/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sd.hxx" #include "SlsBitmapCache.hxx" #include "SlsCacheCompactor.hxx" #include "SlsBitmapCompressor.hxx" #include "SlsCacheConfiguration.hxx" #include "sdpage.hxx" #include "drawdoc.hxx" // Uncomment the following define for some more OSL_TRACE messages. #ifdef DEBUG //#define VERBOSE #endif // Define the default value for the maximal cache size that is used for // previews that are currently not visible. The visible previews are all // held in memory at all times. This default is used only when the // configuration does not have a value. static const sal_Int32 MAXIMAL_CACHE_SIZE = 4L*1024L*1024L; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; namespace sd { namespace slidesorter { namespace cache { class BitmapCache::CacheEntry { public: CacheEntry(const Bitmap& rBitmap, sal_Int32 nLastAccessTime, bool bIsPrecious); CacheEntry(sal_Int32 nLastAccessTime, bool bIsPrecious); ~CacheEntry (void) {}; inline void Recycle (const CacheEntry& rEntry); inline sal_Int32 GetMemorySize (void) const; void Compress (const ::boost::shared_ptr& rpCompressor); inline void Decompress (void); bool IsUpToDate (void) const { return mbIsUpToDate; } void SetUpToDate (bool bIsUpToDate) { mbIsUpToDate = bIsUpToDate; } sal_Int32 GetAccessTime (void) const { return mnLastAccessTime; } void SetAccessTime (sal_Int32 nAccessTime) { mnLastAccessTime = nAccessTime; } Bitmap GetPreview (void) const { return maPreview; } inline void SetPreview (const Bitmap& rPreview); bool HasPreview (void) const; Bitmap GetMarkedPreview (void) const { return maMarkedPreview; } inline void SetMarkedPreview (const Bitmap& rMarkePreview); bool HasMarkedPreview (void) const; bool HasReplacement (void) const { return (mpReplacement.get() != NULL); } inline bool HasLosslessReplacement (void) const; void Clear (void) { maPreview.SetEmpty(); maMarkedPreview.SetEmpty(); mpReplacement.reset(); mpCompressor.reset(); } void Invalidate (void) { mpReplacement.reset(); mpCompressor.reset(); mbIsUpToDate = false; } bool IsPrecious (void) const { return mbIsPrecious; } void SetPrecious (bool bIsPrecious) { mbIsPrecious = bIsPrecious; } private: Bitmap maPreview; Bitmap maMarkedPreview; ::boost::shared_ptr mpReplacement; ::boost::shared_ptr mpCompressor; Size maBitmapSize; bool mbIsUpToDate; sal_Int32 mnLastAccessTime; // When this flag is set then the bitmap is not modified by a cache // compactor. bool mbIsPrecious; }; class CacheEntry; class CacheHash { public: size_t operator()(const BitmapCache::CacheKey& p) const { return (size_t)p; } }; class BitmapCache::CacheBitmapContainer : public ::std::hash_map { public: CacheBitmapContainer (void) {} }; namespace { typedef ::std::vector< ::std::pair< ::sd::slidesorter::cache::BitmapCache::CacheKey, ::sd::slidesorter::cache::BitmapCache::CacheEntry> > SortableBitmapContainer; /** Compare elements of the bitmap cache according to their last access time. */ class AccessTimeComparator { public: bool operator () ( const SortableBitmapContainer::value_type& e1, const SortableBitmapContainer::value_type& e2) { return e1.second.GetAccessTime() < e2.second.GetAccessTime(); } }; } // end of anonymous namespace //===== BitmapCache ========================================================= BitmapCache::BitmapCache (const sal_Int32 nMaximalNormalCacheSize) : maMutex(), mpBitmapContainer(new CacheBitmapContainer()), mnNormalCacheSize(0), mnPreciousCacheSize(0), mnCurrentAccessTime(0), mnMaximalNormalCacheSize(MAXIMAL_CACHE_SIZE), mpCacheCompactor(), mbIsFull(false) { if (nMaximalNormalCacheSize > 0) mnMaximalNormalCacheSize = nMaximalNormalCacheSize; else { Any aCacheSize (CacheConfiguration::Instance()->GetValue( ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("CacheSize")))); if (aCacheSize.has()) aCacheSize >>= mnMaximalNormalCacheSize; } mpCacheCompactor = CacheCompactor::Create(*this,mnMaximalNormalCacheSize); } BitmapCache::~BitmapCache (void) { Clear(); } void BitmapCache::Clear (void) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); mpBitmapContainer->clear(); mnNormalCacheSize = 0; mnPreciousCacheSize = 0; mnCurrentAccessTime = 0; } bool BitmapCache::IsFull (void) const { return mbIsFull; } sal_Int32 BitmapCache::GetSize (void) { return mnNormalCacheSize; } bool BitmapCache::HasBitmap (const CacheKey& rKey) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); CacheBitmapContainer::iterator iEntry (mpBitmapContainer->find(rKey)); return (iEntry != mpBitmapContainer->end() && (iEntry->second.HasPreview() || iEntry->second.HasReplacement())); } bool BitmapCache::BitmapIsUpToDate (const CacheKey& rKey) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); bool bIsUpToDate = false; CacheBitmapContainer::iterator aIterator (mpBitmapContainer->find(rKey)); if (aIterator != mpBitmapContainer->end()) bIsUpToDate = aIterator->second.IsUpToDate(); return bIsUpToDate; } Bitmap BitmapCache::GetBitmap (const CacheKey& rKey) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); CacheBitmapContainer::iterator iEntry (mpBitmapContainer->find(rKey)); if (iEntry == mpBitmapContainer->end()) { // Create an empty bitmap for the given key that acts as placeholder // until we are given the real one. Mark it as not being up to date. SetBitmap(rKey, Bitmap(), false); iEntry = mpBitmapContainer->find(rKey); iEntry->second.SetUpToDate(false); } else { iEntry->second.SetAccessTime(mnCurrentAccessTime++); // Maybe we have to decompress the preview. if ( ! iEntry->second.HasPreview() && iEntry->second.HasReplacement()) { UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, REMOVE); iEntry->second.Decompress(); UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, ADD); } } return iEntry->second.GetPreview(); } Bitmap BitmapCache::GetMarkedBitmap (const CacheKey& rKey) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); CacheBitmapContainer::iterator iEntry (mpBitmapContainer->find(rKey)); if (iEntry != mpBitmapContainer->end()) { iEntry->second.SetAccessTime(mnCurrentAccessTime++); return iEntry->second.GetMarkedPreview(); } else return Bitmap(); } void BitmapCache::ReleaseBitmap (const CacheKey& rKey) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); CacheBitmapContainer::iterator aIterator (mpBitmapContainer->find(rKey)); if (aIterator != mpBitmapContainer->end()) { UpdateCacheSize(aIterator->second, REMOVE); mpBitmapContainer->erase(aIterator); } } bool BitmapCache::InvalidateBitmap (const CacheKey& rKey) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); CacheBitmapContainer::iterator iEntry (mpBitmapContainer->find(rKey)); if (iEntry != mpBitmapContainer->end()) { iEntry->second.SetUpToDate(false); // When there is a preview then we release the replacement. The // preview itself is kept until a new one is created. if (iEntry->second.HasPreview()) { UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, REMOVE); iEntry->second.Invalidate(); UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, ADD); } return true; } else return false; } void BitmapCache::InvalidateCache (void) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); CacheBitmapContainer::iterator iEntry; for (iEntry=mpBitmapContainer->begin(); iEntry!=mpBitmapContainer->end(); ++iEntry) { iEntry->second.Invalidate(); } ReCalculateTotalCacheSize(); } void BitmapCache::SetBitmap ( const CacheKey& rKey, const Bitmap& rPreview, bool bIsPrecious) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); CacheBitmapContainer::iterator iEntry (mpBitmapContainer->find(rKey)); if (iEntry != mpBitmapContainer->end()) { UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, REMOVE); iEntry->second.SetPreview(rPreview); iEntry->second.SetUpToDate(true); iEntry->second.SetAccessTime(mnCurrentAccessTime++); } else { iEntry = mpBitmapContainer->insert(CacheBitmapContainer::value_type ( rKey, CacheEntry(rPreview, mnCurrentAccessTime++, bIsPrecious)) ).first; } if (iEntry != mpBitmapContainer->end()) UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, ADD); } void BitmapCache::SetMarkedBitmap ( const CacheKey& rKey, const Bitmap& rPreview) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); CacheBitmapContainer::iterator iEntry (mpBitmapContainer->find(rKey)); if (iEntry != mpBitmapContainer->end()) { UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, REMOVE); iEntry->second.SetMarkedPreview(rPreview); iEntry->second.SetAccessTime(mnCurrentAccessTime++); UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, ADD); } } void BitmapCache::SetPrecious (const CacheKey& rKey, bool bIsPrecious) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); CacheBitmapContainer::iterator iEntry (mpBitmapContainer->find(rKey)); if (iEntry != mpBitmapContainer->end()) { if (iEntry->second.IsPrecious() != bIsPrecious) { UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, REMOVE); iEntry->second.SetPrecious(bIsPrecious); UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, ADD); } } else if (bIsPrecious) { iEntry = mpBitmapContainer->insert(CacheBitmapContainer::value_type ( rKey, CacheEntry(Bitmap(), mnCurrentAccessTime++, bIsPrecious)) ).first; UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, ADD); } } void BitmapCache::ReCalculateTotalCacheSize (void) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); mnNormalCacheSize = 0; mnPreciousCacheSize = 0; CacheBitmapContainer::iterator iEntry; for (iEntry=mpBitmapContainer->begin(); iEntry!=mpBitmapContainer->end(); ++iEntry) { if (iEntry->second.IsPrecious()) mnPreciousCacheSize += iEntry->second.GetMemorySize(); else mnNormalCacheSize += iEntry->second.GetMemorySize(); } mbIsFull = (mnNormalCacheSize >= mnMaximalNormalCacheSize); #ifdef VERBOSE OSL_TRACE("cache size is %d/%d", mnNormalCacheSize, mnPreciousCacheSize); #endif } void BitmapCache::Recycle (const BitmapCache& rCache) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); CacheBitmapContainer::const_iterator iOtherEntry; for (iOtherEntry=rCache.mpBitmapContainer->begin(); iOtherEntry!=rCache.mpBitmapContainer->end(); ++iOtherEntry) { CacheBitmapContainer::iterator iEntry (mpBitmapContainer->find(iOtherEntry->first)); if (iEntry == mpBitmapContainer->end()) { iEntry = mpBitmapContainer->insert(CacheBitmapContainer::value_type ( iOtherEntry->first, CacheEntry(mnCurrentAccessTime++, true)) ).first; UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, ADD); } if (iEntry != mpBitmapContainer->end()) { UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, REMOVE); iEntry->second.Recycle(iOtherEntry->second); UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, ADD); } } } ::std::auto_ptr BitmapCache::GetCacheIndex ( bool bIncludePrecious, bool bIncludeNoPreview) const { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); // Create a copy of the bitmap container. SortableBitmapContainer aSortedContainer; aSortedContainer.reserve(mpBitmapContainer->size()); // Copy the relevant entries. CacheBitmapContainer::iterator iEntry; for (iEntry=mpBitmapContainer->begin(); iEntry!=mpBitmapContainer->end(); ++iEntry) { if ( ! bIncludePrecious && iEntry->second.IsPrecious()) continue; if ( ! bIncludeNoPreview && ! iEntry->second.HasPreview()) continue; aSortedContainer.push_back(SortableBitmapContainer::value_type( iEntry->first,iEntry->second)); } // Sort the remaining entries. ::std::sort(aSortedContainer.begin(), aSortedContainer.end(), AccessTimeComparator()); // Return a list with the keys of the sorted entries. ::std::auto_ptr pIndex(new CacheIndex()); SortableBitmapContainer::iterator iIndexEntry; pIndex->reserve(aSortedContainer.size()); for (iIndexEntry=aSortedContainer.begin(); iIndexEntry!=aSortedContainer.end(); ++iIndexEntry) pIndex->push_back(iIndexEntry->first); return pIndex; } void BitmapCache::Compress ( const CacheKey& rKey, const ::boost::shared_ptr& rpCompressor) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (maMutex); CacheBitmapContainer::iterator iEntry (mpBitmapContainer->find(rKey)); if (iEntry != mpBitmapContainer->end() && iEntry->second.HasPreview()) { UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, REMOVE); iEntry->second.Compress(rpCompressor); UpdateCacheSize(iEntry->second, ADD); } } void BitmapCache::UpdateCacheSize (const CacheEntry& rEntry, CacheOperation eOperation) { sal_Int32 nEntrySize (rEntry.GetMemorySize()); sal_Int32& rCacheSize (rEntry.IsPrecious() ? mnPreciousCacheSize : mnNormalCacheSize); switch (eOperation) { case ADD: rCacheSize += nEntrySize; if ( ! rEntry.IsPrecious() && mnNormalCacheSize>mnMaximalNormalCacheSize) { mbIsFull = true; #ifdef VERBOSE OSL_TRACE("cache size is %d > %d", mnNormalCacheSize,mnMaximalNormalCacheSize); #endif mpCacheCompactor->RequestCompaction(); } break; case REMOVE: rCacheSize -= nEntrySize; if (mnNormalCacheSize < mnMaximalNormalCacheSize) mbIsFull = false; break; default: OSL_ASSERT(false); break; } } //===== CacheEntry ============================================================ BitmapCache::CacheEntry::CacheEntry( sal_Int32 nLastAccessTime, bool bIsPrecious) : maPreview(), maMarkedPreview(), mbIsUpToDate(true), mnLastAccessTime(nLastAccessTime), mbIsPrecious(bIsPrecious) { } BitmapCache::CacheEntry::CacheEntry( const Bitmap& rPreview, sal_Int32 nLastAccessTime, bool bIsPrecious) : maPreview(rPreview), maMarkedPreview(), mbIsUpToDate(true), mnLastAccessTime(nLastAccessTime), mbIsPrecious(bIsPrecious) { } inline void BitmapCache::CacheEntry::Recycle (const CacheEntry& rEntry) { if ((rEntry.HasPreview() || rEntry.HasLosslessReplacement()) && ! (HasPreview() || HasLosslessReplacement())) { maPreview = rEntry.maPreview; maMarkedPreview = rEntry.maMarkedPreview; mpReplacement = rEntry.mpReplacement; mpCompressor = rEntry.mpCompressor; mnLastAccessTime = rEntry.mnLastAccessTime; mbIsUpToDate = rEntry.mbIsUpToDate; } } inline sal_Int32 BitmapCache::CacheEntry::GetMemorySize (void) const { sal_Int32 nSize (0); nSize += maPreview.GetSizeBytes(); nSize += maMarkedPreview.GetSizeBytes(); if (mpReplacement.get() != NULL) nSize += mpReplacement->GetMemorySize(); return nSize; } void BitmapCache::CacheEntry::Compress (const ::boost::shared_ptr& rpCompressor) { if ( ! maPreview.IsEmpty()) { if (mpReplacement.get() == NULL) { mpReplacement = rpCompressor->Compress(maPreview); #ifdef VERBOSE sal_uInt32 nOldSize (maPreview.GetSizeBytes()); sal_uInt32 nNewSize (mpReplacement.get()!=NULL ? mpReplacement->GetMemorySize() : 0); if (nOldSize == 0) nOldSize = 1; sal_Int32 nRatio (100L * nNewSize / nOldSize); OSL_TRACE("compressing bitmap for %x from %d to %d bytes (%d%%)", this, nOldSize, nNewSize, nRatio); #endif mpCompressor = rpCompressor; } maPreview.SetEmpty(); maMarkedPreview.SetEmpty(); } } inline void BitmapCache::CacheEntry::Decompress (void) { if (mpReplacement.get()!=NULL && mpCompressor.get()!=NULL && maPreview.IsEmpty()) { maPreview = mpCompressor->Decompress(*mpReplacement); maMarkedPreview.SetEmpty(); if ( ! mpCompressor->IsLossless()) mbIsUpToDate = false; } } inline void BitmapCache::CacheEntry::SetPreview (const Bitmap& rPreview) { maPreview = rPreview; maMarkedPreview.SetEmpty(); mpReplacement.reset(); mpCompressor.reset(); } bool BitmapCache::CacheEntry::HasPreview (void) const { return ! maPreview.IsEmpty(); } inline void BitmapCache::CacheEntry::SetMarkedPreview (const Bitmap& rMarkedPreview) { maMarkedPreview = rMarkedPreview; } bool BitmapCache::CacheEntry::HasMarkedPreview (void) const { return ! maMarkedPreview.IsEmpty(); } inline bool BitmapCache::CacheEntry::HasLosslessReplacement (void) const { return mpReplacement.get()!=NULL && mpCompressor.get()!=NULL && mpCompressor->IsLossless(); } } } } // end of namespace ::sd::slidesorter::cache