#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** package installer::worker; use Cwd; use File::Copy; use File::stat; use File::Temp qw(tmpnam); use installer::control; use installer::converter; use installer::existence; use installer::exiter; use installer::files; use installer::globals; use installer::logger; use installer::mail; use installer::pathanalyzer; use installer::scpzipfiles; use installer::scriptitems; use installer::sorter; use installer::systemactions; use installer::windows::language; ##################################################################### # Unpacking all files ending with tar.gz in a specified directory ##################################################################### sub unpack_all_targzfiles_in_directory { my ( $directory ) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Unpacking tar.gz files:"); $installer::logger::Info->print( "... unpacking tar.gz files ... \n" ); my $localdirectory = $directory . $installer::globals::separator . "packages"; my $alltargzfiles = installer::systemactions::find_file_with_file_extension("tar.gz", $localdirectory); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$alltargzfiles}; $i++ ) { my $onefile = $localdirectory . $installer::globals::separator . ${$alltargzfiles}[$i]; my $systemcall = "cd $localdirectory; cat ${$alltargzfiles}[$i] \| gunzip \| tar -xf -"; $returnvalue = system($systemcall); my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute \"$systemcall\"!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: Executed \"$systemcall\" successfully!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } } ######################################### # Copying installation sets to ship ######################################### sub copy_install_sets_to_ship { my ( $destdir, $shipinstalldir ) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Copying installation set to ship:"); my $dirname = $destdir; installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$dirname); $dirname = $dirname . "_inprogress"; my $localshipinstalldir = $shipinstalldir . $installer::globals::separator . $dirname; if ( ! -d $localshipinstalldir ) { installer::systemactions::create_directory_structure($localshipinstalldir); } # copy installation set to /ship ($localshipinstalldir) $installer::logger::Info->print( "... copy installation set from " . $destdir . " to " . $localshipinstalldir . "\n" ); installer::systemactions::copy_complete_directory($destdir, $localshipinstalldir); if (( ! $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) && ( $installer::globals::addjavainstaller )) { # Setting Unix rights for Java starter ("setup") my $localcall = "chmod 775 $localshipinstalldir/setup \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1"; system($localcall); } # unpacking the tar.gz file for Solaris if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { unpack_all_targzfiles_in_directory($localshipinstalldir); } $localshipinstalldir = installer::systemactions::rename_string_in_directory($localshipinstalldir, "_inprogress", ""); return $localshipinstalldir; } ######################################### # Copying installation sets to ship ######################################### sub link_install_sets_to_ship { my ( $destdir, $shipinstalldir ) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Linking installation set to ship:"); my $infoline = "... destination directory: $shipinstalldir ...\n"; $installer::logger::Info->print( $infoline ); $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ( ! -d $shipinstalldir) { $infoline = "Creating directory: $shipinstalldir\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); installer::systemactions::create_directory_structure($shipinstalldir); $infoline = "Created directory: $shipinstalldir\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } my $dirname = $destdir; installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$dirname); my $localshipinstalldir = $shipinstalldir . $installer::globals::separator . $dirname; # link installation set to /ship ($localshipinstalldir) $installer::logger::Lang->print( "... linking installation set from " . $destdir . " to " . $localshipinstalldir . "\n" ); my $systemcall = "ln -s $destdir $localshipinstalldir"; $returnvalue = system($systemcall); $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: Could not create link \"$localshipinstalldir\"!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: Created link \"$localshipinstalldir\"!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } return $localshipinstalldir; } ######################################### # Create checksum file ######################################### sub make_checksum_file { my ( $filesref, $includepatharrayref ) = @_; my @checksum = (); my $checksumfileref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$installer::globals::checksumfile, $includepatharrayref, 1); if ( $$checksumfileref eq "" ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find file $installer::globals::checksumfile !", "make_checksum_file"); } # # very slow on Windows # for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ ) # { # my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i]; # my $systemcall = "$$checksumfileref $onefile->{'sourcepath'} |"; # open (CHECK, "$systemcall"); # my $localchecksum = ; # close (CHECK); # push(@checksum, $localchecksum); # } my $systemcall = "$$checksumfileref"; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ ) { my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i]; $systemcall = $systemcall . " " . $onefile->{'sourcepath'}; # very very long systemcall if ((( $i > 0 ) && ( $i%100 == 0 )) || ( $i == $#{$filesref} )) # limiting to 100 files { $systemcall = $systemcall . " \|"; my @localchecksum = (); open (CHECK, "$systemcall"); @localchecksum = ; close (CHECK); for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#localchecksum; $j++ ) { push(@checksum, $localchecksum[$j]); } $systemcall = "$$checksumfileref"; # reset the system call } } return \@checksum; } ######################################### # Saving the checksum file ######################################### sub save_checksum_file { my ($current_install_number, $installchecksumdir, $checksumfile) = @_; my $numberedchecksumfilename = $installer::globals::checksumfilename; $numberedchecksumfilename =~ s/\./_$current_install_number\./; # checksum.txt -> checksum_01.txt installer::files::save_file($installchecksumdir . $installer::globals::separator . $numberedchecksumfilename, $checksumfile); } ################################################# # Writing some global information into # the list of files without flag PATCH ################################################# sub write_nopatchlist_header { my ( $content ) = @_; my @header = (); my $infoline = "This is a list of files, that are defined in scp-projects without\n"; push(@header, $infoline); $infoline = "flag \"PATCH\". Important: This does not mean in any case, that \n"; push(@header, $infoline); $infoline = "this files are included into or excluded from a patch. \n\n"; push(@header, $infoline); $infoline = "Exception Linux: A patch rpm is a complete rpm. This means that all \n"; push(@header, $infoline); $infoline = "files are included into a patch rpm, if only one file of the rpm has the \n"; push(@header, $infoline); $infoline = "style \"PATCH\". \n\n"; push(@header, $infoline); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#header; $i++ ) { push(@{$content},$header[$i]); } } ################################################# # Creating the content of the list of files # without flag PATCH. # All files are saved in # @{$installer::globals::nopatchfilecollector} ################################################# sub create_nopatchlist { my @content =(); write_nopatchlist_header(\@content); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$installer::globals::nopatchfilecollector}; $i++ ) { my $onefile = ${$installer::globals::nopatchfilecollector}[$i]; my $oneline = $onefile->{'destination'}; if ( $onefile->{'zipfilename'} ) { $oneline = $oneline . " (" . $onefile->{'zipfilename'} . ")"; } $oneline = $oneline . "\n"; push(@content, $oneline); } return \@content; } ######################################### # Saving the patchlist file ######################################### sub save_patchlist_file { my ($installlogdir, $patchlistfilename) = @_; my $installpatchlistdir = installer::systemactions::create_directory_next_to_directory($installlogdir, "patchlist"); $patchlistfilename =~ s/log\_/patchfiles\_/; $patchlistfilename =~ s/\.log/\.txt/; installer::files::save_file($installpatchlistdir . $installer::globals::separator . $patchlistfilename, \@installer::globals::patchfilecollector); $installer::logger::Info->print( "... creating patchlist file $patchlistfilename \n" ); if (( $installer::globals::patch ) && ( ! $installer::globals::creating_windows_installer_patch )) # only for non-Windows patches { $patchlistfilename =~ s/patchfiles\_/nopatchfiles\_/; my $nopatchlist = create_nopatchlist(); installer::files::save_file($installpatchlistdir . $installer::globals::separator . $patchlistfilename, $nopatchlist); $installer::logger::Info->print( "... creating patch exclusion file $patchlistfilename \n" ); } } ############################################################### # Removing all directories of a special language # in the directory $basedir ############################################################### sub remove_old_installation_sets { my ($basedir) = @_; $installer::logger::Info->print( "... removing old installation directories ...\n" ); my $removedir = $basedir; if ( -d $removedir ) { installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($removedir, 1); } # looking for non successful old installation sets $removedir = $basedir . "_witherror"; if ( -d $removedir ) { installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($removedir, 1); } $removedir = $basedir . "_inprogress"; if ( -d $removedir ) { installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($removedir, 1); } # finally the $basedir can be created empty if ( $installer::globals::localinstalldirset ) { installer::systemactions::create_directory_structure($basedir); } installer::systemactions::create_directory($basedir); } ############################################################### # Removing all non successful installation sets on ship ############################################################### sub remove_old_ship_installation_sets { my ($fulldir, $counter) = @_; $installer::logger::Info->print( "... removing old installation directories ...\n" ); my $basedir = $fulldir; installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$basedir); # collecting all directories next to the new installation directory my $alldirs = installer::systemactions::get_all_directories($basedir); if ( $fulldir =~ /^\s*(.*?inprogress\-)(\d+)(.*?)\s*$/ ) { my $pre_inprogress = $1; # $pre still contains "inprogress" my $number = $2; my $post = $3; my $pre_witherror = $pre_inprogress; $pre_witherror =~ s/inprogress/witherror/; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$alldirs}; $i++ ) { if ( ${$alldirs}[$i] eq $fulldir ) { next; } # do not delete the newly created directory if ( ${$alldirs}[$i] =~ /^\s*\Q$pre_inprogress\E\d+\Q$post\E\s*$/ ) # removing old "inprogress" directories { installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory(${$alldirs}[$i], 1); } if ( ${$alldirs}[$i] =~ /^\s*\Q$pre_witherror\E\d+\Q$post\E\s*$/ ) # removing old "witherror" directories { installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory(${$alldirs}[$i], 1); } } } } ############################################################### # Creating the installation directory structure ############################################################### sub create_installation_directory { my ($shipinstalldir, $languagestringref, $current_install_number_ref) = @_; my $installdir = ""; my $languageref = $languagestringref; if ( $installer::globals::updatepack ) { $installdir = $shipinstalldir; installer::systemactions::create_directory_structure($installdir); $$current_install_number_ref = installer::systemactions::determine_maximum_number($installdir, $languageref); $installdir = installer::systemactions::rename_string_in_directory($installdir, "number", $$current_install_number_ref); remove_old_ship_installation_sets($installdir); } else { $installdir = installer::systemactions::create_directories("install", $languageref); $installer::logger::Info->print( "... creating installation set in $installdir ...\n" ); remove_old_installation_sets($installdir); my $inprogressinstalldir = $installdir . "_inprogress"; installer::systemactions::rename_directory($installdir, $inprogressinstalldir); $installdir = $inprogressinstalldir; } $installer::globals::saveinstalldir = $installdir; # saving directory globally, in case of exiting return $installdir; } ############################################################### # Analyzing and creating the log file ############################################################### sub analyze_and_save_logfile { my ($loggingdir, $installdir, $installlogdir, $allsettingsarrayref, $languagestringref, $current_install_number) = @_; my $is_success = 1; my $finalinstalldir = ""; $installer::logger::Info->print( "... checking log file " . $loggingdir . $installer::globals::logfilename . "\n" ); my $contains_error = installer::control::check_logfile(); # Dependent from the success, the installation directory can be renamed and mails can be send. if ($contains_error) { my $errordir = installer::systemactions::rename_string_in_directory($installdir, "_inprogress", "_witherror"); if ($installer::globals::updatepack) { installer::mail::send_fail_mail($allsettingsarrayref, $languagestringref, $errordir); } # Error output to STDERR for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#installer::globals::errorlogfileinfo; $j++ ) { my $line = $installer::globals::errorlogfileinfo[$j]; $line =~ s/\s*$//g; installer::logger::print_error( $line ); } $is_success = 0; $finalinstalldir = $errordir; } else { my $destdir = ""; if ( $installer::globals::updatepack ) { if ( $installdir =~ /_download_inprogress/ ) { $destdir = installer::systemactions::rename_string_in_directory($installdir, "_download_inprogress", "_download"); } elsif ( $installdir =~ /_jds_inprogress/ ) { $destdir = installer::systemactions::rename_string_in_directory($installdir, "_jds_inprogress", "_jds"); } elsif ( $installdir =~ /_msp_inprogress/ ) { $destdir = installer::systemactions::rename_string_in_directory($installdir, "_msp_inprogress", "_msp"); } else { if ( $installdir =~ /_packed/ ) { $destdir = installer::systemactions::rename_string_in_directory($installdir, "_inprogress", ""); } else { $destdir = installer::systemactions::rename_string_in_directory($installdir, "_inprogress", "_packed"); } } installer::mail::send_success_mail($allsettingsarrayref, $languagestringref, $destdir); } else { $destdir = installer::systemactions::rename_string_in_directory($installdir, "_inprogress", ""); } $finalinstalldir = $destdir; } # Saving the logfile in the log file directory and additionally in a log directory in the install directory my $numberedlogfilename = $installer::globals::logfilename; if ( $installer::globals::updatepack ) { $numberedlogfilename =~ s /log_/log_$current_install_number\_/; } foreach my $log_file_name ( $loggingdir . $numberedlogfilename, $installlogdir . $installer::globals::separator . $numberedlogfilename) { if ($log_file_name ne $installer::logger::Lang->{'filename'}) { $installer::logger::Info->printf(" copying log file to %s\n", $log_file_name); installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($installer::logger::Lang->{'filename'}, $log_file_name); } } # Saving the list of patchfiles in a patchlist directory in the install directory if (( $installer::globals::patch ) || ( $installer::globals::creating_windows_installer_patch )) { installer::worker::save_patchlist_file($installlogdir, $numberedlogfilename); } if ( $installer::globals::creating_windows_installer_patch ) { $installer::globals::creating_windows_installer_patch = 0; } # Exiting the packaging process, if an error occured. # This is important, to get an error code "-1", if an error was found in the log file, # that did not break the packaging process if ( ! $is_success) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Found an error in the logfile. Packaging failed.", "analyze_and_save_logfile"); } return ($is_success, $finalinstalldir); } ############################################################### # Analyzing and creating the log file ############################################################### sub save_logfile_after_linking { my ($loggingdir, $installlogdir, $current_install_number) = @_; # Saving the logfile in the log file directory and additionally in a log directory in the install directory my $numberedlogfilename = $installer::globals::logfilename; if ( $installer::globals::updatepack ) { $numberedlogfilename =~ s /log_/log_$current_install_number\_/; } $installer::logger::Info->print( "... creating log file $numberedlogfilename \n" ); installer::files::save_file($loggingdir . $numberedlogfilename, \@installer::globals::logfileinfo); installer::files::save_file($installlogdir . $installer::globals::separator . $numberedlogfilename, \@installer::globals::logfileinfo); } ############################################################### # Removing all directories that are saved in the # global directory @installer::globals::removedirs ############################################################### sub clean_output_tree { $installer::logger::Info->print( "... cleaning the output tree ...\n" ); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::removedirs; $i++ ) { if ( -d $installer::globals::removedirs[$i] ) { $installer::logger::Info->print( "... removing directory $installer::globals::removedirs[$i] ...\n" ); installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($installer::globals::removedirs[$i], 1); } } # Last try to remove the ship test directory if ( $installer::globals::shiptestdirectory ) { if ( -d $installer::globals::shiptestdirectory ) { my $infoline = "Last try to remove $installer::globals::shiptestdirectory . \n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); my $systemcall = "rmdir $installer::globals::shiptestdirectory"; my $returnvalue = system($systemcall); } } } ############################################################### # Removing all directories that are saved in the # global directory @installer::globals::jdsremovedirs ############################################################### sub clean_jds_temp_dirs { $installer::logger::Info->print( "... cleaning jds directories ...\n" ); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::jdsremovedirs; $i++ ) { if ( -d $installer::globals::jdsremovedirs[$i] ) { $installer::logger::Info->print( "... removing directory $installer::globals::jdsremovedirs[$i] ...\n" ); installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($installer::globals::jdsremovedirs[$i], 1); } } } ########################################################### # Copying a reference array ########################################################### sub copy_array_from_references { my ( $arrayref ) = @_; my @newarray = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$arrayref}; $i++ ) { push(@newarray, ${$arrayref}[$i]); } return \@newarray; } ########################################################### # Copying a reference hash ########################################################### sub copy_hash_from_references { my ($hashref) = @_; my %newhash = (); my $key; foreach $key (keys %{$hashref}) { $newhash{$key} = $hashref->{$key}; } return \%newhash; } ########################################################### # Setting one language in the language independent # array of include pathes with $(LANG) ########################################################### sub get_language_specific_include_pathes { my ( $patharrayref, $onelanguage ) = @_; my @patharray = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$patharrayref}; $i++ ) { my $line = ${$patharrayref}[$i]; $line =~ s/\$\(LANG\)/$onelanguage/g; push(@patharray ,$line); } return \@patharray; } ############################################################## # Returning the first item with a defined flag ############################################################## sub return_first_item_with_special_flag { my ($itemsref, $flag) = @_; my $firstitem = ""; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsref}; $i++ ) { my $oneitem = ${$itemsref}[$i]; my $styles = ""; if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'} }; if ( $styles =~ /\b$flag\b/ ) { $firstitem = $oneitem; last; } } return $firstitem; } ############################################################## # Collecting all items with a defined flag ############################################################## sub collect_all_items_with_special_flag { my ($itemsref, $flag) = @_; my @allitems = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsref}; $i++ ) { my $oneitem = ${$itemsref}[$i]; my $styles = ""; if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'} }; if ( $styles =~ /\b$flag\b/ ) { push( @allitems, $oneitem ); } } return \@allitems; } ############################################################## # Collecting all files without patch flag in # $installer::globals::nopatchfilecollector ############################################################## sub collect_all_files_without_patch_flag { my ($filesref) = @_; my $newfiles = collect_all_items_without_special_flag($filesref, "PATCH"); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$newfiles}; $i++ ) { push(@{$installer::globals::nopatchfilecollector}, ${$newfiles}[$i]); } } ############################################################## # Collecting all items without a defined flag ############################################################## sub collect_all_items_without_special_flag { my ($itemsref, $flag) = @_; my @allitems = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsref}; $i++ ) { my $oneitem = ${$itemsref}[$i]; my $styles = ""; if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'} }; if ( !( $styles =~ /\b$flag\b/ )) { push( @allitems, $oneitem ); } } return \@allitems; } ############################################################## # Removing all items with a defined flag from collector ############################################################## sub remove_all_items_with_special_flag { my ($itemsref, $flag) = @_; my @allitems = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsref}; $i++ ) { my $oneitem = ${$itemsref}[$i]; my $styles = ""; if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'} }; if ( $styles =~ /\b$flag\b/ ) { $installer::logger::Lang->printf("Attention: Removing from collector: %s\n", $oneitem->{'Name'}); if ($flag eq "BINARYTABLE_ONLY") { push(@installer::globals::binarytableonlyfiles, $oneitem); } next; } push( @allitems, $oneitem ); } return \@allitems; } ########################################################### # Mechanism for simple installation without packing ########################################################### sub install_simple ($$$$$$) { my ($packagename, $languagestring, $directoriesarray, $filesarray, $linksarray, $unixlinksarray) = @_; # locate GNU cp on the system my $gnucp = 'cp'; if ( $ENV{'GNUCOPY'} ) { $gnucp = $ENV{'GNUCOPY'}; } my $copyopts = '-af'; $copyopts = '-PpRf' unless ( $ENV{'GNUCOPY'} ); # if not gnucopy, assume POSIX copy $installer::logger::Info->print( "... installing module $packagename ...\n" ); my $destdir = $installer::globals::destdir; my @lines = (); $installer::logger::Info->print( "DestDir: $destdir \n" ); $installer::logger::Info->print( "Rootpath: $installer::globals::rootpath \n" ); `mkdir -p $destdir` if $destdir ne ""; `mkdir -p $destdir$installer::globals::rootpath`; # Create Directories for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$directoriesarray}; $i++ ) { my $onedir = ${$directoriesarray}[$i]; my $dir = ""; if ( $onedir->{'Dir'} ) { $dir = $onedir->{'Dir'}; } if ((!($dir =~ /\bPREDEFINED_/ )) || ( $dir =~ /\bPREDEFINED_PROGDIR\b/ )) { # printf "mkdir $destdir$onedir->{'HostName'}\n"; mkdir $destdir . $onedir->{'HostName'}; push @lines, "%dir " . $onedir->{'HostName'} . "\n"; } } for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarray}; $i++ ) { my $onefile = ${$filesarray}[$i]; my $unixrights = $onefile->{'UnixRights'}; my $destination = $onefile->{'destination'}; my $sourcepath = $onefile->{'sourcepath'}; # This is necessary to install SDK that includes files with $ in its name # Otherwise, the following shell commands does not work and the file list # is not correct $destination =~ s/\$\$/\$/; $sourcepath =~ s/\$\$/\$/; push @lines, "$destination\n"; # printf "cp $sourcepath $destdir$destination\n"; copy ("$sourcepath", "$destdir$destination") || die "Can't copy file: $sourcepath -> $destdir$destination $!"; my $sourcestat = stat($sourcepath); utime ($sourcestat->atime, $sourcestat->mtime, "$destdir$destination"); chmod (oct($unixrights), "$destdir$destination") || die "Can't change permissions: $!"; push @lines, "$destination\n"; } for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$linksarray}; $i++ ) { my $onelink = ${$linksarray}[$i]; my $destination = $onelink->{'destination'}; my $destinationfile = $onelink->{'destinationfile'}; # print "link $destinationfile -> $destdir$destination\n"; symlink ("$destinationfile", "$destdir$destination") || die "Can't create symlink: $!"; push @lines, "$destination\n"; } for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$unixlinksarray}; $i++ ) { my $onelink = ${$unixlinksarray}[$i]; my $target = $onelink->{'Target'}; my $destination = $onelink->{'destination'}; # print "Unix link $target -> $destdir$destination\n"; `ln -sf '$target' '$destdir$destination'`; push @lines, "$destination\n"; } if ( $destdir ne "" ) { my $filelist; my $fname = $installer::globals::destdir . "/$packagename"; if ($installer::globals::languagepack) { $fname .= ".$languagestring"; } open ($filelist, ">$fname") || die "Can't open $fname: $!"; print $filelist @lines; close ($filelist); } } ########################################################### # Adding shellnew files into files collector for # user installation ########################################################### sub add_shellnewfile_into_filesarray { my ($filesref, $onefile, $inffile) = @_; my %shellnewfile = (); my $shellnewfileref = \%shellnewfile; installer::converter::copy_item_object($inffile, $shellnewfileref); $shellnewfileref->{'Name'} = $onefile->{'Name'}; $shellnewfileref->{'sourcepath'} = $onefile->{'sourcepath'}; $shellnewfileref->{'gid'} = $onefile->{'gid'} . "_Userinstall"; # the destination has to be adapted my $destination = $inffile->{'destination'}; installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$destination); $destination = $destination . $onefile->{'Name'}; $shellnewfileref->{'destination'} = $destination; # add language specific inffile into filesarray push(@{$filesref}, $shellnewfileref); } ########################################################### # Replacing one placehoder in template file ########################################################### sub replace_in_template_file { my ($templatefile, $placeholder, $newstring) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$templatefile}; $i++ ) { ${$templatefile}[$i] =~ s/\Q$placeholder\E/$newstring/g; } } ########################################################### # Replacing one placehoder with an array in template file ########################################################### sub replace_array_in_template_file { my ($templatefile, $placeholder, $arrayref) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$templatefile}; $i++ ) { if ( ${$templatefile}[$i] =~ /\Q$placeholder\E/ ) { my @return = splice(@{$templatefile}, $i, 1, @{$arrayref}); } } } ########################################################### # Collecting all modules from registry items ########################################################### sub collect_all_modules { my ($registryitemsref) = @_; my @allmodules = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$registryitemsref}; $i++ ) { $registryitem = ${$registryitemsref}[$i]; my $module = $registryitem->{'ModuleID'}; if ( ! installer::existence::exists_in_array($module, \@allmodules) ) { push(@allmodules, $module); } } return \@allmodules; } ########################################################### # Changing the content of the inf file ########################################################### sub write_content_into_inf_file { my ($templatefile, $filesref, $registryitemsref, $folderref, $folderitemsref, $modulesref, $onelanguage, $inffile, $firstlanguage, $allvariableshashref) = @_; # First part: Shellnew files # SHELLNEWFILESPLACEHOLDER my $rootmodule = 0; # inf files can be assigned to "gid_Module_Root_Files_2" if ( $inffile->{'modules'} =~ /Module_Root/i ) { $rootmodule = 1; } if ( $rootmodule ) { my $shellnewstring = ""; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ ) { my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i]; my $directory = $onefile->{'Dir'}; if ( $directory =~ /\bPREDEFINED_OSSHELLNEWDIR\b/ ) { $shellnewstring = $shellnewstring . $onefile->{'Name'} . "\n"; if (( $firstlanguage ) && ( ! $installer::globals::shellnewfilesadded )) { add_shellnewfile_into_filesarray($filesref, $onefile, $inffile); } } } $shellnewstring =~ s/\s*$//; replace_in_template_file($templatefile, "SHELLNEWFILESPLACEHOLDER", $shellnewstring); $installer::globals::shellnewfilesadded = 1; } # Second part: Start menu entries # The OfficeMenuFolder is defined as: $productname . " " . $productversion; my $productname = $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTNAME'}; my $productversion = $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTVERSION'}; my $productkey = $productname . " " . $productversion; replace_in_template_file($templatefile, "OFFICEFOLDERPLACEHOLDER", $productkey); # Setting name target and infotip for all applications for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$folderitemsref}; $i++ ) { my $folderitem = ${$folderitemsref}[$i]; my $styles = ""; if ( $folderitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $folderitem->{'Styles'}; } if ( $styles =~ /\bNON_ADVERTISED\b/ ) { next; } # no entry for non-advertised shortcuts if (( ! $folderitem->{'ismultilingual'} ) || (( $folderitem->{'ismultilingual'} ) && ( $folderitem->{'specificlanguage'} eq $onelanguage ))) { my $gid = $folderitem->{'gid'}; my $app = $gid; $app =~ s/gid_Folderitem_//; $app = uc($app); my $name = $folderitem->{'Name'}; my $placeholder = "PLACEHOLDER_FOLDERITEM_NAME_" . $app; replace_in_template_file($templatefile, $placeholder, $name); my $tooltip = $folderitem->{'Tooltip'}; $placeholder = "PLACEHOLDER_FOLDERITEM_TOOLTIP_" . $app; replace_in_template_file($templatefile, $placeholder, $tooltip); my $executablegid = $folderitem->{'FileID'}; my $exefile = installer::existence::get_specified_file($filesref, $executablegid); my $exefilename = $exefile->{'Name'}; $placeholder = "PLACEHOLDER_FOLDERITEM_TARGET_" . $app; replace_in_template_file($templatefile, $placeholder, $exefilename); } } # Third part: Windows registry entries # collecting all modules my $allmodules = collect_all_modules($registryitemsref); my @registryitems = (); my $allsectionsstring = ""; for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$allmodules}; $j++ ) { my $moduleid = ${$allmodules}[$j]; my $inffilemodule = $inffile->{'modules'}; # inf files can be assigned to "gid_Module_Root_Files_2", but RegistryItems to "gid_Module_Root" if ( $inffilemodule =~ /Module_Root/i ) { $inffilemodule = $installer::globals::rootmodulegid; } if ( ! ( $moduleid eq $inffilemodule )) { next; } my $shortmodulename = $moduleid; $shortmodulename =~ s/gid_Module_//; my $sectionname = "InstRegKeys." . $shortmodulename; $allsectionsstring = $allsectionsstring . $sectionname . ","; my $sectionheader = "\[" . $sectionname . "\]" . "\n"; push(@registryitems, $sectionheader); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$registryitemsref}; $i++ ) { my $registryitem = ${$registryitemsref}[$i]; if ( ! ( $registryitem->{'ModuleID'} eq $moduleid )) { next; } if (( ! $registryitem->{'ismultilingual'} ) || (( $registryitem->{'ismultilingual'} ) && ( $registryitem->{'specificlanguage'} eq $onelanguage ))) { # Syntax: HKCR,".bau",,,"soffice.StarConfigFile.6" my $regroot = ""; my $parentid = ""; if ( $registryitem->{'ParentID'} ) { $parentid = $registryitem->{'ParentID'}; } if ( $parentid eq "PREDEFINED_HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" ) { $regroot = "HKCR"; } if ( $parentid eq "PREDEFINED_HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" ) { $regroot = "HKCU"; } my $subkey = ""; if ( $registryitem->{'Subkey'} ) { $subkey = $registryitem->{'Subkey'}; } if ( $subkey ne "" ) { $subkey = "\"" . $subkey . "\""; } my $valueentryname = ""; if ( $registryitem->{'Name'} ) { $valueentryname = $registryitem->{'Name'}; } if ( $valueentryname ne "" ) { $valueentryname = "\"" . $valueentryname . "\""; } my $flag = ""; my $value = ""; if ( $registryitem->{'Value'} ) { $value = $registryitem->{'Value'}; } if ( $value =~ /\/ ) { $value =~ s/\\\"/\"\"/g; } # Quoting for INF is done by double "" $value =~ s/\\\"/\"/g; # no more masquerading of '"' $value =~ s/\/\%INSTALLLOCATION\%/g; if ( $value ne "" ) { $value = "\"" . $value . "\""; } my $oneline = $regroot . "," . $subkey . "," . $valueentryname . "," . $flag . "," . $value . "\n"; push(@registryitems, $oneline); } } push(@registryitems, "\n"); # empty line after each section } # replacing the $allsectionsstring $allsectionsstring =~ s/\,\s*$//; replace_in_template_file($templatefile, "ALLREGISTRYSECTIONSPLACEHOLDER", $allsectionsstring); # replacing the placeholder for all registry keys replace_array_in_template_file($templatefile, "REGISTRYKEYSPLACEHOLDER", \@registryitems); } ########################################################### # Creating inf files for local user system integration ########################################################### sub create_inf_file { my ($filesref, $registryitemsref, $folderref, $folderitemsref, $modulesref, $languagesarrayref, $languagestringref, $allvariableshashref) = @_; # collecting all files with flag INFFILE my $inf_files = collect_all_items_with_special_flag($filesref ,"INFFILE"); if ( $#{$inf_files} > -1 ) { # create new language specific inffile installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Creating inf files:"); my $infdirname = "inffiles"; my $infdir = installer::systemactions::create_directories($infdirname, $languagestringref); my $infoline = "Number of inf files: $#{$inf_files} + 1 \n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # there are inffiles for all modules for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$inf_files}; $i++ ) { my $inffile = ${$inf_files}[$i]; my $inf_file_name = $inffile->{'Name'}; my $templatefilename = $inffile->{'sourcepath'}; if ( ! -f $templatefilename ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find file $templatefilename !", "create_inf_file"); } # iterating over all languages for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$languagesarrayref}; $j++ ) # iterating over all languages { my $firstlanguage = 0; if ( $j == 0 ) { $firstlanguage = 1; } my $onelanguage = ${$languagesarrayref}[$j]; $infoline = "Templatefile: $inf_file_name, Language: $onelanguage \n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); my $templatefile = installer::files::read_file($templatefilename); my $linesbefore = $#{$templatefile}; write_content_into_inf_file($templatefile, $filesref, $registryitemsref, $folderref, $folderitemsref, $modulesref, $onelanguage, $inffile, $firstlanguage, $allvariableshashref); $infoline = "Lines change: From $linesbefore to $#{$templatefile}.\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # rename language specific inffile my $language_inf_file_name = $inf_file_name; my $windowslanguage = installer::windows::language::get_windows_language($onelanguage); $language_inf_file_name =~ s/\.inf/_$windowslanguage\.inf/; my $sourcepath = $infdir . $installer::globals::separator . $language_inf_file_name; installer::files::save_file($sourcepath, $templatefile); $infoline = "Saving file: $sourcepath\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # creating new file object my %languageinffile = (); my $languageinifileref = \%languageinffile; if ( $j < $#{$languagesarrayref} ) { installer::converter::copy_item_object($inffile, $languageinifileref); } else { $languageinifileref = $inffile; } $languageinifileref->{'Name'} = $language_inf_file_name; $languageinifileref->{'sourcepath'} = $sourcepath; # destination and gid also have to be adapted $languageinifileref->{'gid'} = $languageinifileref->{'gid'} . "_" . $onelanguage; my $destination = $languageinifileref->{'destination'}; installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$destination); $destination = $destination . $language_inf_file_name; $languageinifileref->{'destination'} = $destination; # add language specific inffile into filesarray if ( $j < $#{$languagesarrayref} ) { push(@{$filesref}, $languageinifileref); } } } } } ########################################################### # Selecting patch items ########################################################### sub select_patch_items { my ( $itemsref, $itemname ) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Selecting items for patches. Item: $itemname"); my @itemsarray = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsref}; $i++ ) { my $oneitem = ${$itemsref}[$i]; my $name = $oneitem->{'Name'}; if (( $name =~ /\bLICENSE/ ) || ( $name =~ /\bREADME/ )) { push(@itemsarray, $oneitem); next; } # Items with style "PATCH" have to be included into the patch my $styles = ""; if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; } if ( $styles =~ /\bPATCH\b/ ) { push(@itemsarray, $oneitem); } } return \@itemsarray; } ########################################################### # Selecting patch items ########################################################### sub select_patch_items_without_name { my ( $itemsref, $itemname ) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Selecting RegistryItems for patches"); my @itemsarray = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsref}; $i++ ) { my $oneitem = ${$itemsref}[$i]; # Items with style "PATCH" have to be included into the patch my $styles = ""; if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; } if ( $styles =~ /\bPATCH\b/ ) { push(@itemsarray, $oneitem); } } return \@itemsarray; } ########################################################### # Selecting patch items ########################################################### sub select_langpack_items { my ( $itemsref, $itemname ) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Selecting RegistryItems for Language Packs"); my @itemsarray = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsref}; $i++ ) { my $oneitem = ${$itemsref}[$i]; # Items with style "LANGUAGEPACK" have to be included into the patch my $styles = ""; if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; } if (( $styles =~ /\bLANGUAGEPACK\b/ ) || ( $styles =~ /\bFORCELANGUAGEPACK\b/ )) { push(@itemsarray, $oneitem); } } return \@itemsarray; } ########################################################### # Searching if LICENSE and README, which are not removed # in select_patch_items are really needed for the patch. # If not, they are removed now. ########################################################### sub analyze_patch_files { my ( $filesref ) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Analyzing patch files"); my @filesarray = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ ) { my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i]; my $styles = ""; if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; } if ( !( $styles =~ /\bPATCH\b/) ) { next; } # removing all files without flag PATCH (LICENSE, README, ...) if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) { # all files of the Windows patch belong to the root module $onefile->{'modules'} = $installer::globals::rootmodulegid; } push(@filesarray, $onefile); } return \@filesarray; } ########################################################### # Sorting an array ########################################################### sub sort_array { my ( $arrayref ) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$arrayref}; $i++ ) { my $under = ${$arrayref}[$i]; for ( my $j = $i + 1; $j <= $#{$arrayref}; $j++ ) { my $over = ${$arrayref}[$j]; if ( $under gt $over) { ${$arrayref}[$i] = $over; ${$arrayref}[$j] = $under; $under = $over; } } } } ########################################################### # Renaming linux files with flag LINUXLINK ########################################################### sub prepare_linuxlinkfiles { my ( $filesref ) = @_; @installer::globals::linuxlinks = (); # empty this array, because it could be already used @installer::globals::linuxpatchfiles = (); # empty this array, because it could be already used @installer::globals::allfilessav = (); # empty this array, because it could be already used. Required for forced links my @filesarray = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ ) { my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i]; my %linkfilehash = (); my $linkfile = \%linkfilehash; installer::converter::copy_item_object($onefile, $linkfile); my $ispatchfile = 0; my $styles = ""; if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; } if ( $styles =~ /\bPATCH\b/ ) { $ispatchfile = 1; } # Collecting all files for the mechanism with forced links # Saving a copy my %copyfilehash = (); my $copyfile = \%copyfilehash; installer::converter::copy_item_object($onefile, $copyfile); push( @installer::globals::allfilessav, $copyfile); my $original_destination = $onefile->{'destination'}; # $onefile->{'destination'} is used in the epm list file. This value can be changed now! if ( $ispatchfile ) { $onefile->{'destination'} = $onefile->{'destination'} . "\.$installer::globals::linuxlibrarypatchlevel"; } else { $onefile->{'destination'} = $onefile->{'destination'} . "\.$installer::globals::linuxlibrarybaselevel"; } my $infoline = "LINUXLINK: Changing file destination from $original_destination to $onefile->{'destination'} !\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # all files without PATCH flag are included into the RPM if ( ! $ispatchfile ) { push( @filesarray, $onefile); } else { push( @installer::globals::linuxpatchfiles, $onefile); } # Preparing the collector for the links # Setting the new file name as destination of the link my $linkdestination = $linkfile->{'Name'}; installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$linkdestination); if ( $ispatchfile ) { $linkfile->{'destinationfile'} = $linkdestination . "\.$installer::globals::linuxlibrarypatchlevel"; } else { $linkfile->{'destinationfile'} = $linkdestination . "\.$installer::globals::linuxlibrarybaselevel"; } push( @installer::globals::linuxlinks, $linkfile ); $infoline = "LINUXLINK: Created link: $linkfile->{'destination'} pointing to $linkfile->{'destinationfile'} !\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } return \@filesarray; } ########################################################### # Adding links into "u-RPMs", that have the flag # FORCE_INTO_UPDATE_PACKAGE # This is only relevant for Linux ########################################################### sub prepare_forced_linuxlinkfiles { my ( $linksref ) = @_; my @linksarray = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$linksref}; $i++ ) { my $onelink = ${$linksref}[$i]; my $isforcedlink = 0; my $styles = ""; if ( $onelink->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onelink->{'Styles'}; } if ( $styles =~ /\bFORCE_INTO_UPDATE_PACKAGE\b/ ) { $isforcedlink = 1; } if ( $isforcedlink ) { my $fileid = ""; if ( $onelink->{'ShortcutID'} ) { $fileid = $onelink->{'ShortcutID'}; my $searchedlinkfile = find_file_by_id($linksref, $fileid); # making a copy! my %linkfilehash = (); my $linkfile = \%linkfilehash; installer::converter::copy_item_object($searchedlinkfile, $linkfile); $linkfile->{'Name'} = $onelink->{'Name'}; $linkfile->{'destinationfile'} = $linkfile->{'destination'}; my $linkdestination = $linkfile->{'destinationfile'}; installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$linkdestination); $linkfile->{'destinationfile'} = $linkdestination; my $localdestination = $linkfile->{'destination'}; # Getting the path installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$localdestination); $localdestination =~ s/\Q$installer::globals::separator\E\s*$//; $linkfile->{'destination'} = $localdestination . $installer::globals::separator . $onelink->{'Name'}; $infoline = "Forced link into update file: $linkfile->{'destination'} pointing to $linkfile->{'destinationfile'} !\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # The file, defined by the link, has to be included into the # link array @installer::globals::linuxlinks push( @installer::globals::linuxlinks, $linkfile ); } if ( $onelink->{'FileID'} ) { $fileid = $onelink->{'FileID'}; my $searchedlinkfile = find_file_by_id(\@installer::globals::allfilessav, $fileid); # making a copy! my %linkfilehash = (); my $linkfile = \%linkfilehash; installer::converter::copy_item_object($searchedlinkfile, $linkfile); $linkfile->{'Name'} = $onelink->{'Name'}; $linkfile->{'destinationfile'} = $linkfile->{'destination'}; my $linkdestination = $linkfile->{'destinationfile'}; installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$linkdestination); $linkfile->{'destinationfile'} = $linkdestination; my $localdestination = $linkfile->{'destination'}; # Getting the path installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$localdestination); $localdestination =~ s/\Q$installer::globals::separator\E\s*$//; $linkfile->{'destination'} = $localdestination . $installer::globals::separator . $onelink->{'Name'}; $infoline = "Forced link into update file: $linkfile->{'destination'} pointing to $linkfile->{'destinationfile'} !\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # The file, defined by the link, has to be included into the # link array @installer::globals::linuxlinks push( @installer::globals::linuxlinks, $linkfile ); } if ( $fileid eq "" ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No FileID assigned to forced link $onelink->{'gid'} !", "prepare_forced_linuxlinkfiles"); } } else { # Links with flag FORCE_INTO_UPDATE_PACKAGE are forced into "u"-RPM. All other # links are included into the non-"u"-package. push( @linksarray, $onelink ); } } return \@linksarray; } ########################################################### # reorganizing the patchfile content, # sorting for directory to decrease the file size ########################################################### sub reorg_patchfile { my ($patchfiles, $patchfiledirectories) = @_; my @patchfilesarray = (); my $line = ""; my $directory = ""; # iterating over all directories, writing content into new patchfiles list for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$patchfiledirectories}; $i++ ) { $directory = ${$patchfiledirectories}[$i]; $line = "[" . $directory . "]" . "\n"; push(@patchfilesarray, $line); for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$patchfiles}; $j++ ) { # "\tXXXXX\t" . $olddestination . "\n"; if ( ${$patchfiles}[$j] =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*\tXXXXX\t\Q$directory\E\s*$/ ) { $line = $1 . "\n"; push(@patchfilesarray, $line); } } } return \@patchfilesarray; } ########################################################### # One special file has to be the last in patchfile.txt. # Controlling this file, guarantees, that all files were # patch correctly. Using version.ini makes it easy to # control this by looking into the about box # -> shifting one section to the end ########################################################### sub shift_section_to_end { my ($patchfilelist) = @_; my @patchfile = (); my @lastsection = (); my $lastsection = "program"; my $notlastsection = "Basis\\program"; my $record = 0; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$patchfilelist}; $i++ ) { my $line = ${$patchfilelist}[$i]; if (( $record ) && ( $line =~ /^\s*\[/ )) { $record = 0; } if (( $line =~ /^\s*\[\Q$lastsection\E\\\]\s*$/ ) && ( ! ( $line =~ /\Q$notlastsection\E\\\]\s*$/ ))) { $record = 1; } if ( $record ) { push(@lastsection, $line); } else { push(@patchfile, $line); } } if ( $#lastsection > -1 ) { for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#lastsection; $i++ ) { push(@patchfile, $lastsection[$i]); } } return \@patchfile; } ########################################################### # One special file has to be the last in patchfile.txt. # Controlling this file, guarantees, that all files were # patch correctly. Using version.ini makes it easy to # control this by looking into the about box # -> shifting one file of the last section to the end ########################################################### sub shift_file_to_end { my ($patchfilelist) = @_; my @patchfile = (); my $lastfilename = "version.ini"; my $lastfileline = ""; my $foundfile = 0; # Only searching this file in the last section my $lastsectionname = ""; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$patchfilelist}; $i++ ) { my $line = ${$patchfilelist}[$i]; if ( $line =~ /^\s*\[(.*?)\]\s*$/ ) { $lastsectionname = $1; } } my $record = 0; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$patchfilelist}; $i++ ) { my $line = ${$patchfilelist}[$i]; if ( $line =~ /^\s*\[\Q$lastsectionname\E\]\s*$/ ) { $record = 1; } if (( $line =~ /^\s*\"\Q$lastfilename\E\"\=/ ) && ( $record )) { $lastfileline = $line; $foundfile = 1; $record = 0; next; } push(@patchfile, $line); } if ( $foundfile ) { push(@patchfile, $lastfileline); } return \@patchfile; } ########################################################### # Putting hash content into array and sorting it ########################################################### sub sort_hash { my ( $hashref ) = @_; my $item = ""; my @sortedarray = (); foreach $item (keys %{$hashref}) { push(@sortedarray, $item); } installer::sorter::sorting_array_of_strings(\@sortedarray); return \@sortedarray; } ########################################################### # Renaming Windows files in Patch and creating file # patchfiles.txt ########################################################### sub prepare_windows_patchfiles { my ( $filesref, $languagestringref, $allvariableshashref ) = @_; my @patchfiles = (); my %patchfiledirectories = (); my $patchfilename = "patchlist.txt"; my $patchfilename2 = "patchmsi.dll"; if ( ! $allvariableshashref->{'WINDOWSPATCHLEVEL'} ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No Windows patch level defined in list file (WINDOWSPATCHLEVEL) !", "prepare_windows_patchfiles"); } # my $windowspatchlevel = $allvariableshashref->{'WINDOWSPATCHLEVEL'}; my $windowspatchlevel = $installer::globals::buildid; # the environment variable CWS_WORK_STAMP is set only in CWS if ( $ENV{'CWS_WORK_STAMP'} ) { $windowspatchlevel = $ENV{'CWS_WORK_STAMP'} . $windowspatchlevel; } for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ ) { my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i]; my $filename = $onefile->{'Name'}; if (( $filename eq $patchfilename ) || ( $filename eq $patchfilename2 )) { next; } my $styles = ""; if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; } if ( $styles =~ /\bDONTRENAMEINPATCH\b/ ) { next; } # special handling for files with flag DONTSHOW. This files get the extension ".dontshow" to be filtered by dialogs. my $localwindowspatchlevel = $windowspatchlevel; if ( $styles =~ /\bDONTSHOW\b/ ) { $localwindowspatchlevel = $localwindowspatchlevel . "\.dontshow"; } my $olddestination = $onefile->{'destination'}; my $newdestination = $olddestination . "." . $localwindowspatchlevel; my $localfilename = $olddestination; installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$localfilename); # file name part my $line = "\"" . $localfilename . "\"" . "=" . "\"" . "\." . $localwindowspatchlevel . "\""; $onefile->{'destination'} = $newdestination; my $newfilename = $onefile->{'Name'} . "." . $localwindowspatchlevel; $onefile->{'Name'} = $newfilename; # adding section information (section is the directory) my $origolddestination = $olddestination; installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$olddestination); # directory part if ( ! $olddestination ) { $olddestination = "_root"; } if ( ! exists($patchfiledirectories{$olddestination}) ) { $patchfiledirectories{$olddestination} = 1; } $line = $line . "\tXXXXX\t" . $olddestination . "\n"; push(@patchfiles, $line); # also collecting all files from patch in @installer::globals::patchfilecollector my $patchfileline = $origolddestination . "\n"; push(@installer::globals::patchfilecollector, $patchfileline); } my $winpatchdirname = "winpatch"; my $winpatchdir = installer::systemactions::create_directories($winpatchdirname, $languagestringref); my $patchlistfile = installer::existence::get_specified_file_by_name($filesref, $patchfilename); # reorganizing the patchfile content, sorting for directory to decrease the file size my $sorteddirectorylist = sort_hash(\%patchfiledirectories); my $patchfilelist = reorg_patchfile(\@patchfiles, $sorteddirectorylist); # shifting version.ini to the end of the list, to guarantee, that all files are patched # if the correct version is shown in the about box $patchfilelist = shift_section_to_end($patchfilelist); $patchfilelist = shift_file_to_end($patchfilelist); # saving the file $patchfilename = $winpatchdir . $installer::globals::separator . $patchfilename; installer::files::save_file($patchfilename, $patchfilelist); $installer::logger::Lang->print("\n"); $installer::logger::Lang->printf("Created list of patch files: %s\n", $patchfilename); # and assigning the new source $patchlistfile->{'sourcepath'} = $patchfilename; # and finally checking the file size if ( -f $patchfilename ) # test of existence { my $filesize = ( -s $patchfilename ); $infoline = "Size of patch file list: $filesize\n\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); $installer::logger::Info->print( "... size of patch list file: $filesize Byte ... \n" ); # Win 98: Maximum size of ini file is 65 kB # if ( $filesize > 64000 ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Maximum size of patch file list is 65 kB (Win98), now reached: $filesize Byte !", "prepare_windows_patchfiles"); } } } ########################################################### # Replacing %-variables with the content # of $allvariableshashref ########################################################### sub replace_variables_in_string { my ( $string, $variableshashref ) = @_; if ( $string =~ /^.*\%\w+.*$/ ) { my $key; foreach $key (keys %{$variableshashref}) { my $value = $variableshashref->{$key}; $key = "\%" . $key; $string =~ s/\Q$key\E/$value/g; } } return $string; } ########################################################### # Replacing %-variables with the content # of $allvariableshashref ########################################################### sub replace_dollar_variables_in_string { my ( $string, $variableshashref ) = @_; if ( $string =~ /^.*\$\{\w+\}.*$/ ) { my $key; foreach $key (keys %{$variableshashref}) { my $value = $variableshashref->{$key}; $key = "\$\{" . $key . "\}"; $string =~ s/\Q$key\E/$value/g; } } return $string; } ########################################################### # The list file contains the list of packages/RPMs that # have to be copied. ########################################################### sub get_all_files_from_filelist { my ( $listfile, $section ) = @_; my @allpackages = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$listfile}; $i++ ) { my $line = ${$listfile}[$i]; if ( $line =~ /^\s*\#/ ) { next; } # this is a comment line if ( $line =~ /^\s*$/ ) { next; } # empty line $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//; push(@allpackages, $line); } return \@allpackages; } ########################################################### # Getting one section from a file. Section begins with # [xyz] and ends with file end or next [abc]. ########################################################### sub get_section_from_file { my ($file, $sectionname) = @_; my @section = (); my $record = 0; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$file}; $i++ ) { my $line = ${$file}[$i]; if (( $record ) && ( $line =~ /^\s*\[/ )) { $record = 0; last; } if ( $line =~ /^\s*\[\Q$sectionname\E\]\s*$/ ) { $record = 1; } if ( $line =~ /^\s*\[/ ) { next; } # this is a section line if ( $line =~ /^\s*\#/ ) { next; } # this is a comment line if ( $line =~ /^\s*$/ ) { next; } # empty line $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//; if ( $record ) { push(@section, $line); } } return \@section; } ####################################################### # Substituting one variable in the xml file ####################################################### sub replace_one_dollar_variable { my ($file, $variable, $searchstring) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$file}; $i++ ) { ${$file}[$i] =~ s/\$\{$searchstring\}/$variable/g; } } ####################################################### # Substituting the variables in the xml file ####################################################### sub substitute_dollar_variables { my ($file, $variableshashref) = @_; my $key; foreach $key (keys %{$variableshashref}) { my $value = $variableshashref->{$key}; replace_one_dollar_variable($file, $value, $key); } } ############################################################################# # Collecting all packages or rpms located in the installation directory ############################################################################# sub get_all_packages_in_installdir { my ($directory) = @_; my $infoline = ""; my @allpackages = (); my $allpackages = \@allpackages; if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild ) { $allpackages = installer::systemactions::find_file_with_file_extension("rpm", $directory); } if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { $allpackages = installer::systemactions::get_all_directories($directory); } return $allpackages; } ############################################################### # The list of exclude packages can contain the # beginning of the package name, not the complete name. ############################################################### sub is_matching { my ($onepackage, $allexcludepackages ) = @_; my $matches = 0; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allexcludepackages}; $i++ ) { my $oneexcludepackage = ${$allexcludepackages}[$i]; if ( $onepackage =~ /^\s*$oneexcludepackage/ ) { $matches = 1; last; } } return $matches; } ############################################################### # Copying all Solaris packages or RPMs from installation set ############################################################### sub copy_all_packages { my ($allexcludepackages, $sourcedir, $destdir) = @_; my $infoline = ""; $sourcedir =~ s/\/\s*$//; $destdir =~ s/\/\s*$//; # $allexcludepackages is a list of RPMs and packages, that shall NOT be included into jds product my $allpackages = get_all_packages_in_installdir($sourcedir); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allpackages}; $i++ ) { my $onepackage = ${$allpackages}[$i]; my $packagename = $onepackage; if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ) # on Solaris $onepackage contains the complete path { installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$packagename); } if ( ! installer::existence::exists_in_array($packagename, $allexcludepackages)) { if ( ! is_matching($packagename, $allexcludepackages ) ) { if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild ) { my $sourcepackage = $sourcedir . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename; my $destfile = $destdir . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename; if ( ! -f $sourcepackage ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find RPM $sourcepackage!", "copy_all_packages"); } installer::systemactions::hardlink_one_file($sourcepackage, $destfile); } if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ) { my $destinationdir = $destdir . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename; if ( ! -d $onepackage ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find Solaris package $onepackage!", "copy_all_packages"); } # installer::systemactions::hardlink_complete_directory($onepackage, $destinationdir); # installer::systemactions::copy_complete_directory($onepackage, $destinationdir); my $systemcall = "cp -p -R $onepackage $destinationdir"; make_systemcall($systemcall); } } else { $infoline = "Excluding package (matching): $onepackage\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } else { $infoline = "Excluding package (precise name): $onepackage\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } } ###################################################### # Making systemcall ###################################################### sub make_systemcall { my ($systemcall) = @_; my $returnvalue = system($systemcall); my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute \"$systemcall\"!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: Executed \"$systemcall\" successfully!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } ########################################################### # Copying all Solaris packages or RPMs from solver ########################################################### sub copy_additional_packages { my ($allcopypackages, $destdir, $includepatharrayref) = @_; my $infoline = "Copy additional packages into installation set.\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); $destdir =~ s/\/\s*$//; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allcopypackages}; $i++ ) { my $onepackage = ${$allcopypackages}[$i]; $infoline = "Copy package: $onepackage\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # this package must be delivered into the solver my $packagesourceref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$onepackage, $includepatharrayref, 0); if ($$packagesourceref eq "") { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find jds file $onepackage!", "copy_additional_packages"); } if ( $onepackage =~ /\.tar\.gz\s*$/ ) { my $systemcall = "cd $destdir; cat $$packagesourceref | gunzip | tar -xf -"; make_systemcall($systemcall); } else { my $destfile = $destdir . $installer::globals::separator . $onepackage; installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($$packagesourceref, $destfile); } } } ########################################################### # Creating jds installation sets ########################################################### sub create_jds_sets { my ($installationdir, $allvariableshashref, $languagestringref, $languagesarrayref, $includepatharrayref) = @_; $installer::logger::Info->print("\n"); $installer::logger::Info->print("******************************************\n"); $installer::logger::Info->print("... creating jds installation set ...\n"); $installer::logger::Info->print("******************************************\n"); installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Creating jds installation sets:"); my $firstdir = $installationdir; installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$firstdir); my $lastdir = $installationdir; installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$lastdir); if ( $lastdir =~ /\./ ) { $lastdir =~ s/\./_jds_inprogress\./ } else { $lastdir = $lastdir . "_jds_inprogress"; } # removing existing directory "_native_packed_inprogress" and "_native_packed_witherror" and "_native_packed" my $jdsdir = $firstdir . $lastdir; if ( -d $jdsdir ) { installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($jdsdir); } my $olddir = $jdsdir; $olddir =~ s/_inprogress/_witherror/; if ( -d $olddir ) { installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($olddir); } $olddir = $jdsdir; $olddir =~ s/_inprogress//; if ( -d $olddir ) { installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($olddir); } # creating the new directory installer::systemactions::create_directory($jdsdir); $installer::globals::saveinstalldir = $jdsdir; # find and read jds files list my $filelistname = $installer::globals::jdsexcludefilename; my $filelistnameref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$filelistname, "", 0); if ($$filelistnameref eq "") { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find jds list file $filelistname!", "create_jds_sets"); } my $listfile = installer::files::read_file($$filelistnameref); my $infoline = "Found jds list file: $$filelistnameref\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # substituting the variables substitute_dollar_variables($listfile, $allvariableshashref); # determining the packages/RPMs to copy my $allexcludepackages = get_section_from_file($listfile, "excludefiles"); my $allcopypackages = get_section_from_file($listfile, "copyfiles"); # determining the source directory my $alldirs = installer::systemactions::get_all_directories($installationdir); my $sourcedir = ${$alldirs}[0]; # there is only one directory if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { $sourcedir = $installer::globals::saved_packages_path; } # copy all packages/RPMs copy_all_packages($allexcludepackages, $sourcedir, $jdsdir); copy_additional_packages($allcopypackages, $jdsdir, $includepatharrayref); return $jdsdir; } ############################################################################# # Checking, whether this installation set contains the correct languages ############################################################################# sub check_jds_language { my ($allvariableshashref, $languagestringref) = @_; my $infoline = ""; # languagesarrayref and $allvariableshashref->{'JDSLANG'} if ( ! $allvariableshashref->{'JDSLANG'} ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: For building JDS installation sets \"JDSLANG\" must be defined!", "check_jds_language"); } my $languagestring = $allvariableshashref->{'JDSLANG'}; my $sortedarray1 = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_array(\$languagestring, ","); installer::sorter::sorting_array_of_strings($sortedarray1); my $sortedarray2 = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_array($languagestringref, "_"); installer::sorter::sorting_array_of_strings($sortedarray2); my $string1 = installer::converter::convert_array_to_comma_separated_string($sortedarray1); my $string2 = installer::converter::convert_array_to_comma_separated_string($sortedarray2); my $arrays_are_equal = compare_arrays($sortedarray1, $sortedarray2); return $arrays_are_equal; } ################################################################################### # Comparing two arrays. The arrays are equal, if the complete content is equal. ################################################################################### sub compare_arrays { my ($array1, $array2) = @_; my $arrays_are_equal = 1; # checking the size if ( ! ( $#{$array1} == $#{$array2} )) { $arrays_are_equal = 0; } # different size if ( $arrays_are_equal ) # only make further investigations if size is equal { for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$array1}; $i++ ) { # ingnoring whitespaces at end and beginning ${$array1}[$i] =~ s/^\s*//; ${$array2}[$i] =~ s/^\s*//; ${$array1}[$i] =~ s/\s*$//; ${$array2}[$i] =~ s/\s*$//; if ( ! ( ${$array1}[$i] eq ${$array2}[$i] )) { $arrays_are_equal = 0; last; } } } return $arrays_are_equal; } ################################################################# # Copying the files defined as ScpActions into the # installation set. ################################################################# sub put_scpactions_into_installset { my ($installdir) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Start: Copying scp action files into installation set"); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::allscpactions; $i++ ) { my $onescpaction = $installer::globals::allscpactions[$i]; my $subdir = ""; if ( $onescpaction->{'Subdir'} ) { $subdir = $onescpaction->{'Subdir'}; } if ( $onescpaction->{'Name'} eq "loader.exe" ) { next; } # do not copy this ScpAction loader my $destdir = $installdir; $destdir =~ s/\Q$installer::globals::separator\E\s*$//; if ( $subdir ) { $destdir = $destdir . $installer::globals::separator . $subdir; } my $sourcefile = $onescpaction->{'sourcepath'}; my $destfile = $destdir . $installer::globals::separator . $onescpaction->{'DestinationName'}; my $styles = ""; if ( $onescpaction->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onescpaction->{'Styles'}; } if (( $styles =~ /\bFILE_CAN_MISS\b/ ) && ( $sourcefile eq "" )) { next; } if (( $subdir =~ /\// ) || ( $subdir =~ /\\/ )) { installer::systemactions::create_directory_structure($destdir); } else { installer::systemactions::create_directory($destdir); } installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destfile); if ( $onescpaction->{'UnixRights'} ) { my $localcall = "chmod $onescpaction->{'UnixRights'} $destfile \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1"; system($localcall); } } installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("End: Copying scp action files into installation set"); } ################################################################# # Collecting scp actions for all languages ################################################################# sub collect_scpactions { my ($allscpactions) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allscpactions}; $i++ ) { push(@installer::globals::allscpactions, ${$allscpactions}[$i]); } } ################################################################# # Setting the platform name for download ################################################################# sub get_platform_name { my $platformname = ""; if (( $installer::globals::islinuxintelrpmbuild ) || ( $installer::globals::islinuxinteldebbuild )) { $platformname = "LinuxIntel"; } elsif (( $installer::globals::islinuxppcrpmbuild ) || ( $installer::globals::islinuxppcdebbuild )) { $platformname = "LinuxPowerPC"; } elsif (( $installer::globals::islinuxx86_64rpmbuild ) || ( $installer::globals::islinuxx86_64debbuild )) { $platformname = "LinuxX86-64"; } elsif ( $installer::globals::issolarissparcbuild ) { $platformname = "SolarisSparc"; } elsif ( $installer::globals::issolarisx86build ) { $platformname = "Solarisx86"; } elsif ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) { $platformname = "Win32Intel"; } elsif ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /^unxmacxi/ ) { $platformname = "MacOSXIntel"; } elsif ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /^unxmacxp/ ) { $platformname = "MacOSXPowerPC"; } else { # $platformname = $installer::globals::packageformat; $platformname = $installer::globals::compiler; } return $platformname; } ########################################################### # Adding additional variables into the variableshashref, # that are defined in include files in the solver. The # names of the include files are stored in # ADD_INCLUDE_FILES (comma separated list). ########################################################### sub add_variables_from_inc_to_hashref { my ($allvariables, $includepatharrayref) = @_; my $infoline = ""; my $includefilelist = ""; if ( $allvariables->{'ADD_INCLUDE_FILES'} ) { $includefilelist = $allvariables->{'ADD_INCLUDE_FILES'}; } my $includefiles = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_array_without_linebreak_and_quotes(\$includefilelist, ","); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$includefiles}; $i++ ) { my $includefilename = ${$includefiles}[$i]; $includefilename =~ s/^\s*//; $includefilename =~ s/\s*$//; $includefilenameref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$includefilename, $includepatharrayref, 1); if ( $$includefilenameref eq "" ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("Include file $includefilename not found!\nADD_INCLUDE_FILES = $allvariables->{'ADD_INCLUDE_FILES'}", "add_variables_from_inc_to_hashref"); } $installer::logger::Global->printf("Including inc file: %s\n", $$includefilenameref); my $includefile = installer::files::read_file($$includefilenameref); for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$includefile}; $j++ ) { # Analyzing all "key=value" lines my $oneline = ${$includefile}[$j]; if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*\=\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) # no white space allowed in key { my $key = $1; my $value = $2; $allvariables->{$key} = $value; $installer::logger::Global->printf("Setting of variable: %s = %s\n", $key, $value); } } } # Allowing different Java versions for Windows and Unix. Instead of "JAVAVERSION" # the property "WINDOWSJAVAVERSION" has to be used, if it is set. if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) { if (( exists($allvariables->{'WINDOWSJAVAVERSION'})) && ( $allvariables->{'WINDOWSJAVAVERSION'} ne "" )) { $allvariables->{'JAVAVERSION'} = $allvariables->{'WINDOWSJAVAVERSION'}; $installer::logger::Global->printf( "Changing value of property \"JAVAVERSION\" to %s (property \"WINDOWSJAVAVERSION\").\n", $allvariables->{'JAVAVERSION'}); } } } ############################################## # Collecting all files from include pathes ############################################## sub collect_all_files_from_includepathes { my ($patharrayref) = @_; installer::logger::globallog("Reading all directories: Start"); $installer::logger::Info->print( "... reading include pathes ...\n" ); # empty the global @installer::globals::allincludepathes =(); my $infoline; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$patharrayref}; $i++ ) { $includepath = ${$patharrayref}[$i]; installer::remover::remove_leading_and_ending_whitespaces(\$includepath); if ( ! -d $includepath ) { $installer::logger::Global->printf( "%s does not exist. (Can be removed from include path list?)\n", $includepath); next; } my @sourcefiles = (); my $pathstring = ""; installer::systemactions::read_full_directory($includepath, $pathstring, \@sourcefiles); if ( ! ( $#sourcefiles > -1 )) { $installer::logger::Global->printf( "%s is empty. (Can be removed from include path list?)\n", $includepath); } else { my $number = $#sourcefiles + 1; $installer::logger::Global->printf( "Directory %s contains $number files (including subdirs)\n", $includepath); my %allfileshash = (); $allfileshash{'includepath'} = $includepath; for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#sourcefiles; $j++ ) { $allfileshash{$sourcefiles[$j]} = 1; } push(@installer::globals::allincludepathes, \%allfileshash); } } $installer::globals::include_pathes_read = 1; installer::logger::globallog("Reading all directories: End"); $installer::logger::Global->print("\n"); } ############################################## # Searching for a file with the gid ############################################## sub find_file_by_id { my ( $filesref, $gid ) = @_; my $foundfile = 0; my $onefile; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ ) { $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i]; my $filegid = $onefile->{'gid'}; if ( $filegid eq $gid ) { $foundfile = 1; last; } } # It does not need to exist. For example products that do not contain the libraries. # if (! $foundfile ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No unique file name found for $filename !", "get_selfreg_file"); } if (! $foundfile ) { $onefile = ""; } return $onefile; } ############################################## # Searching for an item with the gid ############################################## sub find_item_by_gid { my ( $itemsref, $gid ) = @_; my $founditem = 0; my $oneitem = ""; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsref}; $i++ ) { my $localitem = ${$itemsref}[$i]; my $itemgid = $localitem->{'gid'}; if ( $itemgid eq $gid ) { $oneitem = $localitem; $founditem = 1; last; } } return $oneitem; } ######################################################### # Calling sum ######################################################### sub call_sum { my ($filename) = @_; $sumfile = "/usr/bin/sum"; if ( ! -f $sumfile ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No file /usr/bin/sum", "call_sum"); } my $systemcall = "$sumfile $filename |"; my $sumoutput = ""; open (SUM, "$systemcall"); $sumoutput = ; close (SUM); my $returnvalue = $?; # $? contains the return value of the systemcall my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute \"$systemcall\"!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: Executed \"$systemcall\" successfully!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } return $sumoutput; } ######################################################### # Calling wc # wc -c pkginfo | cut -f6 -d' ' ######################################################### sub call_wc { my ($filename) = @_; $wcfile = "/usr/bin/wc"; if ( ! -f $wcfile ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No file /usr/bin/wc", "call_wc"); } my $systemcall = "$wcfile -c $filename |"; my $wcoutput = ""; open (WC, "$systemcall"); $wcoutput = ; close (WC); my $returnvalue = $?; # $? contains the return value of the systemcall my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute \"$systemcall\"!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: Executed \"$systemcall\" successfully!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } return $wcoutput; } ############################################## # Setting architecture ARCH=i86pc # instead of ARCH=i386. ############################################## sub set_old_architecture_string { my ($pkginfofile) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$pkginfofile}; $i++ ) { if ( ${$pkginfofile}[$i] =~ /^\s*ARCH=i386\s*$/ ) { ${$pkginfofile}[$i] =~ s/i386/i86pc/; last; } } } ############################################## # For the new copied package, it is necessary # that a value for the key SUNW_REQUIRES # is set. Otherwise this copied package # with ARCH=i86pc would be useless. ############################################## sub check_requires_setting { my ($pkginfofile) = @_; my $found = 0; my $patchid = ""; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$pkginfofile}; $i++ ) { if ( ${$pkginfofile}[$i] =~ /^\s*SUNW_REQUIRES=(\S*?)\s*$/ ) { $patchid = $1; $found = 1; last; } } if (( ! $found ) || ( $patchid eq "" )) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No patch id defined for SUNW_REQUIRES in patch pkginfo file!", "check_requires_setting"); } } ############################################## # Setting checksum and wordcount for changed # pkginfo file into pkgmap. ############################################## sub set_pkginfo_line { my ($pkgmapfile, $pkginfofilename) = @_; # 1 i pkginfo 442 34577 1166716297 # -> # 1 i pkginfo 443 34737 1166716297 # # wc -c pkginfo | cut -f6 -d' ' -> 442 (variable) # sum pkginfo | cut -f1 -d' ' -> 34577 (variable) # grep 'pkginfo' pkgmap | cut -f6 -d' ' -> 1166716297 (fix) my $checksum = call_sum($pkginfofilename); if ( $checksum =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+.*$/ ) { $checksum = $1; } my $wordcount = call_wc($pkginfofilename); if ( $wordcount =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+.*$/ ) { $wordcount = $1; } for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$pkgmapfile}; $i++ ) { if ( ${$pkgmapfile}[$i] =~ /(^.*\bpkginfo\b\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s*$)/ ) { my $newline = $1 . $wordcount . $3 . $checksum . $5 . $6 . $7; ${$pkgmapfile}[$i] = $newline; last; } } } ############################################## # Setting time stamp of copied files to avoid # errors from pkgchk. ############################################## sub set_time_stamp { my ($olddir, $newdir, $copyfiles) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$copyfiles}; $i++ ) { my $sourcefile = $olddir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$copyfiles}[$i]; my $destfile = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$copyfiles}[$i]; my $systemcall = "touch -r $sourcefile $destfile"; my $returnvalue = system($systemcall); my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: \"$systemcall\" failed!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: \"$systemcall\" !\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } } ############################################################ # Generating pathes for cygwin (first version) # This function has problems with cygwin, if $tmpfilename # contains many thousand files (OpenOffice SDK). ############################################################ sub generate_cygwin_pathes_old { my ($filesref) = @_; my ($tmpfilehandle, $tmpfilename) = tmpnam(); open SOURCEPATHLIST, ">$tmpfilename" or die "oops...\n"; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ ) { print SOURCEPATHLIST "${$filesref}[$i]->{'sourcepath'}\n"; } close SOURCEPATHLIST; my @cyg_sourcepathlist = qx{cygpath -w -f "$tmpfilename"}; chomp @cyg_sourcepathlist; unlink "$tmpfilename" or die "oops\n"; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ ) { ${$filesref}[$i]->{'cyg_sourcepath'} = $cyg_sourcepathlist[$i]; } } ################################################# # Generating pathes for cygwin (second version) # This function generates smaller files for ################################################# sub generate_cygwin_pathes { my ($filesref) = @_; $installer::logger::Lang->add_timestamp("Starting generating cygwin pathes"); my $infoline = "Generating cygwin pathes (generate_cygwin_pathes)\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); my $max = 5000; # number of pathes in one file my @pathcollector = (); my $startnumber = 0; my $counter = 0; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ ) { my $filename = ${$filesref}[$i]->{'sourcepath'}; push(@pathcollector, $filename . "\n"); $counter++; if (( $i == $#{$filesref} ) || ((( $counter % $max ) == 0 ) && ( $i > 0 ))) { my $tmpfilename = "cygwinhelper_" . $i . ".txt"; my $temppath = $installer::globals::temppath; $temppath =~ s/\Q$installer::globals::separator\E\s*$//; $tmpfilename = $temppath . $installer::globals::separator . $tmpfilename; $infoline = "Creating temporary file for cygwin conversion: $tmpfilename (contains $counter pathes)\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ( -f $tmpfilename ) { unlink $tmpfilename; } installer::files::save_file($tmpfilename, \@pathcollector); my $success = 0; $installer::logger::Lang->printf( "Converting %d filenames to cygwin notation\n", $counter); my @cyg_sourcepathlist = qx{cygpath -w -f "$tmpfilename"}; chomp @cyg_sourcepathlist; # Validating the array, it has to contain the correct number of values my $new_pathes = $#cyg_sourcepathlist + 1; if ( $new_pathes == $counter ) { $success = 1; } if ($success) { $installer::logger::Lang->printf( "Successfully converted %d paths to cygwin notation\n", $counter); $installer::logger::Lang->printf( "there where %d unique paths\n", scalar keys %paths); } else { $installer::logger::Lang->print("ERROR: Failed to convert to cygwin pathes!\n"); installer::exiter::exit_program( "ERROR: Failed to convert to cygwin pathes!", "generate_cygwin_pathes"); } for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#cyg_sourcepathlist; $j++ ) { my $number = $startnumber + $j; ${$filesref}[$number]->{'cyg_sourcepath'} = $cyg_sourcepathlist[$j]; } if ( -f $tmpfilename ) { unlink $tmpfilename; } @pathcollector = (); $startnumber = $startnumber + $max; $counter = 0; } } # Checking existence fo cyg_sourcepath for every file for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ ) { if (( ! exists(${$filesref}[$i]->{'cyg_sourcepath'}) ) || ( ${$filesref}[$i]->{'cyg_sourcepath'} eq "" )) { $infoline = "ERROR: No cygwin sourcepath defined for file ${$filesref}[$i]->{'sourcepath'}\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No cygwin sourcepath defined for file ${$filesref}[$i]->{'sourcepath'}!", "generate_cygwin_pathes"); } } $installer::logger::Lang->add_timestamp("Ending generating cygwin pathes"); } ############################################## # Include only files from install directory # in pkgmap file. ############################################## sub filter_pkgmapfile { my ($pkgmapfile) = @_; my @pkgmap = (); my $line = ": 1 10\n"; push(@pkgmap, $line); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$pkgmapfile}; $i++ ) { $line = ${$pkgmapfile}[$i]; if ( $line =~ /^\s*1\si\s/ ) { push(@pkgmap, $line); } } return \@pkgmap; } ############################################## # Creating double packages for Solaris x86. # One package with ARCH=i386 and one with # ARCH=i86pc. ############################################## sub fix_solaris_x86_patch { my ($packagename, $subdir) = @_; # changing into directory of packages, important for soft linking my $startdir = cwd(); chdir($subdir); # $packagename is: "SUNWstaroffice-core01" # Current working directory is: "/install/en-US_inprogress" # create new folder in "packages": $packagename . ".i" my $newpackagename = $packagename . "\.i"; my $newdir = $newpackagename; installer::systemactions::create_directory($newdir); # collecting all directories in the package my $olddir = $packagename; my $allsubdirs = installer::systemactions::get_all_directories_without_path($olddir); # link all directories from $packagename to $packagename . ".i" for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allsubdirs}; $i++ ) { my $sourcedir = $olddir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$allsubdirs}[$i]; my $destdir = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$allsubdirs}[$i]; my $directory_depth = 2; # important for soft links, two directories already exist installer::systemactions::softlink_complete_directory($sourcedir, $destdir, $directory_depth); } # copy "pkginfo" and "pkgmap" from $packagename to $packagename . ".i" my @allcopyfiles = ("pkginfo", "pkgmap"); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#allcopyfiles; $i++ ) { my $sourcefile = $olddir . $installer::globals::separator . $allcopyfiles[$i]; my $destfile = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . $allcopyfiles[$i]; installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destfile); } # change in pkginfo in $packagename . ".i" the value for ARCH from i386 to i86pc my $pkginfofilename = "pkginfo"; $pkginfofilename = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . $pkginfofilename; my $pkginfofile = installer::files::read_file($pkginfofilename); set_old_architecture_string($pkginfofile); installer::files::save_file($pkginfofilename, $pkginfofile); # adapt the values in pkgmap for pkginfo file, because this file was edited my $pkgmapfilename = "pkgmap"; $pkgmapfilename = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . $pkgmapfilename; my $pkgmapfile = installer::files::read_file($pkgmapfilename); set_pkginfo_line($pkgmapfile, $pkginfofilename); installer::files::save_file($pkgmapfilename, $pkgmapfile); # changing back to startdir chdir($startdir); } ################################################### # Creating double core01 package for Solaris x86. # One package with ARCH=i386 and one with # ARCH=i86pc. This is necessary, to inform the # user about the missing "small patch", if # packages with ARCH=i86pc are installed. ################################################### sub fix2_solaris_x86_patch { my ($packagename, $subdir) = @_; if ( $packagename =~ /-core01\s*$/ ) # only this one package needs to be duplicated { my $startdir = cwd(); chdir($subdir); # $packagename is: "SUNWstaroffice-core01" # Current working directory is: "/install/en-US_inprogress" # create new package in "packages": $packagename . ".i" my $olddir = $packagename; my $newpackagename = $packagename . "\.i"; my $newdir = $newpackagename; installer::systemactions::create_directory($newdir); my $oldinstalldir = $olddir . $installer::globals::separator . "install"; my $newinstalldir = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . "install"; installer::systemactions::copy_complete_directory($oldinstalldir, $newinstalldir); # setting time stamp of all copied files to avoid errors from pkgchk my $allinstallfiles = installer::systemactions::get_all_files_from_one_directory_without_path($newinstalldir); set_time_stamp($oldinstalldir, $newinstalldir, $allinstallfiles); # copy "pkginfo" and "pkgmap" from $packagename to $packagename . ".i" my @allcopyfiles = ("pkginfo", "pkgmap"); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#allcopyfiles; $i++ ) { my $sourcefile = $olddir . $installer::globals::separator . $allcopyfiles[$i]; my $destfile = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . $allcopyfiles[$i]; installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destfile); } # change in pkginfo in $packagename . ".i" the value for ARCH from i386 to i86pc my $pkginfofilename = "pkginfo"; $pkginfofilename = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . $pkginfofilename; my $pkginfofile = installer::files::read_file($pkginfofilename); set_old_architecture_string($pkginfofile); check_requires_setting($pkginfofile); installer::files::save_file($pkginfofilename, $pkginfofile); # adapt the values in pkgmap for pkginfo file, because this file was edited my $pkgmapfilename = "pkgmap"; $pkgmapfilename = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . $pkgmapfilename; my $pkgmapfile = installer::files::read_file($pkgmapfilename); set_pkginfo_line($pkgmapfile, $pkginfofilename); $pkgmapfile = filter_pkgmapfile($pkgmapfile); installer::files::save_file($pkgmapfilename, $pkgmapfile); # setting time stamp of all copied files to avoid errors from pkgchk set_time_stamp($olddir, $newdir, \@allcopyfiles); # changing back to startdir chdir($startdir); } } ################################################ # Files with flag HIDDEN get a dot at the # beginning of the file name. This cannot be # defined in scp2 project, because tooling # cannot handle files with beginning dot # correctly. ################################################ sub resolving_hidden_flag { my ($filesarrayref, $variableshashref, $item, $languagestringref) = @_; my $diritem = lc($item); my $infoline = ""; my $hiddendirbase = installer::systemactions::create_directories("hidden_$diritem", $languagestringref); installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("$item with flag HIDDEN:"); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarrayref}; $i++ ) { my $onefile = ${$filesarrayref}[$i]; my $styles = ""; if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; } if ( $styles =~ /\bHIDDEN\b/ ) { # Language specific subdirectory my $onelanguage = $onefile->{'specificlanguage'}; if ($onelanguage eq "") { $onelanguage = "00"; # files without language into directory "00" } my $hiddendir = $hiddendirbase . $installer::globals::separator . $onelanguage . $installer::globals::separator; installer::systemactions::create_directory($hiddendir); # creating language specific directories # copy files and edit them with the variables defined in the zip.lst my $onefilename = $onefile->{'Name'}; my $newfilename = "\." . $onefilename; my $sourcefile = $onefile->{'sourcepath'}; my $destfile = $hiddendir . $newfilename; my $copysuccess = installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destfile); if ( $copysuccess ) { # $onefile->{'Name'} = $newfilename; $onefile->{'sourcepath'} = $destfile; $destination = $onefile->{'destination'}; installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$destination); if ( $destination eq "" ) { $onefile->{'destination'} = $newfilename; } else { $onefile->{'destination'} = $destination . $installer::globals::separator . $newfilename; } $infoline = "Success: Using file with flag HIDDEN from \"$onefile->{'sourcepath'}\"!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Error: Failed to copy HIDDEN file from \"$sourcefile\" to \"$destfile\"!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } } $infoline = "\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } ################################################ # Controlling that all keys in hash A are # also key in hash B. ################################################ sub key_in_a_is_also_key_in_b { my ( $hashref_a, $hashref_b) = @_; my $returnvalue = 1; my $key; foreach $key ( keys %{$hashref_a} ) { if ( ! exists($hashref_b->{$key}) ) { print "*****\n"; foreach $keyb ( keys %{$hashref_b} ) { print "$keyb : $hashref_b->{$keyb}\n"; } print "*****\n"; $returnvalue = 0; } } return $returnvalue; } ###################################################### # Getting the first entry from a list of languages ###################################################### sub get_first_from_list { my ( $list ) = @_; my $first = $list; if ( $list =~ /^\s*(.+?),(.+)\s*$/) # "?" for minimal matching { $first = $1; } return $first; } ################################################ # Setting all spellchecker languages ################################################ sub set_spellcheckerlanguages { my ( $productlanguagesarrayref, $allvariables ) = @_; my %productlanguages = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$productlanguagesarrayref}; $i++ ) { $productlanguages{${$productlanguagesarrayref}[$i]} = 1; } my $spellcheckfilename = $allvariables->{'SPELLCHECKERFILE'}; my $spellcheckfileref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$spellcheckfilename, "", 1); if ($$spellcheckfileref eq "") { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find $spellcheckfilename!", "set_spellcheckerlanguages"); } $installer::logger::Global->printf("Using spellchecker file: %s\n", $$spellcheckfileref); my $spellcheckfile = installer::files::read_file($$spellcheckfileref); my %spellcheckhash = (); for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$spellcheckfile}; $j++ ) { # Analyzing all "key=value" lines my $oneline = ${$spellcheckfile}[$j]; if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*\=\s*\"(.*?)\"\s*$/ ) # no white space allowed in key { my $onelang = $1; my $languagelist = $2; # Special handling for language packs. Only include the first language of the language list. # If no spellchecker shall be included, the keyword "EMPTY" can be used. if ( $installer::globals::languagepack ) { my $first = get_first_from_list($languagelist); if ( $first eq "EMPTY" ) # no spellchecker into language pack { $languagelist = ""; } else { $languagelist = $first; } } else # no language pack, so EMPTY is not required { $languagelist =~ s/^\s*EMPTY\s*,//; # removing the entry EMPTY } $spellcheckhash{$onelang} = $languagelist; } } # Collecting all required languages in %installer::globals::spellcheckerlanguagehash foreach my $lang (keys %productlanguages) { my $languagelist = ""; if ( exists($spellcheckhash{$lang}) ) { $languagelist = $spellcheckhash{$lang}; } else { $languagelist = $spellcheckhash{'en-US'}; } # defaulting to English my $langlisthash = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_hash(\$languagelist, ","); foreach my $onelang ( keys %{$langlisthash} ) { $installer::globals::spellcheckerlanguagehash{$onelang} = 1; } } $installer::globals::analyze_spellcheckerlanguage = 1; # Logging my $langstring = ""; foreach my $lang (sort keys %installer::globals::spellcheckerlanguagehash) { $langstring = $langstring . "," . $lang } $langstring =~ s/^\s*,//; $installer::logger::Global->printf("Collected spellchecker languages for spellchecker: %s\n", $langstring); } ################################################ # Including a license text into setup script ################################################ sub put_license_into_setup { my ($installdir, $includepatharrayref) = @_; # find and read the license file my $licenselanguage = "en-US"; # always english ! my $licensefilename = "LICENSE"; # my $licensefilename = "LICENSE" . ".txt"; my $licenseincludepatharrayref = get_language_specific_include_pathes($includepatharrayref, $licenselanguage); my $licenseref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$licensefilename, $licenseincludepatharrayref, 0); if ($$licenseref eq "") { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find License file $licensefilename!", "put_license_into_setup"); } my $licensefile = installer::files::read_file($$licenseref); # Read setup my $setupfilename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . "setup"; my $setupfile = installer::files::read_file($setupfilename); # Replacement my $infoline = "Adding licensefile into setup script\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); my $includestring = ""; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$licensefile}; $i++ ) { $includestring = $includestring . ${$licensefile}[$i]; } for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$setupfile}; $i++ ) { ${$setupfile}[$i] =~ s/LICENSEFILEPLACEHOLDER/$includestring/; } # Write setup installer::files::save_file($setupfilename, $setupfile); } ################################################ # Setting global path to getuid.so library ################################################ sub set_getuid_path { my ($includepatharrayref) = @_; my $getuidlibraryname = "getuid.so"; my $getuidlibraryref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$getuidlibraryname, $includepatharrayref, 0); if ($$getuidlibraryref eq "") { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find $getuidlibraryname!", "set_getuid_path"); } $installer::globals::getuidpath = $$getuidlibraryref; $installer::globals::getuidpathset = 1; } ######################################################### # Create a tar file from the binary package ######################################################### sub tar_package { my ( $installdir, $packagename, $tarfilename, $getuidlibrary) = @_; my $ldpreloadstring = ""; if ( $getuidlibrary ne "" ) { $ldpreloadstring = "LD_PRELOAD=" . $getuidlibrary; } my $systemcall = "cd $installdir; $ldpreloadstring tar -cf - $packagename > $tarfilename"; # my $systemcall = "cd $installdir; $ldpreloadstring tar -cf - * > $tarfilename"; my $returnvalue = system($systemcall); my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute \"$systemcall\"!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: Executed \"$systemcall\" successfully!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } my $localcall = "chmod 775 $tarfilename \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1"; $returnvalue = system($localcall); my $fulltarfile = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $tarfilename; my $filesize = ( -s $fulltarfile ); return $filesize; } ######################################################### # Create a tar file from the binary package ######################################################### sub untar_package { my ( $installdir, $tarfilename, $getuidlibrary) = @_; my $ldpreloadstring = ""; if ( $getuidlibrary ne "" ) { $ldpreloadstring = "LD_PRELOAD=" . $getuidlibrary; } my $systemcall = "cd $installdir; $ldpreloadstring tar -xf $tarfilename"; my $returnvalue = system($systemcall); my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute \"$systemcall\"!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: Executed \"$systemcall\" successfully!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } my $localcall = "chmod 775 $tarfilename \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1"; $returnvalue = system($localcall); } ######################################################### # Shuffle an array (Fisher Yates shuffle) ######################################################### sub shuffle_array { my ( $arrayref ) = @_; # my $counter = 0; # my $infoline = "Old package order: \n"; # $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # foreach my $onepackage ( @{$arrayref} ) # { # $counter++; # $infoline = "$counter: $onepackage->{'module'}\n"; # $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # } my $i = @$arrayref; while (--$i) { my $j = int rand ($i+1); @$arrayref[$i,$j] = @$arrayref[$j,$i]; } # $counter = 0; # $infoline = "New package order: \n"; # $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # foreach my $onepackage ( @{$arrayref} ) # { # $counter++; # $infoline = "$counter: $onepackage->{'module'}\n"; # $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # } } ################################################ # Defining the English license text to add # it into Solaris packages. ################################################ sub set_english_license { my $additional_license_name = $installer::globals::englishsolarislicensename; # always the English file my $licensefileref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$additional_license_name, "" , 0); if ( $$licensefileref eq "" ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find license file $additional_license_name!", "set_english_license"); } $installer::globals::englishlicenseset = 1; $installer::globals::englishlicense = installer::files::read_file($$licensefileref); installer::scpzipfiles::replace_all_ziplistvariables_in_file($installer::globals::englishlicense, $variableshashref); } ############################################## # Setting time stamp of copied files to avoid # errors from pkgchk. ############################################## sub set_time_stamp_for_file { my ($sourcefile, $destfile) = @_; my $systemcall = "touch -r $sourcefile $destfile"; my $returnvalue = system($systemcall); my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: \"$systemcall\" failed!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: \"$systemcall\" !\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } ############################################## # Setting checksum and wordcount for changed # pkginfo file into pkgmap. ############################################## sub change_onefile_in_pkgmap { my ($pkgmapfile, $fullfilename, $shortfilename) = @_; # 1 i pkginfo 442 34577 1166716297 # -> # 1 i pkginfo 443 34737 1166716297 # # wc -c pkginfo | cut -f6 -d' ' -> 442 (variable) # sum pkginfo | cut -f1 -d' ' -> 34577 (variable) # grep 'pkginfo' pkgmap | cut -f6 -d' ' -> 1166716297 (fix) my $checksum = call_sum($fullfilename); if ( $checksum =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+.*$/ ) { $checksum = $1; } my $wordcount = call_wc($fullfilename); if ( $wordcount =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+.*$/ ) { $wordcount = $1; } for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$pkgmapfile}; $i++ ) { if ( ${$pkgmapfile}[$i] =~ /(^.*\b\Q$shortfilename\E\b\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s+)(\d+)(\s*$)/ ) { my $newline = $1 . $wordcount . $3 . $checksum . $5 . $6 . $7; ${$pkgmapfile}[$i] = $newline; last; } } } ################################################ # Adding the content of the English license # file into the system integration packages. ################################################ sub add_license_into_systemintegrationpackages { my ($destdir, $packages) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$packages}; $i++ ) { my $copyrightfilename = ${$packages}[$i] . $installer::globals::separator . "install" . $installer::globals::separator . "copyright"; if ( ! -f $copyrightfilename ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find license file in system integration package: $copyrightfilename!", "add_license_into_systemintegrationpackages"); } my $copyrightfile = installer::files::read_file($copyrightfilename); # Saving time stamp of old copyrightfile my $savcopyrightfilename = $copyrightfilename . ".sav"; installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($copyrightfilename, $savcopyrightfilename); set_time_stamp_for_file($copyrightfilename, $savcopyrightfilename); # now $savcopyrightfile has the time stamp of $copyrightfile # Adding license content to copyright file push(@{$copyrightfile}, "\n"); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$installer::globals::englishlicense}; $i++ ) { push(@{$copyrightfile}, ${$installer::globals::englishlicense}[$i]); } installer::files::save_file($copyrightfilename, $copyrightfile); # Setting the old time stamp saved with $savcopyrightfilename set_time_stamp_for_file($savcopyrightfilename, $copyrightfilename); # now $copyrightfile has the time stamp of $savcopyrightfile unlink($savcopyrightfilename); # Changing content of copyright file in pkgmap my $pkgmapfilename = ${$packages}[$i] . $installer::globals::separator . "pkgmap"; if ( ! -f $pkgmapfilename ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find pkgmap in system integration package: $pkgmapfilename!", "add_license_into_systemintegrationpackages"); } my $pkgmap = installer::files::read_file($pkgmapfilename); change_onefile_in_pkgmap($pkgmap, $copyrightfilename, "copyright"); installer::files::save_file($pkgmapfilename, $pkgmap); } } ######################################################### # Collecting all pkgmap files from an installation set ######################################################### sub collectpackagemaps { my ( $installdir, $languagestringref, $allvariables ) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Collecing all packagemaps (pkgmap):"); my $pkgmapdir = installer::systemactions::create_directories("pkgmap", $languagestringref); my $subdirname = $allvariables->{'UNIXPRODUCTNAME'} . "_pkgmaps"; my $pkgmapsubdir = $pkgmapdir . $installer::globals::separator . $subdirname; if ( -d $pkgmapsubdir ) { installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($pkgmapsubdir); } if ( ! -d $pkgmapsubdir ) { installer::systemactions::create_directory($pkgmapsubdir); } $installdir =~ s/\/\s*$//; # Collecting all packages in $installdir and its sub package ("packages") my $searchdir = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::epmoutpath; my $allpackages = installer::systemactions::get_all_directories_without_path($searchdir); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allpackages}; $i++ ) { my $pkgmapfile = $searchdir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$allpackages}[$i] . $installer::globals::separator . "pkgmap"; my $destfilename = $pkgmapsubdir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$allpackages}[$i] . "_pkgmap"; installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($pkgmapfile, $destfilename); } # Create a tar gz file with all package maps my $tarfilename = $subdirname . ".tar"; my $targzname = $tarfilename . ".gz"; # my $systemcall = "cd $pkgmapdir; tar -cf - $subdirname > $tarfilename"; $systemcall = "cd $pkgmapdir; tar -cf - $subdirname | gzip > $targzname"; make_systemcall($systemcall); installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($pkgmapsubdir, 1); } 1;