 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// ============================================================================


#include <tools/string.hxx>
#ifndef _DIALOG_HXX //autogen
#include <vcl/dialog.hxx>
#ifndef _BUTTON_HXX //autogen
#include <vcl/button.hxx>
#ifndef _FIXED_HXX //autogen
#include <vcl/fixed.hxx>
#ifndef _LSTBOX_HXX //autogen
#include <vcl/lstbox.hxx>
#ifndef _COMBOBOX_HXX //autogen
#include <vcl/combobox.hxx>
#ifndef _FIELD_HXX //autogen
#include <vcl/field.hxx>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <svx/txencbox.hxx>
#include "csvtablebox.hxx"
#include "i18npool/lang.h"

// ============================================================================

class ScAsciiOptions
	sal_Bool		bFixedLen;
	String		aFieldSeps;
	sal_Bool		bMergeFieldSeps;
    bool        bQuotedFieldAsText;
    bool        bDetectSpecialNumber;
	sal_Unicode	cTextSep;
	CharSet		eCharSet;
    LanguageType eLang;
	sal_Bool		bCharSetSystem;
	long		nStartRow;
	sal_uInt16		nInfoCount;
    xub_StrLen* pColStart;  //! TODO replace with vector
    sal_uInt8*       pColFormat; //! TODO replace with vector

					ScAsciiOptions(const ScAsciiOptions& rOpt);

    static const sal_Unicode cDefaultTextSep = '"';

	ScAsciiOptions&	operator=( const ScAsciiOptions& rCpy );

	sal_Bool			operator==( const ScAsciiOptions& rCmp ) const;

	void			ReadFromString( const String& rString );
	String			WriteToString() const;

	void			InterpretColumnList( const String& rString );

	CharSet				GetCharSet() const		{ return eCharSet; }
	sal_Bool				GetCharSetSystem() const	{ return bCharSetSystem; }
	const String&		GetFieldSeps() const	{ return aFieldSeps; }
	sal_Bool				IsMergeSeps() const		{ return bMergeFieldSeps; }
    bool                IsQuotedAsText() const  { return bQuotedFieldAsText; }
    bool                IsDetectSpecialNumber() const { return bDetectSpecialNumber; }
	sal_Unicode			GetTextSep() const		{ return cTextSep; }
	sal_Bool				IsFixedLen() const		{ return bFixedLen; }
	sal_uInt16				GetInfoCount() const	{ return nInfoCount; }
	const xub_StrLen*	GetColStart() const		{ return pColStart; }
	const sal_uInt8*			GetColFormat() const	{ return pColFormat; }
	long				GetStartRow() const		{ return nStartRow; }
    LanguageType        GetLanguage() const     { return eLang; }

	void	SetCharSet( CharSet eNew )			{ eCharSet = eNew; }
	void	SetCharSetSystem( sal_Bool bSet )		{ bCharSetSystem = bSet; }
	void	SetFixedLen( sal_Bool bSet )			{ bFixedLen = bSet; }
	void	SetFieldSeps( const String& rStr )	{ aFieldSeps = rStr; }
	void	SetMergeSeps( sal_Bool bSet )			{ bMergeFieldSeps = bSet; }
    void    SetQuotedAsText(bool bSet)          { bQuotedFieldAsText = bSet; }
    void    SetDetectSpecialNumber(bool bSet)   { bDetectSpecialNumber = bSet; }
	void	SetTextSep( sal_Unicode c )			{ cTextSep = c; }
	void	SetStartRow( long nRow)				{ nStartRow= nRow; }
    void    SetLanguage(LanguageType e)         { eLang = e; }

	void	SetColInfo( sal_uInt16 nCount, const xub_StrLen* pStart, const sal_uInt8* pFormat );
    void    SetColumnInfo( const ScCsvExpDataVec& rDataVec );

//CHINA001 // ============================================================================
//CHINA001 class ScImportAsciiDlg : public ModalDialog
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 SvStream*                   pDatStream;
//CHINA001 sal_uLong*                      pRowPosArray;
//CHINA001 sal_uLong*                      pRowPosArrayUnicode;
//CHINA001 sal_uInt16                      nArrayEndPos;
//CHINA001 sal_uInt16                      nArrayEndPosUnicode;
//CHINA001 sal_uLong                       nStreamPos;
//CHINA001 sal_uLong                       nStreamPosUnicode;
//CHINA001 sal_Bool                        bVFlag;
//CHINA001 FixedLine                   aFlFieldOpt;
//CHINA001 FixedText                   aFtCharSet;
//CHINA001 SvxTextEncodingBox          aLbCharSet;
//CHINA001 FixedText                   aFtRow;
//CHINA001 NumericField                aNfRow;
//CHINA001 FixedLine                   aFlSepOpt;
//CHINA001 RadioButton                 aRbFixed;
//CHINA001 RadioButton                 aRbSeparated;
//CHINA001 CheckBox                    aCkbTab;
//CHINA001 CheckBox                    aCkbSemicolon;
//CHINA001 CheckBox                    aCkbComma;
//CHINA001 CheckBox                    aCkbSpace;
//CHINA001 CheckBox                    aCkbOther;
//CHINA001 Edit                        aEdOther;
//CHINA001 CheckBox                    aCkbAsOnce;
//CHINA001 FixedText                   aFtTextSep;
//CHINA001 ComboBox                    aCbTextSep;
//CHINA001 FixedLine                   aFlWidth;
//CHINA001 FixedText                   aFtType;
//CHINA001 ListBox                     aLbType;
//CHINA001 ScCsvTableBox               maTableBox;
//CHINA001 OKButton                    aBtnOk;
//CHINA001 CancelButton                aBtnCancel;
//CHINA001 HelpButton                  aBtnHelp;
//CHINA001 String                      aCharSetUser;
//CHINA001 String                      aColumnUser;
//CHINA001 String                      aFldSepList;
//CHINA001 String                      aTextSepList;
//CHINA001 // aPreviewLine contains the byte string as read from the file
//CHINA001 ByteString                  aPreviewLine[ CSV_PREVIEW_LINES ];
//CHINA001 // same for Unicode
//CHINA001 String                      aPreviewLineUnicode[ CSV_PREVIEW_LINES ];
//CHINA001 CharSet                     meCharSet;          /// Selected char set.
//CHINA001 bool                        mbCharSetSystem;    /// Is System char set selected?
//CHINA001 public:
//CHINA001 ScImportAsciiDlg(
//CHINA001 Window* pParent, String aDatName,
//CHINA001 SvStream* pInStream, sal_Unicode cSep = '\t' );
//CHINA001 ~ScImportAsciiDlg();
//CHINA001 void                        GetOptions( ScAsciiOptions& rOpt );
//CHINA001 private:
//CHINA001 /** Sets the selected char set data to meCharSet and mbCharSetSystem. */
//CHINA001 void                        SetSelectedCharSet();
//CHINA001 /** Returns all separator characters in a string. */
//CHINA001 String                      GetSeparators() const;
//CHINA001 /** Enables or disables all separator checkboxes and edit fields. */
//CHINA001 void                        SetupSeparatorCtrls();
//CHINA001 void                        UpdateVertical( bool bSwitchToFromUnicode = false );
//CHINA001 DECL_LINK( CharSetHdl, SvxTextEncodingBox* );
//CHINA001 DECL_LINK( FirstRowHdl, NumericField* );
//CHINA001 DECL_LINK( RbSepFixHdl, RadioButton* );
//CHINA001 DECL_LINK( SeparatorHdl, Control* );
//CHINA001 DECL_LINK( LbColTypeHdl, ListBox* );
//CHINA001 DECL_LINK( UpdateTextHdl, ScCsvTableBox* );
//CHINA001 DECL_LINK( ColTypeHdl, ScCsvTableBox* );
//CHINA001 };
// ============================================================================
