IAcceptHandler Interface IAcceptHandler Overload onConnection() to handle a connected socket | |
IAcceptHandlerFactory Interface IAcceptHandlerFactory Creates objects with IAcceptHandler interface | |
OAcceptor Starts a thread where incoming connections are accepted | |
OByteArray Array of bytes | |
OByteStream Wraps a byte-stream around a byte array | |
ICondition ICondition Interface for a thread-spanning condition | |
OCondition OCondition Implements the ICondition interface | |
IConnectHandler Interface IConnectHandler | |
OConnector Delegates a connected socket to an IConnectHandler object | |
OException Base class for exceptions | |
OSimpleException | |
IExecutable IExecutable The IExecutable-interface is to be understood as wrapper around your application-code, which allows it to be executed asynchronously | |
OExecutable OExecutable added default impl | |
OFiberingServer OFiberingServer Depends on cooperative executing IExecutable-Objects | |
OFuture OFuture, OFutureRef A future represents the result of an asynchronous operation | |
OFutureRef OFutureRef | |
IStream Interface for a stream of data, on that you can read and write blocks of bytes | |
IMutex IMutex interface | |
OThreadMutex OThreadMutex | |
OGuard OGuard | |
OObject OObject common base class for all framework classes | |
OCreateParam Basic class information | |
OClassInfo | |
IObserver IObserver | |
IObserved IObserved Just an idea | |
OObserver OObserver add default-implementation of refence-counting behaviour to IObserver-Interface | |
ORef ORef | |
IReferenceCounter Interface for refernce-counting | |
IRunnable IRunnable The IRunnable-interface is to be understood as wrapper around your application-code, which allows it to be executed asynchronously | |
OExecutableThread OExecutableThread A thread used to execute an IExecutable-Object | |
OSemaphore Counting semaphore (unnamed, because thread-local) | |
ISocketTypes Base data types | |
ISocketAddr Base class for socket addresses | |
OInetSocketAddr Represents an internet-address | |
OIpxSocketAddr Represents an IPX/SPX address | |
OSocket Represents a socket | |
OStreamSocket A socket to send or receive a stream of data | |
OAcceptorSocket A socket to accept incoming connections | |
OConnectorSocket A socket to initiate a connection | |
ODatagramSocket A connectionless socket to send and receive datagrams | |
IPositionableStream Adds seeking capabilities to IStream | |
OStream Implements IPositionableStream | |
OString A string class |
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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling
contact: doc++@zib.de