG); if ( pMerge->GetRowMerge() > 1 || pFlag->IsOverlapped() ) { // nix - vertikal bei der zusammengefassten und den ueberdeckten, // horizontal nur bei den ueberdeckten (unsichtbaren) - // eine nur horizontal zusammengefasste wird aber beruecksichtigt } else { SCROW nRow = 0; sal_Bool bStdAllowed = (pPattern->GetCellOrientation() == SVX_ORIENTATION_STANDARD); sal_Bool bStdOnly = sal_False; if (bStdAllowed) { sal_Bool bBreak = ((SfxBoolItem&)pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_LINEBREAK)).GetValue() || ((SvxCellHorJustify)((const SvxHorJustifyItem&)pPattern-> GetItem( ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY )).GetValue() == SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_BLOCK); bStdOnly = !bBreak; // bedingte Formatierung: Zellen durchgehen if ( bStdOnly && ((const SfxUInt32Item&)pPattern-> GetItem(ATTR_CONDITIONAL)).GetValue() ) bStdOnly = sal_False; // gedrehter Text: Zellen durchgehen if ( bStdOnly && ((const SfxInt32Item&)pPattern-> GetItem(ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE)).GetValue() ) bStdOnly = sal_False; } if (bStdOnly) if (HasEditCells(nStart,nEnd,nEditPos)) // includes mixed script types { if (nEditPos == nStart) { bStdOnly = sal_False; if (nEnd > nEditPos) nNextEnd = nEnd; nEnd = nEditPos; // einzeln ausrechnen bStdAllowed = sal_False; // wird auf jeden Fall per Zelle berechnet } else { nNextEnd = nEnd; nEnd = nEditPos - 1; // Standard - Teil } } if (bStdAllowed) { sal_uInt16 nLatHeight = 0; sal_uInt16 nCjkHeight = 0; sal_uInt16 nCtlHeight = 0; sal_uInt16 nDefHeight; sal_uInt8 nDefScript = ScGlobal::GetDefaultScriptType(); if ( nDefScript == SCRIPTTYPE_ASIAN ) nDefHeight = nCjkHeight = lcl_GetAttribHeight( *pPattern, ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT ); else if ( nDefScript == SCRIPTTYPE_COMPLEX ) nDefHeight = nCtlHeight = lcl_GetAttribHeight( *pPattern, ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT ); else nDefHeight = nLatHeight = lcl_GetAttribHeight( *pPattern, ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT ); // if everything below is already larger, the loop doesn't have to // be run again SCROW nStdEnd = nEnd; if ( nDefHeight <= nMinHeight && nStdEnd >= nMinStart ) nStdEnd = (nMinStart>0) ? nMinStart-1 : 0; for (nRow=nStart; nRow<=nStdEnd; nRow++) if (nDefHeight > pHeight[nRow-nStartRow]) pHeight[nRow-nStartRow] = nDefHeight; if ( bStdOnly ) { // if cells are not handled individually below, // check for cells with different script type SCSIZE nIndex; Search(nStart,nIndex); while ( nIndex < nCount && (nRow=pItems[nIndex].nRow) <= nEnd ) { sal_uInt8 nScript = pDocument->GetScriptType( nCol, nRow, nTab, pItems[nIndex].pCell ); if ( nScript != nDefScript ) { if ( nScript == SCRIPTTYPE_ASIAN ) { if ( nCjkHeight == 0 ) nCjkHeight = lcl_GetAttribHeight( *pPattern, ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT ); if (nCjkHeight > pHeight[nRow-nStartRow]) pHeight[nRow-nStartRow] = nCjkHeight; } else if ( nScript == SCRIPTTYPE_COMPLEX ) { if ( nCtlHeight == 0 ) nCtlHeight = lcl_GetAttribHeight( *pPattern, ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT ); if (nCtlHeight > pHeight[nRow-nStartRow]) pHeight[nRow-nStartRow] = nCtlHeight; } else { if ( nLatHeight == 0 ) nLatHeight = lcl_GetAttribHeight( *pPattern, ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT ); if (nLatHeight > pHeight[nRow-nStartRow]) pHeight[nRow-nStartRow] = nLatHeight; } } ++nIndex; } } } if (!bStdOnly) // belegte Zellen suchen { ScNeededSizeOptions aOptions; SCSIZE nIndex; Search(nStart,nIndex); while ( (nIndex < nCount) ? ((nRow=pItems[nIndex].nRow) <= nEnd) : sal_False ) { // Zellhoehe nur berechnen, wenn sie spaeter auch gebraucht wird (#37928#) if ( bShrink || !(pDocument->GetRowFlags(nRow, nTab) & CR_MANUALSIZE) ) { aOptions.pPattern = pPattern; sal_uInt16 nHeight = (sal_uInt16) ( GetNeededSize( nRow, pDev, nPPTX, nPPTY, rZoomX, rZoomY, sal_False, aOptions ) / nPPTY ); if (nHeight > pHeight[nRow-nStartRow]) pHeight[nRow-nStartRow] = nHeight; } ++nIndex; } } } if (nNextEnd > 0) { nStart = nEnd + 1; nEnd = nNextEnd; nNextEnd = 0; } else pPattern = aIter.Next(nStart,nEnd); } } sal_Bool ScColumn::GetNextSpellingCell(SCROW& nRow, sal_Bool bInSel, const ScMarkData& rData) const { sal_Bool bStop = sal_False; CellType eCellType; SCSIZE nIndex; if (!bInSel && Search(nRow, nIndex)) { eCellType = GetCellType(nRow); if ( (eCellType == CELLTYPE_STRING || eCellType == CELLTYPE_EDIT) && !(HasAttrib( nRow, nRow, HASATTR_PROTECTED) && pDocument->IsTabProtected(nTab)) ) return sal_True; } while (!bStop) { if (bInSel) { nRow = rData.GetNextMarked(nCol, nRow, sal_False); if (!ValidRow(nRow)) { nRow = MAXROW+1; bStop = sal_True; } else { eCellType = GetCellType(nRow); if ( (eCellType == CELLTYPE_STRING || eCellType == CELLTYPE_EDIT) && !(HasAttrib( nRow, nRow, HASATTR_PROTECTED) && pDocument->IsTabProtected(nTab)) ) return sal_True; else nRow++; } } else if (GetNextDataPos(nRow)) { eCellType = GetCellType(nRow); if ( (eCellType == CELLTYPE_STRING || eCellType == CELLTYPE_EDIT) && !(HasAttrib( nRow, nRow, HASATTR_PROTECTED) && pDocument->IsTabProtected(nTab)) ) return sal_True; else nRow++; } else { nRow = MAXROW+1; bStop = sal_True; } } return sal_False; } // ========================================================================================= void ScColumn::RemoveAutoSpellObj() { ScTabEditEngine* pEngine = NULL; for (SCSIZE i=0; iGetCellType() == CELLTYPE_EDIT ) { ScEditCell* pOldCell = (ScEditCell*) pItems[i].pCell; const EditTextObject* pData = pOldCell->GetData(); // keine Abfrage auf HasOnlineSpellErrors, damit es auch // nach dem Laden funktioniert // Fuer den Test auf harte Formatierung (ScEditAttrTester) sind die Defaults // in der EditEngine unwichtig. Wenn der Tester spaeter einmal gleiche // Attribute in Default und harter Formatierung erkennen und weglassen sollte, // muessten an der EditEngine zu jeder Zelle die richtigen Defaults gesetzt // werden! // auf Attribute testen if ( !pEngine ) pEngine = new ScTabEditEngine(pDocument); pEngine->SetText( *pData ); ScEditAttrTester aTester( pEngine ); if ( aTester.NeedsObject() ) // nur Spell-Errors entfernen { EditTextObject* pNewData = pEngine->CreateTextObject(); // ohne BIGOBJ pOldCell->SetData( pNewData, pEngine->GetEditTextObjectPool() ); delete pNewData; } else // String erzeugen { String aText = ScEditUtil::GetSpaceDelimitedString( *pEngine ); ScBaseCell* pNewCell = new ScStringCell( aText ); pNewCell->TakeBroadcaster( pOldCell->ReleaseBroadcaster() ); pNewCell->TakeNote( pOldCell->ReleaseNote() ); pItems[i].pCell = pNewCell; delete pOldCell; } } delete pEngine; } void ScColumn::RemoveEditAttribs( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow ) { ScFieldEditEngine* pEngine = NULL; SCSIZE i; Search( nStartRow, i ); for (; iGetCellType() == CELLTYPE_EDIT ) { ScEditCell* pOldCell = (ScEditCell*) pItems[i].pCell; const EditTextObject* pData = pOldCell->GetData(); // Fuer den Test auf harte Formatierung (ScEditAttrTester) sind die Defaults // in der EditEngine unwichtig. Wenn der Tester spaeter einmal gleiche // Attribute in Default und harter Formatierung erkennen und weglassen sollte, // muessten an der EditEngine zu jeder Zelle die richtigen Defaults gesetzt // werden! // auf Attribute testen if ( !pEngine ) { //pEngine = new ScTabEditEngine(pDocument); pEngine = new ScFieldEditEngine( pDocument->GetEditPool() ); // EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING falls schon Fehler drin sind pEngine->SetControlWord( pEngine->GetControlWord() | EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING ); pDocument->ApplyAsianEditSettings( *pEngine ); } pEngine->SetText( *pData ); sal_uInt16 nParCount = pEngine->GetParagraphCount(); for (sal_uInt16 nPar=0; nParQuickRemoveCharAttribs( nPar ); const SfxItemSet& rOld = pEngine->GetParaAttribs( nPar ); if ( rOld.Count() ) { SfxItemSet aNew( *rOld.GetPool(), rOld.GetRanges() ); // leer pEngine->SetParaAttribs( nPar, aNew ); } } // URL-Felder in Text wandeln (andere gibt's nicht, darum pType=0) pEngine->RemoveFields( sal_True ); sal_Bool bSpellErrors = pEngine->HasOnlineSpellErrors(); sal_Bool bNeedObject = bSpellErrors || nParCount>1; // Errors/Absaetze behalten // ScEditAttrTester nicht mehr noetig, Felder sind raus if ( bNeedObject ) // bleibt Edit-Zelle { sal_uLong nCtrl = pEngine->GetControlWord(); sal_uLong nWantBig = bSpellErrors ? EE_CNTRL_ALLOWBIGOBJS : 0; if ( ( nCtrl & EE_CNTRL_ALLOWBIGOBJS ) != nWantBig ) pEngine->SetControlWord( (nCtrl & ~EE_CNTRL_ALLOWBIGOBJS) | nWantBig ); EditTextObject* pNewData = pEngine->CreateTextObject(); pOldCell->SetData( pNewData, pEngine->GetEditTextObjectPool() ); delete pNewData; } else // String erzeugen { String aText = ScEditUtil::GetSpaceDelimitedString( *pEngine ); ScBaseCell* pNewCell = new ScStringCell( aText ); pNewCell->TakeBroadcaster( pOldCell->ReleaseBroadcaster() ); pNewCell->TakeNote( pOldCell->ReleaseNote() ); pItems[i].pCell = pNewCell; delete pOldCell; } } delete pEngine; } // ========================================================================================= sal_Bool ScColumn::TestTabRefAbs(SCTAB nTable) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if (pItems) for (SCSIZE i = 0; i < nCount; i++) if ( pItems[i].pCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA ) if (((ScFormulaCell*)pItems[i].pCell)->TestTabRefAbs(nTable)) bRet = sal_True; return bRet; } // ========================================================================================= ScColumnIterator::ScColumnIterator( const ScColumn* pCol, SCROW nStart, SCROW nEnd ) : pColumn( pCol ), nTop( nStart ), nBottom( nEnd ) { pColumn->Search( nTop, nPos ); } ScColumnIterator::~ScColumnIterator() { } sal_Bool ScColumnIterator::Next( SCROW& rRow, ScBaseCell*& rpCell ) { if ( nPos < pColumn->nCount ) { rRow = pColumn->pItems[nPos].nRow; if ( rRow <= nBottom ) { rpCell = pColumn->pItems[nPos].pCell; ++nPos; return sal_True; } } rRow = 0; rpCell = NULL; return sal_False; } SCSIZE ScColumnIterator::GetIndex() const // Index zur letzen abgefragten Zelle { return nPos - 1; // bei Next ist Pos hochgezaehlt worden } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ScMarkedDataIter::ScMarkedDataIter( const ScColumn* pCol, const ScMarkData* pMarkData, sal_Bool bAllIfNone ) : pColumn( pCol ), pMarkIter( NULL ), bNext( sal_True ), bAll( bAllIfNone ) { if (pMarkData && pMarkData->IsMultiMarked()) pMarkIter = new ScMarkArrayIter( pMarkData->GetArray() + pCol->GetCol() ); } ScMarkedDataIter::~ScMarkedDataIter() { delete pMarkIter; } sal_Bool ScMarkedDataIter::Next( SCSIZE& rIndex ) { sal_Bool bFound = sal_False; do { if (bNext) { if (!pMarkIter || !pMarkIter->Next( nTop, nBottom )) { if (bAll) // ganze Spalte { nTop = 0; nBottom = MAXROW; } else return sal_False; } pColumn->Search( nTop, nPos ); bNext = sal_False; bAll = sal_False; // nur beim ersten Versuch } if ( nPos >= pColumn->nCount ) return sal_False; if ( pColumn->pItems[nPos].nRow <= nBottom ) bFound = sal_True; else bNext = sal_True; } while (!bFound); rIndex = nPos++; return sal_True; } //UNUSED2009-05 sal_uInt16 ScColumn::GetErrorData( SCROW nRow ) const //UNUSED2009-05 { //UNUSED2009-05 SCSIZE nIndex; //UNUSED2009-05 if (Search(nRow, nIndex)) //UNUSED2009-05 { //UNUSED2009-05 ScBaseCell* pCell = pItems[nIndex].pCell; //UNUSED2009-05 switch (pCell->GetCellType()) //UNUSED2009-05 { //UNUSED2009-05 case CELLTYPE_FORMULA : //UNUSED2009-05 return ((ScFormulaCell*)pCell)->GetErrCode(); //UNUSED2009-05 // break; //UNUSED2009-05 default: //UNUSED2009-05 return 0; //UNUSED2009-05 } //UNUSED2009-05 } //UNUSED2009-05 return 0; //UNUSED2009-05 } //------------ sal_Bool ScColumn::IsEmptyData() const { return (nCount == 0); } sal_Bool ScColumn::IsEmptyVisData(sal_Bool bNotes) const { if (!pItems || nCount == 0) return sal_True; else { sal_Bool bVisData = sal_False; SCSIZE i; for (i=0; iGetCellType() != CELLTYPE_NOTE || (bNotes && pCell->HasNote()) ) bVisData = sal_True; } return !bVisData; } } SCSIZE ScColumn::VisibleCount( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow ) const { // Notizen werden nicht mitgezaehlt SCSIZE nVisCount = 0; SCSIZE nIndex; Search( nStartRow, nIndex ); while ( nIndex < nCount && pItems[nIndex].nRow <= nEndRow ) { if ( pItems[nIndex].nRow >= nStartRow && pItems[nIndex].pCell->GetCellType() != CELLTYPE_NOTE ) { ++nVisCount; } ++nIndex; } return nVisCount; } SCROW ScColumn::GetLastVisDataPos(sal_Bool bNotes) const { SCROW nRet = 0; if (pItems) { SCSIZE i; sal_Bool bFound = sal_False; for (i=nCount; i>0 && !bFound; ) { --i; ScBaseCell* pCell = pItems[i].pCell; if ( pCell->GetCellType() != CELLTYPE_NOTE || (bNotes && pCell->HasNote()) ) { bFound = sal_True; nRet = pItems[i].nRow; } } } return nRet; } SCROW ScColumn::GetFirstVisDataPos(sal_Bool bNotes) const { SCROW nRet = 0; if (pItems) { SCSIZE i; sal_Bool bFound = sal_False; for (i=0; iGetCellType() != CELLTYPE_NOTE || (bNotes && pCell->HasNote()) ) { bFound = sal_True; nRet = pItems[i].nRow; } } } return nRet; } sal_Bool ScColumn::HasVisibleDataAt(SCROW nRow) const { SCSIZE nIndex; if (Search(nRow, nIndex)) if (!pItems[nIndex].pCell->IsBlank()) return sal_True; return sal_False; } sal_Bool ScColumn::IsEmptyAttr() const { if (pAttrArray) return pAttrArray->IsEmpty(); else return sal_True; } sal_Bool ScColumn::IsEmpty() const { return (IsEmptyData() && IsEmptyAttr()); } sal_Bool ScColumn::IsEmptyBlock(SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, bool bIgnoreNotes) const { if ( nCount == 0 || !pItems ) return sal_True; SCSIZE nIndex; Search( nStartRow, nIndex ); while ( nIndex < nCount && pItems[nIndex].nRow <= nEndRow ) { if ( !pItems[nIndex].pCell->IsBlank( bIgnoreNotes ) ) // found a cell return sal_False; // not empty ++nIndex; } return sal_True; // no cell found } SCSIZE ScColumn::GetEmptyLinesInBlock( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, ScDirection eDir ) const { SCSIZE nLines = 0; sal_Bool bFound = sal_False; SCSIZE i; if (pItems && (nCount > 0)) { if (eDir == DIR_BOTTOM) { i = nCount; while (!bFound && (i > 0)) { i--; if ( pItems[i].nRow < nStartRow ) break; bFound = pItems[i].nRow <= nEndRow && !pItems[i].pCell->IsBlank(); } if (bFound) nLines = static_cast(nEndRow - pItems[i].nRow); else nLines = static_cast(nEndRow - nStartRow); } else if (eDir == DIR_TOP) { i = 0; while (!bFound && (i < nCount)) { if ( pItems[i].nRow > nEndRow ) break; bFound = pItems[i].nRow >= nStartRow && !pItems[i].pCell->IsBlank(); i++; } if (bFound) nLines = static_cast(pItems[i-1].nRow - nStartRow); else nLines = static_cast(nEndRow - nStartRow); } } else nLines = static_cast(nEndRow - nStartRow); return nLines; } SCROW ScColumn::GetFirstDataPos() const { if (nCount) return pItems[0].nRow; else return 0; } SCROW ScColumn::GetLastDataPos() const { if (nCount) return pItems[nCount-1].nRow; else return 0; } sal_Bool ScColumn::GetPrevDataPos(SCROW& rRow) const { sal_Bool bFound = sal_False; SCSIZE i = nCount; while (!bFound && (i > 0)) { --i; bFound = (pItems[i].nRow < rRow); if (bFound) rRow = pItems[i].nRow; } return bFound; } sal_Bool ScColumn::GetNextDataPos(SCROW& rRow) const // greater than rRow { SCSIZE nIndex; if (Search( rRow, nIndex )) ++nIndex; // next cell sal_Bool bMore = ( nIndex < nCount ); if ( bMore ) rRow = pItems[nIndex].nRow; return bMore; } void ScColumn::FindDataAreaPos(SCROW& rRow, long nMovY) const { if (!nMovY) return; sal_Bool bForward = (nMovY>0); SCSIZE nIndex; sal_Bool bThere = Search(rRow, nIndex); if (bThere && pItems[nIndex].pCell->IsBlank()) bThere = sal_False; if (bThere) { SCROW nLast = rRow; SCSIZE nOldIndex = nIndex; if (bForward) { if (nIndexIsBlank()) { ++nIndex; ++nLast; } if (nIndex==nCount-1) if (pItems[nIndex].nRow==nLast+1 && !pItems[nIndex].pCell->IsBlank()) ++nLast; } } else { if (nIndex>0) { --nIndex; while (nIndex>0 && pItems[nIndex].nRow+1==nLast && !pItems[nIndex].pCell->IsBlank()) { --nIndex; --nLast; } if (nIndex==0) if (pItems[nIndex].nRow+1==nLast && !pItems[nIndex].pCell->IsBlank()) --nLast; } } if (nLast==rRow) { bThere = sal_False; nIndex = bForward ? nOldIndex+1 : nOldIndex; } else rRow = nLast; } if (!bThere) { if (bForward) { while (nIndexIsBlank()) ++nIndex; if (nIndex0 && pItems[nIndex-1].pCell->IsBlank()) --nIndex; if (nIndex>0) rRow = pItems[nIndex-1].nRow; else rRow = 0; } } } sal_Bool ScColumn::HasDataAt(SCROW nRow) const { /* SCSIZE nIndex; return Search( nRow, nIndex ); */ // immer nur sichtbare interessant ? //! dann HasVisibleDataAt raus SCSIZE nIndex; if (Search(nRow, nIndex)) if (!pItems[nIndex].pCell->IsBlank()) return sal_True; return sal_False; } sal_Bool ScColumn::IsAllAttrEqual( const ScColumn& rCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow ) const { if (pAttrArray && rCol.pAttrArray) return pAttrArray->IsAllEqual( *rCol.pAttrArray, nStartRow, nEndRow ); else return !pAttrArray && !rCol.pAttrArray; } sal_Bool ScColumn::IsVisibleAttrEqual( const ScColumn& rCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow ) const { if (pAttrArray && rCol.pAttrArray) return pAttrArray->IsVisibleEqual( *rCol.pAttrArray, nStartRow, nEndRow ); else return !pAttrArray && !rCol.pAttrArray; } sal_Bool ScColumn::GetFirstVisibleAttr( SCROW& rFirstRow ) const { if (pAttrArray) return pAttrArray->GetFirstVisibleAttr( rFirstRow ); else return sal_False; } sal_Bool ScColumn::GetLastVisibleAttr( SCROW& rLastRow ) const { if (pAttrArray) { // row of last cell is needed SCROW nLastData = GetLastVisDataPos( sal_True ); // always including notes, 0 if none return pAttrArray->GetLastVisibleAttr( rLastRow, nLastData ); } else return sal_False; } sal_Bool ScColumn::GetLastAttr( SCROW& rLastRow ) const { if ( pAttrArray ) { // Row of last cell is needed, always including notes, 0 if none. SCROW nLastData = GetLastVisDataPos( sal_True ); return pAttrArray->GetLastAttr( rLastRow, nLastData ); } else { return sal_False; } } sal_Bool ScColumn::HasVisibleAttrIn( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow ) const { if (pAttrArray) return pAttrArray->HasVisibleAttrIn( nStartRow, nEndRow ); else return sal_False; } void ScColumn::FindUsed( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, sal_Bool* pUsed ) const { SCROW nRow = 0; SCSIZE nIndex; Search( nStartRow, nIndex ); while ( (nIndex < nCount) ? ((nRow=pItems[nIndex].nRow) <= nEndRow) : sal_False ) { pUsed[nRow-nStartRow] = sal_True; ++nIndex; } } void ScColumn::StartListening( SvtListener& rLst, SCROW nRow ) { SvtBroadcaster* pBC = NULL; ScBaseCell* pCell; SCSIZE nIndex; if (Search(nRow,nIndex)) { pCell = pItems[nIndex].pCell; pBC = pCell->GetBroadcaster(); } else { pCell = new ScNoteCell; Insert(nRow, pCell); } if (!pBC) { pBC = new SvtBroadcaster; pCell->TakeBroadcaster(pBC); } rLst.StartListening(*pBC); } void ScColumn::MoveListeners( SvtBroadcaster& rSource, SCROW nDestRow ) { SvtBroadcaster* pBC = NULL; ScBaseCell* pCell; SCSIZE nIndex; if (Search(nDestRow,nIndex)) { pCell = pItems[nIndex].pCell; pBC = pCell->GetBroadcaster(); } else { pCell = new ScNoteCell; Insert(nDestRow, pCell); } if (!pBC) { pBC = new SvtBroadcaster; pCell->TakeBroadcaster(pBC); } if (rSource.HasListeners()) { SvtListenerIter aIter( rSource); for (SvtListener* pLst = aIter.GoStart(); pLst; pLst = aIter.GoNext()) { pLst->StartListening( *pBC); pLst->EndListening( rSource); } } } void ScColumn::EndListening( SvtListener& rLst, SCROW nRow ) { SCSIZE nIndex; if (Search(nRow,nIndex)) { ScBaseCell* pCell = pItems[nIndex].pCell; SvtBroadcaster* pBC = pCell->GetBroadcaster(); if (pBC) { rLst.EndListening(*pBC); if (!pBC->HasListeners()) { if (pCell->IsBlank()) DeleteAtIndex(nIndex); else pCell->DeleteBroadcaster(); } } // else // DBG_ERROR("ScColumn::EndListening - kein Broadcaster"); } // else // DBG_ERROR("ScColumn::EndListening - keine Zelle"); } void ScColumn::CompileDBFormula() { if (pItems) for (SCSIZE i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { ScBaseCell* pCell = pItems[i].pCell; if ( pCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA ) ((ScFormulaCell*) pCell)->CompileDBFormula(); } } void ScColumn::CompileDBFormula( sal_Bool bCreateFormulaString ) { if (pItems) for (SCSIZE i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { ScBaseCell* pCell = pItems[i].pCell; if ( pCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA ) ((ScFormulaCell*) pCell)->CompileDBFormula( bCreateFormulaString ); } } void ScColumn::CompileNameFormula( sal_Bool bCreateFormulaString ) { if (pItems) for (SCSIZE i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { ScBaseCell* pCell = pItems[i].pCell; if ( pCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA ) ((ScFormulaCell*) pCell)->CompileNameFormula( bCreateFormulaString ); } } void ScColumn::CompileColRowNameFormula() { if (pItems) for (SCSIZE i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { ScBaseCell* pCell = pItems[i].pCell; if ( pCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA ) ((ScFormulaCell*) pCell)->CompileColRowNameFormula(); } } void lcl_UpdateSubTotal( ScFunctionData& rData, ScBaseCell* pCell ) { double nValue = 0.0; sal_Bool bVal = sal_False; sal_Bool bCell = sal_True; switch (pCell->GetCellType()) { case CELLTYPE_VALUE: nValue = ((ScValueCell*)pCell)->GetValue(); bVal = sal_True; break; case CELLTYPE_FORMULA: { if ( rData.eFunc != SUBTOTAL_FUNC_CNT2 ) // da interessiert's nicht { ScFormulaCell* pFC = (ScFormulaCell*)pCell; if ( pFC->GetErrCode() ) { if ( rData.eFunc != SUBTOTAL_FUNC_CNT ) // fuer Anzahl einfach weglassen rData.bError = sal_True; } else if (pFC->IsValue()) { nValue = pFC->GetValue(); bVal = sal_True; } // sonst Text } } break; case CELLTYPE_NOTE: bCell = sal_False; break; // bei Strings nichts default: { // added to avoid warnings } } if (!rData.bError) { switch (rData.eFunc) { case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_SUM: case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_AVE: if (bVal) { ++rData.nCount; if (!SubTotal::SafePlus( rData.nVal, nValue )) rData.bError = sal_True; } break; case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_CNT: // nur Werte if (bVal) ++rData.nCount; break; case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_CNT2: // alle if (bCell) ++rData.nCount; break; case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_MAX: if (bVal) if (++rData.nCount == 1 || nValue > rData.nVal ) rData.nVal = nValue; break; case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_MIN: if (bVal) if (++rData.nCount == 1 || nValue < rData.nVal ) rData.nVal = nValue; break; default: { // added to avoid warnings } } } } // Mehrfachselektion: void ScColumn::UpdateSelectionFunction( const ScMarkData& rMark, ScFunctionData& rData, ScFlatBoolRowSegments& rHiddenRows, sal_Bool bDoExclude, SCROW nExStartRow, SCROW nExEndRow ) { SCSIZE nIndex; ScMarkedDataIter aDataIter(this, &rMark, sal_False); while (aDataIter.Next( nIndex )) { SCROW nRow = pItems[nIndex].nRow; bool bRowHidden = rHiddenRows.getValue(nRow); if ( !bRowHidden ) if ( !bDoExclude || nRow < nExStartRow || nRow > nExEndRow ) lcl_UpdateSubTotal( rData, pItems[nIndex].pCell ); } } // bei bNoMarked die Mehrfachselektion weglassen void ScColumn::UpdateAreaFunction( ScFunctionData& rData, ScFlatBoolRowSegments& rHiddenRows, SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow ) { SCSIZE nIndex; Search( nStartRow, nIndex ); while ( nIndexGetCellType() ) { case CELLTYPE_VALUE: case CELLTYPE_STRING: ++nTotal; break; case CELLTYPE_FORMULA: nTotal += 5 + ((ScFormulaCell*)pCell)->GetCode()->GetCodeLen(); break; case CELLTYPE_EDIT: nTotal += 50; break; default: { // added to avoid warnings } } } return nTotal; } sal_uLong ScColumn::GetCodeCount() const { sal_uLong nCodeCount = 0; for (SCSIZE i=0; iGetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA ) nCodeCount += ((ScFormulaCell*)pCell)->GetCode()->GetCodeLen(); } return nCodeCount; } SCSIZE ScColumn::GetPatternCount() { return this->pAttrArray ? this->pAttrArray->Count() : 0; } SCSIZE ScColumn::GetPatternCount( SCROW nRw1, SCROW nRw2 ) { return this->pAttrArray ? this->pAttrArray->Count( nRw1, nRw2 ) : 0; } bool ScColumn::ReservedPatternCount( SCSIZE nReserved ) { return this->pAttrArray ? this->pAttrArray->Reserve( nReserved ) : false; }