 * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
 * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
 * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
 * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_vcl.hxx"

#include "fontcache.hxx"
#include "impfont.hxx"
#include "vcl/fontmanager.hxx"

using namespace psp;

    #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h>
    #include <ft2build.h>
    #include <fontconfig/fcfreetype.h>
    // allow compile on baseline (currently with fontconfig 2.2.0)
    #ifndef FC_WEIGHT_BOOK		// TODO: remove when baseline moves to fc>=2.2.1
        #define FC_WEIGHT_BOOK 75
    #ifndef FC_EMBEDDED_BITMAP	// TODO: remove when baseline moves to fc>=2.3.92
        #define FC_EMBEDDED_BITMAP "embeddedbitmap"
    #ifndef FC_FAMILYLANG		// TODO: remove when baseline moves to fc>=2.2.97
        #define FC_FAMILYLANG "familylang"
    #ifndef FC_HINT_STYLE		// TODO: remove when baseline moves to fc>=2.2.91
    	#define FC_HINT_STYLE  "hintstyle"
    	#define FC_HINT_NONE   0
    	#define FC_HINT_SLIGHT 1
    	#define FC_HINT_MEDIUM 2
    	#define FC_HINT_FULL   3
    typedef void FcConfig;
    typedef void FcObjectSet;
    typedef void FcPattern;
    typedef void FcFontSet;
    typedef void FcCharSet;
    typedef int FcResult;
    typedef int FcBool;
    typedef int FcMatchKind;
    typedef char FcChar8;
    typedef int FcChar32;
    typedef unsigned int FT_UInt;
    typedef void* FT_Face;
    typedef int FcSetName;

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdarg>

#include "unotools/atom.hxx"

#include "osl/module.h"
#include "osl/thread.h"
#include "osl/process.h"

#include "rtl/ustrbuf.hxx"
#include "rtl/locale.hxx"

#include "sal/alloca.h"

#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace osl;
using namespace rtl;

class FontCfgWrapper
    oslModule		m_pLib;
    FcFontSet*      m_pOutlineSet;

    int             m_nFcVersion;
    FcBool          (*m_pFcInit)();
    int             (*m_pFcGetVersion)();
    FcConfig*		(*m_pFcConfigGetCurrent)();
    FcObjectSet*	(*m_pFcObjectSetVaBuild)(const char*,va_list);
    void			(*m_pFcObjectSetDestroy)(FcObjectSet* pSet);
    FcPattern*		(*m_pFcPatternCreate)();
    void			(*m_pFcPatternDestroy)(FcPattern*);
    FcFontSet*		(*m_pFcFontList)(FcConfig*,FcPattern*,FcObjectSet*);
    FcFontSet*      (*m_pFcConfigGetFonts)(FcConfig*,FcSetName);
    FcFontSet*		(*m_pFcFontSetCreate)();
    FcCharSet*                (*m_pFcCharSetCreate)();
    FcBool                    (*m_pFcCharSetAddChar)(FcCharSet *, FcChar32);
    FcBool          (*m_pFcCharSetHasChar)(FcCharSet *, FcChar32);
    void            (*m_pFcCharSetDestroy)(FcCharSet*);
    void			(*m_pFcFontSetDestroy)(FcFontSet*);
    FcBool			(*m_pFcFontSetAdd)(FcFontSet*,FcPattern*);
    void            (*m_pFcPatternReference)(FcPattern*);
    FcResult        (*m_pFcPatternGetCharSet)(const FcPattern*,const char*,int,FcCharSet**);
    FcResult		(*m_pFcPatternGetString)(const FcPattern*,const char*,int,FcChar8**);
    FcResult		(*m_pFcPatternGetInteger)(const FcPattern*,const char*,int,int*);
    FcResult		(*m_pFcPatternGetDouble)(const FcPattern*,const char*,int,double*);
    FcResult		(*m_pFcPatternGetBool)(const FcPattern*,const char*,int,FcBool*);
    void			(*m_pFcDefaultSubstitute)(FcPattern *);
    FcPattern*		(*m_pFcFontSetMatch)(FcConfig*,FcFontSet**, int, FcPattern*,FcResult*);    
    FcPattern*		(*m_pFcFontMatch)(FcConfig*,FcPattern*,FcResult*);    
    FcBool			(*m_pFcConfigAppFontAddFile)(FcConfig*, const FcChar8*);
    FcBool			(*m_pFcConfigAppFontAddDir)(FcConfig*, const FcChar8*);
    FcBool			(*m_pFcConfigParseAndLoad)(FcConfig*,const FcChar8*,FcBool);
    FcBool			(*m_pFcConfigSubstitute)(FcConfig*,FcPattern*,FcMatchKind);

    FcPattern*		(*m_pFcPatternDuplicate)(const FcPattern*);
    FcBool			(*m_pFcPatternAddInteger)(FcPattern*,const char*,int);
    FcBool                    (*m_pFcPatternAddDouble)(FcPattern*,const char*,double);
    FcBool                    (*m_pFcPatternAddBool)(FcPattern*,const char*,FcBool);
    FcBool                    (*m_pFcPatternAddCharSet)(FcPattern*,const char*,const FcCharSet*);
    FcBool			(*m_pFcPatternAddString)(FcPattern*,const char*,const FcChar8*);
    FcBool                    (*m_pFcPatternDel)(FcPattern*,const char*);

	FT_UInt         (*m_pFcFreeTypeCharIndex)(FT_Face,FcChar32);

    oslGenericFunction loadSymbol( const char* );
    void addFontSet( FcSetName );


    static FontCfgWrapper& get();
    static void release();

    bool isValid() const 
    { return m_pLib != NULL;}

    FcFontSet* getFontSet();
    FcBool FcInit()
    { return m_pFcInit(); }
    int FcGetVersion()
    { return m_pFcGetVersion(); }

    FcConfig* FcConfigGetCurrent()
    { return m_pFcConfigGetCurrent(); }

    FcObjectSet* FcObjectSetBuild( const char* first, ... )
        va_list ap;
        va_start( ap, first );
        FcObjectSet* pSet = m_pFcObjectSetVaBuild( first, ap );
        va_end( ap );
        return pSet;

    void FcObjectSetDestroy( FcObjectSet* pSet )
    { m_pFcObjectSetDestroy( pSet ); }
    FcPattern* FcPatternCreate()
    { return m_pFcPatternCreate(); }

    void FcPatternDestroy( FcPattern* pPattern )
    { m_pFcPatternDestroy( pPattern ); }
    FcFontSet* FcFontList( FcConfig* pConfig, FcPattern* pPattern, FcObjectSet* pSet )
    { return m_pFcFontList( pConfig, pPattern, pSet ); }

    FcFontSet* FcConfigGetFonts( FcConfig* pConfig, FcSetName eSet)
    { return m_pFcConfigGetFonts( pConfig, eSet ); }

    FcFontSet* FcFontSetCreate()
    { return m_pFcFontSetCreate(); }

    FcCharSet* FcCharSetCreate()
    { return m_pFcCharSetCreate(); }

    FcBool FcCharSetAddChar(FcCharSet *fcs, FcChar32 ucs4)
    { return m_pFcCharSetAddChar(fcs, ucs4); }

    FcBool FcCharSetHasChar(FcCharSet *fcs, FcChar32 ucs4)
    { return m_pFcCharSetHasChar(fcs, ucs4); }

    void FcCharSetDestroy( FcCharSet* pSet )
    { m_pFcCharSetDestroy( pSet );}

    void FcFontSetDestroy( FcFontSet* pSet )
    { m_pFcFontSetDestroy( pSet );}

    FcBool FcFontSetAdd( FcFontSet* pSet, FcPattern* pPattern )
    { return m_pFcFontSetAdd( pSet, pPattern ); }

    void FcPatternReference( FcPattern* pPattern )
    { m_pFcPatternReference( pPattern ); }

    FcResult FcPatternGetCharSet( const FcPattern* pPattern, const char* object, int n, FcCharSet** s )
    { return m_pFcPatternGetCharSet( pPattern, object, n, s ); }

    FcResult FcPatternGetString( const FcPattern* pPattern, const char* object, int n, FcChar8** s )
    { return m_pFcPatternGetString( pPattern, object, n, s ); }

    FcResult FcPatternGetInteger( const FcPattern* pPattern, const char* object, int n, int* s )
    { return m_pFcPatternGetInteger( pPattern, object, n, s ); }

    FcResult FcPatternGetDouble( const FcPattern* pPattern, const char* object, int n, double* s )
    { return m_pFcPatternGetDouble( pPattern, object, n, s ); }

    FcResult FcPatternGetBool( const FcPattern* pPattern, const char* object, int n, FcBool* s )
    { return m_pFcPatternGetBool( pPattern, object, n, s ); }
    FcBool FcConfigAppFontAddFile( FcConfig* pConfig, const FcChar8* pFileName )
    { return m_pFcConfigAppFontAddFile( pConfig, pFileName ); }
    FcBool FcConfigAppFontAddDir(FcConfig* pConfig, const FcChar8* pDirName )
    { return m_pFcConfigAppFontAddDir( pConfig, pDirName ); }
    FcBool FcConfigParseAndLoad( FcConfig* pConfig, const FcChar8* pFileName, FcBool bComplain )
    { return m_pFcConfigParseAndLoad( pConfig, pFileName, bComplain ); }

    void FcDefaultSubstitute( FcPattern* pPattern )
    { m_pFcDefaultSubstitute( pPattern ); }
    FcPattern* FcFontSetMatch( FcConfig* pConfig, FcFontSet **ppFontSet, int nset, FcPattern* pPattern, FcResult* pResult )
    { return m_pFcFontSetMatch ? m_pFcFontSetMatch( pConfig, ppFontSet, nset, pPattern, pResult ) : 0; }
    FcPattern* FcFontMatch( FcConfig* pConfig, FcPattern* pPattern, FcResult* pResult )
    { return m_pFcFontMatch( pConfig, pPattern, pResult ); }
    FcBool FcConfigSubstitute( FcConfig* pConfig, FcPattern* pPattern, FcMatchKind eKind )
    { return m_pFcConfigSubstitute( pConfig, pPattern, eKind ); }

    FcPattern* FcPatternDuplicate( const FcPattern* pPattern ) const
    { return m_pFcPatternDuplicate( pPattern ); }
    FcBool FcPatternAddInteger( FcPattern* pPattern, const char* pObject, int nValue )
    { return m_pFcPatternAddInteger( pPattern, pObject, nValue ); }
    FcBool FcPatternAddDouble( FcPattern* pPattern, const char* pObject, double nValue )
    { return m_pFcPatternAddDouble( pPattern, pObject, nValue ); }
    FcBool FcPatternAddString( FcPattern* pPattern, const char* pObject, const FcChar8* pString )
    { return m_pFcPatternAddString( pPattern, pObject, pString ); }
    FcBool FcPatternAddBool( FcPattern* pPattern, const char* pObject, bool nValue )
    { return m_pFcPatternAddBool( pPattern, pObject, nValue ); }
    FcBool FcPatternAddCharSet(FcPattern* pPattern,const char* pObject,const FcCharSet*pCharSet)
    { return m_pFcPatternAddCharSet(pPattern,pObject,pCharSet); }
	FcBool FcPatternDel(FcPattern* pPattern, const char* object)
	{ return m_pFcPatternDel( pPattern, object); }

    FT_UInt FcFreeTypeCharIndex( FT_Face face, FcChar32 ucs4 )
    { return m_pFcFreeTypeCharIndex ? m_pFcFreeTypeCharIndex( face, ucs4 ) : 0; }

public: // TODO: cleanup
    FcResult FamilyFromPattern(FcPattern* pPattern, FcChar8 **family);
    std::hash_map< rtl::OString, rtl::OString, rtl::OStringHash > m_aFontNameToLocalized;
    std::hash_map< rtl::OString, rtl::OString, rtl::OStringHash > m_aLocalizedToCanonical;

oslGenericFunction FontCfgWrapper::loadSymbol( const char* pSymbol )
    OUString aSym( OUString::createFromAscii( pSymbol ) );
    oslGenericFunction pSym = osl_getFunctionSymbol( m_pLib, aSym.pData );
    fprintf( stderr, "%s %s\n", pSymbol, pSym ? "found" : "not found" );
    return pSym;

        : m_pLib( NULL ),
          m_pOutlineSet( NULL ),
          m_nFcVersion( 0 )
    OUString aLib( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "libfontconfig.so.1" ) );
    m_pLib = osl_loadModule( aLib.pData, SAL_LOADMODULE_LAZY );
    if( !m_pLib )
        aLib = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "libfontconfig.so" ) );
        m_pLib = osl_loadModule( aLib.pData, SAL_LOADMODULE_LAZY );

    if( ! m_pLib )
        fprintf( stderr, "no libfontconfig\n" );

    m_pFcInit = (FcBool(*)())
        loadSymbol( "FcInit" );
    m_pFcGetVersion = (int(*)())
        loadSymbol( "FcGetVersion" );
    m_pFcConfigGetCurrent = (FcConfig *(*)())
        loadSymbol( "FcConfigGetCurrent" );
    m_pFcObjectSetVaBuild = (FcObjectSet*(*)(const char*,va_list))
        loadSymbol( "FcObjectSetVaBuild" );
    m_pFcObjectSetDestroy = (void(*)(FcObjectSet*))
        loadSymbol( "FcObjectSetDestroy" );
    m_pFcPatternCreate = (FcPattern*(*)())
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternCreate" );
    m_pFcPatternDestroy = (void(*)(FcPattern*))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternDestroy" );
    m_pFcFontList = (FcFontSet*(*)(FcConfig*,FcPattern*,FcObjectSet*))
        loadSymbol( "FcFontList" );
    m_pFcConfigGetFonts = (FcFontSet*(*)(FcConfig*,FcSetName))
        loadSymbol( "FcConfigGetFonts" );
    m_pFcFontSetCreate = (FcFontSet*(*)())
        loadSymbol( "FcFontSetCreate" );
    m_pFcCharSetCreate = (FcCharSet*(*)())
        loadSymbol( "FcCharSetCreate" );
    m_pFcCharSetAddChar = (FcBool(*)(FcCharSet*, FcChar32))
        loadSymbol( "FcCharSetAddChar" );
    m_pFcCharSetHasChar = (FcBool(*)(FcCharSet*, FcChar32))
        loadSymbol( "FcCharSetHasChar" );
    m_pFcCharSetDestroy = (void(*)(FcCharSet*))
        loadSymbol( "FcCharSetDestroy" );
    m_pFcFontSetDestroy = (void(*)(FcFontSet*))
        loadSymbol( "FcFontSetDestroy" );
    m_pFcFontSetAdd = (FcBool(*)(FcFontSet*,FcPattern*))
        loadSymbol( "FcFontSetAdd" );
    m_pFcPatternReference = (void(*)(FcPattern*))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternReference" );
    m_pFcPatternGetCharSet = (FcResult(*)(const FcPattern*,const char*,int,FcCharSet**))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternGetCharSet" );
    m_pFcPatternGetString = (FcResult(*)(const FcPattern*,const char*,int,FcChar8**))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternGetString" );
    m_pFcPatternGetInteger = (FcResult(*)(const FcPattern*,const char*,int,int*))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternGetInteger" );
    m_pFcPatternGetDouble = (FcResult(*)(const FcPattern*,const char*,int,double*))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternGetDouble" );
    m_pFcPatternGetBool = (FcResult(*)(const FcPattern*,const char*,int,FcBool*))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternGetBool" );
    m_pFcConfigAppFontAddFile = (FcBool(*)(FcConfig*, const FcChar8*))
        loadSymbol( "FcConfigAppFontAddFile" );
    m_pFcConfigAppFontAddDir = (FcBool(*)(FcConfig*, const FcChar8*))
        loadSymbol( "FcConfigAppFontAddDir" );
    m_pFcConfigParseAndLoad = (FcBool(*)(FcConfig*, const FcChar8*, FcBool))
        loadSymbol( "FcConfigParseAndLoad" );
    m_pFcDefaultSubstitute = (void(*)(FcPattern *))
        loadSymbol( "FcDefaultSubstitute" );
    m_pFcFontSetMatch = (FcPattern*(*)(FcConfig*,FcFontSet**,int,FcPattern*,FcResult*))
        loadSymbol( "FcFontSetMatch" );
    m_pFcFontMatch = (FcPattern*(*)(FcConfig*,FcPattern*,FcResult*))
        loadSymbol( "FcFontMatch" );
    m_pFcConfigSubstitute = (FcBool(*)(FcConfig*,FcPattern*,FcMatchKind))
        loadSymbol( "FcConfigSubstitute" );

    m_pFcPatternDuplicate = (FcPattern*(*)(const FcPattern*))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternDuplicate" );
    m_pFcPatternAddInteger = (FcBool(*)(FcPattern*,const char*,int))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternAddInteger" );
    m_pFcPatternAddDouble = (FcBool(*)(FcPattern*,const char*,double))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternAddDouble" );
    m_pFcPatternAddBool = (FcBool(*)(FcPattern*,const char*,FcBool))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternAddBool" );
    m_pFcPatternAddCharSet = (FcBool(*)(FcPattern*,const char*,const FcCharSet *))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternAddCharSet" );
    m_pFcPatternAddString = (FcBool(*)(FcPattern*,const char*,const FcChar8*))
        loadSymbol( "FcPatternAddString" );
    m_pFcPatternDel = (FcBool(*)(FcPattern*,const char*))
		loadSymbol( "FcPatternDel" );

    m_pFcFreeTypeCharIndex = (FT_UInt(*)(FT_Face,FcChar32))
        loadSymbol( "FcFreeTypeCharIndex" );

    m_nFcVersion = FcGetVersion();
    fprintf( stderr,"FC_VERSION = %05d\n", m_nFcVersion );
    // make minimum version configurable
    const char* pMinFcVersion = getenv( "SAL_MIN_FC_VERSION");
    if( pMinFcVersion )
        const int nMinFcVersion = atoi( pMinFcVersion );
        if( m_nFcVersion < nMinFcVersion )
            m_pFcInit = NULL;

    if( ! (
            m_pFcInit						&&
            m_pFcGetVersion					&&
            m_pFcConfigGetCurrent			&&
            m_pFcObjectSetVaBuild			&&
            m_pFcObjectSetDestroy			&&
            m_pFcPatternCreate				&&
            m_pFcPatternDestroy				&&
            m_pFcFontList					&&
            m_pFcConfigGetFonts             &&
            m_pFcFontSetCreate				&&
            m_pFcCharSetCreate				&&
            m_pFcCharSetAddChar 			&&
            m_pFcCharSetHasChar             &&
            m_pFcCharSetDestroy             &&
            m_pFcFontSetDestroy				&&
            m_pFcFontSetAdd					&&
            m_pFcPatternReference           &&
            m_pFcPatternGetCharSet			&&
            m_pFcPatternGetString			&&
            m_pFcPatternGetInteger			&&
            m_pFcPatternGetDouble			&&
            m_pFcPatternGetBool				&&
            m_pFcConfigAppFontAddFile				&&
            m_pFcConfigAppFontAddDir				&&
            m_pFcConfigParseAndLoad				&&
            m_pFcFontMatch					&&
            m_pFcDefaultSubstitute			&&
            m_pFcConfigSubstitute			&&
            m_pFcPatternDuplicate			&&
            m_pFcPatternAddInteger			&&
            m_pFcPatternAddDouble                     &&
            m_pFcPatternAddCharSet			&&
            m_pFcPatternAddBool 			&&
            m_pFcPatternAddString 			&&
            ) )
        osl_unloadModule( (oslModule)m_pLib );
        m_pLib = NULL;
        fprintf( stderr, "not all needed symbols were found in libfontconfig\n" );

    if( ! FcConfigGetCurrent() )
        osl_unloadModule( (oslModule)m_pLib );
        m_pLib = NULL;

void FontCfgWrapper::addFontSet( FcSetName eSetName )
      add only acceptable outlined fonts to our config, 
      for future fontconfig use
    FcFontSet* pOrig = FcConfigGetFonts( FcConfigGetCurrent(), eSetName );
    if( !pOrig )

	// filter the font sets to remove obsolete or duplicate faces
	for( int i = 0; i < pOrig->nfont; ++i )
		FcPattern* pOrigPattern = pOrig->fonts[i];
		// #i115131# ignore non-outline fonts
		FcBool bOutline = FcFalse;
		FcResult eOutRes = FcPatternGetBool( pOrigPattern, FC_OUTLINE, 0, &bOutline );
		if( (eOutRes != FcResultMatch) || (bOutline == FcFalse) )
		// create a pattern to find eventually better alternatives
		FcPattern* pBetterPattern = pOrigPattern;
		if( m_nFcVersion > 20400 ) // #i115204# avoid trouble with old FC versions
			FcPattern* pTestPattern = FcPatternDuplicate( pOrigPattern );
			FcPatternAddBool( pTestPattern, FC_OUTLINE, FcTrue );
			// TODO: ignore all attributes that are not interesting for finding dupes
			//       e.g. by using pattern->ImplFontAttr->pattern conversion
			FcPatternDel( pTestPattern, FC_FONTVERSION );
			FcPatternDel( pTestPattern, FC_CHARSET );
			FcPatternDel( pTestPattern, FC_FILE );
			// find the font face for the dupe-search pattern
			FcResult eFcResult = FcResultMatch;
			pBetterPattern = FcFontMatch( FcConfigGetCurrent(), pTestPattern, &eFcResult );
			FcPatternDestroy( pTestPattern );
			if( eFcResult != FcResultMatch )
			// #i115131# double check results and eventually ignore them
			eOutRes = FcPatternGetBool( pBetterPattern, FC_OUTLINE, 0, &bOutline );
			if( (eOutRes != FcResultMatch) || (bOutline == FcFalse) )
		// insert best found pattern for the dupe-search pattern
		// TODO: skip inserting patterns that are already known in the target fontset
		FcPatternReference( pBetterPattern );
		FcFontSetAdd( m_pOutlineSet, pBetterPattern );

    // TODO?: FcFontSetDestroy( pOrig );
    (void)eSetName; // prevent compiler warning about unused parameter
FcFontSet* FontCfgWrapper::getFontSet()
    if( !m_pOutlineSet )
        m_pOutlineSet = FcFontSetCreate();
        addFontSet( FcSetSystem );
	if( m_nFcVersion > 20400 ) // #i85462# prevent crashes
            addFontSet( FcSetApplication );

    return m_pOutlineSet;

	if( m_pOutlineSet )
		FcFontSetDestroy( m_pOutlineSet );
    if( m_pLib )
        osl_unloadModule( (oslModule)m_pLib );

static FontCfgWrapper* pOneInstance = NULL;

FontCfgWrapper& FontCfgWrapper::get()
    if( ! pOneInstance )
        pOneInstance = new FontCfgWrapper();
    return *pOneInstance;

void FontCfgWrapper::release()
    if( pOneInstance )
        delete pOneInstance;
        pOneInstance = NULL;

    typedef std::pair<FcChar8*, FcChar8*> lang_and_family;

    class localizedsorter
            rtl::OLocale maLoc;
            localizedsorter(rtl_Locale* pLoc) : maLoc(pLoc) {}
            FcChar8* bestname(const std::vector<lang_and_family> &families);

    FcChar8* localizedsorter::bestname(const std::vector<lang_and_family> &families)
        FcChar8* candidate = families.begin()->second;
        rtl::OString sLangMatch(rtl::OUStringToOString(maLoc.getLanguage().toAsciiLowerCase(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
	rtl::OString sFullMatch = sLangMatch;
        sFullMatch += OString('-');
        sFullMatch += rtl::OUStringToOString(maLoc.getCountry().toAsciiLowerCase(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);

        std::vector<lang_and_family>::const_iterator aEnd = families.end();
        bool alreadyclosematch = false;
        for( std::vector<lang_and_family>::const_iterator aIter = families.begin(); aIter != aEnd; ++aIter )
            const char *pLang = (const char*)aIter->first;
            if( rtl_str_compare( pLang, sFullMatch.getStr() ) == 0)
                // both language and country match
                candidate = aIter->second;
            else if( alreadyclosematch )
            else if( rtl_str_compare( pLang, sLangMatch.getStr()) == 0)
                // just the language matches
                candidate = aIter->second;
                alreadyclosematch = true;
            else if( rtl_str_compare( pLang, "en") == 0)
                // fallback to the english family name
                candidate = aIter->second;
        return candidate;

FcResult FontCfgWrapper::FamilyFromPattern(FcPattern* pPattern, FcChar8 **family)
    FcChar8 *origfamily;
    FcResult eFamilyRes	= FcPatternGetString( pPattern, FC_FAMILY, 0, &origfamily );
    *family = origfamily;
    if( eFamilyRes == FcResultMatch)
        FcChar8* familylang = NULL;
        if (FcPatternGetString( pPattern, FC_FAMILYLANG, 0, &familylang ) == FcResultMatch)
            std::vector< lang_and_family > lang_and_families;
            lang_and_families.push_back(lang_and_family(familylang, *family));
            int k = 1;
            while (1)
                if (FcPatternGetString( pPattern, FC_FAMILYLANG, k, &familylang ) != FcResultMatch)
                if (FcPatternGetString( pPattern, FC_FAMILY, k, family ) != FcResultMatch)
                lang_and_families.push_back(lang_and_family(familylang, *family));
            //possible to-do, sort by UILocale instead of process locale
            rtl_Locale* pLoc;
            localizedsorter aSorter(pLoc);
            *family = aSorter.bestname(lang_and_families);
            std::vector<lang_and_family>::const_iterator aEnd = lang_and_families.end();
            for (std::vector<lang_and_family>::const_iterator aIter = lang_and_families.begin(); aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
                const char *candidate = (const char*)(aIter->second);
                if (rtl_str_compare(candidate, (const char*)(*family)) != 0)
                    m_aFontNameToLocalized[OString(candidate)] = OString((const char*)(*family));
            if (rtl_str_compare((const char*)origfamily, (const char*)(*family)) != 0)
                m_aLocalizedToCanonical[OString((const char*)(*family))] = OString((const char*)origfamily);
    return eFamilyRes;

 * PrintFontManager::initFontconfig
bool PrintFontManager::initFontconfig()
    FontCfgWrapper& rWrapper = FontCfgWrapper::get();
    if( ! rWrapper.isValid() )
        return false;
    return true;

    weight::type convertWeight(int weight)
        // set weight
        if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_THIN )
            return weight::Thin;
        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT )
            return weight::UltraLight;
        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_LIGHT )
            return weight::Light;
        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_BOOK )
            return weight::SemiLight;
        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_NORMAL )
            return weight::Normal;
        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_MEDIUM )
            return weight::Medium;
        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD )
            return weight::SemiBold;
        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_BOLD )
            return weight::Bold;
        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD )
            return weight::UltraBold;
        return weight::Black;

    italic::type convertSlant(int slant)
        // set italic
        if( slant == FC_SLANT_ITALIC )
            return italic::Italic;
        else if( slant == FC_SLANT_OBLIQUE )
            return italic::Oblique;
        return italic::Upright;

    pitch::type convertSpacing(int spacing)
        // set pitch
        if( spacing == FC_MONO || spacing == FC_CHARCELL )
            return pitch::Fixed;
        return pitch::Variable;

    width::type convertWidth(int width)
        if (width == FC_WIDTH_ULTRACONDENSED)
            return width::UltraCondensed;
        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_EXTRACONDENSED)
            return width::ExtraCondensed;
        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_CONDENSED)
            return width::Condensed;
        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_SEMICONDENSED)
            return width::SemiCondensed;
        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_SEMIEXPANDED)
            return width::SemiExpanded;
        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_EXPANDED)
            return width::Expanded;
        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_EXTRAEXPANDED)
            return width::ExtraExpanded;
        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_ULTRAEXPANDED)
            return width::UltraExpanded;
        return width::Normal;

int PrintFontManager::countFontconfigFonts( std::hash_map<rtl::OString, int, rtl::OStringHash>& o_rVisitedPaths )
    int nFonts = 0;

    FontCfgWrapper& rWrapper = FontCfgWrapper::get();
    if( !rWrapper.isValid() )
        return 0;

    FcFontSet* pFSet = rWrapper.getFontSet();
    if( pFSet )
        fprintf( stderr, "found %d entries in fontconfig fontset\n", pFSet->nfont );
        for( int i = 0; i < pFSet->nfont; i++ )
            FcChar8* file = NULL;
            FcChar8* family = NULL;
            FcChar8* style = NULL;
            int slant = 0;
            int weight = 0;
            int spacing = 0;
            int nCollectionEntry = -1;
            FcBool outline = false;
            FcResult eFileRes	      = rWrapper.FcPatternGetString( pFSet->fonts[i], FC_FILE, 0, &file );
            FcResult eFamilyRes       = rWrapper.FamilyFromPattern( pFSet->fonts[i], &family );
            FcResult eStyleRes	      = rWrapper.FcPatternGetString( pFSet->fonts[i], FC_STYLE, 0, &style );
            FcResult eSlantRes	      = rWrapper.FcPatternGetInteger( pFSet->fonts[i], FC_SLANT, 0, &slant );
            FcResult eWeightRes	      = rWrapper.FcPatternGetInteger( pFSet->fonts[i], FC_WEIGHT, 0, &weight );
            FcResult eSpacRes	      = rWrapper.FcPatternGetInteger( pFSet->fonts[i], FC_SPACING, 0, &spacing );
            FcResult eOutRes	      = rWrapper.FcPatternGetBool( pFSet->fonts[i], FC_OUTLINE, 0, &outline );
            FcResult eIndexRes        = rWrapper.FcPatternGetInteger( pFSet->fonts[i], FC_INDEX, 0, &nCollectionEntry );
            if( eFileRes != FcResultMatch || eFamilyRes != FcResultMatch || eOutRes != FcResultMatch )

            fprintf( stderr, "found font \"%s\" in file %s\n"
                     "   weight = %d, slant = %d, style = \"%s\"\n"
                     "   spacing = %d, outline = %d\n"
                     , family, file
                     , eWeightRes == FcResultMatch ? weight : -1
                     , eSpacRes == FcResultMatch ? slant : -1
                     , eStyleRes == FcResultMatch ? (const char*) style : "<nil>"
                     , eSpacRes == FcResultMatch ? spacing : -1
                     , eOutRes == FcResultMatch ? outline : -1

//            OSL_ASSERT(eOutRes != FcResultMatch || outline);

            // only outline fonts are usable to psprint anyway
            if( eOutRes == FcResultMatch && ! outline )

            // see if this font is already cached
            // update attributes
            std::list< PrintFont* > aFonts;
            OString aDir, aBase, aOrgPath( (sal_Char*)file );
            splitPath( aOrgPath, aDir, aBase );
            o_rVisitedPaths[aDir] = 1;
            int nDirID = getDirectoryAtom( aDir, true );
            if( ! m_pFontCache->getFontCacheFile( nDirID, aBase, aFonts ) )
                fprintf( stderr, "file %s not cached\n", aBase.getStr() );
                // not known, analyze font file to get attributes
                // not described by fontconfig (e.g. alias names, PSName)
                std::list< OString > aDummy;
                analyzeFontFile( nDirID, aBase, aDummy, aFonts );
                if( aFonts.empty() )
                    fprintf( stderr, "Warning: file \"%s\" is unusable to psprint\n", aOrgPath.getStr() );
            if( aFonts.empty() )
                // TODO: remove fonts unusable to psprint from fontset

            int nFamilyName = m_pAtoms->getAtom( ATOM_FAMILYNAME, OStringToOUString( OString( (sal_Char*)family ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ), sal_True );
            PrintFont* pUpdate = aFonts.front();
            std::list<PrintFont*>::const_iterator second_font = aFonts.begin();
            if( second_font != aFonts.end() ) // more than one font
                // a collection entry, get the correct index
                if( eIndexRes == FcResultMatch && nCollectionEntry != -1 )
                    for( std::list< PrintFont* >::iterator it = aFonts.begin(); it != aFonts.end(); ++it )
                        if( (*it)->m_eType == fonttype::TrueType &&
                            static_cast<TrueTypeFontFile*>(*it)->m_nCollectionEntry == nCollectionEntry )
                            pUpdate = *it;
                    // update collection entry
                    // additional entries will be created in the cache
                    // if this is a new index (that is if the loop above
                    // ran to the end of the list)
                    if( pUpdate->m_eType == fonttype::TrueType ) // sanity check, this should always be the case here
                        static_cast<TrueTypeFontFile*>(pUpdate)->m_nCollectionEntry = nCollectionEntry;
                    fprintf( stderr, "multiple fonts for file, but no index in fontconfig pattern ! (index res = %d collection entry = %d\nfile will not be used\n", eIndexRes, nCollectionEntry );
                    // we have found more than one font in this file
                    // but fontconfig will not tell us which index is meant
                    // -> something is in disorder, do not use this font
                    pUpdate = NULL;
            if( pUpdate )
                // set family name
                if( pUpdate->m_nFamilyName != nFamilyName )
#if 0 // fontconfig prefers nameid=16 for the family name which is all fine
      // but Writer suffers from #i79878#
      // the only reasonable workaround for now is to use the classic nameid=1
                    pUpdate->m_aAliases.remove( pUpdate->m_nFamilyName );
                    pUpdate->m_aAliases.push_back( pUpdate->m_nFamilyName );
                    pUpdate->m_aAliases.remove( nFamilyName );
                    pUpdate->m_nFamilyName = nFamilyName;
                if( eWeightRes == FcResultMatch )
					pUpdate->m_eWeight = convertWeight(weight);
                if( eSpacRes == FcResultMatch )
                    pUpdate->m_ePitch = convertSpacing(spacing);
                if( eSlantRes == FcResultMatch )
					pUpdate->m_eItalic = convertSlant(slant);
                if( eStyleRes == FcResultMatch )
                    pUpdate->m_aStyleName = OStringToOUString( OString( (sal_Char*)style ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
                // update font cache
                m_pFontCache->updateFontCacheEntry( pUpdate, false );
                // sort into known fonts
                fontID aFont = m_nNextFontID++;
                m_aFonts[ aFont ] = pUpdate;
                m_aFontFileToFontID[ aBase ].insert( aFont );
                fprintf( stderr, "inserted font %s as fontID %d\n", family, aFont );
            // clean up the fonts we did not put into the list
            for( std::list< PrintFont* >::iterator it = aFonts.begin(); it != aFonts.end(); ++it )
                if( *it != pUpdate )
                    m_pFontCache->updateFontCacheEntry( *it, false ); // prepare a cache entry for a collection item
                    delete *it;
    // how does one get rid of the config ?
    fprintf( stderr, "inserted %d fonts from fontconfig\n", nFonts );
    return nFonts;

void PrintFontManager::deinitFontconfig()

int PrintFontManager::FreeTypeCharIndex( void *pFace, sal_uInt32 aChar )
    FontCfgWrapper& rWrapper = FontCfgWrapper::get();
    return rWrapper.isValid() ? rWrapper.FcFreeTypeCharIndex( (FT_Face)pFace, aChar ) : 0;

bool PrintFontManager::addFontconfigDir( const rtl::OString& rDirName )
    FontCfgWrapper& rWrapper = FontCfgWrapper::get();
    if( ! rWrapper.isValid() )
        return false;

    // workaround for a stability problems in older FC versions
    // when handling application specifc fonts
    const int nVersion = rWrapper.FcGetVersion();
    if( nVersion <= 20400 )
        return false;
    const char* pDirName = (const char*)rDirName.getStr();
    bool bDirOk = (rWrapper.FcConfigAppFontAddDir( rWrapper.FcConfigGetCurrent(), (FcChar8*)pDirName ) == FcTrue);

    fprintf( stderr, "FcConfigAppFontAddDir( \"%s\") => %d\n", pDirName, bDirOk );

    if( !bDirOk )
        return false;

    // load dir-specific fc-config file too if available
    const rtl::OString aConfFileName = rDirName + "/fc_local.conf";
    FILE* pCfgFile = fopen( aConfFileName.getStr(), "rb" );
    if( pCfgFile )
        fclose( pCfgFile);
        bool bCfgOk = rWrapper.FcConfigParseAndLoad( rWrapper.FcConfigGetCurrent(),
                        (FcChar8*)aConfFileName.getStr(), FcTrue );
        if( !bCfgOk )
            fprintf( stderr, "FcConfigParseAndLoad( \"%s\") => %d\n", aConfFileName.getStr(), bCfgOk );

    return true;

static void addtopattern(FontCfgWrapper& rWrapper, FcPattern *pPattern, 
	italic::type eItalic, weight::type eWeight, width::type eWidth, pitch::type ePitch)
    if( eItalic != italic::Unknown )
        int nSlant = FC_SLANT_ROMAN;
        switch( eItalic )
            case italic::Italic:	 	nSlant = FC_SLANT_ITALIC;break;
            case italic::Oblique:	 	nSlant = FC_SLANT_OBLIQUE;break;
        rWrapper.FcPatternAddInteger( pPattern, FC_SLANT, nSlant );
    if( eWeight != weight::Unknown )
        int nWeight = FC_WEIGHT_NORMAL;
        switch( eWeight )
            case weight::Thin:			nWeight = FC_WEIGHT_THIN;break;
            case weight::UltraLight:	nWeight = FC_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT;break;
            case weight::Light:			nWeight = FC_WEIGHT_LIGHT;break;
            case weight::SemiLight:		nWeight = FC_WEIGHT_BOOK;break;
            case weight::Normal:		nWeight = FC_WEIGHT_NORMAL;break;
            case weight::Medium:		nWeight = FC_WEIGHT_MEDIUM;break;
            case weight::SemiBold:		nWeight = FC_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD;break;
            case weight::Bold:			nWeight = FC_WEIGHT_BOLD;break;
            case weight::UltraBold:		nWeight	= FC_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD;break;
            case weight::Black:			nWeight	= FC_WEIGHT_BLACK;break;
        rWrapper.FcPatternAddInteger( pPattern, FC_WEIGHT, nWeight );
    if( eWidth != width::Unknown )
        int nWidth = FC_WIDTH_NORMAL;
        switch( eWidth )
            case width::UltraCondensed:	nWidth = FC_WIDTH_ULTRACONDENSED;break;
            case width::ExtraCondensed: nWidth = FC_WIDTH_EXTRACONDENSED;break;
            case width::Condensed:		nWidth = FC_WIDTH_CONDENSED;break;
            case width::SemiCondensed:	nWidth = FC_WIDTH_SEMICONDENSED;break;
            case width::Normal:			nWidth = FC_WIDTH_NORMAL;break;
            case width::SemiExpanded:	nWidth = FC_WIDTH_SEMIEXPANDED;break;
            case width::Expanded:		nWidth = FC_WIDTH_EXPANDED;break;
            case width::ExtraExpanded:	nWidth = FC_WIDTH_EXTRAEXPANDED;break;
            case width::UltraExpanded:	nWidth = FC_WIDTH_ULTRACONDENSED;break;
        rWrapper.FcPatternAddInteger( pPattern, FC_WIDTH, nWidth );
    if( ePitch != pitch::Unknown )
        int nSpacing = FC_PROPORTIONAL;
        switch( ePitch )
            case pitch::Fixed:			nSpacing = FC_MONO;break;
            case pitch::Variable:		nSpacing = FC_PROPORTIONAL;break;
        rWrapper.FcPatternAddInteger( pPattern, FC_SPACING, nSpacing );
        if (nSpacing == FC_MONO)
            rWrapper.FcPatternAddString( pPattern, FC_FAMILY, (FcChar8*)"monospace");

rtl::OUString PrintFontManager::Substitute(const rtl::OUString& rFontName,
    rtl::OUString& rMissingCodes, const rtl::OString &rLangAttrib,
    italic::type &rItalic, weight::type &rWeight,
    width::type &rWidth, pitch::type &rPitch) const
    rtl::OUString aName;
    FontCfgWrapper& rWrapper = FontCfgWrapper::get();
    if( ! rWrapper.isValid() )
        return aName;

    // build pattern argument for fontconfig query
    FcPattern* pPattern = rWrapper.FcPatternCreate();

    // Prefer scalable fonts
    rWrapper.FcPatternAddBool( pPattern, FC_SCALABLE, FcTrue );

    const rtl::OString aTargetName = rtl::OUStringToOString( rFontName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
    const FcChar8* pTargetNameUtf8 = (FcChar8*)aTargetName.getStr();
    rWrapper.FcPatternAddString( pPattern, FC_FAMILY, pTargetNameUtf8 );

    const FcChar8* pLangAttribUtf8 = (FcChar8*)rLangAttrib.getStr();
    if( rLangAttrib.getLength() )
        rWrapper.FcPatternAddString( pPattern, FC_LANG, pLangAttribUtf8 );

    // Add required Unicode characters, if any
    if ( rMissingCodes.getLength() )
       FcCharSet *unicodes = rWrapper.FcCharSetCreate();
       for( sal_Int32 nStrIndex = 0; nStrIndex < rMissingCodes.getLength(); )
           // also handle unicode surrogates
           const sal_uInt32 nCode = rMissingCodes.iterateCodePoints( &nStrIndex );
           rWrapper.FcCharSetAddChar( unicodes, nCode );
       rWrapper.FcPatternAddCharSet( pPattern, FC_CHARSET, unicodes);
       rWrapper.FcCharSetDestroy( unicodes );

    addtopattern(rWrapper, pPattern, rItalic, rWeight, rWidth, rPitch);

    // query fontconfig for a substitute
    rWrapper.FcConfigSubstitute( rWrapper.FcConfigGetCurrent(), pPattern, FcMatchPattern );
    rWrapper.FcDefaultSubstitute( pPattern );

    // process the result of the fontconfig query
    FcResult eResult = FcResultNoMatch;
    FcFontSet* pFontSet = rWrapper.getFontSet();
    FcPattern* pResult = rWrapper.FcFontSetMatch( rWrapper.FcConfigGetCurrent(), &pFontSet, 1, pPattern, &eResult );
    rWrapper.FcPatternDestroy( pPattern );

    FcFontSet*  pSet = NULL;
    if( pResult )
        pSet = rWrapper.FcFontSetCreate();
        // info: destroying the pSet destroys pResult implicitly
        // since pResult was "added" to pSet
        rWrapper.FcFontSetAdd( pSet, pResult );

    if( pSet )
        if( pSet->nfont > 0 )
            //extract the closest match
            FcChar8* family = NULL;
            FcResult eFileRes = rWrapper.FcPatternGetString( pSet->fonts[0], FC_FAMILY, 0, &family );

			// get the family name
            if( eFileRes == FcResultMatch )
                OString sFamily((sal_Char*)family);
                std::hash_map< rtl::OString, rtl::OString, rtl::OStringHash >::const_iterator aI = rWrapper.m_aFontNameToLocalized.find(sFamily);
                if (aI != rWrapper.m_aFontNameToLocalized.end())
                    sFamily = aI->second;
                aName = rtl::OStringToOUString( sFamily, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );

                int val = 0;
                if ( FcResultMatch == rWrapper.FcPatternGetInteger( pSet->fonts[0], FC_WEIGHT, 0, &val))
                    rWeight = convertWeight(val);
                if ( FcResultMatch == rWrapper.FcPatternGetInteger( pSet->fonts[0], FC_SLANT, 0, &val))
                    rItalic = convertSlant(val);
                if ( FcResultMatch == rWrapper.FcPatternGetInteger( pSet->fonts[0], FC_SPACING, 0, &val))
                    rPitch = convertSpacing(val);
                if ( FcResultMatch == rWrapper.FcPatternGetInteger( pSet->fonts[0], FC_WIDTH, 0, &val))
                    rWidth = convertWidth(val);

			// update rMissingCodes by removing resolved unicodes
	    	if( rMissingCodes.getLength() > 0 )
                sal_uInt32* pRemainingCodes = (sal_uInt32*)alloca( rMissingCodes.getLength() * sizeof(sal_uInt32) );
                int nRemainingLen = 0;
		    	FcCharSet* unicodes;
		    	if( !rWrapper.FcPatternGetCharSet( pSet->fonts[0], FC_CHARSET, 0, &unicodes ) )
       				for( sal_Int32 nStrIndex = 0; nStrIndex < rMissingCodes.getLength(); )
						// also handle unicode surrogates
						const sal_uInt32 nCode = rMissingCodes.iterateCodePoints( &nStrIndex );
		            	if( rWrapper.FcCharSetHasChar( unicodes, nCode ) != FcTrue )
							pRemainingCodes[ nRemainingLen++ ] = nCode;
		    	rMissingCodes = OUString( pRemainingCodes, nRemainingLen );

    	rWrapper.FcFontSetDestroy( pSet );

    return aName;

bool PrintFontManager::getFontOptions( 
    const FastPrintFontInfo& rInfo, int nSize, void (*subcallback)(void*),
    ImplFontOptions& rOptions) const
    return false;
    FontCfgWrapper& rWrapper = FontCfgWrapper::get();
    if( ! rWrapper.isValid() )
        return false;

    FcConfig* pConfig = rWrapper.FcConfigGetCurrent();
    FcPattern* pPattern = rWrapper.FcPatternCreate();

    OString sFamily = OUStringToOString( rInfo.m_aFamilyName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );

    std::hash_map< rtl::OString, rtl::OString, rtl::OStringHash >::const_iterator aI = rWrapper.m_aLocalizedToCanonical.find(sFamily);
    if (aI != rWrapper.m_aLocalizedToCanonical.end())
        sFamily = aI->second;
    if( sFamily.getLength() )
        rWrapper.FcPatternAddString( pPattern, FC_FAMILY, (FcChar8*)sFamily.getStr() );

    addtopattern(rWrapper, pPattern, rInfo.m_eItalic, rInfo.m_eWeight, rInfo.m_eWidth, rInfo.m_ePitch);
    rWrapper.FcPatternAddDouble( pPattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, nSize);

    FcBool embitmap = true, antialias = true, autohint = true, hinting = true;
    int hintstyle = FC_HINT_FULL;

    rWrapper.FcConfigSubstitute( pConfig, pPattern, FcMatchPattern );
    if (subcallback) subcallback(pPattern);
    rWrapper.FcDefaultSubstitute( pPattern );

    FcResult eResult = FcResultNoMatch;
    FcFontSet* pFontSet = rWrapper.getFontSet();
    FcPattern* pResult = rWrapper.FcFontSetMatch( pConfig, &pFontSet, 1, pPattern, &eResult );
    if( pResult )
        FcFontSet* pSet = rWrapper.FcFontSetCreate();
        rWrapper.FcFontSetAdd( pSet, pResult );
        if( pSet->nfont > 0 )
            FcResult eEmbeddedBitmap = rWrapper.FcPatternGetBool(pSet->fonts[0],
                FC_EMBEDDED_BITMAP, 0, &embitmap);
            FcResult eAntialias = rWrapper.FcPatternGetBool(pSet->fonts[0],
                FC_ANTIALIAS, 0, &antialias);
            FcResult eAutoHint = rWrapper.FcPatternGetBool(pSet->fonts[0], 
                FC_AUTOHINT, 0, &autohint);
            FcResult eHinting = rWrapper.FcPatternGetBool(pSet->fonts[0], 
                FC_HINTING, 0, &hinting);
            /*FcResult eHintStyle =*/ rWrapper.FcPatternGetInteger( pSet->fonts[0],
                FC_HINT_STYLE, 0, &hintstyle);
            if( eEmbeddedBitmap == FcResultMatch )
                rOptions.meEmbeddedBitmap = embitmap ? EMBEDDEDBITMAP_TRUE : EMBEDDEDBITMAP_FALSE;
            if( eAntialias == FcResultMatch )
                rOptions.meAntiAlias = antialias ? ANTIALIAS_TRUE : ANTIALIAS_FALSE;
            if( eAutoHint == FcResultMatch )
                rOptions.meAutoHint = autohint ? AUTOHINT_TRUE : AUTOHINT_FALSE;
            if( eHinting == FcResultMatch )
                rOptions.meHinting = hinting ? HINTING_TRUE : HINTING_FALSE;
            switch (hintstyle)
                case FC_HINT_NONE:   rOptions.meHintStyle = HINT_NONE; break;
                case FC_HINT_SLIGHT: rOptions.meHintStyle = HINT_SLIGHT; break;
                case FC_HINT_MEDIUM: rOptions.meHintStyle = HINT_MEDIUM; break;
                default: // fall through
                case FC_HINT_FULL:   rOptions.meHintStyle = HINT_FULL; break;
        // info: destroying the pSet destroys pResult implicitly
        // since pResult was "added" to pSet
        rWrapper.FcFontSetDestroy( pSet );

    // cleanup
    rWrapper.FcPatternDestroy( pPattern );

    // TODO: return true only if non-default font options are set
    const bool bOK = (pResult != NULL);
    return bOK;

bool PrintFontManager::matchFont( FastPrintFontInfo& rInfo, const com::sun::star::lang::Locale& rLocale )
    FontCfgWrapper& rWrapper = FontCfgWrapper::get();
    if( ! rWrapper.isValid() )
        return false;

    FcConfig* pConfig = rWrapper.FcConfigGetCurrent();
    FcPattern* pPattern = rWrapper.FcPatternCreate();

    OString aLangAttrib;
    // populate pattern with font characteristics
    if( rLocale.Language.getLength() )
        OUStringBuffer aLang(6);
        aLang.append( rLocale.Language );
        if( rLocale.Country.getLength() )
            aLang.append( sal_Unicode('-') );
            aLang.append( rLocale.Country );
        aLangAttrib = OUStringToOString( aLang.makeStringAndClear(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
    if( aLangAttrib.getLength() )
        rWrapper.FcPatternAddString( pPattern, FC_LANG, (FcChar8*)aLangAttrib.getStr() );

    OString aFamily = OUStringToOString( rInfo.m_aFamilyName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
    if( aFamily.getLength() )
        rWrapper.FcPatternAddString( pPattern, FC_FAMILY, (FcChar8*)aFamily.getStr() );

    addtopattern(rWrapper, pPattern, rInfo.m_eItalic, rInfo.m_eWeight, rInfo.m_eWidth, rInfo.m_ePitch);

    rWrapper.FcConfigSubstitute( pConfig, pPattern, FcMatchPattern );
    rWrapper.FcDefaultSubstitute( pPattern );
    FcResult eResult = FcResultNoMatch;
    FcFontSet *pFontSet = rWrapper.getFontSet();
    FcPattern* pResult = rWrapper.FcFontSetMatch( pConfig, &pFontSet, 1, pPattern, &eResult );
    bool bSuccess = false;
    if( pResult )
        FcFontSet* pSet = rWrapper.FcFontSetCreate();
        rWrapper.FcFontSetAdd( pSet, pResult );
        if( pSet->nfont > 0 )
            //extract the closest match
            FcChar8* file = NULL;
            FcResult eFileRes = rWrapper.FcPatternGetString( pSet->fonts[0], FC_FILE, 0, &file );
            if( eFileRes == FcResultMatch )
                OString aDir, aBase, aOrgPath( (sal_Char*)file );
                splitPath( aOrgPath, aDir, aBase );
                int nDirID = getDirectoryAtom( aDir, true );
                fontID aFont = findFontFileID( nDirID, aBase );
                if( aFont > 0 )
                    bSuccess = getFontFastInfo( aFont, rInfo );
        // info: destroying the pSet destroys pResult implicitly
        // since pResult was "added" to pSet
        rWrapper.FcFontSetDestroy( pSet );

    // cleanup
    rWrapper.FcPatternDestroy( pPattern );

    return bSuccess;

#else // ENABLE_FONTCONFIG not defined

bool PrintFontManager::initFontconfig()
    return false;

int PrintFontManager::countFontconfigFonts( std::hash_map<rtl::OString, int, rtl::OStringHash>& )
    return 0;

void PrintFontManager::deinitFontconfig()

bool PrintFontManager::addFontconfigDir( const rtl::OString& )
    return false;

bool PrintFontManager::matchFont( FastPrintFontInfo&, const com::sun::star::lang::Locale& )
    return false;

int PrintFontManager::FreeTypeCharIndex( void*, sal_uInt32 )
    return 0;

rtl::OUString PrintFontManager::Substitute( const rtl::OUString&,
    rtl::OUString&, const rtl::OString&, italic::type, weight::type, width::type, pitch::type) const
    rtl::OUString aName;
    return aName;