/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sc.hxx" #include "AccessibleSpreadsheet.hxx" #include "AccessibilityHints.hxx" #include "AccessibleCell.hxx" #include "AccessibleDocument.hxx" #include "tabvwsh.hxx" #include "document.hxx" #include "unoguard.hxx" #include "hints.hxx" #include "scmod.hxx" #ifndef _UTL_ACCESSIBLESTATESETHELPER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_ACCESSIBILITY_XACCESSIBLEROLE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_ACCESSIBILITY_XACCESSIBLESTATETYPE_HPP_ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "scresid.hxx" #include "sc.hrc" #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility; bool CompMinCol(const std::pair & pc1,const std::pair &pc2) { return pc1.first < pc2.first; } ScMyAddress ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::CalcScAddressFromRangeList(ScRangeList *pMarkedRanges,sal_Int32 nSelectedChildIndex) { if (pMarkedRanges->Count() <= 1) { ScRange* pRange = pMarkedRanges->First(); if (pRange) { // MT IA2: Not used. // const int nRowNum = pRange->aEnd.Row() - pRange->aStart.Row() + 1; const int nColNum = pRange->aEnd.Col() - pRange->aStart.Col() + 1; const int nCurCol = nSelectedChildIndex % nColNum; const int nCurRow = (nSelectedChildIndex - nCurCol)/nColNum; return ScMyAddress(static_cast(pRange->aStart.Col() + nCurCol), pRange->aStart.Row() + nCurRow, maActiveCell.Tab()); } } else { sal_Int32 nMinRow = MAXROW; sal_Int32 nMaxRow = 0; m_vecTempRange.clear(); ScRange* pRange = pMarkedRanges->First(); while (pRange) { if (pRange->aStart.Tab() != pRange->aEnd.Tab()) { if ((maActiveCell.Tab() >= pRange->aStart.Tab()) || maActiveCell.Tab() <= pRange->aEnd.Tab()) { m_vecTempRange.push_back(pRange); nMinRow = std::min(pRange->aStart.Row(),nMinRow); nMaxRow = std::max(pRange->aEnd.Row(),nMaxRow); } else DBG_ERROR("Range of wrong table"); } else if(pRange->aStart.Tab() == maActiveCell.Tab()) { m_vecTempRange.push_back(pRange); nMinRow = std::min(pRange->aStart.Row(),nMinRow); nMaxRow = std::max(pRange->aEnd.Row(),nMaxRow); } else DBG_ERROR("Range of wrong table"); pRange = pMarkedRanges->Next(); } int nCurrentIndex = 0 ; for(sal_Int32 row = nMinRow ; row <= nMaxRow ; ++row) { m_vecTempCol.clear(); { VEC_RANGE::const_iterator vi = m_vecTempRange.begin(); for (; vi < m_vecTempRange.end(); ++vi) { ScRange *p = *vi; if ( row >= p->aStart.Row() && row <= p->aEnd.Row()) { m_vecTempCol.push_back(std::make_pair(p->aStart.Col(),p->aEnd.Col())); } } } std::sort(m_vecTempCol.begin(),m_vecTempCol.end(),CompMinCol); { VEC_COL::const_iterator vic = m_vecTempCol.begin(); for(; vic != m_vecTempCol.end(); ++vic) { const PAIR_COL &pariCol = *vic; sal_uInt16 nCol = pariCol.second - pariCol.first + 1; if (nCol + nCurrentIndex > nSelectedChildIndex) { return ScMyAddress(static_cast(pariCol.first + nSelectedChildIndex - nCurrentIndex), row, maActiveCell.Tab()); } nCurrentIndex += nCol; } } } } return ScMyAddress(0,0,maActiveCell.Tab()); } sal_Bool ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::CalcScRangeDifferenceMax(ScRange *pSrc,ScRange *pDest,int nMax,VEC_MYADDR &vecRet,int &nSize) { //Src Must be :Src > Dest if (pDest->In(*pSrc)) {//Here is Src In Dest,Src <= Dest return sal_False; } if (!pDest->Intersects(*pSrc)) { int nCellCount = sal_uInt32(pDest->aEnd.Col() - pDest->aStart.Col() + 1) * sal_uInt32(pDest->aEnd.Row() - pDest->aStart.Row() + 1) * sal_uInt32(pDest->aEnd.Tab() - pDest->aStart.Tab() + 1); if (nCellCount + nSize > nMax) { return sal_True; } else if(nCellCount > 0) { nCellCount +=nSize; for (sal_Int32 row = pDest->aStart.Row(); row <= pDest->aEnd.Row();++row) { for (sal_uInt16 col = pDest->aStart.Col(); col <= pDest->aEnd.Col();++col) { vecRet.push_back(ScMyAddress(col,row,pDest->aStart.Tab())); } } } return sal_False; } sal_Int32 nMinRow = pSrc->aStart.Row(); sal_Int32 nMaxRow = pSrc->aEnd.Row(); for (; nMinRow <= nMaxRow ; ++nMinRow,--nMaxRow) { for (sal_uInt16 col = pSrc->aStart.Col(); col <= pSrc->aEnd.Col();++col) { if (nSize > nMax) { return sal_True; } ScMyAddress cell(col,nMinRow,pSrc->aStart.Tab()); if(!pDest->In(cell)) {//In Src ,Not In Dest vecRet.push_back(cell); ++nSize; } } if (nMinRow != nMaxRow) { for (sal_uInt16 col = pSrc->aStart.Col(); col <= pSrc->aEnd.Col();++col) { if (nSize > nMax) { return sal_True; } ScMyAddress cell(col,nMaxRow,pSrc->aStart.Tab()); if(!pDest->In(cell)) {//In Src ,Not In Dest vecRet.push_back(cell); ++nSize; } } } } return sal_False; } //In Src , Not in Dest sal_Bool ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::CalcScRangeListDifferenceMax(ScRangeList *pSrc,ScRangeList *pDest,int nMax,VEC_MYADDR &vecRet) { if (pSrc == NULL || pDest == NULL) { return sal_False; } int nSize =0; if (pDest->GetCellCount() == 0)//if the Dest Rang List is empty { if (pSrc->GetCellCount() > sal_uInt32(nMax))//if the Src Cell count is greater then nMax { return sal_True; } //now the cell count is less then nMax vecRet.reserve(10); ScRange* pRange = pSrc->First(); while (pRange) { for (sal_Int32 row = pRange->aStart.Row(); row <= pRange->aEnd.Row();++row) { for (sal_uInt16 col = pRange->aStart.Col(); col <= pRange->aEnd.Col();++col) { vecRet.push_back(ScMyAddress(col,row,pRange->aStart.Tab())); } } pRange = pSrc->Next(); } return sal_False; } //the Dest Rang List is not empty vecRet.reserve(10); ScRange* pRange = pSrc->First(); while (pRange) { ScRange* pRangeDest = pDest->First(); while (pRangeDest) { if (CalcScRangeDifferenceMax(pRange,pRangeDest,nMax,vecRet,nSize)) { return sal_True; } pRangeDest = pDest->Next(); } pRange = pSrc->Next(); } return sal_False; } //===== internal ============================================================ ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::ScAccessibleSpreadsheet( ScAccessibleDocument* pAccDoc, ScTabViewShell* pViewShell, SCTAB nTab, ScSplitPos eSplitPos) : ScAccessibleTableBase (pAccDoc, GetDocument(pViewShell), ScRange(ScAddress(0, 0, nTab),ScAddress(MAXCOL, MAXROW, nTab))), mbIsSpreadsheet( sal_True ), m_bFormulaMode(sal_False), m_bFormulaLastMode(sal_False), m_pAccFormulaCell(NULL), m_nMinX(0),m_nMaxX(0),m_nMinY(0),m_nMaxY(0) { ConstructScAccessibleSpreadsheet( pAccDoc, pViewShell, nTab, eSplitPos ); } ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::ScAccessibleSpreadsheet( ScAccessibleSpreadsheet& rParent, const ScRange& rRange ) : ScAccessibleTableBase( rParent.mpAccDoc, rParent.mpDoc, rRange), mbIsSpreadsheet( sal_False ) { ConstructScAccessibleSpreadsheet( rParent.mpAccDoc, rParent.mpViewShell, rParent.mnTab, rParent.meSplitPos ); } ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::~ScAccessibleSpreadsheet() { if (mpMarkedRanges) delete mpMarkedRanges; //if (mpSortedMarkedCells) // delete mpSortedMarkedCells; if (mpViewShell) mpViewShell->RemoveAccessibilityObject(*this); } void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::ConstructScAccessibleSpreadsheet( ScAccessibleDocument* pAccDoc, ScTabViewShell* pViewShell, SCTAB nTab, ScSplitPos eSplitPos) { mpViewShell = pViewShell; mpMarkedRanges = 0; mpSortedMarkedCells = 0; mpAccDoc = pAccDoc; mpAccCell = 0; meSplitPos = eSplitPos; mnTab = nTab; mbHasSelection = sal_False; mbDelIns = sal_False; mbIsFocusSend = sal_False; maVisCells = GetVisCells(GetVisArea(mpViewShell, meSplitPos)); if (mpViewShell) { mpViewShell->AddAccessibilityObject(*this); const ScViewData& rViewData = *mpViewShell->GetViewData(); const ScMarkData& rMarkData = rViewData.GetMarkData(); maActiveCell = rViewData.GetCurPos(); mbHasSelection = rMarkData.GetTableSelect(maActiveCell.Tab()) && (rMarkData.IsMarked() || rMarkData.IsMultiMarked()); mpAccCell = GetAccessibleCellAt(maActiveCell.Row(), maActiveCell.Col()); mpAccCell->acquire(); mpAccCell->Init(); ScDocument* pScDoc= GetDocument(mpViewShell); if (pScDoc) { pScDoc->GetName( maActiveCell.Tab(), m_strOldTabName ); } } } void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::disposing() { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if (mpViewShell) { mpViewShell->RemoveAccessibilityObject(*this); mpViewShell = NULL; } if (mpAccCell) { mpAccCell->release(); mpAccCell = NULL; } ScAccessibleTableBase::disposing(); } void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::CompleteSelectionChanged(sal_Bool bNewState) { if (IsFormulaMode()) { return ; } if (mpMarkedRanges) DELETEZ(mpMarkedRanges); //if (mpSortedMarkedCells) // DELETEZ(mpSortedMarkedCells); mbHasSelection = bNewState; AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED; if (bNewState) aEvent.NewValue = uno::makeAny(AccessibleStateType::SELECTED); else aEvent.OldValue = uno::makeAny(AccessibleStateType::SELECTED); aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); CommitChange(aEvent); } void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::LostFocus() { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); uno::Reference< XAccessible > xOld = mpAccCell; aEvent.OldValue <<= xOld; CommitChange(aEvent); CommitFocusLost(); } void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::GotFocus() { //CommitFocusGained(); AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); //uno::Reference< XAccessible > xNew = mpAccCell; uno::Reference< XAccessible > xNew; if (IsFormulaMode()) { if (!m_pAccFormulaCell || !m_bFormulaLastMode) { ScAddress aFormulaAddr; if(!GetFormulaCurrentFocusCell(aFormulaAddr)) { return; } m_pAccFormulaCell = GetAccessibleCellAt(aFormulaAddr.Row(),aFormulaAddr.Col()); m_pAccFormulaCell->acquire(); m_pAccFormulaCell->Init(); } xNew = m_pAccFormulaCell; } else { if(mpAccCell->GetCellAddress() == maActiveCell) { xNew = mpAccCell; } else { CommitFocusCell(maActiveCell); return ; } } aEvent.NewValue <<= xNew; CommitChange(aEvent); } void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::BoundingBoxChanged() { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::BOUNDRECT_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); CommitChange(aEvent); } void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::VisAreaChanged() { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::VISIBLE_DATA_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); CommitChange(aEvent); } //===== SfxListener ===================================================== void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) { if (rHint.ISA( SfxSimpleHint ) ) { const SfxSimpleHint& rRef = (const SfxSimpleHint&)rHint; // only notify if child exist, otherwise it is not necessary //if ((rRef.GetId() == SC_HINT_ACC_CURSORCHANGED)) //{ // if (mpViewShell) // { // ScAddress aNewCell = mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetCurPos(); // sal_Bool bNewMarked(mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData().GetTableSelect(aNewCell.Tab()) && // (mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData().IsMarked() || // mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData().IsMultiMarked())); // sal_Bool bNewCellSelected(isAccessibleSelected(aNewCell.Row(), aNewCell.Col())); // if ((bNewMarked != mbHasSelection) || // (!bNewCellSelected && bNewMarked) || // (bNewCellSelected && mbHasSelection)) // { // if (mpMarkedRanges) // DELETEZ(mpMarkedRanges); // if (mpSortedMarkedCells) // DELETEZ(mpSortedMarkedCells); // AccessibleEventObject aEvent; // aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED; // aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); // mbHasSelection = bNewMarked; // CommitChange(aEvent); // } // // active descendant changed event (new cell selected) // bool bFireActiveDescChanged = (aNewCell != maActiveCell) && // (aNewCell.Tab() == maActiveCell.Tab()) && IsFocused(); // /* Remember old active cell and set new active cell. // #i82409# always update the class members mpAccCell and // maActiveCell, even if the sheet is not focused, e.g. when // using the name box in the toolbar. */ // uno::Reference< XAccessible > xOld = mpAccCell; // mpAccCell->release(); // mpAccCell = GetAccessibleCellAt(aNewCell.Row(), aNewCell.Col()); // mpAccCell->acquire(); // mpAccCell->Init(); // uno::Reference< XAccessible > xNew = mpAccCell; // maActiveCell = aNewCell; // // #i14108# fire event only if sheet is focused // if( bFireActiveDescChanged ) // { // AccessibleEventObject aEvent; // aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED; // aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); // aEvent.OldValue <<= xOld; // aEvent.NewValue <<= xNew; // CommitChange(aEvent); // } // } //} //else if ((rRef.GetId() == SC_HINT_DATACHANGED)) //{ // if (!mbDelIns) // CommitTableModelChange(maRange.aStart.Row(), maRange.aStart.Col(), maRange.aEnd.Row(), maRange.aEnd.Col(), AccessibleTableModelChangeType::UPDATE); // else // mbDelIns = sal_False; //} if ((rRef.GetId() == SC_HINT_ACC_CURSORCHANGED)) { if (mpViewShell) { ScViewData *pViewData = mpViewShell->GetViewData(); m_bFormulaMode = pViewData->IsRefMode() || SC_MOD()->IsFormulaMode(); if ( m_bFormulaMode ) { NotifyRefMode(); m_bFormulaLastMode = true; return ; } if (m_bFormulaLastMode) {//Last Notify Mode Is Formula Mode. m_vecFormulaLastMyAddr.clear(); RemoveFormulaSelection(sal_True); if(m_pAccFormulaCell) { m_pAccFormulaCell->release(); m_pAccFormulaCell =NULL; } //Remove All Selection } m_bFormulaLastMode = m_bFormulaMode; AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessible >(this); ScAddress aNewCell = pViewData->GetCurPos(); if(aNewCell.Tab() != maActiveCell.Tab()) { aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::PAGE_CHANGED; ScAccessibleDocument *pAccDoc = static_cast(getAccessibleParent().get()); if(pAccDoc) { pAccDoc->CommitChange(aEvent); } } sal_Bool bNewPosCell = (aNewCell != maActiveCell); sal_Bool bNewPosCellFocus=sal_False; if ( bNewPosCell && IsFocused() && aNewCell.Tab() == maActiveCell.Tab() ) {//single Focus bNewPosCellFocus=sal_True; } ScMarkData &refScMarkData = pViewData->GetMarkData(); // MT IA2: Not used // int nSelCount = refScMarkData.GetSelectCount(); sal_Bool bIsMark =refScMarkData.IsMarked(); sal_Bool bIsMultMark = refScMarkData.IsMultiMarked(); sal_Bool bNewMarked = refScMarkData.GetTableSelect(aNewCell.Tab()) && ( bIsMark || bIsMultMark ); // sal_Bool bNewCellSelected = isAccessibleSelected(aNewCell.Row(), aNewCell.Col()); sal_uInt16 nTab = pViewData->GetTabNo(); ScRange aMarkRange; refScMarkData.GetMarkArea(aMarkRange); aEvent.OldValue <<= ::com::sun::star::uno::Any(); //Mark All if ( !bNewPosCellFocus && (bNewMarked || bIsMark || bIsMultMark ) && aMarkRange == ScRange( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab ) ) { aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_WITHIN; aEvent.NewValue <<= ::com::sun::star::uno::Any(); CommitChange(aEvent); return ; } if (!mpMarkedRanges) { mpMarkedRanges = new ScRangeList(); } refScMarkData.FillRangeListWithMarks(mpMarkedRanges, sal_True); //For Whole Col Row sal_Bool bWholeRow = ::labs(aMarkRange.aStart.Row() - aMarkRange.aEnd.Row()) == MAXROW ; sal_Bool bWholeCol = ::abs(aMarkRange.aStart.Col() - aMarkRange.aEnd.Col()) == MAXCOL ; if ((bNewMarked || bIsMark || bIsMultMark ) && (bWholeCol || bWholeRow)) { if ( aMarkRange != m_aLastWithInMarkRange ) { RemoveSelection(refScMarkData); if(bNewPosCell) { CommitFocusCell(aNewCell); } sal_Bool bLastIsWholeColRow = ::labs(m_aLastWithInMarkRange.aStart.Row() - m_aLastWithInMarkRange.aEnd.Row()) == MAXROW && bWholeRow || ::abs(m_aLastWithInMarkRange.aStart.Col() - m_aLastWithInMarkRange.aEnd.Col()) == MAXCOL && bWholeCol ; sal_Bool bSelSmaller= bLastIsWholeColRow && !aMarkRange.In(m_aLastWithInMarkRange) && aMarkRange.Intersects(m_aLastWithInMarkRange); if( !bSelSmaller ) { aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_WITHIN; aEvent.NewValue <<= ::com::sun::star::uno::Any(); CommitChange(aEvent); } m_aLastWithInMarkRange = aMarkRange; } return ; } m_aLastWithInMarkRange = aMarkRange; int nNewMarkCount = mpMarkedRanges->GetCellCount(); sal_Bool bSendSingle= (0 == nNewMarkCount) && bNewPosCell; if (bSendSingle) { RemoveSelection(refScMarkData); if(bNewPosCellFocus) { CommitFocusCell(aNewCell); } uno::Reference< XAccessible > xChild ; if (bNewPosCellFocus) { xChild = mpAccCell; } else { xChild = getAccessibleCellAt(aNewCell.Row(),aNewCell.Col()); maActiveCell = aNewCell; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED_NOFOCUS; aEvent.NewValue <<= xChild; aEvent.OldValue <<= uno::Reference< XAccessible >(); CommitChange(aEvent); } aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED; aEvent.NewValue <<= xChild; CommitChange(aEvent); OSL_ASSERT(m_mapSelectionSend.count(aNewCell) == 0 ); m_mapSelectionSend.insert(MAP_ADDR_XACC::value_type(aNewCell,xChild)); } else { ScRange aDelRange; sal_Bool bIsDel = pViewData->GetDelMark( aDelRange ); if ( (!bIsDel || (bIsDel && aMarkRange != aDelRange)) && bNewMarked && nNewMarkCount > 0 && !IsSameMarkCell() ) { RemoveSelection(refScMarkData); if(bNewPosCellFocus) { CommitFocusCell(aNewCell); } VEC_MYADDR vecNew; if(CalcScRangeListDifferenceMax(mpMarkedRanges,&m_LastMarkedRanges,10,vecNew)) { aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_WITHIN; aEvent.NewValue <<= ::com::sun::star::uno::Any(); CommitChange(aEvent); } else { VEC_MYADDR::iterator viAddr = vecNew.begin(); for(; viAddr < vecNew.end() ; ++viAddr ) { uno::Reference< XAccessible > xChild = getAccessibleCellAt(viAddr->Row(),viAddr->Col()); if (!(bNewPosCellFocus && *viAddr == aNewCell) ) { aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED_NOFOCUS; aEvent.NewValue <<= xChild; CommitChange(aEvent); } aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_ADD; aEvent.NewValue <<= xChild; CommitChange(aEvent); m_mapSelectionSend.insert(MAP_ADDR_XACC::value_type(*viAddr,xChild)); } } } } if (bNewPosCellFocus && maActiveCell != aNewCell) { CommitFocusCell(aNewCell); } m_LastMarkedRanges = *mpMarkedRanges; } } else if ((rRef.GetId() == SC_HINT_DATACHANGED)) { if (!mbDelIns) CommitTableModelChange(maRange.aStart.Row(), maRange.aStart.Col(), maRange.aEnd.Row(), maRange.aEnd.Col(), AccessibleTableModelChangeType::UPDATE); else mbDelIns = sal_False; ScViewData *pViewData = mpViewShell->GetViewData(); ScAddress aNewCell = pViewData->GetCurPos(); if( maActiveCell == aNewCell) { ScDocument* pScDoc= GetDocument(mpViewShell); if (pScDoc) { String valStr; pScDoc->GetString(aNewCell.Col(),aNewCell.Row(),aNewCell.Tab(), valStr); if(m_strCurCellValue != valStr) { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::VALUE_CHANGED; mpAccCell->CommitChange(aEvent); m_strCurCellValue=valStr; } String tabName; pScDoc->GetName( maActiveCell.Tab(), tabName ); if( m_strOldTabName != tabName ) { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::NAME_CHANGED; String sOldName(ScResId(STR_ACC_TABLE_NAME)); sOldName.SearchAndReplaceAscii("%1", m_strOldTabName); aEvent.OldValue <<= ::rtl::OUString( sOldName ); String sNewName(ScResId(STR_ACC_TABLE_NAME)); sNewName.SearchAndReplaceAscii("%1", tabName); aEvent.NewValue <<= ::rtl::OUString( sNewName ); CommitChange( aEvent ); m_strOldTabName = tabName; } } } } // no longer needed, because the document calls the VisAreaChanged method /* else if (rRef.GetId() == SC_HINT_ACC_VISAREACHANGED) { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::VISIBLE_DATA_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); CommitChange(aEvent);*/ // commented out, because to use a ModelChangeEvent is not the right way // at the moment there is no way, but the Java/Gnome Api should be extended sometime /* if (mpViewShell) { Rectangle aNewVisCells(GetVisCells(GetVisArea(mpViewShell, meSplitPos))); Rectangle aNewPos(aNewVisCells); if (aNewVisCells.IsOver(maVisCells)) aNewPos.Union(maVisCells); else CommitTableModelChange(maVisCells.Top(), maVisCells.Left(), maVisCells.Bottom(), maVisCells.Right(), AccessibleTableModelChangeType::UPDATE); maVisCells = aNewVisCells; CommitTableModelChange(aNewPos.Top(), aNewPos.Left(), aNewPos.Bottom(), aNewPos.Right(), AccessibleTableModelChangeType::UPDATE); } }*/ // no longer needed, because the document calls the BoundingBoxChanged method /* else if (rRef.GetId() == SC_HINT_ACC_WINDOWRESIZED) { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::BOUNDRECT_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); CommitChange(aEvent); }*/ } else if (rHint.ISA( ScUpdateRefHint )) { const ScUpdateRefHint& rRef = (const ScUpdateRefHint&)rHint; if (rRef.GetMode() == URM_INSDEL && rRef.GetDz() == 0) //#107250# test whether table is inserted or deleted { if (((rRef.GetRange().aStart.Col() == maRange.aStart.Col()) && (rRef.GetRange().aEnd.Col() == maRange.aEnd.Col())) || ((rRef.GetRange().aStart.Row() == maRange.aStart.Row()) && (rRef.GetRange().aEnd.Row() == maRange.aEnd.Row()))) { // ignore next SC_HINT_DATACHANGED notification mbDelIns = sal_True; sal_Int16 nId(0); SCsCOL nX(rRef.GetDx()); SCsROW nY(rRef.GetDy()); ScRange aRange(rRef.GetRange()); if ((nX < 0) || (nY < 0)) { DBG_ASSERT(!((nX < 0) && (nY < 0)), "should not be possible to remove row and column at the same time"); nId = AccessibleTableModelChangeType::DELETE; if (nX < 0) { nX = -nX; nY = aRange.aEnd.Row() - aRange.aStart.Row(); } else { nY = -nY; nX = aRange.aEnd.Col() - aRange.aStart.Col(); } } else if ((nX > 0) || (nY > 0)) { DBG_ASSERT(!((nX > 0) && (nY > 0)), "should not be possible to add row and column at the same time"); nId = AccessibleTableModelChangeType::INSERT; if (nX < 0) nY = aRange.aEnd.Row() - aRange.aStart.Row(); else nX = aRange.aEnd.Col() - aRange.aStart.Col(); } else { DBG_ERROR("is it a deletion or a insertion?"); } CommitTableModelChange(rRef.GetRange().aStart.Row(), rRef.GetRange().aStart.Col(), rRef.GetRange().aStart.Row() + nY, rRef.GetRange().aStart.Col() + nX, nId); AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); uno::Reference< XAccessible > xNew = mpAccCell; aEvent.NewValue <<= xNew; CommitChange(aEvent); } } } ScAccessibleTableBase::Notify(rBC, rHint); } void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::RemoveSelection(ScMarkData &refScMarkData) { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessible >(this); aEvent.OldValue <<= ::com::sun::star::uno::Any(); MAP_ADDR_XACC::iterator miRemove = m_mapSelectionSend.begin(); for(; miRemove != m_mapSelectionSend.end() ;) { if (refScMarkData.IsCellMarked(miRemove->first.Col(),miRemove->first.Row(),sal_True) || refScMarkData.IsCellMarked(miRemove->first.Col(),miRemove->first.Row(),sal_False) ) { ++miRemove; continue; } aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_REMOVE; aEvent.NewValue <<= miRemove->second; CommitChange(aEvent); MAP_ADDR_XACC::iterator miNext = miRemove; ++miNext; m_mapSelectionSend.erase(miRemove); miRemove = miNext; } } void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::CommitFocusCell(const ScAddress &aNewCell) { OSL_ASSERT(!IsFormulaMode()); if(IsFormulaMode()) { return ; } AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessible >(this); uno::Reference< XAccessible > xOld = mpAccCell; mpAccCell->release(); mpAccCell=NULL; aEvent.OldValue <<= xOld; mpAccCell = GetAccessibleCellAt(aNewCell.Row(), aNewCell.Col()); mpAccCell->acquire(); mpAccCell->Init(); uno::Reference< XAccessible > xNew = mpAccCell; aEvent.NewValue <<= xNew; maActiveCell = aNewCell; ScDocument* pScDoc= GetDocument(mpViewShell); if (pScDoc) { pScDoc->GetString(maActiveCell.Col(),maActiveCell.Row(),maActiveCell.Tab(), m_strCurCellValue); } CommitChange(aEvent); } sal_Bool ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::IsSameMarkCell() { return m_LastMarkedRanges == *mpMarkedRanges; } //===== XAccessibleTable ================================================ uno::Reference< XAccessibleTable > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getAccessibleRowHeaders( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); uno::Reference< XAccessibleTable > xAccessibleTable; if( mpDoc && mbIsSpreadsheet ) { if( const ScRange* pRowRange = mpDoc->GetRepeatRowRange( mnTab ) ) { SCROW nStart = pRowRange->aStart.Row(); SCROW nEnd = pRowRange->aEnd.Row(); if( (0 <= nStart) && (nStart <= nEnd) && (nEnd <= MAXROW) ) xAccessibleTable.set( new ScAccessibleSpreadsheet( *this, ScRange( 0, nStart, mnTab, MAXCOL, nEnd, mnTab ) ) ); } } return xAccessibleTable; } uno::Reference< XAccessibleTable > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getAccessibleColumnHeaders( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); uno::Reference< XAccessibleTable > xAccessibleTable; if( mpDoc && mbIsSpreadsheet ) { if( const ScRange* pColRange = mpDoc->GetRepeatColRange( mnTab ) ) { SCCOL nStart = pColRange->aStart.Col(); SCCOL nEnd = pColRange->aEnd.Col(); if( (0 <= nStart) && (nStart <= nEnd) && (nEnd <= MAXCOL) ) xAccessibleTable.set( new ScAccessibleSpreadsheet( *this, ScRange( nStart, 0, mnTab, nEnd, MAXROW, mnTab ) ) ); } } return xAccessibleTable; } uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getSelectedAccessibleRows( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); uno::Sequence aSequence; if (IsFormulaMode()) { return aSequence; } if (mpViewShell && mpViewShell->GetViewData()) { aSequence.realloc(maRange.aEnd.Row() - maRange.aStart.Row() + 1); const ScMarkData& rMarkdata = mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData(); sal_Int32* pSequence = aSequence.getArray(); sal_Int32 nCount(0); for (SCROW i = maRange.aStart.Row(); i <= maRange.aEnd.Row(); ++i) { if (rMarkdata.IsRowMarked(i)) { pSequence[nCount] = i; ++nCount; } } aSequence.realloc(nCount); } else aSequence.realloc(0); return aSequence; } uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getSelectedAccessibleColumns( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); uno::Sequence aSequence; if (IsFormulaMode()) { return aSequence; } if (mpViewShell && mpViewShell->GetViewData()) { aSequence.realloc(maRange.aEnd.Col() - maRange.aStart.Col() + 1); const ScMarkData& rMarkdata = mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData(); sal_Int32* pSequence = aSequence.getArray(); sal_Int32 nCount(0); for (SCCOL i = maRange.aStart.Col(); i <= maRange.aEnd.Col(); ++i) { if (rMarkdata.IsColumnMarked(i)) { pSequence[nCount] = i; ++nCount; } } aSequence.realloc(nCount); } else aSequence.realloc(0); return aSequence; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::isAccessibleRowSelected( sal_Int32 nRow ) throw (uno::RuntimeException, lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (IsFormulaMode()) { return sal_False; } if ((nRow > (maRange.aEnd.Row() - maRange.aStart.Row())) || (nRow < 0)) throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(); sal_Bool bResult(sal_False); if (mpViewShell && mpViewShell->GetViewData()) { const ScMarkData& rMarkdata = mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData(); bResult = rMarkdata.IsRowMarked((SCROW)nRow); } return bResult; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::isAccessibleColumnSelected( sal_Int32 nColumn ) throw (uno::RuntimeException, lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (IsFormulaMode()) { return sal_False; } if ((nColumn > (maRange.aEnd.Col() - maRange.aStart.Col())) || (nColumn < 0)) throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(); sal_Bool bResult(sal_False); if (mpViewShell && mpViewShell->GetViewData()) { const ScMarkData& rMarkdata = mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData(); bResult = rMarkdata.IsColumnMarked((SCCOL)nColumn); } return bResult; } ScAccessibleCell* ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::GetAccessibleCellAt(sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn) { ScAccessibleCell* pAccessibleCell = NULL; if (IsFormulaMode()) { ScAddress aCellAddress(static_cast(nColumn), nRow, mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo()); if ((aCellAddress == m_aFormulaActiveCell) && m_pAccFormulaCell) { pAccessibleCell = m_pAccFormulaCell; } else pAccessibleCell = new ScAccessibleCell(this, mpViewShell, aCellAddress, GetAccessibleIndexFormula(nRow, nColumn), meSplitPos, mpAccDoc); } else { ScAddress aCellAddress(static_cast(maRange.aStart.Col() + nColumn), static_cast(maRange.aStart.Row() + nRow), maRange.aStart.Tab()); if ((aCellAddress == maActiveCell) && mpAccCell) { pAccessibleCell = mpAccCell; } else pAccessibleCell = new ScAccessibleCell(this, mpViewShell, aCellAddress, getAccessibleIndex(nRow, nColumn), meSplitPos, mpAccDoc); } return pAccessibleCell; } uno::Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getAccessibleCellAt( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn ) throw (uno::RuntimeException, lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (!IsFormulaMode()) { if (nRow > (maRange.aEnd.Row() - maRange.aStart.Row()) || nRow < 0 || nColumn > (maRange.aEnd.Col() - maRange.aStart.Col()) || nColumn < 0) throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } uno::Reference xAccessible; ScAccessibleCell* pAccessibleCell = GetAccessibleCellAt(nRow, nColumn); xAccessible = pAccessibleCell; pAccessibleCell->Init(); return xAccessible; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::isAccessibleSelected( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn ) throw (uno::RuntimeException, lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (IsFormulaMode()) { ScAddress addr(static_cast(nColumn), nRow, 0); return IsScAddrFormulaSel(addr); } if ((nColumn > (maRange.aEnd.Col() - maRange.aStart.Col())) || (nColumn < 0) || (nRow > (maRange.aEnd.Row() - maRange.aStart.Row())) || (nRow < 0)) throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(); sal_Bool bResult(sal_False); if (mpViewShell) { const ScMarkData& rMarkdata = mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData(); bResult = rMarkdata.IsCellMarked(static_cast(nColumn), static_cast(nRow)); } return bResult; } //===== XAccessibleComponent ============================================ uno::Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getAccessibleAtPoint( const awt::Point& rPoint ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { uno::Reference< XAccessible > xAccessible; if (containsPoint(rPoint)) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (mpViewShell) { SCsCOL nX; SCsROW nY; mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetPosFromPixel( rPoint.X, rPoint.Y, meSplitPos, nX, nY); try{ xAccessible = getAccessibleCellAt(nY, nX); } catch( ::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return NULL; } } } return xAccessible; } void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::grabFocus( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { if (getAccessibleParent().is()) { uno::Reference xAccessibleComponent(getAccessibleParent()->getAccessibleContext(), uno::UNO_QUERY); if (xAccessibleComponent.is()) xAccessibleComponent->grabFocus(); } } sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getForeground( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { return COL_BLACK; } sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getBackground( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); return SC_MOD()->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue( ::svtools::DOCCOLOR ).nColor; } //===== XAccessibleContext ============================================== uno::Reference SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getAccessibleRelationSet(void) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) { utl::AccessibleRelationSetHelper* pRelationSet = NULL; if(mpAccDoc) pRelationSet = mpAccDoc->GetRelationSet(NULL); if (!pRelationSet) pRelationSet = new utl::AccessibleRelationSetHelper(); return pRelationSet; } uno::Reference SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getAccessibleStateSet(void) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; uno::Reference xParentStates; if (getAccessibleParent().is()) { uno::Reference xParentContext = getAccessibleParent()->getAccessibleContext(); xParentStates = xParentContext->getAccessibleStateSet(); } utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper* pStateSet = new utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper(); if (IsDefunc(xParentStates)) pStateSet->AddState(AccessibleStateType::DEFUNC); else { pStateSet->AddState(AccessibleStateType::MANAGES_DESCENDANTS); if (IsEditable(xParentStates)) pStateSet->AddState(AccessibleStateType::EDITABLE); pStateSet->AddState(AccessibleStateType::ENABLED); pStateSet->AddState(AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE); if (IsFocused()) pStateSet->AddState(AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED); pStateSet->AddState(AccessibleStateType::MULTI_SELECTABLE); pStateSet->AddState(AccessibleStateType::OPAQUE); pStateSet->AddState(AccessibleStateType::SELECTABLE); if (IsCompleteSheetSelected()) pStateSet->AddState(AccessibleStateType::SELECTED); if (isShowing()) pStateSet->AddState(AccessibleStateType::SHOWING); if (isVisible()) pStateSet->AddState(AccessibleStateType::VISIBLE); } return pStateSet; } ///===== XAccessibleSelection =========================================== void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::selectAccessibleChild( sal_Int32 nChildIndex ) throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (nChildIndex < 0 || nChildIndex >= getAccessibleChildCount()) throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(); if (mpViewShell) { sal_Int32 nCol(getAccessibleColumn(nChildIndex)); sal_Int32 nRow(getAccessibleRow(nChildIndex)); SelectCell(nRow, nCol, sal_False); } } void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::clearAccessibleSelection( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (mpViewShell) { if (!IsFormulaMode()) mpViewShell->Unmark(); } } void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::selectAllAccessibleChildren( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (mpViewShell) { if (IsFormulaMode()) { ScViewData *pViewData = mpViewShell->GetViewData(); mpViewShell->InitRefMode( 0, 0, pViewData->GetTabNo(), SC_REFTYPE_REF ); pViewData->SetRefStart(0,0,pViewData->GetTabNo()); pViewData->SetRefStart(MAXCOL,MAXROW,pViewData->GetTabNo()); mpViewShell->UpdateRef(MAXCOL, MAXROW, pViewData->GetTabNo()); } else mpViewShell->SelectAll(); } } sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getSelectedAccessibleChildCount( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); sal_Int32 nResult(0); if (mpViewShell) { if (IsFormulaMode()) { nResult = GetRowAll() * GetColAll() ; } else { if (!mpMarkedRanges) { mpMarkedRanges = new ScRangeList(); ScMarkData aMarkData(mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData()); //aMarkData.MarkToMulti(); aMarkData.FillRangeListWithMarks(mpMarkedRanges, sal_False); } // is possible, because there shouldn't be overlapped ranges in it if (mpMarkedRanges) nResult = mpMarkedRanges->GetCellCount(); } } return nResult; } uno::Reference SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getSelectedAccessibleChild( sal_Int32 nSelectedChildIndex ) throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); uno::Reference < XAccessible > xAccessible; if (IsFormulaMode()) { if(CheckChildIndex(nSelectedChildIndex)) { ScAddress addr = GetChildIndexAddress(nSelectedChildIndex); xAccessible = getAccessibleCellAt(addr.Row(), addr.Col()); } return xAccessible; } if (mpViewShell) { if (!mpMarkedRanges) { mpMarkedRanges = new ScRangeList(); mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData().FillRangeListWithMarks(mpMarkedRanges, sal_False); } if (mpMarkedRanges) { //if (!mpSortedMarkedCells) // CreateSortedMarkedCells(); //if (mpSortedMarkedCells) //{ // if ((nSelectedChildIndex < 0) || // (mpSortedMarkedCells->size() <= static_cast(nSelectedChildIndex))) // throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(); // else // xAccessible = getAccessibleCellAt((*mpSortedMarkedCells)[nSelectedChildIndex].Row(), (*mpSortedMarkedCells)[nSelectedChildIndex].Col()); if ((nSelectedChildIndex < 0) || (mpMarkedRanges->GetCellCount() <= static_cast(nSelectedChildIndex))) { throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } ScMyAddress addr = CalcScAddressFromRangeList(mpMarkedRanges,nSelectedChildIndex); if( m_mapSelectionSend.find(addr) != m_mapSelectionSend.end() ) xAccessible = m_mapSelectionSend[addr]; else xAccessible = getAccessibleCellAt(addr.Row(), addr.Col()); } } return xAccessible; } void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::deselectAccessibleChild( sal_Int32 nChildIndex ) throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); if (nChildIndex < 0 || nChildIndex >= getAccessibleChildCount()) throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(); if (mpViewShell) { sal_Int32 nCol(getAccessibleColumn(nChildIndex)); sal_Int32 nRow(getAccessibleRow(nChildIndex)); if (IsFormulaMode()) { if(IsScAddrFormulaSel( ScAddress(static_cast(nCol), nRow,mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo())) ) { SelectCell(nRow, nCol, sal_True); } return ; } if (mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData().IsCellMarked(static_cast(nCol), static_cast(nRow))) SelectCell(nRow, nCol, sal_True); } } void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::SelectCell(sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Bool bDeselect) { if (IsFormulaMode()) { if (bDeselect) {//?? return ; } else { ScViewData *pViewData = mpViewShell->GetViewData(); mpViewShell->InitRefMode( static_cast(nCol), nRow, pViewData->GetTabNo(), SC_REFTYPE_REF ); mpViewShell->UpdateRef(static_cast(nCol), nRow, pViewData->GetTabNo()); } return ; } mpViewShell->SetTabNo( maRange.aStart.Tab() ); mpViewShell->DoneBlockMode( sal_True ); // continue selecting mpViewShell->InitBlockMode( static_cast(nCol), static_cast(nRow), maRange.aStart.Tab(), bDeselect, sal_False, sal_False ); mpViewShell->SelectionChanged(); } //void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::CreateSortedMarkedCells() //{ // mpSortedMarkedCells = new std::vector(); // mpSortedMarkedCells->reserve(mpMarkedRanges->GetCellCount()); // ScRange* pRange = mpMarkedRanges->First(); // while (pRange) // { // if (pRange->aStart.Tab() != pRange->aEnd.Tab()) // { // if ((maActiveCell.Tab() >= pRange->aStart.Tab()) || // maActiveCell.Tab() <= pRange->aEnd.Tab()) // { // ScRange aRange(*pRange); // aRange.aStart.SetTab(maActiveCell.Tab()); // aRange.aEnd.SetTab(maActiveCell.Tab()); // AddMarkedRange(aRange); // } // else // { // DBG_ERROR("Range of wrong table"); // } // } // else if(pRange->aStart.Tab() == maActiveCell.Tab()) // AddMarkedRange(*pRange); // else // { // DBG_ERROR("Range of wrong table"); // } // pRange = mpMarkedRanges->Next(); // } // std::sort(mpSortedMarkedCells->begin(), mpSortedMarkedCells->end()); //} /*void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::AddMarkedRange(const ScRange& rRange) { for (SCROW nRow = rRange.aStart.Row(); nRow <= rRange.aEnd.Row(); ++nRow) { for (SCCOL nCol = rRange.aStart.Col(); nCol <= rRange.aEnd.Col(); ++nCol) { ScMyAddress aCell(nCol, nRow, maActiveCell.Tab()); mpSortedMarkedCells->push_back(aCell); } } }*/ //===== XServiceInfo ==================================================== ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getImplementationName(void) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { return rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("ScAccessibleSpreadsheet")); } uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString> SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getSupportedServiceNames (void) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aSequence = ScAccessibleTableBase::getSupportedServiceNames(); sal_Int32 nOldSize(aSequence.getLength()); aSequence.realloc(nOldSize + 1); ::rtl::OUString* pNames = aSequence.getArray(); pNames[nOldSize] = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.AccessibleSpreadsheet")); return aSequence; } //===== XTypeProvider ======================================================= uno::Sequence SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::getImplementationId(void) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); static uno::Sequence aId; if (aId.getLength() == 0) { aId.realloc (16); rtl_createUuid (reinterpret_cast(aId.getArray()), 0, sal_True); } return aId; } ///===== XAccessibleEventBroadcaster ===================================== void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::addEventListener(const uno::Reference& xListener) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; IsObjectValid(); ScAccessibleTableBase::addEventListener(xListener); /* if (!mbIsFocusSend) { mbIsFocusSend = sal_True; CommitFocusGained(); AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext >(this); aEvent.NewValue <<= getAccessibleCellAt(maActiveCell.Row(), maActiveCell.Col()); CommitChange(aEvent); } */ } //==== internal ========================================================= Rectangle ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::GetBoundingBoxOnScreen() const throw (uno::RuntimeException) { Rectangle aRect; if (mpViewShell) { Window* pWindow = mpViewShell->GetWindowByPos(meSplitPos); if (pWindow) aRect = pWindow->GetWindowExtentsRelative(NULL); } return aRect; } Rectangle ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::GetBoundingBox() const throw (uno::RuntimeException) { Rectangle aRect; if (mpViewShell) { Window* pWindow = mpViewShell->GetWindowByPos(meSplitPos); if (pWindow) //#101986#; extends to the same window, because the parent is the document and it has the same window aRect = pWindow->GetWindowExtentsRelative(pWindow); } return aRect; } sal_Bool ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::IsDefunc( const uno::Reference& rxParentStates) { return ScAccessibleContextBase::IsDefunc() || (mpViewShell == NULL) || !getAccessibleParent().is() || (rxParentStates.is() && rxParentStates->contains(AccessibleStateType::DEFUNC)); } sal_Bool ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::IsEditable( const uno::Reference& /* rxParentStates */) { if (IsFormulaMode()) { return sal_False; } sal_Bool bProtected(sal_False); if (mpDoc && mpDoc->IsTabProtected(maRange.aStart.Tab())) bProtected = sal_True; return !bProtected; } sal_Bool ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::IsFocused() { sal_Bool bFocused(sal_False); if (mpViewShell) { if (mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetActivePart() == meSplitPos) bFocused = mpViewShell->GetActiveWin()->HasFocus(); } return bFocused; } sal_Bool ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::IsCompleteSheetSelected() { if (IsFormulaMode()) { return sal_False; } sal_Bool bResult(sal_False); if(mpViewShell) { //#103800#; use a copy of MarkData ScMarkData aMarkData(mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData()); aMarkData.MarkToMulti(); if (aMarkData.IsAllMarked(maRange)) bResult = sal_True; } return bResult; } ScDocument* ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::GetDocument(ScTabViewShell* pViewShell) { ScDocument* pDoc = NULL; if (pViewShell) pDoc = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetDocument(); return pDoc; } Rectangle ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::GetVisArea(ScTabViewShell* pViewShell, ScSplitPos eSplitPos) { Rectangle aVisArea; if (pViewShell) { Window* pWindow = pViewShell->GetWindowByPos(eSplitPos); if (pWindow) { aVisArea.SetPos(pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetPixPos(eSplitPos)); aVisArea.SetSize(pWindow->GetSizePixel()); } } return aVisArea; } Rectangle ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::GetVisCells(const Rectangle& rVisArea) { if (mpViewShell) { SCsCOL nStartX, nEndX; SCsROW nStartY, nEndY; mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetPosFromPixel( 1, 1, meSplitPos, nStartX, nStartY); mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetPosFromPixel( rVisArea.GetWidth(), rVisArea.GetHeight(), meSplitPos, nEndX, nEndY); return Rectangle(nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY); } else return Rectangle(); } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::selectRow( sal_Int32 row ) throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException) { if (IsFormulaMode()) { return sal_False; } mpViewShell->SetTabNo( maRange.aStart.Tab() ); mpViewShell->DoneBlockMode( sal_True ); // continue selecting mpViewShell->InitBlockMode( 0, row, maRange.aStart.Tab(), sal_False, sal_False, sal_True ); mpViewShell->MarkCursor( MAXCOL, row, maRange.aStart.Tab(), sal_False, sal_True ); mpViewShell->SelectionChanged(); return sal_True; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::selectColumn( sal_Int32 column ) throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException) { if (IsFormulaMode()) { return sal_False; } mpViewShell->SetTabNo( maRange.aStart.Tab() ); mpViewShell->DoneBlockMode( sal_True ); // continue selecting mpViewShell->InitBlockMode( static_cast(column), 0, maRange.aStart.Tab(), sal_False, sal_True, sal_False ); mpViewShell->MarkCursor( static_cast(column), MAXROW, maRange.aStart.Tab(), sal_True, sal_False ); mpViewShell->SelectionChanged(); return sal_True; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::unselectRow( sal_Int32 row ) throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException) { if (IsFormulaMode()) { return sal_False; } mpViewShell->SetTabNo( maRange.aStart.Tab() ); mpViewShell->DoneBlockMode( sal_True ); // continue selecting mpViewShell->InitBlockMode( 0, row, maRange.aStart.Tab(), sal_False, sal_False, sal_True, sal_True ); mpViewShell->MarkCursor( MAXCOL, row, maRange.aStart.Tab(), sal_False, sal_True ); mpViewShell->SelectionChanged(); mpViewShell->DoneBlockMode( sal_True ); return sal_True; } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::unselectColumn( sal_Int32 column ) throw (lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, uno::RuntimeException) { if (IsFormulaMode()) { return sal_False; } mpViewShell->SetTabNo( maRange.aStart.Tab() ); mpViewShell->DoneBlockMode( sal_True ); // continue selecting mpViewShell->InitBlockMode( static_cast(column), 0, maRange.aStart.Tab(), sal_False, sal_True, sal_False, sal_True ); mpViewShell->MarkCursor( static_cast(column), MAXROW, maRange.aStart.Tab(), sal_True, sal_False ); mpViewShell->SelectionChanged(); mpViewShell->DoneBlockMode( sal_True ); return sal_True; } void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::FireFirstCellFocus() { if (IsFormulaMode()) { return ; } if (mbIsFocusSend) { return ; } mbIsFocusSend = sal_True; AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessible >(this); aEvent.NewValue <<= getAccessibleCellAt(maActiveCell.Row(), maActiveCell.Col()); CommitChange(aEvent); } void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::NotifyRefMode() { ScViewData *pViewData = mpViewShell->GetViewData(); sal_uInt16 nRefStartX =pViewData->GetRefStartX(); sal_Int32 nRefStartY=pViewData->GetRefStartY(); sal_uInt16 nRefEndX=pViewData->GetRefEndX(); sal_Int32 nRefEndY=pViewData->GetRefEndY(); ScAddress aFormulaAddr; if(!GetFormulaCurrentFocusCell(aFormulaAddr)) { return ; } if (m_aFormulaActiveCell != aFormulaAddr) {//New Focus m_nMinX =std::min(nRefStartX,nRefEndX); m_nMaxX =std::max(nRefStartX,nRefEndX); m_nMinY = std::min(nRefStartY,nRefEndY); m_nMaxY = std::max(nRefStartY,nRefEndY); RemoveFormulaSelection(); AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessible >(this); aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessible >(this); uno::Reference< XAccessible > xOld = m_pAccFormulaCell; aEvent.OldValue <<= xOld; m_pAccFormulaCell = GetAccessibleCellAt(aFormulaAddr.Row(), aFormulaAddr.Col()); m_pAccFormulaCell->acquire(); m_pAccFormulaCell->Init(); uno::Reference< XAccessible > xNew = m_pAccFormulaCell; aEvent.NewValue <<= xNew; CommitChange(aEvent); if (nRefStartX == nRefEndX && nRefStartY == nRefEndY) {//Selection Single aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED; aEvent.NewValue <<= xNew; CommitChange(aEvent); m_mapFormulaSelectionSend.insert(MAP_ADDR_XACC::value_type(aFormulaAddr,xNew)); m_vecFormulaLastMyAddr.clear(); m_vecFormulaLastMyAddr.push_back(aFormulaAddr); } else { VEC_MYADDR vecCurSel; int nCurSize = (m_nMaxX - m_nMinX +1)*(m_nMaxY - m_nMinY +1) ; vecCurSel.reserve(nCurSize); for (sal_uInt16 x = m_nMinX ; x <= m_nMaxX ; ++x) { for (sal_Int32 y = m_nMinY ; y <= m_nMaxY ; ++y) { ScMyAddress aAddr(x,y,0); vecCurSel.push_back(aAddr); } } std::sort(vecCurSel.begin(), vecCurSel.end()); VEC_MYADDR vecNew; std::set_difference(vecCurSel.begin(),vecCurSel.end(), m_vecFormulaLastMyAddr.begin(),m_vecFormulaLastMyAddr.end(), std::back_insert_iterator(vecNew)); int nNewSize = vecNew.size(); if ( nNewSize > 10 ) { aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_WITHIN; aEvent.NewValue <<= ::com::sun::star::uno::Any(); CommitChange(aEvent); } else { VEC_MYADDR::iterator viAddr = vecNew.begin(); for(; viAddr != vecNew.end() ; ++viAddr ) { uno::Reference< XAccessible > xChild; if (*viAddr == aFormulaAddr) { xChild = m_pAccFormulaCell; } else { xChild = getAccessibleCellAt(viAddr->Row(),viAddr->Col()); aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED_NOFOCUS; aEvent.NewValue <<= xChild; CommitChange(aEvent); } aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_ADD; aEvent.NewValue <<= xChild; CommitChange(aEvent); m_mapFormulaSelectionSend.insert(MAP_ADDR_XACC::value_type(*viAddr,xChild)); } } m_vecFormulaLastMyAddr.swap(vecCurSel); } } m_aFormulaActiveCell = aFormulaAddr; } void ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::RemoveFormulaSelection(sal_Bool bRemoveAll ) { AccessibleEventObject aEvent; aEvent.Source = uno::Reference< XAccessible >(this); aEvent.OldValue <<= ::com::sun::star::uno::Any(); MAP_ADDR_XACC::iterator miRemove = m_mapFormulaSelectionSend.begin(); for(; miRemove != m_mapFormulaSelectionSend.end() ;) { if( !bRemoveAll && IsScAddrFormulaSel(miRemove->first) ) { ++miRemove; continue; } aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_REMOVE; aEvent.NewValue <<= miRemove->second; CommitChange(aEvent); MAP_ADDR_XACC::iterator miNext = miRemove; ++miNext; m_mapFormulaSelectionSend.erase(miRemove); miRemove = miNext; } } sal_Bool ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::IsScAddrFormulaSel(const ScAddress &addr) const { if( addr.Col() >= m_nMinX && addr.Col() <= m_nMaxX && addr.Row() >= m_nMinY && addr.Row() <= m_nMaxY && addr.Tab() == mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo() ) { return sal_True; } return sal_False; } sal_Bool ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::CheckChildIndex(sal_Int32 nIndex) const { sal_Int32 nMaxIndex = (m_nMaxX - m_nMinX +1)*(m_nMaxY - m_nMinY +1) -1 ; return nIndex <= nMaxIndex && nIndex >= 0 ; } ScAddress ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::GetChildIndexAddress(sal_Int32 nIndex) const { sal_Int32 nRowAll = GetRowAll(); sal_uInt16 nColAll = GetColAll(); if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= nRowAll * nColAll ) { return ScAddress(); } return ScAddress( static_cast((nIndex - nIndex % nRowAll) / nRowAll + + m_nMinX), nIndex % nRowAll + m_nMinY, mpViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo() ); } sal_Int32 ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::GetAccessibleIndexFormula( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn ) { sal_uInt16 nColRelative = sal_uInt16(nColumn) - GetColAll(); sal_Int32 nRowRelative = nRow - GetRowAll(); if (nRow < 0 || nColumn < 0 || nRowRelative >= GetRowAll() || nColRelative >= GetColAll() ) { return -1; } return GetRowAll() * nRowRelative + nColRelative; } sal_Bool ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::IsFormulaMode() { ScViewData *pViewData = mpViewShell->GetViewData(); m_bFormulaMode = pViewData->IsRefMode() || SC_MOD()->IsFormulaMode(); return m_bFormulaMode ; } sal_Bool ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::GetFormulaCurrentFocusCell(ScAddress &addr) { ScViewData *pViewData = mpViewShell->GetViewData(); sal_uInt16 nRefX=0; sal_Int32 nRefY=0; if(m_bFormulaLastMode) { nRefX=pViewData->GetRefEndX(); nRefY=pViewData->GetRefEndY(); } else { nRefX=pViewData->GetRefStartX(); nRefY=pViewData->GetRefStartY(); } if( /* Always true: nRefX >= 0 && */ nRefX <= MAXCOL && nRefY >= 0 && nRefY <= MAXROW) { addr = ScAddress(nRefX,nRefY,pViewData->GetTabNo()); return sal_True; } return sal_False; } uno::Reference < XAccessible > ScAccessibleSpreadsheet::GetActiveCell() { if( m_mapSelectionSend.find( maActiveCell ) != m_mapSelectionSend.end() ) return m_mapSelectionSend[maActiveCell]; else return getAccessibleCellAt(maActiveCell.Row(), maActiveCell .Col()); }