Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute Class Class Attribute rtf:ISTD rtf:header rtf:footer rtf:headerr rtf:headerl rtf:footerr rtf:footerl rtf:headerf rtf:footerf rtf:footnote rtf:endnote rtf:annotation rtf:BOOKMARKNAME rtf:XAlign rtf:YAlign rtf:XRelTo rtf:YRelTo rtf:LayoutInTableCell rtf:Inline rtf:DffRecord rtf:DffAttribute rtf:dfftype rtf:dffheader rtf:dffinstance rtf:dffversion rtf:blob rtf:SttbAssoc 84 0 31 0x80000000 1 rtf:fFacingPages 0 30 0x40000000 1 rtf:unused1 0 29 0x20000000 1 rtf:fPMHMainDoc 0 27 0x18000000 2 rtf:unused2 0 25 0x6000000 2 rtf:fpc 0 24 0x000000 1 rtf:unused3 0 16 0xff0000 8 rtf:unused4 0 14 0xc000 2 rtf:rncFtn 0 0 0x3fff 14 rtf:nFtn 4 31 0x80000000 1 rtf:unused5 4 30 0x40000000 1 rtf:unused6 4 29 0x20000000 1 rtf:unused7 4 28 0x0000000 1 rtf:unused8 4 27 0x8000000 1 rtf:unused9 4 26 0x4000000 1 rtf:unused10 4 25 0x2000000 1 rtf:fSplAllDone 4 24 0x000000 1 rtf:fSplAllClean 4 23 0x800000 1 rtf:fSplHideErrors 4 22 0x400000 1 rtf:fGramHideErrors 4 21 0x200000 1 rtf:fLabelDoc 4 20 0x00000 1 rtf:fHyphCapitals 4 19 0x80000 1 rtf:fAutoHyphen 4 18 0x40000 1 rtf:fFormNoFields 4 17 0x20000 1 rtf:fLinkStyles 4 16 0x0000 1 rtf:fRevMarking 4 15 0x8000 1 rtf:unused11 4 14 0x4000 1 rtf:fExactCWords 4 13 0x2000 1 rtf:fPagHidden 4 12 0x000 1 rtf:fPagResults 4 11 0x800 1 rtf:fLockAtn 4 10 0x400 1 rtf:fMirrorMargins 4 9 0x200 1 rtf:fWord97Compat 4 8 0x00 1 rtf:unused12 4 7 0x80 1 rtf:unused13 4 6 0x40 1 rtf:fProtEnabled 4 5 0x20 1 rtf:fDispFormFldSel 4 4 0x0 1 rtf:fRMView 4 3 0x8 1 rtf:fRMPrint 4 2 0x4 1 rtf:fLockVbaProj 4 1 0x2 1 rtf:fLockRev 4 0 0x1 1 rtf:fEmbedFonts 8 rtf:copts60 10 rtf:dxaTab 12 rtf:cpgWebOpt 14 rtf:dxaHotZ 16 rtf:cConsecHypLim 18 rtf:wSpare2 20 rtf:dttmCreated 24 rtf:dttmRevised 28 rtf:dttmLastPrint 32 rtf:nRevision 34 rtf:tmEdited 38 rtf:cWords 42 rtf:cCh 46 rtf:cPg 48 rtf:cParas 52 30 0xc0000000 2 rtf:rncEdn 52 16 0x3fff0000 14 rtf: 52 14 0xc000 2 rtf: 52 10 0x3c00 4 rtf:unused14 52 6 0x3c0 4 rtf:unused15 52 5 0x20 1 rtf:fPrintFormData 52 4 0x0 1 rtf:fSaveFormData 52 3 0x8 1 rtf:fShadeFormData 52 2 0x4 1 rtf:fShadeMergeFields 52 1 0x2 1 rtf:reserved2 52 0 0x1 1 rtf:fIncludeSubdocsInStats 56 rtf:cLines 60 rtf:cWordsWithSubdocs 64 rtf:cChWithSubdocs 68 rtf:cPgWithSubdocs 70 rtf:cParasWithSubdocs 74 rtf:cLinesWithSubdocs 78 rtf:lKeyProtDoc 82 13 0xe000 3 rtf:wvkoSaved 82 4 0x1ff0 9 rtf:pctWwdSaved 82 2 0xc 2 rtf:zkSaved 82 1 0x2 1 rtf:unused16 82 0 0x1 1 rtf:iGutterPos 28 0 rtf:ISTARTAT 4 rtf:NFC 5 6 0xc0 2 rtf:JC 5 5 0x20 1 rtf:FLEGAL 5 4 0x0 1 rtf:FNORESTART 5 3 0x8 1 rtf:FIDENTSAV 5 2 0x4 1 rtf:FCONVERTED 5 0 0x1 1 rtf:FTENTATIVE 6 rtf:RGBXCHNUMS 9 15 rtf:IXCHFOLLOW 16 rtf:DXASPACE 20 rtf:DXAINDENT 24 rtf:CBGRPPRLCHPX 25 rtf:CBGRPPRLPAPX 26 rtf:ilvlRestartLim 27 rtf:grfhic rtf:xst 28 rtf:LISTLEVEL 0 rtf:LSID 4 rtf:TPLC 4 31 0x80000000 1 rtf:fBuildIn 4 16 0x7fff0000 15 rtf:ilgpdM1 4 0 0xffff 16 rtf:lid 4 0 0x7fffffff 31 rtf:random 8 rtf:RGISTD 9 14 7 0x80 1 rtf:FSIMPLELIST 14 5 0x20 1 rtf:fAutoNum 14 3 0x8 1 rtf:fHybrid 14 0 0x7 3 rtf:reserved1 27 rtf:grfhic rtf:LISTTABLE 8 start-at value if fFormatting == false and fStartAt == true. (if fFormatting == true, the start-at is stored in the LVL) 0x0 0 4 rtf:ISTARTAT the level to be overridden 0x4 0 0x0F :4 rtf:ILVL true if the start-at value is overridden 0x4 4 0x10 :1 rtf:FSTARTAT true if the formatting is overridden (in which case the LFOLVL should contain a pointer to a LVL) 0x4 5 0x20 :1 rtf:FFORMATTING reserved 0x4 6 0xC0 :2 rtf:UNSIGNED4_6 reserved 0x5 0 3 rtf:RESERVED 3 15 0 rtf:lsid 12 rtf:clfolvl 13 rtf:ibstFltAutoNum 14 rtf:grfhic rtf:LFOData rtf:SttbRgtplc 4 0 rtf:cp rtf:LFOTABLE rtf:FONTTABLE 40 rtf:F rtf:ALTFONTNAME rtf:XSZFFN zero terminated string that records name of font. Possibly followed by a second xsz which records the name of an alternate font to use if the first named font does not exist on this system. Maximal size of xszFfn is 65 characters. total length of FFN - 1. 0x0 0 rtf:CBFFNM1 pitch request 0x1 0 03 :2 rtf:PRQ when 1, font is a TrueType font 0x1 2 04 :1 rtf:FTRUETYPE reserved 0x1 3 08 :1 rtf:UNUSED1_3 font family id 0x1 4 70 :3 rtf:FF reserved 0x1 7 80 :1 rtf:UNUSED1_7 base weight of font 0x2 0 rtf:WWEIGHT character set identifier 0x4 0 rtf:CHS index into ffn.szFfn to the name of the alternate font 0x5 0 rtf:IXCHSZALT ? This is supposed to be of type PANOSE. 0x6 0 rtf:PANOSE 10 ? This is supposed to be of type FONTSIGNATURE. 0x10 0 rtf:FS 24 invariant style identifier 0x2 0 0FFF :12 rtf:STI spare field for any temporary use, always reset back to zero! 0x2 12 1000 :1 rtf:FSCRATCH PHEs of all text with this style are wrong 0x2 13 2000 :1 rtf:FINVALHEIGHT UPEs have been generated 0x2 14 4000 :1 rtf:FHASUPE std has been mass-copied; if unused at save time, style should be deleted 0x2 15 8000 :1 rtf:FMASSCOPY style type code 0x4 0 000F :4 rtf:SGC base style 0x4 4 FFF0 :12 rtf:ISTDBASE # of UPXs (and UPEs) 0x6 0 000F :4 rtf:CUPX next style 0x6 4 FFF0 :12 rtf:ISTDNEXT offset to end of upx's, start of upe's 0x8 0 rtf:BCHUPE auto redefine style when appropriate 0xa 0 0001 :1 rtf:FAUTOREDEF hidden from UI? 0xa 1 0002 :1 rtf:FHIDDEN unused bits 0xa 2 FFFC :14 rtf:UNUSED8_3 rtf:XSTZNAME rtf:XSTZNAME1 rtf:UPXSTART rtf:UPX Size of style sheet info 0x0 0 rtf:CSTD Count of styles in stylesheet 0x2 0 rtf:CSTD Length of STD Base as stored in a file 0x4 0 rtf:CBSTDBASEINFILE Are built-in stylenames stored? 0x6 0 0001 :1 rtf:FSTDSTYLENAMESWRITTEN Spare flags 0x6 1 FFFE :15 rtf:UNUSED4_2 Max sti known when this file was written 0x8 0 rtf:STIMAXWHENSAVED How many fixed-index istds are there? 0xA 0 rtf:ISTDMAXFIXEDWHENSAVED Current version of built-in stylenames 0xC 0 rtf:NVERBUILTINNAMESWHENSAVED ftc used by StandardChpStsh for this document 0xE 0 rtf:RGFTCSTANDARDCHPSTSH 3 rtf:STYLESHEET 898 (fibh) FIBH Beginning of the FIB header magic number 0x0000 0 rtf:WIDENT FIB version written. This will be >= 101 for all Word 6.0 for Windows and after documents. 0x0002 0 rtf:NFIB product version written by 0x0004 0 rtf:NPRODUCT language stamp -- localized version In pre-WinWord 2.0 files this value was the nLocale. If value is < 999, then it is the nLocale, otherwise it is the lid. 0x0006 0 rtf:LID 0x0008 0 rtf:PNNEXT Set if this document is a template 0x000A 0 0001 :1 rtf:FDOT Set if this document is a glossary 0x000A 1 0002 :1 rtf:FGLSY when 1, file is in complex, fast-saved format. 0x000A 2 0004 :1 rtf:FCOMPLEX set if file contains 1 or more pictures 0x000A 3 0008 :1 rtf:FHASPIC count of times file was quicksaved 0x000A 4 00F0 :4 rtf:CQUICKSAVES Set if file is encrypted 0x000A 8 0100 :1 rtf:FENCRYPTED When 0, this fib refers to the table stream named "0Table", when 1, this fib refers to the table stream named "1Table". Normally, a file will have only one table stream, but under unusual circumstances a file may have table streams with both names. In that case, this flag must be used to decide which table stream is valid. 0x000A 9 0200 :1 rtf:FWHICHTBLSTM Set when user has recommended that file be read read-only 0x000A 10 0400 :1 rtf:FREADONLYRECOMMENDED Set when file owner has made the file write reserved 0x000A 11 0800 :1 rtf:FWRITERESERVATION Set when using extended character set in file 0x000A 12 1000 :1 rtf:FEXTCHAR REVIEW 0x000A 13 2000 :1 rtf:FLOADOVERRIDE REVIEW 0x000A 14 4000 :1 rtf:FFAREAST REVIEW 0x000A 15 8000 :1 rtf:FCRYPTO This file format it compatible with readers that understand nFib at or above this value. 0x000C 0 rtf:NFIBBACK File encrypted key, only valid if fEncrypted. 0x000E 0 rtf:LKEY environment in which file was created 0 created by Win Word 1 created by Mac Word 0x0012 0 rtf:ENVR when 1, this file was last saved in the Mac environment 0x0013 0 01 :1 rtf:FMAC 0x0013 1 02 :1 rtf:FEMPTYSPECIAL 0x0013 2 04 :1 rtf:FLOADOVERRIDEPAGE 0x0013 3 08 :1 rtf:FFUTURESAVEDUNDO 0x0013 4 10 :1 rtf:FWORD97SAVED 0x0013 5 FE :3 rtf:FSPARE0 Default extended character set id for text in document stream. (overridden by chp.chse) 0 by default characters in doc stream should be interpreted using the ANSI character set used by Windows 256 characters in doc stream should be interpreted using the Macintosh character set. 0x0014 0 rtf:CHS Default extended character set id for text in internal data structures 0 by default characters stored in internal data structures should be interpreted using the ANSI character set used by Windows 256 characters stored in internal data structures should be interpreted using the Macintosh character set. 0x0016 0 rtf:CHSTABLES file offset of first character of text. In non-complex files a CP can be transformed into an FC by the following transformation: fc = cp + fib.fcMin. 0x0018 0 rtf:FCMIN file offset of last character of text in document text stream + 1 0x001C 0 rtf:FCMAC Count of fields in the array of "shorts" 0x0020 0 rtf:CSW [Beginning of the array of shorts, rgls] Unique number Identifying the File's creator 6A62 is the creator ID for Word and is reserved. Other creators should choose a different value. 0x0022 0 rtf:WMAGICCREATED identifies the File's last modifier 0x0024 0 rtf:WMAGICREVISED private data 0x0026 0 rtf:WMAGICCREATEDPRIVATE private data 0x0028 0 rtf:WMAGICREVISEDPRIVATE not used 0x002A 0 rtf:PNFBPCHPFIRST_W6 not used 0x002C 0 rtf:PNCHPFIRST_W6 not used 0x002E 0 rtf:CPNBTECHP_W6 not used 0x0030 0 rtf:PNFBPPAPFIRST_W6 not used 0x0032 0 rtf:PNPAPFIRST_W6 not used 0x0034 0 rtf:CPNBTEPAP_W6 not used 0x0036 0 rtf:PNFBPLVCFIRST_W6 not used 0x0038 0 rtf:PNLVCFIRST_W6 not used 0x003A 0 rtf:CPNBTELVC_W6 Language id if document was written by Far East version of Word (i.e. FIB.fFarEast is on) 0x003C 0 rtf:LIDFE Number of fields in the array of longs 0x003E 0 rtf:CLW [Beginning of the array of longs, rglw] file offset of last byte written to file + 1. 0x0040 0 rtf:CBMAC contains the build date of the creator. 10695 indicates the creator program was compiled on Jan 6, 1995 0x0044 0 rtf:LPRODUCTCREATED contains the build date of the File's last modifier 0x0048 0 rtf:LPRODUCTREVISED length of main document text stream 0x004C 0 rtf:CCPTEXT length of footnote subdocument text stream 0x0050 0 rtf:CCPFTN length of header subdocument text stream 0x0054 0 rtf:CCPHDD length of macro subdocument text stream, which should now always be 0. 0x0058 0 rtf:CCPMCR length of annotation subdocument text stream 0x005C 0 rtf:CCPATN length of endnote subdocument text stream 0x0060 0 rtf:CCPEDN length of textbox subdocument text stream 0x0064 0 rtf:CCPTXBX length of header textbox subdocument text stream. 0x0068 0 rtf:CCPHDRTXBX when there was insufficient memory for Word to expand the plcfbte at save time, the plcfbte is written to the file in a linked list of 512-byte pieces starting with this pn 0x006C 0 rtf:PNFBPCHPFIRST the page number of the lowest numbered page in the document that records CHPX FKP information 0x0070 0 rtf:PNCHPFIRST count of CHPX FKPs recorded in file. In non-complex files if the number of entries in the plcfbteChpx is less than this, the plcfbteChpx is incomplete. 0x0074 0 rtf:CPNBTECHP when there was insufficient memory for Word to expand the plcfbte at save time, the plcfbte is written to the file in a linked list of 512-byte pieces starting with this pn 0x0078 0 rtf:PNFBPPAPFIRST the page number of the lowest numbered page in the document that records PAPX FKP information 0x007C 0 rtf:PNPAPFIRST count of PAPX FKPs recorded in file. In non-complex files if the number of entries in the plcfbtePapx is less than this, the plcfbtePapx is incomplete. 0x0080 0 rtf:CPNBTEPAP when there was insufficient memory for Word to expand the plcfbte at save time, the plcfbte is written to the file in a linked list of 512-byte pieces starting with this pn 0x0084 0 rtf:PNFBPLVCFIRST the page number of the lowest numbered page in the document that records LVC FKP information 0x0088 0 rtf:PNLVCFIRST count of LVC FKPs recorded in file. In non-complex files if the number of entries in the plcfbtePapx is less than this, the plcfbtePapx is incomplete. 0x008C 0 rtf:CPNBTELVC 0x0090 0 rtf:FCISLANDFIRST 0x0094 0 rtf:FCISLANDLIM Number of fields in the array of FC/LCB pairs. 0x0098 0 rtf:CFCLCB [Beginning of array of FC/LCB pairs, rgfclcb] file offset of original allocation for STSH in table stream. During fast save Word will attempt to reuse this allocation if STSH is small enough to fit. 0x009A 0 rtf:FCSTSHFORIG count of bytes of original STSH allocation 0x009E 0 rtf:LCBSTSHFORIG offset of STSH in table stream. 0x00A2 0 rtf:FCSTSHF count of bytes of current STSH allocation 0x00A6 0 rtf:LCBSTSHF offset in table stream of footnote reference PLCF of FRD structures. CPs in PLC are relative to main document text stream and give location of footnote references. 0x00AA 0 rtf:FCPLCFFNDREF count of bytes of footnote reference PLC== 0 if no footnotes defined in document. 0x00AE 0 rtf:LCBPLCFFNDREF offset in table stream of footnote text PLC. CPs in PLC are relative to footnote subdocument text stream and give location of beginnings of footnote text for corresponding references recorded in plcffndRef. No structure is stored in this plc. There will just be n+1 FC entries in this PLC when there are n footnotes 0x00B2 0 rtf:FCPLCFFNDTXT count of bytes of footnote text PLC. == 0 if no footnotes defined in document 0x00B6 0 rtf:LCBPLCFFNDTXT offset in table stream of annotation reference ATRD PLC. The CPs recorded in this PLC give the offset of annotation references in the main document. 0x00BA 0 rtf:FCPLCFANDREF count of bytes of annotation reference PLC. 0x00BE 0 rtf:LCBPLCFANDREF offset in table stream of annotation text PLC. The Cps recorded in this PLC give the offset of the annotation text in the annotation sub document corresponding to the references stored in the plcfandRef. There is a 1 to 1 correspondence between entries recorded in the plcfandTxt and the plcfandRef. No structure is stored in this PLC. 0x00C2 0 rtf:FCPLCFANDTXT count of bytes of the annotation text PLC 0x00C6 0 rtf:LCBPLCFANDTXT offset in table stream of section descriptor SED PLC. CPs in PLC are relative to main document. 0x00CA 0 rtf:FCPLCFSED count of bytes of section descriptor PLC. 0x00CE 0 rtf:LCBPLCFSED no longer used 0x00D2 0 rtf:FCPLCFPAD no longer used 0x00D6 0 rtf:LCBPLCFPAD offset in table stream of PHE PLC of paragraph heights. CPs in PLC are relative to main document text stream. Only written for files in complex format. Should not be written by third party creators of Word files. 0x00DA 0 rtf:FCPLCFPHE count of bytes of paragraph height PLC. ==0 when file is non-complex. 0x00DE 0 rtf:LCBPLCFPHE offset in table stream of glossary string table. This table consists of Pascal style strings (strings stored prefixed with a length byte) concatenated one after another. 0x00E2 0 rtf:FCSTTBFGLSY count of bytes of glossary string table. == 0 for non-glossary documents.!=0 for glossary documents. 0x00E6 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFGLSY offset in table stream of glossary PLC. CPs in PLC are relative to main document and mark the beginnings of glossary entries and are in 1-1 correspondence with entries of sttbfglsy. No structure is stored in this PLC. There will be n+1 FC entries in this PLC when there are n glossary entries. 0x00EA 0 rtf:FCPLCFGLSY count of bytes of glossary PLC.== 0 for non-glossary documents.!=0 for glossary documents. 0x00EE 0 rtf:LCBPLCFGLSY byte offset in table stream of header HDD PLC. CPs are relative to header subdocument and mark the beginnings of individual headers in the header subdocument. No structure is stored in this PLC. There will be n+1FC entries in this PLC when there are n headers stored for the document. 0x00F2 0 rtf:FCPLCFHDD count of bytes of header PLC. == 0 if document contains no headers 0x00F6 0 rtf:LCBPLCFHDD offset in table stream of character property bin table.PLC. FCs in PLC are file offsets in the main stream. Describes text of main document and all subdocuments. 0x00FA 0 rtf:FCPLCFBTECHPX count of bytes of character property bin table PLC. 0x00FE 0 rtf:LCBPLCFBTECHPX offset in table stream of paragraph property bin table.PLC. FCs in PLC are file offsets in the main stream. Describes text of main document and all subdocuments. 0x0102 0 rtf:FCPLCFBTEPAPX count of bytes of paragraph property bin table PLC 0x0106 0 rtf:LCBPLCFBTEPAPX offset in table stream of PLC reserved for private use. The SEA is 6 bytes long. 0x010A 0 rtf:FCPLCFSEA count of bytes of private use PLC. 0x010E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFSEA offset in table stream of font information STTBF. The sttbfffn is a STTBF where is string is actually an FFN structure. The nth entry in the STTBF describes the font that will be displayed when the chp.ftc for text is equal to n. See the FFN file structure definition. 0x0112 0 rtf:FCSTTBFFFN count of bytes in sttbfffn. 0x0116 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFFFN offset in table stream to the FLD PLC of field positions in the main document. The CPs point to the beginning CP of a field, the CP of field separator character inside a field and the ending CP of the field. A field may be nested within another field. 20 levels of field nesting are allowed. 0x011A 0 rtf:FCPLCFFLDMOM count of bytes in plcffldMom 0x011E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFFLDMOM offset in table stream to the FLD PLC of field positions in the header subdocument. 0x0122 0 rtf:FCPLCFFLDHDR count of bytes in plcffldHdr 0x0126 0 rtf:LCBPLCFFLDHDR offset in table stream to the FLD PLC of field positions in the footnote subdocument. 0x012A 0 rtf:FCPLCFFLDFTN count of bytes in plcffldFtn 0x012E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFFLDFTN offset in table stream to the FLD PLC of field positions in the annotation subdocument. 0x0132 0 rtf:FCPLCFFLDATN count of bytes in plcffldAtn 0x0136 0 rtf:LCBPLCFFLDATN no longer used 0x013A 0 rtf:FCPLCFFLDMCR no longer used 0x013E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFFLDMCR offset in table stream of the STTBF that records bookmark names in the main document 0x0142 0 rtf:FCSTTBFBKMK 0x0146 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFBKMK offset in table stream of the PLCF that records the beginning CP offsets of bookmarks in the main document. See BKF structure definition 0x014A 0 rtf:FCPLCFBKF 0x014E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFBKF offset in table stream of the PLCF that records the ending CP offsets of bookmarks recorded in the main document. No structure is stored in this PLCF. 0x0152 0 rtf:FCPLCFBKL 0x0156 0 rtf:LCBPLCFBKL offset in table stream of the macro commands. These commands are private and undocumented. 0x015A 0 rtf:FCCMDS undocument size of undocument structure not documented above 0x015E 0 rtf:LCBCMDS no longer used 0x0162 0 rtf:FCPLCMCR 0x0166 0 rtf:LCBPLCMCR no longer used 0x016A 0 rtf:FCSTTBFMCR 0x016E 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFMCR offset in table stream of the printer driver information (names of drivers, port, etc.) 0x0172 0 rtf:FCPRDRVR count of bytes of the printer driver information (names of drivers, port, etc.) 0x0176 0 rtf:LCBPRDRVR offset in table stream of the print environment in portrait mode. 0x017A 0 rtf:FCPRENVPORT count of bytes of the print environment in portrait mode. 0x017E 0 rtf:LCBPRENVPORT offset in table stream of the print environment in landscape mode. 0x0182 0 rtf:FCPRENVLAND count of bytes of the print environment in landscape mode. 0x0186 0 rtf:LCBPRENVLAND offset in table stream of Window Save State data structure. WSS contains dimensions of document's main text window and the last selection made by Word user. 0x018A 0 rtf:FCWSS count of bytes of WSS. ==0 if unable to store the window state. Should not be written by third party creators of Word files. 0x018E 0 rtf:LCBWSS offset in table stream of document property data structure. 0x0192 0 rtf:FCDOP count of bytes of document properties. 0x0196 0 rtf:LCBDOP offset in table stream of STTBF of associated strings. The strings in this table specify document summary info and the paths to special documents related to this document. See documentation of the STTBFASSOC. 0x019A 0 rtf:FCSTTBFASSOC 0x019E 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFASSOC offset in table stream of beginning of information for complex files. Consists of an encoding of all of the prms quoted by the document followed by the plcpcd (piece table) for the document. 0x01A2 0 rtf:FCCLX count of bytes of complex file information == 0 if file is non-complex. 0x01A6 0 rtf:LCBCLX not used 0x01AA 0 rtf:FCPLCFPGDFTN 0x01AE 0 rtf:LCBPLCFPGDFTN offset in table stream of the name of the original file. fcAutosaveSource and cbAutosaveSource should both be 0 if autosave is off. 0x01B2 0 rtf:FCAUTOSAVESOURCE count of bytes of the name of the original file. 0x01B6 0 rtf:LCBAUTOSAVESOURCE offset in table stream of group of strings recording the names of the owners of annotations stored in the document 0x01BA 0 rtf:FCGRPXSTATNOWNERS count of bytes of the group of strings 0x01BE 0 rtf:LCBGRPXSTATNOWNERS offset in table stream of the sttbf that records names of bookmarks for the annotation subdocument 0x01C2 0 rtf:FCSTTBFATNBKMK length in bytes of the sttbf that records names of bookmarks for the annotation subdocument 0x01C6 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFATNBKMK no longer used 0x01CA 0 rtf:FCPLCDOAMOM 0x01CE 0 rtf:LCBPLCDOAMOM no longer used 0x01D2 0 rtf:FCPLCDOAHDR 0x01D6 0 rtf:LCBPLCDOAHDR offset in table stream of the FSPA PLC for main document. == 0 if document has no office art objects. 0x01DA 0 rtf:FCPLCSPAMOM length in bytes of the FSPA PLC of the main document. 0x01DE 0 rtf:LCBPLCSPAMOM offset in table stream of the FSPA PLC for header document. == 0 if document has no office art objects. 0x01E2 0 rtf:FCPLCSPAHDR length in bytes of the FSPA PLC of the header document. 0x01E6 0 rtf:LCBPLCSPAHDR offset in table stream of BKF (bookmark first) PLC of the annotation subdocument 0x01EA 0 rtf:FCPLCFATNBKF length in bytes of BKF (bookmark first) PLC of the annotation subdocument 0x01EE 0 rtf:LCBPLCFATNBKF offset in table stream of BKL (bookmark last) PLC of the annotation subdocument 0x01F2 0 rtf:FCPLCFATNBKL length in bytes of PLC marking the CP limits of the annotation bookmarks. No structure is stored in this PLC. 0x01F6 0 rtf:LCBPLCFATNBKL offset in table stream of PMS (Print Merge State) information block. This contains the current state of a print merge operation 0x01FA 0 rtf:FCPMS length in bytes of PMS. ==0 if no current print merge state. Should not be written by third party creators of Word files. 0x01FE 0 rtf:LCBPMS offset in table stream of form field Sttbf which contains strings used in form field dropdown controls 0x0202 0 rtf:FCFORMFLDSTTBF length in bytes of form field Sttbf 0x0206 0 rtf:LCBFORMFLDSTTBF offset in table stream of endnote reference PLCF of FRD structures. CPs in PLCF are relative to main document text stream and give location of endnote references. 0x020A 0 rtf:FCPLCFENDREF 0x020E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFENDREF offset in table stream of PlcfendRef which points to endnote text in the endnote document stream which corresponds with the plcfendRef. No structure is stored in this PLC. 0x0212 0 rtf:FCPLCFENDTXT 0x0216 0 rtf:LCBPLCFENDTXT offset in table stream to FLD PLCF of field positions in the endnote subdoc 0x021A 0 rtf:FCPLCFFLDEDN 0x021E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFFLDEDN not used 0x0222 0 rtf:FCPLCFPGDEDN 0x0226 0 rtf:LCBPLCFPGDEDN offset in table stream of the office art object table data. The format of office art object table data is found in a separate document. 0x022A 0 rtf:FCDGGINFO length in bytes of the office art object table data 0x022E 0 rtf:LCBDGGINFO offset in table stream to STTBF that records the author abbreviations for authors who have made revisions in the document. 0x0232 0 rtf:FCSTTBFRMARK 0x0236 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFRMARK offset in table stream to STTBF that records caption titles used in the document. 0x023A 0 rtf:FCSTTBFCAPTION 0x023E 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFCAPTION offset in table stream to the STTBF that records the object names and indices into the caption STTBF for objects which get auto captions. 0x0242 0 rtf:FCSTTBFAUTOCAPTION 0x0246 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFAUTOCAPTION offset in table stream to WKB PLCF that describes the boundaries of contributing documents in a master document 0x024A 0 rtf:FCPLCFWKB 0x024E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFWKB offset in table stream of PLCF (of SPLS structures) that records spell check state 0x0252 0 rtf:FCPLCFSPL 0x0256 0 rtf:LCBPLCFSPL offset in table stream of PLCF that records the beginning CP in the text box subdoc of the text of individual text box entries. No structure is stored in this PLCF 0x025A 0 rtf:FCPLCFTXBXTXT 0x025E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFTXBXTXT offset in table stream of the FLD PLCF that records field boundaries recorded in the textbox subdoc. 0x0262 0 rtf:FCPLCFFLDTXBX 0x0266 0 rtf:LCBPLCFFLDTXBX offset in table stream of PLCF that records the beginning CP in the header text box subdoc of the text of individual header text box entries. No structure is stored in this PLC. 0x026A 0 rtf:FCPLCFHDRTXBXTXT 0x026E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFHDRTXBXTXT offset in table stream of the FLD PLCF that records field boundaries recorded in the header textbox subdoc. 0x0272 0 rtf:FCPLCFFLDHDRTXBX 0x0276 0 rtf:LCBPLCFFLDHDRTXBX Macro User storage 0x027A 0 rtf:FCSTWUSER 0x027E 0 rtf:LCBSTWUSER offset in table stream of embedded true type font data. 0x0282 0 rtf:FCSTTBTTMBD 0x0286 0 rtf:LCBSTTBTTMBD 0x028A 0 rtf:FCUNUSED 0x028E 0 rtf:LCBUNUSED (FCPGD, beginning of array of fcPgd / fcBkd pairs rgpgdbkd). offset in table stream of the PLF that records the page descriptors for the main text of the doc. 0x0292 0 rtf:FCPGDMOTHER 0x0296 0 rtf:LCBPGDMOTHER offset in table stream of the PLCF that records the break descriptors for the main text of the doc. 0x029A 0 rtf:FCBKDMOTHER 0x029E 0 rtf:LCBBKDMOTHER offset in table stream of the PLF that records the page descriptors for the footnote text of the doc. 0x02A2 0 rtf:FCPGDFTN 0x02A6 0 rtf:LCBPGDFTN offset in table stream of the PLCF that records the break descriptors for the footnote text of the doc. 0x02AA 0 rtf:FCBKDFTN 0x02AE 0 rtf:LCBBKDFTN offset in table stream of the PLF that records the page descriptors for the endnote text of the doc. 0x02B2 0 rtf:FCPGDEDN 0x02B6 0 rtf:LCBPGDEDN offset in table stream of the PLCF that records the break descriptors for the endnote text of the doc. 0x02BA 0 rtf:FCBKDEDN 0x02BE 0 rtf:LCBBKDEDN offset in table stream of the STTBF containing field keywords. This is only used in a small number of the international versions of word. This field is no longer written to the file for nFib >= 167. 0x02C2 0 rtf:FCSTTBFINTLFLD Always 0 for nFib >= 167. 0x02C6 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFINTLFLD offset in table stream of a mailer routing slip. 0x02CA 0 rtf:FCROUTESLIP 0x02CE 0 rtf:LCBROUTESLIP offset in table stream of STTBF recording the names of the users who have saved this document alternating with the save locations. 0x02D2 0 rtf:FCSTTBSAVEDBY 0x02D6 0 rtf:LCBSTTBSAVEDBY offset in table stream of STTBF recording filenames of documents which are referenced by this document. 0x02DA 0 rtf:FCSTTBFNM 0x02DE 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFNM offset in the table stream of list format information. 0x02E2 0 rtf:FCPLCFLST 0x02E6 0 rtf:LCBPLCFLST offset in the table stream of list format override information. 0x02EA 0 rtf:FCPLFLFO 0x02EE 0 rtf:LCBPLFLFO offset in the table stream of the textbox break table (a PLCF of BKDs) for the main document 0x02F2 0 rtf:FCPLCFTXBXBKD 0x02F6 0 rtf:LCBPLCFTXBXBKD offset in the table stream of the textbox break table (a PLCF of BKDs) for the header subdocument 0x02FA 0 rtf:FCPLCFTXBXHDRBKD 0x02FE 0 rtf:LCBPLCFTXBXHDRBKD offset in main stream of undocumented undo / versioning data 0x0302 0 rtf:FCDOCUNDO 0x0306 0 rtf:LCBDOCUNDO offset in main stream of undocumented undo / versioning data 0x030A 0 rtf:FCRGBUSE 0x030E 0 rtf:LCBRGBUSE offset in main stream of undocumented undo / versioning data 0x0312 0 rtf:FCUSP 0x0316 0 rtf:LCBUSP offset in table stream of undocumented undo / versioning data 0x031A 0 rtf:FCUSKF 0x031E 0 rtf:LCBUSKF offset in table stream of undocumented undo / versioning data 0x0322 0 rtf:FCPLCUPCRGBUSE 0x0326 0 rtf:LCBPLCUPCRGBUSE offset in table stream of undocumented undo / versioning data 0x032A 0 rtf:FCPLCUPCUSP 0x032E 0 rtf:LCBPLCUPCUSP offset in table stream of string table of style names for glossary entries 0x0332 0 rtf:FCSTTBGLSYSTYLE 0x0336 0 rtf:LCBSTTBGLSYSTYLE offset in table stream of undocumented grammar options PL 0x033A 0 rtf:FCPLGOSL 0x033E 0 rtf:LCBPLGOSL offset in table stream of undocumented ocx data 0x0342 0 rtf:FCPLCOCX 0x0346 0 rtf:LCBPLCOCX offset in table stream of character property bin table.PLC. FCs in PLC are file offsets. Describes text of main document and all subdocuments. 0x034A 0 rtf:FCPLCFBTELVC 0x034E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFBTELVC (a.k.a FILETIME ftModified) 0x0352 0 rtf:DWLOWDATETIME 0x0356 0 rtf:DWHIGHDATETIME offset in table stream of LVC PLCF 0x035A 0 rtf:FCPLCFLVC size of LVC PLCF, ==0 for non-complex files 0x035E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFLVC offset in table stream of autosummary ASUMY PLCF. 0x0362 0 rtf:FCPLCASUMY 0x0366 0 rtf:LCBPLCASUMY offset in table stream of PLCF (of SPLS structures) which records grammar check state 0x036A 0 rtf:FCPLCFGRAM 0x036E 0 rtf:LCBPLCFGRAM offset in table stream of list names string table 0x0372 0 rtf:FCSTTBLISTNAMES 0x0376 0 rtf:LCBSTTBLISTNAMES offset in table stream of undocumented undo / versioning data 0x037A 0 rtf:FCSTTBFUSSR 0x037E 0 rtf:LCBSTTBFUSSR 856 744 rtf:fcPlcfTch 748 rtf:lcbPlcfTch 752 rtf:fcRmdThreading 756 rtf:lcbRmdThreading 760 rtf:fcMid 764 rtf:lcbMid 768 rtf:fcSttbRgtplc 772 rtf:lcbSttbRgtplc 776 rtf:fcMsoEnvelope 780 rtf:flcbMsoEnvelope 784 rtf:fcPlcfLad 788 rtf:lcbPlcfLad 792 rtf:fcRgDofr 796 rtf:lcbRgDofr 800 rtf:fcPlcosl 804 rtf:lcbPlcosl 808 rtf:fcPlcfCookieOld 812 rtf:lcbPlcfCookieOld 816 rtf:fcPgdMotherOld 820 rtf:flcbPgdMotherOld 824 rtf:fcPgdFtnOld 828 rtf:lcbPgdFtnOld 832 rtf:fcBkdFtnOld 836 rtf:lcbBkdFtnOld 840 rtf:fcPgdEdnOld 844 rtf:lcbPgdEdnOld 848 rtf:fcBkdEdnOld 852 rtf:lcbBkdEdnOld 6 index to BKL entry in plcfbkl that describes the ending position of this bookmark in the CP stream. 0x0 0 rtf:IBKL when bkf.fCol is 1, this is the index to the first column of a table column bookmark. 0x2 0 007F :7 rtf:ITCFIRST when 1, this indicates that this bookmark is marking the range of a Macintosh Publisher section. 0x2 7 0080 :1 rtf:FPUB when bkf.fCol is 1, this is the index to limit column of a table column bookmark. 0x2 8 7F00 :7 rtf:ITCLIM when 1, this bookmark marks a range of columns in a table specified by [bkf.itcFirst, bkf.itcLim). 0x2 15 8000 :1 rtf:FCOL 12 used internally by Word 0x0 0 rtf:FN file offset in main stream to beginning of SEPX stored for section. If sed.fcSepx == 0xFFFFFFFF, the section properties for the section are equal to the standard SEP (see SEP definition). 0x2 0 rtf:FCSEPX used internally by Word 0x6 0 rtf:FNMPR points to offset in FC space of main stream where the Macintosh Print Record for a document created on a Mac will be stored 0x8 0 rtf:FCMPR rtf:sed 2 foreground color (see chp.ico) 0x0 0 001F :5 rtf:ICOFORE background color (see chp.ico) 0x0 5 03E0 :5 rtf:ICOBACK shading pattern (see ipat table below) 0 Automatic 1 Solid 2 5 Percent 3 10 Percent 4 20 Percent 5 25 Percent 6 30 Percent 7 40 Percent 8 50 Percent 9 60 Percent 10 70 Percent 11 75 Percent 12 80 Percent 13 90 Percent 14 Dark Horizontal 15 Dark Vertical 16 Dark Forward Diagonal 17 Dark Backward Diagonal 18 Dark Cross 19 Dark Diagonal Cross 20 Horizontal 21 Vertical 22 Forward Diagonal 23 Backward Diagonal 24 Cross 25 Diagonal Cross 35 2.5 Percent 36 7.5 Percent 37 12.5 Percent 38 15 Percent 39 17.5 Percent 40 22.5 Percent 41 27.5 Percent 42 32.5 Percent 43 35 Percent 44 37.5 Percent 45 42.5 Percent 46 45 Percent 47 47.5 Percent 48 52.5 Percent 49 55 Percent 50 57.5 Percent 51 62.5 Percent 52 65 Percent 53 67.5 Percent 54 72.5 Percent 55 77.5 Percent 56 82.5 Percent 57 85 Percent 58 87.5 Percent 59 92.5 Percent 60 95 Percent 61 97.5 Percent 62 97 Percent 0x0 10 FC00 :6 rtf:IPAT 10 foreground color 0x0 0 4 rtf:SHDFORECOLOR background color 0x4 0 4 rtf:SHDBACKCOLOR pattern 0x8 0 2 rtf:SHDPATTERN 4 width of a single line in 1/8 pt, max of 32 pt. 0x0 0 00FF :8 rtf:DPTLINEWIDTH border type code: 0 none 1 single 2 thick 3 double 5 hairline 6 dot 7 dash large gap 8 dot dash 9 dot dot dash 10 triple 11 thin-thick small gap 12 thick-thin small gap 13 thin-thick-thin small gap 14 thin-thick medium gap 15 thick-thin medium gap 16 thin-thick-thin medium gap 17 thin-thick large gap 18 thick-thin large gap 19 thin-thick-thin large gap 20 wave 21 double wave 22 dash small gap 23 dash dot stroked 24 emboss 3D 25 engrave 3D codes 64 - 230 represent border art types and are used only for page borders. 0x0 8 FF00 :8 rtf:BRCTYPE color code (see chp.ico) 0x2 0 00FF :8 rtf:ICO width of space to maintain between border and text within border. Must be 0 when BRC is a substructure of TC. Stored in points. 0x2 8 1F00 :5 rtf:DPTSPACE when 1, border is drawn with shadow. Must be 0 when BRC is a substructure of the TC 0x2 13 2000 :1 rtf:FSHADOW 0x2 14 4000 :1 rtf:FFRAME reserved 0x2 15 8000 :1 rtf:UNUSED2_15 20 set to 1 when cell is first cell of a range of cells that have been merged. When a cell is merged, the display areas of the merged cells are consolidated and the text within the cells is interpreted as belonging to one text stream for purposes of calculating line breaks. 0x0 0 0001 :1 rtf:FFIRSTMERGED set to 1 when cell has been merged with preceding cell. 0x0 1 0002 :1 rtf:FMERGED set to 1 when cell has vertical text flow 0x0 2 0004 :1 rtf:FVERTICAL for a vertical table cell, text flow is bottom to top when 1 and is bottom to top when 0. 0x0 3 0008 :1 rtf:FBACKWARD set to 1 when cell has rotated characters (i.e. uses @font) 0x0 4 0010 :1 rtf:FROTATEFONT set to 1 when cell is vertically merged with the cell(s) above and/or below. When cells are vertically merged, the display area of the merged cells are consolidated. The consolidated area is used to display the contents of the first vertically merged cell (the cell with fVertRestart set to 1), and all other vertically merged cells (those with fVertRestart set to 0) must be empty. Cells can only be merged vertically if their left and right boundaries are (nearly) identical (i.e. if corresponding entries in rgdxaCenter of the table rows differ by at most 3). 0x0 5 0020 :1 rtf:FVERTMERGE set to 1 when the cell is the first of a set of vertically merged cells. The contents of a cell with fVertStart set to 1 are displayed in the consolidated area belonging to the entire set of vertically merged cells. Vertically merged cells with fVertRestart set to 0 must be empty. 0x0 6 0040 :1 rtf:FVERTRESTART specifies the alignment of the cell contents relative to text flow (e.g. in a cell with bottom to top text flow and bottom vertical alignment, the text is shifted horizontally to match the cell's right boundary): 0 top 1 center 2 bottom 0x0 7 0180 :2 rtf:VERTALIGN reserved 0x0 9 FE00 :7 rtf:FUNUSED preferred size of cell 0x2 0 rtf:CellPrefferedSize BRC[cbrcTc] rgbrc: notational convenience for referring to brcTop, brcLeft, etc. fields. specification of the top border of a table cell 0x4 0 rtf:BRCTOP specification of left border of table row 0x8 0 rtf:BRCLEFT specification of bottom border of table row 0xc 0 rtf:BRCBOTTOM specification of right border of table row. 0x10 0 rtf:BRCRIGHT 4 index to BKL entry in plcfbkl that describes the ending position of this bookmark in the CP stream. 0x0 0 rtf:IBKL when bkf.fCol is 1, this is the index to the first column of a table column bookmark. 0x2 0 007F :7 rtf:ITCFIRST when 1, this indicates that this bookmark is marking the range of a Macintosh Publisher section. 0x2 7 0080 :1 rtf:FPUB when bkf.fCol is 1, this is the index to limit column of a table column bookmark. 0x2 8 7F00 :7 rtf:ITCLIM when 1, this bookmark marks a range of columns in a table specified by [bkf.itcFirst, bkf.itcLim). 0x2 15 8000 :1 rtf:FCOL 8 color of line 0x0 0 4 rtf:LINECOLOR width of line 0x4 0 1 rtf:LINEWIDTH type of line, see border type code (BRC) 0x5 0 1 rtf:LINETYPE justification code 0 left tab 1 centered tab 2 right tab 3 decimal tab 4 bar 0x0 0 07 :3 rtf:JC tab leader code 0 no leader 1 dotted leader 2 hyphenated leader 3 single line leader 4 heavy line leader 0x0 3 38 :3 rtf:TLC reserved 0x0 6 C0 :2 rtf:UNUSED0_6 Specifies the mapping mode in which the picture is drawn. 0x0 0 rtf:MM Specifies the size of the metafile picture for all modes except the MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC modes. (For more information about these modes, see the yExt member.) The x-extent specifies the width of the rectangle within which the picture is drawn. The coordinates are in units that correspond to the mapping mode. 0x2 0 rtf:XEXT Specifies the size of the metafile picture for all modes except the MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC modes. The y-extent specifies the height of the rectangle within which the picture is drawn. The coordinates are in units that correspond to the mapping mode. For MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC modes, which can be scaled, the xExt and yExt members contain an optional suggested size in MM_HIMETRIC units. For MM_ANISOTROPIC pictures, xExt and yExt can be zero when no suggested size is supplied. For MM_ISOTROPIC pictures, an aspect ratio must be supplied even when no suggested size is given. (If a suggested size is given, the aspect ratio is implied by the size.) To give an aspect ratio without implying a suggested size, set xExt and yExt to negative values whose ratio is the appropriate aspect ratio. The magnitude of the negative xExt and yExt values is ignored; only the ratio is used. 0x4 0 rtf:YEXT Identifies a memory metafile. 0x6 0 rtf:HMF unknown 0x4 8 0x3 0 rtf:unknown unknown 0x4 8 0xfc 2 rtf:dropdownIndex tool tip 0x5 8 0x1 0 rtf:tooltip no mark 0x5 8 0x2 1 rtf:nomark use size 0x5 8 0x4 2 rtf:useSize numbers only 0x5 8 0x8 3 rtf:numbersOnly date only 0x5 8 0x10 4 rtf:dateOnly unused 0x5 8 0xe0 5 rtf:unused size 0x6 16 0 rtf:size 0x8 16 0 rtf:hpsCheckbox title of the field 0xa 0 rtf:fftitle rtf:FLT rtf:ffdefault rtf:ffchecked rtf:ffformatting rtf:ffhelp rtf:fftooltip number of bytes in the PIC structure plus size of following picture data which may be a Window's metafile, a bitmap, or the filename of a TIFF file. In the case of a Macintosh PICT picture, this includes the size of the PIC, the standard "x" metafile, and the Macintosh PICT data. See Appendix B for more information. 0x0 0 rtf:LCB number of bytes in the PIC (to allow for future expansion). 0x4 0 rtf:CBHEADER If a Windows metafile is stored immediately following the PIC structure, the mfp is a Window's METAFILEPICT structure. When the data immediately following the PIC is a TIFF filename, == 98 If a bitmap is stored after the pic, == 99 When the PIC describes a bitmap, mfp.xExt is the width of the bitmap in pixels and mfp.yExt is the height of the bitmap in pixels.. 0x6 0 rtf:MFP Window's bitmap structure when PIC describes a BITMAP (14 bytes). Rect for window origin and extents when metafile is stored -- ignored if 0 (8 bytes). 0xE 0 rtf:BM_RCWINMF 14 horizontal measurement in twips of the rectangle the picture should be imaged within. when scaling bitmaps, dxaGoal and dyaGoal may be ignored if the operation would cause the bitmap to shrink or grow by a non -power-of-two factor 0x1C 0 rtf:DXAGOAL vertical measurement in twips of the rectangle the picture should be imaged within. 0x1E 0 rtf:DYAGOAL horizontal scaling factor supplied by user expressed in .001% units. 0x20 0 rtf:MX vertical scaling factor supplied by user expressed in .001% units. 0x22 0 rtf:MY the amount the picture has been cropped on the left in twips. for all of the Crop values, a positive measurement means the specified border has been moved inward from its original setting and a negative measurement means the border has been moved outward from its original setting. 0x24 0 rtf:DXACROPLEFT the amount the picture has been cropped on the top in twips. 0x26 0 rtf:DYACROPTOP the amount the picture has been cropped on the right in twips. 0x28 0 rtf:DXACROPRIGHT the amount the picture has been cropped on the bottom in twips. 0x2A 0 rtf:DYACROPBOTTOM Obsolete, superseded by brcTop, etc. In WinWord 1.x, it was the type of border to place around picture 0 single 1 thick 2 double 3 shadow 0x2C 0 000F :4 rtf:BRCL picture consists of a single frame 0x2C 4 0010 :1 rtf:FFRAMEEMPTY ==1, when picture is just a bitmap 0x2C 5 0020 :1 rtf:FBITMAP ==1, when picture is an active OLE object 0x2C 6 0040 :1 rtf:FDRAWHATCH ==1, when picture is just an error message 0x2C 7 0080 :1 rtf:FERROR bits per pixel 0 unknown 1 monochrome 4 VGA 0x2C 8 FF00 :8 rtf:BPP specification for border above picture 0x2E 0 rtf:BRCTOP specification for border to the left of picture 0x32 0 rtf:BRCLEFT specification for border below picture 0x36 0 rtf:BRCBOTTOM specification for border to the right of picture 0x3A 0 rtf:BRCRIGHT horizontal offset of hand annotation origin 0x3E 0 rtf:DXAORIGIN vertical offset of hand annotation origin 0x40 0 rtf:DYAORIGIN unused 0x42 0 rtf:CPROPS rtf:DffRecord rtf:ffdata 26 Shape Identifier. Used in conjunction with the office art data (found via fcDggInfo in the FIB) to find the actual data for this shape. 0x0 0 rtf:SPID xa left of rectangle enclosing shape relative to the origin of the shape 0x4 0 rtf:XALEFT ya top of rectangle enclosing shape relative to the origin of the shape 0x8 0 rtf:YATOP xa right of rectangle enclosing shape relative to the origin of the shape 0xC 0 rtf:XARIGHT ya bottom of the rectangle enclosing shape relative to the origin of the shape 0x10 0 rtf:YABOTTOM 1 in the undo doc when shape is from the header doc, 0 otherwise (undefined when not in the undo doc) 0x14 0 0001 :1 rtf:FHDR x position of shape relative to anchor CP 0 relative to page margin 1 relative to top of page 2 relative to text (column for horizontal text; paragraph for vertical text) 3 reserved for future use 0x14 1 0006 :2 rtf:BX y position of shape relative to anchor CP 0 relative to page margin 1 relative to top of page 2 relative to text (paragraph for horizontal text; column for vertical text) 0x14 3 0018 :2 rtf:BY text wrapping mode 0 like 2, but doesn't require absolute object 1 no text next to shape 2 wrap around absolute object 3 wrap as if no object present 4 wrap tightly around object 5 wrap tightly, but allow holes 6-15 reserved for future use 0x14 5 01E0 :4 rtf:WR text wrapping mode type (valid only for wrapping modes 2 and 4 0 wrap both sides 1 wrap only on left 2 wrap only on right 3 wrap only on largest side 0x14 9 1E00 :4 rtf:WRK when set, temporarily overrides bx, by, forcing the xaLeft, xaRight, yaTop, and yaBottom fields to all be page relative. 0x14 13 2000 :1 rtf:FRCASIMPLE 1 shape is below text 0 shape is above text 0x14 14 4000 :1 rtf:FBELOWTEXT 1 anchor is locked 0 anchor is not locked 0x14 15 8000 :1 rtf:FANCHORLOCK count of textboxes in shape (undo doc only) 0x16 0 rtf:CTXBX rtf:shape 2 type of field boundary the FLD describes: 19 field begin mark 20 field separator mark 21 field end mark 0x0 0 1F :5 rtf:CH reserved 0x0 5 E0 :3 rtf:UNUSED0_5 == 19 (field begin mark) -> U8 field type (see flt table below). == 20 (field separator mark) -> not present == 21 (field end mark) -> fDiffer:1 - ignored for saved file fZombieEmbed:1 - 1 when result still believes this field is an EMBED or LINK field. fResultDirty:1 - when user has edited or formatted the result. == 0 otherwise. fResultEdited:1 - 1 when user has inserted text into or deleted text from the result. fLocked:1 - 1 when field is locked from recalc. fPrivateResult:1 - 1 whenever the result of the field is never to be shown. fNested:1 - 1 when field is nested within another field. fHasSep:1 - 1 when field has a field separator. 0x1 0 rtf:FLT 16 left margin 0x0 0 rtf:shpLeft top margin 0x4 0 rtf:shpTop right margin 0x8 0 rtf:shpRight bottom margin 0xc 0 rtf:shpBottom 6 Property ID 0x0 14 0x3fff 0 rtf:shppid value is a blip ID u2013 only valid if fComplex is FALSE 0x0 1 0x4000 14 rtf:shpfBid complex property, value is length 0x0 1 0x8000 15 rtf:shpfComplex Value 0x2 32 0 rtf:shpop rtf:shpname rtf:shpvalue rtf:shpstringvalue 16 The current maximum shape ID 0x0 32 0 rtf:shpspidMax The number of ID clusters (FIDCLs) 0x4 32 0 rtf:shpcidcl The total number of shapes saved (including deleted shapes, if undo information was saved) 0x8 32 0 rtf:shpcspSaved The total number of drawings saved 0xc 32 0 rtf:shpcdgSaved 4 DG owning the SPIDs in this cluster 0x0 32 0 rtf:shpdgid number of SPIDs used so far 0x4 32 0 rtf:shpcspidCur 0x24 Required type on Win32 0x0 0 rtf:shpbtWin32 Required type on Mac 0x1 0 rtf:shpbtMacOS Identifier of blip 0x2 0 rtf:shprgbUid 16 currently unused 0x12 0 rtf:shptag Blip size in stream 0x14 0 rtf:shpsize Reference count on the blip 0x18 0 rtf:shpcRef File offset in the delay stream 0x1c 0 rtf:shpfoDelay How this blip is used (MSOBLIPUSAGE 0x20 0 rtf:shpusage length of the blip name 0x21 0 rtf:shpcbName for the future 0x22 0 rtf:shpunused2 for the future 0x23 0 rtf:shpunused3 2 0x0 16 0 rtf:FRD 28 index into GrpXstAtnOwners 0x14 0 rtf:IBST unused 0x16 0 0003 :2 rtf:AK unused 0x16 2 FFFC :14 rtf:UNUSED22_2 unused 0x18 0 rtf:GRFBMC when not -1, this tag identifies the annotation bookmark that locates the range of CPs in the main document which this annotation references. 0x1A 0 rtf:LTAGBKMK rtf:xstUsrInitl pascal-style string holding initials of annotation author 22 when not fReusable, counts the number of textboxes in this story chain 0x0 0 rtf:CTXBX when fReusable, the index of the next in the linked list of reusable FTXBXSs 0x0 0 rtf:INEXTREUSE if fReusable, counts the number of reusable FTXBXSs follow this one in the linked list 0x4 0 rtf:CREUSABLE this FTXBXS is not currently in use 0x8 0 rtf:FREUSABLE reserved 0xA 0 rtf:RESERVED Shape Identifier (see FSPA) for first Office Shape in textbox chain. 0xE 0 rtf:LID 0x12 0 rtf:TXIDUNDO The number of shapes in this drawing 0x0 32 rtf:csp The last MSOSPID given to an SP in this DG 0x4 32 rtf:spidCur 4 0 15 0x8000 1 rtf:fBuildIn 0 0 0x7fff 15 rtf:ilgbdM1 2 rtf:lid 0x246D rtf:sprmPIContextualSpacing paragraph 0xC601 rtf:sprmPIstdPermute paragraph 0x646B rtf:sprmPTabProps paragraph 0x3466 rtf:sprmTFCantSplit90 table 0x3644 rtf:sprmTCantSplit table 0x2602 rtf:sprmPIncLvl paragraph 0x2461 rtf:sprmPJcExtra paragraph 0x2403 rtf:sprmPJc paragraph 0x2404 rtf:sprmPFSideBySide paragraph 0x2405 rtf:sprmPFKeep paragraph 0x2406 rtf:sprmPFKeepFollow paragraph 0x2407 rtf:sprmPFPageBreakBefore paragraph 0x2408 rtf:sprmPBrcl paragraph 0x2409 rtf:sprmPBrcp paragraph 0x260A rtf:sprmPIlvl paragraph 0x460B rtf:sprmPIlfo paragraph 0x240C rtf:sprmPFNoLineNumb paragraph 0xC60D rtf:sprmPChgTabsPapx rtf:dxaDel array of tab positions for which tabs should be deleted rtf:dxaAdd array of tab positions for which tabs should be added rtf:tbdAdd array of tab descriptors corresponding to rgdxaAdd paragraph 0x840E rtf:sprmPDxaRight paragraph 0x840F rtf:sprmPDxaLeft paragraph 0x4610 rtf:sprmPNest paragraph 0x8411 rtf:sprmPDxaLeft1 paragraph 0x6412 rtf:sprmPDyaLine paragraph 0xA413 rtf:sprmPDyaBefore paragraph 0xA414 rtf:sprmPDyaAfter paragraph 0xC615 rtf:sprmPChgTabs paragraph 0x2416 rtf:sprmPFInTable paragraph 0x244b rtf:sprmPCell paragraph 0x244c rtf:sprmPRow paragraph 0x2417 rtf:sprmPFTtp paragraph 0x8418 rtf:sprmPDxaAbs paragraph 0x8419 rtf:sprmPDyaAbs paragraph 0x841A rtf:sprmPDxaWidth paragraph 0x261B rtf:sprmPPc paragraph 0x461C rtf:sprmPBrcTop10 paragraph 0x461D rtf:sprmPBrcLeft10 paragraph 0x461E rtf:sprmPBrcBottom10 paragraph 0x461F rtf:sprmPBrcRight10 paragraph 0x4620 rtf:sprmPBrcBetween10 paragraph 0x4621 rtf:sprmPBrcBar10 paragraph 0x4622 rtf:sprmPDxaFromText10 paragraph 0x2423 rtf:sprmPWr paragraph 0x6629 rtf:sprmPBrcBar paragraph 0x242A rtf:sprmPFNoAutoHyph paragraph 0x442B rtf:sprmPWHeightAbs paragraph 0x442C rtf:sprmPDcs paragraph 0x442D rtf:sprmPShd paragraph 0x842E rtf:sprmPDyaFromText paragraph 0x842F rtf:sprmPDxaFromText paragraph 0x2430 rtf:sprmPFLocked paragraph 0x2431 rtf:sprmPFWidowControl paragraph 0xC632 rtf:sprmPRuler paragraph 0x2433 rtf:sprmPFKinsoku paragraph 0x2434 rtf:sprmPFWordWrap paragraph 0x2435 rtf:sprmPFOverflowPunct paragraph 0x2436 rtf:sprmPFTopLinePunct paragraph 0x2437 rtf:sprmPFAutoSpaceDE paragraph 0x2438 rtf:sprmPFAutoSpaceDN paragraph 0x4439 rtf:sprmPWAlignFont paragraph 0x443A rtf:sprmPFrameTextFlow paragraph 0x243B rtf:sprmPISnapBaseLine paragraph 0xC63E rtf:sprmPAnld paragraph 0xC63F rtf:sprmPPropRMark paragraph 0x2640 rtf:sprmPOutLvl paragraph 0x2441 rtf:sprmPFBiDi paragraph 0x2443 rtf:sprmPFNumRMIns paragraph 0x2444 rtf:sprmPCrLf paragraph 0xC645 rtf:sprmPNumRM paragraph 0x6645 rtf:sprmPHugePapx paragraph 0x2447 rtf:sprmPFUsePgsuSettings paragraph 0x2448 rtf:sprmPFAdjustRight paragraph 0x0800 rtf:sprmCFRMarkDel character 0x0801 rtf:sprmCFRMark character 0x0802 rtf:sprmCFFldVanish character 0x6A03 rtf:sprmCPicLocation picture location 0x2 32 0 rtf:fcPic character 0x4804 rtf:sprmCIbstRMark character 0x6805 rtf:sprmCDttmRMark character 0x0806 rtf:sprmCFData character 0x4807 rtf:sprmCIdslRMark character 0xEA08 rtf:sprmCChs character 0x6A09 rtf:sprmCSymbol character index of font for symbol in font table 0x02 0 16 rtf:FONT character code of symbol 0x04 0 16 rtf:CHAR 0x080A rtf:sprmCFOle2 character 0x480B rtf:sprmCIdCharType character 0x2A0C rtf:sprmCHighlight character 0x680E rtf:sprmCObjLocation character 0x2A10 rtf:sprmCFFtcAsciSymb character 0x4A30 rtf:sprmCIstd character 0xCA31 rtf:sprmCIstdPermute character 0x2A32 rtf:sprmCDefault character 0x2A33 rtf:sprmCPlain character 0x2A34 rtf:sprmCKcd character 0x0835 rtf:sprmCFBold character 0x0836 rtf:sprmCFItalic character 0x0837 rtf:sprmCFStrike character 0x0838 rtf:sprmCFOutline character 0x0839 rtf:sprmCFShadow character 0x083A rtf:sprmCFSmallCaps character 0x083B rtf:sprmCFCaps character 0x083C rtf:sprmCFVanish character 0x4A3D rtf:sprmCFtcDefault character 0x2A3E rtf:sprmCKul character 0xEA3F rtf:sprmCSizePos character 0x8840 rtf:sprmCDxaSpace character 0x4A41 rtf:sprmCLid character 0x2A42 rtf:sprmCIco character 0x4A43 rtf:sprmCHps character 0x2A44 rtf:sprmCHpsInc character 0x4845 rtf:sprmCHpsPos character 0x2A46 rtf:sprmCHpsPosAdj character 0xCA47 rtf:sprmCMajority character 0x2A48 rtf:sprmCIss character 0xCA49 rtf:sprmCHpsNew50 character 0xCA4A rtf:sprmCHpsInc1 character 0x484B rtf:sprmCHpsKern character 0xCA4C rtf:sprmCMajority50 character 0x4A4D rtf:sprmCHpsMul character 0x484E rtf:sprmCYsri character 0x4A4F rtf:sprmCRgFtc0 character 0x4A50 rtf:sprmCRgFtc1 character 0x4A51 rtf:sprmCRgFtc2 character 0x4852 rtf:sprmCCharScale character 0x2A53 rtf:sprmCFDStrike character 0x0854 rtf:sprmCFImprint character 0x0875 rtf:sprmCFNoProof character 0x0818 rtf:sprmCFspecVanish character 0xca76 rtf:sprmCFitText character 0x882 rtf:sprmCComplexScript character 0x2471 rtf:sprmPTightWrap paragraph 0x0855 rtf:sprmCFSpec character 0x0856 rtf:sprmCFObj character 0xCA57 rtf:sprmCPropRMark character 0x0858 rtf:sprmCFEmboss character 0x2859 rtf:sprmCSfxText character 0x085A rtf:sprmCFBiDi character 0x085B rtf:sprmCFDiacColor character 0x085C rtf:sprmCFBoldBi character 0x085D rtf:sprmCFItalicBi character 0x4A5E rtf:sprmCFtcBi character 0x485F rtf:sprmCLidBi character 0x4A60 rtf:sprmCIcoBi character 0x4A61 rtf:sprmCHpsBi character 0xCA62 rtf:sprmCDispFldRMark character 0x4863 rtf:sprmCIbstRMarkDel character 0x6864 rtf:sprmCDttmRMarkDel character 0x6865 rtf:sprmCBrc character 0x4866 rtf:sprmCShd character 0x4867 rtf:sprmCIdslRMarkDel character 0x0868 rtf:sprmCFUsePgsuSettings character 0x486B rtf:sprmCCpg character 0x486D rtf:sprmCRgLid0_80 character 0x486E rtf:sprmCRgLid1 character 0x286F rtf:sprmCIdctHint character 0x2E00 rtf:sprmPicBrcl paragraph 0xCE01 rtf:sprmPicScale paragraph 0x6C02 rtf:sprmPicBrcTop paragraph 0x6C03 rtf:sprmPicBrcLeft paragraph 0x6C04 rtf:sprmPicBrcBottom paragraph 0x6C05 rtf:sprmPicBrcRight paragraph 0x3000 rtf:sprmScnsPgn unknown 0x3001 rtf:sprmSiHeadingPgn unknown 0xD202 rtf:sprmSOlstAnm unknown 0xF203 rtf:sprmSDxaColWidth unknown 0xF204 rtf:sprmSDxaColSpacing unknown 0x3005 rtf:sprmSFEvenlySpaced unknown 0x3006 rtf:sprmSFProtected unknown 0x5007 rtf:sprmSDmBinFirst unknown 0x5008 rtf:sprmSDmBinOther unknown 0x3009 rtf:sprmSBkc unknown 0x300A rtf:sprmSFTitlePage unknown 0x500B rtf:sprmSCcolumns unknown 0x900C rtf:sprmSDxaColumns unknown 0x300D rtf:sprmSFAutoPgn unknown 0x300E rtf:sprmSNfcPgn unknown 0xB00F rtf:sprmSDyaPgn unknown 0xB010 rtf:sprmSDxaPgn unknown 0x3011 rtf:sprmSFPgnRestart unknown 0x3012 rtf:sprmSFEndnote unknown 0x3013 rtf:sprmSLnc unknown 0x3014 rtf:sprmSGprfIhdt unknown 0x5015 rtf:sprmSNLnnMod unknown 0x9016 rtf:sprmSDxaLnn unknown 0xB017 rtf:sprmSDyaHdrTop unknown 0xB018 rtf:sprmSDyaHdrBottom unknown 0x3019 rtf:sprmSLBetween unknown 0x301A rtf:sprmSVjc unknown 0x501B rtf:sprmSLnnMin unknown 0x501C rtf:sprmSPgnStart unknown 0x301D rtf:sprmSBOrientation unknown 0x301E rtf:sprmSBCustomize unknown 0xB01F rtf:sprmSXaPage unknown 0xB020 rtf:sprmSYaPage unknown 0xB021 rtf:sprmSDxaLeft unknown 0xB022 rtf:sprmSDxaRight unknown 0x9023 rtf:sprmSDyaTop unknown 0x9024 rtf:sprmSDyaBottom unknown 0xB025 rtf:sprmSDzaGutter unknown 0x5026 rtf:sprmSDmPaperReq unknown 0xD227 rtf:sprmSPropRMark unknown 0x3228 rtf:sprmSFBiDi unknown 0x3229 rtf:sprmSFFacingCol unknown 0x322A rtf:sprmSFRTLGutter unknown 0x702B rtf:sprmSBrcTop unknown 0x702C rtf:sprmSBrcLeft unknown 0x702D rtf:sprmSBrcBottom unknown 0x702E rtf:sprmSBrcRight unknown 0x522F rtf:sprmSPgbProp unknown 0x7030 rtf:sprmSDxtCharSpace unknown 0x9031 rtf:sprmSDyaLinePitch unknown 0x5032 rtf:sprmSClm unknown 0x5033 rtf:sprmSTextFlow unknown 0x5400 rtf:sprmTJc table 0x9601 rtf:sprmTDxaLeft table 0x9602 rtf:sprmTDxaGapHalf table 0x3403 rtf:sprmTFCantSplit table 0x3404 rtf:sprmTTableHeader table 0xD605 rtf:sprmTTableBorders rtf:rgbrc table 0xD606 rtf:sprmTDefTable10 table 0x9407 rtf:sprmTDyaRowHeight table 0xD608 rtf:sprmTDefTable rtf:cellx rtf:tc table 0xD609 rtf:sprmTDefTableShd rtf:shd table 0xD612 rtf:sprmTCellShd rtf:cellShd table 0x740A rtf:sprmTTlp table 0x2 16 rtf:itl 0x4 16 0x1 0 rtf:fatlBorders 0x4 16 0x2 1 rtf:fatlShading 0x4 16 0x4 2 rtf:fatlFont 0x4 16 0x8 3 rtf:fatlColor 0x4 16 0x10 4 rtf:fatlBestFit 0x4 16 0x20 5 rtf:fatlHdrRows 0x4 16 0x40 6 rtf:fatlLastRow 0x4 16 0x80 7 rtf:fatlHdrCols 0x4 16 0x100 8 rtf:fatlLastCol 0x4 16 0x200 9 rtf:fatlNoRowBands 0x4 16 0x400 10 rtf:fatlNoColBands 0x560B rtf:sprmTFBiDi table 0x740C rtf:sprmTHTMLProps table 0xD620 rtf:sprmTSetBrc table 0x7621 rtf:sprmTInsert table 0x5622 rtf:sprmTDelete table 0x7623 rtf:sprmTDxaCol table 0x5624 rtf:sprmTMerge table 0x5625 rtf:sprmTSplit table 0xD626 rtf:sprmTSetBrc10 table 0x7627 rtf:sprmTSetShd table 0x7628 rtf:sprmTSetShdOdd table 0x7629 rtf:sprmTTextFlow table 0xD62A rtf:sprmTDiagLine table 0xD62B rtf:sprmTVertMerge table 0xD62C rtf:sprmTVertAlign table 0xD61A rtf:sprmTCellTopColor rtf:cellTopColor table 0xD61B rtf:sprmTCellLeftColor rtf:cellLeftColor table 0xD61C rtf:sprmTCellBottomColor rtf:cellBottomColor table 0xD61D rtf:sprmTCellRightColor rtf:cellRightColor table 0xD613 rtf:sprmTGridLineProps 0x33 top line properties 0x3 0 8 rtf:LINEPROPSTOP left line properties 0xb 0 8 rtf:LINEPROPSLEFT bottom line properties 0x13 0 8 rtf:LINEPROPSBOTTOM right line properties 0x1b 0 8 rtf:LINEPROPSRIGHT horizontal line properties 0x23 0 8 rtf:LINEPROPSHORIZONTAL vertical line properties 0x2b 0 8 rtf:LINEPROPSVERTICAL table 0x6816 rtf:insrsid character 0x6817 rtf:delrsid character 0x6649 rtf:sprmPTableDepth paragraph 0xd670 rtf:sprmTCellShadow rtf:CELLSHADOW table 0x6424 rtf:sprmPBrcTop BRC of top line 0x2 0 rtf:BRCTOP paragraph 0x6425 rtf:sprmPBrcLeft BRC of left line 0x2 0 rtf:BRCLEFT paragraph 0x6426 rtf:sprmPBrcBottom BRC of bottom line 0x2 0 rtf:BRCLEFT paragraph 0x6427 rtf:sprmPBrcRight BRC of top line 0x2 0 rtf:BRCRIGHT paragraph 0x6428 rtf:sprmPBrcBetween BRC 0x2 0 rtf:BRCBETWEEN paragraph 0xc64e rtf:sprmPBorderTop properties of top line 0x3 0 rtf:LINEPROPSTOP paragraph 0xc64f rtf:sprmPBorderLeft properties of left line 0x3 0 rtf:LINEPROPSLEFT paragraph 0xc650 rtf:sprmPBorderBottom properties of bottom line 0x3 0 rtf:LINEPROPSBOTTOM paragraph 0xc651 rtf:sprmPBorderRight properties of right line 0x3 0 rtf:LINEPROPSRIGHT paragraph 0xc652 rtf:sprmPBorderBetween properties of line in between 0x3 0 rtf:LINEPROPSBETWEEN paragraph 0xca72 rtf:sprmPBorderBetween properties of line in between 0x3 0 rtf:LINEPROPS character 6 rtf:sprmTTPreferredWidth 0xf614 unit 0x2 8 0 rtf:unit preferred width 0x3 16 0 rtf:preferredWidth table 6 rtf:sprmTTRLeft 0xf661 unit 0x2 8 0 rtf:unit table indent from left 0x3 16 0 rtf:trleft table 0xCA78 rtf:sprmCEastAsianLayout East Asian Typography Setting 0x2 32 0 rtf:fcEastAsianLayout character 0xF617 rtf:sprmTWidthBefore table 0x0 8 rtf:ftsWidth 0x1 16 rtf:wWidth 0xF618 rtf:sprmTWidthAfter table 0x0 8 rtf:ftsWidth 0x1 16 rtf:wWidth 0x8460 rtf:sprmPDxaLeft1 paragraph 0x6467 rtf:sprmPRsid paragraph 0x6815 rtf:sprmCRsidProp paragraph 0x4873 rtf:sprmCRgLid0 character 0xD634 rtf:sprmTCellPaddingDefault table 0x2 16 rtf:itc 0x4 8 rtf:grfbrc 0x5 8 rtf:ftsWidth 0x6 16 rtf:wWidth 0x7479 rtf:sprmTRsid table 0x3615 rtf:sprmTFAutofit table 0x360D rtf:sprmTPc table 2 4 0xf0 4 rtf:padding 2 2 0xc 2 rtf:pcVert 2 0 0x3 2 rtf:pcHorz 0x940F rtf:sprmTDyaAbs table 0x9410 rtf:sprmTDxaFromText table 0x9411 rtf:sprmTDyaFromText table 0x941E rtf:sprmTDxaFromTextRight table 0x941F rtf:sprmTDyaFromTextBottom table 0x3465 rtf:sprmTFNoAllowOverlap table 0xf122 0xf009 the rectangle of the grouped shape 0x8 0 rtf:rectangle 0xf00b rtf:shpopt rtf:shpoptextraoffset 0xf00a shape type 0x0 12 0xfff0 4 rtf:shptype rtf:shptypename shape id 0x8 32 rtf:shpid This shape is a group shape 0x0c 1 0x1 0 rtf:shpfGroup Not a top-level shape 0x0c 1 0x2 1 rtf:shpfChild This is the topmost group shape. Exactly one of these per drawing. 0x0c 1 0x4 2 rtf:shpfPatriarch The shape has been deleted 0x0c 1 0x8 3 rtf:shpfDeleted The shape is an OLE object 0x0c 1 0x10 4 rtf:shpfOleShape Shape has a hspMaster property 0x0c 1 0x20 5 rtf:shpfHaveMaster Shape is flipped horizontally 0x0c 1 0x40 6 rtf:shpfFlipH Shape is flipped vertically 0x0c 1 0x80 7 rtf:shpfFlipV Connector type of shape 0x0c 1 0x100 8 rtf:shpfConnector Shape has an anchor of some kind 0x0c 1 0x200 9 rtf:shpfHaveAnchor Background shape 0x0c 1 0x400 10 rtf:shpfBackground Shape has a shape type property 0x0c 1 0x800 11 rtf:shpfHaveSpt Not yet used 0x0c 20 0xfffff000 0 rtf:reserved 0xf006 the dgg structure 0x8 0 rtf:shpdgg rtf:shpdgg 0xf007 the FBSE structure 0x8 0 rtf:shpfbse rtf:shpblipbname rtf:blip g 0xf01e the actual PNG 0x19 rtf:payload 0xf01f the actual DIB 0x19 rtf:payload 0xf004 rtf:blip rtf:shptxt 0xf008 The FDG data structure 0x8 64 rtf:fdg dff:shprotation 4 U32 0 fixed point: 16.16 degrees dff:shpfLockRotation 119 U8 1 FALSE No rotation dff:shpfLockAspectRatio 120 U8 1 FALSE Don't allow changes in aspect ratio dff:shpfLockPosition 121 U8 1 FALSE Don't allow the shape to be moved dff:shpfLockAgainstSelect 122 U8 1 FALSE Shape may not be selected dff:shpfLockCropping 123 U8 1 FALSE No cropping this shape dff:shpfLockVertices 124 U8 1 FALSE Edit Points not allowed dff:shpfLockText 125 U8 1 FALSE Do not edit text dff:shpfLockAdjustHandles 126 U8 1 FALSE Do not adjust dff:shpfLockAgainstGrouping 127 U8 1 FALSE Do not group this shape dff:shplTxid 128 U32 0 id for the text, value determined by the host dff:shpdxTextLeft 129 U32 1/10 inch margins relative to shape's inscribed text rectangle (in EMUs) dff:shpdyTextTop 130 U32 1/20 inch dff:shpdxTextRight 131 U32 1/10 inch dff:shpdyTextBottom 132 U32 1/20 inch dff:shpWrapText 133 unknown FALSE Wrap text at shape margins dff:shpscaleText 134 U32 0 Text zoom/scale (used if fFitTextToShape) dff:shpanchorText 135 unknown Top How to anchor the text dff:shptxflTextFlow 136 unknown HorzN Text flow dff:shpcdirFont 137 unknown msocdir0 Font rotation dff:shphspNext 138 unknown NULL ID of the next shape (used by Word for linked textboxes) dff:shptxdir 139 unknown LTR Bi-Di Text direction dff:shpfSelectText 187 U8 1 TRUE TRUE if single click selects text, FALSE if two clicks dff:shpfAutoTextMargin 188 U8 1 FALSE use host's margin calculations dff:shpfRotateText 189 U8 1 FALSE Rotate text with shape dff:shpfFitShapeToText 190 U8 1 FALSE Size shape to fit text size dff:shpfFitTextToShape 191 U8 1 FALSE Size text to fit shape size dff:shpgtextUNICODE 192 String NULL UNICODE text string dff:shpgtextRTF 193 unknown NULL RTF text string dff:shpgtextAlign 194 unknown Center alignment on curve dff:shpgtextSize 195 U32 36<<16 default point size dff:shpgtextSpacing 196 U32 1<<16 fixed point 16.16 dff:shpgtextFont 197 String NULL font family name dff:shpgtextFReverseRows 240 U8 1 FALSE Reverse row order dff:shpfGtext 241 U8 1 FALSE Has text effect dff:shpgtextFVertical 242 U8 1 FALSE Rotate characters dff:shpgtextFKern 243 U8 1 FALSE Kern characters dff:shpgtextFTight 244 U8 1 FALSE Tightening or tracking dff:shpgtextFStretch 245 U8 1 FALSE Stretch to fit shape dff:shpgtextFShrinkFit 246 U8 1 FALSE Char bounding box dff:shpgtextFBestFit 247 U8 1 FALSE Scale text-on-path dff:shpgtextFNormalize 248 U8 1 FALSE Stretch char height dff:shpgtextFDxMeasure 249 U8 1 FALSE Do not measure along path dff:shpgtextFBold 250 U8 1 FALSE Bold font dff:shpgtextFItalic 251 U8 1 FALSE Italic font dff:shpgtextFUnderline 252 U8 1 FALSE Underline font dff:shpgtextFShadow 253 U8 1 FALSE Shadow font dff:shpgtextFSmallcaps 254 U8 1 FALSE Small caps font dff:shpgtextFStrikethrough 255 U8 1 FALSE Strike through font dff:shpcropFromTop 256 U32 0 16.16 fraction times total image width or height, as appropriate. dff:shpcropFromBottom 257 U32 0 dff:shpcropFromLeft 258 U32 0 dff:shpcropFromRight 259 U32 0 dff:shppib 260 unknown NULL Blip to display dff:shppibName 261 String NULL Blip file name dff:shppibFlags 262 unknown Comment Blip flags dff:shppictureTransparent 263 U32 ~0 transparent color (none if ~0UL) dff:shppictureContrast 264 U32 1<<16 contrast setting dff:shppictureBrightness 265 U32 0 brightness setting dff:shppictureGamma 266 U32 0 16.16 gamma dff:shppictureId 267 U32 0 Host-defined ID for OLE objects (usually a pointer) dff:shppictureDblCrMod 268 unknown This Modification used if shape has double shadow dff:shppictureFillCrMod 269 unknown undefined dff:shppictureLineCrMod 270 unknown undefined dff:shppibPrint 271 unknown NULL Blip to display when printing dff:shppibPrintName 272 String NULL Blip file name dff:shppibPrintFlags 273 unknown Comment Blip flags dff:shpfNoHitTestPicture 316 U8 1 FALSE Do not hit test the picture dff:shppictureGray 317 U8 1 FALSE grayscale display dff:shppictureBiLevel 318 U8 1 FALSE bi-level display dff:shppictureActive 319 U8 1 FALSE Server is active (OLE objects only) dff:shpgeoLeft 320 U32 0 Defines the G (geometry) coordinate space. dff:shpgeoTop 321 U32 0 dff:shpgeoRight 322 U32 21600 dff:shpgeoBottom 323 U32 21600 dff:shpshapePath 324 unknown msoshapeLinesClosed dff:shppVertices 325 unknown NULL An array of points, in G units. dff:shppSegmentInfo 326 unknown NULL dff:shpadjustValue 327 U32 0 Adjustment values corresponding to the positions of the adjust handles of the shape. The number of values used and their allowable ranges vary from shape type to shape type. dff:shpadjust2Value 328 U32 0 dff:shpadjust3Value 329 U32 0 dff:shpadjust4Value 330 U32 0 dff:shpadjust5Value 331 U32 0 dff:shpadjust6Value 332 U32 0 dff:shpadjust7Value 333 U32 0 dff:shpadjust8Value 334 U32 0 dff:shpadjust9Value 335 U32 0 dff:shpadjust10Value 336 U32 0 dff:shpfShadowOK 378 U8 1 TRUE Shadow may be set dff:shpf3DOK 379 U8 1 TRUE 3D may be set dff:shpfLineOK 380 U8 1 TRUE Line style may be set dff:shpfGtextOK 381 U8 1 FALSE Text effect (WordArt) supported dff:shpfFillShadeShapeOK 382 U8 1 FALSE dff:shpfFillOK 383 U8 1 TRUE OK to fill the shape through the UI or VBA? dff:shpfillType 384 unknown Solid Type of fill dff:shpfillColor 385 unknown white Foreground color dff:shpfillOpacity 386 U32 1<<16 Fixed 16.16 dff:shpfillBackColor 387 unknown white Background color dff:shpfillBackOpacity 388 U32 1<<16 Shades only dff:shpfillCrMod 389 unknown undefined Modification for BW views dff:shpfillBlip 390 unknown NULL Pattern/texture dff:shpfillBlipName 391 String NULL Blip file name dff:shpfillBlipFlags 392 unknown Comment Blip flags dff:shpfillWidth 393 U32 0 How big (A units) to make a metafile texture. dff:shpfillHeight 394 U32 0 dff:shpfillAngle 395 U32 0 Fade angle - degrees in 16.16 dff:shpfillFocus 396 U32 0 Linear shaded fill focus percent dff:shpfillToLeft 397 U32 0 Fraction 16.16 dff:shpfillToTop 398 U32 0 Fraction 16.16 dff:shpfillToRight 399 U32 0 Fraction 16.16 dff:shpfillToBottom 400 U32 0 Fraction 16.16 dff:shpfillRectLeft 401 U32 0 For shaded fills, use the specified rectangle instead of the shape's bounding rect to define how large the fade is going to be. dff:shpfillRectTop 402 U32 0 dff:shpfillRectRight 403 U32 0 dff:shpfillRectBottom 404 U32 0 dff:shpfillDztype 405 unknown Default dff:shpfillShadePreset 406 U32 0 Special shades dff:shpfillShadeColors 407 unknown NULL a preset array of colors dff:shpfillOriginX 408 U32 0 dff:shpfillOriginY 409 U32 0 dff:shpfillShapeOriginX 410 U32 0 dff:shpfillShapeOriginY 411 U32 0 dff:shpfillShadeType 412 unknown Default Type of shading, if a shaded (gradient) fill. dff:shpfFilled 443 U8 1 TRUE Is shape filled? dff:shpfHitTestFill 444 U8 1 TRUE Should we hit test fill? dff:shpfillShape 445 U8 1 TRUE Register pattern on shape dff:shpfillUseRect 446 U8 1 FALSE Use the large rect? dff:shpfNoFillHitTest 447 U8 1 FALSE Hit test a shape as though filled dff:shplineColor 448 unknown black Color of line dff:shplineOpacity 449 U32 1<<16 Not implemented dff:shplineBackColor 450 unknown white Background color dff:shplineCrMod 451 unknown undefined Modification for BW views dff:shplineType 452 unknown Solid Type of line dff:shplineFillBlip 453 unknown NULL Pattern/texture dff:shplineFillBlipName 454 String NULL Blip file name dff:shplineFillBlipFlags 455 unknown Comment Blip flags dff:shplineFillWidth 456 U32 0 How big (A units) to make a metafile texture. dff:shplineFillHeight 457 U32 0 dff:shplineFillDztype 458 unknown Default How to interpret fillWidth/Height numbers. dff:shplineWidth 459 U32 9525 A units; 1pt == 12700 EMUs dff:shplineMiterLimit 460 U32 8<<16 ratio (16.16) of width dff:shplineStyle 461 unknown Simple Draw parallel lines? dff:shplineDashing 462 unknown Solid Can be overridden by: dff:shplineDashStyle 463 unknown NULL As Win32 ExtCreatePen dff:shplineStartArrowhead 464 unknown NoEnd Arrow at start dff:shplineEndArrowhead 465 unknown NoEnd Arrow at end dff:shplineStartArrowWidth 466 unknown MediumWidthArrow Arrow at start dff:shplineStartArrowLength 467 unknown MediumLenArrow Arrow at end dff:shplineEndArrowWidth 468 unknown MediumWidthArrow Arrow at start dff:shplineEndArrowLength 469 unknown MediumLenArrow Arrow at end dff:shplineJoinStyle 470 unknown JoinRound How to join lines dff:shplineEndCapStyle 471 unknown EndCapFlat How to end lines dff:shpfArrowheadsOK 507 U8 1 FALSE Allow arrowheads if prop. is set dff:shpfLine 508 U8 1 TRUE Any line? dff:shpfHitTestLine 509 U8 1 TRUE Should we hit test lines? dff:shplineFillShape 510 U8 1 TRUE Register pattern on shape dff:shpfNoLineDrawDash 511 U8 1 FALSE Draw a dashed line if no line dff:shpshadowType 512 unknown Offset Type of effect dff:shpshadowColor 513 unknown 0x808080 Foreground color dff:shpshadowHighlight 514 unknown 0xCBCBCB Embossed color dff:shpshadowCrMod 515 unknown undefined Modification for BW views dff:shpshadowOpacity 516 U32 1<<16 Fixed 16.16 dff:shpshadowOffsetX 517 U32 25400 Offset shadow dff:shpshadowOffsetY 518 U32 25400 Offset shadow dff:shpshadowSecondOffsetX 519 U32 0 Double offset shadow dff:shpshadowSecondOffsetY 520 U32 0 Double offset shadow dff:shpshadowScaleXToX 521 U32 1<<16 16.16 dff:shpshadowScaleYToX 522 U32 0 16.16 dff:shpshadowScaleXToY 523 U32 0 16.16 dff:shpshadowScaleYToY 524 U32 1<<16 16.16 dff:shpshadowPerspectiveX 525 U32 0 16.16 / weight dff:shpshadowPerspectiveY 526 U32 0 16.16 / weight dff:shpshadowWeight 527 U32 1<<8 scaling factor dff:shpshadowOriginX 528 U32 0 dff:shpshadowOriginY 529 U32 0 dff:shpfShadow 574 U8 1 FALSE Any shadow? dff:shpfshadowObscured 575 U8 1 FALSE Excel5-style shadow dff:shpperspectiveType 576 unknown Shape Where transform applies dff:shpperspectiveOffsetX 577 U32 0 The LONG values define a transformation matrix, effectively, each value is scaled by the perspectiveWeight parameter. dff:shpperspectiveOffsetY 578 U32 0 dff:shpperspectiveScaleXToX 579 U32 1<<16 dff:shpperspectiveScaleYToX 580 U32 0 dff:shpperspectiveScaleXToY 581 U32 0 dff:shpperspectiveScaleYToY 582 U32 1<<16 dff:shpperspectivePerspectiveX 583 U32 0 dff:shpperspectivePerspectiveY 584 U32 0 dff:shpperspectiveWeight 585 U32 1<<8 Scaling factor dff:shpperspectiveOriginX 586 U32 1<<15 dff:shpperspectiveOriginY 587 U32 1<<15 dff:shpfPerspective 639 U8 1 FALSE On/off dff:shpc3DSpecularAmt 640 U32 0 Fixed-point 16.16 dff:shpc3DDiffuseAmt 641 U32 65536 Fixed-point 16.16 dff:shpc3DShininess 642 U32 5 Default gives OK results dff:shpc3DEdgeThickness 643 U32 12700 Specular edge thickness dff:shpc3DExtrudeForward 644 U32 0 Distance of extrusion in EMUs dff:shpc3DExtrudeBackward 645 U32 457200 dff:shpc3DExtrudePlane 646 U32 0 Extrusion direction dff:shpc3DExtrusionColor 647 unknown FillThenLine Basic color of extruded part of shape; the lighting model used will determine the exact shades used when rendering. dff:shpc3DCrMod 648 unknown undefined Modification for BW views dff:shpf3D 700 U8 1 FALSE Does this shape have a 3D effect? dff:shpfc3DMetallic 701 U8 1 0 Use metallic specularity? dff:shpfc3DUseExtrusionColor 702 U8 1 FALSE dff:shpfc3DLightFace 703 U8 1 TRUE dff:shpc3DYRotationAngle 704 U32 0 degrees (16.16) about y axis dff:shpc3DXRotationAngle 705 U32 0 degrees (16.16) about x axis dff:shpc3DRotationAxisX 706 U32 100 These specify the rotation axis; only their relative magnitudes matter. dff:shpc3DRotationAxisY 707 U32 0 dff:shpc3DRotationAxisZ 708 U32 0 dff:shpc3DRotationAngle 709 U32 0 degrees (16.16) about axis dff:shpc3DRotationCenterX 710 U32 0 rotation center x (16.16 or g-units) dff:shpc3DRotationCenterY 711 U32 0 rotation center y (16.16 or g-units) dff:shpc3DRotationCenterZ 712 U32 0 rotation center z (absolute (emus)) dff:shpc3DRenderMode 713 unknown FullRender Full,wireframe, or bcube dff:shpc3DTolerance 714 U32 30000 pixels (16.16) dff:shpc3DXViewpoint 715 U32 1250000 X view point (emus) dff:shpc3DYViewpoint 716 U32 -1250000 Y view point (emus) dff:shpc3DZViewpoint 717 U32 9000000 Z view distance (emus) dff:shpc3DOriginX 718 U32 32768 dff:shpc3DOriginY 719 U32 -32768 dff:shpc3DSkewAngle 720 U32 -8847360 degree (16.16) skew angle dff:shpc3DSkewAmount 721 U32 50 Percentage skew amount dff:shpc3DAmbientIntensity 722 U32 20000 Fixed point intensity dff:shpc3DKeyX 723 U32 50000 Key light source direc- dff:shpc3DKeyY 724 U32 0 tion; only their relative dff:shpc3DKeyZ 725 U32 10000 magnitudes matter dff:shpc3DKeyIntensity 726 U32 38000 Fixed point intensity dff:shpc3DFillX 727 U32 -50000 Fill light source direc- dff:shpc3DFillY 728 U32 0 tion; only their relative dff:shpc3DFillZ 729 U32 10000 magnitudes matter dff:shpc3DFillIntensity 730 U32 38000 Fixed point intensity dff:shpfc3DConstrainRotation 763 U8 1 TRUE dff:shpfc3DRotationCenterAuto 764 U8 1 FALSE dff:shpfc3DParallel 765 U8 1 1 Parallel projection? dff:shpfc3DKeyHarsh 766 U8 1 1 Is key lighting harsh? dff:shpfc3DFillHarsh 767 U8 1 0 Is fill lighting harsh? dff:shphspMaster 769 unknown NULL master shape dff:shpcxstyle 771 unknown None Type of connector dff:shpbWMode 772 unknown Automatic Settings for modifications to be made when in different forms of black-and-white mode. dff:shpbWModePureBW 773 unknown Automatic dff:shpbWModeBW 774 unknown Automatic dff:shpfOleIcon 826 U8 1 FALSE For OLE objects, whether the object is in icon form dff:shpfPreferRelativeResize 827 U8 1 FALSE For UI only. Prefer relative resizing. dff:shpfLockShapeType 828 U8 1 FALSE Lock the shape type (don't allow Change Shape) dff:shpfDeleteAttachedObject 830 U8 1 FALSE dff:shpfBackground 831 U8 1 FALSE If TRUE, this is the background shape. dff:shpspcot 832 unknown TwoSegment Callout type dff:shpdxyCalloutGap 833 U32 1/12 inch Distance from box to first point.(EMUs) dff:shpspcoa 834 unknown Any Callout angle dff:shpspcod 835 unknown Specified Callout drop type dff:shpdxyCalloutDropSpecified 836 U32 9 points if msospcodSpecified, the actual drop distance dff:shpdxyCalloutLengthSpecified 837 U32 0 if fCalloutLengthSpecified, the actual distance dff:shpfCallout 889 U8 1 FALSE Is the shape a callout? dff:shpfCalloutAccentBar 890 U8 1 FALSE does callout have accent bar dff:shpfCalloutTextBorder 891 U8 1 TRUE does callout have a text border dff:shpfCalloutMinusX 892 U8 1 FALSE dff:shpfCalloutMinusY 893 U8 1 FALSE dff:shpfCalloutDropAuto 894 U8 1 FALSE If true, then we occasionally invert the drop distance dff:shpfCalloutLengthSpecified 895 U8 1 FALSE if true, we look at dxyCalloutLengthSpecified dff:shpwzName 896 String NULL Shape Name (present only if explicitly set) dff:shpwzDescription 897 String NULL alternate text dff:shppihlShape 898 unknown NULL The hyperlink in the shape. dff:shppWrapPolygonVertices 899 unknown NULL The polygon that text will be wrapped around (Word) dff:shpdxWrapDistLeft 900 U32 1/8 inch Left wrapping distance from text (Word) dff:shpdyWrapDistTop 901 U32 0 Top wrapping distance from text (Word) dff:shpdxWrapDistRight 902 U32 1/8 inch Right wrapping distance from text (Word) dff:shpdyWrapDistBottom 903 U32 0 Bottom wrapping distance from text (Word) dff:shplidRegroup 904 U32 0 Regroup ID dff:shpfEditedWrap 953 U8 1 FALSE Has the wrap polygon been edited? dff:shpfBehindDocument 954 U8 1 FALSE Word-only (shape is behind text) dff:shpfOnDblClickNotify 955 U8 1 FALSE Notify client on a double click dff:shpfIsButton 956 U8 1 FALSE A button shape (i.e., clicking performs an action). Set for shapes with attached hyperlinks or macros. dff:shpfOneD 957 U8 1 FALSE 1D adjustment dff:shpfHidden 958 U8 1 FALSE Do not display dff:shpfPrint 959 U8 1 TRUE Print this shape