 * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
 * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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 * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_svtools.hxx"
#include <svtools/svtabbx.hxx>
#include <svtools/headbar.hxx>
#include <svtools/svtdata.hxx>
#ifndef _SVTOOLS_HRC
#include <svtools/svtools.hrc>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleStateType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleEventId.hpp>
#include "svtaccessiblefactory.hxx"

using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility;

#define MYTABMASK \

// SvTreeListBox-Callback

void SvTabListBox::SetTabs()
	if( nTabCount )
		DBG_ASSERT(pTabList,"TabList ?");

		// die TreeListBox hat jetzt ihre Tabulatoren in die Liste eingefuegt.
		// jetzt plustern wir die Liste mit zusaetzlichen Tabulatoren auf,
		// und passen den ganz rechten Tab der Treelistbox an.

		// den ganz rechten Tab nehmen
		// HACK fuer den Explorer! Wenn der ViewParent != 0 ist, dann wird
		// der erste Tab der TreeListBox von der TreelistBox berechnet!
		// Dies wird fuer ButtonsOnRoot benoetigt, da der Explorer nicht
		// weiss, welchen zusaetzlichen Offset er in diesem Modus auf
		// den Tabulator addieren muss. Die TreeListBox weiss es!
		if( !pViewParent )
		SvLBoxTab* pFirstTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( aTabs.Count()-1 );
		pFirstTab->SetPos( pTabList[0].GetPos() );
		pFirstTab->nFlags &= ~MYTABMASK;
		pFirstTab->nFlags |= pTabList[0].nFlags;

		// alle anderen Tabs an Liste haengen
		for( sal_uInt16 nCurTab = 1; nCurTab < nTabCount; nCurTab++ )
			SvLBoxTab* pTab = pTabList+nCurTab;
			AddTab( pTab->GetPos(), pTab->nFlags );

void SvTabListBox::InitEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const XubString& rStr,
	const Image& rColl, const Image& rExp, SvLBoxButtonKind eButtonKind )
	SvTreeListBox::InitEntry( pEntry, rStr, rColl, rExp, eButtonKind );
	XubString aToken;

	const xub_Unicode* pCurToken = aCurEntry.GetBuffer();
	sal_uInt16 nCurTokenLen;
	const xub_Unicode* pNextToken = GetToken( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
	sal_uInt16 nCount = nTabCount; nCount--;
	for( sal_uInt16 nToken = 0; nToken < nCount; nToken++ )
		if( pCurToken && nCurTokenLen )
			// aToken.Assign( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
			aToken = XubString( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
		SvLBoxString* pStr = new SvLBoxString( pEntry, 0, aToken );
		pEntry->AddItem( pStr );
		pCurToken = pNextToken;
		if( pCurToken )
			pNextToken = GetToken( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
			nCurTokenLen = 0;

SvTabListBox::SvTabListBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nBits )
	: SvTreeListBox( pParent, nBits )
	pTabList = 0;
	nTabCount = 0;
	pViewParent = 0;
	SetHighlightRange();	// ueber volle Breite selektieren

SvTabListBox::SvTabListBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId )
	: SvTreeListBox( pParent, rResId )
	pTabList = 0;
	nTabCount = 0;
	pViewParent = 0;

	// array-delete
	delete [] pTabList;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
	pTabList = 0;
	nTabCount = 0;

void SvTabListBox::SetTabs( long* pTabs, MapUnit eMapUnit )
	if( !pTabs )

	delete [] pTabList;
	sal_uInt16 nCount = (sal_uInt16)(*pTabs);
	pTabList = new SvLBoxTab[ nCount ];
	nTabCount = nCount;

	MapMode aMMSource( eMapUnit );
	MapMode aMMDest( MAP_PIXEL );

	for( sal_uInt16 nIdx = 0; nIdx < nCount; nIdx++, pTabs++ )
		Size aSize( *pTabs, 0 );
		aSize = LogicToLogic( aSize, &aMMSource, &aMMDest );
		long nNewTab = aSize.Width();
		pTabList[nIdx].SetPos( nNewTab );
	SvTreeListBox::nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS;
	if( IsUpdateMode() )

void SvTabListBox::SetTab( sal_uInt16 nTab,long nValue,MapUnit eMapUnit )
	DBG_ASSERT(nTab<nTabCount,"Invalid Tab-Pos");
	if( nTab < nTabCount )
		MapMode aMMSource( eMapUnit );
		MapMode aMMDest( MAP_PIXEL );
		Size aSize( nValue, 0 );
		aSize = LogicToLogic( aSize, &aMMSource, &aMMDest );
		nValue = aSize.Width();
		pTabList[ nTab ].SetPos( nValue );
		SvTreeListBox::nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS;
		if( IsUpdateMode() )

SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntry( const XubString& rText, SvLBoxEntry* pParent,
						                sal_Bool /*bChildsOnDemand*/,
                                        sal_uLong nPos, void* pUserData,
                                        SvLBoxButtonKind )
    return InsertEntryToColumn( rText, pParent, nPos, 0xffff, pUserData );

SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntry( const XubString& rText,
						                const Image& rExpandedEntryBmp,
                                        const Image& rCollapsedEntryBmp,
                                        SvLBoxEntry* pParent,
                                        sal_Bool /*bChildsOnDemand*/,
                                        sal_uLong nPos, void* pUserData,
                                        SvLBoxButtonKind )
    return InsertEntryToColumn( rText, rExpandedEntryBmp, rCollapsedEntryBmp,
                                pParent, nPos, 0xffff, pUserData );

SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntryToColumn(const XubString& rStr,SvLBoxEntry* pParent,sal_uLong nPos,sal_uInt16 nCol,
	void* pUser )
	XubString aStr;
	if( nCol != 0xffff )
		while( nCol )
			aStr += '\t';
	aStr += rStr;
	XubString aFirstStr( aStr );
	sal_uInt16 nEnd = aFirstStr.Search( '\t' );
	if( nEnd != STRING_NOTFOUND )
		aFirstStr.Erase( nEnd );
		aCurEntry = aStr;
		aCurEntry.Erase( 0, ++nEnd );
	return SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry( aFirstStr, pParent, sal_False, nPos, pUser );

SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntryToColumn( const XubString& rStr,
	const Image& rExpandedEntryBmp,	const Image& rCollapsedEntryBmp,
	SvLBoxEntry* pParent,sal_uLong nPos,sal_uInt16 nCol, void* pUser )
	XubString aStr;
	if( nCol != 0xffff )
		while( nCol )
			aStr += '\t';
	aStr += rStr;
	XubString aFirstStr( aStr );
	sal_uInt16 nEnd = aFirstStr.Search( '\t' );
	if( nEnd != STRING_NOTFOUND )
		aFirstStr.Erase( nEnd );
		aCurEntry = aStr;
		aCurEntry.Erase( 0, ++nEnd );

	return SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry(
		rExpandedEntryBmp, rCollapsedEntryBmp,
		pParent, sal_False, nPos, pUser );

SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntryToColumn( const XubString& rStr, sal_uLong nPos,
	sal_uInt16 nCol, void* pUser )
    return InsertEntryToColumn( rStr,0,nPos, nCol, pUser );

String SvTabListBox::GetEntryText( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
	return GetEntryText( pEntry, 0xffff );

String SvTabListBox::GetEntryText( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, sal_uInt16 nCol ) const
    DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"GetEntryText:Invalid Entry");
    XubString aResult;
    if( pEntry )
        sal_uInt16 nCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
        sal_uInt16 nCur = 0;
        while( nCur < nCount )
            SvLBoxItem* pStr = pEntry->GetItem( nCur );
            if( pStr->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
                if( nCol == 0xffff )
                    if( aResult.Len() )
                        aResult += '\t';
                    aResult += static_cast<SvLBoxString*>( pStr )->GetText();
                    if( nCol == 0 )
                        return static_cast<SvLBoxString*>( pStr )->GetText();
    return aResult;

String SvTabListBox::GetEntryText( sal_uLong nPos, sal_uInt16 nCol ) const
	SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntryOnPos( nPos );
	return GetEntryText( pEntry, nCol );

void SvTabListBox::SetEntryText( const XubString& rStr, sal_uLong nPos, sal_uInt16 nCol )
	SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = SvTreeListBox::GetEntry( nPos );
	SetEntryText( rStr, pEntry, nCol );

void SvTabListBox::SetEntryText( const XubString& rStr, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, sal_uInt16 nCol )
	DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"SetEntryText:Invalid Entry");
	if( !pEntry )

    String sOldText = GetEntryText( pEntry, nCol );
    if ( sOldText == rStr )

    sal_uInt16 nTextColumn = nCol;
    const xub_Unicode* pCurToken = rStr.GetBuffer();
	sal_uInt16 nCurTokenLen;
	const xub_Unicode* pNextToken = GetToken( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );

	XubString aTemp;
	sal_uInt16 nCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
	sal_uInt16 nCur = 0;
	while( nCur < nCount )
		SvLBoxItem* pStr = pEntry->GetItem( nCur );
		if( pStr && pStr->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
			if( nCol == 0xffff )
				if( pCurToken )
					aTemp = XubString( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
					aTemp.Erase(); // alle Spalten ohne Token loeschen
				((SvLBoxString*)pStr)->SetText( pEntry, aTemp );
				pCurToken = pNextToken;
				pNextToken = GetToken( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
				if( !nCol )
					aTemp = XubString( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
					((SvLBoxString*)pStr)->SetText( pEntry, aTemp );
					if( !pNextToken )
					pCurToken = pNextToken;
					pNextToken = GetToken( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
	GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );

    TabListBoxEventData* pData = new TabListBoxEventData( pEntry, nTextColumn, sOldText );
    ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_TABLECELL_NAMECHANGED, pData );
    delete pData;

String SvTabListBox::GetCellText( sal_uLong nPos, sal_uInt16 nCol ) const
    SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntryOnPos( nPos );
    DBG_ASSERT( pEntry, "SvTabListBox::GetCellText(): Invalid Entry" );
    XubString aResult;
    if ( pEntry && pEntry->ItemCount() > ( nCol + 1 ) )
        SvLBoxItem* pStr = pEntry->GetItem( nCol + 1 );
        if ( pStr && pStr->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
            aResult = static_cast< SvLBoxString* >( pStr )->GetText();
    return aResult;

sal_uLong SvTabListBox::GetEntryPos( const XubString& rStr, sal_uInt16 nCol )
	sal_uLong nPos = 0;
	SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = First();
	while( pEntry )
		XubString aStr( GetEntryText( pEntry, nCol ));
		if( aStr == rStr )
			return nPos;
		pEntry = Next( pEntry );
	return 0xffffffff;

sal_uLong SvTabListBox::GetEntryPos( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
	sal_uLong nPos = 0;
	SvLBoxEntry* pTmpEntry = First();
	while( pTmpEntry )
		if ( pTmpEntry == pEntry )
			return nPos;
		pTmpEntry = Next( pTmpEntry );
	return 0xffffffff;

void __EXPORT SvTabListBox::Resize()

// static
const xub_Unicode* SvTabListBox::GetToken( const xub_Unicode* pPtr, sal_uInt16& rLen )
	if( !pPtr || *pPtr == 0 )
		rLen = 0;
		return 0;
	xub_Unicode c = *pPtr;
	sal_uInt16 nLen = 0;
	while( c != '\t' && c != 0 )
		c = *pPtr;
	if( c )
		pPtr++; // Tab ueberspringen
		pPtr = 0;
	rLen = nLen;
	return pPtr;

String SvTabListBox::GetTabEntryText( sal_uLong nPos, sal_uInt16 nCol ) const
	SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = SvTreeListBox::GetEntry( nPos );
	DBG_ASSERT( pEntry, "GetTabEntryText(): Invalid entry " );
	XubString aResult;
	if ( pEntry )
		sal_uInt16 nCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
		sal_uInt16 nCur = ( 0 == nCol && IsCellFocusEnabled() ) ? GetCurrentTabPos() : 0;
		while( nCur < nCount )
			SvLBoxItem* pStr = pEntry->GetItem( nCur );
			if ( pStr->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
				if ( nCol == 0xffff )
					if ( aResult.Len() )
						aResult += '\t';
					aResult += static_cast<SvLBoxString*>( pStr )->GetText();
					if ( nCol == 0 )
						String sRet = static_cast<SvLBoxString*>( pStr )->GetText();
						if ( sRet.Len() == 0 )
							sRet = String( SvtResId( STR_SVT_ACC_EMPTY_FIELD ) );
						return sRet;
	return aResult;

SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::GetEntryOnPos( sal_uLong _nEntryPos ) const
	SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = NULL;
	sal_uLong i, nPos = 0, nCount = GetLevelChildCount( NULL );
	for ( i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
		SvLBoxEntry* pParent = GetEntry(i);
		if ( nPos == _nEntryPos )
			pEntry = pParent;
			pEntry = GetChildOnPos( pParent, _nEntryPos, nPos );
			if ( pEntry )

	return pEntry;

SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::GetChildOnPos( SvLBoxEntry* _pParent, sal_uLong _nEntryPos, sal_uLong& _rPos ) const
	sal_uLong i, nCount = GetLevelChildCount( _pParent );
	for ( i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
		SvLBoxEntry* pParent = GetEntry( _pParent, i );
		if ( _rPos == _nEntryPos )
			return pParent;
			SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetChildOnPos( pParent, _nEntryPos, _rPos );
			if ( pEntry )
				return pEntry;

	return NULL;

void SvTabListBox::SetTabJustify( sal_uInt16 nTab, SvTabJustify eJustify)
	if( nTab >= nTabCount )
	SvLBoxTab* pTab = &(pTabList[ nTab ]);
	sal_uInt16 nFlags = pTab->nFlags;
	nFlags &= (~MYTABMASK);
	nFlags |= (sal_uInt16)eJustify;
	pTab->nFlags = nFlags;
	SvTreeListBox::nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS;
	if( IsUpdateMode() )

SvTabJustify SvTabListBox::GetTabJustify( sal_uInt16 nTab ) const
	SvTabJustify eResult = AdjustLeft;
	if( nTab >= nTabCount )
		return eResult;
	SvLBoxTab* pTab = &(pTabList[ nTab ]);
	sal_uInt16 nFlags = pTab->nFlags;
	nFlags &= MYTABMASK;
	eResult = (SvTabJustify)nFlags;
	return eResult;

long SvTabListBox::GetLogicTab( sal_uInt16 nTab )
	if( SvTreeListBox::nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS )

	DBG_ASSERT(nTab<nTabCount,"GetTabPos:Invalid Tab");
	return ((SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nTab ))->GetPos();

// class SvHeaderTabListBoxImpl ------------------------------------------

namespace svt
    struct SvHeaderTabListBoxImpl
	    HeaderBar*              m_pHeaderBar;
        AccessibleFactoryAccess m_aFactoryAccess;

        SvHeaderTabListBoxImpl() : m_pHeaderBar( NULL ) { }

// class SvHeaderTabListBox ----------------------------------------------

SvHeaderTabListBox::SvHeaderTabListBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) :

	SvTabListBox( pParent, nWinStyle ),

	m_bFirstPaint	( sal_True ),
    m_pImpl         ( new ::svt::SvHeaderTabListBoxImpl ),
	m_pAccessible	( NULL )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

SvHeaderTabListBox::SvHeaderTabListBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) :

	SvTabListBox( pParent, rResId ),

	m_bFirstPaint	( sal_True ),
    m_pImpl         ( new ::svt::SvHeaderTabListBoxImpl ),
	m_pAccessible	( NULL )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    delete m_pImpl;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvHeaderTabListBox::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
	if ( m_bFirstPaint )
		m_bFirstPaint = sal_False;
	SvTabListBox::Paint( rRect );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvHeaderTabListBox::InitHeaderBar( HeaderBar* pHeaderBar )
	DBG_ASSERT( !m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar, "header bar already initialized" );
	DBG_ASSERT( pHeaderBar, "invalid header bar initialization" );
	m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar = pHeaderBar;
	SetScrolledHdl( LINK( this, SvHeaderTabListBox, ScrollHdl_Impl ) );
	m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->SetCreateAccessibleHdl( LINK( this, SvHeaderTabListBox, CreateAccessibleHdl_Impl ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool SvHeaderTabListBox::IsItemChecked( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, sal_uInt16 nCol ) const
    SvButtonState eState = SV_BUTTON_UNCHECKED;
    SvLBoxButton* pItem = (SvLBoxButton*)( pEntry->GetItem( nCol + 1 ) );

    if ( pItem && ( (SvLBoxItem*)pItem )->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXBUTTON )
        sal_uInt16 nButtonFlags = pItem->GetButtonFlags();
        eState = pCheckButtonData->ConvertToButtonState( nButtonFlags );

    return ( eState == SV_BUTTON_CHECKED );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

SvLBoxEntry* SvHeaderTabListBox::InsertEntryToColumn(
    const XubString& rStr, sal_uLong nPos, sal_uInt16 nCol, void* pUserData )
    SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = SvTabListBox::InsertEntryToColumn( rStr, nPos, nCol, pUserData );
    return pEntry;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

SvLBoxEntry* SvHeaderTabListBox::InsertEntryToColumn(
    const XubString& rStr, SvLBoxEntry* pParent, sal_uLong nPos, sal_uInt16 nCol, void* pUserData )
    SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = SvTabListBox::InsertEntryToColumn( rStr, pParent, nPos, nCol, pUserData );
    return pEntry;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

SvLBoxEntry* SvHeaderTabListBox::InsertEntryToColumn(
    const XubString& rStr, const Image& rExpandedEntryBmp, const Image& rCollapsedEntryBmp,
    SvLBoxEntry* pParent, sal_uLong nPos, sal_uInt16 nCol, void* pUserData )
    SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = SvTabListBox::InsertEntryToColumn(
        rStr, rExpandedEntryBmp, rCollapsedEntryBmp, pParent, nPos, nCol, pUserData );
    return pEntry;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_uLong SvHeaderTabListBox::Insert(
    SvLBoxEntry* pEnt, SvLBoxEntry* pPar, sal_uLong nPos )
    sal_uLong n = SvTabListBox::Insert( pEnt, pPar, nPos );
    return n;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_uLong SvHeaderTabListBox::Insert( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, sal_uLong nRootPos )
    sal_uLong nPos = SvTabListBox::Insert( pEntry, nRootPos );
    return nPos;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvHeaderTabListBox::RemoveEntry( SvLBoxEntry* _pEntry )
    GetModel()->Remove( _pEntry );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvHeaderTabListBox::Clear()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

IMPL_LINK( SvHeaderTabListBox, ScrollHdl_Impl, SvTabListBox*, EMPTYARG )
	m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->SetOffset( -GetXOffset() );
	return 0;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

IMPL_LINK( SvHeaderTabListBox, CreateAccessibleHdl_Impl, HeaderBar*, EMPTYARG )
    Window* pParent = m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetAccessibleParentWindow();
    DBG_ASSERT( pParent, "SvHeaderTabListBox..CreateAccessibleHdl_Impl - accessible parent not found" );
    if ( pParent )
        ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< XAccessible > xAccParent = pParent->GetAccessible();
        if ( xAccParent.is() )
            Reference< XAccessible > xAccessible = m_pImpl->m_aFactoryAccess.getFactory().createAccessibleBrowseBoxHeaderBar(
                xAccParent, *this, ::svt::BBTYPE_COLUMNHEADERBAR );
			m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->SetAccessible( xAccessible );
	return 0;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void SvHeaderTabListBox::RecalculateAccessibleChildren()
    if ( !m_aAccessibleChildren.empty() )
        sal_uInt32 nCount = ( GetRowCount() + 1 ) * GetColumnCount();
        if ( m_aAccessibleChildren.size() < nCount )
            m_aAccessibleChildren.resize( nCount );
            DBG_ASSERT( m_aAccessibleChildren.size() == nCount, "wrong children count" );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool SvHeaderTabListBox::IsCellCheckBox( long _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn, TriState& _rState )
    sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
    SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( _nRow );
    if ( pEntry )
        sal_uInt16 nItemCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
        if ( nItemCount > ( _nColumn + 1 ) )
            SvLBoxButton* pItem = (SvLBoxButton*)( pEntry->GetItem( _nColumn + 1 ) );
            if ( pItem && ( (SvLBoxItem*)pItem )->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXBUTTON )
                bRet = sal_True;
                _rState = ( ( pItem->GetButtonFlags() & SV_ITEMSTATE_UNCHECKED ) == 0 )
                            ? STATE_CHECK : STATE_NOCHECK;
            DBG_ERRORFILE( "SvHeaderTabListBox::IsCellCheckBox(): column out of range" );
    return bRet;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
long SvHeaderTabListBox::GetRowCount() const
    return GetEntryCount();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_uInt16 SvHeaderTabListBox::GetColumnCount() const
	return m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetItemCount();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SvHeaderTabListBox::GetCurrRow() const
	sal_Int32 nRet = -1;
	SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetCurEntry();
	if ( pEntry )
		sal_uLong nCount = GetEntryCount();
		for ( sal_uLong i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
			if ( pEntry == GetEntry(i) )
				nRet = i;

	return nRet;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_uInt16 SvHeaderTabListBox::GetCurrColumn() const
	sal_uInt16 nPos = GetCurrentTabPos() - 1;
	return nPos;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SvHeaderTabListBox::GetRowDescription( sal_Int32 _nRow ) const
	return ::rtl::OUString( GetEntryText( _nRow ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SvHeaderTabListBox::GetColumnDescription( sal_uInt16 _nColumn ) const
	return ::rtl::OUString( m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetItemText( m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetItemId( _nColumn ) ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SvHeaderTabListBox::HasRowHeader() const
	return sal_False;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SvHeaderTabListBox::IsCellFocusable() const
	return IsCellFocusEnabled();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SvHeaderTabListBox::GoToCell( sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn )
	sal_Bool bRet = ( IsCellFocusEnabled() == sal_True );
	if ( bRet )
		// first set cursor to _nRow
		SetCursor( GetEntry( _nRow ), sal_True );
		// then set the focus into _nColumn
		bRet = ( SetCurrentTabPos( _nColumn ) == true );
	return bRet;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvHeaderTabListBox::SetNoSelection()
	SvLBox::SelectAll( sal_False );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvHeaderTabListBox::SelectAll()
	SvLBox::SelectAll( sal_True );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvHeaderTabListBox::SelectAll( sal_Bool bSelect, sal_Bool bPaint )
	// overwritten just to disambiguate the SelectAll() from the base' class SelectAll( BOOl, sal_Bool )
	SvTabListBox::SelectAll( bSelect, bPaint );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvHeaderTabListBox::SelectRow( long _nRow, sal_Bool _bSelect, sal_Bool )
	Select( GetEntry( _nRow ), _bSelect );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvHeaderTabListBox::SelectColumn( sal_uInt16, sal_Bool )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SvHeaderTabListBox::GetSelectedRowCount() const
	return GetSelectionCount();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SvHeaderTabListBox::GetSelectedColumnCount() const
	return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
bool SvHeaderTabListBox::IsRowSelected( long _nRow ) const
	SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( _nRow );
	return ( pEntry && IsSelected( pEntry ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SvHeaderTabListBox::IsColumnSelected( long ) const
	return sal_False;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvHeaderTabListBox::GetAllSelectedRows( ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 >& ) const
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvHeaderTabListBox::GetAllSelectedColumns( ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 >& ) const
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SvHeaderTabListBox::IsCellVisible( sal_Int32, sal_uInt16 ) const
	return sal_True;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
String SvHeaderTabListBox::GetAccessibleCellText( long _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumnPos ) const
	return ::rtl::OUString( GetTabEntryText( _nRow, _nColumnPos ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Rectangle SvHeaderTabListBox::calcHeaderRect( sal_Bool _bIsColumnBar, sal_Bool _bOnScreen )
	Rectangle aRect;
	if ( _bIsColumnBar )
		Window* pParent = NULL;
		if ( !_bOnScreen )
			pParent = m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetAccessibleParentWindow();

		aRect = m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetWindowExtentsRelative( pParent );
	return aRect;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Rectangle SvHeaderTabListBox::calcTableRect( sal_Bool _bOnScreen )
	Window* pParent = NULL;
	if ( !_bOnScreen )
		pParent = GetAccessibleParentWindow();

	Rectangle aRect( GetWindowExtentsRelative( pParent ) );
	return aRect;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Rectangle SvHeaderTabListBox::GetFieldRectPixelAbs( sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn, sal_Bool _bIsHeader, sal_Bool _bOnScreen )
	DBG_ASSERT( !_bIsHeader || 0 == _nRow, "invalid parameters" );
	Rectangle aRect;
	SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( _nRow );
	if ( pEntry )
		aRect = _bIsHeader ? calcHeaderRect( sal_True, sal_False ) : GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
		Point aTopLeft = aRect.TopLeft();
		DBG_ASSERT( m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetItemCount() > _nColumn, "invalid column" );
		Rectangle aItemRect = m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetItemRect( m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetItemId( _nColumn ) );
		aTopLeft.X() = aItemRect.Left();
		Size aSize = aItemRect.GetSize();
		aRect = Rectangle( aTopLeft, aSize );
		Window* pParent = NULL;
		if ( !_bOnScreen )
			pParent = GetAccessibleParentWindow();
		aTopLeft = aRect.TopLeft();
		aTopLeft += GetWindowExtentsRelative( pParent ).TopLeft();
		aRect = Rectangle( aTopLeft, aRect.GetSize() );

	return aRect;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XAccessible > SvHeaderTabListBox::CreateAccessibleCell( sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumnPos )
	OSL_ENSURE( m_pAccessible, "Invalid call: Accessible is null" );

    Reference< XAccessible > xChild;
    sal_Int32 nIndex = -1;

    if ( !AreChildrenTransient() )
        const sal_uInt16 nColumnCount = GetColumnCount();

        // first call? -> initial list
        if ( m_aAccessibleChildren.empty() )
            sal_Int32 nCount = ( GetRowCount() + 1 ) * nColumnCount;
            m_aAccessibleChildren.assign( nCount, Reference< XAccessible >() );

        nIndex = ( _nRow * nColumnCount ) + _nColumnPos + nColumnCount;
        xChild = m_aAccessibleChildren[ nIndex ];

    if ( !xChild.is() )
        TriState eState = STATE_DONTKNOW;
        sal_Bool bIsCheckBox = IsCellCheckBox( _nRow, _nColumnPos, eState );
        if ( bIsCheckBox )
            xChild = m_pImpl->m_aFactoryAccess.getFactory().createAccessibleCheckBoxCell(
                m_pAccessible->getAccessibleChild( 0 ), *this, NULL, _nRow, _nColumnPos, eState, sal_True, sal_False );
            xChild = m_pImpl->m_aFactoryAccess.getFactory().createAccessibleBrowseBoxTableCell(
                m_pAccessible->getAccessibleChild( 0 ), *this, NULL, _nRow, _nColumnPos, OFFSET_NONE );

        // insert into list
        if ( !AreChildrenTransient() )
            m_aAccessibleChildren[ nIndex ] = xChild;

    return xChild;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XAccessible > SvHeaderTabListBox::CreateAccessibleRowHeader( sal_Int32 )
	Reference< XAccessible > xHeader;
	return xHeader;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XAccessible > SvHeaderTabListBox::CreateAccessibleColumnHeader( sal_uInt16 _nColumn )
	// first call? -> initial list
	if ( m_aAccessibleChildren.empty() )
        const sal_uInt16 nColumnCount = GetColumnCount();
        sal_Int32 nCount = AreChildrenTransient() ? 
                nColumnCount : ( GetRowCount() + 1 ) * nColumnCount;
        m_aAccessibleChildren.assign( nCount, Reference< XAccessible >() );

	// get header
	Reference< XAccessible > xChild = m_aAccessibleChildren[ _nColumn ];
	// already exists?
    if ( !xChild.is() && m_pAccessible )
		// no -> create new header cell
        xChild = m_pImpl->m_aFactoryAccess.getFactory().createAccessibleBrowseBoxHeaderCell(
			_nColumn, m_pAccessible->getHeaderBar( ::svt::BBTYPE_COLUMNHEADERBAR ),

		// insert into list
		m_aAccessibleChildren[ _nColumn ] = xChild;

    return xChild;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SvHeaderTabListBox::GetAccessibleControlCount() const
	return -1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XAccessible > SvHeaderTabListBox::CreateAccessibleControl( sal_Int32 )
	Reference< XAccessible > xControl;
	return xControl;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SvHeaderTabListBox::ConvertPointToControlIndex( sal_Int32&, const Point& )
	return sal_False;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SvHeaderTabListBox::ConvertPointToCellAddress( sal_Int32&, sal_uInt16&, const Point& )
	return sal_False;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SvHeaderTabListBox::ConvertPointToRowHeader( sal_Int32&, const Point& )
	return sal_False;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SvHeaderTabListBox::ConvertPointToColumnHeader( sal_uInt16&, const Point& )
	return sal_False;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SvHeaderTabListBox::GetAccessibleObjectName( ::svt::AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType _eType, sal_Int32 _nPos ) const
    ::rtl::OUString aRetText;
    switch( _eType )
        case ::svt::BBTYPE_BROWSEBOX:
        case ::svt::BBTYPE_TABLE:
        case ::svt::BBTYPE_COLUMNHEADERBAR:
            // should be empty now (see #i63983)
            aRetText = ::rtl::OUString();

		case ::svt::BBTYPE_TABLECELL:
			// here we need a valid pos, we can not handle -1
			if ( _nPos >= 0 )
				sal_uInt16 nColumnCount = GetColumnCount();
                if (nColumnCount > 0)
				    sal_Int32 nRow = _nPos / nColumnCount;
				    sal_uInt16 nColumn  = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( _nPos % nColumnCount );
                    aRetText = GetCellText( nRow, nColumn );
        case ::svt::BBTYPE_CHECKBOXCELL:
            break; // checkbox cells have no name
        case ::svt::BBTYPE_COLUMNHEADERCELL:
			aRetText = m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetItemText( m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetItemId( (sal_uInt16)_nPos ) );

        case ::svt::BBTYPE_ROWHEADERBAR:
			aRetText = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "error" ) );

			OSL_ENSURE(0,"BrowseBox::GetAccessibleName: invalid enum!");
    return aRetText;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
::rtl::OUString SvHeaderTabListBox::GetAccessibleObjectDescription( ::svt::AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType _eType, sal_Int32 _nPos ) const
    ::rtl::OUString aRetText;

	if( _eType == ::svt::BBTYPE_TABLECELL && _nPos != -1 )
        static const String sVar1( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "%1" ) );
        static const String sVar2( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "%2" ) );

        sal_uInt16 nColumnCount = GetColumnCount();
        if (nColumnCount > 0)
            sal_Int32 nRow = _nPos / nColumnCount;
            sal_uInt16 nColumn  = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( _nPos % nColumnCount );

            String aText( SvtResId( STR_SVT_ACC_DESC_TABLISTBOX ) );
            aText.SearchAndReplace( sVar1, String::CreateFromInt32( nRow ) );
            String sColHeader = m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetItemText( m_pImpl->m_pHeaderBar->GetItemId( nColumn ) );
            if ( sColHeader.Len() == 0 )
                sColHeader = String::CreateFromInt32( nColumn );
            aText.SearchAndReplace( sVar2, sColHeader );
            aRetText = aText;

	return aRetText;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvHeaderTabListBox::FillAccessibleStateSet( ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper& _rStateSet, ::svt::AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType _eType ) const
	switch( _eType )
        case ::svt::BBTYPE_BROWSEBOX:
		case ::svt::BBTYPE_TABLE:
			_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE );
			if ( HasFocus() )
				_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED );
			if ( IsActive() )
				_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::ACTIVE );
			if ( IsEnabled() )
				_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::ENABLED );
                _rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::SENSITIVE );
			if ( IsReallyVisible() )
				_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::VISIBLE );
			if ( _eType == ::svt::BBTYPE_TABLE )

                if ( AreChildrenTransient() )
                    _rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::MANAGES_DESCENDANTS );
				_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::MULTI_SELECTABLE );

        case ::svt::BBTYPE_COLUMNHEADERBAR:
			sal_Int32 nCurRow = GetCurrRow();
			sal_uInt16 nCurColumn = GetCurrColumn();
			if ( IsCellVisible( nCurRow, nCurColumn ) )
				_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::VISIBLE );
			_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::TRANSIENT );

			_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::VISIBLE );
			_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE );
			_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::TRANSIENT );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvHeaderTabListBox::FillAccessibleStateSetForCell( ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper& _rStateSet, sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn ) const
	_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTABLE );
    if ( AreChildrenTransient() )
        _rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::TRANSIENT );

	if ( IsCellVisible( _nRow, _nColumn ) )
        _rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::VISIBLE );
        _rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::ENABLED );

    if ( IsRowSelected( _nRow ) )
		_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::ACTIVE );
		_rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTED );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvHeaderTabListBox::GrabTableFocus()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SvHeaderTabListBox::GetGlyphBoundRects( const Point& rOrigin, const String& rStr, int nIndex, int nLen, int nBase, MetricVector& rVector )
	return Control::GetGlyphBoundRects( rOrigin, rStr, nIndex, nLen, nBase, rVector );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Rectangle SvHeaderTabListBox::GetWindowExtentsRelative( Window *pRelativeWindow ) const
	return Control::GetWindowExtentsRelative( pRelativeWindow );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvHeaderTabListBox::GrabFocus()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XAccessible > SvHeaderTabListBox::GetAccessible( sal_Bool bCreate )
	return Control::GetAccessible( bCreate );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Window* SvHeaderTabListBox::GetAccessibleParentWindow() const
	return Control::GetAccessibleParentWindow();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Window* SvHeaderTabListBox::GetWindowInstance()
	return this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XAccessible > SvHeaderTabListBox::CreateAccessible()
    Window* pParent = GetAccessibleParentWindow();
    DBG_ASSERT( pParent, "SvHeaderTabListBox::::CreateAccessible - accessible parent not found" );

	Reference< XAccessible > xAccessible;
    if ( m_pAccessible ) xAccessible = m_pAccessible->getMyself();

    if( pParent && !m_pAccessible )
	    Reference< XAccessible > xAccParent = pParent->GetAccessible();
	    if ( xAccParent.is() )
            m_pAccessible = m_pImpl->m_aFactoryAccess.getFactory().createAccessibleTabListBox( xAccParent, *this );
            if ( m_pAccessible )
			    xAccessible = m_pAccessible->getMyself();
	return xAccessible;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rectangle SvHeaderTabListBox::GetFieldCharacterBounds(sal_Int32,sal_Int32,sal_Int32)
	Rectangle aRect;
	return aRect;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SvHeaderTabListBox::GetFieldIndexAtPoint(sal_Int32 _nRow,sal_Int32 _nColumnPos,const Point& _rPoint)
	String sText = GetAccessibleCellText( _nRow, static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( _nColumnPos ) );
	MetricVector aRects;
	if ( GetGlyphBoundRects(Point(0,0),sText,0,STRING_LEN,0,aRects) )
		for (MetricVector::iterator aIter = aRects.begin(); aIter != aRects.end(); ++aIter)
			if( aIter->IsInside(_rPoint) )
				return aIter - aRects.begin();

	return -1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------