 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"

// System - Includes -----------------------------------------------------

#ifndef PCH
#include "scitems.hxx"              // SearchItem

// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------

#include "undoblk.hxx"
#include "document.hxx"
#include "docsh.hxx"
#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
#include "olinetab.hxx"
#include "globstr.hrc"
#include "global.hxx"
#include "target.hxx"

#include "undoolk.hxx"              //! GetUndo ins Document verschieben!

// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------

TYPEINIT1(ScUndoWidthOrHeight,		SfxUndoAction);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

//		Spaltenbreiten oder Zeilenhoehen aendern

ScUndoWidthOrHeight::ScUndoWidthOrHeight( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
				const ScMarkData& rMark,
				SCCOLROW nNewStart, SCTAB nNewStartTab, SCCOLROW nNewEnd, SCTAB nNewEndTab,
				ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, SCCOLROW nNewCnt, SCCOLROW* pNewRanges,
				ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab,
				ScSizeMode eNewMode, sal_uInt16 nNewSizeTwips, sal_Bool bNewWidth ) :
	ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
	aMarkData( rMark ),
	nStart( nNewStart ),
	nEnd( nNewEnd ),
	nStartTab( nNewStartTab ),
	nEndTab( nNewEndTab ),
	pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
	pUndoTab( pNewUndoTab ),
	nRangeCnt( nNewCnt ),
	pRanges( pNewRanges ),
	nNewSize( nNewSizeTwips ),
	bWidth( bNewWidth ),
	eMode( eNewMode ),
	pDrawUndo( NULL )
	pDrawUndo = GetSdrUndoAction( pDocShell->GetDocument() );

__EXPORT ScUndoWidthOrHeight::~ScUndoWidthOrHeight()
	delete[] pRanges;
	delete pUndoDoc;
	delete pUndoTab;
	DeleteSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo );

String __EXPORT ScUndoWidthOrHeight::GetComment() const
	// [ "optimale " ] "Spaltenbreite" | "Zeilenhoehe"
	return ( bWidth ?
		( ( eMode == SC_SIZE_OPTIMAL )?
		ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_OPTCOLWIDTH ) :
		ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_COLWIDTH )
		) :
		( ( eMode == SC_SIZE_OPTIMAL )?
		ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_OPTROWHEIGHT ) :
		ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_ROWHEIGHT )
		) );

void __EXPORT ScUndoWidthOrHeight::Undo()

	ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();

	SCCOLROW nPaintStart = nStart > 0 ? nStart-1 : static_cast<SCCOLROW>(0);

	if (eMode==SC_SIZE_OPTIMAL)
        if ( SetViewMarkData( aMarkData ) )
            nPaintStart = 0;		// paint all, because of changed selection

	//!	outlines from all tables?
	if (pUndoTab)											// Outlines mit gespeichert?
		pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nStartTab, pUndoTab );

	SCTAB nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
	SCTAB nTab;
	for (nTab=0; nTab<nTabCount; nTab++)
		if (aMarkData.GetTableSelect(nTab))
			if (bWidth)	// Width
                pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( static_cast<SCCOL>(nStart), 0, nTab,
                        static_cast<SCCOL>(nEnd), MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE,
                        sal_False, pDoc );
				pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
                pDocShell->PostPaint( static_cast<SCCOL>(nPaintStart), 0, nTab,
                        MAXCOL, MAXROW, nTab, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_TOP );
			else		// Height
				pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStart, nTab, MAXCOL, nEnd, nTab, IDF_NONE, sal_False, pDoc );
				pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
				pDocShell->PostPaint( 0, nPaintStart, nTab, MAXCOL, MAXROW, nTab, PAINT_GRID | PAINT_LEFT );

    DoSdrUndoAction( pDrawUndo, pDoc );

	ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
	if (pViewShell)

		SCTAB nCurrentTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
		if ( nCurrentTab < nStartTab || nCurrentTab > nEndTab )
			pViewShell->SetTabNo( nStartTab );


void __EXPORT ScUndoWidthOrHeight::Redo()

	sal_Bool bPaintAll = sal_False;
	if (eMode==SC_SIZE_OPTIMAL)
        if ( SetViewMarkData( aMarkData ) )
            bPaintAll = sal_True;		// paint all, because of changed selection

	ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
	if (pViewShell)
		SCTAB nTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
		if ( nTab < nStartTab || nTab > nEndTab )
			pViewShell->SetTabNo( nStartTab );

	// SetWidthOrHeight aendert aktuelle Tabelle !
    if ( pViewShell )
	    pViewShell->SetWidthOrHeight( bWidth, nRangeCnt, pRanges, eMode, nNewSize, sal_False, sal_True, &aMarkData );

	// paint grid if selection was changed directly at the MarkData
	if (bPaintAll)
		pDocShell->PostPaint( 0, 0, nStartTab, MAXCOL, MAXROW, nEndTab, PAINT_GRID );


void __EXPORT ScUndoWidthOrHeight::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
	if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
		((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->SetMarkedWidthOrHeight( bWidth, eMode, nNewSize, sal_True );

sal_Bool __EXPORT ScUndoWidthOrHeight::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
	return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));