 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.


// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"

#include <accfrmobjmap.hxx>
#include <accframe.hxx>
#include <accmap.hxx>
#include <acccontext.hxx>

#include <viewsh.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <frmfmt.hxx>
#include <pagefrm.hxx>
#include <txtfrm.hxx>
#include <node.hxx>
#include <sortedobjs.hxx>
#include <anchoredobject.hxx>

#include <svx/svdobj.hxx>

using namespace sw::access;

SwAccessibleChildMap::SwAccessibleChildMap( const SwRect& rVisArea,
                                            const SwFrm& rFrm,
                                            SwAccessibleMap& rAccMap )
    : nHellId( rAccMap.GetShell()->GetDoc()->GetHellId() )
    , nControlsId( rAccMap.GetShell()->GetDoc()->GetControlsId() )
    const bool bVisibleChildrenOnly = SwAccessibleChild( &rFrm ).IsVisibleChildrenOnly();

    sal_uInt32 nPos = 0;
    SwAccessibleChild aLower( rFrm.GetLower() );
    while( aLower.GetSwFrm() )
        if ( !bVisibleChildrenOnly ||
             aLower.AlwaysIncludeAsChild() ||
             aLower.GetBox( rAccMap ).IsOver( rVisArea ) )
            insert( nPos++, SwAccessibleChildMapKey::TEXT, aLower );

        aLower = aLower.GetSwFrm()->GetNext();

    if ( rFrm.IsPageFrm() )
        ASSERT( bVisibleChildrenOnly, "page frame within tab frame???" );
        const SwPageFrm *pPgFrm =
            static_cast< const SwPageFrm * >( &rFrm );
        const SwSortedObjs *pObjs = pPgFrm->GetSortedObjs();
        if ( pObjs )
            for( sal_uInt16 i=0; i<pObjs->Count(); i++ )
                aLower = (*pObjs)[i]->GetDrawObj();
                if ( aLower.GetBox( rAccMap ).IsOver( rVisArea ) )
                    insert( aLower.GetDrawObject(), aLower );
    else if( rFrm.IsTxtFrm() )
        const SwSortedObjs *pObjs = rFrm.GetDrawObjs();
        if ( pObjs )
            for( sal_uInt16 i=0; i<pObjs->Count(); i++ )
                aLower = (*pObjs)[i]->GetDrawObj();
                if ( aLower.IsBoundAsChar() &&
                     ( !bVisibleChildrenOnly ||
                       aLower.AlwaysIncludeAsChild() ||
                       aLower.GetBox( rAccMap ).IsOver( rVisArea ) ) )
                    insert( aLower.GetDrawObject(), aLower );

            ::vos::ORef < SwAccessibleContext > xAccImpl =
                                rAccMap.GetContextImpl( &rFrm, sal_False );
            if( xAccImpl.isValid() )
                SwAccessibleContext* pAccImpl = xAccImpl.getBodyPtr();
                if ( pAccImpl &&
                     pAccImpl->HasAdditionalAccessibleChildren() )
                    std::vector< Window* >* pAdditionalChildren =
                                                new std::vector< Window* >();
                    pAccImpl->GetAdditionalAccessibleChildren( pAdditionalChildren );

                    sal_Int32 nCounter( 0 );
                    for ( std::vector< Window* >::iterator aIter = pAdditionalChildren->begin();
                          aIter != pAdditionalChildren->end();
                          ++aIter )
                        aLower = (*aIter);
                        insert( ++nCounter, SwAccessibleChildMapKey::XWINDOW, aLower );

                    delete pAdditionalChildren;

::std::pair< SwAccessibleChildMap::iterator, bool > SwAccessibleChildMap::insert(
                                                const sal_uInt32 nPos,
                                                const SwAccessibleChildMapKey::LayerId eLayerId,
                                                const SwAccessibleChild& rLower )
    SwAccessibleChildMapKey aKey( eLayerId, nPos );
	value_type aEntry( aKey, rLower );
    return _SwAccessibleChildMap::insert( aEntry );

::std::pair< SwAccessibleChildMap::iterator, bool > SwAccessibleChildMap::insert(
                                                const SdrObject *pObj,
                                                const SwAccessibleChild& rLower )
    const SdrLayerID nLayer = pObj->GetLayer();
    SwAccessibleChildMapKey::LayerId eLayerId =
                    (nHellId == nLayer)
                    ? SwAccessibleChildMapKey::HELL
                    : ( (nControlsId == nLayer)
                        ? SwAccessibleChildMapKey::CONTROLS
                        : SwAccessibleChildMapKey::HEAVEN );
    SwAccessibleChildMapKey aKey( eLayerId, pObj->GetOrdNum() );
	value_type aEntry( aKey, rLower );
    return _SwAccessibleChildMap::insert( aEntry );

/* static */ sal_Bool SwAccessibleChildMap::IsSortingRequired( const SwFrm& rFrm )
    return ( rFrm.IsPageFrm() &&
             static_cast< const SwPageFrm& >( rFrm ).GetSortedObjs() ) ||
           ( rFrm.IsTxtFrm() &&
             rFrm.GetDrawObjs() );