/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include #include #include #include inline const SvxBorderLine* GetLineTB( const SvxBoxItem* pBox, sal_Bool bTop ) { return bTop ? pBox->GetTop() : pBox->GetBottom(); } sal_Bool _SwGCBorder_BoxBrd::CheckLeftBorderOfFormat( const SwFrmFmt& rFmt ) { const SvxBorderLine* pBrd; const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rFmt.GetItemState( RES_BOX, sal_True, &pItem ) && 0 != ( pBrd = ((SvxBoxItem*)pItem)->GetLeft() ) ) { if( *pBrdLn == *pBrd ) bAnyBorderFnd = sal_True; return sal_True; } return sal_False; } sal_Bool lcl_GCBorder_ChkBoxBrd_L( const SwTableLine*& rpLine, void* pPara ) { const SwTableBox* pBox = rpLine->GetTabBoxes()[ 0 ]; return lcl_GCBorder_ChkBoxBrd_B( pBox, pPara ); } sal_Bool lcl_GCBorder_ChkBoxBrd_B( const SwTableBox*& rpBox, void* pPara ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_True; if( rpBox->GetTabLines().Count() ) { for( sal_uInt16 n = 0, nLines = rpBox->GetTabLines().Count(); n < nLines && bRet; ++n ) { const SwTableLine* pLine = rpBox->GetTabLines()[ n ]; bRet = lcl_GCBorder_ChkBoxBrd_L( pLine, pPara ); } } else { _SwGCBorder_BoxBrd* pBPara = (_SwGCBorder_BoxBrd*)pPara; bRet = pBPara->CheckLeftBorderOfFormat( *rpBox->GetFrmFmt() ); } return bRet; } sal_Bool lcl_GCBorder_GetLastBox_L( const SwTableLine*& rpLine, void* pPara ) { const SwTableBoxes& rBoxes = rpLine->GetTabBoxes(); const SwTableBox* pBox = rBoxes[ rBoxes.Count()-1 ]; ::lcl_GCBorder_GetLastBox_B( pBox, pPara ); return sal_True; } sal_Bool lcl_GCBorder_GetLastBox_B( const SwTableBox*& rpBox, void* pPara ) { SwTableLines& rLines = (SwTableLines&)rpBox->GetTabLines(); if( rLines.Count() ) rLines.ForEach( &lcl_GCBorder_GetLastBox_L, pPara ); else ((SwTableBoxes*)pPara)->Insert( rpBox, ((SwTableBoxes*)pPara)->Count() ); return sal_True; } // suche das "Ende" der vorgegebene BorderLine. Returnt wird die "Layout"Pos! sal_uInt16 lcl_FindEndPosOfBorder( const SwCollectTblLineBoxes& rCollTLB, const SvxBorderLine& rBrdLn, sal_uInt16& rStt, sal_Bool bTop ) { sal_uInt16 nPos, nLastPos = 0; for( sal_uInt16 nEnd = rCollTLB.Count(); rStt < nEnd; ++rStt ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem; const SvxBorderLine* pBrd; const SwTableBox& rBox = rCollTLB.GetBox( rStt, &nPos ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET != rBox.GetFrmFmt()->GetItemState(RES_BOX,sal_True, &pItem ) || 0 == ( pBrd = GetLineTB( (SvxBoxItem*)pItem, bTop )) || !( *pBrd == rBrdLn )) break; nLastPos = nPos; } return nLastPos; } inline const SvxBorderLine* lcl_GCBorder_GetBorder( const SwTableBox& rBox, sal_Bool bTop, const SfxPoolItem** ppItem ) { return SFX_ITEM_SET == rBox.GetFrmFmt()->GetItemState( RES_BOX, sal_True, ppItem ) ? GetLineTB( (SvxBoxItem*)*ppItem, bTop ) : 0; } void lcl_GCBorder_DelBorder( const SwCollectTblLineBoxes& rCollTLB, sal_uInt16& rStt, sal_Bool bTop, const SvxBorderLine& rLine, const SfxPoolItem* pItem, sal_uInt16 nEndPos, SwShareBoxFmts* pShareFmts ) { SwTableBox* pBox = (SwTableBox*)&rCollTLB.GetBox( rStt ); sal_uInt16 nNextPos; const SvxBorderLine* pLn = &rLine; do { if( pLn && *pLn == rLine ) { SvxBoxItem aBox( *(SvxBoxItem*)pItem ); if( bTop ) aBox.SetLine( 0, BOX_LINE_TOP ); else aBox.SetLine( 0, BOX_LINE_BOTTOM ); if( pShareFmts ) pShareFmts->SetAttr( *pBox, aBox ); else pBox->ClaimFrmFmt()->SetFmtAttr( aBox ); } if( ++rStt >= rCollTLB.Count() ) break; pBox = (SwTableBox*)&rCollTLB.GetBox( rStt, &nNextPos ); if( nNextPos > nEndPos ) break; pLn = lcl_GCBorder_GetBorder( *pBox, bTop, &pItem ); } while( sal_True ); } sal_Bool lcl_GC_Line_Border( const SwTableLine*& rpLine, void* pPara ) { _SwGCLineBorder* pGCPara = (_SwGCLineBorder*)pPara; // zuerst die rechte Kante mit der linken Kante der naechsten Box // innerhalb dieser Line { _SwGCBorder_BoxBrd aBPara; const SvxBorderLine* pBrd; const SfxPoolItem* pItem; const SwTableBoxes& rBoxes = rpLine->GetTabBoxes(); for( sal_uInt16 n = 0, nBoxes = rBoxes.Count() - 1; n < nBoxes; ++n ) { SwTableBoxes aBoxes; { const SwTableBox* pBox = rBoxes[ n ]; if( pBox->GetSttNd() ) aBoxes.Insert( pBox, 0 ); else lcl_GCBorder_GetLastBox_B( pBox, &aBoxes ); } SwTableBox* pBox; for( sal_uInt16 i = aBoxes.Count(); i; ) if( SFX_ITEM_SET == (pBox = aBoxes[ --i ])->GetFrmFmt()-> GetItemState( RES_BOX, sal_True, &pItem ) && 0 != ( pBrd = ((SvxBoxItem*)pItem)->GetRight() ) ) { aBPara.SetBorder( *pBrd ); const SwTableBox* pNextBox = rBoxes[n+1]; if( lcl_GCBorder_ChkBoxBrd_B( pNextBox, &aBPara ) && aBPara.IsAnyBorderFound() ) { SvxBoxItem aBox( *(SvxBoxItem*)pItem ); aBox.SetLine( 0, BOX_LINE_RIGHT ); if( pGCPara->pShareFmts ) pGCPara->pShareFmts->SetAttr( *pBox, aBox ); else pBox->ClaimFrmFmt()->SetFmtAttr( aBox ); } } aBoxes.Remove( 0, aBoxes.Count() ); } } // und jetzt die eigene untere Kante mit der nachfolgenden oberen Kante if( !pGCPara->IsLastLine() ) { SwCollectTblLineBoxes aBottom( sal_False ); SwCollectTblLineBoxes aTop( sal_True ); ::lcl_Line_CollectBox( rpLine, &aBottom ); const SwTableLine* pNextLine = (*pGCPara->pLines)[ pGCPara->nLinePos+1 ]; ::lcl_Line_CollectBox( pNextLine, &aTop ); // dann entferne mal alle "doppelten" gleichen Lines sal_uInt16 nBtmPos, nTopPos, nSttBtm = 0, nSttTop = 0, nEndBtm = aBottom.Count(), nEndTop = aTop.Count(); const SwTableBox *pBtmBox = &aBottom.GetBox( nSttBtm++, &nBtmPos ), *pTopBox = &aTop.GetBox( nSttTop++, &nTopPos ); const SfxPoolItem *pBtmItem = 0, *pTopItem = 0; const SvxBorderLine *pBtmLine(0), *pTopLine(0); sal_Bool bGetTopItem = sal_True, bGetBtmItem = sal_True; do { if( bGetBtmItem ) pBtmLine = lcl_GCBorder_GetBorder( *pBtmBox, sal_False, &pBtmItem ); if( bGetTopItem ) pTopLine = lcl_GCBorder_GetBorder( *pTopBox, sal_True, &pTopItem ); if( pTopLine && pBtmLine && *pTopLine == *pBtmLine ) { // dann kann einer entfernt werden, aber welche? sal_uInt16 nSavSttBtm = nSttBtm, nSavSttTop = nSttTop; sal_uInt16 nBtmEndPos = ::lcl_FindEndPosOfBorder( aBottom, *pTopLine, nSttBtm, sal_False ); if( !nBtmEndPos ) nBtmEndPos = nBtmPos; sal_uInt16 nTopEndPos = ::lcl_FindEndPosOfBorder( aTop, *pTopLine, nSttTop, sal_True ); if( !nTopEndPos ) nTopEndPos = nTopPos; if( nTopEndPos <= nBtmEndPos ) { // dann die TopBorder bis zur BottomEndPos loeschen nSttTop = nSavSttTop; if( nTopPos <= nBtmEndPos ) lcl_GCBorder_DelBorder( aTop, --nSttTop, sal_True, *pBtmLine, pTopItem, nBtmEndPos, pGCPara->pShareFmts ); else nSttBtm = nSavSttBtm; } else { // sonst die BottomBorder bis zur TopEndPos loeschen nSttBtm = nSavSttBtm; if( nBtmPos <= nTopEndPos ) lcl_GCBorder_DelBorder( aBottom, --nSttBtm, sal_False, *pTopLine, pBtmItem, nTopEndPos, pGCPara->pShareFmts ); else nSttTop = nSavSttTop; } nTopPos = nBtmPos; } if( nTopPos == nBtmPos ) { if( nSttBtm >= nEndBtm || nSttTop >= nEndTop ) break; pBtmBox = &aBottom.GetBox( nSttBtm++, &nBtmPos ); pTopBox = &aTop.GetBox( nSttTop++, &nTopPos ); bGetTopItem = bGetBtmItem = sal_True; } else if( nTopPos < nBtmPos ) { if( nSttTop >= nEndTop ) break; pTopBox = &aTop.GetBox( nSttTop++, &nTopPos ); bGetTopItem = sal_True; bGetBtmItem = sal_False; } else { if( nSttBtm >= nEndBtm ) break; pBtmBox = &aBottom.GetBox( nSttBtm++, &nBtmPos ); bGetTopItem = sal_False; bGetBtmItem = sal_True; } } while( sal_True ); } ((SwTableLine*)rpLine)->GetTabBoxes().ForEach( &lcl_GC_Box_Border, pPara ); ++pGCPara->nLinePos; return sal_True; } sal_Bool lcl_GC_Box_Border( const SwTableBox*& rpBox, void* pPara ) { if( rpBox->GetTabLines().Count() ) { _SwGCLineBorder aPara( *rpBox ); aPara.pShareFmts = ((_SwGCLineBorder*)pPara)->pShareFmts; ((SwTableBox*)rpBox)->GetTabLines().ForEach( &lcl_GC_Line_Border, &aPara ); } return sal_True; } struct _GCLinePara { SwTableLines* pLns; SwShareBoxFmts* pShareFmts; _GCLinePara( SwTableLines& rLns, _GCLinePara* pPara = 0 ) : pLns( &rLns ), pShareFmts( pPara ? pPara->pShareFmts : 0 ) {} }; sal_Bool lcl_MergeGCBox( const SwTableBox*& rpTblBox, void* pPara ) { SwTableBox*& rpBox = (SwTableBox*&)rpTblBox; sal_uInt16 n, nLen = rpBox->GetTabLines().Count(); if( nLen ) { // ACHTUNG: die Anzahl der Lines kann sich aendern! _GCLinePara aPara( rpBox->GetTabLines(), (_GCLinePara*)pPara ); for( n = 0; n < rpBox->GetTabLines().Count() && lcl_MergeGCLine( *(rpBox->GetTabLines().GetData() + n), &aPara ); ++n ) ; if( 1 == rpBox->GetTabLines().Count() ) { // Box mit einer Line, dann verschiebe alle Boxen der Line // hinter diese Box in der Parent-Line und loesche diese Box SwTableLine* pInsLine = rpBox->GetUpper(); SwTableLine* pCpyLine = rpBox->GetTabLines()[0]; sal_uInt16 nInsPos = pInsLine->GetTabBoxes().C40_GETPOS( SwTableBox, rpBox ); for( n = 0; n < pCpyLine->GetTabBoxes().Count(); ++n ) pCpyLine->GetTabBoxes()[n]->SetUpper( pInsLine ); pInsLine->GetTabBoxes().Insert( &pCpyLine->GetTabBoxes(), nInsPos+1 ); pCpyLine->GetTabBoxes().Remove( 0, n ); // loesche alte die Box mit der Line pInsLine->GetTabBoxes().DeleteAndDestroy( nInsPos ); return sal_False; // neu aufsetzen } } return sal_True; } sal_Bool lcl_MergeGCLine( const SwTableLine*& rpLine, void* pPara ) { SwTableLine* pLn = (SwTableLine*)rpLine; sal_uInt16 nLen = pLn->GetTabBoxes().Count(); if( nLen ) { _GCLinePara* pGCPara = (_GCLinePara*)pPara; while( 1 == nLen ) { // es gibt eine Box mit Lines SwTableBox* pBox = pLn->GetTabBoxes()[0]; if( !pBox->GetTabLines().Count() ) break; SwTableLine* pLine = pBox->GetTabLines()[0]; // pLine wird zu der aktuellen, also der rpLine, // die restlichen werden ins LinesArray hinter der akt. // verschoben. // Das LinesArray ist im pPara! nLen = pBox->GetTabLines().Count(); SwTableLines& rLns = *pGCPara->pLns; const SwTableLine* pTmp = pLn; sal_uInt16 nInsPos = rLns.GetPos( pTmp ); ASSERT( USHRT_MAX != nInsPos, "Line nicht gefunden!" ); SwTableBox* pUpper = pLn->GetUpper(); rLns.Remove( nInsPos, 1 ); // die Line dem aus Array loeschen rLns.Insert( &pBox->GetTabLines(), nInsPos ); // JP 31.03.99: Bug 60000 - die Attribute der zu loeschenden // Line an die "eingefuegten" uebertragen const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pLn->GetFrmFmt()->GetItemState( RES_BACKGROUND, sal_True, &pItem )) { SwTableLines& rBoxLns = pBox->GetTabLines(); for( sal_uInt16 nLns = 0; nLns < nLen; ++nLns ) if( SFX_ITEM_SET != rBoxLns[ nLns ]->GetFrmFmt()-> GetItemState( RES_BACKGROUND, sal_True )) pGCPara->pShareFmts->SetAttr( *rBoxLns[ nLns ], *pItem ); } pBox->GetTabLines().Remove( 0, nLen ); // Lines aus Array loeschen delete pLn; // Abhaengigkeit neu setzen while( nLen-- ) rLns[ nInsPos++ ]->SetUpper( pUpper ); pLn = pLine; // und neu setzen nLen = pLn->GetTabBoxes().Count(); } // ACHTUNG: die Anzahl der Boxen kann sich aendern! for( nLen = 0; nLen < pLn->GetTabBoxes().Count(); ++nLen ) if( !lcl_MergeGCBox( *(pLn->GetTabBoxes().GetData() + nLen ), pPara )) --nLen; } return sal_True; } // Struktur ein wenig aufraeumen void SwTable::GCLines() { // ACHTUNG: die Anzahl der Lines kann sich aendern! _GCLinePara aPara( GetTabLines() ); SwShareBoxFmts aShareFmts; aPara.pShareFmts = &aShareFmts; for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < GetTabLines().Count() && lcl_MergeGCLine( *(GetTabLines().GetData() + n ), &aPara ); ++n ) ; }