 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"

#include <hintids.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/i18n/ScriptType.hdl>
#include <tools/string.hxx>
#include <editeng/langitem.hxx>
#include <txatritr.hxx>
#include <fchrfmt.hxx>
#include <charfmt.hxx>
#include <breakit.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <txatbase.hxx>

using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n;

SwScriptIterator::SwScriptIterator( const String& rStr, xub_StrLen nStt, sal_Bool bFrwrd )
    : rText( rStr ),
      nChgPos( rStr.Len() ),
      nCurScript( ScriptType::WEAK ),
      bForward( bFrwrd )
	if( pBreakIt->GetBreakIter().is() )
        if ( ! bFrwrd && nStt )

        xub_StrLen nPos = nStt;
		nCurScript = pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->getScriptType( rText, nPos );
		if( ScriptType::WEAK == nCurScript )
			if( nPos )
				nPos = (xub_StrLen)pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->beginOfScript(
												rText, nPos, nCurScript );
				if( nPos && nPos < rText.Len() )
					nStt = --nPos;
					nCurScript = pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->getScriptType( rText,nPos);

        nChgPos = bForward ?
                  (xub_StrLen)pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->endOfScript( rText, nStt, nCurScript ) :
                  (xub_StrLen)pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->beginOfScript( rText, nStt, nCurScript );

sal_Bool SwScriptIterator::Next()
	sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
    if( pBreakIt->GetBreakIter().is() )
        if ( bForward && nChgPos < rText.Len() )
            nCurScript = pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->getScriptType( rText, nChgPos );
            nChgPos = (xub_StrLen)pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->endOfScript(
                                                rText, nChgPos, nCurScript );
            bRet = sal_True;
        else if ( ! bForward && nChgPos )
            nCurScript = pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->getScriptType( rText, nChgPos );
            nChgPos = (xub_StrLen)pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->beginOfScript(
                                                rText, nChgPos, nCurScript );
            bRet = sal_True;
		nChgPos = rText.Len();
	return bRet;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

SwTxtAttrIterator::SwTxtAttrIterator( const SwTxtNode& rTNd, sal_uInt16 nWhchId,
                                        xub_StrLen nStt,
                                        sal_Bool bUseGetWhichOfScript )
	: aSIter( rTNd.GetTxt(), nStt ), rTxtNd( rTNd ),
    pParaItem( 0 ), nChgPos( nStt ), nAttrPos( 0 ), nWhichId( nWhchId ),
    bIsUseGetWhichOfScript( bUseGetWhichOfScript )

sal_Bool SwTxtAttrIterator::Next()
	sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
	if( nChgPos < aSIter.GetText().Len() )
		bRet = sal_True;
		if( aStack.Count() )
			do {
				const SwTxtAttr* pHt = (SwTxtAttr*)aStack[ 0 ];
				const sal_uInt16 nEndPos = *pHt->End();
				if( nChgPos >= nEndPos )
					aStack.Remove( 0 );
			} while( aStack.Count() );

		if( aStack.Count() )
			sal_uInt16 nSavePos = nAttrPos;
			if( aStack.Count() )
				const SwTxtAttr* pHt = (SwTxtAttr*)aStack[ 0 ];
				const sal_uInt16 nEndPos = *pHt->End();
				if( nChgPos >= nEndPos )
					nChgPos = nEndPos;
					nAttrPos = nSavePos;

					if( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == pHt->Which() )
                        sal_uInt16 nWId = bIsUseGetWhichOfScript ?
                                GetWhichOfScript( nWhichId,
                                                  aSIter.GetCurrScript() ) : nWhichId;
                        pCurItem = &pHt->GetCharFmt().GetCharFmt()->GetFmtAttr(nWId);
                        pCurItem = &pHt->GetAttr();

					aStack.Remove( 0 );
	return bRet;

void SwTxtAttrIterator::AddToStack( const SwTxtAttr& rAttr )
	void* pAdd = (void*)&rAttr;
	sal_uInt16 nIns = 0, nEndPos = *rAttr.End();
	for( ; nIns < aStack.Count(); ++nIns )
		if( *((SwTxtAttr*)aStack[ nIns ] )->GetEnd() > nEndPos )

	aStack.Insert( pAdd, nIns );

void SwTxtAttrIterator::SearchNextChg()
	sal_uInt16 nWh = 0;
	if( nChgPos == aSIter.GetScriptChgPos() )
		pParaItem = 0;
		nAttrPos = 0; 		// must be restart at the beginning, because
							// some attributes can start before or inside
							// the current scripttype!
		aStack.Remove( 0, aStack.Count() );
	if( !pParaItem )
        nWh = bIsUseGetWhichOfScript ?
                GetWhichOfScript( nWhichId,
                                  aSIter.GetCurrScript() ) : nWhichId;
        pParaItem = &rTxtNd.GetSwAttrSet().Get( nWh );

	xub_StrLen nStt = nChgPos;
	nChgPos = aSIter.GetScriptChgPos();
	pCurItem = pParaItem;

	const SwpHints* pHts = rTxtNd.GetpSwpHints();
	if( pHts )
		if( !nWh )
            nWh =  bIsUseGetWhichOfScript ?
                        GetWhichOfScript( nWhichId,
                                          aSIter.GetCurrScript() ) : nWhichId;

		const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0;
		for( ; nAttrPos < pHts->Count(); ++nAttrPos )
			const SwTxtAttr* pHt = (*pHts)[ nAttrPos ];
			const sal_uInt16* pEnd = pHt->End();
			const sal_uInt16 nHtStt = *pHt->GetStart();
			if( nHtStt < nStt && ( !pEnd || *pEnd <= nStt ))

			if( nHtStt >= nChgPos )

            pItem = CharFmt::GetItem( *pHt, nWh );
            if ( pItem )
				if( nHtStt > nStt )
					if( nChgPos > nHtStt )
						nChgPos = nHtStt;
				AddToStack( *pHt );
				pCurItem = pItem;
				if( *pEnd < nChgPos )
					nChgPos = *pEnd;