/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html> * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sc.hxx" #include "scitems.hxx" #include <editeng/eeitem.hxx> #include <svx/svdpool.hxx> #include <svx/svdobj.hxx> #include <editeng/editeng.hxx> #include <editeng/editobj.hxx> #include <editeng/flditem.hxx> #include <svx/unomid.hxx> #include <editeng/unoprnms.hxx> #include <editeng/unofored.hxx> #include <rtl/uuid.h> #include <vcl/virdev.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/awt/FontSlant.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyAttribute.hpp> #include <editeng/unoipset.hxx> #include "textuno.hxx" #include "fielduno.hxx" #include "servuno.hxx" #include "editsrc.hxx" #include "docsh.hxx" #include "editutil.hxx" #include "unoguard.hxx" #include "miscuno.hxx" #include "cellsuno.hxx" #include "hints.hxx" #include "patattr.hxx" #include "cell.hxx" #include "docfunc.hxx" #include "scmod.hxx" using namespace com::sun::star; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SvxItemPropertySet * lcl_GetHdFtPropertySet() { static SfxItemPropertyMapEntry aHdFtPropertyMap_Impl[] = { SVX_UNOEDIT_CHAR_PROPERTIES, SVX_UNOEDIT_FONT_PROPERTIES, SVX_UNOEDIT_PARA_PROPERTIES, SVX_UNOEDIT_NUMBERING_PROPERTIE, // for completeness of service ParagraphProperties {0,0,0,0,0,0} }; static sal_Bool bTwipsSet = sal_False; if (!bTwipsSet) { // modify PropertyMap to include CONVERT_TWIPS flag for font height // (headers/footers are in twips) SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry = aHdFtPropertyMap_Impl; while (pEntry->pName) { if ( ( pEntry->nWID == EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT || pEntry->nWID == EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CJK || pEntry->nWID == EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CTL ) && pEntry->nMemberId == MID_FONTHEIGHT ) { pEntry->nMemberId |= CONVERT_TWIPS; } ++pEntry; } bTwipsSet = sal_True; } static SvxItemPropertySet aHdFtPropertySet_Impl( aHdFtPropertyMap_Impl, SdrObject::GetGlobalDrawObjectItemPool() ); return &aHdFtPropertySet_Impl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScHeaderFooterContentObj, "ScHeaderFooterContentObj", "com.sun.star.sheet.HeaderFooterContent" ) SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScHeaderFooterTextObj, "ScHeaderFooterTextObj", "stardiv.one.Text.Text" ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ScHeaderFooterContentObj::ScHeaderFooterContentObj( const EditTextObject* pLeft, const EditTextObject* pCenter, const EditTextObject* pRight ) : pLeftText ( NULL ), pCenterText ( NULL ), pRightText ( NULL ) { if ( pLeft ) pLeftText = pLeft->Clone(); if ( pCenter ) pCenterText = pCenter->Clone(); if ( pRight ) pRightText = pRight->Clone(); } ScHeaderFooterContentObj::~ScHeaderFooterContentObj() { delete pLeftText; delete pCenterText; delete pRightText; } void ScHeaderFooterContentObj::AddListener( SfxListener& rListener ) { rListener.StartListening( aBC ); } void ScHeaderFooterContentObj::RemoveListener( SfxListener& rListener ) { rListener.EndListening( aBC ); } void ScHeaderFooterContentObj::UpdateText( sal_uInt16 nPart, EditEngine& rSource ) { EditTextObject* pNew = rSource.CreateTextObject(); switch (nPart) { case SC_HDFT_LEFT: delete pLeftText; pLeftText = pNew; break; case SC_HDFT_CENTER: delete pCenterText; pCenterText = pNew; break; default: // SC_HDFT_RIGHT delete pRightText; pRightText = pNew; break; } aBC.Broadcast( ScHeaderFooterChangedHint( nPart ) ); } // XHeaderFooterContent uno::Reference<text::XText> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterContentObj::getLeftText() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; return new ScHeaderFooterTextObj( *this, SC_HDFT_LEFT ); } uno::Reference<text::XText> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterContentObj::getCenterText() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; return new ScHeaderFooterTextObj( *this, SC_HDFT_CENTER ); } uno::Reference<text::XText> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterContentObj::getRightText() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; return new ScHeaderFooterTextObj( *this, SC_HDFT_RIGHT ); } // XUnoTunnel sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterContentObj::getSomething( const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8 >& rId ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { if ( rId.getLength() == 16 && 0 == rtl_compareMemory( getUnoTunnelId().getConstArray(), rId.getConstArray(), 16 ) ) { return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int64>(reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>(this)); } return 0; } // static const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>& ScHeaderFooterContentObj::getUnoTunnelId() { static uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> * pSeq = 0; if( !pSeq ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ); if( !pSeq ) { static uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSeq( 16 ); rtl_createUuid( (sal_uInt8*)aSeq.getArray(), 0, sal_True ); pSeq = &aSeq; } } return *pSeq; } // static ScHeaderFooterContentObj* ScHeaderFooterContentObj::getImplementation( const uno::Reference<sheet::XHeaderFooterContent> xObj ) { ScHeaderFooterContentObj* pRet = NULL; uno::Reference<lang::XUnoTunnel> xUT( xObj, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if (xUT.is()) pRet = reinterpret_cast<ScHeaderFooterContentObj*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(xUT->getSomething(getUnoTunnelId()))); return pRet; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ScHeaderFooterTextData::ScHeaderFooterTextData( ScHeaderFooterContentObj& rContent, sal_uInt16 nP ) : rContentObj( rContent ), nPart( nP ), pEditEngine( NULL ), pForwarder( NULL ), bDataValid( sal_False ), bInUpdate( sal_False ) { rContentObj.acquire(); // must not go away rContentObj.AddListener( *this ); } ScHeaderFooterTextData::~ScHeaderFooterTextData() { ScUnoGuard aGuard; // needed for EditEngine dtor rContentObj.RemoveListener( *this ); delete pForwarder; delete pEditEngine; rContentObj.release(); } void ScHeaderFooterTextData::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint ) { if ( rHint.ISA( ScHeaderFooterChangedHint ) ) { if ( ((const ScHeaderFooterChangedHint&)rHint).GetPart() == nPart ) { if (!bInUpdate) // not for own updates bDataValid = sal_False; // text has to be fetched again } } } SvxTextForwarder* ScHeaderFooterTextData::GetTextForwarder() { if (!pEditEngine) { SfxItemPool* pEnginePool = EditEngine::CreatePool(); pEnginePool->FreezeIdRanges(); ScHeaderEditEngine* pHdrEngine = new ScHeaderEditEngine( pEnginePool, sal_True ); pHdrEngine->EnableUndo( sal_False ); pHdrEngine->SetRefMapMode( MAP_TWIP ); // default font must be set, independently of document // -> use global pool from module SfxItemSet aDefaults( pHdrEngine->GetEmptyItemSet() ); const ScPatternAttr& rPattern = (const ScPatternAttr&)SC_MOD()->GetPool().GetDefaultItem(ATTR_PATTERN); rPattern.FillEditItemSet( &aDefaults ); // FillEditItemSet adjusts font height to 1/100th mm, // but for header/footer twips is needed, as in the PatternAttr: aDefaults.Put( rPattern.GetItem(ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT), EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT ); aDefaults.Put( rPattern.GetItem(ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT), EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CJK ); aDefaults.Put( rPattern.GetItem(ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT), EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CTL ); pHdrEngine->SetDefaults( aDefaults ); ScHeaderFieldData aData; ScHeaderFooterTextObj::FillDummyFieldData( aData ); pHdrEngine->SetData( aData ); pEditEngine = pHdrEngine; pForwarder = new SvxEditEngineForwarder(*pEditEngine); } if (bDataValid) return pForwarder; const EditTextObject* pData; if (nPart == SC_HDFT_LEFT) pData = rContentObj.GetLeftEditObject(); else if (nPart == SC_HDFT_CENTER) pData = rContentObj.GetCenterEditObject(); else pData = rContentObj.GetRightEditObject(); if (pData) pEditEngine->SetText(*pData); bDataValid = sal_True; return pForwarder; } void ScHeaderFooterTextData::UpdateData() { if ( pEditEngine ) { bInUpdate = sal_True; // don't reset bDataValid during UpdateText rContentObj.UpdateText( nPart, *pEditEngine ); bInUpdate = sal_False; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ScHeaderFooterTextObj::ScHeaderFooterTextObj( ScHeaderFooterContentObj& rContent, sal_uInt16 nP ) : aTextData( rContent, nP ), pUnoText( NULL ) { // ScHeaderFooterTextData acquires rContent // pUnoText is created on demand (getString/setString work without it) } void ScHeaderFooterTextObj::CreateUnoText_Impl() { if ( !pUnoText ) { // can't be aggregated because getString/setString is handled here ScSharedHeaderFooterEditSource aEditSource( &aTextData ); pUnoText = new SvxUnoText( &aEditSource, lcl_GetHdFtPropertySet(), uno::Reference<text::XText>() ); pUnoText->acquire(); } } ScHeaderFooterTextObj::~ScHeaderFooterTextObj() { if (pUnoText) pUnoText->release(); } const SvxUnoText& ScHeaderFooterTextObj::GetUnoText() { if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); return *pUnoText; } // XText uno::Reference<text::XTextCursor> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::createTextCursor() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; return new ScHeaderFooterTextCursor( *this ); } uno::Reference<text::XTextCursor> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::createTextCursorByRange( const uno::Reference<text::XTextRange>& aTextPosition ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); return pUnoText->createTextCursorByRange(aTextPosition); //! wie ScCellObj::createTextCursorByRange, wenn SvxUnoTextRange_getReflection verfuegbar } void ScHeaderFooterTextObj::FillDummyFieldData( ScHeaderFieldData& rData ) // static { String aDummy(String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "???" ))); rData.aTitle = aDummy; rData.aLongDocName = aDummy; rData.aShortDocName = aDummy; rData.aTabName = aDummy; rData.nPageNo = 1; rData.nTotalPages = 99; } rtl::OUString SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::getString() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; rtl::OUString aRet; const EditTextObject* pData; sal_uInt16 nPart = aTextData.GetPart(); ScHeaderFooterContentObj& rContentObj = aTextData.GetContentObj(); if (nPart == SC_HDFT_LEFT) pData = rContentObj.GetLeftEditObject(); else if (nPart == SC_HDFT_CENTER) pData = rContentObj.GetCenterEditObject(); else pData = rContentObj.GetRightEditObject(); if (pData) { // for pure text, no font info is needed in pool defaults ScHeaderEditEngine aEditEngine( EditEngine::CreatePool(), sal_True ); ScHeaderFieldData aData; FillDummyFieldData( aData ); aEditEngine.SetData( aData ); aEditEngine.SetText(*pData); aRet = ScEditUtil::GetSpaceDelimitedString( aEditEngine ); } return aRet; } void SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::setString( const rtl::OUString& aText ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; String aString(aText); // for pure text, no font info is needed in pool defaults ScHeaderEditEngine aEditEngine( EditEngine::CreatePool(), sal_True ); aEditEngine.SetText( aString ); aTextData.GetContentObj().UpdateText( aTextData.GetPart(), aEditEngine ); } void SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::insertString( const uno::Reference<text::XTextRange>& xRange, const rtl::OUString& aString, sal_Bool bAbsorb ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); pUnoText->insertString( xRange, aString, bAbsorb ); } void SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::insertControlCharacter( const uno::Reference<text::XTextRange>& xRange, sal_Int16 nControlCharacter, sal_Bool bAbsorb ) throw(lang::IllegalArgumentException, uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); pUnoText->insertControlCharacter( xRange, nControlCharacter, bAbsorb ); } void SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::insertTextContent( const uno::Reference<text::XTextRange >& xRange, const uno::Reference<text::XTextContent >& xContent, sal_Bool bAbsorb ) throw(lang::IllegalArgumentException, uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if ( xContent.is() && xRange.is() ) { ScHeaderFieldObj* pHeaderField = ScHeaderFieldObj::getImplementation( xContent ); SvxUnoTextRangeBase* pTextRange = ScHeaderFooterTextCursor::getImplementation( xRange ); #if 0 if (!pTextRange) pTextRange = (SvxUnoTextRange*)xRange->getImplementation( SvxUnoTextRange_getReflection() ); //! bei SvxUnoTextRange testen, ob in passendem Objekt !!! #endif if ( pHeaderField && !pHeaderField->IsInserted() && pTextRange ) { SvxEditSource* pEditSource = pTextRange->GetEditSource(); ESelection aSelection(pTextRange->GetSelection()); if (!bAbsorb) { // don't replace -> append at end aSelection.Adjust(); aSelection.nStartPara = aSelection.nEndPara; aSelection.nStartPos = aSelection.nEndPos; } SvxFieldItem aItem(pHeaderField->CreateFieldItem()); SvxTextForwarder* pForwarder = pEditSource->GetTextForwarder(); pForwarder->QuickInsertField( aItem, aSelection ); pEditSource->UpdateData(); // neue Selektion: ein Zeichen aSelection.Adjust(); aSelection.nEndPara = aSelection.nStartPara; aSelection.nEndPos = aSelection.nStartPos + 1; pHeaderField->InitDoc( &aTextData.GetContentObj(), aTextData.GetPart(), aSelection ); // #91431# for bAbsorb=sal_False, the new selection must be behind the inserted content // (the xml filter relies on this) if (!bAbsorb) aSelection.nStartPos = aSelection.nEndPos; pTextRange->SetSelection( aSelection ); return; } } if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); pUnoText->insertTextContent( xRange, xContent, bAbsorb ); } void SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::removeTextContent( const uno::Reference<text::XTextContent>& xContent ) throw(container::NoSuchElementException, uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if ( xContent.is() ) { ScHeaderFieldObj* pHeaderField = ScHeaderFieldObj::getImplementation( xContent ); if ( pHeaderField && pHeaderField->IsInserted() ) { //! Testen, ob das Feld in dieser Zelle ist pHeaderField->DeleteField(); return; } } if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); pUnoText->removeTextContent( xContent ); } uno::Reference<text::XText> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::getText() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); return pUnoText->getText(); } uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::getStart() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); return pUnoText->getStart(); } uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::getEnd() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); return pUnoText->getEnd(); } // XTextFieldsSupplier uno::Reference<container::XEnumerationAccess> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::getTextFields() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; // all fields return new ScHeaderFieldsObj( &aTextData.GetContentObj(), aTextData.GetPart(), SC_SERVICE_INVALID ); } uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::getTextFieldMasters() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { // sowas gibts nicht im Calc (?) return NULL; } // XTextRangeMover void SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::moveTextRange( const uno::Reference<text::XTextRange>& xRange, sal_Int16 nParagraphs ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); pUnoText->moveTextRange( xRange, nParagraphs ); } // XEnumerationAccess uno::Reference<container::XEnumeration> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::createEnumeration() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); return pUnoText->createEnumeration(); } // XElementAccess uno::Type SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::getElementType() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); return pUnoText->getElementType(); } sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextObj::hasElements() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; if (!pUnoText) CreateUnoText_Impl(); return pUnoText->hasElements(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ScCellTextCursor::ScCellTextCursor(const ScCellTextCursor& rOther) : SvxUnoTextCursor( rOther ), rTextObj( rOther.rTextObj ) { rTextObj.acquire(); } ScCellTextCursor::ScCellTextCursor(ScCellObj& rText) : SvxUnoTextCursor( rText.GetUnoText() ), rTextObj( rText ) { rTextObj.acquire(); } ScCellTextCursor::~ScCellTextCursor() throw() { rTextObj.release(); } // SvxUnoTextCursor methods reimplemented here to return the right objects: uno::Reference<text::XText> SAL_CALL ScCellTextCursor::getText() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; return &rTextObj; } uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> SAL_CALL ScCellTextCursor::getStart() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; //! use other object for range than cursor? ScCellTextCursor* pNew = new ScCellTextCursor( *this ); uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> xRange( static_cast<SvxUnoTextRangeBase*>(pNew) ); ESelection aNewSel(GetSelection()); aNewSel.nEndPara = aNewSel.nStartPara; aNewSel.nEndPos = aNewSel.nStartPos; pNew->SetSelection( aNewSel ); return xRange; } uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> SAL_CALL ScCellTextCursor::getEnd() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; //! use other object for range than cursor? ScCellTextCursor* pNew = new ScCellTextCursor( *this ); uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> xRange( static_cast<SvxUnoTextRangeBase*>(pNew) ); ESelection aNewSel(GetSelection()); aNewSel.nStartPara = aNewSel.nEndPara; aNewSel.nStartPos = aNewSel.nEndPos; pNew->SetSelection( aNewSel ); return xRange; } // XUnoTunnel sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScCellTextCursor::getSomething( const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8 >& rId ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { if ( rId.getLength() == 16 && 0 == rtl_compareMemory( getUnoTunnelId().getConstArray(), rId.getConstArray(), 16 ) ) { return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int64>(reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>(this)); } return SvxUnoTextCursor::getSomething( rId ); } // static const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>& ScCellTextCursor::getUnoTunnelId() { static uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> * pSeq = 0; if( !pSeq ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ); if( !pSeq ) { static uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSeq( 16 ); rtl_createUuid( (sal_uInt8*)aSeq.getArray(), 0, sal_True ); pSeq = &aSeq; } } return *pSeq; } // static ScCellTextCursor* ScCellTextCursor::getImplementation( const uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xObj ) { ScCellTextCursor* pRet = NULL; uno::Reference<lang::XUnoTunnel> xUT( xObj, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if (xUT.is()) pRet = reinterpret_cast<ScCellTextCursor*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(xUT->getSomething(getUnoTunnelId()))); return pRet; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ScHeaderFooterTextCursor::ScHeaderFooterTextCursor(const ScHeaderFooterTextCursor& rOther) : SvxUnoTextCursor( rOther ), rTextObj( rOther.rTextObj ) { rTextObj.acquire(); } ScHeaderFooterTextCursor::ScHeaderFooterTextCursor(ScHeaderFooterTextObj& rText) : SvxUnoTextCursor( rText.GetUnoText() ), rTextObj( rText ) { rTextObj.acquire(); } ScHeaderFooterTextCursor::~ScHeaderFooterTextCursor() throw() { rTextObj.release(); } // SvxUnoTextCursor methods reimplemented here to return the right objects: uno::Reference<text::XText> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextCursor::getText() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; return &rTextObj; } uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextCursor::getStart() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; //! use other object for range than cursor? ScHeaderFooterTextCursor* pNew = new ScHeaderFooterTextCursor( *this ); uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> xRange( static_cast<SvxUnoTextRangeBase*>(pNew) ); ESelection aNewSel(GetSelection()); aNewSel.nEndPara = aNewSel.nStartPara; aNewSel.nEndPos = aNewSel.nStartPos; pNew->SetSelection( aNewSel ); return xRange; } uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextCursor::getEnd() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; //! use other object for range than cursor? ScHeaderFooterTextCursor* pNew = new ScHeaderFooterTextCursor( *this ); uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> xRange( static_cast<SvxUnoTextRangeBase*>(pNew) ); ESelection aNewSel(GetSelection()); aNewSel.nStartPara = aNewSel.nEndPara; aNewSel.nStartPos = aNewSel.nEndPos; pNew->SetSelection( aNewSel ); return xRange; } // XUnoTunnel sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScHeaderFooterTextCursor::getSomething( const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8 >& rId ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { if ( rId.getLength() == 16 && 0 == rtl_compareMemory( getUnoTunnelId().getConstArray(), rId.getConstArray(), 16 ) ) { return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int64>(reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>(this)); } return SvxUnoTextCursor::getSomething( rId ); } // static const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>& ScHeaderFooterTextCursor::getUnoTunnelId() { static uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> * pSeq = 0; if( !pSeq ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ); if( !pSeq ) { static uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSeq( 16 ); rtl_createUuid( (sal_uInt8*)aSeq.getArray(), 0, sal_True ); pSeq = &aSeq; } } return *pSeq; } // static ScHeaderFooterTextCursor* ScHeaderFooterTextCursor::getImplementation( const uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xObj ) { ScHeaderFooterTextCursor* pRet = NULL; uno::Reference<lang::XUnoTunnel> xUT( xObj, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if (xUT.is()) pRet = reinterpret_cast<ScHeaderFooterTextCursor*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(xUT->getSomething(getUnoTunnelId()))); return pRet; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ScDrawTextCursor::ScDrawTextCursor(const ScDrawTextCursor& rOther) : SvxUnoTextCursor( rOther ), xParentText( rOther.xParentText ) { } ScDrawTextCursor::ScDrawTextCursor( const uno::Reference<text::XText>& xParent, const SvxUnoTextBase& rText ) : SvxUnoTextCursor( rText ), xParentText( xParent ) { } ScDrawTextCursor::~ScDrawTextCursor() throw() { } // SvxUnoTextCursor methods reimplemented here to return the right objects: uno::Reference<text::XText> SAL_CALL ScDrawTextCursor::getText() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; return xParentText; } uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> SAL_CALL ScDrawTextCursor::getStart() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; //! use other object for range than cursor? ScDrawTextCursor* pNew = new ScDrawTextCursor( *this ); uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> xRange( static_cast<SvxUnoTextRangeBase*>(pNew) ); ESelection aNewSel(GetSelection()); aNewSel.nEndPara = aNewSel.nStartPara; aNewSel.nEndPos = aNewSel.nStartPos; pNew->SetSelection( aNewSel ); return xRange; } uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> SAL_CALL ScDrawTextCursor::getEnd() throw(uno::RuntimeException) { ScUnoGuard aGuard; //! use other object for range than cursor? ScDrawTextCursor* pNew = new ScDrawTextCursor( *this ); uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> xRange( static_cast<SvxUnoTextRangeBase*>(pNew) ); ESelection aNewSel(GetSelection()); aNewSel.nStartPara = aNewSel.nEndPara; aNewSel.nStartPos = aNewSel.nEndPos; pNew->SetSelection( aNewSel ); return xRange; } // XUnoTunnel sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScDrawTextCursor::getSomething( const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8 >& rId ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { if ( rId.getLength() == 16 && 0 == rtl_compareMemory( getUnoTunnelId().getConstArray(), rId.getConstArray(), 16 ) ) { return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int64>(reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>(this)); } return SvxUnoTextCursor::getSomething( rId ); } // static const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>& ScDrawTextCursor::getUnoTunnelId() { static uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> * pSeq = 0; if( !pSeq ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() ); if( !pSeq ) { static uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSeq( 16 ); rtl_createUuid( (sal_uInt8*)aSeq.getArray(), 0, sal_True ); pSeq = &aSeq; } } return *pSeq; } // static ScDrawTextCursor* ScDrawTextCursor::getImplementation( const uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xObj ) { ScDrawTextCursor* pRet = NULL; uno::Reference<lang::XUnoTunnel> xUT( xObj, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if (xUT.is()) pRet = reinterpret_cast<ScDrawTextCursor*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(xUT->getSomething(getUnoTunnelId()))); return pRet; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ScSimpleEditSourceHelper::ScSimpleEditSourceHelper() { SfxItemPool* pEnginePool = EditEngine::CreatePool(); pEnginePool->SetDefaultMetric( SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM ); pEnginePool->FreezeIdRanges(); pEditEngine = new ScFieldEditEngine( pEnginePool, NULL, sal_True ); // TRUE: become owner of pool pForwarder = new SvxEditEngineForwarder( *pEditEngine ); pOriginalSource = new ScSimpleEditSource( pForwarder ); } ScSimpleEditSourceHelper::~ScSimpleEditSourceHelper() { ScUnoGuard aGuard; // needed for EditEngine dtor delete pOriginalSource; delete pForwarder; delete pEditEngine; } ScEditEngineTextObj::ScEditEngineTextObj() : SvxUnoText( GetOriginalSource(), ScCellObj::GetEditPropertySet(), uno::Reference<text::XText>() ) { } ScEditEngineTextObj::~ScEditEngineTextObj() throw() { } void ScEditEngineTextObj::SetText( const EditTextObject& rTextObject ) { GetEditEngine()->SetText( rTextObject ); ESelection aSel; ::GetSelection( aSel, GetEditSource()->GetTextForwarder() ); SetSelection( aSel ); } EditTextObject* ScEditEngineTextObj::CreateTextObject() { return GetEditEngine()->CreateTextObject(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ScCellTextData::ScCellTextData(ScDocShell* pDocSh, const ScAddress& rP) : pDocShell( pDocSh ), aCellPos( rP ), pEditEngine( NULL ), pForwarder( NULL ), pOriginalSource( NULL ), bDataValid( sal_False ), bInUpdate( sal_False ), bDirty( sal_False ), bDoUpdate( sal_True ) { if (pDocShell) pDocShell->GetDocument()->AddUnoObject(*this); } ScCellTextData::~ScCellTextData() { ScUnoGuard aGuard; // needed for EditEngine dtor if (pDocShell) { pDocShell->GetDocument()->RemoveUnoObject(*this); pDocShell->GetDocument()->DisposeFieldEditEngine(pEditEngine); } else delete pEditEngine; delete pForwarder; delete pOriginalSource; } ScSharedCellEditSource* ScCellTextData::GetOriginalSource() { if (!pOriginalSource) pOriginalSource = new ScSharedCellEditSource( this ); return pOriginalSource; } void ScCellTextData::GetCellText(const ScAddress& rCellPos, String& rText) { if (pDocShell) { ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument(); pDoc->GetInputString( rCellPos.Col(), rCellPos.Row(), rCellPos.Tab(), rText ); } } SvxTextForwarder* ScCellTextData::GetTextForwarder() { if (!pEditEngine) { if ( pDocShell ) { ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument(); pEditEngine = pDoc->CreateFieldEditEngine(); } else { SfxItemPool* pEnginePool = EditEngine::CreatePool(); pEnginePool->FreezeIdRanges(); pEditEngine = new ScFieldEditEngine( pEnginePool, NULL, sal_True ); } // currently, GetPortions doesn't work if UpdateMode is sal_False, // this will be fixed (in EditEngine) by src600 // pEditEngine->SetUpdateMode( sal_False ); pEditEngine->EnableUndo( sal_False ); if (pDocShell) pEditEngine->SetRefDevice(pDocShell->GetRefDevice()); else pEditEngine->SetRefMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ); pForwarder = new SvxEditEngineForwarder(*pEditEngine); } if (bDataValid) return pForwarder; String aText; if (pDocShell) { ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument(); SfxItemSet aDefaults( pEditEngine->GetEmptyItemSet() ); if( const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = pDoc->GetPattern( aCellPos.Col(), aCellPos.Row(), aCellPos.Tab() ) ) { pPattern->FillEditItemSet( &aDefaults ); pPattern->FillEditParaItems( &aDefaults ); // including alignment etc. (for reading) } const ScBaseCell* pCell = pDoc->GetCell( aCellPos ); if ( pCell && pCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_EDIT ) pEditEngine->SetTextNewDefaults( *((const ScEditCell*)pCell)->GetData(), aDefaults ); else { GetCellText( aCellPos, aText ); if (aText.Len()) pEditEngine->SetTextNewDefaults( aText, aDefaults ); else pEditEngine->SetDefaults(aDefaults); } } bDataValid = sal_True; return pForwarder; } void ScCellTextData::UpdateData() { if ( bDoUpdate ) { DBG_ASSERT(pEditEngine != NULL, "no EditEngine for UpdateData()"); if ( pDocShell && pEditEngine ) { // during the own UpdateData call, bDataValid must not be reset, // or things like attributes after the text would be lost // (are not stored in the cell) bInUpdate = sal_True; // prevents bDataValid from being reset ScDocFunc aFunc(*pDocShell); aFunc.PutData( aCellPos, *pEditEngine, sal_False, sal_True ); // always as text bInUpdate = sal_False; bDirty = sal_False; } } else bDirty = sal_True; } void ScCellTextData::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint ) { if ( rHint.ISA( ScUpdateRefHint ) ) { // const ScUpdateRefHint& rRef = (const ScUpdateRefHint&)rHint; //! Ref-Update } else if ( rHint.ISA( SfxSimpleHint ) ) { sal_uLong nId = ((const SfxSimpleHint&)rHint).GetId(); if ( nId == SFX_HINT_DYING ) { pDocShell = NULL; // invalid now DELETEZ( pForwarder ); DELETEZ( pEditEngine ); // EditEngine uses document's pool } else if ( nId == SFX_HINT_DATACHANGED ) { if (!bInUpdate) // not for own UpdateData calls bDataValid = sal_False; // text has to be read from the cell again } } } ScCellTextObj::ScCellTextObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh, const ScAddress& rP) : ScCellTextData( pDocSh, rP ), SvxUnoText( GetOriginalSource(), ScCellObj::GetEditPropertySet(), uno::Reference<text::XText>() ) { } ScCellTextObj::~ScCellTextObj() throw() { }