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#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

#include "animatableshape.hxx"
#include "shapeattributelayer.hxx"
#include "doctreenodesupplier.hxx"

namespace slideshow
    namespace internal
        // forward declaration necessary, because methods use AttributableShapeSharedPtr
        class AttributableShape;

        typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< AttributableShape > AttributableShapeSharedPtr;

        /** Represents an animatable shape, that can have its
            attributes changed.

            Over an animatable shape, this interface adds attribute
            modification methods. Furthermore, the shape can be
            queried for sub items, which in turn can be separated out
            into own AttributableShapes.
        class AttributableShape : public AnimatableShape
            // Attribute layer methods

            /** Create a new shape attribute layer.

				This method creates a new layer for shape attributes,
				which lies atop of all previous attribute layers. That
				is most typically used when a new SMIL animation
				starts (which according to the spec always lies atop
				of all previous animations). Thus, subsequent calls to
				this method generate a sandwich of attribute layers,
				which in total define the shape's attributes.

                Please note that the attribute layers do <em>not</em>
                contain the underlying XShape's attributes as
                default. Instead, attributes not explicitely set by
                animations remain in invalid state, allowing the
                shape's paint method to determine whether they have to
                override the underlying graphical shape
                representation. XShape attributes must be passed
                explicitely to animations which need them (e.g. 'by'

                @return the new layer
            virtual ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr createAttributeLayer() = 0;

            /** Revoke a previously generated attribute layer.

            	This method revokes a previously generated attribute
            	layer, and removes the effect of that layer from this
            	shape. The layer need not be the current toplevel
            	layer, it can also be revoked from in between.

                @param rLayer
                Layer to revoke. Must have been generated by
                createAttributeLayer() at the same Shape.

                @return true, if layer was successfully removed, false
                otherwise (e.g. if the given layer was not generated
                for this shape).
            virtual bool revokeAttributeLayer( const ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr& rLayer ) = 0;

            /** Get the topmost shape attribute layer (if any).

				This method returns the topmost layer for shape
				attributes, i.e. the one which ultimately determines
				the shape's look.

                Please note that the attribute layers do <em>not</em>
                contain the underlying XShape's attributes as
                default. Instead, attributes not explicitely set by
                animations remain in invalid state, allowing the
                shape's paint method to determine whether they have to
                override the underlying graphical shape
                representation. XShape attributes must be passed
                explicitely to animations which need them (e.g. 'by'

                @return the topmost layer
            virtual ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr getTopmostAttributeLayer() const = 0;

            /** Change default shape visibility

            	This method hides or unhides a shape. Note that every
            	attribute layer generated for this shape is able to
            	override the setting given here, until it is revoked.

                @param bVisible
                When true, shape will be visible, when false,
                invisible (modulo attribute layer overrides).
            virtual void setVisibility( bool bVisible ) = 0;            
            // Sub-item handling

            /** Retrieve interface for DocTreeNode creation.

            	This method provides the caller with a reference to
            	the DocTreeNodeSupplier interface, which can be used
            	to request specific tree nodes for this shape.
            virtual const DocTreeNodeSupplier& getTreeNodeSupplier() const = 0;
            virtual DocTreeNodeSupplier& 	   getTreeNodeSupplier() = 0;

            /** Query the subset this shape displays.

            	This method returns a tree node denoting the subset
            	displayed by this shape. If this shape is not a subset
            	shape, an empty tree node should be returned. If this
            	shape is a subset, and itself has subsetted children,
            	this method might return more than the shape is
            	actually displaying (because a single DocTreeNode is
            	not able to model holes in the range).
            virtual DocTreeNode getSubsetNode() const = 0;

            /** Query a subset Shape, if already existent at this

				This method returns a clone of this Shape, which
				renders only the selected subset of itself, but only
				if such a subset has been explicitely created before.

                @param rTreeNode
                A DocTreeNode instance queried from this Shape, which
                specifies the subset of the Shape to render.

                @return a NULL Shape pointer, if no subset exists for
                the given DocTreeNode.
            virtual AttributableShapeSharedPtr getSubset( const DocTreeNode& rTreeNode ) const = 0;

            /** Create a subset Shape

				This method creates a clone of this Shape, which
				renders only the selected subset of itself. Multiple
				createSubset() calls for the same DocTreeNode will all
				share the same subset shape.

                The original shape (i.e. the one this method is called
                on) will cease to display the selected subset
                part. That is, together the shapes will display the
                original content, but the content of all subset shapes
                and their original shape will always be mutually

                After deregistering the subset shape a matching number
                of times via revokeSubset(), the original shape will
                resume displaying the subsetted part.

                @attention To maintain view integrity, this method
                should only be called from the LayerManager
                @param o_rSubset
                The requested Shape

                @param rTreeNode
                A DocTreeNode instance queried from this Shape, which
                specifies the subset of the Shape to render

                @return true, if the shape was newly created, and
                false, if an already existing subset is returned.
            virtual bool createSubset( AttributableShapeSharedPtr& 	o_rSubset, 
                                       const DocTreeNode& 			rTreeNode ) = 0;

            /** Revoke a previously generated shape subset.

            	After revoking a subset shape, the corresponding
            	subset part will become visible again on the original

                @attention To maintain view integrity, this method
                should only be called from the LayerManager

                @param rShape
                The subset to revoke

                @return true, if the last client called
            virtual bool revokeSubset( const AttributableShapeSharedPtr& rShape ) = 0;