 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_tdoc.hxx"



#include "rtl/ustrbuf.hxx"

#include "com/sun/star/container/XNameAccess.hpp"
#include "com/sun/star/embed/XStorage.hpp"

#include "ucbhelper/contentidentifier.hxx"

#include "tdoc_provider.hxx"
#include "tdoc_content.hxx"
#include "tdoc_uri.hxx"
#include "tdoc_docmgr.hxx"
#include "tdoc_storage.hxx"

using namespace com::sun::star;
using namespace tdoc_ucp;

// ContentProvider Implementation.

            const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xSMgr )
: ::ucbhelper::ContentProviderImplHelper( xSMgr ),
  m_xDocsMgr( new OfficeDocumentsManager( xSMgr, this ) ),
  m_xStgElemFac( new StorageElementFactory( xSMgr, m_xDocsMgr ) )

// virtual
    if ( m_xDocsMgr.is() )

// XInterface methods.

XINTERFACE_IMPL_4( ContentProvider,
                   frame::XTransientDocumentsDocumentContentFactory );

// XTypeProvider methods.

XTYPEPROVIDER_IMPL_4( ContentProvider,
                      frame::XTransientDocumentsDocumentContentFactory );

// XServiceInfo methods.

        "com.sun.star.comp.ucb.TransientDocumentsContentProvider" ) ),

// Service factory implementation.


// XContentProvider methods.

// virtual
uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > SAL_CALL
        const uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier >& Identifier )
    throw( ucb::IllegalIdentifierException, uno::RuntimeException )
    Uri aUri( Identifier->getContentIdentifier() );
    if ( !aUri.isValid() )
        throw ucb::IllegalIdentifierException(
            rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Invalid URL!" ) ),
            Identifier );

    // Normalize URI.
    uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier > xCanonicId
        = new ::ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier( m_xSMgr, aUri.getUri() );

    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );

    // Check, if a content with given id already exists...
    uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent
        = queryExistingContent( xCanonicId ).get();

    if ( !xContent.is() )
        // Create a new content.
        xContent = Content::create( m_xSMgr, this, xCanonicId );
        registerNewContent( xContent );

	return xContent;

// XTransientDocumentsDocumentContentFactory methods.

// virtual
uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > SAL_CALL
        const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& Model )
    throw ( lang::IllegalArgumentException, uno::RuntimeException )
    // model -> id -> content identifier -> queryContent
    if ( m_xDocsMgr.is() )
        rtl::OUString aDocId = m_xDocsMgr->queryDocumentId( Model );
        if ( aDocId.getLength() > 0 )
            rtl::OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
            aBuffer.appendAscii( TDOC_URL_SCHEME ":/" );
            aBuffer.append( aDocId );

            uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier > xId
                = new ::ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier(
                    m_xSMgr, aBuffer.makeStringAndClear() );

            osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );

            // Check, if a content with given id already exists...
            uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent
                = queryExistingContent( xId ).get();

            if ( !xContent.is() )
                // Create a new content.
                xContent = Content::create( m_xSMgr, this, xId );

            if ( xContent.is() )
                return xContent;

            // no content.
            throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(
                rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(
                    "Illegal Content Identifier!" ) ),
                static_cast< cppu::OWeakObject * >( this ),
                1 );
            throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(
                rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(
                    "Unable to obtain document id from model!" ) ),
                static_cast< cppu::OWeakObject * >( this ),
                1 );
        throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(
                "No Document Manager!" ) ),
            static_cast< cppu::OWeakObject * >( this ),
            1 );

// interface OfficeDocumentsEventListener

// virtual
void ContentProvider::notifyDocumentClosed( const rtl::OUString & rDocId )
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getContentListMutex() );

    ::ucbhelper::ContentRefList aAllContents;
    queryExistingContents( aAllContents );

    ::ucbhelper::ContentRefList::const_iterator it  = aAllContents.begin();
    ::ucbhelper::ContentRefList::const_iterator end = aAllContents.end();

    // Notify all content objects related to the closed doc.

    bool bFoundDocumentContent = false;
    rtl::Reference< Content > xRoot;

    while ( it != end )
        Uri aUri( (*it)->getIdentifier()->getContentIdentifier() );
        OSL_ENSURE( aUri.isValid(),
                    "ContentProvider::notifyDocumentClosed - Invalid URI!" );

        if ( !bFoundDocumentContent )
            if ( aUri.isRoot() )
                xRoot = static_cast< Content * >( (*it).get() );
            else if ( aUri.isDocument() )
                if ( aUri.getDocumentId() == rDocId )
                    bFoundDocumentContent = true;

                    // document content will notify removal of child itself;
                    // no need for the root to propagate this.

        if ( aUri.getDocumentId() == rDocId )
            // Inform content.
            rtl::Reference< Content > xContent
                = static_cast< Content * >( (*it).get() );



    if ( xRoot.is() )
        // No document content found for rDocId but root content
        // instanciated. Root content must announce document removal
        // to content event listeners.
        xRoot->notifyChildRemoved( rDocId );

// virtual
void ContentProvider::notifyDocumentOpened( const rtl::OUString & rDocId )
    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getContentListMutex() );

    ::ucbhelper::ContentRefList aAllContents;
    queryExistingContents( aAllContents );

    ::ucbhelper::ContentRefList::const_iterator it  = aAllContents.begin();
    ::ucbhelper::ContentRefList::const_iterator end = aAllContents.end();

    // Find root content. If instanciated let it propagate document insertion.

    while ( it != end )
        Uri aUri( (*it)->getIdentifier()->getContentIdentifier() );
        OSL_ENSURE( aUri.isValid(),
                    "ContentProvider::notifyDocumentOpened - Invalid URI!" );

        if ( aUri.isRoot() )
            rtl::Reference< Content > xRoot
                = static_cast< Content * >( (*it).get() );
            xRoot->notifyChildInserted( rDocId );

            // Done.


// Non-UNO

uno::Reference< embed::XStorage >
ContentProvider::queryStorage( const rtl::OUString & rUri,
                               StorageAccessMode eMode ) const
    if ( m_xStgElemFac.is() )
            return m_xStgElemFac->createStorage( rUri, eMode );
        catch ( embed::InvalidStorageException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught InvalidStorageException!" );
        catch ( lang::IllegalArgumentException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught IllegalArgumentException!" );
        catch ( io::IOException const & )
            // Okay to happen, for instance when the storage does not exist.
            //OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught IOException!" );
        catch ( embed::StorageWrappedTargetException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught embed::StorageWrappedTargetException!" );
    return uno::Reference< embed::XStorage >();

uno::Reference< embed::XStorage >
ContentProvider::queryStorageClone( const rtl::OUString & rUri ) const
    if ( m_xStgElemFac.is() )
            Uri aUri( rUri );
            uno::Reference< embed::XStorage > xParentStorage
                = m_xStgElemFac->createStorage( aUri.getParentUri(), READ );
            uno::Reference< embed::XStorage > xStorage
                = m_xStgElemFac->createTemporaryStorage();

                                aUri.getDecodedName(), xStorage );
            return xStorage;
        catch ( embed::InvalidStorageException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught InvalidStorageException!" );
        catch ( lang::IllegalArgumentException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught IllegalArgumentException!" );
        catch ( io::IOException const & )
            // Okay to happen, for instance when the storage does not exist.
            //OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught IOException!" );
        catch ( embed::StorageWrappedTargetException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught embed::StorageWrappedTargetException!" );

    return uno::Reference< embed::XStorage >();

uno::Reference< io::XInputStream >
ContentProvider::queryInputStream( const rtl::OUString & rUri,
                                   const rtl::OUString & rPassword ) const
    throw ( packages::WrongPasswordException )
    if ( m_xStgElemFac.is() )
            return m_xStgElemFac->createInputStream( rUri, rPassword );
        catch ( embed::InvalidStorageException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught InvalidStorageException!" );
        catch ( lang::IllegalArgumentException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught IllegalArgumentException!" );
        catch ( io::IOException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught IOException!" );
        catch ( embed::StorageWrappedTargetException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught embed::StorageWrappedTargetException!" );
//        catch ( packages::WrongPasswordException const & )
//        {
//            // the key provided is wrong; rethrow; to be handled by caller.
//            throw;
//        }
    return uno::Reference< io::XInputStream >();

uno::Reference< io::XOutputStream >
ContentProvider::queryOutputStream( const rtl::OUString & rUri,
                                    const rtl::OUString & rPassword,
                                    bool bTruncate ) const
    throw ( packages::WrongPasswordException )
    if ( m_xStgElemFac.is() )
                m_xStgElemFac->createOutputStream( rUri, rPassword, bTruncate );
        catch ( embed::InvalidStorageException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught InvalidStorageException!" );
        catch ( lang::IllegalArgumentException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught IllegalArgumentException!" );
        catch ( io::IOException const & )
            // Okay to happen, for instance when the storage does not exist.
            //OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught IOException!" );
        catch ( embed::StorageWrappedTargetException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught embed::StorageWrappedTargetException!" );
//        catch ( packages::WrongPasswordException const & )
//        {
//            // the key provided is wrong; rethrow; to be handled by caller.
//            throw;
//        }
    return uno::Reference< io::XOutputStream >();

uno::Reference< io::XStream >
ContentProvider::queryStream( const rtl::OUString & rUri,
                              const rtl::OUString & rPassword,
                              bool bTruncate ) const
    throw ( packages::WrongPasswordException )
    if ( m_xStgElemFac.is() )
            return m_xStgElemFac->createStream( rUri, rPassword, bTruncate );
        catch ( embed::InvalidStorageException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught InvalidStorageException!" );
        catch ( lang::IllegalArgumentException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught IllegalArgumentException!" );
        catch ( io::IOException const & )
            // Okay to happen, for instance when the storage does not exist.
            //OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught IOException!" );
        catch ( embed::StorageWrappedTargetException const & )
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught embed::StorageWrappedTargetException!" );
//        catch ( packages::WrongPasswordException const & )
//        {
//            // the key provided is wrong; rethrow; to be handled by caller.
//            throw;
//        }
    return uno::Reference< io::XStream >();

bool ContentProvider::queryNamesOfChildren(
    const rtl::OUString & rUri, uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > & rNames ) const
    Uri aUri( rUri );
    if ( aUri.isRoot() )
        // special handling for root, which has no storage, but children.
        if ( m_xDocsMgr.is() )
            rNames = m_xDocsMgr->queryDocuments();
            return true;
        if ( m_xStgElemFac.is() )
                uno::Reference< embed::XStorage > xStorage
                    = m_xStgElemFac->createStorage( rUri, READ );

                OSL_ENSURE( xStorage.is(), "Got no Storage!" );

                if ( xStorage.is() )
                    uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > xNA(
                        xStorage, uno::UNO_QUERY );

                    OSL_ENSURE( xNA.is(), "Got no css.container.XNameAccess!" );
                    if ( xNA.is() )
                        rNames = xNA->getElementNames();
                        return true;
            catch ( embed::InvalidStorageException const & )
                OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught InvalidStorageException!" );
            catch ( lang::IllegalArgumentException const & )
                OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught IllegalArgumentException!" );
            catch ( io::IOException const & )
                // Okay to happen, for instance if the storage does not exist.
                //OSL_ENSURE( false, "Caught IOException!" );
            catch ( embed::StorageWrappedTargetException const & )
                OSL_ENSURE( false,
                            "Caught embed::StorageWrappedTargetException!" );
    return false;

ContentProvider::queryStorageTitle( const rtl::OUString & rUri ) const
    rtl::OUString aTitle;

    Uri aUri( rUri );
    if ( aUri.isRoot() )
        // always empty.
        aTitle = rtl::OUString();
    else if ( aUri.isDocument() )
        // for documents, title shall not be derived from URL. It shall
        // be somethimg more 'speaking' than just the document UID.
        if ( m_xDocsMgr.is() )
            aTitle = m_xDocsMgr->queryStorageTitle( aUri.getDocumentId() );
        // derive title from URL
        aTitle = aUri.getDecodedName();

    OSL_ENSURE( ( aTitle.getLength() > 0 ) || aUri.isRoot(),
                "ContentProvider::queryStorageTitle - empty title!" );
    return aTitle;

uno::Reference< frame::XModel >
ContentProvider::queryDocumentModel( const rtl::OUString & rUri ) const
    uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel;

    if ( m_xDocsMgr.is() )
        Uri aUri( rUri );
        xModel = m_xDocsMgr->queryDocumentModel( aUri.getDocumentId() );

    OSL_ENSURE( xModel.is(),
                "ContentProvider::queryDocumentModel - no model!" );
    return xModel;