 * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
 * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
 * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
 * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sdext.hxx"

#include "optimizerdialog.hxx"
#include "fileopendialog.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/ExecutableDialogResults.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XSimpleFileAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/io/XInputStream.hpp>
#ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UTIL_XCloseBroadcaster_HPP_
#include <com/sun/star/util/XCloseBroadcaster.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XComponentLoader.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XLayoutManager.hpp>
#include <osl/time.h>

// -------------------
// -------------------

using namespace ::rtl;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::io;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::ui;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::script;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void OptimizerDialog::InitDialog()
   // setting the dialog properties
	OUString pNames[] = {
		TKGet( TK_Closeable ),
		TKGet( TK_Height ),
		TKGet( TK_Moveable ),
		TKGet( TK_PositionX ),
		TKGet( TK_PositionY ),
		TKGet( TK_Title ),
		TKGet( TK_Width ) };

	Any	pValues[] = {
		Any( sal_True ),
		Any( sal_Int32( DIALOG_HEIGHT ) ),
		Any( sal_True ),
		Any( sal_Int32( 200 ) ),
		Any( sal_Int32( 52 ) ),
		Any( sal_Int32( OD_DIALOG_WIDTH ) ) };
	sal_Int32 nCount = sizeof( pNames ) / sizeof( OUString );

	Sequence< rtl::OUString >	aNames( pNames, nCount );
	Sequence< Any >				aValues( pValues, nCount );

	mxDialogModelMultiPropertySet->setPropertyValues( aNames, aValues ); 

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void OptimizerDialog::InitRoadmap()
		OUString pNames[] = {
			TKGet( TK_Height ),
			TKGet( TK_PositionX ),
			TKGet( TK_PositionY ),
			TKGet( TK_Step ),
			TKGet( TK_TabIndex ),
			TKGet( TK_Width ) };

		Any	pValues[] = {
			Any( sal_Int32( DIALOG_HEIGHT - 26 ) ),
			Any( sal_Int32( 0 ) ),
			Any( sal_Int32( 0 ) ),
			Any( sal_Int32( 0 ) ),
			Any( mnTabIndex++ ),
			Any( sal_Int32( 85 ) ) };

		sal_Int32 nCount = sizeof( pNames ) / sizeof( OUString );

		Sequence< rtl::OUString >	aNames( pNames, nCount );
		Sequence< Any >				aValues( pValues, nCount );

        mxRoadmapControlModel = insertControlModel( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlRoadmapModel" ) ),
															  TKGet( TK_rdmNavi ), aNames, aValues	);

		Reference< XPropertySet > xPropertySet( mxRoadmapControlModel, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_Name ), Any( TKGet( TK_rdmNavi ) ) );
		mxRoadmapControl = mxDialogControlContainer->getControl( TKGet( TK_rdmNavi ) );
		InsertRoadmapItem( 0, sal_True, getString( STR_INTRODUCTION ), ITEM_ID_INTRODUCTION );
		InsertRoadmapItem( 1, sal_True, getString( STR_SLIDES ), ITEM_ID_SLIDES );
		InsertRoadmapItem( 2, sal_True, getString( STR_IMAGE_OPTIMIZATION ), ITEM_ID_GRAPHIC_OPTIMIZATION );
		InsertRoadmapItem( 3, sal_True, getString( STR_OLE_OBJECTS ), ITEM_ID_OLE_OPTIMIZATION );
		InsertRoadmapItem( 4, sal_True, getString( STR_SUMMARY ), ITEM_ID_SUMMARY );

		rtl::OUString sBitmapPath( getPath( TK_BitmapPath ) );
		rtl::OUString sBitmap( isHighContrast() ? rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "/minimizepresi_80_h.png" )
												: rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "/minimizepresi_80.png" ) );
		rtl::OUString sURL( sBitmapPath += sBitmap );

		xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_ImageURL ), Any( sURL ) );
		xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_Activated ), Any( (sal_Bool)sal_True ) );
		xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_Complete ), Any( (sal_Bool)sal_True ) );
		xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_CurrentItemID ), Any( (sal_Int16)ITEM_ID_INTRODUCTION ) );
		xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_Text ), Any( getString( STR_STEPS ) ) );
	catch( Exception& )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void OptimizerDialog::InsertRoadmapItem( const sal_Int32 nIndex, const sal_Bool bEnabled, const rtl::OUString& rLabel, const sal_Int32 nItemID )
		Reference< XSingleServiceFactory > xSFRoadmap( mxRoadmapControlModel, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
		Reference< XIndexContainer > aIndexContainerRoadmap( mxRoadmapControlModel, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
		Reference< XInterface > xRoadmapItem( xSFRoadmap->createInstance(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
		Reference< XPropertySet > xPropertySet( xRoadmapItem, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
		xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_Label ), Any( rLabel ) );
		xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( bEnabled ) );
		xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_ID ), Any( nItemID ) );
		aIndexContainerRoadmap->insertByIndex( nIndex, Any( xRoadmapItem ) );
	catch( Exception& )


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void OptimizerDialog::UpdateConfiguration()
	sal_Int16	nInt16 = 0;
	OUString	aString;
	Any			aAny;

	Sequence< sal_Int16 > aSelectedItems;
	Sequence< OUString > aStringItemList;
	// page0
	aAny = getControlProperty( TKGet( TK_ListBox0Pg0 ), TKGet( TK_SelectedItems ) );
	if ( aAny >>= aSelectedItems )
		if ( aSelectedItems.getLength() )
			sal_Int16 nSelectedItem = aSelectedItems[ 0 ];
			aAny = getControlProperty( TKGet( TK_ListBox0Pg0 ), TKGet( TK_StringItemList ) );
			if ( aAny >>= aStringItemList )
				if ( aStringItemList.getLength() > nSelectedItem )
					SetConfigProperty( TK_Name, Any( aStringItemList[ nSelectedItem ] ) );

	aAny = getControlProperty( TKGet( TK_CheckBox3Pg3 ), TKGet( TK_State ) );
	if ( aAny >>= nInt16 )
		if ( nInt16 )
			aAny = getControlProperty( TKGet( TK_ListBox0Pg3 ), TKGet( TK_SelectedItems ) );
			if ( aAny >>= aSelectedItems )
				if ( aSelectedItems.getLength() )
					sal_Int16 nSelectedItem = aSelectedItems[ 0 ];
					aAny = getControlProperty( TKGet( TK_ListBox0Pg3 ), TKGet( TK_StringItemList ) );
					if ( aAny >>= aStringItemList )
						if ( aStringItemList.getLength() > nSelectedItem )
							SetConfigProperty( TK_CustomShowName, Any( aStringItemList[ nSelectedItem ] ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

OptimizerDialog::OptimizerDialog( const Reference< XComponentContext > &rxMSF, Reference< XFrame >& rxFrame, Reference< XDispatch > rxStatusDispatcher ) :
	UnoDialog( rxMSF, rxFrame ),
	ConfigurationAccess( rxMSF, NULL ),
	mnCurrentStep( 0 ),
	mnTabIndex( 0 ),
	mxMSF( rxMSF ),
	mxFrame( rxFrame ),
	mxItemListener( new ItemListener( *this ) ),
	mxActionListener( new ActionListener( *this ) ),
	mxActionListenerListBox0Pg0( new ActionListenerListBox0Pg0( *this ) ),
	mxTextListenerFormattedField0Pg1( new TextListenerFormattedField0Pg1( *this ) ),
	mxTextListenerComboBox0Pg1( new TextListenerComboBox0Pg1( *this ) ),
	mxSpinListenerFormattedField0Pg1( new SpinListenerFormattedField0Pg1( *this ) ),
	mxStatusDispatcher( rxStatusDispatcher )
	Reference< XStorable > xStorable( mxController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
	mbIsReadonly = xStorable->isReadonly();

	ActivatePage( 0 );

	OptimizationStats aStats;
	aStats.InitializeStatusValuesFromDocument( mxController->getModel() );
	Sequence< PropertyValue > aStatusSequence( aStats.GetStatusSequence() );
	UpdateStatus( aStatusSequence );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

	// not saving configuration if the dialog has been finished via cancel or close window
	if ( mbStatus )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool OptimizerDialog::execute()
	Reference< XItemEventBroadcaster > maRoadmapBroadcaster( mxRoadmapControl, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
	maRoadmapBroadcaster->addItemListener( mxItemListener );
	UpdateConfiguration();			// taking actual control settings for the configuration
	maRoadmapBroadcaster->removeItemListener( mxItemListener );
	return mbStatus;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void OptimizerDialog::SwitchPage( sal_Int16 nNewStep )
	if ( ( nNewStep != mnCurrentStep ) && ( ( nNewStep <= MAX_STEP ) || ( nNewStep >= 0 ) ) )
		sal_Int16 nOldStep = mnCurrentStep;
		if ( nNewStep == 0 )
			disableControl( TKGet( TK_btnNavBack ) );
		else if ( nOldStep == 0 )
			enableControl( TKGet( TK_btnNavBack ) );
		if ( nNewStep == MAX_STEP )
			disableControl( TKGet( TK_btnNavNext ) );
		else if ( nOldStep == MAX_STEP )
			enableControl( TKGet( TK_btnNavNext ) );

		setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_rdmNavi ), TKGet( TK_CurrentItemID ), Any( nNewStep ) );
		DeactivatePage( nOldStep );
		UpdateControlStates( nNewStep );

		ActivatePage( nNewStep );
		mnCurrentStep = nNewStep;

void OptimizerDialog::UpdateControlStates( sal_Int16 nPage )
	switch( nPage )
		case 0 : UpdateControlStatesPage0(); break;
		case 1 : UpdateControlStatesPage1(); break;
		case 2 : UpdateControlStatesPage2(); break;
		case 3 : UpdateControlStatesPage3(); break;
		case 4 : UpdateControlStatesPage4(); break;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

rtl::OUString OptimizerDialog::GetSelectedString( const PPPOptimizerTokenEnum eToken )
	OUString aSelectedItem;
	Sequence< sal_Int16 > sSelectedItems;
	Sequence< OUString >  sItemList;

	if ( ( getControlProperty( TKGet( eToken ), TKGet( TK_SelectedItems ) ) >>= sSelectedItems ) &&
			( getControlProperty( TKGet( eToken ), TKGet( TK_StringItemList ) ) >>= sItemList ) )
		if ( sSelectedItems.getLength() == 1 )
			sal_Int16 nSelectedItem = sSelectedItems[ 0 ];
			if ( nSelectedItem < sItemList.getLength() )
				aSelectedItem = sItemList[ nSelectedItem ];
	return aSelectedItem;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void OptimizerDialog::UpdateStatus( const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >& rStatus )
	if ( mxReschedule.is() )
		maStats.InitializeStatusValues( rStatus );
		const Any* pVal( maStats.GetStatusValue( TK_Status ) );
		if ( pVal )
			rtl::OUString sStatus;
			if ( *pVal >>= sStatus )
				setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FixedText1Pg4 ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( sal_True ) );
				setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FixedText1Pg4 ), TKGet( TK_Label ), Any( getString( TKGet( sStatus ) ) ) );
		pVal = maStats.GetStatusValue( TK_Progress );
		if ( pVal )
			sal_Int32 nProgress = 0;
			if ( *pVal >>= nProgress )
				setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_Progress ), TKGet( TK_ProgressValue ), Any( nProgress ) );
		pVal = maStats.GetStatusValue( TK_OpenNewDocument );
		if ( pVal )
			SetConfigProperty( TK_OpenNewDocument, *pVal );


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void ItemListener::itemStateChanged( const ItemEvent& Event )
	throw ( RuntimeException )
		sal_Int16 nState;
		OUString aControlName;
		Reference< XControl > xControl;
		Any aSource( Event.Source );
		if ( aSource >>= xControl )
			Reference< XPropertySet > xPropertySet( xControl->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
			xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_Name ) ) >>= aControlName;
			PPPOptimizerTokenEnum eControl( TKGet( aControlName ) );
			switch( eControl )
				case TK_rdmNavi :
					mrOptimizerDialog.SwitchPage( static_cast< sal_Int16 >( Event.ItemId ) );
				case TK_CheckBox1Pg1 :
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nState )
						mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_RemoveCropArea, Any( nState != 0 ) );
				case TK_CheckBox2Pg1 :
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nState )
						mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_EmbedLinkedGraphics, Any( nState != 0 ) );
				case TK_CheckBox0Pg2 :
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nState )
						mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_OLEOptimization, Any( nState != 0 ) );
						mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_RadioButton0Pg2 ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( nState != 0 ) );
						mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_RadioButton1Pg2 ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( nState != 0 ) );
				case TK_RadioButton0Pg1 :
					sal_Int16 nInt16 = 0;
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nInt16 )
						nInt16 ^= 1;
						mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_JPEGCompression, Any( nInt16 != 0 ) );
						mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FixedText1Pg1 ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( nInt16 != 0 ) );
						mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FormattedField0Pg1 ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( nInt16 != 0 ) );
				case TK_RadioButton1Pg1 :
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nState )
						mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_JPEGCompression, Any( nState != 0 ) );
						mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FixedText1Pg1 ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( nState != 0 ) );
						mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FormattedField0Pg1 ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( nState != 0 ) );
				case TK_RadioButton0Pg2 :
					sal_Int16 nInt16;
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nInt16 )
						nInt16 ^= 1;
						mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_OLEOptimizationType, Any( nInt16 ) );
				case TK_RadioButton1Pg2 :
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nState )
						mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_OLEOptimizationType, Any( nState ) );
				case TK_CheckBox0Pg3 :
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nState )
						mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_DeleteUnusedMasterPages, Any( nState != 0 ) );
				case TK_CheckBox1Pg3 :
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nState )
						mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_DeleteNotesPages, Any( nState != 0 ) );
				case TK_CheckBox2Pg3 :
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nState )
						mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_DeleteHiddenSlides, Any( nState != 0 ) );
				case TK_CheckBox3Pg3 :
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nState )
						mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_ListBox0Pg3 ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( nState != 0 ) );
				case TK_CheckBox1Pg4 :
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nState )
						mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_ComboBox0Pg4 ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( nState != 0 ) );
				case TK_RadioButton0Pg4 :
				case TK_RadioButton1Pg4 :
					if ( xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nState )
						mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_SaveAs, Any( eControl == TK_RadioButton1Pg4 ? nState != 0 : nState == 0 ) );
	catch ( Exception& )

void ItemListener::disposing( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& /* Source */ )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void ActionListener::actionPerformed( const ActionEvent& rEvent )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )
	switch( TKGet( rEvent.ActionCommand ) )
		case TK_btnNavHelp :
				static Reference< XFrame > xHelpFrame;
				if ( !xHelpFrame.is() )
					rtl::OUString sHelpFile( mrOptimizerDialog.getPath( TK_HelpFile ) );
					Reference< XDesktop > desktop( mrOptimizerDialog.GetComponentContext()->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithContext(
							OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop" ), mrOptimizerDialog.GetComponentContext() ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
					Reference< XSimpleFileAccess > xSimpleFileAccess( mrOptimizerDialog.GetComponentContext()->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithContext(
							OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess" ), mrOptimizerDialog.GetComponentContext() ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
					Reference< XInputStream > xInputStream( xSimpleFileAccess->openFileRead( sHelpFile ) );
					Reference< XDesktop > xDesktop( mrOptimizerDialog.GetComponentContext()->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithContext(
							OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop" ), mrOptimizerDialog.GetComponentContext() ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
					Reference< XFrame > xDesktopFrame( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
					xHelpFrame = Reference< XFrame >( xDesktopFrame->findFrame( TKGet( TK__blank ), 0 ) );
					Reference< XCloseBroadcaster > xCloseBroadcaster( xHelpFrame, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
					xCloseBroadcaster->addCloseListener( new HelpCloseListener( xHelpFrame ) );
					Reference< XComponentLoader > xLoader( xHelpFrame, UNO_QUERY_THROW );

					Sequence< PropertyValue > aLoadProps( 2 );
					aLoadProps[ 0 ].Name = TKGet( TK_ReadOnly );
					aLoadProps[ 0 ].Value <<= (sal_Bool)( sal_True );
					aLoadProps[ 1 ].Name = TKGet( TK_InputStream );
					aLoadProps[ 1 ].Value <<= xInputStream;

					Reference< XComponent >( xLoader->loadComponentFromURL( OUString::createFromAscii( "private:stream" ),
						TKGet( TK__self ), 0, aLoadProps ) );

					Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( xHelpFrame, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
					Reference< XLayoutManager > xLayoutManager;
					if ( xPropSet->getPropertyValue( OUString::createFromAscii( "LayoutManager" ) ) >>= xLayoutManager )
						xLayoutManager->setVisible( sal_False );                    
						xLayoutManager->hideElement( OUString::createFromAscii( "private:resource/menubar/menubar" ) );
						xLayoutManager->destroyElement( OUString::createFromAscii( "private:resource/statusbar/statusbar" ) );
			catch( Exception& )

		case TK_btnNavBack :	mrOptimizerDialog.SwitchPage( mrOptimizerDialog.mnCurrentStep - 1 ); break;
		case TK_btnNavNext :	mrOptimizerDialog.SwitchPage( mrOptimizerDialog.mnCurrentStep + 1 ); break;	
		case TK_btnNavFinish :

			mrOptimizerDialog.SwitchPage( ITEM_ID_SUMMARY );
			mrOptimizerDialog.DisablePage( ITEM_ID_SUMMARY );
			mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_btnNavHelp ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( sal_False ) );
			mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_btnNavBack ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( sal_False ) );
			mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_btnNavNext ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( sal_False ) );
			mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_btnNavFinish ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( sal_False ) );
			mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_btnNavCancel ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( sal_False ) );
			mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FixedText0Pg4 ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( sal_True ) );

			// check if we have to open the FileDialog 
			sal_Bool	bSuccessfullyExecuted = sal_True;
			sal_Int16	nInt16 = 0;
			mrOptimizerDialog.getControlProperty( TKGet( TK_RadioButton1Pg4 ), TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nInt16;
			if ( nInt16 )
				rtl::OUString aSaveAsURL;
				FileOpenDialog aFileOpenDialog( ((UnoDialog&)mrOptimizerDialog).mxMSF );

				// generating default file name
				Reference< XStorable > xStorable( mrOptimizerDialog.mxController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY );
				if ( xStorable.is() && xStorable->hasLocation() )
					rtl::OUString aLocation( xStorable->getLocation() );
					if ( aLocation.getLength() )
						sal_Int32 nIndex = aLocation.lastIndexOf( '/', aLocation.getLength() - 1 );
						if ( nIndex >= 0 )
							if ( nIndex < aLocation.getLength() - 1 )
								aLocation = aLocation.copy( nIndex + 1 );

							// remove extension
							nIndex = aLocation.lastIndexOf( '.', aLocation.getLength() - 1 );
							if ( nIndex >= 0 )
								aLocation = aLocation.copy( 0, nIndex );

							// adding .mini
							aLocation = aLocation.concat( OUString::createFromAscii( ".mini" ) );
							aFileOpenDialog.setDefaultName( aLocation );
 				sal_Bool bDialogExecuted = aFileOpenDialog.execute() == dialogs::ExecutableDialogResults::OK;
				if ( bDialogExecuted )
					aSaveAsURL = aFileOpenDialog.getURL();
					mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_SaveAsURL, Any( aSaveAsURL ) );
					mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_FilterName, Any( aFileOpenDialog.getFilterName() ) );
				if ( !aSaveAsURL.getLength() )
					// something goes wrong...
					bSuccessfullyExecuted = sal_False;

				// waiting for 500ms
				if ( mrOptimizerDialog.mxReschedule.is() )
					for ( sal_uInt32 i = osl_getGlobalTimer(); ( i + 500 ) > ( osl_getGlobalTimer() ); )
			if ( bSuccessfullyExecuted )
			{	// now check if we have to store a session template
				nInt16 = 0;
				OUString aSettingsName;
				mrOptimizerDialog.getControlProperty( TKGet( TK_CheckBox1Pg4 ), TKGet( TK_State ) ) >>= nInt16;
				mrOptimizerDialog.getControlProperty( TKGet( TK_ComboBox0Pg4 ), TKGet( TK_Text ) ) >>= aSettingsName;
				if ( nInt16 && aSettingsName.getLength() )
					std::vector< OptimizerSettings >::iterator aIter( mrOptimizerDialog.GetOptimizerSettingsByName( aSettingsName ) );
					std::vector< OptimizerSettings >& rSettings( mrOptimizerDialog.GetOptimizerSettings() );
					OptimizerSettings aNewSettings( rSettings[ 0 ] );
					aNewSettings.maName = aSettingsName;
					if ( aIter == rSettings.end() )
						rSettings.push_back( aNewSettings );
						*aIter = aNewSettings;
			if ( bSuccessfullyExecuted )
				Sequence< Any > aArgs( 1 );
				aArgs[ 0 ] <<= mrOptimizerDialog.GetFrame();

				Reference < XDispatch > xDispatch( mrOptimizerDialog.GetComponentContext()->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext(
					OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.comp.PPPOptimizer" ), aArgs, mrOptimizerDialog.GetComponentContext() ), UNO_QUERY );

				URL aURL;
				aURL.Protocol = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "vnd.com.sun.star.comp.PPPOptimizer:" ) );
				aURL.Path = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "optimize" ) );

				Sequence< PropertyValue > lArguments( 3 );
				lArguments[ 0 ].Name = TKGet( TK_Settings );
				lArguments[ 0 ].Value <<= mrOptimizerDialog.GetConfigurationSequence();
				lArguments[ 1 ].Name = TKGet( TK_StatusDispatcher );
				lArguments[ 1 ].Value <<= mrOptimizerDialog.GetStatusDispatcher();
				lArguments[ 2 ].Name = TKGet( TK_InformationDialog );
				lArguments[ 2 ].Value <<= mrOptimizerDialog.GetFrame();

				if( xDispatch.is() )
					xDispatch->dispatch( aURL, lArguments );

				mrOptimizerDialog.endExecute( bSuccessfullyExecuted );
				mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_btnNavHelp ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( sal_True ) );
				mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_btnNavBack ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( sal_True ) );
				mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_btnNavNext ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( sal_False ) );
				mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_btnNavFinish ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( sal_True ) );
				mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_btnNavCancel ), TKGet( TK_Enabled ), Any( sal_True ) );
				mrOptimizerDialog.EnablePage( ITEM_ID_SUMMARY );
		case TK_btnNavCancel :	mrOptimizerDialog.endExecute( sal_False ); break;
		case TK_Button0Pg0 :	// delete configuration
			OUString aSelectedItem( mrOptimizerDialog.GetSelectedString( TK_ListBox0Pg0 ) );
			if ( aSelectedItem.getLength() )
				std::vector< OptimizerSettings >::iterator aIter( mrOptimizerDialog.GetOptimizerSettingsByName( aSelectedItem ) );
				std::vector< OptimizerSettings >& rList( mrOptimizerDialog.GetOptimizerSettings() );
				if ( aIter != rList.end() )
					rList.erase( aIter );
		default: break;
void ActionListener::disposing( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& /* Source */ )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void ActionListenerListBox0Pg0::actionPerformed( const ActionEvent& rEvent )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )
	if ( rEvent.ActionCommand.getLength() )
		std::vector< OptimizerSettings >::iterator aIter( mrOptimizerDialog.GetOptimizerSettingsByName( rEvent.ActionCommand ) );
		std::vector< OptimizerSettings >& rList( mrOptimizerDialog.GetOptimizerSettings() );
		if ( aIter != rList.end() )
			rList[ 0 ] = *aIter;
void ActionListenerListBox0Pg0::disposing( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& /* Source */ )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void TextListenerFormattedField0Pg1::textChanged( const TextEvent& /* rEvent */ )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )
	double fDouble = 0;
	Any aAny = mrOptimizerDialog.getControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FormattedField0Pg1 ), TKGet( TK_EffectiveValue ) );
	if ( aAny >>= fDouble )
		mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_JPEGQuality, Any( (sal_Int32)fDouble ) );
void TextListenerFormattedField0Pg1::disposing( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& /* Source */ )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void TextListenerComboBox0Pg1::textChanged( const TextEvent& /* rEvent */ )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )
	rtl::OUString aString;
	Any aAny = mrOptimizerDialog.getControlProperty( TKGet( TK_ComboBox0Pg1 ), TKGet( TK_Text ) );
	if ( aAny >>= aString )
		sal_Int32 nI0, nI1, nI2, nI3, nI4;
		nI0 = nI1 = nI2 = nI3 = nI4 = 0;

		if ( mrOptimizerDialog.getString( STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_0 ).getToken( 1, ';', nI0 ) == aString )
			aString = mrOptimizerDialog.getString( STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_0 ).getToken( 0, ';', nI4 );
		else if ( mrOptimizerDialog.getString( STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_1 ).getToken( 1, ';', nI1 ) == aString )
			aString = mrOptimizerDialog.getString( STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_1 ).getToken( 0, ';', nI4 );
		else if ( mrOptimizerDialog.getString( STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_2 ).getToken( 1, ';', nI2 ) == aString )
			aString = mrOptimizerDialog.getString( STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_2 ).getToken( 0, ';', nI4 );
		else if ( mrOptimizerDialog.getString( STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_3 ).getToken( 1, ';', nI3 ) == aString )
			aString = mrOptimizerDialog.getString( STR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_3 ).getToken( 0, ';', nI4 );

		mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_ImageResolution, Any( aString.toInt32() ) );
void TextListenerComboBox0Pg1::disposing( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& /* Source */ )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void SpinListenerFormattedField0Pg1::up( const SpinEvent& /* rEvent */ )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )
	double fDouble;
	Any aAny = mrOptimizerDialog.getControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FormattedField0Pg1 ), TKGet( TK_EffectiveValue ) );
	if ( aAny >>= fDouble )
		fDouble += 9;
		if ( fDouble > 100 )
			fDouble = 100;
		mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FormattedField0Pg1 ), TKGet( TK_EffectiveValue ), Any( fDouble ) );	
		mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_JPEGQuality, Any( (sal_Int32)fDouble ) );
void SpinListenerFormattedField0Pg1::down( const SpinEvent& /* rEvent */ )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )
	double fDouble;
	Any aAny = mrOptimizerDialog.getControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FormattedField0Pg1 ), TKGet( TK_EffectiveValue ) );
	if ( aAny >>= fDouble )
		fDouble -= 9;
		if ( fDouble < 0 )
			fDouble = 0;
		mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FormattedField0Pg1 ), TKGet( TK_EffectiveValue ), Any( fDouble ) );	
		mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_JPEGQuality, Any( (sal_Int32)fDouble ) );
void SpinListenerFormattedField0Pg1::first( const SpinEvent& /* rEvent */ )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )
	mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FormattedField0Pg1 ), TKGet( TK_EffectiveValue ), Any( static_cast< double >( 0 ) ) );	
	mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_JPEGQuality, Any( (sal_Int32)0 ) );
void SpinListenerFormattedField0Pg1::last( const SpinEvent& /* rEvent */ )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )
	mrOptimizerDialog.setControlProperty( TKGet( TK_FormattedField0Pg1 ), TKGet( TK_EffectiveValue ), Any( static_cast< double >( 100 ) ) );	
	mrOptimizerDialog.SetConfigProperty( TK_JPEGQuality, Any( (sal_Int32)100 ) );
void SpinListenerFormattedField0Pg1::disposing( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& /* Source */ )
	throw ( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void HelpCloseListener::addCloseListener( const Reference < XCloseListener >& ) throw( RuntimeException )
void HelpCloseListener::removeCloseListener( const Reference < XCloseListener >& ) throw( RuntimeException )
void HelpCloseListener::queryClosing( const EventObject&, sal_Bool /* bDeliverOwnership */ )
        throw ( RuntimeException, CloseVetoException )
void HelpCloseListener::notifyClosing( const EventObject& )
        throw ( RuntimeException )
void HelpCloseListener::disposing( const EventObject& ) throw ( RuntimeException )
    mrXFrame = NULL;