/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "sidebar/PanelFactory.hxx" #include "GalleryControl.hxx" #include "gallery.hrc" #include "svx/galmisc.hxx" #include "svx/gallery1.hxx" #include "galbrws1.hxx" #include "galbrws2.hxx" #include "GallerySplitter.hxx" #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <sfx2/sidebar/Theme.hxx> #include <boost/bind.hpp> namespace svx { namespace sidebar { static const sal_Int32 gnInitialVerticalSplitPosition (150); GalleryControl::GalleryControl ( SfxBindings* /* pBindings */, Window* pParentWindow) : Window(pParentWindow, GAL_RESID(RID_SVXDLG_GALLERYBROWSER)), mpGallery (Gallery::GetGalleryInstance()), mpSplitter(new GallerySplitter( this, GAL_RESID(GALLERY_SPLITTER), ::boost::bind(&GalleryControl::InitSettings, this))), mpBrowser1(new GalleryBrowser1( this, GAL_RESID(GALLERY_BROWSER1), mpGallery, ::boost::bind(&GalleryControl::KeyInput,this,_1,_2), ::boost::bind(&GalleryControl::ThemeSelectionHasChanged, this))), mpBrowser2(new GalleryBrowser2(this, GAL_RESID(GALLERY_BROWSER2), mpGallery)), maLastSize(GetOutputSizePixel()), mbIsInitialResize(true) { FreeResource(); mpBrowser1->SelectTheme(0); mpBrowser1->Show(sal_True); mpBrowser2->Show(sal_True); mpSplitter->SetHorizontal(false); mpSplitter->SetSplitHdl( LINK( this, GalleryControl, SplitHdl ) ); mpSplitter->Show( sal_True ); InitSettings(); } GalleryControl::~GalleryControl (void) { } void GalleryControl::InitSettings (void) { SetBackground( Wallpaper( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ) ); SetControlBackground( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ); SetControlForeground( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ); mpSplitter->SetBackground( Wallpaper( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ) ); mpSplitter->SetControlBackground( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ); mpSplitter->SetControlForeground( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ); mpBrowser1->SetBackground( Wallpaper( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ) ); mpBrowser1->SetControlBackground( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ); mpBrowser1->SetControlForeground( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ); mpBrowser2->SetBackground( Wallpaper( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ) ); mpBrowser2->SetControlBackground( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ); mpBrowser2->SetControlForeground( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ); const Wallpaper aBackground (sfx2::sidebar::Theme::GetWallpaper(sfx2::sidebar::Theme::Paint_PanelBackground)); mpSplitter->SetBackground(aBackground); SetBackground(aBackground); mpBrowser2->SetBackground(aBackground); } void GalleryControl::Resize (void) { // call parent Window::Resize(); // update hor/ver const Size aNewSize( GetOutputSizePixel() ); if (aNewSize.Width()<=0 || aNewSize.Height()<=0) return; const bool bNewLayoutHorizontal(aNewSize.Width() > aNewSize.Height()); const bool bOldLayoutHorizontal(mpSplitter->IsHorizontal()); long nSplitPos( bOldLayoutHorizontal ? mpSplitter->GetPosPixel().X() : mpSplitter->GetPosPixel().Y()); const long nSplitSize( bOldLayoutHorizontal ? mpSplitter->GetOutputSizePixel().Width() : mpSplitter->GetOutputSizePixel().Height()); if(bNewLayoutHorizontal != bOldLayoutHorizontal) { mpSplitter->SetHorizontal(bNewLayoutHorizontal); } else { if (mbIsInitialResize) { nSplitPos = gnInitialVerticalSplitPosition; if (nSplitPos > aNewSize.Height()/2) nSplitPos = aNewSize.Height()/2; } } mbIsInitialResize = false; const long nFrameLen = LogicToPixel( Size( 3, 0 ), MAP_APPFONT ).Width(); const long nFrameLen2 = nFrameLen << 1; if(bNewLayoutHorizontal) { mpBrowser1->SetPosSizePixel( Point( nFrameLen, nFrameLen ), Size(nSplitPos - nFrameLen, aNewSize.Height() - nFrameLen2) ); mpSplitter->SetPosSizePixel( Point( nSplitPos, 0), Size( nSplitSize, aNewSize.Height() ) ); mpSplitter->SetDragRectPixel( Rectangle( Point( nFrameLen2, 0 ), Size( aNewSize.Width() - ( nFrameLen2 << 1 ) - nSplitSize, aNewSize.Height() ) ) ); mpBrowser2->SetPosSizePixel( Point( nSplitPos + nSplitSize, nFrameLen ), Size( aNewSize.Width() - nSplitSize - nSplitPos - nFrameLen, aNewSize.Height() - nFrameLen2 ) ); } else { mpBrowser1->SetPosSizePixel( Point( nFrameLen, nFrameLen ), Size(aNewSize.Width() - nFrameLen2, nSplitPos - nFrameLen)); mpSplitter->SetPosSizePixel( Point( 0, nSplitPos), Size( aNewSize.Width(), nSplitSize ) ); mpSplitter->SetDragRectPixel( Rectangle( Point( 0, nFrameLen2 ), Size( aNewSize.Width(), aNewSize.Height() - ( nFrameLen2 << 1 ) - nSplitSize ) )); mpBrowser2->SetPosSizePixel( Point( nFrameLen, nSplitPos + nSplitSize ), Size( aNewSize.Width() - nFrameLen2, aNewSize.Height() - nSplitSize - nSplitPos - nFrameLen )); } maLastSize = aNewSize; } sal_Bool GalleryControl::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt, Window* ) { const sal_uInt16 nCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode(); sal_Bool bRet = ( !rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() && ( ( KEY_TAB == nCode ) || ( KEY_F6 == nCode && rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) ) ); if( bRet ) { if( !rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift() ) { if( mpBrowser1->mpThemes->HasChildPathFocus( sal_True ) ) mpBrowser2->GetViewWindow()->GrabFocus(); else if( mpBrowser2->GetViewWindow()->HasFocus() ) mpBrowser2->maViewBox.GrabFocus(); else if( mpBrowser2->maViewBox.HasFocus() ) mpBrowser1->maNewTheme.GrabFocus(); else mpBrowser1->mpThemes->GrabFocus(); } else { if( mpBrowser1->mpThemes->HasChildPathFocus( sal_True ) ) mpBrowser1->maNewTheme.GrabFocus(); else if( mpBrowser1->maNewTheme.HasFocus() ) mpBrowser2->maViewBox.GrabFocus(); else if( mpBrowser2->maViewBox.HasFocus() ) mpBrowser2->GetViewWindow()->GrabFocus(); else mpBrowser1->mpThemes->GrabFocus(); } } return bRet; } void GalleryControl::GetFocus (void) { Window::GetFocus(); mpBrowser1->GrabFocus(); } void GalleryControl::ThemeSelectionHasChanged (void) { mpBrowser2->SelectTheme(mpBrowser1->GetSelectedTheme()); } IMPL_LINK( GalleryControl, SplitHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { if(mpSplitter->IsHorizontal()) { mpSplitter->SetPosPixel( Point( mpSplitter->GetSplitPosPixel(), mpSplitter->GetPosPixel().Y() ) ); } else { mpSplitter->SetPosPixel( Point( mpSplitter->GetPosPixel().X(), mpSplitter->GetSplitPosPixel() ) ); } Resize(); return 0L; } } } // end of namespace svx::sidebar