/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "svx/sidebar/ValueSetWithTextControl.hxx" #include <svx/dialogs.hrc> #include <svx/dialmgr.hxx> #include <sfx2/sidebar/Theme.hxx> #include <limits.h> #include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h> #include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.h> #include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/style/NumberingType.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexAccess.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/text/XDefaultNumberingProvider.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/text/XNumberingFormatter.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp> #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/text/XNumberingTypeInfo.hpp> #include <i18npool/mslangid.hxx> #include <svtools/valueset.hxx> #include <editeng/brshitem.hxx> #include <vcl/graph.hxx> #include <svx/nbdtmg.hxx> #include <svx/nbdtmgfact.hxx> using namespace com::sun::star::uno; using namespace com::sun::star::beans; using namespace com::sun::star::lang; using namespace com::sun::star::i18n; using namespace com::sun::star::text; using namespace com::sun::star::container; using namespace com::sun::star::style; using rtl::OUString; #define C2U(cChar) OUString::createFromAscii(cChar) namespace svx { namespace sidebar { static const sal_Char cValue[] = "Value"; static Font& lcl_GetDefaultBulletFont() { static sal_Bool bInit = 0; static Font aDefBulletFont( UniString::CreateFromAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "StarSymbol" ) ), String(), Size( 0, 14 ) ); if(!bInit) { aDefBulletFont.SetCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL ); aDefBulletFont.SetFamily( FAMILY_DONTKNOW ); aDefBulletFont.SetPitch( PITCH_DONTKNOW ); aDefBulletFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_DONTKNOW ); aDefBulletFont.SetTransparent( sal_True ); bInit = sal_True; } return aDefBulletFont; } ValueSetWithTextControl::ValueSetWithTextControl( const tControlType eControlType, Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId) : ValueSet( pParent, rResId ) , meControlType( eControlType ) , maItems() { SetColCount( 1 ); } ValueSetWithTextControl::~ValueSetWithTextControl(void) { } void ValueSetWithTextControl::AddItem( const Image& rItemImage, const Image* pSelectedItemImage, const XubString& rItemText, const XubString* pItemHelpText ) { if ( meControlType != IMAGE_TEXT ) { return; } ValueSetWithTextItem aItem; aItem.maItemImage = rItemImage; aItem.maSelectedItemImage = (pSelectedItemImage != 0) ? *pSelectedItemImage : rItemImage; aItem.maItemText = rItemText; maItems.push_back( aItem ); InsertItem( maItems.size() ); SetItemText( maItems.size(), (pItemHelpText != 0) ? *pItemHelpText : rItemText ); } void ValueSetWithTextControl::AddItem( const XubString& rItemText, const XubString& rItemText2, const XubString* pItemHelpText ) { if ( meControlType != TEXT_TEXT ) { return; } ValueSetWithTextItem aItem; aItem.maItemText = rItemText; aItem.maItemText2 = rItemText2; maItems.push_back( aItem ); InsertItem( maItems.size() ); SetItemText( maItems.size(), (pItemHelpText != 0) ? *pItemHelpText : rItemText ); } void ValueSetWithTextControl::ReplaceItemImages( const sal_uInt16 nItemId, const Image& rItemImage, const Image* pSelectedItemImage ) { if ( meControlType != IMAGE_TEXT ) { return; } if ( nItemId == 0 || nItemId > maItems.size() ) { return; } maItems[nItemId-1].maItemImage = rItemImage; maItems[nItemId-1].maSelectedItemImage = (pSelectedItemImage != 0) ? *pSelectedItemImage : rItemImage; } void ValueSetWithTextControl::UserDraw( const UserDrawEvent& rUDEvt ) { const Rectangle aRect = rUDEvt.GetRect(); OutputDevice* pDev = rUDEvt.GetDevice(); pDev->Push( PUSH_ALL ); const sal_uInt16 nItemId = rUDEvt.GetItemId(); const long nRectHeight = aRect.GetHeight(); const Point aBLPos = aRect.TopLeft(); Font aFont(OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont(DEFAULTFONT_UI_SANS, MsLangId::getSystemLanguage(), DEFAULTFONT_FLAGS_ONLYONE)); { Size aSize = aFont.GetSize(); aSize.Height() = (nRectHeight*4)/9; aFont.SetSize( aSize ); } { //draw backgroud if ( GetSelectItemId() == nItemId ) { Rectangle aBackRect = aRect; aBackRect.Top() += 3; aBackRect.Bottom() -= 2; pDev->SetFillColor( sfx2::sidebar::Theme::GetColor( sfx2::sidebar::Theme::Color_Highlight ) ); pDev->DrawRect(aBackRect); } else { pDev->SetFillColor( COL_TRANSPARENT ); pDev->DrawRect(aRect); } //draw image + text resp. text + text Image* pImage = 0; if ( GetSelectItemId() == nItemId ) { aFont.SetColor( sfx2::sidebar::Theme::GetColor( sfx2::sidebar::Theme::Color_HighlightText ) ); pImage = &maItems[nItemId-1].maSelectedItemImage; } else { aFont.SetColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFieldTextColor() ); pImage = &maItems[nItemId-1].maItemImage; } Rectangle aStrRect = aRect; aStrRect.Top() += nRectHeight/4; aStrRect.Bottom() -= nRectHeight/4; switch ( meControlType ) { case IMAGE_TEXT: { Point aImgStart( aBLPos.X() + 4, aBLPos.Y() + ( ( nRectHeight - pImage->GetSizePixel().Height() ) / 2 ) ); pDev->DrawImage( aImgStart, *pImage ); aStrRect.Left() += pImage->GetSizePixel().Width() + 12; pDev->SetFont(aFont); pDev->DrawText(aStrRect, maItems[nItemId-1].maItemText, TEXT_DRAW_ENDELLIPSIS); } break; case TEXT_TEXT: { const long nRectWidth = aRect.GetWidth(); aStrRect.Left() += 8; aStrRect.Right() -= (nRectWidth*2)/3; pDev->SetFont(aFont); pDev->DrawText(aStrRect, maItems[nItemId-1].maItemText, TEXT_DRAW_ENDELLIPSIS); aStrRect.Left() += nRectWidth/3; aStrRect.Right() += (nRectWidth*2)/3; pDev->DrawText(aStrRect, maItems[nItemId-1].maItemText2, TEXT_DRAW_ENDELLIPSIS); } break; } } Invalidate( aRect ); pDev->Pop(); } SvxNumValueSet2::SvxNumValueSet2( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId) : ValueSet( pParent, rResId ), aLineColor ( COL_LIGHTGRAY ), pVDev ( NULL ) { SetColCount( 3 ); SetLineCount( 3 ); SetStyle( GetStyle() | WB_ITEMBORDER ); } SvxNumValueSet2::~SvxNumValueSet2() { delete pVDev; } void SvxNumValueSet2::SetNumberingSettings( const Sequence<Sequence<PropertyValue> >& aNum, Reference<XNumberingFormatter>& xFormat, const Locale& rLocale ) { aNumSettings = aNum; xFormatter = xFormat; aLocale = rLocale; if(aNum.getLength() > 9) SetStyle( GetStyle()|WB_VSCROLL); InsertItem( DEFAULT_NONE, DEFAULT_NONE - 1 ); SetItemText( DEFAULT_NONE, SVX_RESSTR( RID_SVXSTR_NUMBULLET_NONE )); for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aNum.getLength(); i++ ) { InsertItem( i + 1); if( i < 8 ) { NBOTypeMgrBase* pNumbering = NBOutlineTypeMgrFact::CreateInstance(eNBOType::NUMBERING); if ( pNumbering ) { SetItemText( i + 1, pNumbering->GetDescription(i)); } } } } void SvxNumValueSet2::UserDraw( const UserDrawEvent& rUDEvt ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); const Color aBackColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor(); const Color aTextColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor(); OutputDevice* pDev = rUDEvt.GetDevice(); Rectangle aRect = rUDEvt.GetRect(); sal_uInt32 nItemId = rUDEvt.GetItemId(); long nRectWidth = aRect.GetWidth(); long nRectHeight = aRect.GetHeight(); Size aRectSize(nRectWidth, aRect.GetHeight()); Point aBLPos = aRect.TopLeft(); Font aOldFont = pDev->GetFont(); Color aOldColor = pDev->GetLineColor(); pDev->SetLineColor(aBackColor); Font aFont(OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont( DEFAULTFONT_UI_SANS, MsLangId::getSystemLanguage(), DEFAULTFONT_FLAGS_ONLYONE)); Size aSize = aFont.GetSize(); aSize.Height() = nRectHeight/5; aFont.SetColor(aTextColor); aFont.SetFillColor(aBackColor); aFont.SetSize( aSize ); pDev->SetFont(aFont); pDev->SetLineColor(aTextColor); if(!pVDev) { // Die Linien werden nur einmalig in das VirtualDevice gepainted // nur die Gliederungspage bekommt es aktuell pVDev = new VirtualDevice(*pDev); pVDev->SetMapMode(pDev->GetMapMode()); pVDev->EnableRTL( IsRTLEnabled() ); pVDev->SetOutputSize( aRectSize ); aOrgRect = aRect; pVDev->SetLineColor( aBackColor ); pVDev->SetFillColor( aBackColor ); pVDev->DrawRect(aOrgRect); if(aBackColor == aLineColor) aLineColor.Invert(); if(GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode()) pVDev->SetLineColor(aTextColor); else pVDev->SetLineColor(aLineColor); // Linien nur einmalig Zeichnen Point aStart(aBLPos.X() + nRectWidth *30 / 100,0); Point aEnd(aBLPos.X() + nRectWidth * 9 / 10,0); for( sal_uInt32 i = 11; i < 100; i += 33) { aStart.Y() = aEnd.Y() = aBLPos.Y() + nRectHeight * i / 100; pVDev->DrawLine(aStart, aEnd); aStart.Y() = aEnd.Y() = aBLPos.Y() + nRectHeight * (i + 11) / 100; pVDev->DrawLine(aStart, aEnd); } } if ( nItemId != DEFAULT_NONE) pDev->DrawOutDev( aRect.TopLeft(), aRectSize, aOrgRect.TopLeft(), aRectSize, *pVDev ); const OUString sValue(C2U(cValue)); Point aStart(aBLPos.X() + nRectWidth / 9,0); if ( nItemId == DEFAULT_NONE) { String sText(SVX_RESSTR( RID_SVXSTR_NUMBULLET_NONE)); Font aFont = pDev->GetFont(); Size aSize = aFont.GetSize(); aSize.Height() = nRectHeight/4; aFont.SetSize( aSize ); pDev->SetFont(aFont); long nTextWidth = pDev->GetTextWidth(sText); long nTextHeight = pDev->GetTextHeight(); //GVT refine while (nTextWidth>nRectWidth && aSize.Height()>4) { aSize.Height() = aSize.Height()*0.9; aFont.SetSize( aSize ); pDev->SetFont(aFont); nTextWidth = pDev->GetTextWidth(sText); } Point aSStart(aBLPos.X()+(nRectWidth-nTextWidth)/2, aBLPos.Y() +(nRectHeight-nTextHeight)/2); pDev->DrawText(aSStart, sText); pDev->SetFont(aOldFont); } else { NBOTypeMgrBase* pNumbering = NBOutlineTypeMgrFact::CreateInstance(eNBOType::NUMBERING); if ( pNumbering && nItemId <= DEFAULT_BULLET_TYPES ) { for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { sal_uInt32 nY = 11 + i * 33; aStart.Y() = aBLPos.Y() + nRectHeight * nY / 100; String sText; sal_uInt16 nLvl = 0; SvxNumRule aTempRule( 0, 10, false ); pNumbering->ApplyNumRule(aTempRule,nItemId -1,1<<nLvl); SvxNumberFormat aNumFmt(aTempRule.GetLevel(nLvl)); sText=aNumFmt.GetNumStr(i+1); sText.Insert( aNumFmt.GetPrefix(), 0 ); sText += aNumFmt.GetSuffix(); aStart.X() = aBLPos.X() + 2; aStart.Y() -= pDev->GetTextHeight()/2; pDev->DrawText(aStart, sText); } } pDev->SetFont(aOldFont); pDev->SetLineColor(aOldColor); } //End } //=============================================================================================== SvxNumValueSet3::SvxNumValueSet3( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId) : ValueSet( pParent, rResId ) { SetColCount( 3 ); SetLineCount( 4 ); SetStyle( GetStyle() | WB_ITEMBORDER ); } SvxNumValueSet3::~SvxNumValueSet3() { } void SvxNumValueSet3::UserDraw( const UserDrawEvent& rUDEvt ) { Rectangle aRect = rUDEvt.GetRect(); OutputDevice* pDev = rUDEvt.GetDevice(); sal_uInt32 nItemId = rUDEvt.GetItemId(); long nRectHeight = aRect.GetHeight(); long nRectWidth = aRect.GetWidth(); Point aBLPos = aRect.TopLeft(); NBOTypeMgrBase* pBullets = NBOutlineTypeMgrFact::CreateInstance(eNBOType::MIXBULLETS); if ( pBullets ) { if ( nItemId <= DEFAULT_BULLET_TYPES ) { sal_uInt16 nLvl = 0; SvxNumRule aTempRule( 0, 10, false ); pBullets->ApplyNumRule(aTempRule,nItemId -1,1<<nLvl); SvxNumberFormat aFmt(aTempRule.GetLevel(nLvl)); sal_Int16 eNumType = aFmt.GetNumberingType(); if( eNumType == SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL) { sal_Unicode cChar = aFmt.GetBulletChar(); //End const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); const Color aBackColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor(); const Color aTextColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor(); Font aOldFont = pDev->GetFont(); Font aFont( lcl_GetDefaultBulletFont() ); Size aSize = aFont.GetSize(); aSize.Height() = nRectHeight*3/6; aFont.SetColor(aTextColor); aFont.SetFillColor(aBackColor); aFont.SetSize( aSize ); pDev->SetFont(aFont); pDev->SetFillColor( aBackColor ); //wj String sText; sText = cChar; Font aOldBulletFont = pDev->GetFont(); Font aBulletFnt(aFmt.GetBulletFont() ? *aFmt.GetBulletFont() : aOldBulletFont); Size aBulSize = aOldBulletFont.GetSize(); aBulletFnt.SetSize(aBulSize); pDev->SetFont(aBulletFnt); long nTextWidth = pDev->GetTextWidth(sText); long nTextHeight = pDev->GetTextHeight(); Point aStart(aBLPos.X()+(nRectWidth-nTextWidth)/2, aBLPos.Y() +(nRectHeight-nTextHeight)/2); pDev->DrawText(aStart, sText); pDev->SetFont(aOldFont); }else if ( eNumType == SVX_NUM_BITMAP ) { const SvxBrushItem* pBrushItem = aFmt.GetBrush(); if(pBrushItem) { const Graphic* pGrf = pBrushItem->GetGraphic(); if(pGrf) { Size aSize(nRectHeight*6/20, nRectHeight*6/20); Point aStart(aBLPos.X() + nRectWidth*7/20, aBLPos.Y() + nRectHeight*7/20); pGrf->Draw( pDev, aStart, aSize ); } } } }else if ( nItemId == DEFAULT_NONE) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); const Color aBackColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor(); const Color aTextColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor(); Font aOldFont = pDev->GetFont(); Font aFont(OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont(DEFAULTFONT_UI_SANS, MsLangId::getSystemLanguage(), DEFAULTFONT_FLAGS_ONLYONE)); Size aSize = aFont.GetSize(); //aSize.Height() = nRectHeight/5; aSize.Height() = nRectHeight/4; aFont.SetColor(aTextColor); aFont.SetFillColor(aBackColor); aFont.SetSize( aSize ); pDev->SetFont(aFont); pDev->SetFillColor( aBackColor ); String sText(SVX_RESSTR( RID_SVXSTR_NUMBULLET_NONE)); long nTextWidth = pDev->GetTextWidth(sText); long nTextHeight = pDev->GetTextHeight(); //GVT refine while (nTextWidth>nRectWidth && aSize.Height()>4) { aSize.Height() = aSize.Height()*0.9; aFont.SetSize( aSize ); pDev->SetFont(aFont); nTextWidth = pDev->GetTextWidth(sText); } Point aStart(aBLPos.X()+(nRectWidth-nTextWidth)/2, aBLPos.Y() +(nRectHeight-nTextHeight)/2); pDev->DrawText(aStart, sText); pDev->SetFont(aOldFont); } } } } } // end of namespace svx::sidebar