 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_svtools.hxx"

#include "svtools/table/tablecontrol.hxx"

#include "tabledatawindow.hxx"
#include "tablecontrol_impl.hxx"
#include "tablegeometry.hxx"

#include <vcl/help.hxx>

namespace svt { namespace table

    /** === begin UNO using === **/
    using ::com::sun::star::uno::Any;
    /** === end UNO using === **/

	//= TableDataWindow
    TableDataWindow::TableDataWindow( TableControl_Impl& _rTableControl )
        :Window( &_rTableControl.getAntiImpl() )
        ,m_rTableControl( _rTableControl )
        ,m_nTipWindowHandle( 0 )
        // by default, use the background as determined by the style settings
        const Color aWindowColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFieldColor() );
		SetBackground( Wallpaper( aWindowColor ) );
		SetFillColor( aWindowColor );


    void TableDataWindow::Paint( const Rectangle& rUpdateRect )
        m_rTableControl.doPaintContent( rUpdateRect );
    void TableDataWindow::SetBackground( const Wallpaper& rColor )
		Window::SetBackground( rColor );
    void TableDataWindow::SetControlBackground( const Color& rColor )
		Window::SetControlBackground( rColor );
    void TableDataWindow::SetBackground()
    void TableDataWindow::SetControlBackground()

    void TableDataWindow::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt )
        sal_uInt16 const nHelpMode = rHEvt.GetMode();
        if  (   ( IsMouseCaptured() )
            ||  ( ( nHelpMode & HELPMODE_QUICK ) == 0 )
            Window::RequestHelp( rHEvt );

        ::rtl::OUString sHelpText;
        sal_uInt16 nHelpStyle = 0;

        Point const aMousePos( ScreenToOutputPixel( rHEvt.GetMousePosPixel() ) );
        RowPos const hitRow = m_rTableControl.getRowAtPoint( aMousePos );
        ColPos const hitCol = m_rTableControl.getColAtPoint( aMousePos );

        PTableModel const pTableModel( m_rTableControl.getModel() );
        if ( ( hitCol >= 0 ) && ( hitCol < pTableModel->getColumnCount() ) )
            if ( hitRow == ROW_COL_HEADERS )
                sHelpText = pTableModel->getColumnModel( hitCol )->getHelpText();
            else if ( ( hitRow >= 0 ) && ( hitRow < pTableModel->getRowCount() ) )
                Any aCellToolTip;
                pTableModel->getCellToolTip( hitCol, hitRow, aCellToolTip );
                if ( !aCellToolTip.hasValue() )
                    // use the cell content
                    pTableModel->getCellContent( hitCol, hitRow, aCellToolTip );

                    // use the cell content as tool tip only if it doesn't fit into the cell.
                    bool const activeCell = ( hitRow == m_rTableControl.getCurrentRow() ) && ( hitCol == m_rTableControl.getCurrentColumn() );
                    bool const selectedCell = m_rTableControl.isRowSelected( hitRow );

                    Rectangle const aWindowRect( Point( 0, 0 ), GetOutputSizePixel() );
                    TableCellGeometry const aCell( m_rTableControl, aWindowRect, hitCol, hitRow );
                    Rectangle const aCellRect( aCell.getRect() );

                    PTableRenderer const pRenderer = pTableModel->getRenderer();
                    if ( pRenderer->FitsIntoCell( aCellToolTip, hitCol, hitRow, activeCell, selectedCell, *this, aCellRect ) )

                pTableModel->getRenderer()->GetFormattedCellString( aCellToolTip, hitCol, hitRow, sHelpText );

                if ( sHelpText.indexOf( '\n' ) >= 0 )
                    nHelpStyle = QUICKHELP_TIP_STYLE_BALLOON;

        if ( sHelpText.getLength() )
            // hide the standard (singleton) help window, so we do not have two help windows open at the same time

            Rectangle const aControlScreenRect(
                OutputToScreenPixel( Point( 0, 0 ) ), 

            if ( m_nTipWindowHandle )
                Help::UpdateTip( m_nTipWindowHandle, this, aControlScreenRect, sHelpText );
                m_nTipWindowHandle = Help::ShowTip( this, aControlScreenRect, sHelpText, nHelpStyle );
            Window::RequestHelp( rHEvt );

    void TableDataWindow::impl_hideTipWindow()
        if ( m_nTipWindowHandle != 0 )
            Help::HideTip( m_nTipWindowHandle );
            m_nTipWindowHandle = 0;

    void TableDataWindow::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
        if ( rMEvt.IsLeaveWindow() )

		if ( !m_rTableControl.getInputHandler()->MouseMove( m_rTableControl, rMEvt ) )
			Window::MouseMove( rMEvt );
    void TableDataWindow::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )

	    Point const aPoint = rMEvt.GetPosPixel();
	    RowPos const hitRow = m_rTableControl.getRowAtPoint( aPoint );
        bool const wasRowSelected = m_rTableControl.isRowSelected( hitRow );
        size_t const nPrevSelRowCount = m_rTableControl.getSelectedRowCount();

        if ( !m_rTableControl.getInputHandler()->MouseButtonDown( m_rTableControl, rMEvt ) )
			Window::MouseButtonDown( rMEvt );

        bool const isRowSelected = m_rTableControl.isRowSelected( hitRow );
        size_t const nCurSelRowCount = m_rTableControl.getSelectedRowCount();
        if ( isRowSelected != wasRowSelected || nCurSelRowCount != nPrevSelRowCount )
			m_aSelectHdl.Call( NULL );

    void TableDataWindow::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
        if ( !m_rTableControl.getInputHandler()->MouseButtonUp( m_rTableControl, rMEvt ) )
            Window::MouseButtonUp( rMEvt );


	long TableDataWindow::Notify(NotifyEvent& rNEvt )
		long nDone = 0;
		if ( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_COMMAND )
			const CommandEvent& rCEvt = *rNEvt.GetCommandEvent();
			if ( rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_WHEEL )
				const CommandWheelData* pData = rCEvt.GetWheelData();
				if( !pData->GetModifier() && ( pData->GetMode() == COMMAND_WHEEL_SCROLL ) )
					nDone = HandleScrollCommand( rCEvt, m_rTableControl.getHorzScrollbar(), m_rTableControl.getVertScrollbar() );
		return nDone ? nDone : Window::Notify( rNEvt );
} } // namespace svt::table