/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #define INCL_DOSEXCEPTIONS #include #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "comdep.hxx" #ifdef OS2 #ifndef _VOS_MUTEX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #endif int Sys2SolarError_Impl( int nSysErr ); DECLARE_LIST( DirEntryList, DirEntry* ); DECLARE_LIST( FSysSortList, FSysSort* ); DECLARE_LIST( FileStatList, FileStat* ); static char sCaseMap[256]; static BOOL bCaseMap = FALSE; static BOOL bDriveMap = FALSE; struct DriveMapItem { DirEntryKind nKind; char cName; FSysPathStyle nStyle; }; void CreateCaseMapImpl(); void CreateDriveMapImpl(); static DriveMapItem aDriveMap[26]; static BOOL bLastCaseSensitive = FALSE; //==================================================================== int ApiRet2ToSolarError_Impl( int nApiRet ) { switch ( nApiRet ) { case NO_ERROR: return ERRCODE_NONE; case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: return ERRCODE_IO_NOTEXISTS; case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: return ERRCODE_IO_NOTEXISTSPATH; case ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES: return ERRCODE_IO_TOOMANYOPENFILES; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: return ERRCODE_IO_ACCESSDENIED; case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: return ERRCODE_IO_OUTOFMEMORY; case ERROR_BAD_FORMAT: return ERRCODE_IO_WRONGFORMAT; case ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDDEVICE; case ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDDEVICE; case ERROR_BAD_UNIT: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDDEVICE; case ERROR_CRC: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDDEVICE; case ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDDEVICE; case ERROR_WRITE_FAULT: return ERRCODE_IO_CANTWRITE; case ERROR_READ_FAULT: return ERRCODE_IO_CANTREAD; case ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: return ERRCODE_IO_LOCKVIOLATION; case ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION: return ERRCODE_IO_LOCKVIOLATION; case ERROR_WRONG_DISK: return ERRCODE_IO_LOCKVIOLATION; case ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL: return ERRCODE_IO_OUTOFSPACE; case ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: return ERRCODE_IO_NOTSUPPORTED; case ERROR_DUP_NAME: return ERRCODE_IO_ALREADYEXISTS; case ERROR_BAD_NETPATH: return ERRCODE_IO_NOTEXISTSPATH; case ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST: return ERRCODE_IO_NOTEXISTS; case ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED: return ERRCODE_IO_ACCESSDENIED; case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDPARAMETER; case ERROR_NET_WRITE_FAULT: return ERRCODE_IO_CANTWRITE; case ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USE: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDPARAMETER; case ERROR_DISK_FULL: return ERRCODE_IO_OUTOFSPACE; case ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS: return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDPARAMETER; case ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME: return ERRCODE_IO_NOTEXISTSPATH; case ERROR_LOCK_FAILED: return ERRCODE_IO_LOCKVIOLATION; case ERROR_LOCKED: return ERRCODE_IO_LOCKVIOLATION; case ERROR_DUPLICATE_NAME: return ERRCODE_IO_ALREADYEXISTS; case ERROR_DIRECTORY_IN_CDS: return ERRCODE_IO_LOCKVIOLATION; case ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY: return ERRCODE_IO_LOCKVIOLATION; case ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE: return ERRCODE_IO_NAMETOOLONG; } DBG_TRACE1( "FSys: unknown apiret error %d occured", nApiRet ); return FSYS_ERR_UNKNOWN; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- char* volumeid( const char* pPfad ) { static FSINFO aFSInfoBuf; ULONG ulFSInfoLevel = FSIL_VOLSER; ULONG nDriveNumber; nDriveNumber = toupper(*pPfad) - 'A' + 1; if ( nDriveNumber >= 3 ) { APIRET rc = DosQueryFSInfo( nDriveNumber, ulFSInfoLevel, &aFSInfoBuf, sizeof(FSINFO) ); if ( rc ) return 0; return (char*) aFSInfoBuf.vol.szVolLabel; } return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::ToAbs() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 13:30 |* *************************************************************************/ BOOL DirEntry::ToAbs() { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); if ( FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME == eFlag ) { eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT; return TRUE; } if ( IsAbs() ) return TRUE; char sBuf[_MAX_PATH + 1]; *this = DirEntry( String( getcwd( sBuf, _MAX_PATH ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) ) + *this; return IsAbs(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::GetVolume() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 04.03.92 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 04.03.92 |* *************************************************************************/ String DirEntry::GetVolume() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); String aRet; const DirEntry *pTop = ImpGetTopPtr(); ByteString aName = ByteString( pTop->aName ).ToLowerAscii(); if ( ( pTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT || pTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT || pTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME ) && aName != "a:" && aName != "b:" && Exists() ) { const char *pVol; pVol = volumeid( (char*) pTop->aName.GetBuffer() ); if (pVol) aRet = String( pVol, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } return aRet; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::SetCWD() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 21.05.92 |* *************************************************************************/ BOOL DirEntry::SetCWD( BOOL bSloppy ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); if ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT && !aName.Len() ) return TRUE; if ( !chdir(ByteString(GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).GetBuffer()) ) { //nError = FSYS_ERR_OK; return TRUE; } if ( bSloppy && pParent && !chdir(ByteString(pParent->GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).GetBuffer()) ) { //nError = FSYS_ERR_OK; return TRUE; } //nError = FSYS_ERR_NOTADIRECTORY; return FALSE; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::MoveTo() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 26.04.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02.12.91 14:07 |* *************************************************************************/ #if 0 // YD see dirent.cxx BOOL createLongNameEA( const PCSZ pszPath, ULONG ulAttributes, const String& aLongName ); FSysError DirEntry::MoveTo( const DirEntry& rDest ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry ); DirEntry aTmpDest(rDest); FileStat aTmpStat(aTmpDest); if ( aTmpStat.IsKind(FSYS_KIND_DIR) ) aTmpDest += DirEntry( GetName() ); String aSource( GetFull() ); String aDest( aTmpDest.GetFull() ); String aShortSource(""); String aShortDest(""); if (Folder::IsAvailable()) { if (IsLongNameOnFAT()) { // in kurzen Pfad wandeln ItemIDPath aItemIDPath(aSource); aShortSource = aItemIDPath.GetHostNotationPath(); } if (rDest.IsLongNameOnFAT()) { // in kurzen Pfad wandeln ItemIDPath aItemIDPath(aDest); aShortDest = aItemIDPath.GetHostNotationPath(); } } APIRET nRet = DosMove( aShortSource.Len()>0?(PSZ)aShortSource.GetStr():(PSZ)aSource.GetStr(), aShortDest.Len()>0?(PSZ)aShortDest.GetStr():(PSZ)aDest.GetStr()); if ( nRet == ERROR_DIRECTORY_IN_CDS || nRet == ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY ) { // 2nd chance with modified CWD DosSetCurrentDir( (PSZ) "\\" ); nRet = DosMove( aShortSource.Len()>0?(PSZ)aShortSource.GetStr():(PSZ)aSource.GetStr(), aShortDest.Len()>0?(PSZ)aShortDest.GetStr():(PSZ)aDest.GetStr()); } else if ( nRet == ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE ) { // other volume => copy+delete FileCopier aMover( *this, rDest ); nRet = aMover.Execute( FSYS_ACTION_MOVE|FSYS_ACTION_RECURSIVE ); return nRet; } if ( (nRet==NO_ERROR) && aShortDest.Len()>0) { createLongNameEA((const char*)aShortDest, FILE_NORMAL, rDest.GetName()); } return ApiRet2ToSolarError_Impl( nRet ); } #endif // 0 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT DirReader_Impl::Init() { // Block-Devices auflisten? if ( pDir->eAttrMask & FSYS_KIND_BLOCK ) { CreateDriveMapImpl(); // CWD merken DirEntry aCurrentDir; aCurrentDir.ToAbs(); // einzeln auf Existenz und Masken-konformit"at pr"ufen USHORT nRead = 0; char sDrive[3] = { '?', ':', 0 }; char sRoot[4] = { '?', ':', '\\', 0 }; for ( char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++ ) { sDrive[0] = c; sRoot[0] = c; DirEntry* pDrive = new DirEntry( sDrive, FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME, FSYS_STYLE_HOST ); if ( pDir->aNameMask.Matches( String( ByteString(sDrive), osl_getThreadTextEncoding())) && aDriveMap[c-'a'].nKind != FSYS_KIND_UNKNOWN ) { if ( pDir->pStatLst ) //Status fuer Sort gewuenscht? { FileStat *pNewStat = new FileStat( *pDrive ); pDir->ImpSortedInsert( pDrive, pNewStat ); } else pDir->ImpSortedInsert( pDrive, NULL ); ++nRead; } else delete pDrive; } // CWD restaurieren aCurrentDir.SetCWD(); return nRead; } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT DirReader_Impl::Read() { if (!pDosDir) { pDosDir = opendir( (char*) ByteString(aPath, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).GetBuffer() ); } if (!pDosDir) { bReady = TRUE; return 0; } // Directories und Files auflisten? if ( ( pDir->eAttrMask & FSYS_KIND_DIR || pDir->eAttrMask & FSYS_KIND_FILE ) && ( ( pDosEntry = readdir( pDosDir ) ) != NULL ) ) { String aD_Name(pDosEntry->d_name, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); if ( pDir->aNameMask.Matches( aD_Name ) ) { DirEntryFlag eFlag = 0 == strcmp( pDosEntry->d_name, "." ) ? FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT : 0 == strcmp( pDosEntry->d_name, ".." ) ? FSYS_FLAG_PARENT : FSYS_FLAG_NORMAL; DirEntry *pTemp = new DirEntry( ByteString(pDosEntry->d_name), eFlag, FSYS_STYLE_UNX ); if ( pParent ) pTemp->ImpChangeParent( new DirEntry( *pParent ), FALSE); FileStat aStat( *pTemp ); if ( ( ( ( pDir->eAttrMask & FSYS_KIND_DIR ) && ( aStat.IsKind( FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) ) || ( ( pDir->eAttrMask & FSYS_KIND_FILE ) && !( aStat.IsKind( FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) ) ) && !( pDir->eAttrMask & FSYS_KIND_VISIBLE && pDosEntry->d_name[0] == '.' ) ) { if ( pDir->pStatLst ) //Status fuer Sort gewuenscht? pDir->ImpSortedInsert( pTemp, new FileStat( aStat ) ); else pDir->ImpSortedInsert( pTemp, NULL );; return 1; } else delete pTemp; } } else bReady = TRUE; return 0; } /************************************************************************* |* |* FileStat::FileStat() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MA 05.11.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 07.11.91 |* *************************************************************************/ FileStat::FileStat( const void *pInfo, // struct dirent const void * ): // dummy aDateCreated(0), aTimeCreated(0), aDateModified(0), aTimeModified(0), aDateAccessed(0), aTimeAccessed(0) { struct dirent *pDirent = (struct dirent*) pInfo; nSize = pDirent->d_size; aDateCreated = MsDos2Date( (FDATE*) &pDirent->d_date ); aTimeCreated = MsDos2Time( (FTIME*) &pDirent->d_time ); aDateModified = aDateModified; aTimeModified = aTimeModified; aDateAccessed = aDateModified; aTimeAccessed = aTimeModified; nKindFlags = FSYS_KIND_FILE; if ( pDirent->d_type & DOS_DIRECT ) nKindFlags = FSYS_KIND_DIR; } /************************************************************************* |* |* FileStat::Update() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 11.06.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 07.11.91 |* *************************************************************************/ struct _FSYS_FSQBUFFER { FSQBUFFER2 aBuf; UCHAR sBuf[256]; }; BOOL FileStat::Update( const DirEntry& rDirEntry, BOOL bAccessRemovableDevice ) { nSize = 0; FSysPathStyle eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_UNKNOWN; aCreator.Erase(); aType.Erase(); aDateCreated = Date(0); aTimeCreated = Time(0); aDateModified = Date(0); aTimeModified = Time(0); aDateAccessed = Date(0); aTimeAccessed = Time(0); if ( !rDirEntry.IsValid() ) { nError = FSYS_ERR_NOTEXISTS; return FALSE; } // Sonderbehandlung falls es sich um eine Root ohne Laufwerk handelt if ( !rDirEntry.aName.Len() && rDirEntry.eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) { nKindFlags = FSYS_KIND_DIR; nError = FSYS_ERR_OK; return TRUE; } // Sonderbehandlung falls es sich um eine Wildcard handelt ByteString aTempName( rDirEntry.GetName(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); if ( strchr( aTempName.GetBuffer(), '?' ) || strchr( aTempName.GetBuffer(), '*' ) || strchr( aTempName.GetBuffer(), ';' ) ) { nKindFlags = FSYS_KIND_WILD; nError = FSYS_ERR_OK; return TRUE; } // Sonderbehandlung falls es sich um eine Root handelt if ( rDirEntry.eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME || rDirEntry.eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) { if ( rDirEntry.eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME ) nKindFlags = FSYS_KIND_DEV; else nKindFlags = FSYS_KIND_DIR; if ( rDirEntry.aName.Len() == 2 ) { if ( !bDriveMap ) CreateDriveMapImpl(); ByteString rDirEntryUpperCase = ByteString( rDirEntry.aName ).ToUpperAscii(); DriveMapItem &rItem = aDriveMap[rDirEntryUpperCase.GetChar(0) - 'A']; if ( !rItem.nKind ) { nError = ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDDEVICE; nKindFlags = FSYS_KIND_UNKNOWN; return FALSE; } else { if ( rDirEntry.eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME ) nKindFlags |= FSYS_KIND_BLOCK | rItem.nKind; eStyle = rItem.nStyle; } } nError = FSYS_ERR_OK; return TRUE; } // disable error-boxes for hard-errors DosError(FERR_DISABLEHARDERR); // Statusinformation vom Betriebssystem holen DirEntry aTempDirEntry( rDirEntry ); char* p; aTempDirEntry.ToAbs(); ByteString aFullName( aTempDirEntry.GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); #if 0 // YD if (Folder::IsAvailable() && aTempDirEntry.IsLongNameOnFAT()) { // in String mit kurzem Pfad wandeln ItemIDPath aItemIDPath(aTempDirEntry.GetFull()); aFullName = ByteString( aItemIDPath.GetHostNotationPath(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); } #endif p = (char *) aFullName.GetBuffer(); FILESTATUS3 filestat; memset( &filestat, 0, sizeof( filestat ) ); if( DosQueryPathInfo( (PSZ)p, 1, &filestat, sizeof( filestat ) ) ) { nError = FSYS_ERR_NOTEXISTS; nKindFlags = FSYS_KIND_UNKNOWN; return FALSE; } nError = FSYS_ERR_OK; nSize = filestat.cbFile; nKindFlags = FSYS_KIND_UNKNOWN; if( filestat.attrFile & FILE_DIRECTORY ) nKindFlags |= FSYS_KIND_DIR; if ( nKindFlags == FSYS_KIND_UNKNOWN ) nKindFlags = nKindFlags | FSYS_KIND_FILE; aDateModified = Date( filestat.fdateLastWrite.day, filestat.fdateLastWrite.month, filestat.fdateLastWrite.year + 1980 ); aTimeModified = Time( filestat.ftimeLastWrite.hours, filestat.ftimeLastWrite.minutes, filestat.ftimeLastWrite.twosecs*2 ); if ( filestat.fdateCreation.day ) { aDateCreated = Date( filestat.fdateCreation.day, filestat.fdateCreation.month, filestat.fdateCreation.year + 1980 ); aTimeCreated = Time( filestat.ftimeCreation.hours, filestat.ftimeCreation.minutes, filestat.ftimeCreation.twosecs*2 ); } else { aDateCreated = aDateModified; aTimeCreated = aTimeModified; } if ( filestat.fdateLastAccess.day > 0 ) { aDateAccessed = Date( filestat.fdateLastAccess.day, filestat.fdateLastAccess.month, filestat.fdateLastAccess.year + 1980 ); aTimeAccessed = Time( filestat.ftimeLastAccess.hours, filestat.ftimeLastAccess.minutes, filestat.ftimeLastAccess.twosecs*2 ); } else { aDateAccessed = aDateModified; aTimeAccessed = aTimeModified; } return TRUE; } BOOL IsRedirectable_Impl( const ByteString &rPath ) { if ( rPath.Len() >= 3 && ':' == rPath.GetBuffer()[1] ) { ByteString aVolume = rPath.Copy( 0, 3 ); DriveMapItem &rItem = aDriveMap[toupper(aVolume.GetChar(0)) - 'A']; return FSYS_KIND_FIXED != rItem.nKind; } return FALSE; } #if 0 BOOL IsRedirectable_Impl( const String &rPath ) { if ( rPath.Len() >= 3 && ':' == rPath.GetStr()[1] ) { DriveMapItem &rItem = aDriveMap[toupper(rPath[0]) - 'A']; return FSYS_KIND_FIXED != rItem.nKind; } return FALSE; } #endif /************************************************************************* |* |* TempDirImpl() |* |* Beschreibung liefert den Namens des Directories fuer temporaere |* Dateien |* Ersterstellung MI 16.03.94 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 16.03.94 |* *************************************************************************/ const char* TempDirImpl( char *pBuf ) { PSZ pVar; USHORT nRet; BOOL bAppendTemp = FALSE; // mu\s noch \\temp angeh"angt werden // Erstmal sehen, ob TEMP oder TMP gesetzt sind nRet = DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TEMP", &pVar ); if( nRet ) nRet = DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"temp", &pVar ); if( nRet ) nRet = DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TMP", &pVar ); if( nRet ) nRet = DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"tmp", &pVar ); if( nRet ) nRet = DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"TMPDIR", &pVar ); // falls das geklappt hat, und ein Backslash dranhaengt, // oder falls es bisher nicht geklappt hat, // muessen wir nachher einen Backslash entfernen BOOL bRemoveBS = nRet || *(pVar+strlen(pVar)-1) == '\\'; // Keine temp-Variable gefunden, dann gehen wir mal auf die Suche // nach dem System-Laufwerk if( nRet ) { nRet = DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"USER_INI",&pVar ); bAppendTemp = (0 == nRet); } if( nRet ) { nRet = DosScanEnv( (PSZ)"SYSTEM_INI", &pVar ); bAppendTemp = (0 == nRet); } if( nRet ) // Wenn das immer noch nicht reicht nehmen wir eben die Root von C: #ifdef __BORLANDC__ pVar = (PSZ)"c:\\temp\\"; #else pVar = (PCSZ)"c:\\temp\\"; #endif strcpy( pBuf, (const char*)pVar ); // jetzt haengt ggf. ein Backlash dran, den wir abschneiden, // ggf. inklusive dahinter haengendem Dateinamen if ( bRemoveBS ) { char *pTail = pBuf + strlen(pBuf) - 1; for ( char cLast = *pTail; cLast != '\\'; cLast = *(--pTail) ) *pTail = 0; } if ( bAppendTemp ) strcat( pBuf, "\\temp" ); DirEntry( pBuf ).MakeDir(); return pBuf; } #define CURRENT_COUNTRY 0 #define NLS_CODEPAGE 850 /*==================================================================== * CreateCaseMapImpl() * creates a map of each character to convert to lower *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if 0 void CreateCaseMapImpl() { // build a string starting with code 0 as first character upto 255 char sTemp[256]; USHORT n; for ( n = 0; n < 256; ++n ) sTemp[n] = (char) n; // convert string to upper case COUNTRYCODE aCountry; aCountry.country = CURRENT_COUNTRY; /* Country code */ aCountry.codepage = NLS_CODEPAGE; /* Code page */ DosMapCase( 255, &aCountry, sTemp+1 ); // fill a global buffer starting with code 0 as first character upto 255 for ( n = 0; n < 256; ++n ) sCaseMap[n] = (char) n; // reorder by upper-code and store in a global buffer for ( n = 255; n > 0; --n ) // was this character converted? if ( sTemp[n] != (char) n ) // we found a convertion from upper to lower sCaseMap[ (unsigned char) sTemp[n] ] = (char) n; bCaseMap = TRUE; } String ToLowerImpl( const String& rSource ) { if ( !bCaseMap ) CreateCaseMapImpl(); // TH sagt: International ist zu langsam, also mit einer eigenen Map ByteString aLower( rSource ); for ( USHORT n = 0; n < aLower.Len(); ++n ) aLower[n] = sCaseMap[ (unsigned char) aLower[n] ]; return aLower; } #endif // 0 /*==================================================================== * CreateDriveMapImpl() * creates a map of drive-infos like FileSystem (style) and Kind (remote) *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct _FSQBUFFER_ { FSQBUFFER2 aBuf; UCHAR sBuf[64]; } FSQBUFFER_; void CreateDriveMapImpl() { #ifdef POWERPC // !!!!! Hack, da der untere Teil mit Beta 2 noch abstuertzt !!!!! BYTE nFloppies = 1; for ( USHORT nDrive = 0; nDrive < 26; ++nDrive ) { if ( nDrive < nFloppies ) { aDriveMap[nDrive].nKind = FSYS_KIND_REMOVEABLE; aDriveMap[nDrive].nStyle = FSYS_STYLE_FAT; } else { aDriveMap[nDrive].nKind = FSYS_KIND_UNKNOWN; aDriveMap[nDrive].nStyle = FSYS_STYLE_UNKNOWN; } } aDriveMap[2].nKind = FSYS_KIND_FIXED; aDriveMap[2].nStyle = FSYS_STYLE_FAT; #else FSQBUFFER_ aBuf; ULONG nBufLen; APIRET nRet; USHORT nDrive; // disable error-boxes for hard-errors DosError(FERR_DISABLEHARDERR); // determine number of floppy-drives BYTE nFloppies; nRet = DosDevConfig( (void*) &nFloppies, DEVINFO_FLOPPY ); // reset the map for ( nDrive = 0; nDrive < 26; ++nDrive ) { if ( nDrive < nFloppies ) { aDriveMap[nDrive].nKind = FSYS_KIND_REMOVEABLE; aDriveMap[nDrive].nStyle = FSYS_STYLE_FAT; } else { aDriveMap[nDrive].nKind = FSYS_KIND_UNKNOWN; aDriveMap[nDrive].nStyle = FSYS_STYLE_UNKNOWN; } } // determine file-system via DosOpen/DocDevIOCtrl for ( nDrive = 2; nDrive < 26; ++nDrive ) { // open drive BOOL bFixed; HFILE nDevHandle; char pDriveName[3] = "#:"; pDriveName[0] = nDrive+'a'; ULONG nAction; nRet = DosOpen( (PSZ) pDriveName, &nDevHandle, &nAction, 0, 0, OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS, OPEN_FLAGS_DASD|OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE|OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY, 0 ); // exists? if ( !nRet ) { // removeable? BYTE nDriveId = nDrive; ULONG nParaOutLen, nDataOutLen; nRet = DosDevIOCtl(nDevHandle, 8, 0x20, &nDriveId, sizeof(nDriveId), &nParaOutLen, &bFixed, sizeof(bFixed), &nDataOutLen ); // prepare the drive-map if ( !nRet && !bFixed ) aDriveMap[nDrive].nKind = FSYS_KIND_REMOVEABLE; // close drive DosClose(nDevHandle); } else if ( nRet == ERROR_NOT_READY ) aDriveMap[nDrive].nKind = FSYS_KIND_REMOVEABLE | FSYS_KIND_CDROM; } // determine file-system via FSAttach nRet = 0; for ( USHORT n = 3; nRet != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; ++n ) { nBufLen = sizeof( aBuf ); nRet = DosQueryFSAttach( 0, n, FSAIL_DRVNUMBER, (_FSQBUFFER2*) &aBuf, &nBufLen ); if ( !nRet ) { nDrive = toupper(aBuf.aBuf.szName[0]) - 'A'; if ( aDriveMap[nDrive].nKind == FSYS_KIND_UNKNOWN ) aDriveMap[nDrive].nKind = aBuf.aBuf.iType == 3 ? FSYS_KIND_FIXED : aBuf.aBuf.iType == 4 ? FSYS_KIND_REMOTE : FSYS_KIND_UNKNOWN; char *pType = (char*)(aBuf.aBuf.szName + aBuf.aBuf.cbName + 1); aDriveMap[nDrive].nStyle = strcmp( pType, "FAT" ) == 0 ? FSYS_STYLE_FAT : strcmp( pType, "FAT32" ) == 0 ? FSYS_STYLE_VFAT : strcmp( pType, "NTFS" ) == 0 ? FSYS_STYLE_NTFS : strcmp( pType, "HPFS" ) == 0 ? FSYS_STYLE_HPFS : strcmp( pType, "JFS" ) == 0 ? FSYS_STYLE_HPFS : strcmp( pType, "RAMFS" ) == 0 ? FSYS_STYLE_HPFS : strcmp( pType, "NDFS32" ) == 0 ? FSYS_STYLE_HPFS : strcmp( pType, "NWFS" ) == 0 ? FSYS_STYLE_NWFS : strcmp( pType, "EXT2" ) == 0 ? FSYS_STYLE_UNX : strcmp( pType, "NFS" ) == 0 ? FSYS_STYLE_UNX : FSYS_STYLE_UNKNOWN; if ( strcmp( pType, "CDFS" ) == 0 ) aDriveMap[nDrive].nKind = FSYS_KIND_CDROM|FSYS_KIND_REMOVEABLE; } } #endif bDriveMap = TRUE; } Time MsDos2Time( const time_t *pTimeT ) { tm *pTm = localtime( pTimeT ); if ( pTm ) return Time( pTm->tm_hour, pTm->tm_min, pTm->tm_sec ); else return Time(0); } Date MsDos2Date( const time_t *pTimeT ) { tm *pTm = localtime( pTimeT ); if ( pTm ) return Date( pTm->tm_mday, pTm->tm_mon + 1, pTm->tm_year ); else return Date(0); } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::GetPathStyle() const |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MI 11.05.95 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 11.05.95 |* *************************************************************************/ FSysPathStyle DirEntry::GetPathStyle( const String &rDevice ) { ByteString aRootDir(rDevice, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); // UNC-Pathname? if ( aRootDir.Len()==0 || ( aRootDir.Len() > 1 && aRootDir.GetChar(1) != ':' ) ) return FSYS_STYLE_UNKNOWN; if ( !bDriveMap ) CreateDriveMapImpl(); return aDriveMap[toupper(aRootDir.GetChar(0)) - 'A'].nStyle; } /************************************************************************* |* |* DirEntry::IsCaseSensitive() const |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung TPF 26.02.1999 |* Letzte Aenderung |* *************************************************************************/ BOOL DirEntry::IsCaseSensitive( FSysPathStyle eFormatter ) const { if (eFormatter==FSYS_STYLE_HOST) { if (GetPathStyle(GetDevice().GetName()) == FSYS_STYLE_UNX) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else { BOOL isCaseSensitive = FALSE; // ich bin unter OS2, also ist der default im Zweifelsfall case insensitiv switch ( eFormatter ) { case FSYS_STYLE_MAC: case FSYS_STYLE_FAT: case FSYS_STYLE_VFAT: case FSYS_STYLE_NTFS: case FSYS_STYLE_NWFS: case FSYS_STYLE_HPFS: case FSYS_STYLE_DETECT: { isCaseSensitive = FALSE; break; } case FSYS_STYLE_SYSV: case FSYS_STYLE_BSD: { isCaseSensitive = TRUE; break; } default: { isCaseSensitive = FALSE; // ich bin unter OS2, also ist der default im Zweifelsfall case insensitiv break; } } return isCaseSensitive; } } //========================================================================= ErrCode FileStat::QueryDiskSpace( const String &rPath, BigInt &rFreeBytes, BigInt &rTotalBytes ) { FSALLOCATE aFSInfoBuf; ByteString aVol( DirEntry(rPath).ImpGetTopPtr()->GetName(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); ULONG nDriveNumber = toupper( aVol.GetChar(0) ) - 'A' + 1; APIRET rc = DosQueryFSInfo( nDriveNumber, FSIL_ALLOC, &aFSInfoBuf, sizeof(aFSInfoBuf) ); if ( rc ) return Sys2SolarError_Impl( rc ); BigInt aBytesPerCluster( BigInt(aFSInfoBuf.cbSector) * BigInt(aFSInfoBuf.cSectorUnit) ); rFreeBytes = aBytesPerCluster * BigInt(aFSInfoBuf.cUnitAvail); rTotalBytes = aBytesPerCluster * BigInt(aFSInfoBuf.cUnit); return 0; } //========================================================================= void FSysEnableSysErrorBox( BOOL bEnable ) { DosError( bEnable ? 0 : FERR_DISABLEHARDERR ); }