 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#ifndef __com_sun_star_registry_DefaultRegistry_idl__ 
#define __com_sun_star_registry_DefaultRegistry_idl__ 
#ifndef __com_sun_star_registry_XSimpleRegistry_idl__ 
#include <com/sun/star/registry/XSimpleRegistry.idl> 
#ifndef __com_sun_star_lang_XInitialization_idl__ 
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XInitialization.idl> 
 module com {  module sun {  module star {  module registry {  
// DocMerge from xml: service com::sun::star::registry::NestedRegistry
/** supports a shared view on two different registries. The registry 
	files will be opened in two different modes, registry1 will be opened with read/write 
	rights and registry2 will be opened read-only.
	In the context of this service, the functions <code>open</code>, <code>close</code>, 
	and <code>destroy</code> from <type>XSimpleRegistry</type> are not supported and 
	throw an exception if they are used. 
	<dt>Functions of <type>XSimpleRegistry</type>:
	<dt>	<b>getURL</b> 
	<dd> returns the name of registry1.
	<dt>	<b>isValid</b> 
	<dd> checks if registry1 is valid. If the interface is not <NULL/>
	then registry1 should always be valid. 
	<dt>	<b>isReadOnly</b> 
	<dd> checks if registry1 has write protection.
	<dt>	<b>mergeKey</b> 
	<dd> merges all information from the specified registry in registry1.
	<dt>	<b>getRootKey</b> 
	<dd> returns a virtual rootkey of both registries.
	<dt>Functions of <type>XRegistryKey</type>:
	<dt> <b>openKey</b> 
	<dd> returns a virtual key which is specified in registy1 or registry2.
	<dt> <b>deleteKey</b> 
	<dd> deletes the key only if it is present in registry1.
	<dt> <b>setLongValue, setAsciiValue, setStringValue, setBinaryValue</b> 
	<dd> sets the value at the specified key in registry1.
	<dt> <b>getLongValue, getAsciiValue, getStringValue, getBinaryValue</b> 
	<dd> returns the value at the specified key in registry1, or if 
	the value is not present in registry1, it will return the value of registry2.
	<dt> <b>openKeys</b> 
	<dd> returns a sequence of all subkeys in both registries.
	<dt> <b>getKeyNames</b> 
	<dd> returns a sequence with the names of all subkeys in both 
	<b>Note: all write functions only work on registry1.</b>
	How to initialize the registries:<br>
	Use a sequence of <type>XSimpleRegistry</type> with two elements. The first element must be 
	the registry which is opened with read/write rights and the second element must be 
	the read-only one.<br>
	Two different ways are possible:<br>
	<li> use <method scope="com::sun::star::lang">XMultiServiceFactory::createInstanceWithArguments()</method> to
    create an instance of this service where the value of the any parameter must be the sequence with
    the two open registries.
	<li> use the initialize function of the <type scope="com::sun::star::lang">XInitialization</type> interface where the value of the 
	any parameter must be the sequence with the two open registries.
	<li>-thread safe</li>
published service NestedRegistry
	// DocMerge: empty anyway
	interface com::sun::star::registry::XSimpleRegistry; 
	// DocMerge: empty anyway
	interface com::sun::star::lang::XInitialization; 
}; }; }; };  