#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** package installer::packagepool; use Digest::MD5; use installer::exiter; use installer::globals; use installer::logger; use installer::pathanalyzer; use installer::worker; ###################################################### # Checking the md5sum of a file ###################################################### sub get_md5sum { my ($filename) = @_; open(FILE, "<$filename") or die "ERROR: Can't open $filename for creating file hash"; binmode(FILE); my $digest = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest; close(FILE); return $digest; } #################################################### # Setting a unique sessionid to identify this # packaging process. #################################################### sub set_sessionid { my $pid = $$; # process id my $timer = time(); # time $installer::globals::sessionid = $pid . $timer; $installer::globals::sessionidset = 1; my $infoline = "\nPool: Setting session id: $installer::globals::sessionid.\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); } #################################################### # Setting and creating pool path. #################################################### sub set_pool_path { $installer::globals::unpackpath =~ s/\Q$installer::globals::separator\E\s*$//; # removing ending slashes and backslashes $installer::globals::poolpath = $installer::globals::unpackpath . $installer::globals::separator . "pool_" . $installer::globals::packageformat; installer::systemactions::create_directory($installer::globals::poolpath); $installer::globals::poolpathset = 1; } #################################################### # Comparing the content of two epm files. #################################################### sub compare_epm_content { my ($oldcontent, $newcontent) = @_; my $identical = 1; my $diffinfo = ""; # Removing empty lines and files from $newcontent my @newlocalcontent = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$newcontent}; $i++ ) { if ( ${$newcontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*$/ ) { next; } # Removing empty lines from $newcontent. Empty lines are also not included into pcf file, from where $oldcontent was read. if ( ${$newcontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*f\s+/ ) { next; } # Ignoring files, they can contain temporary pathes if (( ${$newcontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*%readme\s+/ ) || ( ${$newcontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*%license\s+/ )) { next; } # ignoring license and readme (language specific!) my $oneline = ${$newcontent}[$i]; $oneline =~ s/\s*$//; # Removing line ends. Also not included in old epm file, that is read from pcf file. push(@newlocalcontent, $oneline); } my $oldmember = $#{$oldcontent} + 1; my $newmember = $#newlocalcontent + 1; # comparing the count if ( $oldmember != $newmember ) { $identical = 0; installer::logger::print_message("\n...... changed length of EPM file\n"); $diffinfo = "Pool: EPM, different line count: old epm file: $oldmember, new epm file: $newmember\n"; push(@installer::globals::epmdifflist, $diffinfo); } # comparing the content line for line, so the order must not change if ( $identical ) { for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$oldcontent}; $i++ ) { if ( ${$oldcontent}[$i] ne $newlocalcontent[$i] ) { $identical = 0; my $line = $i + 1; installer::logger::print_message("\n...... different content in EPM file\n"); $diffinfo = "Pool: EPM, line $line changed from \"${$oldcontent}[$i]\" to \"$newlocalcontent[$i]\".\n"; push(@installer::globals::epmdifflist, $diffinfo); last; } } } return $identical; } #################################################### # Comparing the content of two pcf files. #################################################### sub compare_package_content { my ($oldcontent, $newcontent) = @_; my $identical = 1; my $infoline = ""; my $oldmember = scalar keys %{$oldcontent}; my $newmember = scalar keys %{$newcontent}; # comparing the count if ( $oldmember != $newmember ) { # Logging the difference $identical = 0; installer::logger::print_message("\n...... different number of files in packages. New number: $newmember, old number: $oldmember\n"); $infoline = "Different number of files in packages. New number: $newmember, old number: $oldmember\n"; push(@installer::globals::pcfdiffcomment, $infoline); } # comparing the keys if ( $identical ) { my $first = 1; my $start = "\n"; foreach my $dest ( keys %{$newcontent} ) { if ( ! exists($oldcontent->{$dest}) ) { $identical = 0; installer::logger::print_message("$start...... file only in one package (A): $dest\n"); $infoline = "File only in existing pool package: $dest\n"; push(@installer::globals::pcfdiffcomment, $infoline); if ( $first ) { $start = ""; } $first = 0; } } # collecting all differences if ( ! $identical ) { foreach my $dest ( keys %{$oldcontent} ) { if ( ! exists($newcontent->{$dest}) ) { $identical = 0; installer::logger::print_message("$start...... file only in one package (B): $dest\n"); $infoline = "File only in new package: $dest\n"; push(@installer::globals::pcfdiffcomment, $infoline); if ( $first ) { $start = ""; } $first = 0; } } } } # comparing the checksum if ( $identical ) { my $first = 1; foreach my $dest ( keys %{$newcontent} ) { if ( $newcontent->{$dest}->{'md5sum'} ne $oldcontent->{$dest}->{'md5sum'} ) { $identical = 0; if ( $first == 1 ) { installer::logger::print_message("\n"); $first = 0; } $installer::globals::pcfdifflist{$dest} = 1; installer::logger::print_message("...... different file: $dest\n"); # last; } if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) { if ( $newcontent->{$dest}->{'uniquename'} ne $oldcontent->{$dest}->{'uniquename'} ) { $identical = 0; $installer::globals::pcfdifflist{$dest} = 1; installer::logger::print_message("\n...... different file: $dest"); # last; } } } } return $identical; } #################################################### # Calculating content of pcf file. #################################################### sub calculate_current_content { my ($filesarray, $packagename) = @_; installer::logger::include_timestamp_into_logfile("\nCalculating content for package content file ($packagename), start"); my %globalcontent = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarray}; $i++ ) { my %onefilehash = (); my $onefile = ${$filesarray}[$i]; if ( ! $onefile->{'sourcepath'} ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No sourcepath found for file $onefile->{'gid'}", "calculate_current_content"); } my $source = $onefile->{'sourcepath'}; if ( $onefile->{'zipfilesource'} ) { $source = $onefile->{'zipfilesource'}; } if ( ! -f $source ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Sourcefile not found: $source ($onefile->{'gid'})", "calculate_current_content"); } # For Windows the unique name inside the cabinet file also has to be saved my $uniquename = ""; if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) { $uniquename = $onefile->{'uniquename'};} my $destination = $onefile->{'destination'}; my $checksum = get_md5sum($source); $onefilehash{'md5sum'} = $checksum; $onefilehash{'uniquename'} = $uniquename; if ( exists($globalcontent{$destination}) ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Destination not unique: $destination ($onefile->{'gid'})", "calculate_current_content"); } $globalcontent{$destination} = \%onefilehash; } installer::logger::include_timestamp_into_logfile("\nCalculating content for package content file ($packagename), start"); return \%globalcontent; } #################################################### # Writing pcf file. #################################################### sub create_pcfcontent_file { my ($realpackagename, $md5sum, $filesize, $fullpackagename, $pkgversion, $epmfilecontent, $pcffilename) = @_; my @content = (); my $oneline = "PackageName: $realpackagename\n"; push(@content, $oneline); $oneline = "md5sum: $md5sum\n"; push(@content, $oneline); $oneline = "FileSize: $filesize\n"; push(@content, $oneline); $oneline = "FullPackageName: $fullpackagename\n"; push(@content, $oneline); $oneline = "PkgVersion: $pkgversion\n"; push(@content, $oneline); foreach my $dest (keys %{$installer::globals::newpcfcontent} ) { $oneline = "Files:\t$dest\t$installer::globals::newpcfcontent->{$dest}->{'md5sum'}\t$installer::globals::newpcfcontent->{$dest}->{'uniquename'}\n"; push(@content, $oneline); } for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$epmfilecontent}; $i++ ) { if ( ${$epmfilecontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*$/ ) { next; } # avoiding empty lines if ( ${$epmfilecontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*f\s+/ ) { next; } # ignoring files, because they can contain temporary pathes if (( ${$epmfilecontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*%readme\s+/ ) || ( ${$epmfilecontent}[$i] =~ /^\s*%license\s+/ )) { next; } # ignoring license and readme (language specific!) $oneline = "EPM:\t${$epmfilecontent}[$i]"; push(@content, $oneline); } installer::files::save_file($pcffilename, \@content); } ####################################################### # Reading the content of the package content file. ####################################################### sub read_pcf_content { my ($pcffilename) = @_; my %allcontent = (); my @epmfile = (); my $realpackagename = ""; my $content = installer::files::read_file($pcffilename); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$content}; $i++ ) { my $line = ${$content}[$i]; if ( $line =~ /^\s*PackageName\:\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) { $realpackagename = $1; $installer::globals::xpdpackageinfo{'RealPackageName'} = $realpackagename; next; } if ( $line =~ /^\s*FullPackageName\:\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) { $installer::globals::xpdpackageinfo{'FullPackageName'} = $1; next; } if ( $line =~ /^\s*FileSize\:\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) { $installer::globals::xpdpackageinfo{'FileSize'} = $1; next; } if ( $line =~ /^\s*PkgVersion\:\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) { $installer::globals::xpdpackageinfo{'PkgVersion'} = $1; next; } if ( $line =~ /^\s*md5sum\:\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) { $installer::globals::xpdpackageinfo{'md5sum'} = $1; next; } if ( $line =~ /^\s*Files:\t(.+?)\t(.+?)\t(.*?)\s*$/ ) { my $destination = $1; my $checksum = $2; my $uniquename = $3; my %onefilehash = (); $onefilehash{'md5sum'} = $checksum; $onefilehash{'uniquename'} = $uniquename; $allcontent{$destination} = \%onefilehash; next; } if ( $line =~ /^\s*EPM:\t(.*?)\s*$/ ) # A line can be empty in epm file { my $epmcontent = $1; push(@epmfile, $epmcontent); next; } } if ( $realpackagename eq "" ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Real package name not found in pcf file: \"$pcffilename\"", "read_pcf_content"); } return ($realpackagename, \%allcontent, \@epmfile); } #################################################### # Checking, if a specific package can be # created at the moment. #################################################### sub check_package_availability { my ($packagename) = @_; my $package_is_available = 1; my $checkfilename = $installer::globals::poolpath . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename . ".pcf.check"; my $lockfilename = $installer::globals::poolpath . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename . ".pcf.lock"; if (( -f $checkfilename ) || ( -f $lockfilename )) { $package_is_available = 0; } return $package_is_available; } #################################################### # Check, if the existence of the check or lock # file requires an exit of packaging process. #################################################### sub check_pool_exit { my ( $lockfilename, $timecounter ) = @_; # How old is this lock file? my $timeage = installer::logger::get_file_age($lockfilename); # if ( $timeage > 1800 ) # file is older than half an hour if ( $timeage > 3600 ) # file is older than an hour { my $timestring = installer::logger::convert_timestring($timeage); my $infoline = "\nPool: Attention: \"$lockfilename\" is too old ($timestring). Removing file!\n"; installer::logger::print_message( "... $infoline" ); push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); unlink $lockfilename; # installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Waiting too long for removal of lock file \"$lockfilename\"", "check_pool_exit (packagepool)"); } else { my $filecontent = installer::files::read_file($lockfilename); my $waittime = $timecounter * 10; $waittime = installer::logger::convert_timestring($waittime); my $infoline = "\nPool: Warning: \"$lockfilename\" blocks this process for $waittime. Lock content: \"${$filecontent}[0]\"\n"; installer::logger::print_message( "... $infoline" ); push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); } } ############################################################################ # This function logs some information, that can be used to find # pool problems. ############################################################################ sub log_pool_info { my ( $file_exists ) = @_; my $infoline = ""; # Content saved in # $installer::globals::savelockfilecontent = installer::files::read_file($filename); # $installer::globals::savelockfilename = $filename; if ( $file_exists ) { $infoline = "\nPool Problem: Lock file \"$installer::globals::savelockfilename\" belongs to another process. This process has session id: $installer::globals::sessionid .\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); $infoline = "Content of Lock file:\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); foreach my $line ( @{$installer::globals::savelockfilecontent} ) { push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $line); } } else { $infoline = "\nPool Problem: Lock file \"$installer::globals::savelockfilename\" does not exist anymore (this process has session id: $installer::globals::sessionid) .\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); } } ############################################################################ # Checking, if this process is the owner of the lock file in the pool. # This can be determined by the Process ID, that is written at the # beginning of the first line into the lock file. ############################################################################ sub process_is_owner { my ( $filename ) = @_; my $process_is_owner = 0; $installer::globals::savelockfilecontent = installer::files::read_file($filename); $installer::globals::savelockfilename = $filename; if ( ${$installer::globals::savelockfilecontent}[0] =~ /^\s*\Q$installer::globals::sessionid\E\s+/ ) { $process_is_owner = 1; } return $process_is_owner; } #################################################### # Removing a package from installation set, if # there were pooling problems. #################################################### sub remove_package_from_installset { my ($newpackagepath) = @_; my $infoline = "Pool problem: Removing package \"$newpackagepath\" from installation set!\n"; push(@installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); if ( -f $newpackagepath ) { unlink $newpackagepath; } if ( -d $newpackagepath ) { installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($newpackagepath, 1); } # Keeping the content of @installer::globals::installsetcontent up to date. Removing the last package. pop(@installer::globals::installsetcontent); } #################################################### # Check, if the package is in the pool and if # there are no changes in the package. #################################################### sub package_is_up_to_date { my ($allvariables, $onepackage, $packagename, $newepmcontent, $filesinpackage, $installdir, $subdir, $languagestringref) = @_; installer::logger::print_message_without_newline( "... checking pool package $packagename ..." ); installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Checking package in pool: $packagename"); if ( ! $installer::globals::poolpathset ) { installer::packagepool::set_pool_path(); } if ( ! $installer::globals::sessionidset ) { installer::packagepool::set_sessionid(); } my $infoline = ""; # Resetting some variables for this package my $package_is_up_to_date = 0; my $realpackagename = ""; my $oldepmcontent = ""; my $waited_for_check = 0; my $waited_for_lock = 0; $installer::globals::newpcfcontentcalculated = 0; %installer::globals::pcfdifflist = (); @installer::globals::pcfdiffcomment = (); @installer::globals::epmdifflist = (); # Reading the package content file, if this file exists (extension *.pcf) my $filename = $installer::globals::poolpath . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename . ".pcf"; my $checkfilename = $installer::globals::poolpath . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename . ".pcf.check"; my $lockfilename = $installer::globals::poolpath . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename . ".pcf.lock"; # Saving name in global variable, so that this file can be removed somewhere else (at the end of "put_content_into_pool"). $installer::globals::poolcheckfilename = $checkfilename; $installer::globals::poollockfilename = $lockfilename; my @checkfilecontent = ("$installer::globals::sessionid $installer::globals::product $$languagestringref $checkfilename"); # $$ is the process id my @lockfilecontent = ("$installer::globals::sessionid $installer::globals::product $$languagestringref $lockfilename"); # $$ is the process id # Waiting, step 1 # Checking, if another process checks this package at the moment my $timecounter = 0; while ( -f $checkfilename ) { $timecounter++; # including an exit to enable creation of other packages if (( $timecounter == 1 ) && ( ! exists($installer::globals::poolshiftedpackages{$packagename}) )) { $package_is_up_to_date = 3; # repeat this package later return $package_is_up_to_date; } $infoline = "Pool: $checkfilename exists. WAITING 10 seconds ($timecounter).\n"; if ( $timecounter == 1 ) { installer::logger::print_message( "\n" ); } installer::logger::print_message( "... $infoline" ); push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); # if ( $timecounter % 50 == 0 ) { check_pool_exit($checkfilename, $timecounter); } if ( $timecounter % 100 == 0 ) { check_pool_exit($checkfilename, $timecounter); } sleep 10; # process sleeps 10 seconds $waited_for_check = 1; } # Creating file, showing that this package is checked at the moment by this process. No other process can reach this. installer::files::save_file($checkfilename, \@checkfilecontent); # Creating the Lock, to check this package. This blocks all other processes. $installer::globals::processhaspoolcheckfile = 1; # Check, if the Lock file creation was really successful if ( ! -f $checkfilename ) { $infoline = "Pool problem: Pool lock file \"$checkfilename\" could not be created successfully or was removed by another process (A)!\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); log_pool_info(0); $package_is_up_to_date = 4; # repeat this package return $package_is_up_to_date; } if ( ! process_is_owner($checkfilename) ) { $infoline = "Pool problem: Pool lock file \"$checkfilename\" belongs to another process (A)!\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); log_pool_info(1); $package_is_up_to_date = 4; # repeat this package return $package_is_up_to_date; } $infoline = "Pool: Created file: $checkfilename\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); if ( $waited_for_check ) { installer::logger::print_message( "... $infoline" ); } # Waiting, step 2 # Checking, if another process creates this package at the moment $timecounter = 0; while ( -f $lockfilename ) { $timecounter++; $infoline = "Pool: $lockfilename exists. WAITING 10 seconds ($timecounter).\n"; if ( $timecounter == 1 ) { installer::logger::print_message( "\n" ); } installer::logger::print_message( "... $infoline" ); push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); # if ( $timecounter % 50 == 0 ) { check_pool_exit($lockfilename, $timecounter); } if ( $timecounter % 100 == 0 ) { check_pool_exit($lockfilename, $timecounter); } sleep 10; # process sleeps 10 seconds $waited_for_lock = 1; } # No lock file exists, therefore no process creates this package at the moment. Check can be done now. if ( $waited_for_lock ) { installer::logger::print_message( "... Pool: Proceeding, $lockfilename was removed.\n" ); } my $package_already_exists = 0; if ( -f $filename ) { # Calculating content for pcf file $installer::globals::newpcfcontent = calculate_current_content($filesinpackage, $packagename); $installer::globals::newpcfcontentcalculated = 1; # reading the existing pcf file ($realpackagename, $oldpcfcontent, $oldepmcontent) = read_pcf_content($filename); # First check: Package has to exist in pool (directories on Solaris) my $fullpackage = $installer::globals::poolpath . $installer::globals::separator . $realpackagename; if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { $fullpackage = $fullpackage . ".tar"; } if ( -f $fullpackage ) { $package_already_exists = 1; # Second check: Only files my $content_is_identical = compare_package_content($oldpcfcontent, $installer::globals::newpcfcontent); # Third check for Unix: Changes in the epm file? if (( $content_is_identical ) && ( ! $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild )) { $content_is_identical = compare_epm_content($oldepmcontent, $newepmcontent); } if ( $content_is_identical ) { $package_is_up_to_date = 1; } } } if ( $package_is_up_to_date ) { $infoline = "Pool: $packagename: No new content, using existing package\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); installer::logger::print_message( "... using package from pool\n" ); } else { if ( $package_already_exists ) { $infoline = "Pool: $packagename: Contains new content, creating new package. Differences:\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); foreach my $dest ( sort keys %installer::globals::pcfdifflist ) { push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, "$dest\n"); } foreach my $dest ( @installer::globals::pcfdiffcomment ) { push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, "$dest"); } foreach my $dest ( @installer::globals::epmdifflist ) { push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, "$dest"); } } else { $infoline = "Pool: $packagename: Does not exist in pool.\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); } installer::logger::print_message( "... packaging required\n" ); %installer::globals::xpdpackageinfo = (); # reset the filled hash, because the package cannot be used. # Creating lock mechanism, so that other processes do not create this package, too. installer::files::save_file($lockfilename, \@lockfilecontent); # Creating the Lock, to create this package (Lock for check still exists). $installer::globals::processhaspoollockfile = 1; # Check if creation of Lock file was really successful if ( ! -f $lockfilename ) { $infoline = "Pool problem: Pool lock file \"$lockfilename\" could not be created successfully or was removed by another process (D)!\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); log_pool_info(0); $package_is_up_to_date = 4; # repeat this package return $package_is_up_to_date; } if ( ! process_is_owner($lockfilename) ) { $infoline = "Pool problem: Pool lock file \"$lockfilename\" belongs to another process (D)!\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); log_pool_info(1); $package_is_up_to_date = 4; # repeat this package return $package_is_up_to_date; } $infoline = "Pool: Created file: $lockfilename\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); } my $newpackagepath = ""; if ( $package_is_up_to_date ) { # Before the package is copied into the installation set, it has to be checked, if this process is really the owner of this lock file.. # Check, if lock file still exists and if this process is the owner. if ( ! -f $checkfilename ) { $infoline = "Pool problem: Pool lock file \"$checkfilename\" was removed by another process (B)!\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); log_pool_info(0); $package_is_up_to_date = 4; # repeat this package return $package_is_up_to_date; } if ( ! process_is_owner($checkfilename) ) { $infoline = "Pool problem: Pool lock file \"$checkfilename\" belongs to another process (B)!\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); log_pool_info(1); $package_is_up_to_date = 4; # repeat this package return $package_is_up_to_date; } # Copying the package from the pool into the installation set $newpackagepath = copy_package_from_pool($installdir, $subdir, $realpackagename); } # Before the lock file in the pool can be removed, it has to be checked, if this process is still the owner of this lock file. # Check, if lock file still exists and if this process is the owner. if ( ! -f $checkfilename ) { $infoline = "Pool problem: Pool lock file \"$checkfilename\" was removed by another process (C)!\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); log_pool_info(0); # removing new package from installation set if ( $newpackagepath ne "" ) { remove_package_from_installset($newpackagepath); } # A file was copied and a problem occured with pooling $package_is_up_to_date = 4; # repeat this package return $package_is_up_to_date; } if ( ! process_is_owner($checkfilename) ) { $infoline = "Pool problem: Pool lock file \"$checkfilename\" belongs to another process (C)!\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); log_pool_info(1); # removing new package from installation set if ( $newpackagepath ne "" ) { remove_package_from_installset($newpackagepath); } # A file was copied and a problem occured with pooling $package_is_up_to_date = 4; # repeat this package return $package_is_up_to_date; } # Removing the check file, releasing this package for the next process. # The Lock to create this package still exists, if required. unlink $checkfilename; $installer::globals::processhaspoolcheckfile = 0; $infoline = "Pool: Removing file: $checkfilename\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); # Last chance before packaging starts, to check, if this process is really still owner # of the packaging lock file. If not, this packaging process can be repeated. if ( $installer::globals::processhaspoollockfile ) { if ( ! -f $lockfilename ) { $infoline = "Pool problem: Pool lock file \"$lockfilename\" was removed by another process (E)!\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); log_pool_info(0); $package_is_up_to_date = 4; # repeat this package return $package_is_up_to_date; } if ( ! process_is_owner($lockfilename) ) { $infoline = "Pool problem: Pool lock file \"$lockfilename\" belongs to another process (E)!\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); log_pool_info(1); $package_is_up_to_date = 4; # repeat this package return $package_is_up_to_date; } } # Collecting log information if ( $package_is_up_to_date == 1 ) { $installer::globals::poolpackages{$packagename} = 1; } if ( $package_is_up_to_date == 0 ) { my @packreasons = (); if ( $package_already_exists ) { $infoline = "\t\tPool: $packagename: Contains new content, creating new package. Differences:\n"; push( @packreasons, $infoline); foreach my $dest ( sort keys %installer::globals::pcfdifflist ) { push( @packreasons, "\t\t$dest\n"); } foreach my $dest ( @installer::globals::pcfdiffcomment ) { push( @packreasons, "\t\t$dest"); } foreach my $dest ( @installer::globals::epmdifflist ) { push( @packreasons, "\t\t$dest"); } } else { $infoline = "\t\tPool: $packagename: Does not exist in pool.\n"; push( @packreasons, $infoline); } $installer::globals::createpackages{$packagename} = \@packreasons; } return $package_is_up_to_date; } ################################################### # Determine, which package was created newly ################################################### sub determine_new_packagename { my ( $dir ) = @_; my ($newcontent, $allcontent) = installer::systemactions::find_new_content_in_directory($dir, \@installer::globals::installsetcontent); @installer::globals::installsetcontent = (); foreach my $element ( @{$allcontent} ) { push(@installer::globals::installsetcontent, $element); } my $newentriesnumber = $#{$newcontent} + 1; if ( $newentriesnumber > 1 ) { my $newpackages = ""; foreach my $onepackage ( @{$newcontent} ) { $newpackages = $newpackages . " " . $onepackage; } installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: More than one new package in directory $dir ($newpackages)", "determine_new_packagename (packagepool)"); } elsif ( $newentriesnumber < 1 ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No new package in directory $dir", "determine_new_packagename (packagepool)"); } my $newpackage = ${$newcontent}[0]; return $newpackage; } #################################################### # Including content into the package pool #################################################### sub put_content_into_pool { my ($packagename, $installdir, $subdir, $filesinpackage, $epmfilecontent) = @_; my $infoline = ""; my $fullinstalldir = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $subdir; my $fullrealpackagename = determine_new_packagename($fullinstalldir); my $realpackagename = $fullrealpackagename; installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$realpackagename); installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Adding content into the package pool: $realpackagename (PackageName: $packagename)"); # Calculating content for pcf file, if not already done in "package_is_up_to_date" if ( ! $installer::globals::newpcfcontentcalculated ) { $installer::globals::newpcfcontent = calculate_current_content($filesinpackage, $packagename); $installer::globals::newpcfcontentcalculated = 1; } # Determining md5sum and FileSize for the new package and saving in pcf file my $md5sum = installer::xpdinstaller::get_md5_value($fullrealpackagename); my $filesize = installer::xpdinstaller::get_size_value($fullrealpackagename); my $fullpackagename = installer::xpdinstaller::get_fullpkgname_value($fullrealpackagename); my $pkgversion = installer::xpdinstaller::get_pkgversion_value($fullrealpackagename); # Put package content file (pcf) into pool my $pcffilename = $installer::globals::poolpath . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename . ".pcf"; create_pcfcontent_file($realpackagename, $md5sum, $filesize, $fullpackagename, $pkgversion, $epmfilecontent, $pcffilename); # Creating xpd info $installer::globals::xpdpackageinfo{'FileSize'} = $filesize; $installer::globals::xpdpackageinfo{'FullPackageName'} = $fullpackagename; $installer::globals::xpdpackageinfo{'md5sum'} = $md5sum; $installer::globals::xpdpackageinfo{'RealPackageName'} = $realpackagename; $installer::globals::xpdpackageinfo{'PkgVersion'} = $pkgversion; # Put package into pool $infoline = "Pool: Adding package \"$packagename\" into pool.\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); # Copying with unique name, containing PID. Only renaming if everything was fine. my $realdestination = ""; my $uniquedestination = ""; if ( -f $fullrealpackagename ) { $realdestination = $installer::globals::poolpath . $installer::globals::separator . $realpackagename; $uniquedestination = $realdestination . "." . $installer::globals::sessionid; installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($fullrealpackagename, $uniquedestination); } # Copying Solaris packages (as tar files) if ( -d $fullrealpackagename ) { my $tarfilename = $packagename . ".tar"; my $fulltarfilename = $fullinstalldir . $installer::globals::separator . $tarfilename; my $size = installer::worker::tar_package($fullinstalldir, $packagename, $tarfilename, $installer::globals::getuidpath); if (( ! -f $fulltarfilename ) || ( ! ( $size > 0 ))) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Missing file: $fulltarfilename", "put_content_into_pool"); } $realdestination = $installer::globals::poolpath . $installer::globals::separator . $tarfilename; $uniquedestination = $realdestination . "." . $installer::globals::sessionid; installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($fulltarfilename, $uniquedestination); unlink $fulltarfilename; } # Before the new package is renamed in the pool, it has to be checked, if this process still has the lock for this package. # Check, if lock file still exists and if this process is the owner. Otherwise a pool error occured. if ( ! -f $installer::globals::poollockfilename ) { unlink $uniquedestination; # removing file from pool log_pool_info(0); installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Pool lock file \"$installer::globals::poollockfilename\" was removed by another process (F)!", "put_content_into_pool"); } if ( ! process_is_owner($installer::globals::poollockfilename) ) { unlink $uniquedestination; # removing file from pool log_pool_info(1); installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Pool lock file \"$installer::globals::poollockfilename\" belongs to another process (F)!", "put_content_into_pool"); } # Renaming the file in the pool (atomic step) rename($uniquedestination, $realdestination); $infoline = "Pool: Renamed file: \"$uniquedestination\" to \"$realdestination\".\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); # Before the lock file in the pool can be removed, it has to be checked, if this process is still the owner of this lock file. # Check, if lock file still exists and if this process is the owner. Otherwise a pool error occured. if ( ! -f $installer::globals::poollockfilename ) { log_pool_info(0); installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Pool lock file \"$installer::globals::poollockfilename\" was removed by another process (G)!", "put_content_into_pool"); } if ( ! process_is_owner($installer::globals::poollockfilename) ) { log_pool_info(1); installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Pool lock file \"$installer::globals::poollockfilename\" belongs to another process (G)!", "put_content_into_pool"); } # Removing lock file, so that other processes can use this package now unlink $installer::globals::poollockfilename; $installer::globals::processhaspoollockfile = 0; $infoline = "Pool: Removing file: $installer::globals::poollockfilename\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); } ################################################################### # Copying a package from the pool into the installation set ################################################################### sub copy_package_from_pool { my ($installdir, $subdir, $packagename) = @_; my $infoline = "Pool: Using package \"$packagename\" from pool.\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); my $sourcefile = $installer::globals::poolpath . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename; if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { $sourcefile = $sourcefile . ".tar"; } if ( ! -f $sourcefile ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Missing package in package pool: \"$sourcefile\"", "copy_package_from_pool"); } my $destination = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $subdir; if ( ! -d $destination ) { installer::systemactions::create_directory($destination); } my $destinationfile = $destination . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename; if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { $destinationfile = $destinationfile . ".tar"; } if ( -f $sourcefile ) { installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destinationfile); } # Unpacking for Solaris if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { my $tarfilename = $packagename . ".tar"; installer::worker::untar_package($destination, $tarfilename, $installer::globals::getuidpath); unlink $destinationfile; $destinationfile =~ s/.tar\s*$//; } # Keeping the content of @installer::globals::installsetcontent up to date (with full pathes): push(@installer::globals::installsetcontent, $destinationfile); return $destinationfile; } ################################################################### # Counting keys in hash ################################################################### sub get_count { my ( $hashref ) = @_; my $counter = 0; foreach my $onekey ( keys %{$hashref} ) { $counter++; } return $counter; } ################################################################### # Logging some pool information ################################################################### sub log_pool_statistics { my $infoline = ""; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Pool statistics:"); # Info collected in global hashes # %installer::globals::createpackages # %installer::globals::poolpackages my $pool_packages = get_count(\%installer::globals::poolpackages); my $created_packages = get_count(\%installer::globals::createpackages); $infoline = "Number of packages from pool: $pool_packages\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); foreach my $packagename ( sort keys(%installer::globals::poolpackages) ) { $infoline = "\t$packagename\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); } $infoline = "\nNumber of packages that were created: $created_packages\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); foreach my $packagename ( sort keys(%installer::globals::createpackages) ) { $infoline = "\t$packagename\n"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); my $reason = $installer::globals::createpackages{$packagename}; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$reason}; $i++ ) { $infoline = "${$reason}[$i]"; push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline); } } } 1;