 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.


#include "address.hxx"
#include <tools/list.hxx>
#include <tools/color.hxx>
#include <tools/fract.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XEmbeddedObject.hpp>

class Rectangle;
class Font;
class OutputDevice;
class Window;
class EditEngine;
class ScDocument;
class ScBaseCell;
class ScPatternAttr;
class SvxMarginItem;
class SdrObject;
class SdrOle2Obj;
struct RowInfo;
struct ScTableInfo;
class ScTabViewShell;
class ScPageBreakData;
class FmFormView;
class ScFieldEditEngine;

// #i74769# SdrPaintWindow predefine
class SdrPaintWindow;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#define SC_OBJECTS_NONE			0
#define SC_OBJECTS_OLE			2


class ScOutputData
friend class ScDrawStringsVars;
    struct OutputAreaParam
        Rectangle   maAlignRect;
        Rectangle   maClipRect;
        long        mnColWidth;
        bool        mbLeftClip;
        bool        mbRightClip;

	OutputDevice* pDev;			// Device
	OutputDevice* pRefDevice;	// printer if used for preview
	OutputDevice* pFmtDevice;	// reference for text formatting
    ScTableInfo& mrTabInfo;
	RowInfo* pRowInfo;			// Info-Block
	SCSIZE nArrCount;			// belegte Zeilen im Info-Block
	ScDocument* pDoc;			// Dokument
	SCTAB nTab;				    // Tabelle
	long nScrX; 				// Ausgabe Startpos. (Pixel)
	long nScrY;
	long nScrW; 				// Ausgabe Groesse (Pixel)
	long nScrH;
	long nMirrorW;				// Visible output width for mirroring (default: nScrW)
	SCCOL nX1;					// Start-/Endkoordinaten
	SCROW nY1;					//	( incl. versteckte )
	SCCOL nVisX1; 				// Start-/Endkoordinaten
	SCROW nVisY1;				//	( sichtbarer Bereich )
	SCCOL nVisX2;
	SCROW nVisY2;
	ScOutputType eType;			// Bildschirm/Drucker ...
	double nPPTX;				// Pixel per Twips
	double nPPTY;
//	sal_uInt16 nZoom;				// Zoom-Faktor (Prozent) - fuer GetFont
	Fraction aZoomX;
	Fraction aZoomY;

	SdrObject* pEditObj;		// beim Painten auslassen

	ScTabViewShell* pViewShell;	// zum Connecten von sichtbaren Plug-Ins

	// #114135#
	FmFormView* pDrawView;		// SdrView to paint to

	sal_Bool bEditMode;				// InPlace editierte Zelle - nicht ausgeben
	SCCOL nEditCol;
	SCROW nEditRow;

	sal_Bool bMetaFile;				// Ausgabe auf Metafile (nicht in Pixeln!)
	sal_Bool bSingleGrid;			// beim Gitter bChanged auswerten

	sal_Bool bPagebreakMode;		// Seitenumbruch-Vorschau
	sal_Bool bSolidBackground;		// weiss statt transparent

	sal_Bool bUseStyleColor;
	sal_Bool bForceAutoColor;

	sal_Bool bSyntaxMode;			// Syntax-Highlighting
	Color* pValueColor;
	Color* pTextColor;
	Color* pFormulaColor;

	Color	aGridColor;

	sal_Bool	bShowNullValues;
	sal_Bool	bShowFormulas;
	sal_Bool	bShowSpellErrors;	// Spell-Errors in EditObjekten anzeigen
	sal_Bool	bMarkClipped;

	sal_Bool	bSnapPixel;

	sal_Bool	bAnyRotated;		// intern
	sal_Bool	bAnyClipped;		// intern
	sal_Bool	bTabProtected;
	sal_uInt8	nTabTextDirection;	// EEHorizontalTextDirection values
	sal_Bool	bLayoutRTL;

	// #i74769# use SdrPaintWindow direct, remember it during BeginDrawLayers/EndDrawLayers
	SdrPaintWindow*		mpTargetPaintWindow;

							// private methods

	sal_Bool			GetMergeOrigin( SCCOL nX, SCROW nY, SCSIZE nArrY,
									SCCOL& rOverX, SCROW& rOverY, sal_Bool bVisRowChanged );
	sal_Bool			IsEmptyCellText( RowInfo* pThisRowInfo, SCCOL nX, SCROW nY );
	void			GetVisibleCell( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, ScBaseCell*& rpCell );

	sal_Bool			IsAvailable( SCCOL nX, SCROW nY );

	void			GetOutputArea( SCCOL nX, SCSIZE nArrY, long nPosX, long nPosY,
                                   SCCOL nCellX, SCROW nCellY, long nNeeded,
                                   const ScPatternAttr& rPattern,
                                   sal_uInt16 nHorJustify, bool bCellIsValue,
                                   bool bBreak, bool bOverwrite,
                                   OutputAreaParam& rParam );

    void            ShrinkEditEngine( EditEngine& rEngine, const Rectangle& rAlignRect,
                                    long nLeftM, long nTopM, long nRightM, long nBottomM,
                                    sal_Bool bWidth, sal_uInt16 nOrient, long nAttrRotate, sal_Bool bPixelToLogic,
                                    long& rEngineWidth, long& rEngineHeight, long& rNeededPixel,
                                    bool& rLeftClip, bool& rRightClip );

	void			SetSyntaxColor( Font* pFont, ScBaseCell* pCell );
	void			SetEditSyntaxColor( EditEngine& rEngine, ScBaseCell* pCell );

	double			GetStretch();

	void			DrawRotatedFrame( const Color* pForceColor );		// pixel

    ScFieldEditEngine* CreateOutputEditEngine();

					ScOutputData( OutputDevice* pNewDev, ScOutputType eNewType,
                                    ScTableInfo& rTabInfo, ScDocument* pNewDoc,
									SCTAB nNewTab, long nNewScrX, long nNewScrY,
									SCCOL nNewX1, SCROW nNewY1, SCCOL nNewX2, SCROW nNewY2,
									double nPixelPerTwipsX, double nPixelPerTwipsY,
									const Fraction* pZoomX = NULL,
									const Fraction* pZoomY = NULL );


    void    SetContentDevice( OutputDevice* pContentDev );

	void	SetRefDevice( OutputDevice* pRDev ) { pRefDevice = pFmtDevice = pRDev; }
	void	SetFmtDevice( OutputDevice* pRDev ) { pFmtDevice = pRDev; }
	void	SetEditObject( SdrObject* pObj )	{ pEditObj = pObj; }
	void	SetViewShell( ScTabViewShell* pSh ) { pViewShell = pSh; }

	// #114135#
	void	SetDrawView( FmFormView* pNew )		{ pDrawView = pNew; }

	void	SetSolidBackground( sal_Bool bSet )		{ bSolidBackground = bSet; }
	void	SetUseStyleColor( sal_Bool bSet )		{ bUseStyleColor = bSet; }

	void	SetEditCell( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow );
	void	SetSyntaxMode( sal_Bool bNewMode );
	void	SetMetaFileMode( sal_Bool bNewMode );
	void	SetSingleGrid( sal_Bool bNewMode );
	void	SetGridColor( const Color& rColor );
	void	SetMarkClipped( sal_Bool bSet );
	void	SetShowNullValues ( sal_Bool bSet = sal_True );
	void	SetShowFormulas   ( sal_Bool bSet = sal_True );
	void	SetShowSpellErrors( sal_Bool bSet = sal_True );
	void	SetMirrorWidth( long nNew );
	long	GetScrW() const		{ return nScrW; }
	long	GetScrH() const		{ return nScrH; }

	void	SetSnapPixel( sal_Bool bSet = sal_True );

	void	DrawGrid( sal_Bool bGrid, sal_Bool bPage );
	void	DrawStrings( sal_Bool bPixelToLogic = sal_False );
	void	DrawBackground();
	void	DrawShadow();
	void	DrawExtraShadow(sal_Bool bLeft, sal_Bool bTop, sal_Bool bRight, sal_Bool bBottom);
	void	DrawFrame();

					// with logic MapMode set!
	void	DrawEdit(sal_Bool bPixelToLogic);

	void	FindRotated();
	void	DrawRotated(sal_Bool bPixelToLogic);		// logisch

	void	DrawClear();

	// #i72502# printer only command set
	Point PrePrintDrawingLayer(long nLogStX, long nLogStY );
	void PostPrintDrawingLayer(const Point& rMMOffset); // #i74768# need offset for FormLayer
	void PrintDrawingLayer(const sal_uInt16 nLayer, const Point& rMMOffset);

	// nur Bildschirm:
	void	DrawingSingle(const sal_uInt16 nLayer);
	void	DrawSelectiveObjects(const sal_uInt16 nLayer);

	sal_Bool	SetChangedClip();		// sal_False = nix
    PolyPolygon GetChangedArea();

	void	FindChanged();
	void	SetPagebreakMode( ScPageBreakData* pPageData );
    void    DrawMark( Window* pWin );
	void	DrawRefMark( SCCOL nRefStartX, SCROW nRefStartY,
						 SCCOL nRefEndX, SCROW nRefEndY,
						 const Color& rColor, sal_Bool bHandle );
	void	DrawOneChange( SCCOL nRefStartX, SCROW nRefStartY,
							SCCOL nRefEndX, SCROW nRefEndY,
							const Color& rColor, sal_uInt16 nType );
	void	DrawChangeTrack();
	void	DrawClipMarks();

	void	DrawNoteMarks();
    void    AddPDFNotes();
