/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #define _SVSTDARR_USHORTS #define _SVSTDARR_USHORTSSORT #include <UndoAttribute.hxx> #include <svl/itemiter.hxx> #include <editeng/tstpitem.hxx> #include <svx/svdmodel.hxx> #include <svx/svdpage.hxx> #include <hintids.hxx> #include <fmtflcnt.hxx> #include <txtftn.hxx> #include <fmtornt.hxx> #include <fmtanchr.hxx> #include <fmtfsize.hxx> #include <frmfmt.hxx> #include <fmtcntnt.hxx> #include <ftnidx.hxx> #include <doc.hxx> #include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx> #include <IShellCursorSupplier.hxx> #include <docary.hxx> #include <swundo.hxx> // fuer die UndoIds #include <pam.hxx> #include <ndtxt.hxx> #include <swtable.hxx> #include <swtblfmt.hxx> #include <UndoCore.hxx> #include <hints.hxx> #include <rolbck.hxx> #include <ndnotxt.hxx> #include <dcontact.hxx> #include <ftninfo.hxx> #include <redline.hxx> #include <section.hxx> #include <charfmt.hxx> #include <switerator.hxx> // ----------------------------------------------------- SwUndoFmtAttrHelper::SwUndoFmtAttrHelper( SwFmt& rFmt, bool bSvDrwPt ) : SwClient( &rFmt ) , m_pUndo( 0 ) , m_bSaveDrawPt( bSvDrwPt ) { } void SwUndoFmtAttrHelper::Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem* pNew ) { if( pOld ) { if ( pOld->Which() == RES_OBJECTDYING ) { CheckRegistration( pOld, pNew ); } else if ( pNew ) { if( POOLATTR_END >= pOld->Which() ) { if ( GetUndo() ) { m_pUndo->PutAttr( *pOld ); } else { m_pUndo.reset( new SwUndoFmtAttr( *pOld, *static_cast<SwFmt*>(GetRegisteredInNonConst()), m_bSaveDrawPt ) ); } } else if ( RES_ATTRSET_CHG == pOld->Which() ) { if ( GetUndo() ) { SfxItemIter aIter( *(static_cast<const SwAttrSetChg*>(pOld))->GetChgSet() ); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = aIter.GetCurItem(); while ( pItem ) { m_pUndo->PutAttr( *pItem ); if( aIter.IsAtEnd() ) break; pItem = aIter.NextItem(); } } else { m_pUndo.reset( new SwUndoFmtAttr( *static_cast<const SwAttrSetChg*>(pOld)->GetChgSet(), *static_cast<SwFmt*>(GetRegisteredInNonConst()), m_bSaveDrawPt ) ); } } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------- SwUndoFmtAttr::SwUndoFmtAttr( const SfxItemSet& rOldSet, SwFmt& rChgFmt, bool bSaveDrawPt ) : SwUndo( UNDO_INSFMTATTR ) , m_pFmt( &rChgFmt ) // --> OD 2007-07-11 #i56253# , m_pOldSet( new SfxItemSet( rOldSet ) ) // <-- , m_nNodeIndex( 0 ) , m_nFmtWhich( rChgFmt.Which() ) , m_bSaveDrawPt( bSaveDrawPt ) { Init(); } SwUndoFmtAttr::SwUndoFmtAttr( const SfxPoolItem& rItem, SwFmt& rChgFmt, bool bSaveDrawPt ) : SwUndo( UNDO_INSFMTATTR ) , m_pFmt( &rChgFmt ) , m_pOldSet( m_pFmt->GetAttrSet().Clone( sal_False ) ) , m_nNodeIndex( 0 ) , m_nFmtWhich( rChgFmt.Which() ) , m_bSaveDrawPt( bSaveDrawPt ) { m_pOldSet->Put( rItem ); Init(); } void SwUndoFmtAttr::Init() { // treat change of anchor specially if ( SFX_ITEM_SET == m_pOldSet->GetItemState( RES_ANCHOR, sal_False )) { SaveFlyAnchor( m_bSaveDrawPt ); } else if ( RES_FRMFMT == m_nFmtWhich ) { SwDoc* pDoc = m_pFmt->GetDoc(); if (USHRT_MAX != pDoc->GetTblFrmFmts()->GetPos( static_cast<const SwFrmFmtPtr>(m_pFmt))) { // Table Format: save table position, table formats are volatile! SwTable * pTbl = SwIterator<SwTable,SwFmt>::FirstElement( *m_pFmt ); if ( pTbl ) { m_nNodeIndex = pTbl->GetTabSortBoxes()[ 0 ]->GetSttNd() ->FindTableNode()->GetIndex(); } } else if (USHRT_MAX != pDoc->GetSections().GetPos( static_cast<const SwSectionFmtPtr>(m_pFmt))) { m_nNodeIndex = m_pFmt->GetCntnt().GetCntntIdx()->GetIndex(); } else if ( 0 != dynamic_cast< SwTableBoxFmt* >( m_pFmt ) ) { SwTableBox * pTblBox = SwIterator<SwTableBox,SwFmt>::FirstElement( *m_pFmt ); if ( pTblBox ) { m_nNodeIndex = pTblBox->GetSttIdx(); } } } } SwUndoFmtAttr::~SwUndoFmtAttr() { } void SwUndoFmtAttr::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { // OD 2004-10-26 #i35443# // Important note: <Undo(..)> also called by <ReDo(..)> if ( !m_pOldSet.get() || !m_pFmt || !IsFmtInDoc( &rContext.GetDoc() )) return; // --> OD 2004-10-26 #i35443# - If anchor attribute has been successfull // restored, all other attributes are also restored. // Thus, keep track of its restoration bool bAnchorAttrRestored( false ); if ( SFX_ITEM_SET == m_pOldSet->GetItemState( RES_ANCHOR, sal_False )) { bAnchorAttrRestored = RestoreFlyAnchor(rContext); if ( bAnchorAttrRestored ) { // Anchor attribute successfull restored. // Thus, keep anchor position for redo SaveFlyAnchor(); } else { // Anchor attribute not restored due to invalid anchor position. // Thus, delete anchor attribute. m_pOldSet->ClearItem( RES_ANCHOR ); } } if ( !bAnchorAttrRestored ) // <-- { SwUndoFmtAttrHelper aTmp( *m_pFmt, m_bSaveDrawPt ); m_pFmt->SetFmtAttr( *m_pOldSet ); if ( aTmp.GetUndo() ) { // transfer ownership of helper object's old set m_pOldSet = aTmp.GetUndo()->m_pOldSet; } else { m_pOldSet->ClearItem(); } if ( RES_FLYFRMFMT == m_nFmtWhich || RES_DRAWFRMFMT == m_nFmtWhich ) { rContext.SetSelections(static_cast<SwFrmFmt*>(m_pFmt), 0); } } } bool SwUndoFmtAttr::IsFmtInDoc( SwDoc* pDoc ) { // search for the Format in the Document; if it does not exist any more, // the attribute is not restored! sal_uInt16 nPos = USHRT_MAX; switch ( m_nFmtWhich ) { case RES_TXTFMTCOLL: nPos = pDoc->GetTxtFmtColls()->GetPos( static_cast<const SwTxtFmtCollPtr>(m_pFmt) ); break; case RES_GRFFMTCOLL: nPos = pDoc->GetGrfFmtColls()->GetPos( static_cast<const SwGrfFmtCollPtr>(m_pFmt) ); break; case RES_CHRFMT: nPos = pDoc->GetCharFmts()->GetPos( static_cast<SwCharFmtPtr>(m_pFmt) ); break; case RES_FRMFMT: if ( m_nNodeIndex && (m_nNodeIndex < pDoc->GetNodes().Count()) ) { SwNode* pNd = pDoc->GetNodes()[ m_nNodeIndex ]; if ( pNd->IsTableNode() ) { m_pFmt = static_cast<SwTableNode*>(pNd)->GetTable().GetFrmFmt(); nPos = 0; break; } else if ( pNd->IsSectionNode() ) { m_pFmt = static_cast<SwSectionNode*>(pNd)->GetSection().GetFmt(); nPos = 0; break; } else if ( pNd->IsStartNode() && (SwTableBoxStartNode == static_cast< SwStartNode* >(pNd)->GetStartNodeType()) ) { SwTableNode* pTblNode = pNd->FindTableNode(); if ( pTblNode ) { SwTableBox* pBox = pTblNode->GetTable().GetTblBox( m_nNodeIndex ); if ( pBox ) { m_pFmt = pBox->GetFrmFmt(); nPos = 0; break; } } } } // no break! case RES_DRAWFRMFMT: case RES_FLYFRMFMT: nPos = pDoc->GetSpzFrmFmts()->GetPos( static_cast<const SwFrmFmtPtr>(m_pFmt) ); if ( USHRT_MAX == nPos ) { nPos = pDoc->GetFrmFmts()->GetPos( static_cast<const SwFrmFmtPtr>(m_pFmt) ); } break; } if ( USHRT_MAX == nPos ) { // Format does not exist; reset m_pFmt = 0; } return 0 != m_pFmt; } // prueft, ob es noch im Doc ist! SwFmt* SwUndoFmtAttr::GetFmt( SwDoc& rDoc ) { return m_pFmt && IsFmtInDoc( &rDoc ) ? m_pFmt : 0; } void SwUndoFmtAttr::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { // --> OD 2004-10-26 #i35443# - Because the undo stores the attributes for // redo, the same code as for <Undo(..)> can be applied for <Redo(..)> UndoImpl(rContext); // <-- } void SwUndoFmtAttr::RepeatImpl(::sw::RepeatContext & rContext) { if ( !m_pOldSet.get() ) return; SwDoc & rDoc(rContext.GetDoc()); switch ( m_nFmtWhich ) { case RES_GRFFMTCOLL: { SwNoTxtNode *const pNd = rContext.GetRepeatPaM().GetNode()->GetNoTxtNode(); if( pNd ) { rDoc.SetAttr( m_pFmt->GetAttrSet(), *pNd->GetFmtColl() ); } } break; case RES_TXTFMTCOLL: { SwTxtNode *const pNd = rContext.GetRepeatPaM().GetNode()->GetTxtNode(); if( pNd ) { rDoc.SetAttr( m_pFmt->GetAttrSet(), *pNd->GetFmtColl() ); } } break; // case RES_CHRFMT: // case RES_FRMFMT: case RES_FLYFRMFMT: { // erstal pruefen, ob der Cursor ueberhaupt in einem fliegenden // Rahmen steht. Der Weg ist: suche in allen FlyFrmFormaten // nach dem FlyCntnt-Attribut und teste ob der Cursor in der // entsprechenden Section liegt. SwFrmFmt *const pFly = rContext.GetRepeatPaM().GetNode()->GetFlyFmt(); if( pFly ) { // Bug 43672: es duerfen nicht alle Attribute gesetzt werden! if (SFX_ITEM_SET == m_pFmt->GetAttrSet().GetItemState( RES_CNTNT )) { SfxItemSet aTmpSet( m_pFmt->GetAttrSet() ); aTmpSet.ClearItem( RES_CNTNT ); if( aTmpSet.Count() ) { rDoc.SetAttr( aTmpSet, *pFly ); } } else { rDoc.SetAttr( m_pFmt->GetAttrSet(), *pFly ); } } break; } } } SwRewriter SwUndoFmtAttr::GetRewriter() const { SwRewriter aRewriter; if (m_pFmt) { aRewriter.AddRule(UNDO_ARG1, m_pFmt->GetName()); } return aRewriter; } void SwUndoFmtAttr::PutAttr( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) { m_pOldSet->Put( rItem ); if ( RES_ANCHOR == rItem.Which() ) { SaveFlyAnchor( m_bSaveDrawPt ); } } void SwUndoFmtAttr::SaveFlyAnchor( bool bSvDrwPt ) { // das Format ist gueltig, sonst wuerde man gar bis hier kommen if( bSvDrwPt ) { if ( RES_DRAWFRMFMT == m_pFmt->Which() ) { Point aPt( static_cast<SwFrmFmt*>(m_pFmt)->FindSdrObject() ->GetRelativePos() ); // store old value as attribute, to keep SwUndoFmtAttr small m_pOldSet->Put( SwFmtFrmSize( ATT_VAR_SIZE, aPt.X(), aPt.Y() ) ); } /* else { pOldSet->Put( pFmt->GetVertOrient() ); pOldSet->Put( pFmt->GetHoriOrient() ); } */ } const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = static_cast<const SwFmtAnchor&>( m_pOldSet->Get( RES_ANCHOR, sal_False ) ); if( !rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor() ) return; xub_StrLen nCntnt = 0; switch( rAnchor.GetAnchorId() ) { case FLY_AS_CHAR: case FLY_AT_CHAR: nCntnt = rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor()->nContent.GetIndex(); case FLY_AT_PARA: case FLY_AT_FLY: m_nNodeIndex = rAnchor.GetCntntAnchor()->nNode.GetIndex(); break; default: return; } SwFmtAnchor aAnchor( rAnchor.GetAnchorId(), nCntnt ); m_pOldSet->Put( aAnchor ); } // --> OD 2004-10-26 #i35443# - Add return value, type <bool>. // Return value indicates, if anchor attribute is restored. // Note: If anchor attribute is restored, all other existing attributes // are also restored. bool SwUndoFmtAttr::RestoreFlyAnchor(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc *const pDoc = & rContext.GetDoc(); SwFlyFrmFmt* pFrmFmt = static_cast<SwFlyFrmFmt*>(m_pFmt); const SwFmtAnchor& rAnchor = static_cast<const SwFmtAnchor&>( m_pOldSet->Get( RES_ANCHOR, sal_False ) ); SwFmtAnchor aNewAnchor( rAnchor.GetAnchorId() ); if (FLY_AT_PAGE != rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) { SwNode* pNd = pDoc->GetNodes()[ m_nNodeIndex ]; if ( (FLY_AT_FLY == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) ? ( !pNd->IsStartNode() || (SwFlyStartNode != static_cast<SwStartNode*>(pNd)->GetStartNodeType()) ) : !pNd->IsTxtNode() ) { // --> OD 2004-10-26 #i35443# - invalid position. // Thus, anchor attribute not restored return false; // <-- } SwPosition aPos( *pNd ); if ((FLY_AS_CHAR == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) || (FLY_AT_CHAR == rAnchor.GetAnchorId())) { aPos.nContent.Assign( (SwTxtNode*)pNd, rAnchor.GetPageNum() ); if ( aPos.nContent.GetIndex() > static_cast<SwTxtNode*>(pNd)->GetTxt().Len() ) { // --> OD 2004-10-26 #i35443# - invalid position. // Thus, anchor attribute not restored return false; // <-- } } aNewAnchor.SetAnchor( &aPos ); } else aNewAnchor.SetPageNum( rAnchor.GetPageNum() ); Point aDrawSavePt, aDrawOldPt; if( pDoc->GetCurrentViewShell() ) //swmod 071108//swmod 071225 { if( RES_DRAWFRMFMT == pFrmFmt->Which() ) { // den alten zwischengespeicherten Wert herausholen. const SwFmtFrmSize& rOldSize = static_cast<const SwFmtFrmSize&>( m_pOldSet->Get( RES_FRM_SIZE ) ); aDrawSavePt.X() = rOldSize.GetWidth(); aDrawSavePt.Y() = rOldSize.GetHeight(); m_pOldSet->ClearItem( RES_FRM_SIZE ); // den akt. wieder zwischenspeichern aDrawOldPt = pFrmFmt->FindSdrObject()->GetRelativePos(); //JP 08.10.97: ist laut AMA/MA nicht mehr noetig // pCont->DisconnectFromLayout(); } else { pFrmFmt->DelFrms(); // delete Frms } } const SwFmtAnchor &rOldAnch = pFrmFmt->GetAnchor(); // --> OD 2006-03-13 #i54336# // Consider case, that as-character anchored object has moved its anchor position. if (FLY_AS_CHAR == rOldAnch.GetAnchorId()) // <-- { //Bei InCntnt's wird es spannend: Das TxtAttribut muss vernichtet //werden. Leider reisst dies neben den Frms auch noch das Format mit //in sein Grab. Um dass zu unterbinden loesen wir vorher die //Verbindung zwischen Attribut und Format. const SwPosition *pPos = rOldAnch.GetCntntAnchor(); SwTxtNode *pTxtNode = (SwTxtNode*)&pPos->nNode.GetNode(); ASSERT( pTxtNode->HasHints(), "Missing FlyInCnt-Hint." ); const xub_StrLen nIdx = pPos->nContent.GetIndex(); SwTxtAttr * const pHnt = pTxtNode->GetTxtAttrForCharAt( nIdx, RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT ); ASSERT( pHnt && pHnt->Which() == RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT, "Missing FlyInCnt-Hint." ); ASSERT( pHnt && pHnt->GetFlyCnt().GetFrmFmt() == pFrmFmt, "Wrong TxtFlyCnt-Hint." ); const_cast<SwFmtFlyCnt&>(pHnt->GetFlyCnt()).SetFlyFmt(); //Die Verbindung ist geloest, jetzt muss noch das Attribut vernichtet //werden. pTxtNode->DeleteAttributes( RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT, nIdx, nIdx ); } { m_pOldSet->Put( aNewAnchor ); SwUndoFmtAttrHelper aTmp( *m_pFmt, m_bSaveDrawPt ); m_pFmt->SetFmtAttr( *m_pOldSet ); if ( aTmp.GetUndo() ) { m_nNodeIndex = aTmp.GetUndo()->m_nNodeIndex; // transfer ownership of helper object's old set m_pOldSet = aTmp.GetUndo()->m_pOldSet; } else { m_pOldSet->ClearItem(); } } if ( RES_DRAWFRMFMT == pFrmFmt->Which() ) { SwDrawContact *pCont = static_cast<SwDrawContact*>(pFrmFmt->FindContactObj()); // das Draw-Model hat auch noch ein Undo-Object fuer die // richtige Position vorbereitet; dieses ist aber relativ. // Darum verhinder hier, das durch setzen des Ankers das // Contact-Object seine Position aendert. //JP 08.10.97: ist laut AMA/MA nicht mehr noetig // pCont->ConnectToLayout(); SdrObject* pObj = pCont->GetMaster(); if( pCont->GetAnchorFrm() && !pObj->IsInserted() ) { ASSERT( pDoc->GetDrawModel(), "RestoreFlyAnchor without DrawModel" ); pDoc->GetDrawModel()->GetPage( 0 )->InsertObject( pObj ); } pObj->SetRelativePos( aDrawSavePt ); // den alten Wert wieder zwischenspeichern. m_pOldSet->Put( SwFmtFrmSize( ATT_VAR_SIZE, aDrawOldPt.X(), aDrawOldPt.Y() ) ); } if (FLY_AS_CHAR == aNewAnchor.GetAnchorId()) { const SwPosition* pPos = aNewAnchor.GetCntntAnchor(); SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = pPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode(); ASSERT( pTxtNd, "no Text Node at position." ); SwFmtFlyCnt aFmt( pFrmFmt ); pTxtNd->InsertItem( aFmt, pPos->nContent.GetIndex(), 0 ); } if( RES_DRAWFRMFMT != pFrmFmt->Which() ) pFrmFmt->MakeFrms(); rContext.SetSelections(pFrmFmt, 0); // --> OD 2004-10-26 #i35443# - anchor attribute restored. return true; // <-- } // ----------------------------------------------------- // --> OD 2008-02-12 #newlistlevelattrs# SwUndoFmtResetAttr::SwUndoFmtResetAttr( SwFmt& rChangedFormat, const sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) : SwUndo( UNDO_RESETATTR ) , m_pChangedFormat( &rChangedFormat ) , m_nWhichId( nWhichId ) , m_pOldItem( 0 ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; if (rChangedFormat.GetItemState( nWhichId, sal_False, &pItem ) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { m_pOldItem.reset( pItem->Clone() ); } } SwUndoFmtResetAttr::~SwUndoFmtResetAttr() { } void SwUndoFmtResetAttr::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext &) { if ( m_pOldItem.get() ) { m_pChangedFormat->SetFmtAttr( *m_pOldItem ); } } void SwUndoFmtResetAttr::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext &) { if ( m_pOldItem.get() ) { m_pChangedFormat->ResetFmtAttr( m_nWhichId ); } } // <-- // ----------------------------------------------------- SwUndoResetAttr::SwUndoResetAttr( const SwPaM& rRange, sal_uInt16 nFmtId ) : SwUndo( UNDO_RESETATTR ), SwUndRng( rRange ) , m_pHistory( new SwHistory ) , m_nFormatId( nFmtId ) { } SwUndoResetAttr::SwUndoResetAttr( const SwPosition& rPos, sal_uInt16 nFmtId ) : SwUndo( UNDO_RESETATTR ) , m_pHistory( new SwHistory ) , m_nFormatId( nFmtId ) { nSttNode = nEndNode = rPos.nNode.GetIndex(); nSttCntnt = nEndCntnt = rPos.nContent.GetIndex(); } SwUndoResetAttr::~SwUndoResetAttr() { } void SwUndoResetAttr::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { // reset old values SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); m_pHistory->TmpRollback( &rDoc, 0 ); m_pHistory->SetTmpEnd( m_pHistory->Count() ); if ((RES_CONDTXTFMTCOLL == m_nFormatId) && (nSttNode == nEndNode) && (nSttCntnt == nEndCntnt)) { SwTxtNode* pTNd = rDoc.GetNodes()[ nSttNode ]->GetTxtNode(); if( pTNd ) { SwIndex aIdx( pTNd, nSttCntnt ); pTNd->DontExpandFmt( aIdx, sal_False ); } } AddUndoRedoPaM(rContext); } void SwUndoResetAttr::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); SwPaM & rPam = AddUndoRedoPaM(rContext); SvUShortsSort* pIdArr = m_Ids.Count() ? &m_Ids : 0; switch ( m_nFormatId ) { case RES_CHRFMT: rDoc.RstTxtAttrs(rPam); break; case RES_TXTFMTCOLL: rDoc.ResetAttrs(rPam, sal_False, pIdArr ); break; case RES_CONDTXTFMTCOLL: rDoc.ResetAttrs(rPam, sal_True, pIdArr ); break; case RES_TXTATR_TOXMARK: // special treatment for TOXMarks { SwTOXMarks aArr; SwNodeIndex aIdx( rDoc.GetNodes(), nSttNode ); SwPosition aPos( aIdx, SwIndex( aIdx.GetNode().GetCntntNode(), nSttCntnt )); sal_uInt16 nCnt = rDoc.GetCurTOXMark( aPos, aArr ); if( nCnt ) { if( 1 < nCnt ) { // search for the right one SwHistoryHint* pHHint = (GetHistory())[ 0 ]; if( pHHint && HSTRY_SETTOXMARKHNT == pHHint->Which() ) { while( nCnt ) { if ( static_cast<SwHistorySetTOXMark*>(pHHint) ->IsEqual( *aArr[ --nCnt ] ) ) { ++nCnt; break; } } } else nCnt = 0; } // gefunden, also loeschen if( nCnt-- ) { rDoc.DeleteTOXMark( aArr[ nCnt ] ); } } } break; } } void SwUndoResetAttr::RepeatImpl(::sw::RepeatContext & rContext) { if (m_nFormatId < RES_FMT_BEGIN) { return; } SvUShortsSort* pIdArr = m_Ids.Count() ? &m_Ids : 0; switch ( m_nFormatId ) { case RES_CHRFMT: rContext.GetDoc().RstTxtAttrs(rContext.GetRepeatPaM()); break; case RES_TXTFMTCOLL: rContext.GetDoc().ResetAttrs(rContext.GetRepeatPaM(), false, pIdArr); break; case RES_CONDTXTFMTCOLL: rContext.GetDoc().ResetAttrs(rContext.GetRepeatPaM(), true, pIdArr); break; } } void SwUndoResetAttr::SetAttrs( const SvUShortsSort& rArr ) { if ( m_Ids.Count() ) { m_Ids.Remove( 0, m_Ids.Count() ); } m_Ids.Insert( &rArr ); } // ----------------------------------------------------- SwUndoAttr::SwUndoAttr( const SwPaM& rRange, const SfxPoolItem& rAttr, const SetAttrMode nFlags ) : SwUndo( UNDO_INSATTR ), SwUndRng( rRange ) , m_AttrSet( rRange.GetDoc()->GetAttrPool(), rAttr.Which(), rAttr.Which() ) , m_pHistory( new SwHistory ) , m_pRedlineData( 0 ) , m_pRedlineSaveData( 0 ) , m_nNodeIndex( ULONG_MAX ) , m_nInsertFlags( nFlags ) { m_AttrSet.Put( rAttr ); } SwUndoAttr::SwUndoAttr( const SwPaM& rRange, const SfxItemSet& rSet, const SetAttrMode nFlags ) : SwUndo( UNDO_INSATTR ), SwUndRng( rRange ) , m_AttrSet( rSet ) , m_pHistory( new SwHistory ) , m_pRedlineData( 0 ) , m_pRedlineSaveData( 0 ) , m_nNodeIndex( ULONG_MAX ) , m_nInsertFlags( nFlags ) { } SwUndoAttr::~SwUndoAttr() { } void SwUndoAttr::SaveRedlineData( const SwPaM& rPam, sal_Bool bIsCntnt ) { SwDoc* pDoc = rPam.GetDoc(); if ( pDoc->IsRedlineOn() ) { m_pRedlineData.reset( new SwRedlineData( bIsCntnt ? nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_INSERT : nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_FORMAT, pDoc->GetRedlineAuthor() ) ); } m_pRedlineSaveData.reset( new SwRedlineSaveDatas ); if ( !FillSaveDataForFmt( rPam, *m_pRedlineSaveData )) { m_pRedlineSaveData.reset(0); } SetRedlineMode( pDoc->GetRedlineMode() ); if ( bIsCntnt ) { m_nNodeIndex = rPam.GetPoint()->nNode.GetIndex(); } } void SwUndoAttr::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc *const pDoc = & rContext.GetDoc(); RemoveIdx( *pDoc ); if( IDocumentRedlineAccess::IsRedlineOn( GetRedlineMode() ) ) { SwPaM aPam(pDoc->GetNodes().GetEndOfContent()); if ( ULONG_MAX != m_nNodeIndex ) { aPam.DeleteMark(); aPam.GetPoint()->nNode = m_nNodeIndex; aPam.GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( aPam.GetCntntNode(), nSttCntnt ); aPam.SetMark(); aPam.GetPoint()->nContent++; pDoc->DeleteRedline(aPam, false, USHRT_MAX); } else { // alle Format-Redlines entfernen, werden ggfs. neu gesetzt SetPaM(aPam); pDoc->DeleteRedline(aPam, false, nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_FORMAT); if ( m_pRedlineSaveData.get() ) { SetSaveData( *pDoc, *m_pRedlineSaveData ); } } } const bool bToLast = (1 == m_AttrSet.Count()) && (RES_TXTATR_FIELD <= *m_AttrSet.GetRanges()) && (*m_AttrSet.GetRanges() <= RES_TXTATR_ANNOTATION); // restore old values m_pHistory->TmpRollback( pDoc, 0, !bToLast ); m_pHistory->SetTmpEnd( m_pHistory->Count() ); // set cursor onto Undo area AddUndoRedoPaM(rContext); } void SwUndoAttr::RepeatImpl(::sw::RepeatContext & rContext) { // RefMarks are not repeat capable if ( SFX_ITEM_SET != m_AttrSet.GetItemState( RES_TXTATR_REFMARK, sal_False ) ) { rContext.GetDoc().InsertItemSet( rContext.GetRepeatPaM(), m_AttrSet, m_nInsertFlags ); } else if ( 1 < m_AttrSet.Count() ) { SfxItemSet aTmpSet( m_AttrSet ); aTmpSet.ClearItem( RES_TXTATR_REFMARK ); rContext.GetDoc().InsertItemSet( rContext.GetRepeatPaM(), aTmpSet, m_nInsertFlags ); } } void SwUndoAttr::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); SwPaM & rPam = AddUndoRedoPaM(rContext); if ( m_pRedlineData.get() && IDocumentRedlineAccess::IsRedlineOn( GetRedlineMode() ) ) { RedlineMode_t eOld = rDoc.GetRedlineMode(); rDoc.SetRedlineMode_intern(static_cast<RedlineMode_t>( eOld & ~nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_IGNORE)); rDoc.InsertItemSet( rPam, m_AttrSet, m_nInsertFlags ); if ( ULONG_MAX != m_nNodeIndex ) { rPam.SetMark(); if ( rPam.Move( fnMoveBackward ) ) { rDoc.AppendRedline( new SwRedline( *m_pRedlineData, rPam ), true); } rPam.DeleteMark(); } else { rDoc.AppendRedline( new SwRedline( *m_pRedlineData, rPam ), true); } rDoc.SetRedlineMode_intern( eOld ); } else { rDoc.InsertItemSet( rPam, m_AttrSet, m_nInsertFlags ); } } void SwUndoAttr::RemoveIdx( SwDoc& rDoc ) { if ( SFX_ITEM_SET != m_AttrSet.GetItemState( RES_TXTATR_FTN, sal_False )) return ; SwHistoryHint* pHstHnt; SwNodes& rNds = rDoc.GetNodes(); for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < m_pHistory->Count(); ++n ) { xub_StrLen nCntnt = 0; sal_uLong nNode = 0; pHstHnt = (*m_pHistory)[ n ]; switch ( pHstHnt->Which() ) { case HSTRY_RESETTXTHNT: { SwHistoryResetTxt * pHistoryHint = static_cast<SwHistoryResetTxt*>(pHstHnt); if ( RES_TXTATR_FTN == pHistoryHint->GetWhich() ) { nNode = pHistoryHint->GetNode(); nCntnt = pHistoryHint->GetCntnt(); } } break; case HSTRY_RESETATTRSET: { SwHistoryResetAttrSet * pHistoryHint = static_cast<SwHistoryResetAttrSet*>(pHstHnt); nCntnt = pHistoryHint->GetCntnt(); if ( STRING_MAXLEN != nCntnt ) { const SvUShorts& rArr = pHistoryHint->GetArr(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = rArr.Count(); i; ) { if ( RES_TXTATR_FTN == rArr[ --i ] ) { nNode = pHistoryHint->GetNode(); break; } } } } break; default: break; } if( nNode ) { SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = rNds[ nNode ]->GetTxtNode(); if( pTxtNd ) { SwTxtAttr *const pTxtHt = pTxtNd->GetTxtAttrForCharAt(nCntnt, RES_TXTATR_FTN); if( pTxtHt ) { // ok, dann hole mal die Werte SwTxtFtn* pFtn = static_cast<SwTxtFtn*>(pTxtHt); RemoveIdxFromSection( rDoc, pFtn->GetStartNode()->GetIndex() ); return ; } } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------- SwUndoDefaultAttr::SwUndoDefaultAttr( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) : SwUndo( UNDO_SETDEFTATTR ) , m_pOldSet( 0 ) , m_pTabStop( 0 ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( RES_PARATR_TABSTOP, sal_False, &pItem ) ) { // store separately, because it may change! m_pTabStop.reset( static_cast<SvxTabStopItem*>(pItem->Clone()) ); if ( 1 != rSet.Count() ) // are there more attributes? { m_pOldSet.reset( new SfxItemSet( rSet ) ); } } else { m_pOldSet.reset( new SfxItemSet( rSet ) ); } } SwUndoDefaultAttr::~SwUndoDefaultAttr() { } void SwUndoDefaultAttr::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); if ( m_pOldSet.get() ) { SwUndoFmtAttrHelper aTmp( *const_cast<SwTxtFmtColl*>(rDoc.GetDfltTxtFmtColl()) ); rDoc.SetDefault( *m_pOldSet ); m_pOldSet.reset( 0 ); if ( aTmp.GetUndo() ) { // transfer ownership of helper object's old set m_pOldSet = aTmp.GetUndo()->m_pOldSet; } } if ( m_pTabStop.get() ) { SvxTabStopItem* pOld = static_cast<SvxTabStopItem*>( rDoc.GetDefault( RES_PARATR_TABSTOP ).Clone() ); rDoc.SetDefault( *m_pTabStop ); m_pTabStop.reset( pOld ); } } void SwUndoDefaultAttr::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { UndoImpl(rContext); } // ----------------------------------------------------- SwUndoMoveLeftMargin::SwUndoMoveLeftMargin( const SwPaM& rPam, sal_Bool bFlag, sal_Bool bMod ) : SwUndo( bFlag ? UNDO_INC_LEFTMARGIN : UNDO_DEC_LEFTMARGIN ) , SwUndRng( rPam ) , m_pHistory( new SwHistory ) , m_bModulus( bMod ) { } SwUndoMoveLeftMargin::~SwUndoMoveLeftMargin() { } void SwUndoMoveLeftMargin::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); // restore old values m_pHistory->TmpRollback( & rDoc, 0 ); m_pHistory->SetTmpEnd( m_pHistory->Count() ); AddUndoRedoPaM(rContext); } void SwUndoMoveLeftMargin::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); SwPaM & rPam = AddUndoRedoPaM(rContext); rDoc.MoveLeftMargin( rPam, GetId() == UNDO_INC_LEFTMARGIN, m_bModulus ); } void SwUndoMoveLeftMargin::RepeatImpl(::sw::RepeatContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); rDoc.MoveLeftMargin(rContext.GetRepeatPaM(), GetId() == UNDO_INC_LEFTMARGIN, m_bModulus ); } // ----------------------------------------------------- SwUndoChangeFootNote::SwUndoChangeFootNote( const SwPaM& rRange, const String& rTxt, sal_uInt16 nNum, bool bIsEndNote ) : SwUndo( UNDO_CHGFTN ), SwUndRng( rRange ) , m_pHistory( new SwHistory() ) , m_Text( rTxt ) , m_nNumber( nNum ) , m_bEndNote( bIsEndNote ) { } SwUndoChangeFootNote::~SwUndoChangeFootNote() { } void SwUndoChangeFootNote::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); m_pHistory->TmpRollback( &rDoc, 0 ); m_pHistory->SetTmpEnd( m_pHistory->Count() ); rDoc.GetFtnIdxs().UpdateAllFtn(); AddUndoRedoPaM(rContext); } void SwUndoChangeFootNote::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc( rContext.GetDoc() ); SwPaM & rPaM = AddUndoRedoPaM(rContext); rDoc.SetCurFtn(rPaM, m_Text, m_nNumber, m_bEndNote); SetPaM(rPaM); } void SwUndoChangeFootNote::RepeatImpl(::sw::RepeatContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); rDoc.SetCurFtn( rContext.GetRepeatPaM(), m_Text, m_nNumber, m_bEndNote ); } // ----------------------------------------------------- SwUndoFootNoteInfo::SwUndoFootNoteInfo( const SwFtnInfo &rInfo ) : SwUndo( UNDO_FTNINFO ) , m_pFootNoteInfo( new SwFtnInfo( rInfo ) ) { } SwUndoFootNoteInfo::~SwUndoFootNoteInfo() { } void SwUndoFootNoteInfo::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); SwFtnInfo *pInf = new SwFtnInfo( rDoc.GetFtnInfo() ); rDoc.SetFtnInfo( *m_pFootNoteInfo ); m_pFootNoteInfo.reset( pInf ); } void SwUndoFootNoteInfo::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); SwFtnInfo *pInf = new SwFtnInfo( rDoc.GetFtnInfo() ); rDoc.SetFtnInfo( *m_pFootNoteInfo ); m_pFootNoteInfo.reset( pInf ); } // ----------------------------------------------------- SwUndoEndNoteInfo::SwUndoEndNoteInfo( const SwEndNoteInfo &rInfo ) : SwUndo( UNDO_FTNINFO ) , m_pEndNoteInfo( new SwEndNoteInfo( rInfo ) ) { } SwUndoEndNoteInfo::~SwUndoEndNoteInfo() { } void SwUndoEndNoteInfo::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); SwEndNoteInfo *pInf = new SwEndNoteInfo( rDoc.GetEndNoteInfo() ); rDoc.SetEndNoteInfo( *m_pEndNoteInfo ); m_pEndNoteInfo.reset( pInf ); } void SwUndoEndNoteInfo::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); SwEndNoteInfo *pInf = new SwEndNoteInfo( rDoc.GetEndNoteInfo() ); rDoc.SetEndNoteInfo( *m_pEndNoteInfo ); m_pEndNoteInfo.reset( pInf ); } // ----------------------------------------------------- SwUndoDontExpandFmt::SwUndoDontExpandFmt( const SwPosition& rPos ) : SwUndo( UNDO_DONTEXPAND ) , m_nNodeIndex( rPos.nNode.GetIndex() ) , m_nContentIndex( rPos.nContent.GetIndex() ) { } void SwUndoDontExpandFmt::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwPaM *const pPam(& rContext.GetCursorSupplier().CreateNewShellCursor()); SwDoc *const pDoc = & rContext.GetDoc(); SwPosition& rPos = *pPam->GetPoint(); rPos.nNode = m_nNodeIndex; rPos.nContent.Assign( rPos.nNode.GetNode().GetCntntNode(), m_nContentIndex); pDoc->DontExpandFmt( rPos, sal_False ); } void SwUndoDontExpandFmt::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext) { SwPaM *const pPam(& rContext.GetCursorSupplier().CreateNewShellCursor()); SwDoc *const pDoc = & rContext.GetDoc(); SwPosition& rPos = *pPam->GetPoint(); rPos.nNode = m_nNodeIndex; rPos.nContent.Assign( rPos.nNode.GetNode().GetCntntNode(), m_nContentIndex); pDoc->DontExpandFmt( rPos ); } void SwUndoDontExpandFmt::RepeatImpl(::sw::RepeatContext & rContext) { SwPaM & rPam = rContext.GetRepeatPaM(); SwDoc & rDoc = rContext.GetDoc(); rDoc.DontExpandFmt( *rPam.GetPoint() ); }