 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_slideshow.hxx"

// must be first
#include <canvas/debug.hxx>
#include <canvas/verbosetrace.hxx>
#include <canvas/canvastools.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XShape.hpp>

#include "mediashape.hxx"
#include "viewmediashape.hxx"
#include "externalshapebase.hxx"
#include "slideshowcontext.hxx"
#include "shape.hxx"
#include "tools.hxx"

#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace ::com::sun::star;

namespace slideshow
    namespace internal
        /** Represents a media shape.

            This implementation offers support for media shapes.
			Such shapes need special treatment.
        class MediaShape : public ExternalShapeBase
            /** Create a shape for the given XShape for a media object

            	@param xShape
                The XShape to represent.

                @param nPrio
                Externally-determined shape priority (used e.g. for
                paint ordering). This number _must be_ unique!
            MediaShape( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
                       		::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape >&	xShape,
                        double										nPrio,
                        const SlideShowContext&                     rContext ); // throw ShapeLoadFailedException;


            // View layer methods

            virtual void addViewLayer( const ViewLayerSharedPtr& 	rNewLayer,
                                       bool							bRedrawLayer );
            virtual bool removeViewLayer( const ViewLayerSharedPtr& rNewLayer );			
            virtual bool clearAllViewLayers();

            // ExternalShapeBase methods
            virtual bool implRender( const ::basegfx::B2DRange& rCurrBounds ) const;
            virtual void implViewChanged( const UnoViewSharedPtr& rView );
            virtual void implViewsChanged();
            virtual bool implStartIntrinsicAnimation();
            virtual bool implEndIntrinsicAnimation();
            virtual bool implPauseIntrinsicAnimation();
            virtual bool implIsIntrinsicAnimationPlaying() const;
            virtual void implSetIntrinsicAnimationTime(double);

            /// the list of active view shapes (one for each registered view layer)
            typedef ::std::vector< ViewMediaShapeSharedPtr > ViewMediaShapeVector;
            ViewMediaShapeVector                             maViewMediaShapes;
            bool                                             mbIsPlaying;

        MediaShape::MediaShape( const uno::Reference< drawing::XShape >& xShape,
                              	double									 nPrio,
                                const SlideShowContext&                  rContext ) :
            ExternalShapeBase( xShape, nPrio, rContext ),

		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------		

        void MediaShape::implViewChanged( const UnoViewSharedPtr& rView )
            // determine ViewMediaShape that needs update
            ViewMediaShapeVector::const_iterator       aIter(maViewMediaShapes.begin());
            ViewMediaShapeVector::const_iterator const aEnd (maViewMediaShapes.end());
            while( aIter != aEnd )
                if( (*aIter)->getViewLayer()->isOnView(rView) )


		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        void MediaShape::implViewsChanged()
            // resize all ViewShapes
            ::std::for_each( maViewMediaShapes.begin(),
                                 ::boost::cref( getBounds())) );

		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        void MediaShape::addViewLayer( const ViewLayerSharedPtr& rNewLayer,
                                       bool						 bRedrawLayer )
                ViewMediaShapeSharedPtr( new ViewMediaShape( rNewLayer, 
                                                             mxComponentContext )));
            // push new size to view shape  
            maViewMediaShapes.back()->resize( getBounds() );
            // render the Shape on the newly added ViewLayer    
            if( bRedrawLayer )
                maViewMediaShapes.back()->render( getBounds() );

		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        bool MediaShape::removeViewLayer( const ViewLayerSharedPtr& rLayer )
            const ViewMediaShapeVector::iterator aEnd( maViewMediaShapes.end() );

            OSL_ENSURE( ::std::count_if(maViewMediaShapes.begin(), 
                                            ::std::equal_to< ViewLayerSharedPtr >(),
                                            ::boost::bind( &ViewMediaShape::getViewLayer, _1 ),
                                            ::boost::cref( rLayer ) ) ) < 2,
                        "MediaShape::removeViewLayer(): Duplicate ViewLayer entries!" );

            ViewMediaShapeVector::iterator aIter;

            if( (aIter=::std::remove_if( maViewMediaShapes.begin(), 
                                             ::std::equal_to< ViewLayerSharedPtr >(),
                                             ::boost::bind( &ViewMediaShape::getViewLayer,
                                                            _1 ),
                                             ::boost::cref( rLayer ) ) )) == aEnd )
                // view layer seemingly was not added, failed
                return false;

            // actually erase from container
            maViewMediaShapes.erase( aIter, aEnd );

            return true;

		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        bool MediaShape::clearAllViewLayers()
            return true;

		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        bool MediaShape::implRender( const ::basegfx::B2DRange& rCurrBounds ) const
            // redraw all view shapes, by calling their update() method
            if( ::std::count_if( maViewMediaShapes.begin(),
                                     ::boost::mem_fn( &ViewMediaShape::render ), 
                                     ::boost::cref( rCurrBounds ) ) ) 
                != static_cast<ViewMediaShapeVector::difference_type>(maViewMediaShapes.size()) )
                // at least one of the ViewShape::update() calls did return 
                // false - update failed on at least one ViewLayer
                return false;

            return true;

		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        bool MediaShape::implStartIntrinsicAnimation()
            ::std::for_each( maViewMediaShapes.begin(),
                             ::boost::mem_fn( &ViewMediaShape::startMedia ) );

            mbIsPlaying = true;

            return true;
		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        bool MediaShape::implEndIntrinsicAnimation()
            ::std::for_each( maViewMediaShapes.begin(),
                             ::boost::mem_fn( &ViewMediaShape::endMedia ) );

            mbIsPlaying = false;

            return true;

		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        bool MediaShape::implPauseIntrinsicAnimation()
            ::std::for_each( maViewMediaShapes.begin(),
                             ::boost::mem_fn( &ViewMediaShape::pauseMedia ) );

            mbIsPlaying = false;

            return true;

		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        bool MediaShape::implIsIntrinsicAnimationPlaying() const
            return mbIsPlaying;

		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        void MediaShape::implSetIntrinsicAnimationTime(double fTime)
            ::std::for_each( maViewMediaShapes.begin(),
                             ::boost::bind( &ViewMediaShape::setMediaTime,
                                            _1, boost::cref(fTime)) );

		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        ShapeSharedPtr createMediaShape(
            const uno::Reference< drawing::XShape >& xShape,
            double                                   nPrio,
            const SlideShowContext&                  rContext)
            boost::shared_ptr< MediaShape > pMediaShape(
                new MediaShape(xShape, nPrio, rContext));

            return pMediaShape;
