/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include <com/sun/star/embed/ElementModes.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/embed/XTransactedObject.hpp> #include <tools/urlobj.hxx> #include <sot/stg.hxx> #include <sfx2/docfile.hxx> #include <unotools/localfilehelper.hxx> #include <unotools/ucbstreamhelper.hxx> #include <comphelper/storagehelper.hxx> #include <doc.hxx> #include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx> #include <docsh.hxx> #include <pam.hxx> #include <swblocks.hxx> #include <ndtxt.hxx> #include <shellio.hxx> #include <poolfmt.hxx> #include <SwXMLTextBlocks.hxx> #include <errhdl.hxx> #include <SwXMLBlockImport.hxx> #include <SwXMLBlockExport.hxx> #include <swerror.h> #define STREAM_STGREAD ( STREAM_READ | STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE | STREAM_NOCREATE ) #define STREAM_STGWRITE ( STREAM_READ | STREAM_WRITE | STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE ) using namespace ::com::sun::star; void SwXMLTextBlocks::InitBlockMode ( const uno::Reference < embed::XStorage >& rStorage ) { xBlkRoot = rStorage; xRoot = 0; } void SwXMLTextBlocks::ResetBlockMode ( ) { xBlkRoot = 0; xRoot = 0; } SwXMLTextBlocks::SwXMLTextBlocks( const String& rFile ) : SwImpBlocks( rFile ), bAutocorrBlock( sal_False ), nFlags ( 0 ) { SwDocShell* pDocSh = new SwDocShell ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_INTERNAL ); if( !pDocSh->DoInitNew( 0 ) ) return; bReadOnly = sal_True; pDoc = pDocSh->GetDoc(); xDocShellRef = pDocSh; pDoc->SetOle2Link( Link() ); pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoUndo(false); pDoc->acquire(); uno::Reference< embed::XStorage > refStg; if( !aDateModified.GetDate() || !aTimeModified.GetTime() ) Touch(); // falls neu angelegt -> neuen ZeitStempel besorgen try { refStg = comphelper::OStorageHelper::GetStorageFromURL( rFile, embed::ElementModes::READWRITE ); bReadOnly = sal_False; } catch( const uno::Exception& ) { //couldn't open the file - maybe it's readonly } if( !refStg.is()) { try { refStg = comphelper::OStorageHelper::GetStorageFromURL( rFile, embed::ElementModes::READ ); } catch( const uno::Exception& ) { DBG_ERROR("exception while creating AutoText storage"); } } InitBlockMode ( refStg ); ReadInfo(); ResetBlockMode (); bInfoChanged = sal_False; } SwXMLTextBlocks::SwXMLTextBlocks( const uno::Reference < embed::XStorage >& rStg, const String& rName ) : SwImpBlocks( rName ) , bAutocorrBlock( sal_True ) , nFlags ( 0 ) { SwDocShell* pDocSh = new SwDocShell ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_INTERNAL ); if( !pDocSh->DoInitNew( 0 ) ) return; bReadOnly = sal_False; pDoc = pDocSh->GetDoc(); xDocShellRef = pDocSh; pDoc->SetOle2Link( Link() ); pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoUndo(false); pDoc->acquire(); InitBlockMode ( rStg ); ReadInfo(); bInfoChanged = sal_False; } SwXMLTextBlocks::~SwXMLTextBlocks() { if ( bInfoChanged ) WriteInfo(); ResetBlockMode (); if(xDocShellRef.Is()) xDocShellRef->DoClose(); xDocShellRef = 0; if( pDoc && !pDoc->release() ) delete pDoc; } void SwXMLTextBlocks::ClearDoc() { SwDocShell * pDocShell = pDoc->GetDocShell(); pDocShell->InvalidateModel(); pDocShell->ReactivateModel(); pDoc->ClearDoc(); pDocShell->ClearEmbeddedObjects(); } void SwXMLTextBlocks::AddName( const String& rShort, const String& rLong, sal_Bool bOnlyTxt ) { sal_uInt16 nIdx = GetIndex( rShort ); SwBlockName* pNew = NULL; if( nIdx != (sal_uInt16) -1 ) aNames.DeleteAndDestroy( nIdx ); GeneratePackageName( rShort, aPackageName ); pNew = new SwBlockName( rShort, rLong, aPackageName ); pNew->bIsOnlyTxtFlagInit = sal_True; pNew->bIsOnlyTxt = bOnlyTxt; aNames.C40_PTR_INSERT( SwBlockName, pNew ); bInfoChanged = sal_True; } void SwXMLTextBlocks::AddName( const String& rShort, const String& rLong, const String& rPackageName, sal_Bool bOnlyTxt ) { sal_uInt16 nIdx = GetIndex( rShort ); if( nIdx != (sal_uInt16) -1 ) aNames.DeleteAndDestroy( nIdx ); SwBlockName* pNew = new SwBlockName( rShort, rLong, rPackageName ); pNew->bIsOnlyTxtFlagInit = sal_True; pNew->bIsOnlyTxt = bOnlyTxt; aNames.C40_PTR_INSERT( SwBlockName, pNew ); bInfoChanged = sal_True; } sal_uLong SwXMLTextBlocks::Delete( sal_uInt16 n ) { String aPckName (aNames[ n ]->aPackageName); uno::Reference < container::XNameAccess > xAccess( xBlkRoot, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xAccess.is() && xAccess->hasByName( aPckName ) && xBlkRoot->isStreamElement( aPckName ) ) { try { xBlkRoot->removeElement ( aPckName ); uno::Reference < embed::XTransactedObject > xTrans( xBlkRoot, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xTrans.is() ) xTrans->commit(); return 0; } catch ( uno::Exception) { return ERR_SWG_WRITE_ERROR; } } return 0; } sal_uLong SwXMLTextBlocks::Rename( sal_uInt16 nIdx, const String& rNewShort, const String& ) { DBG_ASSERT( xBlkRoot.is(), "No storage set" ); if(!xBlkRoot.is()) return 0; String aOldName (aNames[ nIdx ]->aPackageName); aShort = rNewShort; GeneratePackageName( aShort, aPackageName ); if (IsOnlyTextBlock ( nIdx ) ) { String sExt( String::CreateFromAscii( ".xml" )); String aOldStreamName( aOldName ); aOldStreamName += sExt; String aNewStreamName( aPackageName ); aNewStreamName += sExt; xRoot = xBlkRoot->openStorageElement( aOldName, embed::ElementModes::READWRITE ); xRoot->renameElement ( aOldStreamName, aNewStreamName ); uno::Reference < embed::XTransactedObject > xTrans( xRoot, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xTrans.is() ) xTrans->commit(); xRoot = 0; } if(aOldName != aPackageName) { try { xBlkRoot->renameElement ( aOldName, aPackageName ); } catch( const container::ElementExistException& rEx ) { (void)rEx; } } uno::Reference < embed::XTransactedObject > xTrans( xBlkRoot, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xTrans.is() ) xTrans->commit(); // No need to commit xBlkRoot here as SwTextBlocks::Rename calls // WriteInfo which does the commit return 0; } sal_uLong SwXMLTextBlocks::CopyBlock( SwImpBlocks& rDestImp, String& rShort, const String& rLong) { sal_uLong nError = 0; OpenFile(sal_True); rDestImp.OpenFile(sal_False); String aGroup( rShort ); sal_Bool bTextOnly = IsOnlyTextBlock ( rShort ) ;//pImp->pBlkRoot->IsStream( aGroup ); sal_uInt16 nIndex = GetIndex ( rShort ); String sDestShortName( GetPackageName (nIndex) ); sal_uInt16 nIdx = 0; DBG_ASSERT( xBlkRoot.is(), "No storage set" ); if(!xBlkRoot.is()) return ERR_SWG_WRITE_ERROR; uno::Reference < container::XNameAccess > xAccess( ((SwXMLTextBlocks&)rDestImp).xBlkRoot, uno::UNO_QUERY ); while ( xAccess->hasByName( sDestShortName ) ) { ++nIdx; //falls wirklich mal einer so verrueckt ist if(USHRT_MAX == nIdx) { CloseFile(); rDestImp.CloseFile(); return ERR_SWG_WRITE_ERROR; } sDestShortName += String::CreateFromInt32( nIdx ); } try { uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > rSourceRoot = xBlkRoot->openStorageElement( aGroup, embed::ElementModes::READ ); uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > rDestRoot = ((SwXMLTextBlocks&)rDestImp).xBlkRoot->openStorageElement( sDestShortName, embed::ElementModes::READWRITE ); //if(!rSourceRoot.Is()) // nError = ERR_SWG_READ_ERROR; //else //{ rSourceRoot->copyToStorage( rDestRoot ); } catch ( uno::Exception& ) { nError = ERR_SWG_WRITE_ERROR; } /* I think this should work now that text only blocks are in sub-storages as well else { SvStorageStreamRef rSourceStream = xBlkRoot->OpenStream( aGroup, STREAM_STGREAD ); SvStorageStreamRef rDestStream = ((SwXMLTextBlocks&)rDestImp).xBlkRoot-> OpenStream( sDestShortName, STREAM_STGWRITE ); if(!rDestStream.Is()) nError = ERR_SWG_WRITE_ERROR; else { if(!rSourceStream->CopyTo(&rDestStream)) nError = ERR_SWG_WRITE_ERROR; else rDestStream->Commit(); } } */ if(!nError) { rShort = sDestShortName; //((SwXMLTextBlocks&)rDestImp).xBlkRoot->Commit(); ((SwXMLTextBlocks&)rDestImp).AddName( rShort, rLong, bTextOnly ); ((SwXMLTextBlocks&)rDestImp).MakeBlockList(); } CloseFile(); rDestImp.CloseFile(); return nError; } sal_uLong SwXMLTextBlocks::StartPutBlock( const String& rShort, const String& rPackageName ) { DBG_ASSERT( xBlkRoot.is(), "No storage set" ); if(!xBlkRoot.is()) return 0; GetIndex ( rShort ); /* if( xBlkRoot->IsContained( rPackageName ) ) { xBlkRoot->Remove( rPackageName ); xBlkRoot->Commit(); } */ try { xRoot = xBlkRoot->openStorageElement( rPackageName, embed::ElementModes::READWRITE ); uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xRootProps( xRoot, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); ::rtl::OUString aPropName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("MediaType") ); ::rtl::OUString aMime( SotExchange::GetFormatMimeType( SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITER_8 ) ); xRootProps->setPropertyValue( aPropName, uno::makeAny( aMime ) ); } catch (uno::Exception&) { } return 0; } sal_uLong SwXMLTextBlocks::BeginPutDoc( const String& rShort, const String& rLong ) { // In der Basisklasse ablegen! aShort = rShort; aLong = rLong; GeneratePackageName( rShort, aPackageName ); SetIsTextOnly( rShort, sal_False); return StartPutBlock (rShort, aPackageName); } sal_uLong SwXMLTextBlocks::PutBlock( SwPaM& , const String& ) { sal_uLong nRes = 0; sal_uInt16 nCommitFlags = nFlags & (SWXML_CONVBLOCK|SWXML_NOROOTCOMMIT); nFlags |= nCommitFlags; WriterRef xWrt; ::GetXMLWriter ( aEmptyStr, GetBaseURL(), xWrt); SwWriter aWriter (xRoot, *pDoc ); xWrt->bBlock = sal_True; nRes = aWriter.Write ( xWrt ); xWrt->bBlock = sal_False; // Save OLE objects if there are some SwDocShell *pDocSh = pDoc->GetDocShell(); sal_Bool bHasChildren = pDocSh && pDocSh->GetEmbeddedObjectContainer().HasEmbeddedObjects(); if( !nRes && bHasChildren ) { // we have to write to the temporary storage first, since the used below functions are optimized // TODO/LATER: it is only a temporary solution, that should be changed soon, the used methods should be // called without optimization sal_Bool bOK = sal_False; if ( xRoot.is() ) { SfxMedium* pTmpMedium = NULL; try { uno::Reference< embed::XStorage > xTempStorage = ::comphelper::OStorageHelper::GetTemporaryStorage(); xRoot->copyToStorage( xTempStorage ); // TODO/LATER: no progress bar?! // TODO/MBA: strange construct pTmpMedium = new SfxMedium( xTempStorage, GetBaseURL() ); sal_Bool bTmpOK = pDocSh->SaveAsChildren( *pTmpMedium ); if( bTmpOK ) bTmpOK = pDocSh->SaveCompletedChildren( sal_False ); xTempStorage->copyToStorage( xRoot ); bOK = bTmpOK; } catch( uno::Exception& ) { } if ( pTmpMedium ) DELETEZ( pTmpMedium ); } if( !bOK ) nRes = ERR_SWG_WRITE_ERROR; } try { uno::Reference < embed::XTransactedObject > xTrans( xRoot, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xTrans.is() ) xTrans->commit(); xRoot = 0; if ( !nCommitFlags ) { uno::Reference < embed::XTransactedObject > xTmpTrans( xBlkRoot, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xTmpTrans.is() ) xTmpTrans->commit(); } } catch (uno::Exception&) { } //TODO/LATER: error handling /* sal_uLong nErr = xBlkRoot->GetError(); if( nErr == SVSTREAM_DISK_FULL ) nRes = ERR_W4W_WRITE_FULL; else if( nErr != SVSTREAM_OK ) nRes = ERR_SWG_WRITE_ERROR; nFlags |= nCommitFlags; return nErr;*/ return 0; } sal_uLong SwXMLTextBlocks::PutDoc() { SwPaM* pPaM = MakePaM(); sal_uLong nErr = PutBlock(*pPaM, aLong); delete pPaM; return nErr; } sal_uLong SwXMLTextBlocks::GetText( sal_uInt16 nIdx, String& rText ) { return GetBlockText( aNames[ nIdx ]->aShort, rText ); } sal_uLong SwXMLTextBlocks::GetText( const String& rShort, String& rText ) { return GetBlockText( rShort, rText ); } sal_uLong SwXMLTextBlocks::MakeBlockList() { WriteInfo(); return 0; } sal_Bool SwXMLTextBlocks::PutMuchEntries( sal_Bool bOn ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if( bOn ) { if( bInPutMuchBlocks ) { ASSERT( sal_False, "nested calls are not allowed" ); } else if( !IsFileChanged() ) { bRet = 0 == OpenFile( sal_False ); if( bRet ) { nFlags |= SWXML_NOROOTCOMMIT; bInPutMuchBlocks = sal_True; } } } else if( bInPutMuchBlocks ) { nFlags &= ~SWXML_NOROOTCOMMIT; if( xBlkRoot.is() ) { try { uno::Reference < embed::XTransactedObject > xTrans( xBlkRoot, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xTrans.is() ) xTrans->commit(); MakeBlockList(); CloseFile(); Touch(); bInPutMuchBlocks = sal_False; bRet = sal_True; } catch (uno::Exception&) { } } } return bRet; } sal_uLong SwXMLTextBlocks::OpenFile( sal_Bool bRdOnly ) { if( bAutocorrBlock ) return 0; sal_uLong nRet = 0; try { uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > refStg = comphelper::OStorageHelper::GetStorageFromURL( aFile, bRdOnly ? embed::ElementModes::READ : embed::ElementModes::READWRITE ); InitBlockMode ( refStg ); } catch ( uno::Exception& ) { //TODO/LATER: error handling nRet = 1; } return nRet; } void SwXMLTextBlocks::CloseFile() { if ( !bAutocorrBlock ) { if (bInfoChanged) WriteInfo(); ResetBlockMode(); } } void SwXMLTextBlocks::SetIsTextOnly( const String& rShort, sal_Bool bNewValue ) { sal_uInt16 nIdx = GetIndex ( rShort ); if (nIdx != (sal_uInt16) -1 && nIdx != USHRT_MAX) aNames[nIdx]->bIsOnlyTxt = bNewValue; } void SwXMLTextBlocks::SetIsTextOnly( sal_uInt16 nIdx, sal_Bool bNewValue ) { aNames[nIdx]->bIsOnlyTxt = bNewValue; } sal_Bool SwXMLTextBlocks::IsOnlyTextBlock( const String& rShort ) const { sal_uInt16 nIdx = GetIndex ( rShort ); sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if (nIdx != (sal_uInt16) -1 && nIdx != USHRT_MAX) { bRet = aNames[nIdx]->bIsOnlyTxt; } return bRet; } sal_Bool SwXMLTextBlocks::IsOnlyTextBlock( sal_uInt16 nIdx ) const { return aNames[nIdx]->bIsOnlyTxt; } sal_Bool SwXMLTextBlocks::IsFileUCBStorage( const String & rFileName) { String aName( rFileName ); INetURLObject aObj( aName ); if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) { String aURL; ::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertPhysicalNameToURL( aName, aURL ); aObj.SetURL( aURL ); aName = aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); } SvStream * pStm = ::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream( aName, STREAM_STD_READ ); sal_Bool bRet = UCBStorage::IsStorageFile( pStm ); delete pStm; return bRet; } short SwXMLTextBlocks::GetFileType ( void ) const { return SWBLK_XML; } void SwXMLTextBlocks::GeneratePackageName ( const String& rShort, String& rPackageName ) { rPackageName = rShort; xub_StrLen nPos = 0; sal_Unicode pDelims[] = { '!', '/', ':', '.', '\\', 0 }; ByteString sByte ( rPackageName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF7); rPackageName = String (sByte, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US); while( STRING_NOTFOUND != ( nPos = rPackageName.SearchChar( pDelims, nPos ))) { rPackageName.SetChar( nPos, '_' ); ++nPos; } } sal_uLong SwXMLTextBlocks::PutText( const String& rShort, const String& rName, const String& rText ) { sal_uLong nRes = 0; aShort = rShort; aLong = rName; aCur = rText; SetIsTextOnly( aShort, sal_True ); GeneratePackageName( rShort, aPackageName ); ClearDoc(); nRes = PutBlockText( rShort, rName, rText, aPackageName ); return nRes; } void SwXMLTextBlocks::MakeBlockText( const String& rText ) { SwTxtNode* pTxtNode = pDoc->GetNodes()[ pDoc->GetNodes().GetEndOfContent(). GetIndex() - 1 ]->GetTxtNode(); //JP 18.09.98: Bug 56706 - Standard sollte zumindest gesetzt sein! if( pTxtNode->GetTxtColl() == pDoc->GetDfltTxtFmtColl() ) pTxtNode->ChgFmtColl( pDoc->GetTxtCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD )); xub_StrLen nPos = 0; do { if ( nPos ) { pTxtNode = (SwTxtNode*)pTxtNode->AppendNode( SwPosition( *pTxtNode ) ); } SwIndex aIdx( pTxtNode ); String sTemp(rText.GetToken( 0, '\015', nPos ) ); pTxtNode->InsertText( sTemp, aIdx ); } while ( STRING_NOTFOUND != nPos ); }