/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef _SWVIEW_HXX #define _SWVIEW_HXX #include <vcl/timer.hxx> #include <vcl/field.hxx> #include <svtools/htmlcfg.hxx> #include <sfx2/viewfac.hxx> #include <sfx2/viewsh.hxx> #include <sfx2/objsh.hxx> #include <editeng/svxenum.hxx> #include <svx/zoomitem.hxx> #include <editeng/editstat.hxx> #include "swdllapi.h" #include <swtypes.hxx> #include <shellid.hxx> #include <layout/layout.hxx> #include <IMark.hxx> class SwBaseShell; class Button; class ImageButton; class SwTxtFmtColl; class SwPageDesc; class SwFrmFmt; class SwCharFmt; class SwNumRule; class SwViewOption; class SwGlossaryHdl; class SwDrawBase; class SvxRuler; class SvxLRSpaceItem; class SwDocShell; class SwScrollbar; class SvxVCBrowser; class SvBorder; class Ruler; class OutlinerView; class SvxSearchItem; class SearchAttrItemList; class SvxSearchDialog; class SdrView; class Dialog; class SdrObject; class SdrPageView; class SwNaviImageButton; class SwHlpImageButton; class Outliner; class SwView; class SwEditWin; class SwWrtShell; class SwView_Impl; class XSelectionObject; struct SwSearchOptions; class FmFormShell; class CommandEvent; class InsCaptionOpt; class SvGlobalName; class SvtAccessibilityOptions; class SwTransferable; class SwMailMergeConfigItem; class SwTxtNode; // #i23726# class SwPrintData; class SwFormatClipboard; struct SwConversionArgs; class Graphic; class GraphicFilter; class SwPostItMgr; class SwFieldBookmark; namespace com{ namespace sun { namespace star { namespace view{ class XSelectionSupplier; } }}} namespace sfx2 { class FileDialogHelper; } const long nLeftOfst = -370; const long nScrollX = 30; const long nScrollY = 30; #define MINZOOM 20 #define MAXZOOM 600 #define MAX_MARKS 5 #define CHILDWIN_LABEL 1 #define CHILDWIN_MAILMERGE 2 enum ShellModes { SHELL_MODE_TEXT, SHELL_MODE_FRAME, SHELL_MODE_GRAPHIC, SHELL_MODE_OBJECT, SHELL_MODE_DRAW, SHELL_MODE_DRAW_CTRL, SHELL_MODE_DRAW_FORM, SHELL_MODE_DRAWTEXT, SHELL_MODE_BEZIER, SHELL_MODE_LIST_TEXT, SHELL_MODE_TABLE_TEXT, SHELL_MODE_TABLE_LIST_TEXT, SHELL_MODE_MEDIA, SHELL_MODE_EXTRUDED_CUSTOMSHAPE, SHELL_MODE_FONTWORK, SHELL_MODE_POSTIT }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Anwendung einer Vorlage --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct SwApplyTemplate { union { SwTxtFmtColl* pTxtColl; SwPageDesc* pPageDesc; SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt; SwCharFmt* pCharFmt; SwNumRule* pNumRule; } aColl; int eType; sal_uInt16 nColor; SwFormatClipboard* pFormatClipboard; sal_Bool bUndo; SwApplyTemplate() : eType(0), nColor(0), pFormatClipboard(0), bUndo(sal_False) { aColl.pTxtColl = 0; } }; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Sicht auf ein Dokument --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwView: public SfxViewShell { //Messehack (MA,MBA) friend void lcl_SelectShellForDrop( SwView &rView ); friend class TestTemplateItem; friend class SwHHCWrapper; friend class SwHyphWrapper; friend class SwView_Impl; friend class SwClipboardChangeListener; //suchen & ersetzen static SvxSearchDialog *pSrchDlg; static SvxSearchItem *pSrchItem; static sal_uInt16 nInsertCtrlState; static sal_uInt16 nWebInsertCtrlState; static sal_uInt16 nInsertObjectCtrlState; static sal_uInt16 nInsertFieldCtrlState; static sal_uInt16 nMoveType; // fuer Buttons unter dem Scrollbar (viewmdi) static sal_Int32 nActMark; // aktuelle Sprungmarke fuer unbenannte Merker static sal_Bool bExtra; static sal_Bool bFound; static sal_Bool bJustOpened; static SearchAttrItemList* pSrchList; static SearchAttrItemList* pReplList; SvxHtmlOptions aHTMLOpt; Timer aTimer; //Fuer verzoegerte ChgLnks waehrend //einer Aktion String aPageStr; //Statusanzeige, aktuelle Seite String sSwViewData, //and the new cursor position if the user double click in the PagePreView sNewCrsrPos; // to support keyboard the number of the page to go to can be set too sal_uInt16 nNewPage; sal_uInt16 nOldPageNum; String nOldSectionName; Point aTabColFromDocPos; //Verschieben von Tabellenspalten aus //aus dem Dokument heraus. SwTxtNode * pNumRuleNodeFromDoc; // Moving indent of numrule #i23726# Size aDocSz; // aktuelle Dokumentgroesse Rectangle aVisArea; // sichtbarer Bereich SwEditWin *pEditWin; SwWrtShell *pWrtShell; SfxShell *pShell; //aktuelle SubShell auf dem Dispatcher FmFormShell *pFormShell; // DB-FormShell SwView_Impl *pViewImpl; // Impl-Daten fuer UNO + Basic SwScrollbar *pHScrollbar, // MDI Bedienelemente *pVScrollbar; Window *pScrollFill; // Dummy-Window zum Fuellen der rechten // unteren Ecke, wenn beide Scrollbars // aktiv sind SvxRuler *pHRuler, *pVRuler; ImageButton *pTogglePageBtn; SwHlpImageButton *pPageUpBtn, *pPageDownBtn; SwNaviImageButton *pNaviBtn; SwGlossaryHdl *pGlosHdl; // Henkel Textbausteine SwDrawBase *pDrawActual; const SwFrmFmt *pLastTableFormat; SwFormatClipboard *pFormatClipboard; //holds data for format paintbrush SwPostItMgr *mpPostItMgr; int nSelectionType; static const int MASTERENUMCOMMANDS = 6; String aCurrShapeEnumCommand[ MASTERENUMCOMMANDS ]; sal_uInt16 nPageCnt; // Aktueller Drawmode sal_uInt16 nDrawSfxId; String sDrawCustom; //some drawing types are marked with strings! sal_uInt16 nFormSfxId; sal_uInt16 nLastPasteDestination; // save the border distance status from SwView::StateTabWin to re-use it in SwView::ExecTabWin() sal_uInt16 nLeftBorderDistance; sal_uInt16 nRightBorderDistance; sal_Bool bCenterCrsr : 1, bTopCrsr : 1, bAllwaysShowSel : 1, bTabColFromDoc : 1, bNumIndentFromDoc : 1, // #i23726# bTabRowFromDoc : 1, bSetTabColFromDoc : 1 , bSetTabRowFromDoc : 1, bAttrChgNotified : 1, bAttrChgNotifiedWithRegistrations : 1, bVerbsActive : 1, bDrawRotate : 1, bDrawSelMode : 1, bShowAtResize : 1, bInOuterResizePixel : 1, bInInnerResizePixel : 1, bPasteState : 1, bPasteSpecialState : 1, bInMailMerge : 1, bInDtor : 1, //detect destructor to prevent creating of sub shells while closing bOldShellWasPagePreView : 1, bIsPreviewDoubleClick : 1, // #i114045# bMakeSelectionVisible : 1 // #b6330459# transport the bookmark selection ; // Methoden fuers Suchen // Suchkontext setzen SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool SearchAndWrap(sal_Bool bApi = sal_False); SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool SearchAll(sal_uInt16* pFound = 0); SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_uLong FUNC_Search( const SwSearchOptions& rOptions ); SW_DLLPRIVATE void Replace(); sal_Bool IsDocumentBorder(); SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool IsTextTool() const; // Bedienelemente verwalten anlegen SW_DLLPRIVATE void CreateBtns(); SW_DLLPRIVATE DECL_LINK( BtnPage, Button * ); SW_DLLPRIVATE DECL_LINK( TimeoutHdl, Timer * ); SW_DLLPRIVATE DECL_LINK( UpdatePercentHdl, GraphicFilter* ); SW_DLLPRIVATE DECL_LINK( HtmlOptionsHdl, void * ); inline long GetXScroll() const; inline long GetYScroll() const; SW_DLLPRIVATE Point AlignToPixel(const Point& rPt) const; SW_DLLPRIVATE void CalcPt( Point* pPt,const Rectangle& rRect, sal_uInt16 nRangeX = USHRT_MAX, sal_uInt16 nRangeY = USHRT_MAX); SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool GetPageScrollUpOffset(SwTwips& rOff) const; SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool GetPageScrollDownOffset(SwTwips& rOff) const; // Scrollbar Movements SW_DLLPRIVATE long PageUp(); SW_DLLPRIVATE long PageDown(); SW_DLLPRIVATE long PageUpCrsr(sal_Bool bSelect); SW_DLLPRIVATE long PageDownCrsr(sal_Bool bSelect); SW_DLLPRIVATE long PhyPageUp(); SW_DLLPRIVATE long PhyPageDown(); SW_DLLPRIVATE int _CreateScrollbar( sal_Bool bHori ); SW_DLLPRIVATE DECL_LINK( ScrollHdl, SwScrollbar * ); SW_DLLPRIVATE DECL_LINK( EndScrollHdl, SwScrollbar * ); SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool UpdateScrollbars(); SW_DLLPRIVATE void CalcVisArea( const Size &rPixelSz ); SW_DLLPRIVATE void CreatePageButtons(sal_Bool bShow); // Linguistik-Funktionen SW_DLLPRIVATE void HyphenateDocument(); SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool IsDrawTextHyphenate(); SW_DLLPRIVATE void HyphenateDrawText(); SW_DLLPRIVATE void StartThesaurus(); // text conversion SW_DLLPRIVATE void StartTextConversion( LanguageType nSourceLang, LanguageType nTargetLang, const Font *pTargetFont, sal_Int32 nOptions, sal_Bool bIsInteractive ); // used for spell checking and text conversion SW_DLLPRIVATE void SpellStart( SvxSpellArea eSpell, sal_Bool bStartDone, sal_Bool bEndDone, SwConversionArgs *pConvArgs = 0 ); SW_DLLPRIVATE void SpellEnd( SwConversionArgs *pConvArgs = 0 ); SW_DLLPRIVATE void HyphStart( SvxSpellArea eSpell ); SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool CheckSpecialCntnt(); SW_DLLPRIVATE void SpellKontext(sal_Bool bOn = sal_True) { bCenterCrsr = bOn; bAllwaysShowSel = bOn; } // Methoden fuers Printing SW_DLLPRIVATE virtual SfxPrinter* GetPrinter( sal_Bool bCreate = sal_False ); SfxTabPage* CreatePrintOptionsPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet); // fuer Readonly-Umschaltung SW_DLLPRIVATE virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ); SW_DLLPRIVATE void _CheckReadonlyState(); SW_DLLPRIVATE void _CheckReadonlySelection(); // Methode fuer PageDesc drehen SW_DLLPRIVATE void SwapPageMargin(const SwPageDesc&, SvxLRSpaceItem& rLR); SW_DLLPRIVATE void _SetZoom( const Size &rEditSz, SvxZoomType eZoomType, short nFactor = 100, sal_Bool bViewOnly = sal_False); SW_DLLPRIVATE void CalcAndSetBorderPixel( SvBorder &rToFill, sal_Bool bInner ); SW_DLLPRIVATE void ShowAtResize(); SW_DLLPRIVATE virtual void Move(); public: // #123922# Needs to be called from a 2nd place now as a helper method SW_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool InsertGraphicDlg( SfxRequest& ); protected: SwView_Impl* GetViewImpl() {return pViewImpl;} void ImpSetVerb( int nSelType ); int GetSelectionType() const { return nSelectionType; } void SetSelectionType(int nSet) { nSelectionType = nSet;} // fuer die SwWebView void SetShell( SfxShell* pS ) { pShell = pS; } void SetFormShell( FmFormShell* pSh ) { pFormShell = pSh; } virtual void SelectShell(); virtual void Activate(sal_Bool); virtual void Deactivate(sal_Bool); virtual void InnerResizePixel( const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSize ); virtual void OuterResizePixel( const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSize ); virtual Size GetOptimalSizePixel() const; void SetImageButtonColor(Color& rColor); const SwFrmFmt* GetLastTblFrmFmt() const {return pLastTableFormat;} void SetLastTblFrmFmt(const SwFrmFmt* pSet) {pLastTableFormat = pSet;} // form letter execution void GenerateFormLetter(sal_Bool bUseCurrentDocument); using SfxShell::GetDispatcher; public: SFX_DECL_VIEWFACTORY(SwView); SFX_DECL_INTERFACE(SW_VIEWSHELL) TYPEINFO(); SfxDispatcher &GetDispatcher(); void GotFocus() const; virtual SdrView* GetDrawView() const; virtual sal_Bool HasUIFeature( sal_uInt32 nFeature ); virtual void ShowCursor( FASTBOOL bOn = sal_True ); virtual ErrCode DoVerb( long nVerb ); virtual sal_uInt16 SetPrinter( SfxPrinter* pNew, sal_uInt16 nDiff = SFX_PRINTER_ALL, bool bIsAPI=false); ShellModes GetShellMode(); com::sun::star::view::XSelectionSupplier* GetUNOObject(); String GetSelectionTextParam( sal_Bool bCompleteWords, sal_Bool bEraseTrail ); virtual sal_Bool HasSelection( sal_Bool bText ) const; virtual String GetSelectionText( sal_Bool bCompleteWords = sal_False ); virtual sal_uInt16 PrepareClose( sal_Bool bUI = sal_True, sal_Bool bForBrowsing = sal_False ); virtual void MarginChanged(); // replace word/selection with text from the thesaurus // (this code has special handling for "in word" character) void InsertThesaurusSynonym( const String &rSynonmText, const String &rLookUpText, bool bValidSelection ); bool IsValidSelectionForThesaurus() const; String GetThesaurusLookUpText( bool bSelection ) const; // Shell sofort wechseln -> fuer GetSelectionObject void StopShellTimer(); inline SwWrtShell& GetWrtShell () const { return *pWrtShell; } inline SwWrtShell* GetWrtShellPtr() const { return pWrtShell; } inline SwEditWin &GetEditWin() { return *pEditWin; } inline const SwEditWin &GetEditWin () const { return *pEditWin; } #if defined WNT || defined UNX void ScannerEventHdl( const ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject& rEventObject ); #endif //Handler fuer Textbausteine an die Textshell rausreichen, gfs. anlegen SwGlossaryHdl* GetGlosHdl(); inline const Rectangle& GetVisArea() const { return aVisArea; } sal_Bool IsScroll(const Rectangle& rRect) const; void Scroll( const Rectangle& rRect, sal_uInt16 nRangeX = USHRT_MAX, sal_uInt16 nRangeY = USHRT_MAX); long SetVScrollMax(long lMax); long SetHScrollMax(long lMax); DECL_LINK( SpellError, LanguageType * ); sal_Bool ExecSpellPopup( const Point& rPt ); sal_Bool ExecFieldPopup( const Point& rPt, sw::mark::IFieldmark *fieldBM ); // SMARTTAGS sal_Bool ExecSmartTagPopup( const Point& rPt ); DECL_LINK( OnlineSpellCallback, SpellCallbackInfo*); sal_Bool ExecDrwTxtSpellPopup(const Point& rPt); void SetTabColFromDocPos( const Point &rPt ) { aTabColFromDocPos = rPt; } void SetTabColFromDoc( sal_Bool b ) { bTabColFromDoc = b; } sal_Bool IsTabColFromDoc() const { return bTabColFromDoc; } void SetTabRowFromDoc( sal_Bool b ) { bTabRowFromDoc = b; } sal_Bool IsTabRowFromDoc() const { return bTabRowFromDoc; } // -> #i23726# void SetNumRuleNodeFromDoc( SwTxtNode * pNumRuleNode ) { pNumRuleNodeFromDoc = pNumRuleNode; } void SetNumIndentFromDoc(sal_Bool b) { bNumIndentFromDoc = b; } sal_Bool IsNumIndentFromDoc() const { return NULL != pNumRuleNodeFromDoc; } // <- #i23726# void DocSzChgd( const Size& rNewSize ); const Size& GetDocSz() const { return aDocSz; } virtual void SetVisArea( const Rectangle&, sal_Bool bUpdateScrollbar = sal_True); void SetVisArea( const Point&, sal_Bool bUpdateScrollbar = sal_True); void CheckVisArea(); void RecheckBrowseMode(); static LAYOUT_NS Dialog* GetSearchDialog(); static sal_uInt16 GetMoveType(); static void SetMoveType(sal_uInt16 nSet); DECL_STATIC_LINK( SwView, MoveNavigationHdl, bool* ); // #i75416# static void SetActMark(sal_Int32 nSet); sal_Bool HandleWheelCommands( const CommandEvent& ); // Rahmen einfuegen void InsFrmMode(sal_uInt16 nCols); void SetZoom( SvxZoomType eZoomType, short nFactor = 100, sal_Bool bViewOnly = sal_False); virtual void SetZoomFactor( const Fraction &rX, const Fraction & ); void SetViewLayout( sal_uInt16 nColumns, bool bBookMode, sal_Bool bViewOnly = sal_False ); void ShowHScrollbar(sal_Bool bShow); sal_Bool IsHScrollbarVisible()const; void ShowVScrollbar(sal_Bool bShow); sal_Bool IsVScrollbarVisible()const; int CreateVLineal(); int KillVLineal(); int CreateTab(); int KillTab(); int StatVLineal() const { return ((Window*)pVRuler)->IsVisible(); } void ChangeVLinealMetric(FieldUnit eUnit); void GetVLinealMetric(FieldUnit& rToFill) const; int StatTab() const { return ((Window*)pHRuler)->IsVisible(); } SvxRuler& GetHLineal() { return *pHRuler; } SvxRuler& GetVLineal() { return *pVRuler; } void InvalidateRulerPos(); void ChangeTabMetric(FieldUnit eUnit); void GetHLinealMetric(FieldUnit& rToFill) const; // Handler void Execute(SfxRequest&); void ExecPageMove(SfxRequest&); void ExecStyle(SfxRequest&); void ExecLingu(SfxRequest&); void ExecDataBase(SfxRequest&); void ExecDlg(SfxRequest&); void ExecDlgExt(SfxRequest&); void ExecDBDlg(SfxRequest &); void ExecColl(SfxRequest&); void ExecutePrint(SfxRequest&); void ExecDraw(SfxRequest&); void ExecTabWin(SfxRequest&); void ExecuteStatusLine(SfxRequest&); DECL_LINK( ExecRulerClick, Ruler * ); void ExecSearch(SfxRequest&, sal_Bool bNoMessage = sal_False); void ExecViewOptions(SfxRequest &); void StateViewOptions(SfxItemSet &); void StateSearch(SfxItemSet &); void GetState(SfxItemSet&); void StateStatusLine(SfxItemSet&); // Funktionen fuer Drawing void SetDrawFuncPtr(SwDrawBase* pFuncPtr); inline SwDrawBase* GetDrawFuncPtr(/*sal_Bool bBuf = sal_False*/) const { return pDrawActual; } void GetDrawState(SfxItemSet &rSet); void ExitDraw(); inline sal_Bool IsDrawRotate() { return bDrawRotate; } inline void FlipDrawRotate() { bDrawRotate = !bDrawRotate; } inline sal_Bool IsDrawSelMode() { return bDrawSelMode; } void SetSelDrawSlot(); inline void FlipDrawSelMode() { bDrawSelMode = !bDrawSelMode; } void NoRotate(); // Rotate-Mode abschalten sal_Bool EnterDrawTextMode(const Point& aDocPos); void LeaveDrawCreate() { nDrawSfxId = nFormSfxId = USHRT_MAX; sDrawCustom.Erase();} sal_Bool IsDrawMode() { return (nDrawSfxId != USHRT_MAX || nFormSfxId != USHRT_MAX); } sal_Bool IsFormMode() const; sal_Bool IsBezierEditMode(); sal_Bool AreOnlyFormsSelected() const; sal_Bool HasDrwObj(SdrObject *pSdrObj) const; sal_Bool HasOnlyObj(SdrObject *pSdrObj, sal_uInt32 eObjInventor) const; sal_Bool BeginTextEdit( SdrObject* pObj, SdrPageView* pPV=NULL, Window* pWin=NULL, bool bIsNewObj=false, bool bSetSelectionToStart=false ); void StateTabWin(SfxItemSet&); // Attribute haben sich geaendert DECL_LINK( AttrChangedNotify, SwWrtShell * ); // form control has been activated DECL_LINK( FormControlActivated, FmFormShell* ); // Links bearbeiten void EditLinkDlg(); void AutoCaption(const sal_uInt16 nType, const SvGlobalName *pOleId = 0); void InsertCaption(const InsCaptionOpt *pOpt); // Async Aufruf durch Core void UpdatePageNums(sal_uInt16 nPhyNum, sal_uInt16 nVirtNum, const String& rPgStr); String GetPageStr(sal_uInt16 nPhyNum, sal_uInt16 nVirtNum, const String& rPgStr); // Shell rausreichen SfxShell *GetCurShell() { return pShell; } SwDocShell *GetDocShell(); inline const SwDocShell *GetDocShell() const; inline FmFormShell *GetFormShell() { return pFormShell; } inline const FmFormShell *GetFormShell() const { return pFormShell; } //damit in DToren der SubShells ggf. pShell zurueckgesetzt werden kann void ResetSubShell() { pShell = 0; } virtual void WriteUserData(String &, sal_Bool bBrowse = sal_False ); virtual void ReadUserData(const String &, sal_Bool bBrowse = sal_False ); virtual void ReadUserDataSequence ( const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >&, sal_Bool bBrowse ); virtual void WriteUserDataSequence ( com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >&, sal_Bool bBrowse ); void SetCrsrAtTop( sal_Bool bFlag, sal_Bool bCenter = sal_False ) { bTopCrsr = bFlag, bCenterCrsr = bCenter; } sal_Bool IsCrsrAtTop() const { return bTopCrsr; } sal_Bool IsCrsrAtCenter() const { return bCenterCrsr; } sal_Bool JumpToSwMark( const String& rMark ); long InsertDoc( sal_uInt16 nSlotId, const String& rFileName, const String& rFilterName, sal_Int16 nVersion = 0 ); void ExecuteInsertDoc( SfxRequest& rRequest, const SfxPoolItem* pItem ); long InsertMedium( sal_uInt16 nSlotId, SfxMedium* pMedium, sal_Int16 nVersion ); DECL_LINK( DialogClosedHdl, sfx2::FileDialogHelper * ); // status methods for clipboard. // Status changes now notified from the clipboard. sal_Bool IsPasteAllowed(); sal_Bool IsPasteSpecialAllowed(); // Enable mail merge - mail merge field dialog enabled void EnableMailMerge(sal_Bool bEnable = sal_True); //apply Accessiblity options void ApplyAccessiblityOptions(SvtAccessibilityOptions& rAccessibilityOptions); SwView(SfxViewFrame* pFrame, SfxViewShell*); ~SwView(); void NotifyDBChanged(); SfxObjectShellLock & GetTmpSelectionDoc(); SfxObjectShellLock & GetOrCreateTmpSelectionDoc(); void AddTransferable(SwTransferable& rTransferable); // store MailMerge data while "Back to Mail Merge Wizard" FloatingWindow is active // or to support printing void SetMailMergeConfigItem(SwMailMergeConfigItem* pConfigItem, sal_uInt16 nRestart, sal_Bool bIsSource); SwMailMergeConfigItem* GetMailMergeConfigItem(); sal_uInt16 GetMailMergeRestartPage() const; sal_Bool IsMailMergeSourceView() const; void ExecFormatPaintbrush(SfxRequest &); void StateFormatPaintbrush(SfxItemSet &); //public fuer D&D int InsertGraphic( const String &rPath, const String &rFilter, sal_Bool bLink = sal_True, GraphicFilter *pFlt = 0, Graphic* pPreviewGrf = 0, sal_Bool bRule = sal_False ); void ExecuteScan( SfxRequest& rReq ); SwPostItMgr* GetPostItMgr() { return mpPostItMgr;} const SwPostItMgr* GetPostItMgr() const { return mpPostItMgr;} }; // ----------------- inline Methoden ---------------------- inline long SwView::GetXScroll() const { return aVisArea.GetWidth() * nScrollX / 100L; } inline long SwView::GetYScroll() const { return aVisArea.GetHeight() * nScrollY / 100L; } inline const SwDocShell *SwView::GetDocShell() const { return ((SwView*)this)->GetDocShell(); } //*********************************************************** SfxTabPage* CreatePrintOptionsPage( Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet &rOptions, sal_Bool bPreview); #endif