/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_tools.hxx" #include #include #include #include "tools/iparser.hxx" #include "tools/geninfo.hxx" // // class InformationParser // #define cKeyLevelChar '\t' /*****************************************************************************/ InformationParser::InformationParser( sal_Bool bReplace ) /*****************************************************************************/ : bRecover( sal_False ), sOldLine( "" ), bReplaceVariables( bReplace ), nLevel( 0 ), sUPD( "" ), sVersion( "" ), pActStream( NULL ), nErrorCode( 0 ), nErrorLine( 0 ), sErrorText( "" ), nActLine( 0 ) { } /*****************************************************************************/ InformationParser::~InformationParser() /*****************************************************************************/ { } /*****************************************************************************/ ByteString &InformationParser::ReadLine() /*****************************************************************************/ { ByteString sLine; if ( bRecover ) { bRecover = sal_False; } else { if ( !pActStream->IsEof()) { pActStream->ReadLine( sLine ); xub_StrLen nStart = 0; xub_StrLen nEnd = sLine.Len(); sal_Bool bCopy = sal_False; while ( nStart < nEnd && ( sLine.GetChar( nStart ) == ' ' || sLine.GetChar( nStart ) == 0x09 ) ) { nStart++; bCopy = sal_True; } while ( nStart < nEnd && ( sLine.GetChar( nEnd-1 ) == ' ' || sLine.GetChar( nEnd-1 ) == 0x09 ) ) { nEnd--; bCopy = sal_True; } if ( bCopy ) sLine = sLine.Copy( nStart, nEnd - nStart ); if (( sLine.GetChar( 0 ) == '#' ) || ( !sLine.Len())) { if ( sCurrentComment.Len()) sCurrentComment += "\n"; sCurrentComment += sLine; return ReadLine(); } else { if ( bReplaceVariables ) { sLine.SearchAndReplaceAll( "%UPD", sUPD ); sLine.SearchAndReplaceAll( "%VERSION", sVersion ); } } } else { if ( nLevel ) { sLine = "}"; fprintf( stdout, "Reached EOF parsing %s. Suplying extra '}'\n",ByteString( sStreamName, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding()).GetBuffer() ); // nErrorCode = IP_UNEXPECTED_EOF; // nErrorLine = nActLine; } else sLine = ""; } sOldLine = sLine; nActLine++; } return sOldLine; } /*****************************************************************************/ GenericInformation *InformationParser::ReadKey( GenericInformationList *pExistingList ) /*****************************************************************************/ { // this method has no error handling yet, but it works very fast. // it is used to create whole informations and sub informations in // a simple data format in memory, readed in a configuration file with // following format: /* key [value] { key [value] key [value] { key [value] ... ... } } key [value] ... ... */ GenericInformation *pInfo = NULL; ByteString sLine( ReadLine()); ByteString sKey; ByteString sValue; ByteString sComment( sCurrentComment ); sCurrentComment = ""; // key separated from value by tab? sal_uInt16 nWSPos = sLine.Search( ' ' ); if ( sLine.Search( '\t' ) < nWSPos ) { nWSPos = sLine.Search( '\t' ); sLine.SearchAndReplace( "\t", " " ); } if ( sLine.GetTokenCount( ' ' ) > 1 ) { sKey = sLine.GetToken( 0, ' ' ); sValue = sLine.Copy( sKey.Len() + 1 ); while (( sValue.Search( ' ' ) == 0 ) || ( sValue.Search( '\t' ) == 0 )) { sValue.Erase( 0, 1 ); } } else sKey=sLine; if ( bReplaceVariables && !nLevel ) { sUPD = sKey.Copy( sKey.Len() - 3 ); sVersion = sKey; } if ( ReadLine() == "{" ) { nLevel++; GenericInformationList *pSubList = new GenericInformationList(); while ( ReadLine() != "}" ) { Recover(); ReadKey( pSubList ); } nLevel--; pInfo = new GenericInformation( sKey, sValue, pExistingList, pSubList ); pInfo->SetComment( sComment ); } else { Recover(); if ( !sKey.Equals( "}" ) && !sKey.Equals( "{" ) ) { pInfo = new GenericInformation( sKey, sValue, pExistingList ); pInfo->SetComment( sComment ); } } return pInfo; } /*****************************************************************************/ void InformationParser::Recover() /*****************************************************************************/ { bRecover = sal_True; } /*****************************************************************************/ sal_Bool InformationParser::Save( SvStream &rOutStream, const GenericInformationList *pSaveList, sal_uInt16 level, sal_Bool bStripped ) /*****************************************************************************/ { sal_uInt16 i; sal_uIntPtr nInfoListCount; ByteString sTmpStr; GenericInformation *pGenericInfo; GenericInformationList *pGenericInfoList; static ByteString aKeyLevel; aKeyLevel.Expand( level, cKeyLevelChar ); for ( nInfoListCount = 0; nInfoListCount < pSaveList->Count(); nInfoListCount++) { // Key-Value Paare schreiben pGenericInfo = pSaveList->GetObject( nInfoListCount ); sTmpStr = ""; if ( !bStripped && level ) sTmpStr.Append( aKeyLevel.GetBuffer(), level ); if ( !bStripped ) for ( i = 0; i < pGenericInfo->GetComment().GetTokenCount( '\n' ); i++ ) { sTmpStr += pGenericInfo->GetComment().GetToken( i, '\n' ); sTmpStr += "\n"; if ( level ) sTmpStr.Append( aKeyLevel.GetBuffer(), level ); } sTmpStr += pGenericInfo->GetBuffer(); sTmpStr += ' '; sTmpStr += pGenericInfo->GetValue(); if ( !rOutStream.WriteLine( sTmpStr ) ) return sal_False; // wenn vorhanden, bearbeite recursive die Sublisten if (( pGenericInfoList = pGenericInfo->GetSubList() ) != NULL ) { // oeffnende Klammer sTmpStr = ""; if ( !bStripped && level ) sTmpStr.Append( aKeyLevel.GetBuffer(), level ); sTmpStr += '{'; if ( !rOutStream.WriteLine( sTmpStr ) ) return sal_False; // recursiv die sublist abarbeiten if ( !Save( rOutStream, pGenericInfoList, level+1, bStripped ) ) return sal_False; // schliessende Klammer sTmpStr = ""; if ( !bStripped && level ) sTmpStr.Append( aKeyLevel.GetBuffer(), level ); sTmpStr += '}'; if ( !rOutStream.WriteLine( sTmpStr ) ) return sal_False; } } return sal_True; } /*****************************************************************************/ GenericInformationList *InformationParser::Execute( SvStream &rSourceStream, GenericInformationList *pExistingList ) /*****************************************************************************/ { GenericInformationList *pList; if ( pExistingList ) pList = pExistingList; else pList = new GenericInformationList(); pActStream = &rSourceStream; // read all infos out of current file while( !rSourceStream.IsEof()) { nLevel = 0; ReadKey( pList ); } return pList; } /*****************************************************************************/ GenericInformationList *InformationParser::Execute( SvMemoryStream &rSourceStream, GenericInformationList *pExistingList ) /*****************************************************************************/ { sStreamName = UniString( "Memory", gsl_getSystemTextEncoding()); return Execute( (SvStream &)rSourceStream, pExistingList ); } /*****************************************************************************/ GenericInformationList *InformationParser::Execute( SvFileStream &rSourceStream, GenericInformationList *pExistingList ) /*****************************************************************************/ { if ( !rSourceStream.IsOpen()) return NULL; sStreamName = rSourceStream.GetFileName(); return Execute( (SvStream &)rSourceStream, pExistingList ); } /*****************************************************************************/ GenericInformationList *InformationParser::Execute( UniString &rSourceFile, GenericInformationList *pExistingList ) /*****************************************************************************/ { DirEntry aDirEntry( rSourceFile ); if ( !aDirEntry.Exists()) return NULL; GenericInformationList *pList; if ( pExistingList ) pList = pExistingList; else pList = new GenericInformationList(); // reset status nErrorCode = 0; nErrorLine = 0; nActLine = 0; SvFileStream aActStream; aActStream.Open( rSourceFile, STREAM_READ ); if( aActStream.GetError()) return NULL; pActStream = &aActStream; if ( !Execute( aActStream, pList )) { delete pList; pList = NULL; } // close the stream aActStream.Close(); pActStream = NULL; if ( !nErrorCode ) return pList; return NULL; } /*****************************************************************************/ GenericInformationList *InformationParser::Execute( Dir &rDir, GenericInformationList *pExistingList ) /*****************************************************************************/ { GenericInformationList *pList; if ( pExistingList ) pList = pExistingList; else pList = new GenericInformationList(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rDir.Count(); i++ ) { // execute this dir UniString sNextFile( rDir[i].GetFull()); GenericInformationList *pSubList = Execute( sNextFile ); if ( !pSubList ) { // any errors ? delete pList; return NULL; } // create new info and insert it into list ByteString sFileKey( rDir[i].GetName(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); new GenericInformation( sFileKey, ByteString( "" ), pList, pSubList ); } return pList; } /*****************************************************************************/ sal_Bool InformationParser::Save( SvFileStream &rSourceStream, const GenericInformationList *pSaveList ) /*****************************************************************************/ { if ( !rSourceStream.IsOpen() || !Save( (SvStream &)rSourceStream, pSaveList, 0, sal_False )) { printf( "ERROR saving file \"%s\"\n",ByteString( rSourceStream.GetFileName(), gsl_getSystemTextEncoding()).GetBuffer() ); return sal_False; } return sal_True; } /*****************************************************************************/ sal_Bool InformationParser::Save( SvMemoryStream &rSourceStream, const GenericInformationList *pSaveList ) /*****************************************************************************/ { Time a; sal_Bool bRet = Save( (SvStream &)rSourceStream, pSaveList, 0, sal_True ); Time b; b = b - a; return bRet; } /*****************************************************************************/ sal_Bool InformationParser::Save( const UniString &rSourceFile, const GenericInformationList *pSaveList ) /*****************************************************************************/ { SvFileStream *pOutFile = new SvFileStream( rSourceFile, STREAM_STD_WRITE | STREAM_TRUNC ); if ( !Save( *pOutFile, pSaveList )) { delete pOutFile; return sal_False; } delete pOutFile; return sal_True; } /*****************************************************************************/ sal_uInt16 InformationParser::GetErrorCode() /*****************************************************************************/ { return nErrorCode; } /*****************************************************************************/ ByteString &InformationParser::GetErrorText() /*****************************************************************************/ { // sErrorText = pActStream->GetFileName(); sErrorText = ByteString( sStreamName, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding()); sErrorText += ByteString( " (" ); sErrorText += ByteString::CreateFromInt64(nErrorLine); sErrorText += ByteString( "): " ); switch ( nErrorCode ) { case IP_NO_ERROR: sErrorText += ByteString( "Keine Fehler aufgetereten" ); break; case IP_UNEXPECTED_EOF: sErrorText += ByteString( "Ungültiges Dateiende!" ); break; } return sErrorText; }